A Home Is A Life To Start With

Chapter Eight

Wednesday I was the one who overslept. When I came downstairs John was just finishing his orange juice, Brian was cleaning the dishes away. "Morning" I said.

"Morning dad" Brian said. "I left you some breakfast under the grill. You want coffee?"

"Please, and thanks for making breakfast. You two off to school and will see you later."

"Bye dad" they said going out the door.

"Behave yourselves you hear?" I can imagine the look I got and grinned.

I rang Grace to see if she wanted to come over for a coffee and chat, she declined saying she had to take Rusty to the vet for his quarterly check-up and his inoculations. I thought dogs had a check-up every six months. Strange....

I went into town to get groceries. I hated shopping but it had to be done. I kept telling myself I could say goodbye to the supermarket for another 2 weeks. "I'll be so lucky." As I was putting the groceries in the car a lady came over and stood at the side of the car. She looked a little nervous and perturbed. I waited for the woman to speak but she was silent to the point of disturbing. After a minute I started to speak as it seemed like she was trying to say something but didn't know how too. "May I help you" I said.

"I am sorry" she said. Mr Gould? May I speak with you for a moment?"

"Steve please. You seem a little subdued may I help you Mrs...?."

"Brown! Olivia Brown."

"Nice to meet Mrs Brown. How may I help you?"

"Olivia please. Can we go somewhere quiet and sit down?"

"Would you like a coffee? We can go to the cafeteria across the road if you like."

After we had sat down and got our beverages she started to explain why she needed to talk.

"My son David was adopted nearly five years ago. He was at the same orphanage as your second son John. Mrs Green spoke highly of him. David was six when we adopted him. His original parents were the scum of the earth. David put up with Physical and Mental abuse from the age of two. I don't want to go in to detail but some of what they did to him was horrific, and believe me I am not exaggerating."

After a few minutes to compose herself, she continued. Her voice was unsteady.

"David was put on the at risk register for Child Abuse a few months before me and my husband adopted him. Two years ago David started to have seizures. They did tests and said he had epilepsy. An underlying cause was put down to his abuse as a child." The silence was deafening. Mrs Brown was now openly crying. I asked her to take her time. "During one of his seizures David lost all cohesion, he tried to speak but was frustrated because he couldn't seem to get the words out of his mouth. When he did manage to speak it was slurred and unintelligible. The seizure he had was severe. He was rushed to hospital. They did a scan while in the ER and found he had a Bleed.' Aneurysm' He was in surgery for three hours. The surgeon said it was Thrombose. The vessel had sealed itself. "Why can't they just say it in plain English? A week ago they said he was well enough to come home." She said with a sigh of relief. "This could happen again. If he has another seizure it could kill him. If it happens again there is nothing they can do to repair the damage. So if he doesn't get lucky for a second time then it will be fatal.

I didn't know what to say, even if I could think of the words to say I couldn't. The word hasn't yet been thought of. All I could do was sympathies and apologies for what she and her son were going through. Her husband must be going through the same torment. I know if anything were to happen to Brian or John. "It doesn't bare thinking about."

Out drinks had gone cold so I ordered two more coffees. I asked if there was anything I could do not really knowing if I could do anything.

"I'm sorry to burden you with all this" she said, " but I need to ask if you 'Well Brian' can talk to David, he has been watching what your son has done when it comes to kids in care. He doesn't know I am here asking you this, but believe me I would do anything for my son. The life has gone out of him since his last episode. I was wondering no hoping Brian would talk to him. I know this is an inconvenience but my son means enough to me and my husband to ask."

"I will ask Brian when he comes home from school, but I know Brian would be honoured to talk to David. May I ask your address? And possibly phone number?" After she gave me details of where they lived we spoke for a while longer then went our separate ways.

What was left of the afternoon went very quickly. I couldn't seem to get my mind of David and what had happened to him. Not just with what illness he had but of the abuse he had suffered before he was put into a place of safety. The more I thought about it the more proud of Brian I was. Helping others seemed to come natural to him. That last thought brought two noisy teenagers through the front door.

"What's for tea dad?"

"Nice to see you too. Sorry boys I haven't made anything. We can go get a pizza, that will save your old man from doing any more work. Pizza a go?" the look said a thousand words. "Okay let's go!!"

When we got in the car Brian more said than asked if I was okay. "I'm fine. Don't change the mood. I am looking forward to being served instead of serving." We ate and then went for a walk round the park before going home.

"Brian can we talk?"

"I'll see you upstairs" John said.

"You can stay John. I just want to ask Brian if he will do something. I met a lady today."

"Whoop! Whoop!" they both said.

"Come on guys serious. I met a Mrs Brown after I got the groceries." They were all ears. I told them what had been said and about David, his illness and what he went through at home with his original parents. Mrs Brown wanted to know if you would go and see David and try to pick-up his spirits. They both went deathly quiet. "You guys think you could do this?"

