Dylian - Book One

Chapter Nine

"If you think so, Simon. Dr. Powers, let's do this thing ASAP. Bruce, I need you to go by and get Dylian, first thing in the morning and bring him here. His day at school is going to have to wait." I was starting to make arrangements to get things done, then Simon started clapping.

"No Dad! Let Dylian go have his day at school. He needs it. He is a nine year old and does not need to deal with this crap. I want him happy and laughing. No matter what happens to me, that is my wish. I want him to have the carefree life he has never known." Simon typed.

"Ok, Son. I won't stop him from going to school tomorrow. Bruce, make sure I have Thorn's phone numbers, so that I can get a hold of him if I need to." I told Bruce.

"I will, Boss," he replied.

"Simon, you need to try to get a good night's rest, so I am going to have the duty nurse give you a sleeping aid. She should be here in just a little while. And I will see you in the morning. Goodnight." Dr. Powers told Simon.

"Goodnight Dr. Powers." I said as he was leaving.

"Thanks Dr. Powers, for everything." Simon typed. "Bruce, would you do me a favor? Would you please tell Dylian something for me?" Bruce was intrigued but nodded. "Please tell him to use what has happened to try to help. Remind him that there might be other kids in his school that were going through what we were. Now we know there are people out there that WILL help if we let them. Maybe he can help another kid like Dad has helped us." He typed.

"Sure, Simon, it would be my honor to pass on that message to him and help him accomplish that goal." Bruce told Simon. "We are going to head home to our herd now. I will check in with you in the morning, Boss," Bruce told me.

"Simon, I want you to know that I am so very proud of you. I will be by in the morning, is there anything you want or need?" Nancy asked him.

"No, that's ok. There isn't much I can do anyway." Simon typed, but I could tell he did want something.

"What do you want, Simon? Would you like some music? A movie to listen to? Something special to eat? You need to let me know, or I can't get it." Nancy told him.

"Maybe you could get me a copy of the 'Order of the Phoenix'? But if you did, someone would have to read it to me." Simon typed.

"Well, maybe not. How about I get you a copy of it on audio book. That way you can listen to it even if no-one is here to read. You could play it right through your computer. I will get you a set of head phones as well. Sound good to you?" Nancy explained to him.

"Yeah, that would be awesome! Thanks so much, Aunt Nancy. I had just started to read it when all this happened. I didn't know if I would ever get to finish reading it. Aunt Nancy, are there lots of books on audio?" Simon typed.

"Yes Simon there are. The public library has hundreds, and there are special libraries that have even more. I take it you like to read?" Nancy asked him.

"Oh yes, ma'am, I really do, or did. This is really kewl. I was afraid that I was going to have to give up my books. But, maybe I won't have to." Simon seemed really excited about this idea.

Nancy leaned over and gave Simon a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight, sweetie, I will see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Aunt Nancy. Thanks Uncle Bruce for rescuing me." Simon typed.

"You are very welcome. Goodnight, Simon," Bruce said to him. And then he and Nancy left for the night.

"Drew, I think you should go home and get some sleep as well. Maybe get a shower and a change of clothes, at least." Tom told me.

"Yeah, Dad, they are going to give me a sleeping pill. You should get some sleep, too. I was told that you didn't get any last night. I don't want anything to happen to you." Simon typed.

"Ok, Son, as soon as they give you your sleeping pill, I will head home. Tom, do you need a ride home, or do you have an escort waiting?" I asked Tom.

There was a soft knock at the door. Tom went over and opened it and there were two large men standing there in black suits. I knew these men weren't with my company.

"Can I help you gentleman?" I asked them, getting up and moving between them and Simon.

"Sir, my name is Paul Franklyn, Special Agent Secret Service, assigned to protect one Simon Thomas. This is my shift partner, Agent Dan Flanery. We have been assigned to protect Simon until a permanent detail can be arranged." The one on the right told us.

"Wait a minute. Who assigned you? I am the Governor of this state, and I sure as hell didn't call for security detail." Tom told him, very upset.

"Well, Mr. Governor, all I can tell you is our orders. And as you know, we have no choice but to follow those orders. I figure it is someone up high, because it is very rare to get a new assignment when the assigned does not know about us. It is also rare to be assigned to a civilian child." Agent Flanery answered for the pair.

"I am calling Bruce." I said, and got out my cell phone and called him.

"Yeah, Boss?" Bruce answered.

"Do you know anything about a Secret Service detail assigned to Simon?" I asked him.

