The Future Awaits

Chapter Sixteen

Mike doesn't do as well on his exams as I had wanted; I blame it on his distraction. Tommy does better than I expected with his indecision over a major. The closer we get to home, the happier Mike seems, but I can tell Tommy's already missing Andrea.

After the boys take off for the beach the next morning, Tor and I have our time together. Absence must make the heart grow fonder, for we take it leisurely, lengthening the pleasure we give with each other. It's after we've showered and dressed he grabs our car keys and hustles me out.

A few minutes later, he pulls into the drive of a neat brick Cape-style house in a grove of trees, just up the road from the institute. "What you think of this place, babe?"

"Nice. Who lives here?"

He gives me his loving smile. "We do if you like it."

"You're kidding!"

"No way. Come take a look. I've got the key. I thought a lot about what we said before you left. We don't use the boat for work anymore, and with Tommy it's crowded. That's not fair to him or Mike. Two weeks ago a couple of tourists came to see the acquaria at the institute and wandered down the dock. I was on the deck reading, and the guy spoke to me. To make a long story short, he and his wife love our boat and asked they could see it. I showed it to them and he asked if we would consider selling it. I said no, but he made me an offer and left his card. I've done some looking at houses since, and this is the best I've seen. It's got a room over the garage big enough for our labs and office space, and the price is darn good for this area. The owner's a widow who's just moved to a condo."

He proudly shows me over the house. It's pretty much what I'd have chosen had I been looking. A large living room, a nice eat-in kitchen, three bedrooms and two and a half baths. The room over the garage is large enough we can each have labs far larger than we have now, with ample space left over for our study with a desk for each of us. Tor's lab can be put in the space at the end with the windows, while my darkroom can go between it and the tiny half bath near the door connecting with the rest of the house. There is central air conditioning which will be a pleasure after the window unit we put on the boat.

"Well?" Tor finally asks.

"I like it, but can we swing it?"

He grins. "If that guy takes the boat for what he offered, we'll have about two-thirds of the price. Interest rates are low right now, so we can handle the mortgage with no problem. Furniture is going to be the biggest expense. If we move fast, we can let the boys pick out what they want for their rooms, and help us move our stuff from the boat."

"I'm going to miss the boat, but we do need the space."

"Okay!" He grabs me in a hug.

On the way home, Tor stops by a building contractor's office and makes an appointment for him to go over the house for defects the next morning. He tells me this is the man who built the house originally, and whom he wants to build our labs.

Armed with the contractor's report, we go to the realtor the next afternoon. Tor gets the price down another five thousand by insisting the carpet needs replacing, and the owner can have the kitchen appliances, which for some reason she wants. It's fine with me, because I want a large fridge/freezer combination and a dishwasher.

When Tor calls him that evening, the man who wanted our boat promises to fly down immediately. The next morning he walks over from the rarely used landing strip next to the institute. The boys are on the beach again, so we spend the day with him and the marine engineer he's brought along. He apparently has the money to indulge his whims, for after he talks with the engineer, he promises us a bonus if he can have possession by weekend after next. Tor is quick to accept. With the guy's certified cheque in hand, we're committed.

The state employees credit union we use is quick to approve our mortgage, and we look up the lawyer Doug recommended to Tor after a phone call. Knowing Tor's instant enthusiasm at times, I'm still amazed he's already put so much preparation into this. Since we can't use marriage laws, we buy the place with joint ownership and right of survival. The lawyer makes some objections, but acquiesces when we tell him the provisions of our wills. In fact he suggests we change them to include Mike and Tommy, something we hadn't thought of. He's non-judgmental over our arrangement as I had expected, since Doug recommended him, so we promise to bring our wills to him for revision.

When the boys come in from the beach, we take them to the house. Mike is absolutely stunned when we tell him it's our new home. "But dad, what about our boat? I love it."

"I know, babe, but it's expensive to maintain, and we don't take it out any more. We need the extra room for you and Tommy. Now you can have separate rooms if you want, and there'll be a place for all your stuff."

"My trains, too?"

Tor looks at me and shrugs.

"We'll try to make space for them outside our labs, just like on the boat. Tor and I can put our desks in the living room and make it a study instead."

