Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Eight

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


As I watched Even chase Eric around the track, my phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, I saw it was Miles.

"My friend; you should have come with me today!"

"I know, so next week, I will take him. I thought it would be better, if you went with Even today. Nancy mentioned he freaked out when told about the field trip. Anyway, I called to see if you had spoken to Josh. Dakota asked this morning whether if she was still going to Spencer. I assured her she would. I explained that one of us would fly her there. I didn't tell her about your idea with Josh, but I know she told her best friend and several members of her group. By the way, I really should kick your ass at some point in the near future!"

"What did I do to be so rewarded?!"

"You almost doubled the size of my family overnight. I can't tell you how great it feels now that we have Even and Dakota. Deb and I spent the morning with Jonathan filling out the adoption papers, so he could set up an appointment in front of a judge. I talked to Mrs. Block earlier, she told me she would send out a CPS worker to speak with Dakota, and if that visit goes well, she shall personally sign off on her adoption. Judge Mason has already said as soon as the paperwork is filed, he will sign off on Even's adoption. Thanks to Bruce, we now have Even's birth certificate, I don't know if he told you, we found out he was listed as Even Granger. My son asked me to change his surname to mine before his birthday. I will make sure that happens. I hope we can get Dakota's done before then as well."

"I am sure if you have Jonathan working on it, it will be done. If you get pressed for time, don't hesitate to ask Tom to speak to Judge Mason on your behalf. I know Tom will be more than happy to help out. Make sure you tell Dakota to make arrangements for her visit. If I can't fly her up, I will have Josh do it. Then, I will have him drive her to school, wait till she is though, and bring her back home. One of us will need to inform George, so he knows when we will be there. That way he can arrange the necessary vehicle for us."

"Thanks Drew, but I know Dakota will want to drive herself now that she has her license. Hold on, while I call her... Oops, no I will have to wait on that. Maybe I will just send her a text message. Donnie talked her into going to school with him, so he can show her off. I think she is in for a bit of a surprise with the kind of school he attends." Miles said laughing.

"Yeah, Oak Lawn isn't your normal school, that's for sure! Anything at work I need to know before you hang up?"

"I did get a strange call from an Agstawestland dealer. They wanted to verify, who you were and are indeed authorized to order helicopters. I laughed at the man. He told me he figured you were for real, but he said he has never had a first time order over the phone before. I told him to get used to it. Knowing you, this won't be the only one. However, do me a favor, please inform me what you are planning next time before you actually execute it!"

"Yes I know, but I thought should Josh turn me down, I am going to be busy myself flying everyone around, and I don't want to put that many hours on my baby. I didn't talk to them about any trading, but that might be something we want to look into at some point. Bell Helicopter of Chicago has been aggravating me more and more. The last time I called for a part on my bird, they told me that model was no longer available. I finally hung up on them; I called Bell Corporate to order the part from them directly. Then, I put in a complaint, not that it will do any good!"

"Yes, I know, the service department keeps complaining about them as well. We are looking in to a couple of different dealers to see if we can get parts shipped to us at cost, or if we can just send one of our birds to fetch it. The dealership in St. Paul told me they would be willing to refuel us to compensate for the flight and expense, if we started using them or signed a contract with them. I am not saying we should, after all that wouldn't really cover our outlays with one tank of fuel. I have some feelers out to several other dealerships, as well as with Bell Corp. to see if they can work with us or get the Chicago dealership under control. Other than that, there isn't anything you need to know. Oh, Frank Ortez will be hitting his three million safe mile mark next week; do you want to give him his award and stars for his rig?"

"Of course, put it on the schedule. Make sure Sherry knows when and where we are going to do it and have her let me know. Let's make sure his wife is there, as well as his two sons are back in town for it. If need be, I will be willing to send the jet or a bird to get them."

"I have it set for next Friday evening, with a dinner afterwards. I called his sons. His youngest said he would drive in for it from school, and would be there by mid-afternoon on Friday. I couldn't get through to his eldest, who is in the army. He is stationed right now at Ft. Sam Houston. I asked Senator Monroe to see if he could help, but I haven't heard back yet."

"Okay, keep on it and if needed I will make some calls as well. I want the complete family together for this, even if it's only for a few hours!"

