A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Four

Any child is precious, but it seems once a child begins to think for him or herself then the child is classed as too old. Parents want a child from birth up to five or six years old, I think to mould in their own image. Once a child gets to the age of around Ten Fostering and Adoption become very difficult. To be a teenager chances are they will still be in the system till the law says they are able to look after themselves. Brian and John were fortunate to find a loving parent and I think they knew it. They had come from very different backgrounds, different countries even. Brian came in to the system having never known his parents or the love of a family. On the other hand John had known a family and the love of a parent. They had joined the system literally a world apart, but fate seemed to bring them together. Now both had a family a brother and a home, "All that they could have wished for."




While down by the lake, Brian turned to John one day and asked "Do you think we will always be brothers?"

"I think so, we got to try each other out" he said with a grin. We were friends before we became a family.

They both got up and walked back up to the cottage. Dad as they both now called him was drinking coffee at the table, "Hi" he said, "What you two been up to."

Brian was the one to answer, "Just talking about how lucky we both are to have someone who cares. We love you Dad."

"I love you to both of you"

"Thanks Dad"

Saturday morning, two sleepy eyed teenagers dragged themselves from their beds, did their morning rituals, of showering and brushing their teeth. During breakfast their dad told them they would have to go in to town to clothe the second part of the terrible duo. The boys mugged there dad till he could take no more, and surrendered.

The boys finished eating, rinsed the dishes, and put everything in the dishwasher.

"You kids ready for a slog round town?"

Nah!! "We'll leave that up to you," we said with an evil grin.

Dad looked at us with his hand on his heart and said, you're not going to leave me to do ALL!! the shopping?"

And I thought only kids gave "Puppy Dogs Eyes." We gave a giggle, at the sad look and laughed.

After we ran dad ragged shopping, we got John all his new clothes and extras like, TV and video for his room. We went home to start putting things up and away.

After Dinner we all went down to the lake to relax. We had just got up to leave when a dog ran straight up too me barking wildly. A young lady shouted "Rusty! Down!! I'm sorry about that, I just got him today."

"Nice to meet you Rusty" I said to the dog.

I turned to John. "Look at Dad" we stood there and stared, dad was goggle eyed.

"DAD" we both said.

"Hi I'm Steve, Steve Gould."

"Hi, I'm Grace. Grace Turner. Nice to meet you," she said. "I was just taking Rusty for his afternoon walk, hope we didn't disturb you?"

Still staring Dad managed to say, "Ahhh Noooo" '

We sat down 'Snickering.'

"These are my two soooo soon to be in trouble sons, Brian and John....We were just going to get a drink, If you fancy a walk back to the house"

We giggled even louder now!! (Was that a pick up line) Walking back up to the cabin I was stroking and playing with Rusty. The little dog was really cute. A Yorkshire Terrier I think. Dad was talking away to Grace. I even think they forgot we were even here.

"Dad, what's for supper?" we both asked in unison, after we had had something to drink.

"Guys, it only an hour since you had Dinner"

"We are both growing boys" we both giggled.

Grace stood there with a grin on her face and then laughed. Dad asked Grace if she wanted to stay to eat but said she had to get back home to feed her human dustbin Adam.

"Hope to see you again Grace, bye for now"

"Bye Mrs Turner"

"Bye Boys"

After Mrs. Turner went home dad ordered pizza, he said he didn't fancy cooking.

Sunday we were going to do some fishing, so I was really looking forward to going on the lake. For me it would be the first time, for John well, he was old hand. Sunday 7am I could smell breakfast like a beacon, got down stairs and before I could sit at the table, "Have you washed up?" I ran back upstairs again. John was gonna go down so I told him to wash-up as well. It was worth the wait, Bacon, Eggs, in fact a full breakfast. John was getting used to an English breakfast but still couldn't cope with the puddings.

"Okay guys let's get too it. We gotta get all the gear to the boat."

We went to get showered, teeth brushed and dressed, then helped get all the gear out and down to the lake. As we were walking down the path Dad told us to make sure we put our life jackets on, or we would be watching from the side. We had just got the tackle on to the boat when dad asked, "Where's the cooler and sandwiches?"

"Oops. I'll get them Dad," John said.

"Both go, It takes a lot to feed an army." He laughed.

"DAD!! We are gonna get you for that."

"Okay guys, hop to it."

We got back sweating after carrying both coolers.

"You two are out of shape, we going to have to get you some exercise." He laughed.

"That's two we owe you," we said, "and revenge can be painful."

"You say so guys." He laughed again.

We looked at each and giggled. If he only knew. LOL.

"Okay slow coaches, let's go fishing."

Dad took the boat to the centre of the lake, and asked John to get the rods over the side. After he turned the engine off, he turned and slipped. We burst out laughing. "So you think that was funny." He laughed. Next thing I knew he ran at me threw me in the water. It was a good job the weather was warm.

HEY!! "That's not fair." John managed to stay on his feet while laughing, when dad grabbed him and through him in the water too. John came up wiping water off his face and shaking head.


When we tried to get back on the boat Dad stopped us, "and what do you think you are doing?"

"Dad, we want to get on the boat to dry out,"

"You can't go getting the boat wet, we might slip." At that he started to laugh hysterically, he was crying laughing.

"DAD" we said in unison.

"Okay guys give me your hands."

"Wait a minute!!! Are you sorry? I mean really sorry??" he said.

"Yes dad."

"I didn't hear you."


"What we going do now? All our clothes are at home."

"It's okay guys, your swimsuits are in the bag."

I whispered to John, "Revenge was going to be sweet."

"I heard that, no suits for you."

"Sorry Dad" we both said grovelling.

"Okay guys get your suits on" We haven't even started fishing yet."

We got changed and John started showing me how to hook the line. When I was casting I had to much line and it hooked my pants and they ended up in the lake again. At least I didn't have to go back into the water to get em!!

It took me a few tries to get it 'near' right. "That's good Matey." I love it when he calls me that.

"I love you Dad." He was a bit confused by my reaction but said nothing.

"How you doing John?"

"Okay Dad."

"We may have to let the water settle before we can catch some fish, after you two decided to take an unscheduled swim" He laughed again.

We were gonna have to think of something really ace to get him back.

It was now 11 o'clock. We had a coke and some sandwiches, then got in to what we were here to do, "fishing." John was the first to get a catch.

"Dad will you give me a hand, this feels like a big one."

"Hold it taut, let him ride the line." He held it till the fish started to get tired.

"Now reel him in slowly, don't jerk your line. Slowly Slowly, you got him. Brian get the net!"

I held the net over the side while John reeled in his catch. "Wow that's a big one."

"Sure is Son. Nice one John."

I caught a few 'tiddlers' and Dad caught a few bigger fish, but John's was massive. (Well it was to me)

Late afternoon we had lunch. Dad was more proud of the fish that John caught than John was himself. The bit we didn't like was when dad said he was going to show us how to gut our fish.

"Dad that's gross."

"Come on guys it's not so bad. Go on give it a go... try it, You're not a real fisherman unless you can sort your own fish."

We caught a few more after we ate, but still John got the biggest catch. We returned to shore, took the gear off, cleaned the boat, then we went back home. Halfway down the path Rusty came bounding over and started barking loudly.

"Hi Mrs Turner."

"Hi Brian."

"Did you enjoy fishing?"

"Sure did," John said.

"I caught the biggest fish."

"That's nice," she said.

"Hello boy" I said. Rusty was jumping up and down on my leg trying to get as close as possible to get a stroke. You had to laugh at his antics. I picked him up to stroke him, "So you miss be boy" that got me a sloppy face wash.

"Hello Grace, you always take the dog for a walk about this time?" I try to keep to a routine every day, so the dog gets a good walk and I have time outside myself.

"May I ask what you do?"

"Since my husband passed away very little. I wasn't one for going to all the as-to-do functions with the nose (Snob) brigade. They see certain people as they shouldn't be there to disturb there sorry little lives. They are bigoted, self-centred and so self-righteous." You could see she was getting a little agitated, but not angry.

Dad could see this, so asked if she wanted to go out and get a meal. She put up a bit of a front and said she couldn't.

"After guiding two delinquents all day I think I need to rest from cooking."

"DAD!!" we said in unison. Mrs Turner shook her head in astonishment.

"How do they do that?" Must be all the scheming they do. As of yet I have been lucky, my dad said, then laughed.

