The Protector Series

Book Five: The Recovery


Terry and James drove northwards with Edwin sitting on the backseat. Their time at Saint Michael's Boarding School done, their souls and minds numb with weariness. They decided they would skip the big city of San Francisco and go further north, perhaps the peace and solitude of the Giant Redwoods would bring them renewal, allowing their bodies and souls to recover.


Terry was driving, they had spent several days driving peacefully through the sunny dells of the Redwood Forest. Tiny towns were scattered, mostly tourist attractions, along the highway. It was late afternoon as they passed a sign telling them that Eureka was 35 miles ahead. Another sign, barely readable, pointed to the left and said, "Requa Inn, 5 miles."

Edwin said, "What a strange name, I wonder what is there?"

Terry spun the wheel to the left, saying, "Well, let's find out. If it is a motel, we can stay the night."

They drove slowly down a steep road that descended sharply through a narrow canyon towards the nearby ocean, where they discovered an old lumbering town left from the early days of California. From the looks of the village, few of the buildings remained inhabited, there was a large hotel-like building in the center of the town, a broken sign hung crookedly over the entrance, "REQUA INN, Michael ......" the rest of the sign was gone.

James looked at the sign thoughtfully and said, "Maybe ........."

Terry replied, "Yes, I have a feeling about this. Let us get out and explore a bit."

They walked around the old building and then a ways down the short street that led to a tumbled-down pier jutting out into the small bay. Seeing a light on in a nearby house, they knocked on the door. An elderly man answered and they asked him about the town and the old inn. He said, "Not much left here, fellas, and folks hereabout believe the old inn is haunted."

Edwin asked, "Haunted?"

The old man replied, "Yeah, the story goes that a man named Michael, don't know that I ever heared his last name, bought it years ago. He started fixin' it up and one night he just disappeared! T'was the last folks ever seed of him, but theys say there be strange noises in the night there."

James and Terry looked at each other and nodded their heads. "I think this is our place", Terry said. They thanked the man for the information and walked back to the inn, looking for a way into the building.

They didn't turn back to see the old man as he became Saint Michael, he looked up and said, "Rest easy, MY WARRIORS, you are needed here!"

They retrieved a couple of flashlights from the truck and began to explore. They found a cellar door hanging open, and the hinges rusted off. Just inside was a stairway leading upwards. On the main level, they found a large dining room and kitchen, a check-in desk and a manager's office. Behind the dining room, they discovered a ballroom, complete with a low stage at one end. They saw several small rooms around the outside wall that were probably intended as private dining or meeting rooms. It was getting dark and they were weary of traveling, so Edwin suggested they get their sleeping bags out of the truck and spend the night in the building.

Terry teased, "With the ghosts?"

Edwin replied, "I am so tired, I could sleep through a dozen ghosts!"

They had purchased food and drinks in the last town, so they set up their sleeping bags and made some sandwiches for their supper. They found a working restroom, surprisingly, the water was turned on! They washed up and proceeded to climb into their sleeping bags for the night. There were no sounds in the nearly deserted little town, everything was peaceful and quiet. There was a gentle breeze making a pleasant sound as it passed through the branches of the redwood trees that soon lulled the three young men to sleep. They had been asleep for several hours when a sharp cry awakened them.

They heard, "Billy, help me, I think I have broken my leg!" They heard footsteps running across the floor above them and then someone, who sounded very young, crying in pain.

As he jumped up, Edwin exclaimed, "THAT is no ghost, someone is hurt!" They grabbed their flashlights and walked over to the staircase that led to the upper floors.

When they got to the upper landing, Terry reached out to stop Edwin and James from going further. He called out, "We are Terry, James and Edwin. We won't hurt you, but if someone sounds like they need us, please call out so that we can find you!"

From a room down the hall, they heard, "Please, Billy, let them help us, I hurt so bad..."

A door opened and a boy, about 16 years old, stood there, holding a lighted candle. He said, "Please don't hurt us, my little brother has fallen and hurt his leg."

Edwin stepped forward, "I am a medic, will you let me examine your brother?"

The teen replied, "Oh, God, please help him!"

Edwin turned to James, "Get my kit from the truck, will you?"

Terry and Edwin walked slowly to the boy, making no sudden moves that would frighten him. He led them into the room, there was an old bed against the wall and a boy, about 6 years old was laying on it, holding his leg in pain.

