Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Six

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


I enjoyed breakfasting with my kids. I hoped my two hospitalized sons would join us shortly. Greyson seemed nervous about driving back to school in his Mustang. Both Bradley's and my reassurances did little to placate him.

Nichole was happy. It does not take rocket science to understand why. She found a cute, understanding boyfriend, plus a proficient and sensitive nurse, who happens to be the teen's mother.

Although I had a full day ahead of me, I needed to check out Nurse Nancy's situation. I must be certain she is free of any hardships, after all, since our kids are an item, it makes her and Zander family.

After one set of the kids left for school, and the other arrived for lessons, I started my day. I needed to visit several places, before I met Miles for lunch. However, the first thing I did was phone Misha, to inform him I wouldn't arrive until the afternoon. He accepted the news well, then explained that Simon made plans with him to go over the music he wanted added to his I-Pod.

I decided to take time each day to enjoy my neglected car collection, so today I chose my nineteen-fifty six Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gullwing. This beauty was one of the first exotic vehicles I bought. I hadn't driven it in almost two years, but I am sure my mechanic keeps it in top condition.

I walked into the classroom, as Nancy told an unhappy Even he was going on a school field trip. To comfort him, I said,

"Even, I have arranged a special class for you, today, with the permission of your parents. Simon knows and he agrees. Why don't you call him."

My nephew walked a little way down the hall for privacy, but I still heard him say,

"Simon, I don't know what a field trip is, and it scares me. Why do I need it?"

Now I see the problem. I hoped my son could calm my nephew. My purpose was to introduce him to what I hoped would become his new passion. It wasn't long before Even returned, then he stated,

"I am sorry, Uncle Drew, I didn't know what a field trip was, and it frightened me. Simon told me sometimes you must leave school to learn special things, such as visiting a museum. Is that where we are headed?"

"No, Son, we are going somewhere very special. Now, before we start out, let me explain: It is mainly for you. I have a lunch meeting scheduled with your father. Don't worry about being left with a stranger, the man whom you will meet, is a very old and dear friend of mine and your dad's. He is your new teacher."

(Let me explain, Dr Maxwell, his shrink, suggested I leave him with a trusted stranger, as part of his therapy.).

"Can you please tell me, what I will be learning?"

"Of course, in short, physics. Exactly what, I want to keep from you, so it will be a surprise."

We made small talk, as I drove to our destination. I asked about his studies, and I was pleased with his outlook and positive altitude. What a great change from a week ago.

Even's eyes grew large, when I pulled up to the track. I feared he would have a heart attack, while we went through the tunnel and out onto the track. Then, I continued onto the pit area, where his teacher awaited us. My 300 SL is a crowd magnet.

"Drew, my old friend, what a beauty! Mind if I take her around the track a few times?"

"Not a chance in hell, Eric, I know how you drive!" I reply with a laugh.

"Even, I would like for you to meet Eric Jensen. My friend went to school with your dad and me. He is now a driver in the NASCAR Sprint Cup series. Eric, it is a great honor to introduce to you my nephew, Even Edwards."

The boy became thunder struck, as if he had turned into a statue.

"Even, it is a big pleasure to meet you!" Eric replied, sticking his hand out, which the dumbfounded boy ignored.

Instead, he stuttered,

"You, you, you…you are the NASCAR Champion!"

"Yes, my team and I did very well last year. This sport is a team effort, even though we drivers get all the glory."

"But, you're the champion, so why are you here, today?"

"Well, it's quite simple, really. My old friend, Drew, here, asked me a favor. He, and your new dad, want me to spend the day with you, so I can teach you to drive. Once you learn, I shall show you how to maneuver around the track. Drew, should I tell him about the other surprise, while you're here?"


"Son, once you feel comfortable shifting manually, and practice a bit with it, your uncle suggests you take a few laps around the track." Eric says, pointing over to the garage, where my two thousand and two Lotus Esprit is parked.

"Uncle Drew, you would really let me drive her, on my very first day?!"

"Yes, Even, I feel driving for you, is going to be like flying is to me: You are a natural, which is why your dad and I asked Eric to teach you. Now, I want you to listen, learn, but most importantly, have fun! Did you take your cell phone?"

He nods.

"Good, call me anytime, if you become scared or uncomfortable, and I will get back out here as soon as possible, alright?"

"Okay, Uncle Drew, I will try."

Hugging Even, I reminded him once again,

"Even, call, if you need me. I will try to return at one thirty. And, Eric, be sure to take good care of my nephew!"

I headed over to Mark and Brian's office, to pick up the paperwork I would need at lunch. They told me it would be ready in a couple of days, but I know it is already finished, it is how they work.

