The Future Awaits

Chapter Seventeen

By the end of the week everything is finished except painting the outside trim work and windows, which Gary promises to do on weekends, for he goes back to his job at the institute on Monday. All of us are delighted with the way our new home looks. I make a huge pan of lasagna and invite Gary and Johnny to join us Friday evening. After dinner, the boys go out in the yard so Mike and Tommy can show Johnny how soccer is played. Since he's had his new feet, Tommy has learned to play a little with Mike's coaching.

While we're having coffee, Gary reluctantly pulls a sheet of notebook paper from his pocket and hands it to Tor. "This here's what I figure my time and Johnny's comes to. I hate asking you now, but I need the money."

Tor looks at it and hands it to me. It's a little less than half what the contractor estimated, and doing a quick run in my head, it works out to less than minimum wage. I pass it back to Tor with a shake of my head.

"It ain't too much is it?" Gary quickly asks.

Tor hands Gary a cheque he's already written. "This is what you and Johnny deserve."

Gary's mouth drops open. "This is way too much. I ain't taking it."

"Yes, you are." I tell him. "We had an estimate from a contractor, and this is what he said the labor would be. Actually, we owe you more, because you and Johnny did far better work and used better materials. You let us use your truck to move, too."

"But you done give us the carpet."

"You and Johnny gave us far more than we had any right to expect, and we appreciate all the other things you've done for us as a friend, Gary, so please don't argue with us about this." Tor adds.

He looks at us with moist eyes, the first real emotion we've seen from him in ages. "This here is a God send. I wouldn't take it if we didn't need it so bad, but mama's been right sick recently. We got to pay the doctor an' all."

"Why didn't you tell us? We would have helped you," I tell him.

He shakes his head. "I ain't wantin' to hurt your feelings none, cause you an' Tor been good friends, but me and Johnny can work. We don't need charity."

"Drew and I respect your pride, Gary, but we all need help from friends at times. Lord knows you've given us help a lot of times we've needed it. We thank you for that."

Gary stands and holds out his hand to Tor and me, then calls Johnny. At the door, he says, "Thanks," before walking quickly to his truck. He lets Johnny drive.

We've been lucky to have cooler than normal weather up to now, but Saturday is hot, so the boys rush off to the beach. Tor and I finish setting up our labs the way we want, then stretch out with a beer in the shade of the large live oak in the back yard.

"I can't believe we've worked most of our vacation. One more week and it's back to the grind." Tor says.

"Yeah. We haven't even gotten our bed broken in. I wish I weren't stuck on campus, I'm going to miss you even more."

"Me, too. Once I get the revision of the text done, I'll have more free time to come up and harass you guys on weekends."

"Make it every weekend, if you can. Bring along the things you want me to photomicrograph. Mike can do the sections, then I'll shoot them in the lab. It'll give him something to do."

"Still hasn't found a girl?"

I shake my head. "I feel sorry for him, the way he looks when Tommy goes out on dates with Andrea. That thing with Beth was a big let down for him, but I'm glad he's out of it."

"I am too. I want to see an improvement in his grades."

We make this last week of freedom a real vacation, swimming, reading, loafing around. With Mike's help, Tommy has begun to swim at near an intermediate level. Nights, they hit the places on the beach popular with kids their own ages, leaving Tor and me free to enjoy each other.

Tor asks me to make another pan of lasagna before we leave, so I make another large one and invite Dave and Martha over. I know we'll all have wine with our dinner, so I pick up a bottle of sparkling grape juice for Tommy so he won't feel left out.

Tor and the boys have taken Dave to see the labs, so while I'm showing Martha the kitchen, I remember I want her to talk with Mike. I tell her about the incident with Beth.

"Don't worry. Mike's a bright boy. I think just now he feels he must be special in some way to attract a girl."

"He is. He's intelligent, good looking, has a car to use. What more does he think he needs?"

"He's younger than his classmates, so he thinks he must have something to make him stand out from the others, even if it's a physical disability. He won't particularly like the idea, but it would be better if he finds a girl among the freshmen. Girls tend to mature faster than boys."

"That will be harder with us living off campus."

"Encourage him to be a freshman mentor if they still have that program. If not, didn't you say Tommy has a nice girl? Ask her if she and Tommy will mind a double date and knows someone that might be interested in going out with him." We hear the others coming back down from the labs. "At any rate, I'll talk with Mike after dinner. If I think I need to, I'll talk with Tommy as well."

"Thanks. You're a life saver." I lean over and kiss her on the cheek just as the others come in.

"You trying to steal my wife?" Dave growls.

I feel my face get warm.

"If you do, then I guess I'll have to take Dave," Tor says, "but I don't think he'll go for it."

"Damn right, I won't. I like you, Tor, but that's far as it goes." He puts his arm around Martha and kisses her. "It's my woman I love."

Mike's snickering, but Tommy just stares at us, his mouth open.

Tor puts his thumb under Tommy's chin and lifts so his mouth closes. "It's okay, babe, we're just playing. We have no secrets from Dave and Martha."

"Oh." He looks relieved.

Over dinner Dave keeps us fascinated with his description of the proposed expansion of the aquaria and public attractions planned for the institute, in hopes that it will increase enrollment in the school of marine science, especially from kids in the area.

"Will there be a library?" Tommy asks.

"Just a small one." Dave smiles. "You hoping for a job?"

"I guess. I like it here."

"So do we, but I'm afraid I don't see us getting big enough to warrant a full-time librarian. By the time you get to your internship, however, I may be able to use you here, at least part time."

"I'd like that."

Leaving Tor is hard, but there's not the feeling of leaving the familiar, for we haven't been in the house long enough for it to feel like home as yet. In fact, I feel rootless again, just as I did when I was a kid.

The next morning, we leave for the campus early so I can prepare for the orientation class and the boys can pick up the few things they need from the bookstore before their first classes. With beginning students in my area, I miss the easy informality I had with the graduate students I taught at the institute. I also hate wearing a suit and tie for the two lectures I have MWF. For the associated labs on Tuesday and Thursday, I can wear jeans as usual.

We quickly settle into the routine. Tommy's a little miffed because I insist he take a second class in remedial English, but I see a vast improvement in his written work that's beginning to carry over into his speech.

Tor comes up Friday, bringing a small cooler containing materials for me to photomicrograph after Mike does the sections and mounts them on slides. Though he grumbles about it like all kids, I can tell Mike's happy to have a chance to do some lab work. He has a couple of hours free on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I have my labs, so on Tuesday, I put him at a back table to work, while I do some demonstrations for my students. When I release class early, Mike rushes to my desk, pointing to one of my departing students. "Who's the cute girl?"

There are only two in the class, so I know immediately which one he means. "Sandra Moreland. Why?"

"I'd sure like to be her lab partner. Can I take this class?"

"Your schedule is full enough and I want your grades back up. Did you finish those sections?"

"Yeah. They were easy."

"Good. Now get your tail to class. I've work to do."

On Thursday, I see Mike sitting next to Moreland. When the session begins, I'm asked several questions about preparing slides of sections for photographing, things they should know if they've read their text. I see Moreland whispering to Mike, so why not?

"Torrence, come up here and share your secrets. The rest of you come up here where you can see."

Mike looks surprised, but comes up to my demonstration table and sits on the stool, arranging the materials I've set out. As he begins work, I take the opportunity to explain each step of the process. I particularly want my students to see Mike handling the microtome. He works so swiftly, I have him do a second slide more slowly, then send the students back to their lab stations to try it for themselves.

"Thanks, babe, you did a good job. Long as you're here, you can help me. They're all doing the same section." I see a couple of raised hands, so I point to one for Mike to help, and I take the other. When Moreland's hand goes up, I get Mike's attention and nod. He grins. I notice he spends more time with her than any of the others.

After they have prepared their slides, I call the class to attention and begin to put the slides in the projector for a critique I let Mike conduct since he obviously wants to impress Moreland.

"Not thin enough," he says at the first slide. "Ragged cut," he says of the next. We go through all ten, with only two meriting an 'adequate' from him. I think he's generous, for I would find both barely possible to shoot.

Since there's plenty of time, I have them each do another section. The results are better this time, but far from matching the standard of perfection Tor and I have come to expect from Mike. When I cut them loose, I see Mike walking out with Moreland. She looks upset.

"Thanks for your help in the lab, babe. You weren't late for your class were you?" I ask that evening.

"Na. I'm going to challenge it and another one, anyway. If I'm successful, will you let me take yours?"

"If you really want to. You know most of what we're covering right now, but I want you to pass the exams with an A, or no dice."

His face lights up. "Okay! I'm gonna go start studying."

Friday morning I get a call at the office from the professor of one of the courses Mike wants to challenge. I know the man slightly, so he accepts my assurance that Mike will likely pass his challenge exam and has my permission to try. Mike uses his vacant period to attend my lectures, until he gets the results.

That evening Tommy has a date with Andrea. Mike only grins and says he's going out. Tor looks amused when I tell him about Mike's current interest in Moreland.

"Whatever keeps him happy. At least he has something in common with this one." He gives me that raunchy grin. "Now how about making me happy."

Saturday morning, Tor asks the boys if they would like to bring their girls along for dinner that evening. Tommy's delighted and goes immediately to call Andrea. Mike is surprisingly hesitant.

"Why not? I want to meet her."

"I haven't told her my dad's her teacher."

"What's that got to do with anything?" I ask.

Mike turns pink. "I ... I sort of let her think I was your assistant."

"I did use you as one, but if you come in the class she's going to know. Better she finds out who you are before then. Go call her. Oh, yeah, tell her you'll pick her up. We'll need to take both cars unless Tommy goes with Andrea."

"What's this about Mike and your class?" Tor asks after Mike has gone to the phone.