Edwin rushed over to the crying child and asked if he could take a look at his leg. The boy nodded yes and Edwin quickly ran his hands down the child's leg, "I don't think it is broken, only badly sprained!" He held the boy in his arms and waited for James to bring his battle kit.

Terry was standing by the older teen, "Son, why are you here?"

The boy hung his head and replied, " 'Cause our daddy don't want us no more!" The boy burst into tears and Terry held him, rubbing his back in comfort. The boy continued to cry on Terry's shoulder, "I tried so hard to take care of them, but I, I, I, there is no more money to buy food and we are all so hungry."

James had arrived with Edwin's med kit, he heard what the boy said. James said in a calm voice, "Will you tell me where the other boys are? We have some food they can eat."

The boy said, "I had better take you, they are afraid and might run." The teen whose name they learned was Bill, took them down the hall and stood before a door. He knocked twice and then once more, clearly a signal to let those within know who was at the door. They heard a latch being released on the door and a boy's face peered out. He screamed and tried to slam the door shut but Bill stuck his foot between the door and the jam and said, "These guys are friends and will help us. They have food!"

The boy inside the room replied, "Yu, yu, you have food? And you won't hurt us? DO YOU PROMISE?"

James said, "Yes, we promise, I am James and this is my partner, Terry. If you will come with us, we will go downstairs and get the food." Eight very dirty boys, the oldest looked to be about 12 and the youngest was no more than 3 years old came out of the room, holding on to each other in their fear. James said, "Why don't you two biggest boys come downstairs with me and help carry the food up here?"

The promise of food was enough, two boys held onto James' hand as they went down the stairs to retrieve the promised food. Terry cuddled the remaining boys and led them back to the room, where Edwin was tending to Bill's little brother.

James and his "helpers" brought the food chest upstairs and handed out cans of fruit juice to each boy. As soon as they had quenched their thirst, he gave each boy a ham and cheese sandwich and put a box of crackers on the little desk that was in the room. He brought a can of juice and a sandwich over to Bill's little brother, so he could eat while Edwin was taping up his sprained ankle. When all the sandwiches had been eaten, James dug out a box of oatmeal raisin cookies and an apple for each boy.

After the boys had eaten, Bill stood up and asked, "Which one of you is Mr. Michael?"

Terry smiled, he knew now that they were SUPPOSED to be here, "You had a dream?"

Bill replied, "Yes sir, last night I dreamed that we were saved by Mr. Michael."

Terry said, "We were sent by Mr. Michael to find you!" He reached out his arms and was mobbed by boys and their tears. They brought the boys downstairs and spread out the sleeping bags so that they all could lie down. Ten boys lay there, each claiming a hold on one of their saviors.

With food in their tummies and a sense of safety, the boys were soon all asleep. None of them noticed a figure in the window, his great sword hanging from his back and a wide grin on his face, the Warrior Angel was well pleased!


The next morning, they set out to explore the old inn, it was no surprise to the men that there was a large envelope on the counter of the registration desk in the front lobby. In it was a bank book showing a balance of $625,000, property title documents showing ownership of the building and the village of Requa was in the name of Edwin Ross. They immediately thought of the old man living in the house down the street. Not wanting him to feel unwanted, they walked down to his home. It was abandoned, no sign of him ever having been there, nor did any of the houses show any sign of recent occupation!

As they returned to the inn, each questioned himself, testing whether they had actually talked with the old man or whether they had a "collective" dream! It was a mystery that would remain unsolved. They discovered a main breaker panel in the cellar, when Terry pulled the electrical breaker, lights came on throughout the building, and a heating plant started up, taking the slight chill off the rooms. James tested the hot water faucet in the kitchen, the water ran clean and hot!

James asked Bill if he would go with him into Eureka to purchase food for everyone, Bill stuttered and stammered, "Er, ahh, I have no money!"

James just smiled and said, "Mr. Michael."

The boy was pleased to be asked to help, he hugged his little brother, Garth, and told him to be good while he was gone. Toby, the 12-year-old boy stepped up and said, "Go, Bill, we will keep things here while you are gone." They did, too!

With the lights on, they found sheets and blankets for the beds, towels, wash clothes and soap for the showers and a room full of balls, baseball bats, and sports equipment. While they were waiting for James and Bill to return, Toby got all the boys together and started a kickball game in the backyard. Terry carried Garth out so he could watch the game while Edwin checked out the stoves and refrigerators to make sure they were working.

He had just come back outside to watch the boys having fun when they all heard a piercing scream from the front of the building. Everyone raced around the side and found a woman shoving a small boy out the door of her car. Terry reacted immediately, suddenly there was a 10-foot raging apparition blocking her car, a great sword in his hand, roaring, "HOW DARE YOU HARM MINE CHILD!" With that, he shoved her as she had shoved the boy.

A second giant appeared, Edwin in his first experience in WARRIOR MODE, he slammed his sword against the woman's automobile, smashing the hood and destroying the engine, he roared in a frightful voice, "BEGONE, THOU ART BUT TRASH. NEVER SHALL YOU HARM THIS CHILD AGAIN!" He exhaled, blowing the woman down the road, she was last seen running, screaming down the highway!

Toby bravely stood before Edwin and Terry, who had resumed their human forms, and in a trembling voice, asked, "Wha, what are you?"

Terry knelt beside the frightened boy and said, "We are the Warriors of St. Michael, the Arch Angel. Have no fear, we shall protect you all. Nothing will be allowed to hurt you!"

The little boy who had been shoved from the woman's car sat in the street, bewildered and crying. Edwin picked him up and held him in his arms. The boy stammered, "Yu, you sent Auntie away, where will I live now?" Edwin kissed the boy's forehead and told him he would live with them. Toby got the boys back to their ball game and included the newest boy, Gilbert, in their game.

Before long, James and Bill returned with the bed of the truck filled with food. As the boys were carrying the purchases into the kitchen, James hugged Terry and said, "Love, I felt you and Edwin as you became Warriors, it was as if I were standing beside you!"

Terry and James put together a lunch for themselves and the boys, a huge green salad, tomato soup and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. There was a choice of jello or tapioca for desert, some boys couldn't decide, so they were served both! The boys were told to take a nap after lunch.

Bill gently carried his brother, Garth, up the stairs and was surprised to find the bed made with sheets and blankets. He laid the boy on his bed and tucked him in. Garth was almost asleep, with a full tummy and clean bed. He murmured, "I love you, Billy." Bill needed to rush out of the room, not wanting his brother to see him cry.

Bill and Toby sat down with the men and told them all they knew about themselves and each boy. While they were talking, there came a knock on the back door. Edwin went to answer it, there were three boys standing there, "Please sir, has you gots any food to spare, we's not ate in four days."

 Edwin grabbed the boys and brought them to the table, pulling food from the counter and placing in front of the boys. After they finished eating everything Edwin had put in front of them, the oldest of the boys stood and asked, "What does you wants to do to us'ns in payment for ours food?"

Edwin squeaked, "What do you mean?" The minute he asked, he was not sure he wanted to know.

The boy replied, "We's usually does sex things for our food ........"

Edwin could feel himself gaining height, he quickly said to the boys, "You never have to do that again, you may have all the food you wish and we ask only that you enjoy it and feel safe!"

The boy said, "Ya' means we's kin stay here?"

Toby wrapped his arms around the boy, "Yes you can stay here, these men feed us and protect us, come, lets get you cleaned up and a bed for you." He led the boys upstairs, they could hear them asking Toby all kinds of questions. Edwin stood there, shaking like a leaf.

Bill went to him and said, "Mr. Edwin, that's not the worst that happens!"

At that, Edwin could no longer control himself, at 10 feet tall, his head was hitting the ceiling as he roared, "NEVER, NO MORE SHALL MINE CHILDREN BE DONE SO!" He reached down and picked up Bill, carrying him in the crook of his arm, they climbed the stairs to the bunkroom and entered. All the boys stared at this huge apparition, Edwin drew his sword and held it up, "MINE CHILDREN, THOU SHALT NOT BE FORCED TO DO THIS, THOU ART MINE TO PROTECT!" As he resumed his human form, the boys came running to him, just wanting to make sure he was real and to know that he was there to protect them.

Later that afternoon, two deputy sheriffs knocked on the front door, Terry answered it and invited the two in. The senior deputy said, "Sir, we have been informed that you are state licensed to keep rescued boys here."

Terry replied, "Yes, that is true." The man continued, "When will you be open and ready to receive boys?"

Terry chuckled, "Last night!"

The Deputy got a huge smile on his face, "Can you take twenty boys?"

Terry shook his head and replied, "Well, yes, when?"

The Deputy spoke into his radio, then said, "How about in thirty minutes?"

James said, "Do it, love, we can be ready!"

The Deputy looked and James and Terry and asked, "Are you... uh are you together?"

James smiled and replied, "Yes sir, is that a problem?"