"No, but let me call Thorn. I bet he does." Bruce told me then hung up. I waited for him to call back. Things were a little uneasy in the room. Simon looked a little worried about what was going on. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. It didn't take long for my phone to start ringing again.


"Drew, Bruce here. Yes, Thorn called in a few favors to help us out until things die down. I don't know for sure who or what favors he called in, he just laughed when I asked. But, these guys are for real, and they have Federal backing. No-one is going to get past them." Bruce told me. "Also, Boss, I got a call from Admiral Grotenhouse. It turns out that his grand nephew was one of the kids that was 'misplaced' by CPS. The Admiral now has him, but wanted to pass on his thanks, and told me that the hospital will have SP (Shore Patrol) guarding each exit until Simon is released. This thing is going all the way to the top, Drew. And Simon is being treated like a hero." Bruce said with pride.

"Wow! Thanks, Bruce. Keep me posted on who is all involved with this." I told him, then hung up. "Ok, agents. I am not going to tell you that I am all that thrilled with this arrangement, however, I was just told by my head of security that I need to accept this. I was also told that the hospital is guarded by an SP Officer at each exit. So, let me introduce you to my son, Simon." I told them.

"Sir, may I say it is an honor to meet you, and it will be a privilege to be your security detail." Agent Franklyn said to Simon.

"Sir, I would agree totally with Agent Franklyn. We will be right outside your room all night. If you were to need anything, all you have to do is call us. No-one will bother you." Agent Flanery told Simon.

"Do you guys have guns?" Simon typed.

"Wow, that is kewl. Yes, Simon we carry guns. But, don't worry we don't show them off. I have been with the Secret Service for 6 years, now, and not once have I had to fire my weapon in the line of duty. We use other methods to protect our charges." Agent Flanery told him.

"Good, I don't like guns. They make me real nervous." He typed. Then the agents left the room to take their positions.

"Drew, Simon, it looks like you will be taken care of tonight, so I am going to head home. I will check in with you tomorrow to see how things went. I have that fly by tomorrow, are the birds going to be able to fly?"

"Yeah, Tom, I ungrounded them all, right after I called you. No need to lose lots of money with the birds sitting on the ground." I laughed.

"Jerk." Was his reply. He went over to Simon and bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight, Nephew. Remember, you are loved very much."

"Thanks, Uncle Tom. And please give Lisa a kiss for me. Goodnight." Simon typed.

"Goodnight, Tom, and thanks for all that you have done today," I told Tom, giving him a big hug.

"Goodnight, guys," Tom said, as he headed out of the room. About that time the nurse came in to give Simon his pill.

"Ok, Dad, I have taken my sleeping pill. Now you promised that you would go home and get some sleep. I have two guards outside my room, so I will be fine. So GO!" Simon typed.

"Well, I thought that I would go home and get a shower and change clothes then come back. There is a second bed in here, and I really don't want to sleep at home alone. It would make me feel better if I could stay here with you." I told him honestly. I did want to stay with my son. I was worried that now I had someone to care about something would happen and I would loose that.

"Ok, I guess I won't yell at you for that. I will most likely be asleep when you get back, anyway. I really do love you!" He typed.

"I love you, too, Simon. I will be back soon." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and a hug then I headed home. I couldn't believe what I saw when I got down to the emergency room exit where I had parked my Bentley. There were press and cameras everywhere. I saw the SP holding them at bay. One of the SP's saw me standing there and asked if I needed assistance.

"Well, I was going to head out to my car, but I think I might need to find a different way home." I laughed.

"Sir, you wouldn't be Mr. Drew Thomas, would you?" The young shore patrol asked.

"Yes, that would be me." I answered blankly just thinking about how I would get home.

"Sir, if you would give me your keys and tell me what car is yours I would be honored to get it and meet you at the service entrance. Seaman Peters can take you down there." He told me.

"That would be great; thank you. I was planning on going home to shower and then I will be coming back to spend the night. Do you think that you could have someone meet me back down there to park my car when I come back?" I asked the young sailor.

"Yes, Sir! I will have Seaman Peters wait at that station until your return. Then he will secure your transportation until you require it. Sir, we are under orders to do whatever it takes to make sure you are not bothered by the press and that you and your family are safe. Sir, my name is Petty Officer First Class Emory and I am in charge of this detail. If there is anything that you need, just let me know. Here is my issued cell phone number," he told me, handing me a card.