"He did the sections you wanted during one of my lab sessions. That's when he saw Moreland, so he came back the next lab period hoping to meet her. Since he was there, I let him demonstrate micro sectioning because I got asked so many questions about it. He's challenging two of his classes so he can take mine, mostly to be with Moreland, I suspect. I told him if he passed the exams I'd let him."

Tor shrugs. "At least she's given him an incentive to work."

Tor and I arrive at the steak house and have a drink while we wait for the boys and their dates. Tommy and Andrea show up within a few minutes. Andrea's eyes get wide as they travel up to meet Tor's when he stands, but the poor girl is at a loss for words when Tommy says, "This is my other dad Doctor Greg Torrence."

When we're all seated, I ask the waiter to bring them a bottle of the sparkling grape juice Tommy loves. Andrea is pleased and accepts a glass when Tommy tells her it's non-alcoholic.

"How can Tommy have two fathers?" She finally asks.

"Drew and I have lived together since we were in college." Tor explains. "We adopted Mike some years ago, and when he and Mike became roommates last year, we made Tommy our son, too. We love him very much."

"I'm so glad. He told me you are his family."

Mike and Sandra come up just then, and Mike introduces us. I'm glad she doesn't question the two 'dads' he uses referring to Tor and me, but she does look at me oddly. I see a slight frown when he introduces Tommy as his brother. I order another bottle of the grape juice for them. I can tell she's surprised that Mike doesn't ask for a real drink. I surmise he hasn't told her his age.

After we've ordered and Tommy is telling Tor how much he likes his first courses in library science, the girls begin to talk quietly. I hear Sandra ask Andrea if she has joined a sorority.

"No. My mother and father don't approve."

"How awful for you." Sandra preens a bit and touches the pin prominent on her bosom. "I'm Phi Phi Alpha. Such a lovely group of girls."

"I'm sure," Andrea replies in a voice dripping with sarcasm that sails over Moreland's head.

"Oh, yes. It's wonderful." She looks over at Mike. "I do wish Mike would join a fraternity. It would be perfect. He's such a darling boy and so intelligent. I just know I'll never pass Dr. Torrence's class without his help."

I can't help but see the proud look of possession Mike gives her, and ask myself how much longer it's going to take him to realize how shallow Sandra is. I know she's perfectly capable of doing the work, but she obviously feels college is a social rather than an intellectual institution.

"Mike told me it's not that demanding if one studies." Andrea says.

"But I have so much else to do, I can hardly find time to study. I'm so lucky our sorority has files on most of the professors. It saves me hours. Oh, let's not discuss anything that boring. You're lucky to have such a nice looking boyfriend as Tommy. I envy you such beautiful black hair. Do you tint it to get such a lovely shade?"

"It's natural. Tommy and I are both Native Americans."

Sandra looks surprised. "But we're all Americans."

Andrea's look is withering. "You'd probably call us 'Indians'."

Sandra's eyes open wide in shock. "You're Indians!" She exclaims loudly enough to draw glances from others.

"Yes. That's why father didn't let me join a sorority. He said I was to be my own person, not a token minority. Tommy feels the same."

'Go for it, girl,' I exclaim inside my head.

Sandra's nose turns up as if she had suddenly smelled garbage and she turns away from Andrea. For the rest of dinner she has nothing to say to anyone except Mike, gazing at him constantly. I see Andrea look at Mike and give a tiny shake of her head.

As soon as they've eaten dessert, Tommy and Andrea ask to be excused to catch a movie. Andrea is gracious in her thanks to Tor and me, but her good bye to Sandra is positively saccharine. When they're gone, Moreland starts on Mike. "Why didn't you tell me Tommy and Andrea are Indians?"

"It's no big deal."

She glances at Tor and me. "But you said Tommy's your brother."

"Right. We're both adopted."

"Oh. That explains why Doctor Torrence doesn't look much older than you."

Tor grins at me and softly sings, 'Babyface. You've got the sweetest little baby face.' At the moment I'd like to kill him; I haven't heard that song since Vince used to play it once in a while. Sandra's face is red, and Mike's laughing.

"Way to go, dad," Mike says.

"Don't mind us, Sandra," Tor says. "He'll get me back."

"You better damn well know it," I say, and pinch his thigh. I take a sadistic pleasure when he winces.

"We gotta go if we're going to make the flick," Mike tells Sandra. She offers us none of the courtesy we have a right to expect, rushing out ahead of Mike with a relieved look.

Tor and I have another cup of coffee. "You embarrassed hell out of that girl."

Tor snorts. "She's a twit. If she can't take a little teasing between us, Mike had better find another one."


"If he gets serious, then she's going to have to know about us. Kidding like this ought to soften her up a little. Besides, I'd hate to think she wouldn't want to come home with him." He looks thoughtful for a moment, then gropes under the table for my hand and squeezes it. "Someday he and Tommy are going to have children, and young as we are, I'm planning to have a hell of a good time with our grandchildren."

"I am, too."