The Protector Series

Bok Four: The Battles


The four WARRIORS of St. Michael, Terry, James and the redheads, Jerry and Joey are headed north along the California coast on highway US 101. They had recently put St. Michaels Rescue Mission to rights in Fresno and their benefactor Saint Michael, The Arch Angel, told them they were needed elsewhere! Their absolute faith in and devotion to The Warrior Angel was so complete that they packed up and departed Fresno, knowing they would discover what it was he wanted them to do when they came upon it. They were his to do as he needed!

Chapter 1 - BROKEN PEACE

Terry was driving with Joey riding shotgun, and both Jerry and James were sound asleep on the back seat. They had stopped to see the ocean and for lunch in Solvang and were continuing their northward journey. As they approached the farming community of Salinas, Joey asked, "Isn't this the place where they grow artichokes?"

Terry replied, "Yeah, I think so."

Joey snorted, "Big thistles! Let's turn in here and see what they look like."

Having no set itinerary, Terry agreed and spun the wheel to the right, taking the first off-ramp into the small town. Every open piece of dirt had large, shrub-like plants with small, immature artichokes on long stalks. They stopped to examine a plant near the road, and Joey laughed, "People REALLY eat those things?"

As they stood there, gazing at the strange plants, a large truck drove up and parked. Armed guards surrounded the vehicle as boys, some looked to be as young as five years old, were herded into the field. Each was dragging a bag tied to their waist and they began to cut the stalks under mature artichokes and placing them in their bag. As they watched in horror, a guard clubbed a small boy, screaming at him not to cut small 'chokes!

Lightening began to rumble in the otherwise clear sky and, suddenly, Terry and James began to glow, they stood more than ten feet tall and across each of their backs, shining like polished silver, were huge swords, it was nothing either Jerry or Joey had ever seen before. Terry's voice rumbled out, like the groaning earth itself, "How dare you abuse mine children!" His voice blasted out as a great wind, trees shook and the truck that had carried the children to the field was turned on its side. He opened his arms and roared, "Come to me, mine children, thou art mine to care for!"

Some force propelled the children to Terry and he wrapped huge arms around them, James roared, "You abusers of mine children shall not survive this day!" James blew a great wind from his mouth and the guards toppled to the ground, dead or dying!

As their glow subsided, both men returned to their normal stature, Terry said, "We must get you children away from here, climb into the truck and let us leave this terrible place."

The boys were in a daze, trying to comprehend what had just taken place. Joey and Jerry were shaken to their very core, they knew that they were all Warriors of Saint Michael, but this was beyond their understanding. As they helped the boys climb into the truck bed, both Joey and Jerry heard in their minds, "Be thou not afraid, thou are mine warriors, I expect great things from those who are mine!" Joey and Jerry jumped into the bed of the truck to help each of the fifteen boys climb in, then they sat with them to keep them safe as Terry drove them away from the scene.

Terry and James knew from prior experience, their destination must be nearby, so they started driving up and down each street they came to. At the end of one street, they discovered a modern group of buildings, the gates were closed and it was completely fenced. Weeds grew in the driveway and the shrubbery was all overgrown, it looked deserted and abandoned. Trash and paper had collected around the doors and there were several abandoned cars in the parking lot, covered with mud and rust. James walked up to the gate and found a rusted mailbox, sitting crookedly on its metal post. He rubbed the caked mud from the side of the box, it read, "ST. MICHAEL'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS". He waved at Terry calling, "This is the place!"

One of the boys, sitting in the bed of the truck said, "We cannot go in there, everyone says that it is haunted!"

Joey stood in the truck bed and he, also, began to glow. His voice rumbled forth, "We are the Warriors of Saint Michael, this is his place, therefore it is our home!"

As his glow subsided, the boy who had spoken knelt before Joey and said, "Who are you that you can do these things?"

Joey spoke gently to the boy, "Michael has sent us to care for you."

The boy replied, "We are greatly afraid, but if you will lead us, we will enter and live here."

Another boy spoke up, "I have dreamed of a Mr. Michael who would save us!" Other boys nodded their heads and said that, they also, had such dreams.

Jerry began looking for a way into the property, he pushed on the gate and the heavy chain and padlock dropped to the ground and the gate swung open. Terry jumped back into the truck and drove it inside the fence. He thought it a good idea to hide the truck behind the building so as to not advertise their presence to those who might try to reclaim the boys. James wrapped the chain back around the gate post, making it look as if it were still locked. They searched the buildings, looking for a way inside, they finally found a small doorway at the end of the main building that was not locked. They hurried everyone inside and out of sight.

They began exploring the building, looking for that which they knew would be waiting for them. Jerry found the envelope sitting on the table in the dining hall and brought it to Terry. Inside, they found custody papers for the boys and a deed for the property in Terry and James' names. A bank book was enclosed, showing a balance of $650,000, also in their names.

The little boy whom the guard had clubbed, came up to Terry and pulled on his shirt, "Mister, do you have any food, they didn't feed us this morning and all we had last night was a small bowl of oatmeal mush."

Terry knelt down to be at eye level with the small child, "My name is Terry and this is my partner, James. Those boys over there are Jerry and Joey. Let us find what is here while James takes the truck and goes to get some food."

James was already headed out to the truck with Jerry! The group began exploring the buildings, there was a utility room and a complete laundry. When Joey pushed the "ON" button next to the hot water heaters, they came on with a loud bang, the burners roaring with gas fires! They found that the lights were on and there was even a telephone in the office that had a dial tone! There was a large, commercial galley next to the dining hall and at the other end of the building was a dormitory that looked to have about one hundred beds in it, set up in groups of four beds and toilet facilities for each group. As they were exploring, they discovered linens and bedding in a store room, all wrapped in protective plastic. There were towels and washcloths in a cupboard next to the shower room, as well as soaps and shampoos. Joey organized the boys into teams to make up beds for the night and lay out towels and bathing supplies for later. Just then, they heard James return with the truck.

The boys formed a conveyor line and made short work of getting all the food and supplies into the galley. Terry knew he was not a cook, but he was sure he could cobble something together to feed starving boys! With the help of James, they rolled out big pots of chicken soup, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, premade potato salad and ice cream for dessert. The older boys volunteered to get the smaller boys washed up for lunch and in minutes they were all lined up at the galley door with a tray and silverware. They gave each boy two sandwiches, a large dollop of potato salad and a bowl of soup, telling them they could come back for more if they were still hungry.

The boys stared at Terry, "yu, ya You mean we can have seconds?" they stammered.

Terry grinned and replied, "Sure, and thirds if ya' want!" Several boys just sat on the floor and cried. Joey went to them and helped them get to the table, he hugged them and whispered to each boy, "No more hunger, no more fear. You are safe and cared for now!" When their immediate hunger had been satisfied, Terry and James put two five-gallon drums of ice cream on a cart, one of vanilla and the other of strawberry, and a stack of bowls. Each boy got his choice or even BOTH flavors. The two drums were empty by the end of the meal.

As the boys were gobbling ice cream, they heard a loud crash coming from down the hallway. Terry and James, fearing that the men who had abused the boys had found them, went racing out into the hallway in the direction they had heard the sound. There was nothing to be seen, so they started opening doors. As they neared the last doorway, they heard, "Shhhh, they will catch us!"

James flung open the door as Terry began to glow and expand. His great sword appeared upon his back as he went into Warrior Mode! He had to duck down to enter the room, James following as he also entered his Warrior Mode. There, in the room they discovered a teen boy, about sixteen years old, holding a small boy in his arms and six more boys clustered around him.

The teen, shaking in fear and putting the smaller boys behind him, said, "What are you?"

Both Terry and James reverted to their human forms and they both smiled, holding out their hands to show the teen that they had no weapons, that they would not hurt him or the smaller boys around him. Terry said, "We are from Saint Michael and we are feeding our boys, would you join us for some lunch?"

The small boy, who was in the teen's arms wailed, "Oh please, Gordy, let them feed us, I am so hungry!"

The teen shouted, "You will not hurt my brother or any of these boys?"

Again, Terry began to glow and his sword appeared on his back, "Thou art mine children, come in hunger and you shall be fed, come in love and you shall be made safe, come in peace and you be made one with us!"

Shaking in fear, the teen replied, "An old man led us here last night and told us to wait for THE WARRIORS. Sir, are you a WARRIOR?"

Terry smiled, "Yes, Gordon Jensen, both James and I are WARRIORS OF SAINT MICHAEL, as are Joey and Jerry, who are waiting for you in the dining room with your lunch."

The teen looked at Terry in fright, "h h, How do you know my name?"

James spoke up, "An old man told us!" They led the boys to the dining room, where they were served lunch, even the smaller boys ate like they were starving. THEY WERE!

As soon as everyone had eaten their fill, the boys brought their trays and silver to the dishwasher and placed them in it. While Terry and James began preparations for the evening meal, Jerry and Joey led the boys outside, where they started a game of baseball for the older boys and kickball for the smaller ones. Joey kept close watch, making sure there was nobody observing them. The day was warm and the boys tired easily, especially the ones who had not eaten well for a very long time.

Gordon Jensen led his young brother to Terry and said, "This is Billy, we have been running for weeks, trying to stay away from the work masters."

James asked, "Work Masters?"

Gordon replied, "Yes, they came a year ago and forced all the farmers around here to contract with them for farm labor. Every boy they found on the streets, they rounded up and forced them to work in the fields."

James held Gordon's hand and asked, "How did you and Billy end up living on the streets?"

Gordon began to cry, "Our parents were killed in a car accident and we were to go to our Aunt Lilly to live, but she turned us over to the work masters." He continued, as tears ran down his face, "I think the workmasters killed Mom and Dad and paid Aunt Lilly for us! We escaped two weeks ago and an old man found us eating from a dumpster. He bought us breakfast and then led us here. The other boys were already here, he had led them also."

Jerry and Joey had been listening as Gordon told his story, their rage was reaching the boiling point, both were shimmering in a golden glow and Joey felt a sword resting on his back! He had grown twice his height and was looking Terry and James squarely in the eyes, "This cannot continue! Mine children must be free!"

When they had all resumed their human proportions, Terry and James hugged Joey saying, "Brother Warrior, you have arrived!"

Just then, there was a knock on the front door. They all looked at each other, the gate was closed, how did anyone even know they were there? James went to the door and cautiously opened it, there stood a diminutive man, hardly more than four feet tall. He said, "I am Carl Saunders, an investigator for the State Children's Services. May I come in?" Somewhat reluctantly, James opened the door wider and let the man enter. Mr. Saunders smiled and said, "I understand your reluctance, but Michael has sent me." They looked at the small man in amazement, he continued, "Oh yes, I know about Mr. Michael, he talked me out of a terrible decision I made in my youth and I have been paying him back for the last forty years!" He continued, "We are investigating the disappearance of children in this area, we believe they are being kidnapped and forced into farm labor!"

Terry called to Gordon to come to talk with them, when he arrived, Terry said, "Sir, this is Gordon Jensen and I believe he has an interesting story to tell you."

When Gordon had finished telling his story, Mr. Saunders had to sit down and he requested a glass of water. He turned to Terry and James saying, "I am told you two are Warriors..."

Terry interrupted the man, saying, "Joey, also and now his brother, Jerry."

The man sighed, "Yes, I have already heard stories. The morgue has collected your first encounter with the labor racketeers!" He grinned and looked at Terry, "Ten feet tall and a shining sword?"

Terry blushed and replied, "WE ARE THE WARRIORS OF SAINT MICHAEL!" Mr. Saunders was staring at Terry as he began to glow, he WAS ten feet tall and the hilt of a great shining sword was visible on his back.

"Mine children are threatened, they art mine and I am theirs, they must be made safe," Terry's voice rumbled out, shaking the building and rattling the windows! Mr. Saunders looked around and saw James and Joey standing tall, hands on the hilts of their swords that were across each of their backs. The man shivered involuntarily, the three men radiated an immense amount of power, a power no earthly force could ever hope to survive in a contest between them!

The little man asked Terry if there was any way he could take another fifty boys, his group had raided a holding camp where boys were being held to work in the fields. Terry replied, "Will they be here in time for supper?"

Mr. Saunders pulled a field radio from his pocket and spoke into it, he then replied to Terry, "They will be here in twenty minutes!"

James and Jerry ran to the truck, even before Terry could respond, James shouted, "We are going for more food!" Joey led a squad to make up beds and place towels and soaps in the showers. Hardly had the sound of scurrying feet quieted, a fleet of vans with blacked out windows drove up to the front door.

The rescued children were hurried inside and out of sight, there were several older teens with them, they caught sight of Gordon Jensen, "Gordy, we thought you were living with your Aunt!"

Gordon told them his story, when he mentioned the old man who had led him to where they had been found, the teens shouted, "We, also, were led to Mr. Saunders' people and told to wait for THE WARRIORS!"

Terry smiled at them and asked, "Do you know who that old man is?"

The teen replied, "He said his name was Michael."

Terry told them, "Michael is St. Michael, the Arch Angel!" There was a loud thump, Mr. Saunders had fainted.

James returned with the truck loaded with foodstuffs, they had over a hundred hungry boys to feed, so Terry asked several of the teens to help him and they started preparing hamburgers and hot dogs for supper, along with more potato salad, corn on the cob and fresh berry pies with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Terry knew they could not keep up as they were going, but he would worry about getting more help in the morning, the boys were hungry now!

That night, as they made their rounds, there were the sounds of boys quietly crying in their bed. When Terry and James hugged each boy and kissed their foreheads "Good Night", there were few dry pillows. The two sat in the bunk room for many hours, listening to boys sleeping soundly and safe for the first time in many months.

Terry and James knew from past experience, a good place to hire help was from the several Armed Forces Reserve Training Centers, they always had a list of those who needed work, so the next morning he called the Army Reserve Center and also the Navy Center. Both gave him a list of names and telephone numbers of members looking for work. His first need was someone who could cook! Those that he called all seemed interested in working at the Boarding School and, by the end of the next day, he had hired three ship's cooks and an Army Mess Sergeant.

It was a good thing, frightened boys, who had been hiding out from the work gangs, began arriving at their door. By the time supper was served on the second day, another fifty boys had been added! The grizzled old Mess Sergeant, Felix Cordez, stood at the door to the Dining Hall inspecting hands to make sure they were recently washed. The boys sat down to Southern Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and chicken gravy, fresh corn on the cob, a huge green salad and tapioca pudding for dessert. The boys were allowed seconds and even thirds.

Terry walked into the washroom and found Sergeant Cordez crying like a baby, "Mr. Terry, sir, those boys...... they are so hungry, so thin............." He couldn't continue.

Terry held the man, "Felix, that is why you are here."

That night, many boys, for the first time they could remember, went to bed with no pangs of hunger, all had full tummies! Over the next several weeks, additional help was hired to assist in the laundry room, building maintenance and mentors for the boys. They were wary about hiring tutors, they had a bad experience previously, but they knew that education was critical.


Desperate for advice, Terry and James went to the School District Superintendent to inquire about tutors for the boys. The Superintendent, Daryl Giles, thought for a few moments and then replied, "We sometimes use students from Coastal University, who are in the School of Education, as special tutors, some of them are even credentialed!"

Terry asked, "Do you have a name we might contact at the University?"

