The Blount Family Chronicles

Prologue: It is early spring, 1858 in Blountsburg, Virginia. Our wagon is packed and Momma was rounding up my brother, Joseph and sister, Maggie. I am holding my baby brother, Tim, who we have started calling Dink. Poppa just handed me something wrapped in brown paper, OH, WOW! It's a Kaintuck long rifle! Now I can pass that old 'Bus on to Joseph! I guess I had better tell about me, I am Isaac Blount, sixteen years old. Poppa and Momma have decided to join Grampa and Uncle William in California, a place called Marysville. It is supposed to be good farming near a river and we already have four thousand acres in our name. Poppa is worried about the troubles here, he says I am ripe to be plucked into the army! We are going to cross the mountains into the Ohio country and spend next winter in St. Louis before we join Mr. Casey's wagon train. Poppa says I will need to learn how to ride guard and help protect us when we get to wild Indian country. I worry about Momma, she hasn't been well ever since Dink was born six months ago, but she says she IS going! I guess I had better get on my horse that Poppa bought for me, he is waving his hand that it is time to go. Joseph has a new pony too and we are to help Poppa keep the bullocks moving. Poppa is hollering, "MOVEM!" so I gotta go, more later....
