A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Five

Tuesday, after the boys had gone to school, there was a knock on the door. "Grace!! what can I do for you. Please come in. Tea or Coffee??"

"Tea please. I came over to ask if there was anything special you would like me to prepare, to eat."

"The boys like meatloaf. Brian likes a casserole. I have prepared them together."

"Can we make it Sunday, as I go to church in the morning? Unless you want to bring the boys to the service?"

"I will ask them. Better still, come for Dinner tonight. Will make some Cornish Pasties, with a lamb casserole, then you can ask. I got told you were Cool, and if I didn't go with you John would," I laughed.

"I can only ask." She said.

We spent some time talking about this and that. I asked if 6:30 would be okay, and she left. I made a quick dash in to town to get the ingredients I would need for dinner tonight.

The boys came running in to the house. "Hi Dad. What's for 'Tea' Sorry slip of the tongue, Dinner?" (Just when I thought was getting it right)

"Thought I would cook a lamb casserole. Okay with that?"

Their reply was, "It's good when somebody cooks, but it's not as quick as a Hamburger."

"I will take that as a yes." 'Kids'

6:15 Grace arrived. I took her coat, hung it up, and asked her to take a seat in the living room. "You want any help?"

"No the boys have it covered." 'Slightly raising my voice' they got the hint, and set the table.

"Hello Mrs Turner. It's a shame my dad didn't invite you."


"Sorry dad."

Grace looked at the boys with what I can only describe as an 'evil Grin'. "Your dad did invite me over tonight."

Brian looked at John Then Me. "Oops."

I couldn't help myself. All I could do was snicker. "Dinners ready. Guys you forgot the glasses?" Dinner went off without a hitch. John complained about his shoes, "Shoes." I said.

"My shoes are making my feet hurt. I kicked a ball earlier, and my toes felt like they had kicked a brick."

"Can you cope with them for now, or do you want to go get some new ones tonight? What about you Brian?"

"Mine are not too bad. Can wait till Saturday."

"Will go replace them tonight. Please Grace come along." I winked. "Come you guys car." I got the boys new shoes, then we went for a snack. Church was a No. Saturday we would be going for a meal, at Grace's.

We got through the week with no more surprises, clothes at least. Saturday, we ended back at the mall to get them both new trainers. "Guys why didn't you get these Tuesday?" Their simple logic was we forgot. Doesn't it make you feel like a fool, that you didn't know that?

Grace thought we had decided not to come over. We got there about 11oclock. We decided to wait for Lunch, then go to the park. The boys decided Grace made the same meal that I had perfected better than I did. "Well guys I think you can make your own Meatloaf I think."

"Just Crawling." Brian said

At the park, the boys went to play kick ball, while Grace and I talked. "Thanks for the meal, it was really nice."

"You have to say that now, since the boys say I make it better than you."

"Please Grace, don't encourage them." I laughed. The laugh she gave back, with the grin, made me stop and think. "What have I let myself in to?"

The boys returned. Well to coin and English saying: They looked like they had been working down the Pit. "Guys."

"Sorry dad, John kicked the ball into the woods."

"Next time you bring a football, not a tennis ball."

We took Grace home first. I kissed her. It was a kiss to remember. I could hear the cat calls and the snickers. Looked at Grace; "I need to find new things for them to do when I ground them."

"Sorry Dad." they said in unison.

"How do they do that?" Grace said.

After a hug we said goodnight. On the way home Brian put his hand on my shoulder, and started to say something then stopped. "What is it son?"

"Me and John just want you to have someone. It seems unfair that you can give us a life but we can't give you one."

"You do give me a life. Being here lets me be a dad to you guys. You are individuals, but you are unique. Brian you have seen what it's like to have nobody. John you know what it's like to have someone and at the same time have nobody. I hope you will see the value of what you have now. Because that should help you to understand and sometimes know when people need help and comfort. If I could change anything, it would be your past. I would try and make it better, if not improve it, and give you a better start."

When we got home dad made supper. "Okay guys when we've eaten and cleaned up, I want to talk to you about Summer holidays." When the kitchen cleaned up we went in to the living room and waited for dad. "Spring break will be here in the next few weeks, I think we can find something to do for a week. Even if it means me going away for two weeks."


"Okay, half the week. Seriously guys, I was thinking of going to the cottage in Cornwall..... We can spend up to a month of your Summer break, but I will need to apply to get John a passport and Visa. We will have to apply to the British Embassy to get a Visa. I will ask Mr Crown to look in to that." Getting all the paperwork for John's passport would be the biggest hurdle to overcome. "Guys, I am going to talk to Grace. I have to give her plenty of time to digest what she is letting herself in for. I've had a few months to cope with you two." Then laughed.

"Dad we're not that bad." Then seem to think about it, then smile menacingly.

"No I wouldn't say you were that bad. Seriously guys, think about it. Okay." Sunday the boys were at the lake till after Lunch. Swimming. Watching videos and checking homework was done.

Monday after the boys had gone to school, I gave Grace I ring, I told her about taking the boys to England for a month. When I asked if she wanted to tag along. What the boys thought about her coming along seemed to be the biggest problem. When I assured her they were fine with it she agreed. I told her what she would need, like her Passport and Visa. I told her to pack clothes for; I don't know. A variable climate. I had learned not to take the British weather lightly. When I finished the call with Grace, I gave Mr Crown's office a ring. His secretary said he was busy, but would ask him to return the call when he was free. I am so glad the Adoption was now final, otherwise I would be asking the Judge, or the state for permission to take John out of the country. I was going to get a lawyer to find out about John getting Dual citizenship. "Dual Nationality."

An hour later Mr Court returned my call. "Hello Steve, what can I do you for?"

"Hi. I need to get John a Passport. I know he is going to need a Visa as well. Not sure about Brian and Myself. I want to take the boys to England during summer break. I think about a month should do it. We will have a Grace Turner staying with us too. With you handling the Adoption I thought would be easier if you dealt with this, as you have already dealt with his case."

"I can't see any problems applying for his passport. I suggest you go to your local office. I would drive over to Vancouver. Take all the documentation with you, Take the originals not copies. Also take two photographs of John. You will also need paperwork to prove you are his legal guardian. You get the application, fill it in, then they check your documents and form. May mean hanging around but quicker. Can takes up to 3 weeks. Up to 3 months by Post or Courier. If you have any problem, ring the office. I will speak to my secretary that if you call put the call straight through. As for the Visa, I will get on to that right away."

I went in to the kitchen and poured myself a well-earned cup of coffee. Went in to the living room and slumped down in one of the chairs, to relax. With nothing better to do, I went in to town. Bought groceries then went to eat. After lunch I rang Sinclair House about John's passport. I needed to find out if I had to make an appointment. Knowing I just had to get there was a relief. After I put the groceries away, I gave the school a ring. The secretary answered. I told her I would be keeping John out of school in the morning, as we needed to go to Vancouver. I hung up, went into the kitchen, and put a casserole in the oven.

Two boisterous teenagers came bolting through the door shouting, "Hi Dad."

"Dinner will be ready soon, so go get cleaned up." They didn't seem any quieter going to their rooms."

"Did you order out?" John said snickering.

After dinner 'leaving few leftovers' we settled in the living room. The bantering between the two boys was a mile a minute. "John," I said, getting his attention, "we have a trip to Vancouver to make, so you have the day off school."

That's not fair," Brian said.

"It is if you want John with us going to England!" Looking sheepish he apologised. I told Brian that John would be back in school after lunch. I asked if he wanted dropping of at school in the morning. As they wouldn't be on their bikes, I said I could pick them up after school. I got a "No" to both. They said they would walk home.

I asked the boys if they wanted to go for a swim in the lake? I would watch. Coward they both said. Coming close to spring break, 'March' the water is "COLD." But they seemed to have little trouble going in the water. They stayed in less than 20 minutes, picked up their clothes and ran straight home. I took a slow walk back to the cottage. When I got back, the boys were eating some chips, going down with a soda.

"Have you guys done your homework?" Oops came the reply, then a bolt for their rooms. They came downstairs about an hour later. "Okay guys from now on, after you have eaten you do your homework. Before anything else, Clear? You know better than this."

"Sorry dad," they both said.

10 o'clock came. "Time for bed guys." With the usual good night dad, they were upstairs in a flash. I followed them up about 20 minutes later. I know it was only a short drive to Vancouver but I still wanted to make an early start.

Breakfast the next day was a noisy affair. Brian was telling John all about Cornwall, and the cottage. Telling him about Southampton, the docks and all the ships that came in and out.

"Time to get things moving," I said. Driving to Vancouver was a nightmare. For some reason the traffic seemed to be heavy. It took about an hour to get there. I found parking a couple of blocks away. When got to the Passport office we took a ticket, and waited for our number to be called. We waited above and hour. "I was glad we set out early." We were given forms to fill in, and told where to go fill them out. After writing mine and John's details, answering and checking boxes we thought we were done. After John signed the form it was time to back into the queue. Another hour later we were called. It was the same person as before, so that made things easier. I gave her all the forms and documents for John and his adoption. All my own personal papers then paid the fee. She said it would take 2 weeks before we received John's passport. That was one job out the way. I was now hoping the Visa would be easier to obtain. We had lunch before setting off to go home. I dropped John off at school, then went to get a well-earned rest.

I had just got through the door when the phone rang. "Hello, Oh! hello Grace. You just rung to tell me you have found your passport, good. You have been to a lawyer about getting a visa. They will do all the work. All you have to do is supply them will all your documents, oh! and a Signature. That will make things a lot easier, yes. You want to know if the boys want to come over this Sunday for dinner. Okay I will ask them when they get in from school. Bye Grace."

I finally made myself a mug of tea, then went outside to sit on the porch. I can be so relaxing out here, hearing the birds, the water and the listening to the trees rustling. It is so peaceful. The peace was shattered when the phone rang. "Hello Mr Court."

"Aiden please. I just rang to tell you that you and Brian won't need to get Visas as long as you have the Dual Nationality on your passports."

"Well that is good news. One less thing to worry about. Thanks Aiden."

"My pleasure. I will be back in touch as soon as I hear anything about John's Visa. Bye for now." Then hung up.

I went outside to get my cup. I think I deserved another mug of tea. Most of the day I had spend driving or answering the phone. I went back out to the porch, and again tried to relax. I must have dozed off because when I woke there sitting on either side of me were Brian and John. "Oh! Hi guys. I don't usually take a nap in the middle of the day."

"It's okay, old age must be catching up with you." Brain said has he and John started laughing.

"Old age indeed. How do you two fancy another swim?"

"No you're okay dad." They said in unison.

'How do they do that?'

"Sorry guys I haven't put anything in the oven for dinner. How about we order pizza?"


"Grace asked if you wanted to go over to her place for dinner. Sunday. What you think guys?"

John looked at Brian then me. "It's okay, at least we don't have to go to church," he said.

I went inside, ordered pizza then again sat down. I was feeling really unwell. When the pizza arrived I gave John the money to pay for it. I didn't eat any of the pizza, which got me a few odd looks.

Brian got up and came towards me. "You okay dad."

"I feel a little off son that's all. I'll be okay in the morning." I got up from the sofa, and phoned Grace. "Grace can you come and look after the boys for a while? I feel off and thought I would go to bed early."

About 20 minutes later Grace knocked on the door. John answered the door. Grace came over to the sofa and sat down. "You said you felt off? You look it." I told her I felt tired, that I had started to feel sick when the pizza arrived. "Well you go to bed and I will make sure the boys are okay."

As I got up, I could see the concern on the boys faces. "I'm okay boys, just a little run down with everything that's been going on. I will be alright in the morning, you'll see." Before I went upstairs I asked Grace to stay the night as we had plenty room. She said she couldn't, as she had to get back for Rusty, and errands she had to do in the morning.

So I looked at the boys. "You two be okay getting off to school on your own." We'll be fine they said. I went to bed still not at ease. The boys hadn't had to do things for themselves before, so was a little concerned. Sleep did eventually come, but was a fitful one. Grace came in before she left to make sure I would be okay. The boys were up and down until it was time for them to go to bed.

The following morning brought no relief. I started vomiting, so I rang the doctor. He came around lunchtime. I let him in and asked him to sit down. I was emphatically told I was the one who should sit down. He did his checks, my Pulse and Blood Pressure. I told him how tired I felt, and before we ate how sickly I got. He asked about my stomach and where it felt uncomfortable. I showed him, he touched where I had said. I nearly screamed out with pain. I think you have Appendicitis. I will ring the ambulance and warn the hospital you are coming.

"Where are you sending me, which hospital?"

The doctor looked around, apologised then said, "Vancouver general."

Now I didn't know what to do. I had the boys coming home from school in a couple of hours. "What about my kids? They will be home shortly."

"Is there anyone you can ring? I will speak to them if you don't feel up to it." There was only Grace, so he I rang her. The Ambulance arrived. I was put on a gurney and was taken to hospital. In ER I was poked and prodded before a doctor said I was going to theatre.

The bed was uncomfortable, like lying on straw. I had a drip in my left arm, wires coming from everywhere. There was a nurse feeling for my pulse, I asked for a drink of water. "I see you're awake," she said as she went to the other side of the bed. After telling me to sip the water from the glass, she said she would go and get the doctor. About 10 minutes later in waltzed a doctor. 'I was really grumpy.'

"So how you feeling?" I told him I felt a little sore. "Your appendix hadn't ruptured but was inflamed. You should be able to go home in two or three days." he said. I asked for the time. He said 6am.

"What did you give me? You mean I have been asleep for over 12 hours? What about my kids?"

"Your boys were here last night. They stayed for over an hour. Your friend Mrs Turner said she would stay with them till you could go home. They said they would be here sometime this afternoon."

"Thanks Doctor."

"I'm another Turner, Alan Turner. We are going to get you out of bed after you have eaten breakfast, better to start to walk as soon as possible. Helps you to heal."

The clock on the far wall said 7:30 when breakfast came in. "Breakfast you have to be kidding me." There was Scrambled Eggs, I think Bacon some orange juice and a carton of milk. Half an hour later an orderly came to get my tray. "What they left wouldn't have got to the table if the boys had seen it. Mind you maybe it would have."

Another orderly came in at 10:30. "Hi" he said. "I am here to get you up and walk you round your room, nothing too strenuous. I will be back later today to take you up and down the corridor."

"Oh, how good," I thought. So after turning to sit on the side of the bed, he gradually helped me to put my feet on the floor. After about 20 minutes I was unceremoniously put back in to bed. Lunch was brought in, a bowl of, I think, Chicken Soup, a Roll with the orange juice as the speciality. "I hope the boys don't starve." After the tray was taken away I laid down to get some rest.

"Hi dad," Brian said, as he sat on the bottom of the bed. John came and sat on the other side, while Grace sat in the chair.

"Some people will do anything to get attention," John said with a sly grin on his face. "So when you coming home, Dad?"

Feeling like a bit, I said, "I will be in here for about 3 days, then I have to come home and put up with you two. I mean it's bad enough being in hospital, but then to be told I am Out of the Frying Pan and in to the Fire, well."

"Dad!! We're not that bad." They said in unison.

Grace looked at me, then both laughed. Both boys got up from the bed as if they were going to storm out the room as if they had been hurt. I have got considerate kids, they said they were going to get pizza when it was time to go.

"What and leave your dad behind?"

"We will think of you while we eat it," they said both laughing.

"So will you be okay looking after the boys till I can come home?" I said to Grace.

"The boys didn't give me a choice? They have doubled up and John gave me his room. We went and got Rusty when they came out of school, so he is now staying at your house till you get home. As for everything else I should be able to cope," she said looking over at the boys grinning.

"I'm proud of you guys, now behave, okay."

"We always behave," Brian said.

"Yes, when you're asleep, and that doesn't count." Looking so innocent they looked down at the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. Much to their chagrin.

"Seriously guys, I will be out of here soon, act like I know you can. Okay."

"We will dad, we promise." Then both came over for a hug. At that moment the nurse came in to the room. Visiting time was over.

"Gonna miss you guys," I said.

"We know dad, we know. We are gonna miss you, too."

"Thanks," I said to Grace. After getting a hug and a kiss on the cheek I felt better. The boys shook their heads and walked out of the room giggling.

Thursday the doctor came in asking how I felt. While he checked the wound I said I was just a bit sore but okay. "Good" he said, "I think you can go home after lunch."

I gave Grace a ring and told her the good news. "I will pick you up about 1 o'clock," she said. On the way home she filled me in about the boys. She said they were perfect gentlemen. Gentlemen maybe, perfect not a chance.

"You want a drink Grace?"

"Oh no you don't, sit down I will get the drinks. The boys would kill me for not looking after their dad."

I sat down. We talked about the holiday to Cornwall, and the weather. "They go together in England."

The door opened, "DAD!!" Grace shook her head. "How long you been at home?" then literally got mugged. "We missed you."

"I missed you guys too. Now give me another one of your famous hugs. Oh I really missed you guys."