A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Two

The cottage was on land surrounding Deer Lake Park. It really was a site to be seen. We were virtually in the water (Slight exaggeration). There was a path that ran from the cottage to the lake. There was also the dock for a boat. There was a porch at the front of the house. Inside, the living room was enormous. The kitchen could have been used by a restaurant. (Wasn't overly big just well equipped.) Upstairs had three bedrooms (two at the front, one at the back). I took a bedroom at the front so I had a view from the window that overlooked the bay. "Damn" The view was gorgeous.

The next day was going to be busy, so we had something to eat so we could get to bed early. First thing, I took a shower, dried and then brushed my teeth. The night sky was a sight to behold. I lay on the bed with the moon throwing shadows around the room, and then dozed off. The next thing I knew it was morning. I woke to the sound of birds chirping. I opened my eyes and saw my dad standing at the foot of the bed looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"Good morning son."

I smiled back, stretched and asked "What?"

"Oh, just waking a sleepy head for breakfast," then laughed."

I dragged myself out of bed, walked across the bedroom to go to the bathroom, looked back and said, "Morning Dad."

"He laughed again."

Dad said that after breakfast we would go clothes shopping. Then he would take me to look around Burnaby. We went to the "Metrotown" shopping Centre. Clothes shopping in the centre was fun. I would need all new clothes, T-shirts, Pants, Shorts, (underwear) Socks, in fact everything.

When everything was got we went to the checkout, It came to just under eight hundred dollars (about œ400).

I really didn't know what to say, but I said it anyway. "You are spending too much money on me."

"Why? don't you think you are worth it? I always wanted to have kids of my own. Now I have a son and the life that comes with it. That's a very small price to pay for Happiness."

"I think I understand that. I always wanted a family, now I have a Dad. Yes I understand."

"I still felt like I was taking advantage"

"No you're not. You have never had anyone to spend on you and Love you. It's strange I know, but that's what having parents is for. Now stop worrying about it and let's go."

We went to the shoe store to get, Trainers and some Proper Shoes for school and going out. After we had finished shopping, my dad asked if I was hungry. (I am thirteen years old, a waste disposal unit.) I had a burger, fries and a coke. We piled everything into the boot (There was just enough room). When we were driving home (I know we were supposed to be looking round town) my dad said the nearest school was "Central Secondary School". He was going to try and get me enrolled tomorrow (Monday), then go and get whatever uniform I needed. At least I didn't have to change schools again. I will be in 8th Grade. The school goes straight through from (Kindergarten) Grade 1 to 12th Grade.

When we got home I helped to get all the bags out of the car, and took them upstairs to my room. I laid all the clothes on the bed, making sure nothing got creased. I put things in the drawers, and carefully hung up any coats and trousers on hangers.

When I walked into the kitchen my dad gave me a glass of milk. I asked if I could take a walk to the lake, he said yes, but to stay away from the edge as the lake gets deep very quickly. I took the path to the lake, sat on some rocks and just looked out over the lake. "It was beautiful." Something caught my eye. I looked around and saw a kid walking toward me. He walked past me and sat on an old tree trunk that looked like it had washed ashore. After about five minutes I spoke,

"Hi I'm Brian, Gould, that is."

"Hi," he said "I'm John. John Sterling."

"I just moved around here, well me and my dad. Why are you here on your own?" I said.

"I like it here, It's quiet and I can just sit here and relax."

"Where are your mum and dad?"

"My mom is ill and can't take care of me. My Dad, he drank himself to death. He has been dead for a long time."

"That's rough."

"What about your parents?"

"I never had any. The only parents I had were at the Children's Home."

"Sorry he said."

When he asked how old I was, I told him, "I just turned 13. What about you?"

"I will be 13 at the end of the month."

"You go to school around here?"

"Yes. I go to Central. I will be in 8th Grade."

"Great, I might be starting in 8th Grade on Monday."

He asked what I was doing alone by the lake, I told him I lived in the cottage just up the path.

"What about you, where do you live?"

"In a home." (Smart arse I thought.)

"I live in the Orphanage on the other side of the lake. Why?" he said.

"Just asking, Don't get yer knickers in a twist. I lived in a Children's Home back in England, I know what it feels like believe me."

"Sorry," he said, "I didn't know."

"You have any friends where you live?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"I know, just nosey." We both laughed.

He said he had a few, but tried to keep to himself.

"Right, so now you know I live here you won't have to sit on your own, okay?
Unless you want to be on your own?"

"I don't know," he said. "You are too nosey." Then he laughed.

"I seem to be always talking to strange people."

He gave a strange look!

"Never mind," I said.

"So how come you live here?"

"I got adopted while in England. My dad owns the cottage, so we kinda emigrated."

"Sweet," he said, "I wish I was that lucky."

"So what do you do when you're not at school?"

"I like to read. I go swimming sometimes and go fishing when I get the chance."

"I like to read too, I really like swimming. They used to say I was like a fish out of water, but that's as near as I get to fishing. I suppose I wouldn't mind trying."

"So where do you go to swim, at the baths (pool)?"

"There is a pool in the sports centre, but I like swimming in the lake."

"I have never been out on the water. Southampton is where I lived in England. It has its own port... After school I would go and sit on the benches at the docks, I liked watching the cruise liners and the boats come in and out. I always dreamed about going out on the boats but never did."

"When I was a kid, before my mom got ill, my dad used to take me to Mountain Park, and hire a boat. That's how I learned to swim, he threw me in the, in the middle of the lake, so I had to swim. Anyway, when we got on the lake my dad taught me how to fish. I like fishing, but I always threw the fish back."

"Why" I said

"Any fish I caught I had to gut them. (Then he pulled a face) My dad said a real man would clean his own fish."

I said, "No good asking you to do mine then I suppose?"

John shook his head and laughed.

"I have to go," I said, "my dad will probably think I have emigrated back to England."

He laughed and said he would probably see me again, if I was around.

I said bye, then walked towards the house.

I got home just as dad had made tea. (Sorry you call it Dinner)

"Hi Matey." You enjoy your walk.

I said, "I just met a kid (boy) at the lake and we talked for a while."

"So you ready for tea? (sorry Dinner, we both have to get used to it)" he said.

"You bet I am."

"Good were having hotpot."

"Great," I said, "my favourite."

After we had finished eating, we went into the living room and talked.

"So tell me about your new friend."

"Well, he lives in the Orphanage on the other side of the lake."

"Oh, I see."

"His name is, John Sterling."

I told him what John had said about his mum and dad. I told him that I would be going to the same school he does.

We watched some TV, and talked a little more. I was getting tired, so I said I was off to bed.

While I was going to the stairs I turned and said, "Dad!"

"Yes Son?"

"Thanks for knowing me."

He said, "I love you. Thanks for being my Son."

I ran to him and hugged him. "I love you too Dad."

The next morning I was up at 7. Got myself showered, teeth brushed and clean clothes. Then I went down for breakfast.

"Morning son."

"Morning dad. What's for breakfast? My belly thinks my throats been cut."

He laughed, and said, "An `old english`."

"Good I love a full breakfast. Oh, and milk....."

At 9 o`clock, we set off to get me enrolled in school. Everything went well, I would be in school the following Monday. The rest of the week went really quickly. I was hesitant about starting at a new school, trying to make friends. At least I knew one person. Monday came and my dad took me to school while it was my first day. While we were in the car I asked if it would be okay if I asked John over after school.

"Sure, I would like to me him."

When I got out the car John was stood at the entrance.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi. I got to go and get my schedule."

"I will come with you," he said. John showed me where my home room was. It wouldn't take long getting used to where everything was.

There is only one problem living in Canada. Football. They play Hockey. (Well I suppose they still swim.) "God I hope they have swimming." After class we met up at the canteen for dinner, (Lunch. I really gotta get used to this) and talked some more. We had the same classes of; English, Maths, Science and History, plus Dinner (Lunch). We had P.E Wednesday. I asked him if there was a swimming team.

He said, "Yes."

I asked where I had to go to join.

He told me to ask the coach when I had P.E.

When school had finished I asked John if he wanted to come to my house for tea. (Dinner)

He said he would have to ring the home and find out if it was okay. After he finished his call he said, "They would have to speak to your dad first. He would have to go to the home, and talk to Mrs. Green to confirm where I was, and check there was an adult present."

It took about 10 minutes to get home. When we got to the cottage, my dad was just coming back from the lake.