The Deputy sat down suddenly and said, "No, this is my partner, Joel," pointing to the other deputy.

They all sat there looking at one another, finally, Terry spoke up, "Do you think there will be problems?"

The Deputy replied, "Not while I am head of the Child Welfare Division in this county."

A short time later, six patrol cars drove up, filled with boys! Terry called up the stairs to Bill and Toby to come help with the new boys, all the boys except Garth, who was still unable to walk on his sprained ankle, came stampeding down the stairs. The Senior Deputy, Mel Fitz and his partner Joel Higgins, were dumbfounded. All the boys were clean and eager to help the new boys. Two boys ran to the kitchen and brought snacks up and another two hauled glasses and jugs of fruit juice for the new boys. The new boys just stared, not believing the generosity of these people.

Bill reached across and pushed a boy's chin up, closing his mouth. He said, "We don't need to catch no flies right now!" That broke the ice, between laughter and tears, the boys all got to know each other. Bill and Toby led the new boys off to the shower and a short time later, the deputies looked in a bunkroom filled with boys either asleep, or getting there.

The next morning, Terry was starting breakfast for the boys, the smell of frying bacon drifted upstairs and like magic, boy's feet were heard running down the stairs. As he started serving that wonderful boy magnet, bacon and scrambled eggs, he heard a noise at the back door, peering out the window, he spotted four little blond heads standing on the stoop. He motioned James to be very quiet and he walked to the door, holding strips of cooked bacon between his fingers. He threw open the door and waved the bacon towards the boys standing there, those boys would have followed that smell up the side of the building, had they been able to get traction! They followed him to the table and he handed the boys their prize, BACON! They wolfed it down in a single gulp, he asked them, "Want more?" He was unable to resist the pleading in their eyes, he filled four plates with bacon, scrambled eggs, toast and jelly and a huge glass of milk.

The boys were goggle-eyed, "F, f, for usin's", they stammered.

Terry knelt down on one knee to look them square in the eyes, "Yup, all for you and if you are still hungry, I will fill your plates again."

By that time, the rest of the boys had followed their noses and Bill was carrying Garth, the little boy's eyes were riveted on the plate Terry was holding out to him. By the time they got those boys filled up, a major portion of that pig had been sacrificed as bacon. The boys all carried their plates to the dishwasher, even Garth walked a bit on his sprained ankle.

Edwin took the newest boys upstairs to get them cleaned up and assigned beds, his scream brought Terry and James at a dead run! They found Edwin, kneeling on the floor of the shower, his arms wrapped around a small boy. When they looked, the boy had whip marks covering his back and buttocks! The older boy, who seemed to be their leader, took the little boy from Edwin and said, "That's why we's ran, sir. We's was in a foster home and we's got beat near every day. Look!" The boy turned his back to the men and there were bloody streaks, oozing pus on his back. He had been beaten, also.

Edwin sent Billy to bring his Battle Kit upstairs, so that he might treat the boys' wounds. Terry put in a telephone call to Senior Deputy Fitz, reporting the situation with the four new boys and asking him to stop by.


Shortly before lunchtime Senior Deputy Fitz and his partner, Deputy Higgins arrived and Edwin brought the four boys to them, describing their injuries. Mel Fitz was so angry, his hands shook, his partner, Joel Higgins just held the small boy, whose name was Danny Leeds, and rubbed his back. Both Deputies were working hard, choking back their tears, both anger and frustration. Mel pulled some forms from his case and began filling them out. They were Emergency Placement Authorizations for the four boys.

While they were standing there, a timid knock was heard at the front door, Billy opened it and brought two little boys inside. Both were tattered and dirty and clearly, they had not been eating well for some time. Without a word, Mel pulled two more authorization forms from his case and began filling them out. He handed them all to Terry and chuckled, "Maybe you best stop watering that BOY TREE for a while!"

Terry just laughed and said, "Is there an Armed Forces Reserve Center in Eureka?"

Mel said, "Yes, what for?"

Terry replied, "We are gonna need more help here, it is only the three of us."

Joel spoke up, "I am in the Navy Reserve, let me ask around for you."

The two deputies left and the boys sat down for their lunch. Terry just shook his head, "James, you better go get more food, the way these boys are eating, there is not enough left for supper tonight!"

James asked Bill if he would go with him to purchase more food and they left almost immediately. Edwin had all the boys under 10 years old take a nap and Terry took the older boys outside for a ball game. He ended up refereeing for two games at once, kickball and baseball. By the time the games were over, he felt he was going to need carrying off the field!

James and Billy returned, with the back of the truck piled as high as the cab with boxes of food and fresh produce. James explained that he had discovered a wholesale grocery supplier in Eureka and had set up an account. They would deliver fresh food and produce twice a week, he had already ordered for the next delivery. There was a loading dock behind the kitchen that led directly to a walk-in freezer and refrigerator. The boys all pitched in and the food was put away in just a few minutes.

That night, the boys feasted, they had grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans and two kinds of cake for dessert, chocolate and strawberry. Most boys had a piece of each before heading to the ballroom where there was a television set up. Down in that canyon, they only got two stations, but it was more than most of the boys had been allowed before arriving at REQUA INN REFUGE FOR BOYS.

That night, the combination of warm showers, soft beds and full tummies put the boys to sleep almost instantly. The three men were sitting at the dining table, enjoying a cup of coffee when they spotted Bill standing in the doorway. Terry motioned for the teen to come closer, and he picked Bill up and sat him on his lap, "What's the problem, Bill, can't sleep?" he asked.

Bill looked at Terry and said, "Mr. Terry, I want to be like you, I want to be able to help protect these guys." He continued, "The last two nights I have had these dreams, a shining man, covered in light was calling me, he said his name was Michael!"

Terry hugged the boy even tighter, "Bill, that shining man, Michael, is St. Michael the Arch Angel!"

Bill's eyes went wide, "Bu, Bu,but he told me that I was accepted!"

Terry smiled at the teen, "Well, Bill, if St. Michael says you are accepted, I guess we have a Fourth Warrior!"

Bill stared at Terry, "Yu, yu You mean, like you were the other day?"

Terry replied, "Yes, Bill, it is a lifetime job, like, FOREVER!"

Bill smiled, "Good, I start NOW!"

Over the next several days, they were able to hire several cooks, a handyman and three tutors to help the boys get caught up.

They found out that they had a title to the entire village, not just the old Inn. They set about restoring some of the housing for employees to live in. One of their first hires was an old, retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, Conrad Doane. He had snow-white hair and chewed on a pipe that was never lit. The boys soon discovered he was always good for hug, comforting a skinned knee or a candy treat that mysteriously was found in his pocket! Within a week, the old man had become Grandpa Conrad to all the boys.

New boys trickled in a few at a time, they found one day the bunkroom was full. They had sixty boys! There were two more wings to the old Inn, the west wing was three stories of large bedrooms and the middle wing had a huge ground floor room, like a dormitory, and two floors of large bedrooms. They hired two more handymen and set them to refurbishing the west wing. Several of the older boys asked if they could help. Terry and James thought it was a good idea, not only would it give them a sense of ownership, but also vocational training.

Spring had turned into summer and the boys began dreaming of summer things, camping, hiking and fishing. All the summer fun things boys like to do. Grandpa Conrad showed up one morning with a huge box filled with fishing poles, lines, nets, hooks and all the "stuff" needed to fish from the old pier. The boys danced around the old man like ants headed to a picnic! Surprisingly, they caught enough fish to feed everyone that night. Thereafter, they had fresh fish at least once every week, the prize for the week's biggest fish was to get to eat supper at the head table.

Mel and Joel had been invited for a "fish feed" supper and Mel asked to speak to the men privately. They went into the office and Mel said, "The God's River Church in Eureka is causing trouble, they want to close you guys down. That fiery dragon of a preacher is cursing you at every street corner. He is always screaming about HOMO-SEX-UALS corrupting those poor, poor orphan boys!"

Joel spoke up, "You can probably expect his troop at your front door most any day now. He has been screaming and exhorting folks for weeks."

Terry asked, "We hold the title for this entire village, would it be against the law to put up a fence and gate the entrance?"

Mel thought for a moment and then replied, "As long as there is a way to escape a fire, no, it's your property. Go ahead and fence it."

The next day, Terry called several fencing contractors, one, Joe Frazer Fencing told him he could start immediately. They agreed on a price per foot and the job was to begin the next day. Terry and James were still concerned. They sat discussing the problem. Edwin suggested hiring some out-of-work Marines from the Reserve Center. They both thought that was a good idea, so they left him in charge and headed to Eureka to talk to the CO of the Training Center.

As it happened, the Yeoman Petty Officer had a list of those reservists who were looking for work and he gave the phone numbers to Terry. He invited them to use the Center's phone, and within a half hour, there were 8 Marine Reservists on their way down to the Training Center to talk with them.

The first Marine to arrive was Gunnery Sergeant Floyd Daniels. He had been wounded in Iraq and when he returned, his wife left him with three young children to care for as she went partying in New York City. They were impressed by the man, he stood well over six feet and was built like a Marine Tank! They offered him the job as supervisor and told him he could move his children and live in one of the village houses. That, more than anything, clinched the deal for the Gunny. He wanted to get his kids away from the town and its bigoted residents. The Gunny sat in on the interviews of the rest and recommended that they all be hired.

When the Marines were told they could live in the village with no rental fees, they were ready to come to work that day. Three of them and Gunny Daniels did exactly that! Gunny drove out that afternoon with his children and a truck full of boxes. They decided on a three-bedroom house overlooking the old pier. His two older boys, twins Jacob and Lyle, were 16 years old and started making fishing plans the moment they spotted Grandpa Conrad with his empty pipe sitting on an old piling. It turned out that Gunny and Grandpa were old shipmates and they got to talking "old times".

Gunny's younger son Bryce was looking a little forlorn until he spotted a boy he knew. He ran across the yard, screaming, "BILL, BILL!"

Bill came over to the young boy, "Ya lookin' fer Garth?" he asked.

Bryce said, "Yeah, I haven't seen him since he left school."

Bill told the boy where Garth was and then walked away with a happy smile on his face, he was friends with the twins, Jacob and Lyle.

Since the fence and gate were not yet installed, Gunny assigned his Marines to sit in their truck across the entrance road at night. He knew about Preacher Morgan and his God's River bunch of nuts! That was one of the reasons he wanted to get his boys away from Eureka. He was pretty sure his twins were gay. He would wait until they came to him, but he sure wasn't going to let them be victimized by that crazy bigot.

That first night there were no problems and during the next day, all the Marines moved into their choice of houses. Three of them, Mike Dole, Arthur Monke and Fletcher Shastain decided to go in together and lighten the housekeeping load.

Joe Frazer showed up with his work crew and a truck full of 10-foot chain link fencing. He planned on barbed wire at the top and Terry agreed. Although it was unlikely anyone would climb down the ravine and then clamber over a 10-foot high fence, he liked the idea of the added security.

Terry and James agreed to feed the Marines, including Gunny's boys. They decided that they needed someone in charge of the kitchen and laundry, so they telephoned Carl Anders, the Yeoman Petty Officer at the Reserve Center and asked him if there was anyone available who could manage the kitchen and domestic services. He thought for a moment and then replied, "You already have him! Chief Petty Officer Conrad Doane." The young petty officer continued, "If you ever need someone to run the office, I am getting out of the Navy next month and would love to work with you guys."

Terry and James looked at each other and they both said, "You're HIRED!"

The record-keeping was getting out of hand, they were up to 130 boys and more were coming in nearly every day. Things were going too smoothly, it had to happen, sooner or later. A week after they spoke with Carl Anders at the Reserve Training Center, Carl came speeding down the highway and turned into their entrance road on two wheels. He screeched to a stop in front of the Inn and raced inside, screaming for Terry, James, just anybody!

Edwin was in the small dispensary, treating a skinned knee on Garth. He poked his head out the door and asked, "What is the emergency?" Carl came running to the Dispensary and told Edwin that Preacher Morgan and his bunch of kooks were headed for Requa!

They had hung the old firehouse bell on the front porch for just that sort of emergency and Edwin ran out on the porch, beating the living daylights out of that ancient bell! Gunny came running, he had no need to ask what the problem was, and he knew about Petty Officer Carl Anders, he had no problem accepting him. His first action was to send Fletcher Shastain and Arthur Monke up to the entrance gate and shut it. He handed them both 12 gauge shotguns and several boxes of 00 buckshot rounds.

He looked the two men in the eyes and said, "If it is them or the boys, TAKEM' OUT!" Mike Dole and Jerry Kellog he sent on roving patrol along the southside fence. Barry Towl and Carter Mann were sent to the northside fence. Unless they came in by boat, NOBODY was gonna get by HIS Marines! He turned to Carl Anders and said, "You wanna come with me?"

Carl smiled and replied, "Aye, Aye, Gunny!" He picked one of the shotguns and stuffed shot shells in his pockets as he followed Gunny around, getting the boys in the building. Edwin set up his emergency aid station and Grandpa Conrad started the cooks to making sandwiches and a huge tub of coffee, it was going to be a long night.

