
Chapter Nine

The next time Tor and I get to see them, Sergei has been fitted with a little pylon. Now I know what Stephan meant, because Sergei is like greased lightning. He's on a constant run, except when he's with Andy. It takes all of us to catch him when it's time for his bath. It has to be a game, because he's happy as can be once he's in the tub. If Luc hadn't taken his pylon off to bathe him, Sergei would have streaked through the house stark naked. When he's dried off, he holds up his arms to Tor. "Gran'pa read," he demands. So Tor picks him up, carries him to his little bed and tucks him in, then picks up a book.

Luc and I go down to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. He wipes the perspiration from his forehead, and says, "Every damn night, but I love it. Did you have that trouble with Mike?"

"No. Mike was always ready for bed. Is he this bad with his nanny?"

"Not at all. She tells us he's good as can be."

I nod. "Confirms what I thought. Sergei is still feeling you out. You're going to have to be more firm with him."

"I know, but it's hard to bring myself to do it, knowing what he's been through."

"He has to learn, and you are going to have to teach him that no means no."

"I try, but he looks at me and begins to cry. It tears me up."

"Let him cry. When he finds out that doesn't get it, he'll stop."

"I guess."

"Damn. I thought Tor was bad, but you're worse, Luc Wade. I'll bet you didn't get by with anything as a child."

"Oh, hell, no."

"Okay, then. It's one thing for grandparents to spoil a child, but another for the parents. Remember that. Sergei may say 'I hate you' a time or two. Mike did that a few times when he was little, but remember he doesn't mean it."

"Thanks, Drew. Tell me, how did a gay guy learn so much about kids?"

I have to chuckle. "Martha saved our bacon several times. All I know I learned from an expert."

"I'm glad you're passing it along."

"You can always call her if you need to. She thinks the world of you all."

The next morning I'm up early and fixing a pot of coffee when Luc comes down. A few moments later Sergei comes running in, in the all-together. I look startled, but Luc tells me he learned quickly to put on his stump sock and pylon.

"Okay, you little scamp, let's get some clothes on you." I start to pick Sergei up, but he turns to run. "No you don't, young man. You come here."

He looks at me surprised. "Gran'pa no chase Sergei?"

"Not this early."

"Sergei want milk."

"Okay." I pour him a small glass, and he settles in my lap to drink it. When he's finished, he slips off my lap and starts to run for the door.

"I said no running, Sergei. Your daddy Stephan and gran'pa Tor are still asleep. I'll take you up so you can get dressed."


"Yes. Now come along." I see him start to run, but grab him by the arm and swat him firmly on the behind.

He looks at me unbelievingly. "Gran'pa spank Sergei?"

"And I'll do it again if you don't behave."

Huge tears start to roll down his cheeks, but hard as it is, I don't change my expression. The tears stop as quickly as they had begun, and he holds up his arms to me.

I pick him up and his arms go around my neck. "Sergei be good. Gran'pa no spank."

I have to hug the little con-artist. "Sergei be good for daddy Luc, too."

"Unh huh."

"That's my good boy. I love you."

"Sergei love Gran'pa Drew."

The first joint birthday is little less than a free-for-all. Andrea warned us ahead of time that if we bought Andy a present, we'd better buy two of the same thing because both kids set up a howl if everything they get isn't a duplicate. Tor and I find two identical soccer outfits for them.

The party is held at Luc and Steph's new home because it has a big yard for the kids to play in. To my surprise, we adults are the only guests besides Stephan's parents.

"Didn't you invite any kids?" I ask Andrea.

"I thought about it, but Andy and Sergei don't know any yet. It'll change once they're in school, but the two of them are as much as Stephan and I can manage at this age. They only wanted their grandparents anyway." She smiles. "They know the easy marks already."

I have to smile. "Yeah, but damn they're cute together."

"And a handfull! I don't know what you did to Sergei, but Luc and Stephan say he's calmed down a lot since you and Tor were up here last."

"Just got his attention as to what I expected of him. The guys just couldn't bring themselves to discipline him at first, and Sergei thought it was a big game. Has he gotten over his fear of planes yet?"