I have always felt it was a big deal when one of my over-the-road drivers received a safety award. I wanted them to be able to share it with the rest of their family. After all, an award is an award and there are not too many people out there who can say they have driven three million miles without a single problem.

After talking with Miles about a few other mundane matters, we broke the connection. I had a few other calls to make. The first one was to Tim Jones, my mechanic. I wanted to check on the status of Greyson's Trans Am. I was a bit surprised when Tim told me it was almost ready to be picked up, probably within a few days. He went on to tell me all that he had done to the car. I began to regret asking him to put it back to show room condition, until he mentioned the price of the repairs. It was far less than I would have thought, so I was pleased. I will be thrilled, if Greyson were as happy with it. I also made arrangements with him to have the key marks buffed out. He told me as long as they weren't too deep, he would do it at no charge. I reminded him that I had no problems being charged for honest work, and we were going to send the bill for the repairs to the parents of the young driver responsible for the damage. After telling him my plans, he agreed not to hold back and would bill me at full price, while he made sure the car would emerge in mint condition.

After that, Josh called. At first, I was a concerned there was something wrong with him by the tone of his voice. Then all of a sudden, it dawned on me. He thought he was getting fired, so I assured him of the contrary.

After I explained what I wanted of him in his new revised position, he simply asked,

"What bird will I be flying?"

"I just ordered a brand new Agustawestland Grandnew. She will be a seven passenger, fully loaded copter. I have also double checked with both the municipality and the engineers about the roof landing pad on the condo. The engineers have assured me it can handle the Grandnew. Therefore, the city has no problems with us using it. I will make sure Miles gives you access to fuel her at the company depot. We will have to calculate the amount you need separate from what the company uses, so I can pay it out of pocket. Remember you are still employed with DJ Enterprises, your time in and your benefits will not change."

"When do you want me to start, and when can I move into the condo you spoke about? The reason I ask, is I only have a week left on my lease, and I have already began looking for a new place."

"Josh, as long as you don't mind some of my possessions still in the condo, then you can move in today. Talk to Sherry at the office, she has the keys and can take you over. I don't think there is much of my stuff left there, other than some clothes in one of the closets. Anything that remains simply box up and let Sherry know. She will pick it up for me or you can drop it off at the house when you are there. Josh, there is one other thing I would like for you to do. This isn't a requirement, but rather a personal favor."

"Just let me know, Mr. Thomas, I will gladly do what I can."

"Well, there are two things: First, call me Drew! Second, I want you to get certified to carry a firearm. You have to understand how easy it would be for someone to target my children, because of the status of who I am and what I am worth. It would make me feel better if you were able to protect yourself. I don't want to scare you, but most deaths which happen because of a kidnapping or failed attempts are to the chauffeurs. Since you are going to be one to some extent, I want you to be protected. I will pay for any classes you need as well as the gun of your choice. The reimbursement includes the time you will need to become comfortable with shooting."

"Mr., umm, Drew, I was an expert marksman with the nine millimeter when I was in the army. I have no problem carrying a weapon, and it won't be hard to get the appropriate permits. I have already completed the classes needed, I just have to apply for the permit and pay the fee. I will get that done tomorrow before my shift. As for you buying me a weapon, and range time, I will never pass that up. I do have my Beretta 92R which I bought while I was in the service. I have been thinking of getting a Beretta Px4 Storm. It is a little more compact than my pistol, but it is still an excellent weapon. The price isn't too expensive, but it is more than I have been willing to spend."

"Josh, get what you want and any accessories you desire. I don't want to ever hear, well if I had such and such a weapon it would have made a big difference. I have always said I would rather pay money to prevent a situation, than to recover from its aftermath. Please, Josh, go overboard if you feel it will be used or helpful. Save your receipts and fill out an expense report. Hand them in to Sherry, and I will make sure you are cut a check for whatever you spend."

"Thanks, Boss! I will talk to her after my shift today."

"I told Miles I wanted you to get everything taken care of today, you are on the clock, but unless it is an emergency you aren't flying today. Please, get it taken care of so you can get started right away."

I felt much better after getting assurances from Josh that he would comply with my request.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas