A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Three

The months came and went. I loved my new country. Me and John were now best Buddies (as he would say). My grades at school were up, I was now getting A`s and B`s. Christmas came and went. My dad bought two bikes, one each for me and John. Sunday afternoon we were kicking a ball about when my dad came to meet us, (I was trying to teach John about Football. You know, Dribbling and Shooting, he looked really serious.

"John can I speak to you a minute?"

"Sure Mr. Gould."

I stayed kicking the ball up and down with my feet. Next thing John ran past me towards the lake. "What's wrong with John?" I said. He told me Johns mum had died. "Oh My God," I said, and ran as fast as my legs could carry me to get him, my dad close behind. We looked and looked but couldn't find him anywhere. We searched for more than an hour, but didn't know where else to look. My dad rang the home to ask if he was there, no came the answer. He told them that he had run away when he was told the news. We told them we had been searching for him without much joy. Just as the police were mentioned John walked through the door, "John," I shouted. He just slumped down on the floor, crying. After putting the phone down dad walked over to John and spoke very softly to him.

I had never asked any more about his parents since the first time we saw each other at the lake. When he calmed down he got up and sat on the couch. I asked what happened, my dad just stood there in silence, so I looked at John. "My mom had cancer," he said. "She was told it was Terminal. They gave her a year. That was nearly two years ago. She fought it and wouldn't give in." He said he went to see her at night after we had taken him home.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said. "You said to me once that you never had a friend that you could talk to, so why?"

"I know but you have your own troubles."

I was starting to get mad now. "I've been through it living in a home. I would have killed to have someone I could talk to. I had nobody. We have been through the same thing, why couldn't you talk to me? Why?" Then raising my voice I said. "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS "BEST" FRIENDS." Then walked out the room and went to the lake, to think. I don't know how long after I left the house, John came looking for me.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I really am. I am playing this by ear, as you would say."

I said I was sorry for getting mad. "Please talk to me. That's what friends do. Especially Best Friends."

"I will, I promise," he said.

We walked back to the house quieter than we had ever been. "You okay?" dad said.

"Yea," I said. "I just hate how the world can be sometimes."

He came over and gave me a hug. John looked so forlorn I dragged him into the hug. We dropped John back home about 9:30, and then drove home. I should have been awake most of the night thinking about John but I wasn't, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was gone, out like a light.

I woke about six. I sat up on the bed thinking for what must have been an hour. I did all the morning stuff and went downstairs. I ate, and had a glass of milk.
My dad sat there in silence drinking a cup of tea. "What's on your mind?"

"I was just thinking, I had been alone all my life till I met you. You adopted me and gave me a life I had never known or thought I would have or get. Now I feel bad because my "Best Friend" has no one, just like I used to be."

I went upstairs got changed then rode my bike to school. John wasn't there, but then I didn't expect him to be. The day dragged, six hours felt like a lifetime. I got home changed, then had a sandwich. "Dad, can we go see John?"

"Course we can. You want to go now?"

"He must feel so alone,"

"Yes." We drove to the home in silence. John was in his room. "Hi," I said.

"Hi yourself."

"You okay?"

"Felt better," he said. We spoke for a while, John wanted to stay at home so we left.

I didn't know how to say it so I just came straight out with it. "Dad, can John come and live here?" Whoa, where did that come from? I just thought. "When I needed someone you let me stay with you. You know adopted me. Well couldn't you do the same for John?"

"First things first. 1. I don't know how; 2. John might not want that. First you will have to ask John what he wants to do, and then we will talk, okay?" In the meantime my dad went to see who was in charge at the Orphanage, to see what help if any they could give to Adopting John.

Tuesday over breakfast I asked if it was okay if I went straight to the home to see John, dad told me to come home as usual and we would drive there. The day went okay, but wasn't the same. I have friends at school but it's different having a Best Friend. I walked to school that morning so it took a little longer getting home. When I got in dad was making sandwiches for a snack. He put them on the table with a glass of milk, and said dinner would be ready in about an hour.

"Can we got and see John and see if he wants to eat here? He wasn't at school again and I bet he's been hiding himself away in his room."

Dad agreed so we drove to the home. Sure enough, John was in his room. I went up and knocked on the door, "Come in."

When I opened the door, I said, "Hi."

"Hi yourself."

"You wanna come over for Dinner?"

At first he said, "No," then, "why not?"

"Come on then lazy bones." We walked down stairs. Dad had just finished talking to a lady near what looked like an office.

"You kids ready? Come on then let's go."

We talked on the way back. John didn't say much but listened.

By the time we got back dinner was ready. "All for hotpot?"

"Yea," came the reply.

While we ate I told John about what me and my dad spoke about. At first he just sat there in silence, then after a minute or two asked why. "Why what?" I said.

"Why adopt me?"

"Well," I said, "you are a friend for a start. I think we are very good friends, brothers." That seemed to sink in.

Then he said, "We are, aren't we, like Brothers?" I punched him on the arm. "Heh, what's that for."

"Like Brothers." "

"Okay Brothers." Then he smiled.

"OK," my dad said. "Looks like I need to get a lawyer. According to Mrs. Green she doesn't think I would be able to adopt because I am a single man. But a lawyer could probably accomplish more. So while you're at school I will find a lawyer, okay?"

Dad did get a lawyer. The day after he made an appointment with a Mr. Crown (apt), who he said gave him advice about me moving to Canada and what he had to do to register me here. The appointment was for 1:30 on Wednesday the following week.

John didn't see inside the school all week. Thursday, he was told his mum's Funeral would be on the Tuesday the following week. We said we would go with him if only for support. I think that took a weight off his shoulders, knowing he wouldn't have to go through it alone. The weekend was pretty solemn, no one knew what to do or say. Monday came and went. John would be back at school probably after the funeral.

The day of the Funeral we offered to take John to the Church and the Crematorium. We don't need to go through all the details, but John was beside himself. "Devastated," as he told us. He and his mum were really close. It was only because of her illness that he was in the Care of the State, the orphanage.

As he walked into the office the secretary asked dad to take a seat. Mr. Crown greeted my dad, and then they went into his office. He told him about John and his circumstances, and how it was he met John. Mr. Court explained what could happen. With private representation he would have a better chance than using government resources. According to "His Lawyer" Mr Crown with my dad being single it was likely it would end up in court before a family Judge. What is certain is without any Next-of-Kin present that leaves the court three options; The Orphanage, Foster Care or my Dad. He said most Judges would prefer a Family Environment "If the circumstances were right." Which gave my dad a better chance with the adoption. He gave three reasons, 1. Already got an adopted son. 2. No other relatives. 3. John is happy and well acquainted with you and your boy.

When I got home from school Thursday I asked dad if I could go see John.

"Are you going on your bike?"


"Okay, but be careful okay."

"Thanks dad." As I got there John was coming out.

"Heh! Just coming to see you."

"You okay?"

Was just gonna go to the lake. You wanna come?"

"Yea sure. So how you feeling?"

"Okay," he said, "felt better."

"So if we're going to the lake, eat at mine?"


"Don't sound enthusiastic will you? Well that's better than no! Try a sentence, do you good." That got me a punch. We got to the lake sat down and talked. Dad saw the lawyer yesterday. He said while he is doing it private, he has a better chance for the adoption."

"Do you think it will happen?" he said.

"I think so." A sigh. "Look, you don't know my dad. He got me, didn't he?"

We walked back to the cottage and got a drink.

"Hi, John."

"Hi, Mr. Gould."

"So, how you feeling?"

"Better, thanks."

He explained what the lawyer had said and waited for a reaction. There was none. So he continued, "He also said he would be in touch with the orphanage to talk to you, the owners and staff. That should be sometime next week. He particularly wants to talk to you about what's happening and your reactions. If he can get a good report from the home, it will go in your favour when we see the Judge. I know it's hard but you have to pick up, go back to being John. You know that kid that was always laughing and larking about. You remember about having the hired help around the place helped your self-esteem?"

"Yea, that was funny," he said.

"That's it you look better with a smile on your face. Right, you hungry?"

"You bet," he said.

It took about a month for a date to be set. Friday morning we saw the Judge. My dad saw the Judge after the home and been asked about the case, then it was John.
With the look on his face you would have thought he was going to his own execution. All details must have been to the Judges liking because John was now my Brother. The Judge said he wanted the papers on his desk before Friday so he could get Johns name changed to his new family. I think it took about five minutes after leaving the Judge behind before John realised what had happened. He then grabbed my dad as though his life depended on it.

He looked at me. All I said was, "Now you know my dad." As we were walking to go and get something to eat, he grabbed me and hit me. "Heh, what's that for?"

"Just Showing my big brother who`s the boss."

"You ain't gonna get away with that," so I chased him.

When we had eaten we went to find the car. "Where now, DAD?" John said.

"The orphanage, we can get your stuff packed then home."

John collected his things,(Which wasn't much)then we went home. Without a word I just walked down to the lake, sat there enjoying my life. What a life... John came up behind me, "You alright?"

"Couldn't be better."

"What you thinking about?"

"In twelve months, I been have Adopted, had two new homes, moved to another country and now got a brother. You can't get much better than that."

"Yea," he said, then sat down.