Mr. Giles smiled, "Yes, my brother, Carl Giles, is the Department Head. Be sure to tell him that I sent you."

They did just that and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Giles for the next day. As they returned to St. Michael's they stopped for a moment and watched their boys playing. There was a baseball game in progress, the smaller boys were playing kickball and a scratch basketball game was underway. The boys still looked undernourished, but their activity was fierce. Some of the older teens were acting as umpires and referees, although, they were as thin and hungry looking as the rest.

Both Joey and Jerry were wandering among the boys, making sure that nobody overdid their exercises or played too hard for their physical condition. As they watched, they saw Jerry flash a glow above his head and he seemed to momentarily grow taller. Terry laughed, "I guess Jerry is going through the change!"

James replied, "I have the feeling we are going to need him very soon."

Just then, Sergeant Cordez stepped out of the building and began blowing a whistle. He shouted, "LUNCH!" He might as well have waved a red flag in front of a herd of bulls, the boys stampeded towards that magic place, FOOD! He directed them through the washroom, saying, "No washee, No eatee!"

Every boy held up his hands to Felix as they entered the dining hall, smells of freshly baked bread filled the room. As the boys lined up with their trays, the cooks gave each boy two pieces of fresh baked bread, slathered with butter and raspberry jam, a large slab of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, and their choice of green peas or baked beans. A leafy green salad finished off their trays, some boys could hardly believe the amount of food they were being given.

As they were eating, Felix announced, "There is more, if anyone wants seconds!" He turned to Terry and James, tears threatening to burst forth any moment, "I'm gonna fill those boys out, somehow. Get some meat on their bones." The boys were shocked, after all that food, an ice cream bar was opened for "Make it-yourself ice cream sundaes."

As the boys were bringing their dirty trays and silver to the scullery, Terry announced, all boys under thirteen are to take a rest period, you teens, please meet with us in the auditorium."

There were groans and moans from the boys headed to naptime, but a few minutes later, there was not a single awake boy in the bunkroom! Joey went to monitor the bunkroom and Terry and James went to meet with the teens.

Terry stood before the group and said, "Guys, we need your help, we expect the work masters will try to take you back. We cannot, we WILL NOT allow that to happen. What we need is some of you to stand guard at night and at all times the boys are outside playing." Every teen jumped up to volunteer!

That night, as Terry and James walked around the buildings, they found teens on duty, each carrying a baseball bat, at each door and along the hallway outside the bunkroom. There was another teen, baseball bat across his lap, sitting near the windows in the bunkroom. Among themselves, they had organized a schedule and elected shift sergeants for the night hours. During the day, the front door was guarded and several bat-carrying teens walked the playground.

Terry and James drove to the University for their meeting with Dr. Giles, whom they found to be a pleasant and congenial man. He recommended six of his students as tutors, five young men and an older woman. He offered to have them come in that afternoon, if they were willing to stay. Terry and James agreed, so they went to lunch in the Student Union and were back in Dr. Giles' office by 1:30 that afternoon.

They were impressed by Julia Long and four of the five male students, Jake Blevins, Oscar Forte, Bill Causey and Bailey Peters. They offered tutoring jobs to all five and they accepted. They felt that Julia would be best for the very young boys, almost a mother to teach them about life. They were all scheduled to begin the next week.

As they were driving back to St. Michaels, they spotted a truck identical to the one they had liberated boys from on their first day in town. They followed the truck to a field outside town and watched as boys were herded into the field to cut artichokes! They waited not a single minute, as they stepped out of their truck, their rage grew as did their size. Terry stood, more than ten feet tall and he had his sword in his hand, his voice roared like a tornado, "YOU WERE WARNED, MINE CHILDREN WILL NOT BE ABUSED!" James was beside him in a like manner, they both raised their swords, "NOW THOU SHALT PAY THE PENALTY!"