Bill and Gunny's twins, Jacob and Lyle offered to deliver coffee and food to the Marines. Gunny looked at the boys and handed them each a 20 gauge shotgun. He said, "Boys, I don't want you to have to use these, but, By God, if it is you or them, make damned sure it is THEM!" He looked at Bill, curiously, Bill seemed to be shimmering and he looked taller. He shook his head, "Old man, you need new glasses," he told himself.

Terry and James herded all the boys into the cellar and came back out to stand in front of their home. Gunny looked in their direction and saw the two men begin to change, they were shimmering the same as the boy, Bill, was! Inside the Inn, he saw Edwin doing the same thing as he stood guard, waiting to treat any injuries. He was about to say something when he heard gunfire in the direction of the gate! He watched, stunned as two monstrous apparitions strode up the drive, that they were Terry and James was no question, but WHAT were THEY? Ten feet tall and more, a giant sword hung at their backs! He turned to the direction that young Bill had gone, and saw another such creature only slightly smaller!

Gunny had never considered himself an especially religious man, but he prayed at that moment that those giants were not coming for him. In short order, he heard screams and crashes coming from the gate, a violent explosion lit up the sky, and monstrous voice, more like a great storm than human speech, roared forth, "THOU SHALT NOT HARM MINE CHILDREN, THEY ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE."

From another direction, a different but equally terrible voice proclaimed, "BE GONE WITH YOU, THOU ARE NOT WORTH A SINGLE HAIR UPON THE HEADS OF MINE CHILDREN!" As the voice died, he heard a great wind rushing through the trees and the screams of frightened people.

Before the screams had quieted, he heard still another voice, younger sounding than the other two, "THOU SHALT NOT HAVE PEACE FOR SO LONG AS THE LEAST OF MINE CHILDREN HAVE NO PEACE!"

He heard a crash from the house and saw yet another of the creatures, "THOU SHALT HAVE NO HEALING FOR SO LONG AS MINE CHILDREN HAVE FEAR!"

That was all Gunny could take, he looked down and discovered he had wet himself, his hands were shaking so bad, he put the shotgun down on the ground in fear he might hurt someone! In the distance, he heard sirens, they were ambulances and sheriff deputies answering a call for help that Edwin had sent before he charged outside.

By the time the Deputies arrived Terry, James, Edwin and Bill were standing on the front porch looking completely normal. Gunnery Sergeant Floyd Daniels was shaking like a leaf, he told himself he could never tell anyone what he had seen, who would believe him?

As he stood there, he heard a voice, "Floyd Daniels, thou art blessed among men for you have witnessed good men triumph over evil!" Suddenly, he was surrounded by Terry, James, Edwin and Bill.

They held him in their arms and Bill said, "Brother, you are one of us in spirit!"

To the end of his days, Floyd would remember nothing else of that day!

The deputies rounded up the members of God's River Church, but of Preacher Morgan, no trace was ever found, nor was he ever heard from again.

Chapter 4 - REQUA PEACE

Calm returned once more to the village, school was ready to start and they made arrangements for the boys to be bused to the schools in Eureka. The tutors had done a good job, all the boys were now at or above their grade level. The census had risen steadily all summer, they were now caring for 325 boys!

Grandpa Conrad continued his fishing, being joined by the boys after school and on weekends. Gunny and his Marines stayed on, but now their main job was mentoring boys who were struggling through the trials of becoming men. On weekends, the boys worked with the maintenance crew, repairing buildings, clearing underbrush and fixing up the old pier.

James had seen an advertisement for an old sailing schooner for sale and they had made a bid on it. Out of the clear, a local businessman bought it and donated it to The Requa Inn Refuge for Boys. One of Grandpa Conrad's old cronies had a Coast Guard License for a Sailing Ship and after many long weeks cleaning, scraping and painting, the Sailing Ship "MICHAEL" slipped her mooring lines and headed to Eureka with a cargo of 180 boys to participate in the annual Pioneer Days Celebration! The boys all dressed in period clothing and were running up and down the rigging like Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.!

They spent the weekend taking local boys and girls for a sail across the harbor. By the end of the weekend, every boy and girl in Eureka knew what Requa Inn Refuge for Boys was. No longer were orphans there destined to live in obscurity, they were heroes, every one of them.

The seasons changed yet again and the boys were stuck in the house, the North Coast of California is one of the wettest places in North America! The rains may have kept the boys in, but it did little to slow the number of boys looking for a safe haven.