Nothing was said for at least 5 minutes. They were both visibly upset. "Why do kids always have to get a raw deal? We didn't ask to be born. They wanted children so why?" John went over and held Brian tight.

"I can't answer that, but I can say for sure there is more good in the world than bad. Look at you two" The only thing for certain was this was adding to the burden Brian was already carrying around.

Brian looked up just staring into space. "I would have said David was lucky he got a new mum and dad, but he wasn't, was he? We have to help him. Having a family didn't help him, did it?" he said showing more of how upset he was than he wanted.

He got up and walked out the house. John got up, "I'll go with him, I know where he'll go" he said as he walked out the door. I was just going to see where they were when they walked in.

"You okay!" John looked over at me and nodded. Brian had a determined look on his face as he spoke. "When do they want me at there house?"

"I will ring tomorrow to find out for sure. But I would be surprised if she didn't leave that up to you. David is going to be surprised when you walk through the door. In fact it may be better if she warned him you were dropping by. Another shock could bring on another attack."

I rang her and asked when would be best to come around. The excitement you could hear from his mother. After I put the phone down I was bombarded with two voices shouting when!!. Not Thursday was my reply. He is at the hospital tomorrow, when they finish doing tests he will be tired.

"We'll go Friday after school unless we can get there sooner" was Brian's reply.

"Okay boys bed, school tomorrow, and you wouldn't want to get tired would you?"

Thursday went by without a hitch, well nearly. The car decided it needed to go to a garage to get some TLC and a rest. The car doctor was glad to see me. Oh and by the way that cost more than Medical.

Friday went over very quick. The boys got in about 5 minutes sooner than usual. I think they now took this as a crusade to help David feel better.

Before dinner shall we say there was a disagreement about having to eat before we went out? We sat down and had Lamb, Mint Sauce with Potatoes, Peas, Carrots and Gravy. I compromised with the Shake instead of a hot drink. We jumped in the car "And I mean that literally" for the journey to see the Brown Family. It took short of 10 minutes but you would have thought I was loitering with the fuss in the back of the car.

I parked outside of their house. But the two scallywags didn't want to wait for the car to stop. "Children," I shouted. That got their attention. "You want him back in hospital? Calm down and act the way you should, the pair of you."

We got to the door without any more fuss. I knocked on the door, a man answered to the door. "Hello Sir!" Brian said. "I, we have come to see David. This is my Dad, my Brother John and I am Brian. Nice to meet you sir."

"Where did that come from!!!?" My son was the perfect Gentleman. 'I had a Kid a minute ago.'

"Hello" he said, "I am Peter nice to meet you," he said with a smile on his face. Busted I said under my breath.

"Hello" I said. "I happen to know these two persons." Dad !!! they both said at the same time. All we could do was laugh at the two.

Just then a young boy came to the door. At first he didn't recognise my two. When he did his face lit up like a Christmas tree. "You must be David" I said. "Boy are you tall. Are you sure you are only eleven?"

"Eleven and a half," he said proudly.

"Well I am very glad to meet you young man. David this is my two sons, Brian and John."

"Let them come inside David." His dad said optimistically. "I think your Mother would like to say hello," he said grinning. All we could do was chuckle at the boy, which seemed to give him a red face.

"Busted!!" John said. That got a smile from David and a little embarrassment for good measure.

Inside Olivia Brown was near the settee with a tray with tea and coffee. "Hello" she said. "These must be the two I have heard about. All good" she said. "Please sit down."

"Can Brian come to my room?"

His mother looked straight at him, "and John too."

Looking a little sheepish, "Oh yea John Too."

After they had gone upstairs the Browns started telling me more about David and what he went through with his Parents. He had been used as a punching bag when the mood took them. They both drank heavily and neither worked. This wasn't a case of dad turned to drink after he lost his job; this was outright abuse because David was an unwanted pregnancy. But I don't doubt they would have felt different if they didn't get a welfare cheque every month.

What seemed like an hour all three boys came running downstairs. "Dad!! you should see all the games David has. Will you get me an Atari dad? They are so cool" John said. "He has loads of Science Fiction and Horror Books. He doesn't like Westerns," then laughed. I was surprised they managed to finish there drinks they talked so much. It was starting to get dark so we said our goodbyes and promised to visit again.

On the way home the chatter never stopped. The highlight of the conversation was the Games System. I promised I would think about getting them one as long as it didn't get in the way of their homework. To which I got a promise. (As though they would have said anything different).

When we got home Brian remarked on how David said he wasn't bothered if he died even though he now had a family that Loved and Wanted him. John said Brian really laid in to him for the comment.

"Life is precious even when things are bad. Self-pity will make you feel worse and make people feel guilty. If that's why you wanted me here then I'm gone." Timidly David said sorry. Brian let him stew for a few minutes then we went back to playing.

