A Life Is For Living

Chapter Two

From Previous Chapter

We agreed on the 2nd of July for Mary and the boys to arrive. I was hoping that this was going to be a new beginning for me and hopefully for them too. This was definitely going to be different, especially for me. They looked so apprehensive it was cute. "You have to be good for your mom."

"We're always good," they said with a grin that would light up the Eastern Seaboard.

The drive home seemed a little lighter than usual, meeting Mary and the boys seemed to have lifted the gloom and depression I'd let myself fall into. I now had a reason to start living again.

I went back home, threw some clothes into a case, and set off. It would be a long drive, but I was really looking forward to getting some rest and relaxation. It would be just over a week before Mary and the boys would be there and I was really looking forward to seeing them. I decided I was going to stay over till they at least returned home. I'd get in some sun, maybe even try my hand at swimming again.

I wanted to get to know Mary a little better. The kids, especially Richard, seemed to be a little reserved, but I think that had more to do with protecting themselves and their mother.

When I got to the house, I packed away some of the clothes and extras I'd brought with me. My stomach growled, telling me that I was hungry, so I went to the nearest Pizza place. After filling that black hole, I went home to relax and maybe get a long overdue night's sleep. Going to bed was something I never wanted to do anymore, even though we don't get a choice, it was always a nightmare for me, if you know what I mean. I could never get a restful sleep ... I tossed and turned each and every night. My mind always focusing on Beth. But this night would be different - I now had a different outlook on life.

The following morning I went about getting the fridge and cupboards stocked. I mustn't forget my stomach, and company was on the way. I was going to have to find a housekeeper, at least for the time that Mary and the kids would be here, 'Which may be permanent if things go the way I hope they will,' I thought.
I went to see my site manager Mark Taylor. When I knocked on his door he looked surprised. We shook hands and then got down to business. I asked Mark to bring me up to speed. He told me everything was running smoothly, and showed me some receipts on things that had been purchased and work that had been done.
I'd bought this place so me and Beth would have somewhere to get away from work and relax. This place is heaven, and I'm just letting it go to waste. I can't remember the last time I came here to look at the place, never mind take a break.

"Mark, I've had time to think about this. I'm going to sell the house in Vancouver and move in here permanently. I'm going to expand the business. It's going to mean extra work, but you'll be compensated. It's also going to mean more paperwork and more time on the job. You'll need to hire extra workers for the work needed." Mark just stood there shell shocked.

"I want this side of the house kept out of bounds to anyone but family and friends. I'm having a couple of kids here next week. Can you get some things in there, so they can play ball games and whatever else kids do? Will you also get a price on upgrading the pool? Nothing needs doing yet, but get a price for the work."

I thought about what could happen in the next few months that would determine how much needed to be done.

"Okay, that's out of the way. Will you check around? I need a housekeeper like yesterday. If you can, try getting one in house. You know the people who work here, If there's anyone, let me know, and either you or me can have them vetted.

"I know you're good at your job, Mark. But I'll be getting more involved in the day to day running of the place. I want to be kept up to date on anything that has to be done, but most of the day to day running of the place will still be in your corner. Now, if there's nothing else, I'm off to get some lunch."

After lunch I went to take a look round the place. Most of the workers hadn't seen me around, so I got quite a few stares. I spoke to some of them, asking general questions about them working here and their families. Mark had done an excellent job. I was really glad I'd hired him.

Everything looked okay. I stopped to take in the view. It just literally takes your breath away. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? I made my way back up to the house for dinner.

A few days later we were doing interviews for a housekeeper. After all had been interviewed we got to deciding who to hire. One person stood out straight away. It took us less than two minutes to decide on Alaina Martinez. She was perfect. She had a motherly instinct that came across as soon as she spoke. 40 years old, 2 kids, one of each.

She walked in, showed her references, then spoke about her experience. After she had finished speaking, Mark gave a thumbs up. I liked her attitude and experience. She spoke softly, but you knew that if she said jump you'd better ask how high. When we asked when she could start, jokingly she said, "Yesterday." She agreed to start Tuesday, I wanted her to get to know her surroundings and get things she needed and ready for the weekend. Her duties were simple, whatever you do in your own home you do here. "So I hope you know how to clean," I jokingly said. That earned me a dirty look, one that would have put a scarecrow out of work. Mark giggled, then gave her a set of keys. We both shook her hand, then I said, "I'd see her Tuesday." Short and sweet.

Six o'clock Tuesday morning I awoke to the wonderful smell of bacon. I did my morning ritual and walked downstairs to be greeted by Alaina.

"Good morning yourself, that sure smells good."

"Bacon, eggs, sausages, and pancakes. Juice is in the fridge," she replied. I sat at the breakfast bar and she put breakfast in front of me while I was pouring some juice. Ambrosia was the only word to describe breakfast. After I finished I was told to scoot while she cleaned up, so I went to talk to Mark.

"Hi," he said, "What are you doing here?" I told him I'd just been kicked out of the house. He chuckled, looked at me, then burst out laughing.