"Luc says he's dong a lot better. They took him out to the airport and let him see Stephan's parents get off. Sergei clung to Luc until he saw them. I think he realized then a plane was for people to travel in, and not something would hurt him."

"They are really doing a lot for him. I knew they would."

Luc brings out a big birthday cake and ice cream. There are balloons everywhere. Andy and Sergei run around kicking them, screaming happily when they burst. It's good that presents were withheld until after we've eaten the cake and ice cream, because there's pandemonium when Luc and Tommy bring them in. Paper and ribbons fly everywhere and there are squeals of delight. As soon as they see the soccer outfits, they run to Sergei's room to change. I have to admit they are adorable in them. Mike has given them small soccer balls he found somewhere. A dish becomes a casualty before we can get the balls away from them, and Mike and Luc take them outside to play while the rest of us gather up the debris.

By time for us to have a drink before dinner, the kids are worn out. Luc and Tommy take them upstairs for a bath, while Stephan sets up the bar for the rest of us have a drink. Just then the doorbell rings. We're all surprised when the judge comes in with Stephan.

He greets us all. "What a pleasant surprise to find you all here. I just stopped by to see how things were going. Where's Sergei?"

"Luc and Tommy have the boys upstairs for a bath," Stephan says. "We had a birthday party for them this afternoon. They played soccer until they were filthy."

"Both boys have the same birthday?"

"We weren't sure when Sergei's was, so we made it the same as Andy's," Stephan explains. "They're inseparable."

"Marvelous idea. Have things improved for Luc?"

Stephan shakes his head. "Afraid not. I don't think they ever will."

"I don't understand some people. I wouldn't miss being a part of my grandchildren's lives for anything."

"Nor would we," Mr. Wolf adds.

Luc and Tommy come down the stairs carrying the boys. When Sergei sees the judge, he wriggles to get down and rushes over to get in the judge's lap. "Hi, gran'pa."

The judge hugs him. "My you're growing." Then Andy, not to be left out, climbs up on the judge's other knee. "And who is this young man?" He asks Sergei.


I grab my camera and take a shot of them. As soon as I do, the judge looks at me. "Dr. Torrence, I shall expect a copy of that picture."

"Of course, sir. It'll be a pleasure after all you've done for Sergei."

"I wish all my work was as pleasant as placing Sergei with these two fine men was. Everyone who visits my office comments on the picture they gave me of the three of them." He looks at the boys. "Did I hear that this is your birthday?"

"Unh, huh," Andy says. "Did you bring us something?"

"Andy!" Andrea says sharply. "You don't ask for gifts."

The judge smiles. "That's perfectly all right." The he looks at the boys. "Well, no, I didn't know it was your birthday. But let me see if I don't have something." He pulls out his billfold and hands Sergei and Andy a dollar each.

"Thank you," Sergei says and hugs him, followed by Andy. Then the boys get down and run to their parents to show them.

The judge finishes his drink and stands. "This has been a pleasure, but I must be going."

"Won't you stay and have dinner with us?" Luc asks.

"Not this time, but I appreciate it." He smiles at the boys who are playing with their trucks. "All kids that age should be so lucky."

After he has taken his leave, Luc tells us that he has stopped by two or three times before, and seems to have a great deal of affection for Sergei.

At dinner, Tommy drops the big surprise on us. "Andrea and I have bought the house next door."

"You've what!" Tor exclaims.

Andrea smiles. "Luc found out it was going up for sale and asked us if we'd be interested. Andy is thrilled to have a big yard to play in, and he and Sergei will be going to the same school. It's an excellent one."

Mike's grinning. "I've moved, too."

"Where? I thought you were happy in the flat," I say.

"The people that had the house added a small apartment for one of their mothers; Tommy and Andrea let me have that. You didn't think I was going to let Big Chief get away, did you? Besides, I gotta be around so Luc and I can teach these two scamps to play soccer."

Andrea is smiling also. "You know we couldn't leave our favorite babysitter behind. Andy would be crushed."

"It's only a fifteen-minute commute to the U so it's no problem."

"Sounds good to us," I say. "It's a lot quieter out here."

"We couldn't be happier," Stephan adds. "Sergei loves having Andy and Uncle Mike next door."