Saturday morning I got a call from Aiden. It seems that as John was my son and had Canadian Passport, a Visa is not required. That gave him Dual citizenship. Grace would still need a Visa if she intended staying over in the UK for more than six months. I thanked Aiden profusely. I rang Grace to ask how she was and if she had decided to take the six month break. I explained what Aiden had said about the Visa for the John. She said Immigration told her that she would not need a Visa if going to the UK for under six months, but then said she was looking forward to seeing what Christmas was like in the UK. "I am waiting for my Visa coming through the post" she said. The good news continues. This was a day for good news, which after the last few months was going to be accepted with glee.

I went in to the kitchen and told the boys about the Visa. I also told them that Grace had decided to stay over till after Christmas.

"Nice one Dad, but don't forget your on the clock when you go out, and tapped his watch." I got a double hug and a coffee.

With an evil grin, "You know when you go to the mall? Well I think I should give you a time limit to be back home. I mean I have to look out for my sons, don't I." Then laughed. Time out they both said. Then we all had a giggle.

"So guys it's official were off to England. I will ring the airline Monday to change flights. I will have to arrange for the return flight to be altered. I will have to sort something out to get you some schooling while we are there. I may contact the head at your old school. I mean St Mary's couldn't have been that bad could it, I mean you weren't that bad at all when I first met you were you Brian??" You finish school on Wednesday. I will have a week to sort things out for us going on the 7th.

He scrunched up his face saying justice would be his. "My time will come dad and when it does don't blame me for getting my own back." John was just giggling at the exchange. "Yours is now." John just ran out the door to avoid the inevitable.

Grace came over late on Sunday to talk with the boys about the holiday and if they were okay with her staying with us till after New Year. The boys went to the lake while Grace and I talked. "You've got an hour guys you're on the clock."

"Awww Dad."

I couldn't help but laughing. "Revenge is sweet," John said with one of my evil grins.

"I have been thinking about this since you asked, if there is room I would like to stay with you and the boys.
Whatever happens let it be, but please don't rush Steve."

"Perfection takes time so you will need to give me more time" I said with as straight a face as I could. She shook her head saying KIDS!! We both laughed.

When the boys came back we got in the car and took a drive to the park. After a couple of hours of getting to know each other better we went to have a meal cooked for us. After spending a good hour and a half at the restaurant we went home. I took Grace home first. Took her to the door made sure we were in the shadows and kissed as passionately as I could get away with. When I got back to the car all I heard were wolf-whistles. I heard Grace laughing as I pulled away. "Revenge is mine guys." Giggles and more Wolf -Whistles came from the back of the car.

After the boys had gone to school Monday morning I set about getting arrangements made for the return flights and getting them into school. After spending more time than I wanted finding the number for Brian's old school I rang. I presume it was his secretary who answered. After explaining for about twenty minutes why I wanted to speak the headmaster she put me through to him. I spent at least another thirty minutes explaining to him who I was why I was ringing him and wanting my sons to go to his school till Christmas. He checked records saying he could if I wanted to get Brian and John in to school as students for the six months. It was done all the time these days he said. He asked if I could let him have their school records. I said I would use the local library and fax them to him if possible today. After exchanging pleasantries we hung up. I'm glad to say changing flight details was a lot quicker. I rang Central and asked if they could sort me copies of Brian's and John's school records. As if I don't pay enough he wanted monies to do copies. I told him I needed them today. I even had to explain why. 'Devil it'.

I rang Grace and told her about the change of our return flights saying I couldn't stay on long as I had to go to Central for their records to fax to St Mary's. I drove to their school, after waiting another half hour for the paperwork I set off for the library. The library faxed the documents for me then I went home. I hoped my day was now finished. The rest of the day seemed to go slowly. After keep going over everything that had to be done, and if I had forgotten anything.

The boys came bounding through the door at what seemed a hundred miles an hour. "Slow down guys I scolded."

"Sorry dad. We just couldn't concentrate in class. We got told off for daydreaming."

Before Brian could finish talking John said are you gonna ask him. "Ask me what?" I think I knew what was coming.


"What about school?"

"Dad!! What school?" Brian was getting agitated now.

"St Mary's. They said they could put up with you for six months but no longer."

"Yes!! That's two I owe you and I am going to collect."

"Your old school?"

"Yea it cool. Just pity I can't get on the Football team. You'll be able to see all the liners and boats. It's cool. You'll be okay. Anyway you got a big brother now."

"Thanks Bro."

With that said the boys got to dancing. The Stomach Rumble. "I supposes I better feed that thing. John laughed, than got a punch. When we started laughing Brian couldn't help but laugh with us.

We were now ready to go. It had been a hectic day but I was hoping the rest of the week went a little smoother.


TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) is the third most common injury to result from Child Abuse. Abuse causing nearly a quarter of cases of paediatric brain trauma.