As they spoke, a great roaring wind swept the guards from their feet, piling them up against the toppled truck, dead or dying! As Terry and James resumed their human shape, twenty boys came running to them. An older boy asked, "Are you, Mr. Michael?"

Terry replied, "No, but Mr. Michael sent us to save you!"

James added, "Quick, pile in the truck and let us leave this terrible place." He sat in the truck bed with the boys, holding on to them to keep them safe. Terry drove away as fast as he dared, not wanting another confrontation with the racketeers.

When they got to St. Michael's, both Joey and Jerry were standing out front, BOTH were in WARRIOR MODE! Terry hugged Jerry, "Welcome, Warrior Brother!"

As they returned to their human forms, they brought the new boys inside the building where they were hidden from sight. Several were bleeding and were hurt. James went to the telephone and contacted the Navy Reserve Center to ask if there were any Combat Medics who were looking for work. It was evident that they were going to need a First Aid Center!

The first medic that James called, Edwin Ross, was so eager, he offered to come down and assist in taking care of the boys, even if he did not get the job. He arrived twenty minutes later, complete with his battle kit and meds! He surveyed the hurt boys and picked up the smallest, Carey Jones, and carried him into the room designated as the future First Aid Room. The little boy was only six years old and his tears were flooding Edwin's shoulder. As Edwin took the little boy's shirt off, what he saw made him scream! Terry and James came running, summoned by Edwin's scream, they saw what the medic saw, whip marks on little Carey's back and buttocks.

The two Warrior's rage was monumental, both Edwin and Carey went goggle-eyed as Terry and James grew into Warrior Mode. Ten feet tall and more, both glowing an angry red and their swords were drawn. What began as a rumble, grew into an ear-blasting roar, "NO MORE, MINE CHILDREN ARE MINE AND THEY SHALL NOT BE TORTURED! DEATH BE UNTO THOSE WHO HAVE DONE THIS THING!" At that, the two raging Warriors blew out their breath, a great wind enveloped the city, blowing out windows and doors as it swirled and raced across the town. When it was done, twenty bodies were laying in the streets!

Edwin, still holding the child in his arms, knelt before the Warriors. He said, "I am yours to command, now and forever!"

Warrior Terry looked down at the kneeling man, "You know not what you ask, Edwin Ross!"

Edwin looked up at the towering figure and replied, "I was on the battlefield, helping the wounded, when I was shot in the back by a sniper. An old man came to me and told me that I would meet two warriors and that I was to go and serve them! He then reached down and healed my wound!"

James asked, "Know you whom we serve?"

Edwin replied, yes, that was revealed to me, WARRIORS OF ST. MICHAEL!"

Little Carey began to cry and they all looked down at the child in Edwin's arms, as they watched, the whip marks and torn flesh healed and no scar was left!

James reached for the child and Terry helped Edwin rise. He said, "BE WITH US HEALER, THOU ART WELCOME AS IS THE CHILD!"

Carey wrapped his little arms around Edwin's neck and said, "Poppa?"

Chapter 3 - WAR!

Terry and James, still in WARRIOR MODE, called to Joey and Jerry, "Join us Warrior Brothers, we go to war!"

The four Warriors strode down the street, oblivious to traffic and pedestrians alike. People and cars scattered as the eerie beings marched through their town, striking down people, seemingly at random! When they had crossed the town in all four directions, they stopped and Terry's voice boomed out, rattling whole buildings with thunder, "MINE CHILDREN ARE SAFE NOW, THEIR TORMENTORS ARE DEAD! BE THOU WARY, SHOULD IT HAPPEN AGAIN, YOU ALL SHALT JOIN THEM!"

They returned to their human shapes and walked quickly back to St. Michaels. Waiting for them at the front door was Carl Saunders, his diminutive form almost jumping up and down in excitement. He said, "Something wonderful has happened, all the workmasters have died of a mysterious ailment!"

Terry and James grinned at each other and replied, "Oh, some kind of disease?"