After the banter had died down, dad said is that a date? He said more than stated. We both giggled, then got one of them looks only adults can give.

"Please Mrs Turner. Dad is nearly at the age of the Pensioners Brigade, so now and then he forgets how things are done. We won't have to give him the talk on how to get a date without fluffing it because it must be embarrassing." I said. We both tried to keep a straight face but failed.

"You two are soooo (yet again) grounded. That will be for a month with all the chores I can find for you to do." We giggled loudly. "Will you please come and have dinner with us Grace?"

She tried not to laugh when she said sure. "How can I refuse with an invitation like that?"

We got back home, showered and put on fresh clothes. While we were getting changed dad put the fish we had caught in the freezer, and I was surely chatting up Mrs Turner. We came down and talked to Mrs Turner till dad was ready. We took Mrs Turner home to get changed and settle the dog.

We went to a seafood restaurant that did a buffet. Oh! How the staff must have wished for a quiet life. "No Chance." We took Mrs Turner home first.

"The next time you must come here, have a good home cooked meal, I will do the cooking. My culinary skills had the approval of my husband."

"Can we Dad?" They both said. I said, we should make it a day over the weekend. Perhaps we could go to the park, have a picnic, and take the dog as well. We looked over at Mrs Turner who gave a nod as approval.

We got home, dad made coffee for himself, we had a soda. "Right!! I am going to enjoy this. We got to how I was going to ground you two for a month. And all the chores."

"AWWW DAD!! we were only joking."

Keeping as straight a face as I could. "Well I don't know. I mean, well you did laugh at my discomfort."

"Dad were sorry, we were only trying to help the old timer." Brian said.


"Awww dad I'm sorry. He was only joking. Weren't you BRIAN?" John said, angrily.

Brian looking very sheepish, "Sorry dad." Looking at John then me. John saying in turn they were only joking didn't make Brian feel any better.

I started laughing loudly, with a little surprise from the boys. "I wasn't going to ground you but well, 'I don't know now' I mean this Old Timer is still your Dad." I said with a straight face. "Go on guys clean everything away then time for bed I think. School in the morning." There was a few sighs and a hug, then gone.

Monday morning I heard the boys taking a shower. I was going to have to move and get breakfast done for what seemed like a pack. I was thinking of Grace till the early hours, when I finally managed to drop off. Brian and John came downstairs looking like angels (I could be so lucky), looking like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. "Okay what you broke."

"Dad' can we go swim in the lake after school?" they said in unison. 'Again'

"How do you do that!!

So you can swim?? I learn something about you every day." If looks could kill. "I don't see why not, as long as your homework is done?"

After breakfast they were off to school. I was going in to town to get a few groceries and go and see Grace at home. Grace lived about a half a mile from the cottage. As I got to her house I noticed her coming out the front door. "Now this is a surprise" she said.

"Just thought would be nice to talk if you have time."

"By all means, please come in. Coffee?"

"Black, one sugar. I thought I would come round and see if I could ease your worries about how the boys are acting. They don't mean any harm, but I think they are getting a little exuberant. I was living alone till Brian was adopted. I was in the Air Force and living in the UK. With being away a lot flying my marriage broke down. Well because she was English, after a while that gave me Dual Citizenship, so I stayed in the UK. I lived in Cornwall in the south of England. It is a beautiful place so I stayed. Which I am glad about really, as I wouldn't have met Brian, Adopted him, and brought him over to Canada. I think 'John' as well as Brian were, I don't know, perhaps saw a chance to give me someone too. You see I adopted John as well, so I think they were playing Matchmaker. But I have to admit, it was good to have some female company. The coffee is good, really hits the spot. Thank you."

She took a drink of her tea, looked up, right to the point she said, "Well I have to admit I am flattered that they think I am worthy of their father. I never actually thought of 'Sorry' male company. But I have to say your boys are so sweet. All you just told me about the boys is remarkable. You take Brian then John... I am impressed."

I countered. "Let me explain. I met Brian on the docks; he always seemed to be there. One day I went over to talk to him. He told me about himself, which some is not pretty, believe me. So after getting too me I got to know more and more about him. So up till then he didn't have a life, so I made it my business to give him a life. As they say the rest is history. But apologies please continue."