"Hello, Mr. Thomas. Mark said you would be stopping by, he left this envelope for you. I am sorry both Mark and Brian are tied up in court today, but Jonathan is here, if you need to speak to him. Oh, also, I have the adoption papers that require your signatures. The forms for name changes are there as well. Once you have signed everything, we can file them with the court. I remind you Simon, Greyson, and Nichole must sign their forms, but Misha and Dylian are under the age of consent, so they can't."

"No, thank you, Traci, you seem to have everything under control just fine. I will get these papers back to you tomorrow. I want to move forward as soon as possible."

Leaving the lawyer's offices, I went over to the restaurant, where I was supposed to meet Myles for lunch. With an hour to kill, I ordered a cup of fresh brew, and I checked the documents to make sure everything I wanted was covered. While I trust my lawyers, they are the ones who always insist I read everything at least twice before signing. It didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would. They covered everything with ease.

In the remaining time, I mulled over family matters. I decided I would need a small bus, if I ever wanted to take all my kids somewhere with me. I discarded the idea as being way too sensible. My mind turned to Dakota, I should ask her, when she must get back to her school group for practice. Miles and Debbie bought her a beautiful double bass. It even had electric pick ups, so she can plug into an amplifier.

Before I realized it, Miles sat down across from me, with a worried look on his face. After we ordered our meals, we made small talk until we finish eating. I was at a loss as to how to bring up the whole point behind the meeting, so I decided the best way was to jump right in.

"Miles, I asked you here, to tell you I am stepping down…"

My friend cuts me off.

"Drew, I knew something was up. Please give me enough time to see if I can raise the money to buy you out. I love my work, and the company you built: I do not want to walk away and start over!"

"Whoa, Buddy, slow down. I have no intention of selling it!"

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be, I see you were worrying about this eventuality. Now, as I began to say, I decided to step down as president of DJ Enterprises. I will continue as the Chief Executive Officer, but I intend to hire someone to oversee the company and its growth."

"In that case, I will work with anyone you put into that position, as I have with you."

I hid my laugh, as I added,

"Well, I am glad to hear that. Miles, you are my oldest and dearest friend. You have stood by me, when no one else would. I know you love the company as much, if not more, than I do. You are aware, of course, that I am set for life with what I have, but I enjoy working. However, I feel I am needed elsewhere on a daily basis. My kids are more important to me than my corporation is, right now. Maybe in a few years, I will want to return. However, at this juncture, I must step back."

"Drew, I support your decision. When do you want the change to take affect. First, let me tell the core staff, so they will be spared any unnecessary grief."

"This week: Just out of curiosity, do you have any idea whom I chose for the new president?"

"I know you talked to Norman Parkers, so I gather he is the one. He is a good man, who will work hard to continue expanding the company and increasing its profits."

"Yes he is,, but he is not whom I picked. Norman is coming on board to work with us, but in a different capacity."

"Then, Drew, I'm clueless."

"Really, Miles, you can't think of anyone else?"

I could see that my friend remained in the dark, nor did he think he was capable. So I added,

"Miles, the person I selected is someone who already knows every department, each employee, and all aspects of our company. The individual, who worked tirelessly to help build it up and see it become profitable. My friend, the new president of DJ Enterprises, is you!"

"What!? Drew, you can't be serious? Why would you want me?"

"Whom else could I trust with it better than the person who has run it for the past month? Miles, you have been with me from the very beginning; you have helped shape it. Now, we have some paperwork to get through, so that everything is official. And, there is something else I want to discuss, but it is on a personal level, so let's get this done first. With the promotion comes a pay increase, plus a year end bonus. I decided to do the bonus a little differently than normal, so here is how it will work."

After explaining, we signed the documents. Then, we went through other business matters, before we switched over to personal items.

"Miles, I have been toying with an idea of buying a new helicopter for the family."

"Drew, we have plenty; why do you need a new one?"

"Well, this one would be modified strictly for family use. That would include Tom, for whatever needs he has, Dakota, to take her, with her tuba, to practice and for her gigs with her group. Dylian can be flown to Albert's place for his coaching sessions. I am sure Debbie wouldn't mind being able to jump into it, so she can arrive at the hospital in ten minutes, instead of thirty. I want to order a brand new Agstawestland Grandnew. I flew one a while back, it is an awesome machine."

"Then, you are willing to be at everyone's beck and call, to pilot them wherever they need?"

"No, that man is Josh Coleman. He is a great young pilot, who fits right in with all our boys. He will remain as an employee of the company, but under a different division. He will answer directly to us. With his new position comes a thirty percent pay increase, and he will move into my condo. I have already checked, the landing on the roof accommodates the new copter. So, what do you think?"

"I like it."

Finished, we said our goodbyes, and I went to check out how Even was faring.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas