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September 30, 2024: Moving Help
Posted by The Story Lover

'Goos' PNG

I would like to say thank you to everyone who has graciously donated to help me move to Massachusetts! We are in the final stretch and we are just a bit shy of our goal.

We need a bit more funds to pay for the gas for the moving truck. Gas prices in my area have started going up, hopefully, that is just here. 

Any amount that you can donate will be a tremendous help in getting me to cleaner air.

Thank you,

The Story Lover

August 14, 2024: Help TSL Move to Healthier Air in Massachusetts
Posted by The Story Lover

Greetings Friends and Fort Family! I am in the process of attempting to improve my living conditions so I can continue the work I do for our online reader community and I do need to ask for help. I need to relocate to Massachusetts in approximately a month or so. I am moving because I am being priced out of where I am living now. I am also moving for health reasons as the air where I am living is not safe for me to breathe for too many months of the year. This is because of the wildfires around me that cause poor air quality for too many months of the year. The poor air quality wreaks havoc on my Asthma. Where I am moving has much cleaner air and no wildfires to concern me. The Medical System there is far better than where I live now.

I am asking for funds to rent a truck, gas for the truck and lodgings for the trip. Jeff P. will be flying out here to help drive me to Massachusetts. Jeff has arranged a place for me to live that is substantially cheaper than where I am now as well as to have friends nearby to help with some of the daily tasks that are simply becoming more difficult than they should be due to the declining condition of my current environment.

I would greatly appreciate any donations to help defer the cost of moving. Any amount would be awesome!

Thanks for caring,


Help TSL Move to Healthier Air in Massachusetts

April 8, 2024: Donation Time
Posted by The Story Lover

Hello Readers,


It's TSL again with hat in hand, yes it is that time of year again when we ask you our loyal readers to help keep our sites up and running. You may well know our sites are run almost entirely on your generous donations! When your donations do not cover all of the cost, the difference comes out of our pockets. We have no ADs on our sites and no Premium Tiers! There is no charge to our authors for hosting their stories nor any charge for you the readers to read them. We would appreciate it if you could find a way to donate any amount to keep our sites AD-free and running. So please check between your couch cushions and under your car seats any amount will be gratefully accepted. No amount is too small. We thank you very much for all of your help over the years. 

To sweeten the pot a bit, we are running the following promotion again, simply put, make a $10 USD donation get a free Joel Book.

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)

January 22, 2024: A Submission Lost In Cyberspace :(
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers,

Unfortunately,  a Thanksgiving Short Story Submission by Paladin was lost in Cyberspace. It was submitted in time and processed properly, however, when the story was returned to the author it never arrived! The author contacted the indomitable TSL, who was able to get me in contact with the author.

Paladin's story is now live and available for your reading pleasure.

Keep Christmas in your hearts every day,


Fred De Elf PNG

January 10, 2024: has moved!
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Gang,

A real quick note to update you on our neighboring community "Awesome Dude" which many of our sites are linked to. As we all know, they recently suffered the untimely passing of their founder and leader. They are still working hard to regain control of their community and we all offer our best wishes to its team.

Today I learned that the site was offline as they were transitioning to a new domain. May be temporary but either way, I was provided this statement from their administration:

"As the acting Admin of AD, on behalf of the team of members and their work, the story site is now back online. You can find it here,"

So for the time being at least, be sure to update your bookmarks and if your site links back to their community, give them a hand and redirect that link to the .org so their visitors can still find their way in.

Thanks Everyone!

The links on the Links Page have been updated - Thanks Jeff.

Take care,



December 14, 2023: After The Game Revised By Felix P. & Substitute Dad by Scribe1971
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

If you are reading Felix P.'s revised version of After The Game, I strongly advise reading Scribe 1971's story Substitute Dad as more of the characters from that story will be appearing in After The Game. Learning more about Josh, Shelley, and Mark will enhance your reading of After The Game.

Enjoy reading,


December 2, 2023: Oops I forgot to post the Submissins Announcement!
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

The following authors submitted their Short Stories for this Thanksgiving Event.

ACFan submitted his migraine-inducing story called TaDaoaSMiSwtbInkIhtIfotPD-AC. The name alone gave Santa a headache. Why the extremely long title, twice as long as TSL's longest title? ACFan decided to write a Short Story that tackled all of the event's themes, and somehow he succeeded. It is worth a read.

TSL submitted another one of his alcohol-infused submissions that again featured Wild Turkey prominently. Yes, both versions of Wild Turkey. TSL swears that no Wild Turkeys were harmed during the creation of his Short Story. Oh, you want to know the title hang on a sec while I consult the Library of Congress. Oh yeah, here it is Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again! ~ TSL

I apologize for forgetting to post this on time, however, the EggNog has been flowing freely here at the North Pole.

Happy Reading,

Fred The Elf PNG

November 16, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event Update
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Dear Readers and Authors,

Due to popular demand, the Thanksgiving Short Story Deadline has been moved to Midnight Wednesday, November 22, 2023. [Actually, TSL needed more time, so his problem is now your help.]

Happy Authoring,


Fred The Elf

November 16, 2023: Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event
Posted by The Story Lover

Originally Posted by Fred DeElve

Attention All Readers:

The long, long-awaited Fall Short Story Event has arrived and it is a humdinger of an event. There are more choices of what to write than you can shake a stick at. This event starts today and ends at Midnight PST on Saturday, November 18th, 2023.

This event's themes are as follows: Thanksgiving At Denny's® Again!, Thanksgiving With The Brother I Never Knew I Had, Thanksgiving on the Planet Denny's®, and last but not least Thanksgiving On A Spaceship Marooned In Space.

For the completely fearless authors out there ACFan has issued a challenge to all entrants and the challenge is this, join him in writing a Short Story to this Theme: Thanksgiving at Denny's® again on a Spaceship Marooned In Space With the Brother I never knew I had, that I found on the Planet Denny's®.

The Guidelines are straightforward as usual:

  1. Stories should be between 500 and 15,000 words, give or take a million words.
  2. All Submissions should have the author's initials appended to the end of the Filename.
  3. All submissions are due by Saturday, November 18th at Midnight PST.
  4. This event is open to any reader or author who wants to enter; non-fort Family Authors are more than welcome.
  5. Have Fun Writing!
  6. All submissions should be sent to 2023 Thanksgiving Short Story Event.

As always, this event is open to all readers and authors. 

Happy Writing,

Fred DeElf

September 25, 2023: Oops By Me
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

It seems that while I was transferring stories from Ted's Original Site to this new one, I inadvertently forgot several of Charles Bird's Stories from his High Seas Series. I will begin posting those stories later today.

I will get those stories posted as soon as I can, please be patient though.

I will also be continuing the posting of Felix P's revised version of After The Game.

Take care,

TSL Webmaster.

September 16, 2023: Another off for New Adventures
Posted by JeffsFort

I've been on the fence about this for a little while. Not so much what to post about this as I was considering "if" to post this. Why?

Back in 2004, we had been contacted by a concerned author/reader regarding a free forum we were using that was laced with ads and crap to gather and talk to a small handful of fairly well-known authors of the time. The "community" was considered back then, some form of author support. LOL! That concerned author/reader purchased a parent domain and the software to build an internally supported forum to move the conversation to and gifted it to us. You see the name August Christopher come up for us, this is why. That was the official birth of what we now know as the Fort Family. We all came from small beginnings, the oldest of us were developed in a relatively young internet and needed to change with the times. Our forum is gone now but because of the interconnectivity of the modern internet, the forum became obsolete. So now we focus on hosting the sites that keep online authors' work available to the world. Are we alone in this task, heck no.

On September 9, Dude (IRL - Vale Mike Wengert) founder of the online community "AwesomeDude" that is as old as we are, passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 79 years old. Just shy of his 80th birthday :(

All of our communities face issues that unless managed could knock us off the internet. This is why there are so few of the "Old Guard" (as ACFan put it to me earlier) left out there. The death of the founding member is bad, when that founding member was also the person managing all the bills and accounts, it is more than a speed bump, it's a mountain to overcome. When August Christopher passed, we were in danger of losing all that had been built so, we have seen that mountain, and feel for the AwesomeDude community.

If you have time, please reach out to them and offer them some positive energy and support. Not only are they facing a difficult battle but they are mourning the loss of a close friend. That mourning has to take a back seat when dealing with trying to save their creation and I can say from experience, that part sucks! Our community was only a year old when we dealt with this loss and fought to get our hands on the wheel of what felt like an out-of-control bus. Their community was established almost 20 years ago, around the same time our community became something we could also call a community. So it is more the size of a freight train compared to the bus we needed to learn how to drive.

Even though over the years all these "competing" communities had fences between themselves and others of its kind, I've always considered us in competition with no one. Just another group or gathering supporting independent authors and offering a hand to get them exposure. That's all any of these sites ever offered. Dude was one of those people who felt the same way, and his absence will be felt by us all.

RIP Dude and best wishes to the community you created and those within.

September 1, 2023: What?!? A Free Joel Book???
Posted by JeffsFort

Have you considered helping to keep these sites up and running? Are you also a fan of Ted Louis' "Joel" series? Well, Ted has informed us that he found a case of assorted Joel books. Yeah, "actual" in print books! He decided that anyone willing to make a $10 or larger donation within the US to the hosting service paying the bills for the Fort Family Community of sites, he is willing to send you your very own copy of a random book in the series, autographed by Ted Louis himself as a thank you!

What to do:

1. Click on and click on "Donate Now".

2. Make a qualifying donation of $10 or more.

3,. Email your name and mailing address to

4. Once the donation has been confirmed, Ted Louis will send a random autographed copy of one of his books to you directly.

(One book per donation. This offer will be withdrawn once the limited number of books has been sent. The early bird gets the worm! Unfortunately, only US residents due to expensive international shipping :( We'll take down the offer as soon as we confirm that no copies remain.)

August 8, 2023: After the Game By Felix P. Revised
Posted by The Story Lover

Dear Readers,

Felix P. has revised his story After the Game, and I will be posting the revised chapters shortly. Felix has asked that the original story be removed, and we are complying with his request.

Look for the revised chapters shortly,

TSL Webmaster.

June 19, 2023: retired??? Not on our watch!
Posted by JeffsFort

Hi Everybody!

It's true, after decades of some of the best stories on the web, Ted Louis has decided to close the book and really start to enjoy his retirement. To him we wish all the best and look forward to his future input. (I mean, you can take the web away from the man, but you can't take the man out of... It sounded better in my head O.o)

 At any rate, today is the official launch of "Ted Louis' Bookshelf", a completely community integrated site that will allow us to continue to make sure all of Ted's hard work is protected and available to us all for as long as we are able. It's taken quite a bit of time to build something worthy of all the talent it will now contain and protect. We hope everyone will enjoy and maybe even contact an author or two to let them know how much their work is loved and appreciated. Our way of doing that was to build this new home!

 Soon we will be reaching out to all the active authors on the site to give them the keys to their new home and make sure all the right boxes went into all the right rooms. Real or virtual, moving has its challenges. The end product was sooooo worth the effort.

 Special thanks to The Story Lover for the time and love he put into translating all the HTML into each and every story that you now have access to. He spent hours making sure everything was ready to go. Then passed it to me to make the site itself work, LOL!

 So, we say goodbye to the old but everything we came here for is still here, just looking slightly different with a new coat of paint, some spit, and lots of polish!

Thanks for all your hard work Ted and remember, this is and always will be your home!


- Jeff
(on The Story Lover's behalf. He's napping and can you blame him? LOL!)