
Chapter Eight

I can't lie and say our occasional weekend trips to the university over the next three years are solely for work, because Andy is the highlight of every visit we make. He's walking well and wants to go wherever he wishes, but he hangs on to either Tor or me from the moment we arrive until Mike comes in. He's clearly Andy's favorite person. I wondered why until the first time I saw Mike lay down on the floor and let Andy crawl all over him. Only at bedtime is he content to snuggle down in our arms, if we can get him away from Mike.

"Mike, you're so good with Andy you need to get married and have some babies of your own." Tor comments at dinner one evening.

"Oh, no. That would take away our baby sitter," Tommy declares. "Andrea and I can go out any time we like."

"True. I often think Andy would rather stay with Mike than us," Andrea adds.

Mike grins. "Told you guys I was gonna be the best uncle a kid ever had."

"Best! You're spoiling him rotten."

"Bull. Hey, dad, I already got him kicking a soccer ball."

"Isn't he a little young for that just yet?"

"Na. Start him early and he'll be a real player, just like Luc."

"Speaking of whom, how are they? We haven't seen them lately."

Tommy smiles. "Luc's been busy. He just got on at Trinity with Steph, so he's really happy now. So's Steph."

"Yeah," Mike adds. "They remind me of you and Tor when I was a little guy. I'm happy for them."

"I'm glad they're finally at the same college, makes it a lot easier. Have Luc's parents eased up any?"

"Not from what little Luc says. He doesn't care any more.

"We all get together about every two weeks. They adore Andy, letting him crawl all over them like Mike does. Stephan was afraid he'd hurt Andy, so he took off his arm and leg, then lay on the rug. Andy was so cute. He touched Steph's stumps and said, 'Unca Steph hurt?' Steph loved it. They've sat with Andy a couple of times for us to go out with Mike, and Andy set up a howl when they left," Andrea says, then grins. "Tom let it slip to mother and she almost died. She swears they'll make Andy gay. When I asked her what difference it made, she got so mad she went home. Now I know how to get rid of her."

At the end of spring semester all of the kids, Luc and Stephan included, come for a week. It's a bit of a shuffle finding places for them to sleep, but we put a small cot in Tommy and Andrea's room for Andy, Luc and Stephan in the other bedroom, and Mike sleeps on the floor of our study on an air mattress Tor bought not long ago.

Now that he's four, Tor and I can really play with Andy while the kids hit the beach. It's even more fun watching them all playing soccer with Andy, who is doing far better than I would have believed a child that age could. They are all careful to moderate their play to accommodate him, quick to pick him up and hug him when he falls. There are times when it's hard for me to tell who Andy loves the most, for he's as content with any one of us as he is Tommy and Andrea. No child receives more love than this one.

At the beginning of fall semester, we receive an excited phone call from Luc telling us he and Stephan have both been granted tenure, and are moving to a bigger and better house closer to their work. He tells us he might have another surprise announcement in a few weeks, but they'll have to come for a visit to tell us about it. He knows our door is still open.

Tor's fortieth birthday is coming up, luckily it falls during spring break. When I call Mike to remind him, he says they'll all be down for the weekend to celebrate. He doesn't explain, but tells me to find another small cot to put in the room Luc and Stephan always use.

There is no way I can keep all these preparations secret from Tor. He grumbles about getting old, but he's pleased at the thought of seeing all the kids again. Rather than trying to plan a party and miss out on the fun, I rent a private dining room at a decent restaurant and let them prepare it all.

Tommy and Andrea have traded Tommy's sports car for a large four-door Buick, so Mike rides with them, not missing a chance to enjoy Andy. They've hardly gotten everything in their rooms before Luc and Stephan arrive, the surprise with them. Luc gets out of their car and opens the rear door to help a little boy out. He looks to be about five and he's absolutely adorable. A triangular face, pale blond hair, and an impish look. Luc hands him his crutches, for the child's left leg is gone mid-calf.

"This is Sergei," he says proudly. "Steph and I are hoping for final adoption soon."

Before Tor and I can say anything, Andy comes flying out of the house and grabs Sergei, chattering a mile a minute.

"Well?" Stephan asks.

"He's beautiful. Where on earth …" Tor begins.

Stephan smiles. "A woman from social services came in to use our library. We got to talking and she told me about a couple that had put in for an orphan kid from … I guess it's Bosnia now. Anyway, when they saw he had lost a leg to a mine, they rejected him. She was frantic to place him, and asked if I would consider taking him because I could understand his needs. Luc and I saw him and fell in love with him at first sight, so we applied. Andy adores him."

Luc grins. "We've had to hire a nanny during the day, but he'll be going to kindergarten next year and I can arrange my lecture schedule so I'll be home when he's not in school. Our next door neighbor is a professional baby sitter so we're covered if neither Steph nor I can be there. You were so right, Drew, never say never. Mom and dad have been down three times already, and dad retires in two more years. He and mom say they're retiring to North Carolina so they can watch Sergei grow up."

"What about your parents, Luc?"

He shrugs. "I don't know and don't care. Steph sent them pictures of Sergei and Andy without a return address on the envelope, so we're hoping they opened it and saw the pics. Hell, if they aren't interested in seeing their grandson, it's their loss."

"Shame they can't see what they'll be missing," I say.

Stephan pulls out his billfold. "Let me show you a cute one. If this doesn't do anything else, it'll tell them what we think."

Sergei is sitting on the floor in one of those positions only a kid can manage. His left arm passes under his stump holding it up and his index fingers are pulling his mouth wide open, his tongue sticking out. A typical kid's gesture. Tor and I both get a laugh out of it.

"That's what he does when we want him to do something he doesn't," Stephan explains, "but he's learning English rapidly. I'm glad he's got a kid like Andy to play with. They took to each other from the first."

"Yeah. Every day when Steph and I come in from work, it's 'Sergei go Andy?'"

"He already calls me Unca Mike," Mike chimes in with a grin. "Now I've got two nephews to spoil. If you guys want to see something cute, wait'll you see Andy and Sergei playing soccer. Any time Andy tries to run away with the ball, Sergei trips him. He's fast on crutches."

Luc shakes his head. "Don't remind me. He runs me ragged, especially at bath time."

"You know we'll be glad to serve as character witnesses if you need us," I tell him.

"Thanks. We knew you would, so we gave your name to the adoption agency."

"Any problems with them so far?" Tor asks."

"None. They seem happy we want Sergei. Both Steph and I hope he'll grow out of his fear of planes. If a jet flies over the house, he's screams, and if it's at night and wakes him, we have to let him get in bed with us until he goes to sleep."

"Poor kid. Talk with Martha while you're here. Maybe she can help."

"That's a great idea. We forgot about her."

"Have you been investigated by social services yet?" Tor asks.

"Have we ever!" Stephan says.

"Any question about your being gay?"

He grins. "They talked to Tom and Mike. After Mike told them you're gay and never touched him, and then Tom and Andrea backed him up, they seemed to think it's possible for Luc and me to do the same."

"Tor and I are really happy for you. Kids make all the difference."

After dinner, they start talking about going to the beach, but Mike vetos that idea fast. "Andy and Sergei are going to want to go, too. No way I want those kids anywhere near the ocean."

"Let's all go to the beach at the institute. The water is shallow and calm. Drew and I will keep the kids if you want to get in the ocean after we bring them home for a nap," Tor says.

"Yeah! We can show them the childrens' water table at the institute, too. They're both old enough to like it," Mike adds.

I was afraid Sergei would be terribly shy around Tor and me, but when he sees Andy crawl up in Tor's lap after dinner, he wants to do the same. I pick him up and cuddle him, and he settles down immediately, giving me a sweet smile. It's not long before both of them are practically asleep. When Tommy tries to pick Andy up to carry him to bed, Andy's having none of it. "Gran'pa carry Andy," he insists, so Tor gets up.

Luc comes over for Sergei, but Sergei sticks his tongue out at him and clings to me, so I guess I'm elected. Luc gets me a pair of cute teddy bear one-piece pyjamas to put on Sergei. After Tor and I have the kids ready, I put Sergei on the cot with Andy. Tor picks up a kids' book Andrea has brought along and starts to read them a bedtime story. Five minutes later, both are sound asleep. Tor grabs my hand and we stand looking at them for a few minutes. The contrast between Andy's black hair and bronze skin and Sergei's pale skin and blond hair makes the picture even more striking and beautiful.

"You have fast film in any of your cameras?" Tor asks.

"I sure do." Tor turns on a larger lamp, and I stand on a chair so I can take the picture practically straight down to avoid distortion.

Tor goes back down, while I take the film to my darkroom to develop and print. One of the shots is perfect, so I make prints for all of us. Tommy and Andrea have loads of pics of Andy, but Luc and Stephan get absolutely maudlin when I hand them a copy. If I didn't know how they feel, I'd laugh.

"This is wonderful, Drew. Thank you so much," Stephan says. "We don't have any pictures of Sergei other than the two I showed you. We took him to the photographer, but he wouldn't cooperate at all."

"I'll take some more of him while you're here, then."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not. He's cute as can be."

"We know Sergei's five, but no one is sure of his birthday, so Andrea suggested we make it the same day as Andy's so they can have a party together."

"Well, why not? There's no way one can have a party without the other, so we'll go whole hog." She looks at Tor and me. "And you've got fair warning that you're expected to attend."

We both grin. "Try and keep us away." Tor says quickly.

The kids are so cute at the beach, I shoot two rolls of film of them playing. Andy is totally fearless of the water, laughing when Tor puts him on his shoulders and wades out to deeper water and holds him up while he tries to dog paddle. Of course Sergei wants to do the same, so Luc joins Tor.

After Sergei has begun to turn a little pink from the sun, Andrea suggests we take them home for some lunch and a nap. Once the kids are down, the rest of us eat, then the kids all take off for the ocean, leaving Tor and me to baby sit. When the kids awake, Sergei sets up a howl for 'daddy.' I finally get him quieted somewhat, then have an idea. Tor and I take him and Andy up to see Mike's trains run. That does the trick, and Sergei soon starts to call me gran'pa as Andy does.

Tor's birthday dinner the next evening is a success. Martha and Dave Curtis are as enchanted with Sergei as they are Andy. We wait until we're back at the house and get the kids to bed before Tor opens his presents. Lastly, Luc hands Tor a flat gift. "This isn't much, but you know how Steph and I feel about you both for making us welcome all these years." He grins. "Steph and I went through hell to get this. It's the only way we could keep Sergei still long enough."

It's a nicely framed photograph of the three of them, Sergei sitting on Luc's lap. We both smile, remembering what Steph said about Sergei and the photographer.

"I couldn't be more pleased, guys. You'd think with a photographer in the family we'd have lots of photos, but Drew is terrible about taking pictures of people. It's only since Andy was born he's done much."

"Yeah, but you're not my grandson," I fire back.

Tor pretends to cry. "Now I know where I stand."


The weekend is over practically before it's begun. Tor and I hate to see the kids leave for home. Sergei hugs his 'gran'pas' tightly as does Andy. We give each a kiss on the forehead before handing them over to their parents.

A couple of weeks later I get a phone call one evening from Mike telling me the final adoption hearing for Sergei is coming up the next week and Luc wants a lawyer with them. Mike remembers how it was with him, and asks if I know a lawyer sympathetic to gays and familiar with adoption. I tell him I'll let him know as soon as I can make a call.

Doug sounds startled when I ask him, then gives me a name, after demanding that Tor and I come up for a visit. I make a vague promise, then call Mike back. He sounds relieved.

"Luc and Stephan aren't expecting any trouble are they?" I ask.

I have to sit down fast when he tells me Luc's parents have found out and sent a letter to the juvenile court demanding the adoption be denied, saying Luc and Stephan are unfit to be around a child because they are gay.

"Well, shit!" I snarl after I've hung up.

"What?" Tor asks.