"Well I still think that it was really a good thing you did. But Male Company; I have to admit I was content to be on my own without anything spoiling the time I have been on my own. After my Daryl, (my husband) passed away I think I just needed that time be alone to try work out where my life would be going. Daryl was a good man, but some of his High Class Toffs 'as you English would say' were to much for me. "I laughed" He died three years ago, 'Heart Attack' actually in the chair you are sitting in. "I gulped, then laughed again." But please don't get perturbed about what your sons are doing, I am really flattered. Let's leave the door open for the time being and see how far we can see out. And I must admit I would kill to be living where you are living, it is beautiful beside the lake. 'Top-up' Coffee I mean." she said.

"If one may be so bold, May I have the tea?" She had a laugh that would make any child proud. After handing me my tea, I spoke. Well I know that would make the boys happy..." I strung it out for a while. Then said "Me too." I'm not sure if I saw relief or fear, but got a smile.

After I had finished my tea, I got up to leave. We had been talking for over three hours. Boy was that a surprise, you are lucky if I string a dozen words together at once. I got to the car thinking, maybe there was something here. Maybe the start of something for both of us. The boys would be happy, if they knew. I was going to keep this between me and Grace for the time being, and see what developed. When I got back, I put Dinner in the oven, A Cornish casserole, and Pasties. Also Cornish. Four O'clock the boys came rushing in. Went straight to the fridge and got a soda. "Excuse me I live here too" I said. 'I think I would have got the same reaction if I had stayed quiet'. "Okay, choice you can go swimming first, or have something to eat then go swimming." You know sometimes you say something then feel like an idiot. 'Well' "Silly question." After they devoured what took hours to make in minutes, we went in the living room and watched some TV. About an hour later we went down to the lake. I didn't think they had time to undress, before they were in the water. After a couple of hours in and out of the lake, they were hungry. "AGAIN." Where do you guys put it? You stashing it away, then eating it when you go to bed?

That got me, "But we are growing boys." What direction they were growing I didn't know. They never seem too put on 'ANY' weight.

"Okay boys let's get back to the cottage see if we have anything food left in the house." That got me a "DAD" then what sounded like a sigh. "It's okay for you to rip your Old Man apart, but I can't give it back." Then gave an 'Awww' look. I got two boys one on either side,

"Never mind Dad, we all get old." Emphasizing the word 'OLD'

"I am going to get you boys now" I said. So clothed or not, I grabbed both of them (One in each arm) and ran in to the water.

"DAD!! No, they both shouted. Too late. They spluttered and coughed, then started blowing water from their noses. "Dad, that's not fair."

"Well perhaps the 'Old Man' is not so old after all, 'you think'"

I used one of the towels to dry water from my clothes, then went to my room still dripping, to change. There was some casserole left, so I put it in the oven to warm-up. I asked about school, got the teenage reply, "Okay."

"So you haven't managed to get yourselves a girlfriend then?? I mean just asking so I know what I have to talk about when I see them. Things like have you kissed, where you live, what your parents do for a living. All that kinda stuff."

Looking at each other, them me, Brian looked at me, thought, then said. "Is this because of Mrs. Turner?"

"Smart boy. How would you feel if I started vetting your girlfriends? Saying who you could or couldn't go out with?"

John looked a little sheepish, "Sorry dad, we weren't trying to interfere."

"Come here guys. I get the feeling you are trying to play matchmaker."


I held my hand up. "I know you think that because you two have someone (a brother) that I should have someone. Well to tell you the truth I am quite happy on my own. I have two sons I think the world of. I appreciate you thinking about your old dad, but believe me, if there is someone out there for me then then the lady will show her self. What will happen will happen. You two of all people should already know that?? I'm not mad at you, I think that sometimes you have to let nature take it's course. What will be will be. Now let's go watch a DVD, before you have me married before we get to bed."

"We wouldn't do that to you, we would let you buy her a drink first." They said in unison.
"Do you like Grace?"

"Now guys."

"We are just asking. We think she is way cool. I would go with her." John says blushing.

"Yes, I think she is cool too." Yesss, they both said. "Now guys we agreed. Okay."

"Sure Daad." They both repeated with a sly grin.

I just shook my head. "KIDS."