"That's okay. Don't guess I play with them that much any more. I just hate to tear up a nice layout like that."

"If he's got time, we'll be hiring Gary to help us with the lab stuff, so he can help you and Tommy take it apart in sections we can get through the hatch. That way you won't destroy too much of it."

"Thanks, Tor."

I really hadn't thought we had much to move until I began to look over the accumulation. Now I'm wondering if we can possibly do it all in ten days, what with having to get the house ready. The boys, Tor, and I measure the rooms before we take off for Norfolk and a large warehouse type furniture store. I send the boys off to look at furniture for their rooms, while Tor and I talk to the decorating consultant, so she can help us pull everything together. She takes us through the sample rooms, starting with bedroom furniture at our insistence. Tor and I find a suite we like with a king-size bed. She raises her eyebrows when we tell her it's for our bedroom.

The boys have decided they want to share a room and have picked out twin beds and a large modular wall unit for work and storage space. I like their choice well enough to order something similar for the other bedroom.

We leave to grab a quick bite of lunch, then spend the rest of the afternoon picking out living room furniture, two reclining leather wing chairs in burgundy, and a teal and burgundy plaid sofa to tie the teal carpet and chairs together. She promises delivery within five days. Thanks to her suggestions, our home will have a nice snug masculine look, but we're all exhausted by the time we're back home.

We're out early the next morning for more shopping, this time at a builder's supply for appliances. By the time we're done, I'm in shock over how much money we've gone through, with the contractor's work yet to come.

That afternoon Gary drives his truck down the dock, unloads a number of empty boxes he's picked up from the liquor store, and the packing of our lab equipment begins first. I'm surprised at how willingly the boys turn to, though I can tell Mike's upset. When I get him off to one side, I ask why.

His eyes get moist. "This is the only home I ever had; it's hard leaving."

I hug him. "I know. I felt the same when I left mine after my dad died. I've loved living here with Tor and you, but we're still together with you and Tommy. That's the important thing. A house is a house; it's the people who make the family."

"I know. I'll be okay after we've moved."

"Good. We just want you to be happy. Our new labs will be big enough for us to work together when we come back home."

When Gary returns the next morning, I don't recognize the muscular young man with him, but Mike does. "Johnny!" He yells and rushes over to him. Johnny holds out his hand, but Mike grabs him in a hug. "Man, it's good to see you."

"Thought we could use some extra help with the heavy stuff, so I brung Johnny along." Gary says.

"Glad you did. He's grown up so fast I didn't recognize him."

Gary grins. "Sure ain't the skinny little kid you knew, is he? Working on the boat with dad built him up. Where'd you come by Tommy?"

"He's Mike's roommate at school. He doesn't have any people, so we've taken him in, because he and Mike like each other so much."

Gary gives me a curious look and lowers his voice to a whisper. "Them boys like you and Tor?"

"Lord, no. They've both got girls, at least Tommy does. Mike's girl broke up with him, thank goodness."

"Why'd you say that?"

"She wanted him to stay on crutches after his broken leg healed."

Gary shakes his head. "Some weird people around. Hope he finds a nice girl. Johnny's got an understanding with one down Avon way."

"What about you?"

He grins. "Not yet, but I got my eye on one or two. Good talkin' to you, but this ain't getting' no work done."

When we have a load in his truck, I go with him and Johnny to the house to help them unload the stuff in the garage. Soon as we've finished, I show them the interior.

"Needs some paintin'."

"We've got to find somebody fast, because we're moving in soon as the furniture comes. It's supposed to be here in three more days."

Gary shakes his head. "Only two men I'd tell you to get, but both of 'em's busy."

"Guess we'll have to do it later, then, but I wish it could be done now so we wouldn't have to move the furniture around."

"How 'bout Johnny and me? Fishin's slow, so we can do it iffen you get the paint and all. Soon as we get the heavy stuff here, we'll start. Work some nights, too."

"You're on vacation. It's bad enough we're asking you to help us move."

"We'll do you a good job." He drops his voice. "Johnny and me can use a little extra money. Won't find nobody'll work any cheaper."

"We've got the colors all picked out, so if you're sure ..."

"Yeah. I'll figure out how much paint we'll need the next trip over, so you can get it."