The man answered, "Nobody knows for sure, just their hearts stopped at all about the same time."

Edwin Ross smiled and whispered to little Carey, "Michael!"

With their tormentors gone, boys, who had been living in hiding, began streaming to St. Michael's. In less than a month, the census exceeded five hundred boys! As boys began to catch up with their classmates, they joined the daily exodus to the nearby school. Always, the boys lined up and were escorted by the older teens, hard lessons had been learned and none would take the chance of a repeat. Schoolyard bullies learned early that a terrible price had to be paid if they bullied a St. Michael Boy. Teachers learned never to bother asking a St. Michael Boy if he had his homework, it was a given!

By the time the school year had ended, the ranks of Honor Roll students were filled with St. Michael Boys. St. Michael's had classrooms only for the primary grades, the boys started a campaign to build a junior high school and a senior high school. The older teens formed a corporation to provide farm labor to area farmers at an honest wage, younger boys mowed lawns, ran errands and assisted the elderly. They washed windows and cars, painted fences and hauled trash.

By the end of summer, the boys presented a check to Terry and James for $2,500,000! Their high school would soon be a reality. Construction began immediately, the last of the unused building was cleaned and painted, and they had room for another two hundred boys.

Just as the final bunk room was being opened, local businessmen donated another $3,000,000 so that more living space could be constructed. Carl Saunders retired from the Children's Services Department and came to work as the Chief Executive of St. Michael's. His expertise was sorely needed, the efficiencies he instituted allowed for another two hundred boys to be cared for! Dr. Giles left Coastal University and became the Superintendent of Education at St. Michael's, they now had seventeen hundred boys, from three years old to just graduating from high school. More than half the boys from St. Michael's entered a university or college with much of their freshman year already completed because of advanced placement courses offered at St. Michael's! College recruiters vied for invitations to interview their boys and the scholarship fund grew to be able to assist any boy who wanted to go to college or the university.

St. Michael's was a town landmark, pointed to with pride by the citizens and businessmen. The downside was, Terry and James were growing weary, the worry, the effort, and the emotional drain was sucking their very souls dry. Day, after day, their spirits sunk further. They loved their boys, but the strain was crushing them. Joey and Jerry saw what was happening to their friends and tried to take as much of the load as they could. But every day, it seemed that Terry and James had sunk a little bit lower.

Finally, the two brothers could stand watching friends' torment no more, Joey gathered Jerry and they went to an empty storeroom, where they knelt down and prayed, prayed to their Patron, Saint Michael, that relief be granted to Terry and James. They prayed as they had never prayed before, begging for help for the two men who, beyond all others, they loved and honored! As they prayed, they felt an uplift in their souls.

The next morning, Terry and James were walking the grounds, just as they did every day. They came around the corner of the building and were confronted by the magnificence of The Warrior Angel, His Great White Wings spread! Hand in hand, they knelt before their benefactor and bowed their heads, awaiting his orders. In their minds, they heard, "Go forth from here, my good and faithful Warriors, you have earned your rest. In the North, you will reap your reward."

Terry and James knew their present assignment was over, they would turn their duties over to Joey and Jerry and head, once again, northward. As they were packing their bags, Edwin Ross, the Medic came into their room, tears flowing freely down his face. He knelt before Terry and James, saying, "I have been selected to accompany you. I am bonded to Saint Michael as his Warrior and I shall be with you now and forever."

As they headed to the front door, there were nearly two thousand boys gathered on the front lawn, silence reigned as each boy stepped forward and hugged the three men, not a single dry eye among them. Joey and Jerry hugged them, "Stand tall my Brother Warriors!" Joey said. Jerry could say nothing, the lump in his throat and the stone in his heart was almost beyond bearing!



Terry and James loaded into their truck and headed out of town, not knowing where St. Michael wanted them to go. They chose to drive north, knowing they would be guided. Their story will be continued in BOOK 5 - "THE RECOVERY"