"Hi," he said. "Who do we have here?"

"This is John."

"Hi, Sir," he said.

"Hi, John, nice to meet you. So anyone for coke?" (Give us time we will call it a Soda)

"Dad, can we go to Johns home for permission for him to come here and eat?"

"Sure, why?"

"John rang them earlier, they want to see an adult and find out where he will be."

"Okay Matey, let's go."

John gave directions on where to go. We parked up in front of a house, then my dad got out, went inside to talk to Mrs. Green. My dad spoke to the lady for about half an hour. When he came back he said, "John can go back with us, but has to be back by nine."

"Yes" we both said.

When we got back it was time to eat. My dad asked, "Anyone for pizza?"

"I'll have Ham."


"Yes Sir."

"No Sir, just Steve or Mr Gould.... so what about pizza?"

"I'll have the same as Brian."

The pizza came, got served, then "We" sat down and demolished it. After we had eaten I took John to my room. I didn't have the things in my room other kids would have. (At least it wouldn't make John feel out of place.) I was being stroppy, well not stroppy. I just didn't want my dad to keep spending on me. John and I talked about anything and everything. We were really getting to be good friends.

My dad shouted up that it was time to go, I bummed a ride. I wanted to see properly where John lived and what it was like. It was a big building that looked like it had seen better days. It really could have done with being cleaning up. (and that was the outside) John said it was home, and it wasn't too bad living there.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by. I asked about the swim team and was told to come and try out Tuesday. (I think that's what you call it) Friday night my dad said he wanted to buy a boat. He asked if I had ever been on the water before.

I said, "No."

"What about fishing?"

"Nope," I said. "I always dreamed about going out on one of the boats at home In England."

"You are going to love fishing," he said. "You want to come with me when I go looking?"

"Can I?"

"Course. We will check some out tomorrow. You think you can be up at 7?"

I swatted him on the shoulder and gave a sour look, then laughed. I like to see the sun come up. (And going down) So I didn't mind getting up early.

While I was at school he had enquired about and seen a couple (in the classifieds) he liked, so we were going to be looking at a few during the day. I went to get showered, teeth cleaned and then got into bed.

We looked at quite a few boats. We must have travelled two hundred miles looking at them all. Eventually he bought a (now let me get this right) "Sea Devil Express 291 Cruiser." He arranged to have it delivered on the Monday.

Before anything else we went to get something to eat and drink. (At the Shopping Centre) When our bellies were full, dad said he had a surprise for me. We went to an electrical store, so I could get things I would need for school. (Calculator etc.) My dad bought me the Atari Game System. (And a couple of games) He also bought a Television to go with it. (Which really was a surprise) I asked if I could go to the book store. I like reading, especially Science Fiction, (Sci fi) which he liked, but preferred reading a good Western.

When we got home we had a quick drink, and then got everything upstairs. I started to set the Atari up, while my dad put the TV Unit together. Afterwards, we had some supper then went to bed. Sunday we stayed in bed till 8. (We are getting lazy)

"Hey Matey, you want to go out for a ride and have a picnic? We can go to Mountain Park. It's a really nice place, and we can stay there all day."

"Cool," I said.

We drove into Burnaby and parked up, got the stuff out of the boot and walked to the park. It really was great. I sat on the grass while my dad got everything ready. The food was just simple, Ham and plenty of salad. The drinks were on ice (Cold you might say). After we had eaten we cleaned our mess up, put the rubbish in the bin and walked into the woods for a while. The views were spectacular from all angles. We walked around for a while just talking and laughing. I was getting to like living here. I had a nice home, and a great dad. There were plenty of places to go and the people were really friendly. We walked back to the car, put everything in the boot and went back home. We had really made a day of it.

When we got back, we took the cooler and basket out of the car. Washed up and cleaned up, and put everything away. We strolled down the path to the lake, and sat on the rocks admiring the view. I thought about going camping as it was something I would love to try. I knew from talking to John that there were quite a few places to go and do, "what we call rambling." Mountain Park had the trails, but Provincial Park had trails, and you could go camping near the lake.

"Right let's take a slow walk back to the cottage. You ready? Then let's go."

When we got back home neither of us were really hungry, so we had a few crisps, (chips) a drink then turned in. It had been a long day.

As the weeks went by I was getting more and more comfortable living here, and being with my new Dad I think that worked both ways.

The following Saturday I slept in till nine (really getting lazy now), did my usual bathroom duties, and then went downstairs for breakfast. Dad already had a drink on the table. You could probably smell the bacon and eggs a mile away. After I had eaten breakfast we went into town to buy groceries, and then had dinner (Lunch) in town. We then went to watch a film, (Movie) and came back home. I said I was going to the lake, dad said to be back before it went dark. He said he would make dinner "Yes got it right" for when I came back. I took a slow walk down to the lake. When I got there John was sat on a rock looking out over the lake.

"Hi," I said, "been here long?"

"About 20 minutes."

"So what you been doing all day?"

"Went fishing a while ago, then came back here where it was quiet. Then sat here looking over the water."

"My dad just bought a boat. He is going take me out onto lake too fish. You want to go fishing with me and my dad?"

"That would be Cool."

"I will ask my dad if it's okay if you can come along. He will like that, especially if he knows you can fish. You want to eat at mine?"

"That would be great."

After we talked for a while we made our way back up to the cottage.

"Hi, Matey, you hungry?"

"Starving. Can John stay for dinner?"

"As long as he likes Fish!"

"You have got to be codding (Kidding)," I said.

John punched me on the arm.

My dad just stared at me in disgust. "You are getting worse, then shook his head."

John just laughed.

He brought the meals out and put them on the table, and then he asked if we wanted a cold drink. I said yea for both of use. He went inside and came out with two cold cans.

John looked at me then said, "Having the hired help around the place helped his self-esteem." My dad grabbed him and tickled him until he nearly wet himself.

We laughed and joked all evening. I think John was really beginning to relax. We talked for a while longer then John said it was time to go home, so we got in the car and drove slowly to the home. I think even my dad saw how solemn John went as he got out of the car.

After we dropped John off, I told him about John being able to fish. I asked if it was okay if he came with us when we went out on the boat. He said the hired help would come in handy cleaning the fish. I said John never kept the fish he caught, the reason being he hated gutting them. He laughed when I pulled a face just thinking of it. So much for the hired help. We both laughed. I said it looks like you get the honours.

Sunday morning was boring. I lazed about the house, up and down stairs like a yo-yo. Played some games, watched some television or listened to music. I was glad when it was time to go to bed. It was going dark. I sat on the side of the bed watching the sky. The sun had started to go down. (set) With the ripples on the water the night sky and the sun made it look really good. Looking up at the blackness, the stars shining down, it made the sky look magnificent. I lay down and went to sleep with that image in my head.

Monday up at 7:30 Shaved. (Joking) showered, clean teeth and clothes. Downstairs for breakfast, 8:30 got my bike out to go to school. John was calling as I got close to the school gates. "You okay?" he said.

"Yea, I like living here but I miss some of the things I did in England.

"Like what?" he said.

"Football for one. Things are different over here, I miss going to the docks watching the ships the boats. Sorry I'm just being a sour puss."

"It's okay," he said, "being dragged into a new country is bound to be hard. I'll help if you let me," he said.

"Yea that would be good. Right let's get inside before we get detention for being late."

We had lunch. John said I could show him the rules of football, and how to play it. I thought that was cool. (I will be talking like a Canadian in no time.) But friends do that don't they. Thanks John. It got where the home would know if he was going home, or coming straight over to mine. (He was here so often) I said, "You know you would have loved England."

"Why?" he said. "Well we get plenty of water, (Rain) so you could swim a lot." (That got me a punch on the arm.) "Being an Island everything is what we call close knit. We are really friendly, to certain people." I grinned. (That got me another punch) He laughed.

By the time I got home I was in a different mood. "You two guys hungry?"

"If we had a horse I'd eat it," I said. "We got sandwiches and ice cream, that will do," I said. "John? Horse takes too long to cook so I will have the sandwiches." We all started laughing. After eating we went down to the lake.



"Thanks for being my friend."

"Hands across the sea" I said. "I never had a friend that I could just talk to, laugh and joke with you know. John, You're my best friend, and that's what friends do. Right?"

"Yea, Right," he said. "Thanks anyway." We sat looking over the lake for a good while, I said it was time to go back, so we walked up to the cottage and had a coke.