Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Seven

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


When I got back to the track, I parked my car, then I walked up into the grandstand. I wanted to watch for a while without Even knowing I was there.

I hoped to see how he was doing with his driving. as well as how he was getting along without any adult supervision.

From what I could see. he was fine handling strangers. I observed Eric working with Even in front of a white board drawing of the track. I was too far away to hear what they said.

I was about to move closer, when I spotted a large man in a sports coat walking towards me. He began by saying,

"Hello, how is it going, Mr. Thomas?"

"Great, may I help you?"

"Sorry, Sir, my name is Ed Running-Wolf. I am the president of the track. We talked about setting up this meeting the other day."

"Oh, yes, Sir! Thank you again for allowing me to do this for my nephew. I cannot tell you what it means to both me and the youngster. My nephew has been through more hell in his young life than anyone I have ever heard of. I believe, this meeting will give him a much needed boost in his self esteem."

"Yes, I remember you told me. I hope to see him compete at some level in the near future. Here is a printout of his last few laps, before Eric pulled him in. He should be back in the car in about five minutes. Are you sure this is his first time behind the wheel of a car?"

While I was talking to this man, I took a look at the print out that he handed me. Even's times were just slightly slower then Eric's. I didn't have anything to compare his times to, so I asked Ed, to which he replied,

"Oh yes, Sir. I didn't think about that. Well, the normal qualifying time for this track is 122.34 miles per hour, your boy out there on his last lap logged in at 119.68 miles per hour. I would say that is superb for his first attempt, not to mention his first behind the wheel!"

"Do you happen to know if Eric worked with him on street driving, before getting him behind the wheel of the stock car?"

"Oh yes, Sir! They drove a couple of hours on the service roads. I am sure he is good to go in that aspect, he might need, or want, more time behind the wheel, but I... in my expert opinion, believe he will easily pass. I was a bit surprised when Eric pulled out that black beauty and let the boy do the road course with it. If I owned a car like that, I am not sure I would let my kids drive it, let alone take it out on the track!"

'The way I saw it, what good is something if I can't get enjoyment out of it, and if it brightens up my nephew, I would sign that car over to him in a heartbeat. I hadn't considered giving it to him for his upcoming birthday, however, the thought of his mother's reaction is enough reason for me to just get him one!'

I laughed about the thought of what Debbie's reaction would be. Then said,

"I guess you do make a point. I know my oldest son would get himself into trouble with a car like that. I am not sure my younger son would, he has a more level head. Now, my little girl, OH HELL NO! I am thinking about never letting that one behind the wheel, well maybe a Sherman tank!"

After that comment we both broke out laughing, causing Even to turn. You could see the look of pride and joy in his eyes. He said something to Eric, then turned and ran straight at me. For a brief moment, I expected him to plow into me, but thankfully he did slow down in time.

After grabbing and hugging me as tight as any Bradley had, Even started telling me about everything he had done. I stopped him by putting my fingers to his lips, so he could take a breath. I hadn't noticed, but Mr. Running-Wolf had quietly walked away while Even was speaking.

"Son, suppose I set up another day like today next week, would you be upset?"

"Are you kidding me, Uncle Drew? I would die if I could do this again! This has got to be one of the best days of my life!"

"Well, next Thursday, you will be meeting Eric again, however, I have asked him to work with you on more regular type of driving, but I am sure there will be some racing as well. I want you to do what every sixteen year old male dreams of, get your driving license the day of your birthday or the day after. Eric will help make it come true!"

"But, Uncle Drew, do you think I am smart enough to pass the test?"

"Yes, of course you are, just have some fun. You still have about two hours with Eric today, and I have some phone calls to make."

"Thanks for doing this for me, Uncle Drew, I love you."

"Right back at you, Even! Now scoot, before you make me cry!" I told him while giving him a light slap on his butt.

After he ran back down to where Eric was, I started phoning. The first was to the Agstawestland dealership. I told the salesman what I wanted. He said they needed a deposit to place the order. Not happy with his response, I demanded to speak to the sales manager. After giving me attitude, I revealed who I was. Changing his tone, he handed me over to the man. After arranging the order, I asked if he would make sure that one of the salesmen could write up the paper work, but not the one I had spoken to. He directed me to a new very young employee. I assured him I wouldn't have a problem with that, as long as he knew not to hold up the order waiting on a deposit. The young man impressed me by never asking for one.

I noted the kid's name, so that I could work with him in the future. I was sure I would add a few more of these great helicopters to my fleet in the next couple of years. The Bells were good birds, but nothing like the Agstawestland for transporting executives and other customers.

Next, I called the hospital. I spoke to Misha to see how he was doing and to let him know that I would be up shortly. He told me he was fine and not to rush. He said that Auntie Patty had brought up a new batch of cookies. Misha added, he and Jaden weren't happy they couldn't give Auntie Patty a hug as a thank you. But, they planned to give her a bunch of them, once they were home. It felt great to hear them talking about getting better.

After speaking with my eleven-year-old, I called his big brother, Simon, who answered his phone in his own voice (He keeps sounding better each time we speak.).

"Dad, Marcy is trying to kill me today." he said laughing.

"She is making me talk in my own voice all day long! She wants to see if I could make it through twentyfour hours without it giving out. Dr. Brett said I might be released tomorrow, if the tests he ran come back positive. I get my final fitting later today for my eye, are you sure it is alright for me to get the fun ones? Really, Dad, I am alright just getting my real looking one. Misha seems much better today as well, so is Jaden for that matter. I think Misha will be released soon, too. It would be great if we were all home by the time Ev's birthday party comes up. How did it go with him today? Did he handle the stranger issue alright? I really hope he had a great time."

(I tried to answer him several times, but he just kept inquiring over and over again. I was laughing to myself, wondering if he was making up for lost time, or should I say lost talk. He sure could give little Donnie a run for his money in the mouth department!).

"Well, let's see. There were several questions asked. First, it is more than alright for you to get whatever replacement eyes you want, in any amount. Your happiness and comfort mean more to me than the cost, as I have often told you!"

"I know, Dad, but you have to give us time to get used to that. Most of us grew up with nothing, and worrying that we might cost our care givers too much money."

"Okay, Son, I will give you that. Anytime you need a reminder, I will be more than happy to do so!"

I then told him about Even's day. I concluded by saying,

"I am sure that he will be ready to take both the driving and written portions of his license test by his birthday, passing both with flying colors on his first try! Your Uncle Miles said he planned to take him next Monday to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get him his learners permit. With it, he can practice on the roads around our houses, and in town driving. I know that you and he have studied for his written test on the evenings he came up to see you. Your Aunt Debbie told me, you tricked him by saying you needed his help to get yourself ready. I am proud of how you looked out for him and your brother even though you are stuck in the hospital."

"Thanks, Dad, that really means a lot to me."

I stayed on the phone with Simon for a while longer, before telling him I had a few other calls to make. I reminded him to look in on Misha for me later in the afternoon and to phone if he wanted anything. I concluded by saying I would visit sometime after dinner.

Next I spoke to my dispatcher. I needed to find out if Josh Coleman was flying today. She told me he wouldn't be on duty until after four in the afternoon. Therefor, I left a message to have him call me. I was anxious to make him the family pilot.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas