A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Six

The phone rang. "Have you anything heard from the embassy Steve." It was Aiden.

"No. I just came home this morning."

"Home!! "

"Yes been in hospital. Appendicitis."

"Sorry I didn't know. I think the embassy is dragging their feet. I will chase them up." Then rung off.

We stayed at home the rest of the week, not even going to Grace's house. But she cooked as good a meal here. Monday Aiden rang. "I got in contact 'Again' with the embassy. They don't need to contact you as I have all the information they need, so just sit back and wait. You will get the visa well before you go. They won't issue the visa till they have a departure date, so I suggest you start getting in contact with the airline. Hope you are okay now. Bye." And he was gone.

I rang Grace and told her what Aiden had said. I said I would get back to her with details of the flight. I hung up and dropped off to sleep. The boys came home and I asked them for their dates for the summer break. After I had seen the boys off to school I rang the airline to book our flights. Our Flights were booked for the 7th of July. Returning on the 4th of August. We had to be at the airport about 11:45 for our flight at 1:00 for the 9 hour flight. I rang Aiden then Grace to tell them the Time and dates.

The boys got home just as I had sat down with a mug of tea. "Hi Dad." I asked them what they had been up to. "Nothing," came the reply from John.

"A man of very few words" I said laughing. I told them all the details of the flights and times, they looked excited. For Brian it was going back home. To John An adventure. Just Like Brian maybe nine months ago, Something new. I decided I was going to have a talk with Brian. I took him away from his home and just presumed he would accept it.

The rest of the week was a haze. Friday about lunch time I got a call from the school. Mr Gould can you come to the school? Your son Brian has been in a scuffle and been slightly injured. I will explain when you arrive. I was at the school within record time. I went to the office and was greeted by the Principle, Mr Turner. Mr Gould please follow me. They have a small infirmary at the school for emergencies. As we walked in Brian was sitting in a chair with a nurse tending a cut to the side of his head. I went straight over to him and asked what had happened. "How's John?" The principle said he was okay.

"Brian tell me what happened?"

"Err, okay. We were at our lockers when this other boy Glen I think, well he pushed John in to his locker, John got up and said something, whatever he said the other kid didn't like so started mouthing off at John. Anyway he pushed John again and he fell to the floor. I went over to help John to his feet, when the boy started on me. You come to help your boyfriend, well that got me mad, he's my brother! I said. Well the kid raised his fist to hit me, it caught me on the side of my head, then I hit my locker.

"I can see that" I said. "Sorry son, go on."

"Well I got up and punched him on the nose. The other kids were now gathered round us all. Mr Johnson the Gym Teacher heard the ruck-us and came to see what was going on. He saw me lash out at Glen and pulled me to one side and asked why I fighting. I tried to explain but he had made already made his mind up that I was the ringleader. He told John to get up and get lunch. He spoke to Glen then sent me to the office. He started on John first dad, and I only hit out because he did."

I looked at the Principle and said I wanted to see the Gym teacher. At that minute Glen came waltzing into the room, he looked at Brian and asked where his Boy was? I instinctively got up, the Principle walked in front of the boy. You will go to the office and wait for your parents to arrive, "Understand."

"And what about him and his boyfriend?"

"He is Brian my son. His boyfriend as you so ignorantly put it his is brother."

Mr Turner asked us to join him in his office when Brian scuff was cleaned up. We got to the office and were told to go straight in. I knocked on the door and entered. The Principle came over and took my hand to shake.

"This is Mr and Mrs Richards, Glen's parents. This is Mr Gould. Brian's Dad, he said looking at the Richards."

Glen was in the middle of his parents a bit apprehensive.

"Mr Turner looked directly at me and said, I am giving Brian 1 weeks detention. Violence in any shape or form will not be tolerated in this school. I am going to suspend that for 1 month. Anything like this again Brian and it will be added to the punishment. 'Okay' Nodding. He spoke to the Richards. I am suspending Glen for 1 week. This is not the first time you have bullied other students, it will not be tolerated. Do you understand? "Glen nodded his head." The principle turned to me and said he hoped we met under better circumstances in the future and said that he needed to talk to Mr and Mrs Turner." I said my goodbye's and left with Brian. Not a word was spoken on our way home, but I knew there was more going to be said on the matter. I know Brian enough as this would not be the end of it. John seemed overly quiet when he came home from school.

"Can I help John?"

"No dad, just something I need to think about."

"If you want to talk you know where I am. Okay."

"Yea, thanks dad." Then he was gone.

Saturday morning as I was making breakfast Brian asked if he could talk to me. "Can we talk while I cook?"

"Sure. John was in my bed when I woke this morning. He has never done that before. I think he might be scared!. "

"Do you know why? Is it because of what happened at school?"

"I think so, but he won't talk to me. If he won't tell me what's wrong how can I fix it? He's my brother, and brothers stickup for one another, Don't they?"

"Maybe that's it son, he never had someone on his side, too watch his back, as they say. You said he didn't make many friends; he tried to keep to himself. Well having a protector must really be hard for him to take. You do everything for yourself and virtually on your own, then someone comes along and is doing it for him. That must be hard. Give him time, he will work it out."

A little after nine John came down for breakfast. "You okay, Son?"

"Yea I'm fine. Do you know where Brian is?"

I think he went down to the lake. Said he needed to think."

"Oh! I wanted to talk to him."

"You go; I don't think he will be upset if you went down to him."

"Can we talk?"

"Whoa! You nearly gave me a heart attack. Come on there is room here for my younger brother, even if he is a pain sometimes. So what's bothering you?"

"It's about yesterday at school, Glen. He has been on my back now for a while. I thought he would stop if I ignored him. I know I didn't tell you, I'm sorry."

"People like Glen don't stop unless 'YOU' stop them! Since you became my brother we have only had one disagreement, and it's the same as now. We were friends then, remember your mom. I remember what I said then! Why didn't you tell me," I said. "You said to me once that you never had a friend that you could talk to, so why!! Do you remember what your reply was? I do: I had my own troubles. I am now your brother and still have my own troubles, you being one of them. If we can't talk what chance have we, John! When you were my friend you were my brother. Even then, I wasn't a fighter, but I would fight Heaven and Earth for my family. Win or Lose! Two are stronger than one. If we stick together we can watch each other's back. What you say.....?"

"Okay. I'm sorry Brian. REALLY."

"Yea, I know. You beginning to sound like a Brit. He's been on my back!"

"Told you I have always hang around with the wrong crowd." That earned him a punch.

"OWW!! That hurt"

"I never felt it" I said.

As we were getting up I turned to John. "I never had parents, all I ever knew was Children's Homes.
I never had a family. I never had a home, I could call my own. Now I have both. I now have a brother, who would have thought. But now I have it I am not going to let it go. I will share everything I have, including my life. That's what having a family means to me. So when I ask share with me, I mean everything that's bothering you. Families are a gift I know. Come on lets go home."

When we got back, dad asked if everything was okay. I just said yes and asked for a drink.

While we were having dinner 'Fish and Chips. Love it' John was talking and me, well just quiet. Tapping on the table dad asked me, "Why so quiet?"

"Just thinking," I said.

"Well I hope she's good looking" he said.

"Sorry dad. I was thinking about the home I was in. I miss them; they were like my whole world. I like it here but sometimes I just feel, I don't know how I feel. I don't know why."

It looked like my chat was going to come sooner rather than later. "Listen son, I brought you here and never asked you about it. That was wrong. I wanted to give you something you never had before. I hope I did because it would hurt if I had you do something that you didn't want."

"Dad, I love being here. I wouldn't have a John, my brother if I was still in England. I suppose I am just homesick. I suppose new beginnings take time."

"Listen son. You ever think you can't live here, talk to me, or John."

"I can't leave here, I can't leave John. He's my brother, my family."

John looked deep in thought. Then he said, "Wherever you go I go. I have more of a family now. 'Please forgive me mom' Even when you found out I was in care, it never bothered you. I was different, but you still wanted to be my friend, Best friend at that. Then you asked your dad to take me in like he did you. I think I just realised what family is. Even though you hardly knew me. So where you go I go."

"I'm sorry, I guess with the trip back to England it made me think where I was from. It will always be my home." Sometimes when I'm alone, I wonder if there is something wrong with me. I mean as soon as I was born they threw me away like an empty tin of beans.