As they celebrated Christmas, Carl Anders reported that they had exceeded 500 boys! Christmas morning that year was a first for many of the boys, some had no concept of a Christmas gift. A couple of the little ones had to be coaxed to open their shiny packages to find the gift inside! Grandpa Conrad dressed up as Santa Claus and distributed gifts to every boy by name.

New Year's came and went with no improvement in the weather. Mel and Joel were regular guests, many times bringing a new boy to join the group at Requa Inn Refuge for Boys.

At last, spring began to unfold, the boys pulled The Michael out of storage and spent their time painting and cleaning. A new flag had been purchased for the masthead - Bright Red with white letters - "ST. MICHAEL"! The next few months, the boys sailed their ship in regattas up and down the coast, they were featured on TV programs and were guests of honor at important functions. Always, they were from Requa Inn Refuge for Boys!

Donations and bequests flowed in, but more importantly, homeless boys heard about them and went to awful lengths to get there. Some were injured and worse in doing so.

Garth, now 16 years old, asked Terry for an assembly. On Saturday morning, 920 boys crowded into the banquet room and Garth called for attention. He said, "Boys are dying trying to get to us, but we are safe here. Boys are being hurt trying to get here, but we are safe here. Boys are starving trying to get here, but still, we are fed here!" Tears were beginning to flow among the boys, Garth continued, "If we are safe here, why are other boys being killed, going hungry, being hurt? My BROTHER is a WARRIOR, can I be anything less? My BROTHER is also YOUR BROTHER, can YOU be anything less? We have the money in the recreation fund, I say, we purchase as many buses as we can pay for and paint them St. Michael RED! That we go from town to town, city to city, village to village and collect those boys BEFORE they die, BEFORE they are hurt, BEFORE they starve from lack of food! WE BRING THEM HERE FOR WE ALSO ARE THE WARRIORS OF ST. MICHAEL!" There was complete silence, then the boys all stood and began a chanting clap, not in celebration but in honor of what one of their own had proposed!

With the help of local businessmen, they purchased 22 buses, some were not new, but they were all sound. The boys spent their time painting and scrubbing those buses before they were sent out, stocked with food, medicines, blankets and clothing. Edwin trained boys in first aid. Each bus carried enough bandages and supplies for a train wreck!

One bus returned from the Northwest, so overloaded, the springs had to be replaced! They would park a bus in a downtown area, "ST, MICHAEL" painted in white on the red sides. A bus was never more than a few hours before it was full and had to head for home.

The abandoned houses next to the Inn were bulldozed and new dormitories were built, finally, the old Inn itself had to go, to make room for a more modern complex. By the time Garth left for college, there were 5,000 boys living at Requa Inn Refuge for Boys!

As the census passed 7,200 boys Terry and James were returning to their room, they opened the door and Garth was standing, a diploma in his hand and a smile on his face. He motioned for them to look behind them. There stood The Warrior Angel, his Amor shining and his hand upon the pommel of his Great Sword.

The three men went to their knees, each saying, "What are Thy orders?"

The Warrior Angel said, "Mine Warriors, I am well pleased, thou hast exceeded even my expectations!" He continued, "Now there are others in need, go you now, the three of you further still, northwards in mine service."

As he began to fade from sight, they were already packing the few things they would need. They came down the stairs, all the boys, the staff, their benefactors and friends were standing there. Most not understanding what was happening, knowing only that these great and precious men were leaving them. Tears were abundant, some boys had to be held from collapsing, so great was their anguish!

Terry spoke for them all, "As hard as this is, as full of sorrow we are, know that further on our travels, there are those who are desperate, are hungry, are cold this night and are dying. It is for them, that we must go, we must succor them as we have you. As we leave you, do not forget us, remember all that we have done here and keep it alive." They began to walk out of the building, the weeping and sobs of the boys became wails and shrieks of despair.

The three men turned to their friends and asked, "Who here would tell another child that they must go hungry, another child that he must go unclothed, or have no roof over his head, no safe place to sleep. That is what we go for, be happy for those children we shall save, we shall feed, we shall clothe. Do not weep, shout in joy that others will know as you know, of full bellies, warm beds and a safe home."

They found a new truck sitting out front, the door was open and the engine running. As Terry drove up the canyon to the highway they had left so long ago, he turned northward in search of their next assignment in the service of Saint Michael the Arch Angel.


Look for more adventures of these gentle warriors.