"Okay, I'm going to send her to clean this office."

"Nooo, nooo, boss, I'm sorry," he said, grovelling, but still laughing.

I told Alaina about my guests and asked if she would make a mixed bag when it came to the boys. We would probably go out for dinner. Saturday quickly came and I was sitting on the side of the pool when Alaina came out and said my guests had arrived. I came in through the patio to meet them at the door. When I opened the door, two very quiet and nervous kids were standing there. "Come in, guys, and I'll get you a soda." I asked Mary if she wanted a coffee, she nodded, not taking her eyes off the boys.

"Okay, let's get your luggage taken to your rooms, then we can get this holiday started." They followed me upstairs and down the hallway. To the right were two bedrooms side by side and that's where the boys would sleep. Both had queen sized beds and each had its own bathroom. Take your pick, guys. On the opposite side were two more bedrooms, the biggest of the two was for Mary. That also had a queen sized bed, the difference being that her bathroom had its own hot tub as well as shower. Mary said she would have to leave a light on as she would get lost it was so big. The kids liked their rooms, but didn't show the same enthusiasm.
"Okay, guys, what's the problem?" They just shrugged their shoulders. "I know you're normally quiet, but a mouse would go deaf you're so quiet."

Richard was the first to speak. He looked at his mom, then looked up at me, "Well, mom says to remember our manners and to sit down and be quiet."

I looked at his mom, then back at Richard. "Well, guys, I don't think she expects you to sit around for two weeks like this. I think she just wants you to be like you always are; polite, quiet, and well behaved. Now, if you're going to act normal, then I think we're going to have a boring two weeks. What do you say you act like kids and still be good boys. Do you think that'd work?"

"But, but, but . . . how can we be quiet and still act like kids?" Richard said.

I giggled, "Well, Richard, didn't I say act like kids and still be good boys?"

"Huh, huh?" Still confused.

"Okay, well when you go out with your friends or go to the park, what do you do?"

"Huh, play and mess around?"

"Well, yes, you would. So, if you were indoors like now, what would you do?" Richard shook his head. "Okay, when you're outside, would you act like you do indoors?" Richard shook his head again. "So, your mom says you have to act like boys when inside, Right?" That got me a nod of his head. "So, if you act like boys inside, what do you act like outside?"

It's like a light came on in his head. First a smile, then a grin, before he got to where the conversation was going. "You mean in here we act like boys and be good. But if we're outside, we act like kids?"

"But still be good," I said.

Suddenly it clicked. "That's so cool, Mr. Turner. Can we go get changed into something cooler?"

"I think that would be a good idea. You go to your rooms and change into your swimsuits."

They were off like lightning to get changed. After they'd gone, Mary looked at me with a smile on her face. "What?" I said

"Believe it or not, his father used to do the same thing with Richard, let him work things out in his own mind. They loved their father so much," she said with a tear in her eye.

"Don't cry. I'm not trying to act as a replacement for their father. I want them to have a good time, but still know there's limits."

"I know, at first I couldn't understand why they took to you so quickly, now I do."

"Kids have a good second sense, trust me, they do. They know who's going to hurt them and who's going to be nice to them. Just go with the flow and watch, see what happens, you'll be surprised."

They'd changed and were fixing to run downstairs when they realised 'kids and boys'. "Nice one, guys. You think you can remember."

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay, anyone for swimming?"

"You have a pool?"

"Oh, yeah, right round back. Last one in clears the table after dinner."

After about an hour we came out of the pool and went to the loungers to get some sun. "Don't forget the sun screen, guys."

"Mr. Turner, Sir." Richard said. "May we have a drink?"

"Enough of the Mr. Turner and Sir. We're friends, friends answer to first names. Call me David. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir... uh, David" They both said before they realised.

"Okay, let's go in where it's cool and get a snack to go with the soda." When we got inside, Alaina had put drinks on the table with some sandwiches and chips. "Okay, guys, tuck in." I barely managed to get some for me and Mary. With the scramble that ensued, I was lucky I did. "We need all our fingers and toes and I'm lucky to still have all my fingers," I said to Mary, then laughed.

After feeding time at the zoo, I asked everyone to bring their drinks into the lounge, so we could talk. "I'm really glad you and the boys could come," I said to Mary, "but I left something out when I asked you to join me. All that you see, I own."

The boys were the first to speak. "You own everything?"

Mary still hadn't said anything. "Yes, guys, I do. I can't remember the last time I came here, it's been so long ago. But after I talked to you I came straight here to get everything ready for when you came. I even hired Alaina so we could have a carefree holiday."

"I'm glad you told me, but why are you telling me now?" Mary asked.

"Remember, after we left the cemetery I said I'd like to get to know you better, that's when I asked you about coming here for summer break. Whatever happens with either of us, I've already decided I'm going to sell my house in Vancouver to make this my first home. I really hope that we can stay together, but only time will tell. So after I decided I was going to make this my home, I then asked Mark to help me choose a housekeeper. I didn't really deceive you, as I hadn't decided to stay until after I asked you along."

Mary sat there, looked at the boys and then at me. "I don't know what to say."

The boys still hadn't said anything. Then Thomas looked up, his eyes moist, "You'd do that for us, bring us here?"

I looked to Richard who was sitting there looking confused, "Mr ... err, Sir. Why?"

"You remember when we went to eat and you got upset, then you came over and leaned on my shoulder, and I said we both needed a little comfort? Well, I think right now all four of us need someone."

"But Sir ..." Richard said again.

"Remember, I said if you need me I'm here," pointing at my chest. "Well, I think you need me, need me to make you feel good, need me to make you laugh and be happy. That's why. If you feel good, then I feel good."

Without anything being said, Richard got up and walked slowly towards me. He stared deep in my eyes, then he softly spoke, "My dad was the last person that ever looked at us twice. My mom's always looking out for us, and tells us off, but that's what mom's do." He smiled. "But, Sir, I don't understand ... why us?"

I put my hands on his shoulders, "When you got someone to notice you, didn't you feel good, like someone wanted you? Being a kid gives you even more right to be wanted, needed, like when you had your dad. I said if you needed me you could call me any time, Yes? You now have one less thing you need. Now are you two gonna keep looking silly all night or are you gonna give me a hug?" With that, Thomas got up. Thomas on the right, Richard on the left. They both got a hug. I looked at Mary. "I think I could get to like this thing they call hugging."

Thomas was fixing to speak, Now, that is a first. "WOW!! Thomas is still here. It speaks!! Are you ill?" I said, putting my hand on his forehead and looking at his mom. "OUCH!! what was that for?"

"You're making fun of me," Thomas said giggling.

"So what were you going to say?"

"I've forgotten now," he said, giggling.

"Oh... well, we may have to put you to sleep again to remember."

Alaina came into the room. "Mark asked if you could ring him."

"No," I said, "we'll go see him. "POP!! POP!!" I said. "Don't just stand there with your mouths wide open, let's go see Mark."

We got up to go, and I got a few funny looks. "WHAT?" I said.

"Err! What you just said."

"Oh, that. Well, one of my managers at the office is from England. It's a phrase they use to hurry a person up." I laughed. "So, POP!! POP!!" And gave the two of them a swat on the butt. "Now move." They hurried out the door very quickly!!

I think Mark got tired of waiting for me to talk to him, he was walking towards us as we left the house. "What can I do for you?" I said.

He pulled me over to one side. Speaking in a whisper, he said. "You asked me to look for some things for the kids. Well, I thought about extending what space you have at the side of the house. If you fence it off, there'd be a lot more space for the kids."

"Do you need me?"

"No. They're delivering the stuff tomorrow, so I thought if you took them somewhere it'd be a surprise when they came back." I thought that was a good idea.

"They'll be here just before lunch. It'll take the afternoon to get things setup, so I'd keep them out till dinner." Mark said, then went back to the office.

"You guys wanna see what an apple tree looks like?"

The disgust at that remark couldn't have been clearer.

"Well, move it. Move it. Move it." That got everyone laughing.

We walked past the vegetables and berries with quite a few questions and a lot of eaten fruit. "Hey, guys, I need to make a profit." We all laughed.

When the boys saw the lines of trees with all the different fruit they were awestruck. "Awesome," they both shouted.

The kids were hungry (what a surprise). I said we would go out for dinner, so we went home to get cleaned up. When I said they looked hungry I was half right ... they both ordered the steak dinner and salad, with dessert and soda. They looked at it and it was gone. They even had ice cream to round off the meal.

Oh, to be young.

After we'd eaten, I showed them a little bit of Nelson, then we drove home. It was late by the time we got back. All my visitors looked like they needed a good night's rest. "Mary, you want coffee, you guys a soda?" Mary looked at the boys and asked if it was okay if they turned in for the night. It'd been a long day with the early start and the driving.

"Okay," I said. "There's fresh towels laid out. If you need anything, just give me a shout. Okay? Night all." I went into my room and watched the night sky before sleep also finally overtook me.

Sunday, the guys cleaned out the pantry and fridge - I felt sorry for Alaina. I gave them a tour of the house, which to them was a mystery tour. In the afternoon I took them to see some of the sites in town. Mark was waiting at the door when we returned about six. Mark and I took them around to the side of the house.

"WOW!!!" was the twin response. Mark had surpassed himself. Swings, basketball hoops, and goal posts were just a few of the things they could use. What was in there would keep any boy happy for hours.

When we got round to the front of the house Alaina was taking bags out of the car, probably to refresh our food source. The guys bounded over to help take everything inside. "That was nice of you both," Alaina said, then gave each of them a hug and a soda. Mary and I followed close behind. Mary asked if she could have iced tea. Alaina obliged.

Monday, breakfast smelled good. I was the last one up. The boys were already through their second helping when I arrived at the breakfast table. Alaina put coffee in front of me and I was instantly awake. Mary just sat there shaking her head smiling. "What?" I said.

"Nothing," she said, "it just looks like feeding time at the zoo," then laughed.