Things were sombre for the rest of the day. Meal times were forced. It was like living in a morgue.
I sure hope after everyone has had a good night's sleep, the mood will change. Before the boys went to bed I sat them down in the living room. Brian this can be a trip to remember your home. John this could be you seeing a new country, and learning from it. Their culture the way they live. The English are for the most part very welcoming. I lived there for twelve years. They are friendly but cautious. They are an Island, so they are exposed from all sides.

Sunday was a little different, but you could still see Brian had something on his mind. We went swimming, even went to the mall. On the way back we went to see Grace, but she had gone out. The boys checked their homework then went to bed.

Monday. The boys went to school as normal. But there was still something about Brian. I couldn't put my finger on it.

Tuesday. Something about Brian said whatever was troubling him was resolved. When the boys got home from school later than usual, John was ecstatic. "Slow down, what got you so hyper?"

John had calmed down but looked in Awe. "All he will tell me is he is talking to the whole school at assembly. That's why we are late. After classes he went to see Mr Turner, the principle. Mr Turner is trying to get it arranged for Thursday morning. I don't know what all this is about, but he scared Sh**. He is scared."


"Sorry dad. He nearly didn't come home so I would leave him alone."

Thursday. They went to school as normal. Brian was a lot quieter than usual. I followed behind in the car. I wanted to see what had got Brian so worked up. Assembly was coming to an end when the principle went back over to the microphone. After telling everyone to settle down, he spoke. A little later Brian walked on to the stage, picked up the microphone and started talking. He looked terrified.

After a few minutes he started to speak. "I am from England as some of you know. Before I came to Canada I was alone. I had no parents. I don't even know who they were. I was left at the entrance to a hospital shortly after I was born. I was in children's homes till my Dad saw something in me, and adopted me. Most of you know my Brother, John. Last week someone thought it was funny to pick on him, for no real reason. He stopped and looked around the room, then continued. A lot of you know John, he's the quiet one, a few giggles, and well most of you may not know he lived in the Orphanage nearby. His Mother was fighting cancer, so having no other family, that's where he had to live. That got me thinking. I love living in Canada, but still miss my home, England. If I couldn't settle here then I suppose I would have to go home. But that would have been selfish. My Dad, Steve Gould adopted John after his mother died. She lost the fight against cancer. She fought it but it still took her. 'John now had tears in his eyes.' Me and John are lucky, 'Me more so' we got a Family. That's something to think about. Most of us have a family and don't even think twice about it. Brian stopped talking to compose himself. 'I'll be reading the news when I'm forty'. Laughing came from all around the room. There are thousands of kids that live in children's Homes, Orphanages all around the world. I live in Canada but I am still English, and proud of it. I know all you guys that know me accepted me even knowing I was a Foreigner. Laughing again. But while I am here Canada is my home, so I will ask all you kids, even the ones I don't know to help me do something about these kids. Any time in the future a lot of you kids in here could end up in the same position, fate can deal you a good hand or a bad one. The holidays are coming up, and I was wondering if you guys could help me. We can help these kids! Some of these kids have friends, some don't. Some withdraw in to themselves. Those who have friends are still lonely. We sometimes get lonely but we know if we need a hand there is always someone we can turn too, these kids don't have that luxury. I know we have politicians and working class people helping these kids, but have you ever tried to talk to an adult about what you really feel, No!! we can't. But another kid, it's easier. This is not about you or me, it's about them. I need you to help me. In England if we wanted to raise money for something we had a Bring and Buy. That is we all bring something to sell, whatever it is. Something we don't need or use. It can be anything. Just don't go selling yourself, I don't think you your family would forgive me for that. Giggles went around the room. A lot of you will be thinking it has nothing to do with us, but it does. Like I said anyone of us could find ourselves in the same position, you never know. So if the School and teachers will agree, we can do this before March Break. Thanks for listening." He then went and sat down to thunderous applause.

I couldn't have been more proud. John ran on to the stage and hugged his brother, with tears in his eyes. Mr Turner shook Brian's hand and went back to the microphone. After the kids had settled down, the Principal again spoke. I will be in contact with all your parents within the next few days. I will have a letter printed so all of you can take home with you. I have already spoken to the governors, they have agreed for it to go ahead. It is nearly lunch so everyone take this as a free period. All the pupils were dismissed to a flurry of noise.

When Brian came off the stage he looked exhausted. John had his arm over his shoulder, chatting. When he saw me he walked quickly over and hugged me, Hard! "That took some guts. I am so proud of you."