When I tell him, I don't think I've ever seen him so furious. "God dammit! Isn't it enough they've disowned him? I hope they rot in hell! I can't imagine anyone being able to resist a cute kid like Sergei, and trying to deny him a good home. And why would they try to ruin what happiness those guys have found together? Damn it, Drew! We're going to be at that hearing with Luc and Stephan."

"Absolutely. Let me call Luc and see when it is. I'm going to ask Martha if she'll go with us, too. Her word as a child psychologist ought to carry some weight."

"Good thinking. Call her now."

"Soon as I call Luc and find out when it's to be."

Tor, Martha, and I arrive just as the hearing is about to start. Stephan's parents are also present. Sergei screams 'Gran'pa!' when we walk in, and comes flying to us for a hug. The judge watches patiently until we're seated with him. Luc parents are as far from everyone else as they can get. It's then I remember Luc's father is a lawyer.

After Luc has a hurried whispered conference with his lawyer, the judge opens the hearing. I'm surprised and pleased that social services presents a highly favorable case for the adoption. In finishing, the lady looks at Luc and Stephan and says, "Your honor, these are professional men, one of whom is uniquely qualified to know Sergei's rehabilitation needs and see that he receives the best. They have established a loving home for him, and I believe you witnessed his reaction on seeing the Doctors Torrence. Considering the trauma the child has already suffered, it would be absolute cruelty to remove Sergei from the care of Doctor Wade and Doctor Wolf."

The judge looks at Luc's father. "Mr. Wade, I believe you have requested to speak. Make it brief."

The man is a perfect example of a pompous ass. He begins a lengthy diatribe against gays. The judge finally tells him to finish immediately. He does by saying he's not the least sorry he and Luc's mother have disowned their son. From the way the judge frowns, I can see he's not pleased.

Luc's lawyer asks the judge to hear Dr. Curtis' evaluation. He nods and looks pleasantly at Martha. When she begins to speak glowingly of Luc and Stephan, I can tell she must have spent hours on the phone gathering information. The judge asks her several questions, and she elaborates with references to how we raised Mike and Tommy, saying she expects no less of Luc and Stephan, and that she is always available to help them if she's needed. The judge must have some idea of who she is, for his smile gets broader as she speaks.

"Sergei is a fortunate young man to have so much support if the number of people here are that concerned with his well being. I need to hear no more. My decision is that this adoption is final." He bangs his gavel.

Immediately Luc's father is on his feet. "This is a travesty of justice!" He shouts.

The judge's face pales, then turns bright red. "What did you say?" He screams loudly enough to make Sergei cry out. Luc grabs Sergei and cuddles him.

Luc's father suddenly realizes his mistake. "I … I …"

"Consider yourself lucky this isn't my regular courtroom, counselor," the judge snarls, "or you would be facing the stiffest contempt charges I could bring. If I could, I'd have you in jail for thirty days. Now you get the hell out of here and take your reprehensible attitude and prejudice with you. I do not ever want to see you in my court again."

Luc's parents make a hasty exit. When we start to stand, the judge motions for us to sit back down and takes a drink of water. "I apologize for my outburst, but I've never been so infuriated in my life. Here we have two young men trying to do one of the most honorable things they could by giving an unfortunate child a good home and surrounding him with fine educated people of character. It's unbelievable two people are so prejudiced that they would try to deny a child of a good home and destroy the happiness of others. Doctor Wade, Doctor Wolf, you have my blessing, especially after the testimony of Doctor Curtis. I hope you will be kind enough to send me a picture of Sergei from time to time, and keep me posted on his progress."

"We shall, and we thank you, sir," Luc replies.

Stephan's mother wipes her tears of joy as she kisses Sergei, then hugs both Stephan and Luc. She turns to speak with Martha.

"Oh, no," I hear Martha say. "I'm delighted to have been of help. Dave and I like Luc and Stephan very much; they will be wonderful parents for Sergei. I'm so happy that Drew asked me to come with them."

Mr. Wolf insists he must take us all to lunch before Tor, Martha, and I leave for home.