A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Seven

Spring break came and went. Myself and Grace were really getting close. Brian was still hoping his one minute of fame was now over. "True to his word when he got his allowance he kept it to one side to take to the bank." It was done in such a way that any donations that were given were taken straight to the bank and it would be deposited. There were even collection boxes in shops all around town, and beyond. This had really caught people's imagination.

One day while in town we met Mrs Green for the towns orphanage. John went over and gave her a hug. "Hello John. It's really nice to see you again. How are things at home?"

"Hi Mrs Green. Things couldn't be better. How are the kids?"

"The kids can't stop talking about you and Brian, isn't it?"

"I did nothing Miss. Brian did this on his own. Me and my dad didn't know anything about it until he spoke to the school.

Brian again blushed.

"Well you, Bran and your father come to the school, I'm sure the boys would like to see you."

"Thanks Miss," John said. We all thanked her and went on our way.

We were going to get lunch when we saw the reporter from the local newspaper who covered Brian's story. "Hello," he said. "How are you doing young man," he said turning to Brian.

"I'm okay thank you Sir."

"I must congratulate you. I have covered many stories in my time as a reporter, but never one as selfless as yourself. I have heard that you, every week as promised take your allowance in to add to the fund. I have got to admit I thought this was someone trying to make a name for themselves, but I have been proved wrong. And for that I apologise."

"Please sir, I did this because I have been through the system, John was in the system because there was no one else to take care of him. I know people and even the kids, whether living in them or not call them. They may not be the best places in the world, but to kids like John and me they were home. I know politicians do give money to the homes, but I suppose it is never enough. I wanted to do something so they get to go places, get the same chances I did. I was lucky, very lucky. And no doubt John will tell you the same. But I am one of the lucky ones. Maybe they all won't get adopted, but that doesn't mean they can't have what we now take for granted. Everywhere I go I get praised but I have done nothing. I don't mean to sound patronising, but you did more than I did by printing it. Sometimes people need to be shown to open their eyes. And you did that. I was asked how someone so young could be so wise. 'My answer was,' You don't have to be old to be wise."

"It would be an honoured if you called me by my first name; John, John Stevens at your service."

Brian giggled and put out his hand "Thank you John. Please call me Brian." Then giggled again. "This is John my brother. And this is my dad."

"Nice to meet you all. Now I must go, but I hope we can talk in the future. Goodbye for now."

"Buy Si...John."

"I'll not be able to tell you off in a bit, you are getting so famous."

"Dad!!! I am just Brian. I am not famous."

"Was only teasing, I'm sorry."

John stood there with a smile on his face saying nothing. "Don't even think about it."

"WHAT!!!" John said. "I'm a good boy."

"Yea! and Miami will get snow."

"Come on guys lets go get lunch, I'm starving."

"Me too," came the dual response.

After lunch we went home. Got a soda, sat down and relaxed. John got up and went to look at the videos. "Can we watch a movie?"
Well that was scuppered when the TV was turned on. A reporter was carrying on the story about Children's Homes. It was being reported that other networks had picked up on the story and were getting an overwhelming response from all territories and provinces. "It seems that Brian Gould and Central secondary School has given people something to think about." She said. A couple of the kids from school were talking about how Brian had started what they called a Campaign.

It seemed all this was getting too much for Brian, as he went to take a walk. John said he would go and talk to him.

John new where Brian would go, so he followed him to the lake. "You want to talk about it?"

"I used to be Conspicuous by my absence."

"Your What!!"

"Basically it means I couldn't hide if I wanted too."

"Okay. But why would you want to hide?"

"This is now bigger than the both of us. John I don't want to be famous, I don't want to be recognised everywhere I go. Why can't they get that in to their heads. It's the kids and the Homes they should be concentrating on, not me. I'm just a English boy, No airs or graces."

"What!!. You English can talk some rubbish sometimes."

"It means what you see is what you get. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. And it's not RUBBISH RIGHT. I didn't see you complain about who I was."

"Okay! Okay! And that was below the belt."

"That's another English saying you just used. So that must mean you are talking rubbish too."

"A proper little smart ass, aren't we."

"I'm not trying to be smart. And I'm not an ass. If I were that would make us two peas in a pod. Because it takes one to know one. Anyway I thought you came down here to talk not to get me aggravated? Because if that's why your here go back home."

"I wouldn't like to get on your bad side if you were in a bad mood. Why is this getting too you? I mean it gets you noticed. Think of the girls you could get?"

"You're an idiot!! The intention was to get all the kids to be recognised. They get the attention, they get helped. So Numb Nuts if they concentrate on me the kids don't get helped, it defeats the issue."

"So you think you getting up tight is going to help? The kids are going to still be helped even if they get you first."

"I just want them to concentrate on them. I am just a cog in this, not the big wheel."

"You should just let it roll and see where it goes. I think that reporter from the TV has embarrassed a lot of people. Making you look like the good guy maybe all it takes to get something moving!"

"Maybe. Let's go see if dad will take us to your old home, the orphanage."

"You okay now?"

"Yea dad. Will you take us to the orphanage?"

"If Mrs Green agrees. Yes."

When we got to the Home, Mrs Green was waiting for us. "I am so glad you came, the kids will be ecstatic. Come on in. Would you like a drink, a sandwich?"

"No thanks," John said.

The kids were told we were here. Then it seemed all hell broke loose. Mrs Green was trying to keep control but failed. We were there for a couple of hours before we finally got released. I think the kids were enjoying the attention they were getting from the media. John went quiet when we got in the car. Even though he was glad he didn't live there any more, it would have been hard leaving friends he made.

When we got indoors I went to make the drinks. Dad came in the kitchen with me while John went in to the living room. "What's up dad, you don't trust me to make your Tea?"

"I wanted to see if you are feeling any better than you were this afternoon."

"I don't like the way people keep giving me praise. If they concentrate on me it will take all the attention from who it's supposed to help. I know I was going to get some attention but I didn't expect having me as the guy who gets the Mayor put on the spot. They do give money to the homes but It seems it's never enough. But when all that is done, the kids get forgotten. I just wanted people to see that they are as good as any other kid and if given the chance they would prove it. Living in the system can be the same as having a family, sometimes you get good, sometimes you get bad. We are looked after within the money and time they have. You can't always talk to the staff. And if it's personal then even your friends can be a no no. I never had a family to start with. I can't miss what I never had. But there are some kids that have to start again when they get in the home, and that can be frightening."

"How did you become such a smart kid? You will have to put up with the attention, it won't go away. You have started something that touches the hearts of human being, Children! In the end it will be worth it. I can stand testament to that. I couldn't be more proud of you. For this, John and even at the school when you started this. It took guts. For someone who tries to stay under the radar you have done a great job. John is in awe of you. You are a big brother to him. I think he would do absolutely anything for you. That you should be proud of, I know I am."

"So how are you and Grace? I like her. I think most people would be happy with the attention this as put on her, but she tries to get away from it, she even risks being seen coming here. I need a mother, and I no John does."

"Leave that to me. Now you go sit down while I rustle up a snack. Go."

"Love you dad."

The following week saw Brian trying to avoid the attention. On the other hand John was loving it. He wasn't getting the girls but, you can't have everything. Glen was back at school, but kept his distance from the boys. You have to give Brian credit. Even though there was only weeks between them, he took is big brother role seriously. Saturday we were up at the crack of dawn. We were on the lake till past three. Brian got the upshot over John and caught the biggest fish. Like everything else the boys did the fish were no different, they jumped at them.

Grace came over Sunday for lunch. Yorkshire Puddings, Roast Beef, Potatoes, Peas, Carrots and Gravy. For dessert we had Apple pie and Custard. John wasn't used to a full Sunday lunch. Grace wanted the recipe. Brian and I just made a pig of ourselves. Brian and John had Apple juice, while me and Grace had tea. After lunch we all took a walk down to the lake. The boys took there trunks, "Brave," while me and Grace sat talking and watching the boys make fools of themselves. 30 minutes in the water was enough. When they got out of the water they walked over to where there clothes were.
John after looking around said to no in particular. "Bozo Brains here as forgotten the towels."

Brian looking a little miffed why he was getting the blame. He countered. "It was your idea to go swimming. That means you should have got the towels."

"Boys. Boys. John you go get the towels." He went reluctantly. Brian stood there will a smile on his face. "You go get the drinks. Warm tea would be nice, put it in the flask." The smile was gone. So was he.

When they came back they were still having a disagreement. "Okay guys what now?"

"Nothing, it's okay dad." John said looking very sheepish.

"Okay then sort it out. Well I suppose eventually you were going to have a disagreement. But sort it before we get back to the house. Okay," I said, with menace in my voice.

We were sitting drinking our tea in front of the lake; the sun was starting to go down. It was spectacular watching the bright orange light of the sun ripple on the water. It was something that words cannot describe. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then it was a pity it was not to describe the site that paled in front of me. It must have been my lucky day, I had a second beauty sitting at the side of me that also sparkled.

"You guys ready to go back to the house? It's getting late and I have to take Grace home."

"You can stay tonight you know, Grace, we can soon get round the bed crisis?"

"No Steve I better go home, I have to take the dog out and well It's not time yet," she said. I knew what she meant but I think she was right.

"Why don't you bring Randy over?"

"No boys not tonight, okay."

That was the gentleman in me speaking believe me. You guys want to come for the ride or stay here?"

"We'll stay here dad."

"You mean you trust me?" That got a laugh all round.

"As long as your home before midnight!"

After dropping Grace at her door I reluctantly came home. When I got in the door John and Brian were stood about metre away tapping there watches, "You made it then?" Then started to run towards the stairs. I was quicker. I tickled the pair till they nearly wet themselves. Justice had been served. "NEAT."

I reminded the boys about their homework.

"We don't get homework before a holiday."

"Then I think you guys should be in bed, School in the morning."

Getting the boys up and out to school went pretty smooth. I gave Aiden a ring to find out if he had any news. No news forth coming, I hung up and went in to town to buy groceries. With my eating machines food stocks were low again. I sometimes wonder if they take food to school to feed the masses. Well okay me too, but I won't tell the boys that. I laughed to myself.

Tuesday after the boys went off to school I went to see Grace. Grace was just ready to go out but offered me a coffee. "I need to ask you something about us going to the UK. I have been thinking about extending the break till after New Year. This campaign Brian as started is really beginning to affect him. He got a little more than he bargained for when he started it. I don't think he realised how it would affect him when he started it. This might seem strange but I don't want him getting depressed about the attention he is getting. I also want John to see where Brian was born. It may give him some insight to a different culture. I know Brian would love to show him what England has to offer. I know I am dropping this on you and you don't have to give an answer now, but will you think about it as I would really love for you to come along and maybe get to nowhere I lived as well as me a little better."

"That would be over six months in another country. I don't know Steve. But I will think about it. Where would we stay?"

"I own two cottages in Cornwall, one was where I lived, the other I rented too the tourists. You could either stay with me and the boys or stay at the other cottage. There would be enough room for us all to stay together in the one cottage but I would leave that to you. I know the boys would be glad if we stayed in the one house. What if I promise to only give you drinks to wake you up instead of putting you to sleep?" I grinned.

Grace saw the funny side. "I need to think about this Steve. I have never been with anyone since my husband died and I am a little put off, but not by you or the boys. Give me a few days to think this out will you?"

"As long as you give me an answer before we go," I said smiling. You wouldn't believe the way the boys keep ribbing me about you. When I go to see you I get the look at the clock and a time to come home. The other night they were stood behind the door when I come in. I even get told when I am late."

"Oh dear," Grace said laughing.

"They really like you Grace and so do I. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone after my wife died. I am going to go with the flow and see where it leads. I hope you will join me Grace. And I don't think the boys would ever forgive me if I didn't let Rusty come over for a sleepover."
After I finished my coffee I had to go but said we were going to have to do this a lot more.

The rest of the day went off without a hitch. When the boys came home I told them not to make plans as I wanted to talk to them after dinner.

"What's for dinner dad?"

"Beef casserole with veggies and Yorkshire Puddings."

After dinner with dishes cleaned up and put away, had drinks, than sat down to talk.

"Listen guys I have been thinking about this trip." After a few stares between themselves and me I said I wanted to know what they thought about dragging the trip out till after the New Year. It would mean having to miss school, 'at least here'. "I moved Brian here because I thought it would help him with a new start. I never even thought about him missing his home. If we take this trip Brian has the choice to stay or go. I now have you John, but I need Brian to make his own decision. England is nice but at a slower pace. Whatever happens after this trip you will both know more about each other and where you were brought up. I know I made a mistake but I need you to do this for you, not me!"

"Dad I would have followed you anywhere. You wanted me. You needed me. You loved me like a dad. I never had that, a family. You made no mistake, you gave me a Life. You gave me a Brother. No one else cared enough but you. John had no one. He now has us, a Family. You will never know how much it meant to have you and call you 'Dad'. I wouldn't change a thing that has happened to me for all the Tea in China." After the longest hug I ever had, tears flowed freely.

Brian turned, "You part of this John? Get over here!"

"So what you think guys?"

After some whispering and smirks, "Yes!!" they both said in unison. "What about Grace?"

"She is gonna think about it? It's a big decision for her."

The rest of the evening was quiet. We all had our own thoughts.

"Come on guys, bed."

Turning on the stairs they both looked in to space and said, "We Love You Dad."

"I love you more than you will ever know. Now scoot." To a chorus of laughter they were gone.

Later that evening I sat pondering what had happened in the last 12 months or so. I had the two best kids in the world and they thought giving them a family was like owning the world. They gave unconditional love and respect to what was a virtual stranger. I turned the lights out and went off to bed contented.