I thought Tor would be delighted, but when I tell him, he says, "Aw, shit."

"What? You know damn well Gary does good work."

"It's not that. I wanted to ask him, but you know how hard it is to get him to take money from us."

"He told me he and Johnny need some."

"Good. I mean I'm sorry he needs money, but maybe he won't argue about it now. I got a bid from a contractor, so we'll pay him the same."

"He wants us to buy the paint and supplies."

"No problem. I'll use the figure for labor the contractor gave me. He can split it with Johnny."

Mike helps Tor finish packing things in his lab the next morning. Tommy and Johnny take the filled boxes to the dock, while Gary and I go to the builder's supply. Gary refuses all but the very best quality paint and brushes, much better than the contractor would have used, I expect.

The four of us are ready to collapse as soon as we've eaten dinner, but Gary and Johnny are soon back asking for the key to the house, so they can begin work. I drive over to let them in and ask them to do the bedrooms first. Since we've told Gary the carpet is going to be replaced, I'm surprised when he starts to spread out a heavy plastic drop-cloth. I grab a corner and start to rip the carpet up. He and Johnny help me, then roll it up carefully.

"Where you wanna put it?" Gary asks, when we carry it downstairs.

"Just leave it in the hall here, then take it outside tomorrow. The guy laying the new carpet is going to take it all to the dump."

"That's good carpet. Ain't had hardly no wear."

"Won't go with the paint the boys picked out."

"Iffen you're throwin' it away, can I take it?"

"You know you can. It's all going."

He gives me a little smile. "You know how Johnny is. He won't say nothin', but he's kind of taken with that blue in the other bedroom. You care if he has it?"

"You know I don't. Take all you want; you'll be doing us a favor."

"Thanks, Drew."

The next morning, Tor cleans his lab space, and we start on mine. I have so little other than photographic equipment, we have it all in the truck by lunch time. As soon as we've unloaded it at the house, Tor takes off to get burgers, fries, and drinks for all of us. After I've eaten I wander upstairs to see how things are going. I can't believe the boys' room is ready to paint, the walls washed down and the woodwork scraped clear of old paint, ready to prime. I'm wondering how late Gary and Johnny worked last night, because I saw Johnny yawn a couple of times this morning.

The furniture store calls to tell us they will have to make two trips. I ask them to bring the bedroom furniture now, and let us call them about the rest. I'm assured it will be no problem, because the two pieces they've had to order would have to be delivered later anyway.

With the heavy stuff moved during the first two days, Gary and Johnny have spent their time painting, and let us use the truck to move the rest. By Sunday evening the three bedrooms and two baths are done. Painting completed, carpet laid, furniture in, and we've got everything arranged pretty much like we want it. The boys are delighted with their room, as Tor and I are with ours, but the space seems strange to us after the closeness of the houseboat. We're all happy to hit the beds early.

Monday afternoon, we all go down to the dock to watch our houseboat begin it's journey. The new owner is delighted with the immaculate condition we left it in, and presses the promised bonus cheque in Tor's hand. We uncouple the service lines, then help the captain cast off. The engine is running smoothly and quietly as he eases away from the dock. The new owner walks back to his plane after thanking us again.

Tor's hand squeezes mine as we watch the boat move down sound. Dave Curtis joins us. "The end of an era," he sighs.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Tor replies. "It was a good home." He squeezes my hand harder, and I see a tear trickle down his face. "Our first real home, Drew."

I squeeze his hand back, feeling the same. "I hate to see it go. It's like it was part of us with all the work we put into it."

"You've got a new home and a new son, so think of it as a new beginning," Curtis says.

Tor and I hug each other then the boys.

"I'm glad he didn't want the skiff, cause Tommy and I can still go fishing whenever we want. Can we keep it here, Dave?" Mike asks.

"If you want, but it'll be your responsibility. I'd lock the motor to the transom and put a lock on the chain, if I were you."

"Okay. Tor, can we get a TV now we've got some room."

Tor ruffles his hair, knowing very well that Mike hates him doing it. "After you come home for good, I suppose. I'm not going to watch it, so there's no need until then."

"Don't forget."

"I doubt you'll let me." He puts his arm around me. "Let's go home, love."