"I could have died of shame" John said, with a grin on his face. "I love you Bro!!"

The rest of the week went quickly. The boys went through all there belonging to pick stuff out to take to the school. Friday the 18th. Was the day for the Bring and Buy. I rang the newspaper to cover the event. "I was going to help in any way possible." Thursday all the pupils were told that it would be there last day at school till after March Break, to thunderous applause. Friday from 8 o'clock the kids and their families started to arrive. Somehow even the local media turned up. It never fails to amaze me the imagination of kids. They brought Tyres, Inner Tubes, Bikes, Games (including Board games). A steady procession of adults and children arrived. There were so many people they had to open the gymnasium. At 4 o'clock time was called on the sale. Even the local bakers donated $2,000. At the end of the day the kids had raised $5,000 including donations.

When the total had been announced, Brian was asked to join them on the platform. The Principal Mr Turner gave Brian the check to give to the Mayor. He went to the microphone to speak. He spoke to the TV crew. Turning to the Mayor, "Your Honour before I give you what these good people have raised I would like to say something. He turned and looked out from the platform. We have done something today that the people and the school should be proud of. It proved today that I made the right decision to move here. I will now and forever class this as my home.

"Whatever we raised today, and in the future I would like to set up a fund. Like a trust fund for all the kids who don't have the same privileges as we do. We kids don't choose to be orphans, we are just really unlucky. It doesn't matter where you live having no family hurts. I promise that every week I will add my allowance to the fund. I won't ask you kids to do that because that wouldn't be fair. I will do it because I have to show all you good people we are not just a burden on money that is allocated. If we are given the chance we are and can be like everyone else here. I will find some other ways of raising more funds. I will do like I did in England, I will cut grass, walk the dog, do odd jobs, anything that will get more money in the bank. This is not about me, not even the people that are here, this is about our future, the town's future. Please forgive me if that sounded rude, there was no intention."

After everyone settled down Brian handed what had been raised to the Mayor. Brian stepped down handshakes and pats on the back. After saying buy to everyone we Jumped in the car and went home. We had a late dinner, talked for a while then went to bed.

The following morning I made myself a Tea, then put the TV on to see if there would be anything about the Bring and buy. As the news started I heard the boys coming downstairs. "Morning guys."

"Morning dad."

I heard Brian's name on the TV, so I turned it up. "Guys you might want to hear this."

The announcer spoke about the fund raising that had been done at Central, and how much was raised. Then it was asked how someone so young could be so wise. Brian was asked the same question. "You don't have old to be wise," was his reply. That got a giggle from John.
Then the Mayor came up on screen. He was asked if they, 'The politicians', would be contributing to the effort. He said contributions were already set aside for orphaned children. That seemed to spur the reporter on. "So Mr Mayor you intend to leave local children to make up the shortfall?"

This was not a question he had expected. "We give a good proportion of our budget to see the children are cared for."

The reporter saw a story and stated, "I think you have a local school of children that would say not enough of the budget is released to the homes. Do you have any comment?"

The Mayor was now getting flustered. "I can assure you we allow enough to help the children prosper." With that he said he had other duties to perform and made a quick exit.

John put his hand on Brian's shoulder spoke with Awe in his voice. "You sure have started something."

"I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted them to have a chance like I had. What do I do now?"

"Don't worry," John said. "The reporter saw a story and jumped on the bandwagon. It will soon blow over." He could not have been more wrong.

Saturday Grace came to the house. "Afternoon Grace."

"Hi, Steve. I came to find more about this Campaign Brian has started. It's all over the news."

"I can't tell you any more than you have heard. I was told Brian would be talking to the school during assembly. What he was going to talk about he wouldn't tell me or John. But I'm real proud of him. I suppose most kids take things for granted. I suppose you have to have been in the system to understand it."

"I have had to sneak out of my own house, hey must have found out I know the family. I had to take the long way round just to get here. It's been a nightmare."

"I'm sorry Grace, never thought you would get dragged into this. Don't worry about it, I am the girlfriend, of the father, of the boy who as they put it 'has a conscience'." Both Brian and me blushed.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Do you want a drink Mrs Turner?" John said.

"Thank you dear. Just remember no Sugar or Milk."