"Thank you, Petty Officer. Here are my keys and the car you are looking for is a platinum colored 2007 Bentley Continental GT. It's parked in the second row, I think." I laughed.

"Wow, Sir, I figured you had a nice car, but WOW! Are you sure you want someone else driving it?" The young Petty Officer asked, looking nervous.

"What is your first name?" I asked.

"Brian, Sir."

"Well, Brian, I want to tell you something and I want you to listen real well. OK?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"It's only a car. And cars can be replaced but people can't. If I ever put a material item above a person, then I don't deserve to have nice things. Does that make since to you?" I asked him.

"Sir, I never looked at it that way. Thank you." Brian replied. He headed out the door to retrieve my car and stopped by a young seaman and told him what to do.

"Sir, if you would follow me?" Seaman Peters asked, leading the way to the service entrance where Petty Officer Emory would meet us with my car. We had to wait a few minuets before I heard my car coming into the service area. "Wow, Sir, nice car." Seaman Peters told me.

"Thanks." I replied to him.

"There you go, Sir, and thanks for letting me drive it. It is an awesome car, Sir." Petty Officer Emory told me.

"Thank you, Petty Officer. I will be back within an hour," I told them, and got in my car. Of all my cars that I have, this is one of my favorites. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't gamble, but what I do have is an addiction it cars. Trucks, cars, RVs, old, new, classics, sports, and everyday drivers, it really didn't matter what it was, I loved it. I have tried not to let my addiction of the automobile overtake my life. It has been hard, but so far I have been able to keep it under control.

I got back to the condo and took a long shower. I got dressed and packed a bag. I made sure I had a change of clothes and my phone charger. I also grabbed my PDA and my laptop so that I could get some work done. I then hurried out of the condo and down to the parking garage. I stood there trying to decide which vehicle I should take today. I decided with all the press that I might need something that could protect us. I chose to take my little truck. I got in it and drove to the hospital and down to the loading docks.

"I am sorry, Sir, this is a restricted area." A young seaman told me as he and another SP officer stopped me as I started to enter the service area.

"My name is Drew Thomas. I was told to come into the hospital through here." I told them, handing them my ID.

"Oh, I am sorry, sir. We were told to look for a Bentley. Not this monster. Nice truck, Sir," He told me, looking over my truck. "If you will go ahead and head down that way, Seaman Peters is waiting for you, Sir," he told me.

I restarted the truck and drove down the ramp. Seaman Peters' face was priceless when he saw my truck.

"WOW! That is a kewl truck, Sir." Seaman Peters said to me.

"Thanks, Seaman. It's a 2005 International CXT. The largest production pickup ever made. This is my little powerhouse." I laughed. "Petty Officer Emory told me that you would take it around front and park it?"

"Yes, Sir, that is correct." He smiled.

"Think you can handle this monster?" I asked chuckling.

"Yes, Sir, I have my CDL. My dad is a trucker and drives for AT Trucking. He has been driving for them for 25 years. I plan on going independent when I get out." He told me.

"Your dad wouldn't be Calvin Peters, would he?" I asked him.

"Yes, Sir. Do you know my Father, Sir?" He looked confused.

"Yes, I do. AT Trucking was one of my Father's companies that I inherited. It stands for Alfred Thomas Trucking. I gave your dad his 5 million mile award last year. He is a great guy." I told him. "I will let him know that you helped me," I told him.

I left him and headed up to my son's room. When I went in, Simon was turned on his side facing away from the door. I thought I heard him sniff, but I wasn't sure. I didn't turn on the light, but I put my bags down by the bathroom door making sure they were out of the way.

"Son, are you awake?" I asked in a soft voice.

Simon rolled on to his back and started to scoot up on the bed. I handed him his computer and he started typing.

"I can't get to sleep. Dad, they are going to drill a hole in my head tomorrow! Why did I say they could do this? Is it too late to change my mind about this? I don't mind being blind I really don't. My head doesn't hurt or anything." Simon cried while typing.

"Oh, Son. Scoot over." I told him, sitting down on his bed. "Look, I am not going to force you into doing this. Yeah, I am not going to lie to you that I want you to do this, cause I do. I want you to be able to see. I want you to be happy. I want you to live a great life. But, I don't want you to be scared, either. Maybe it would be a good idea that we wait on having this surgery done. Or maybe we wait and talk to Dr. Powers tomorrow morning and see what he has to say. Simon, no matter what, I will stand by what you decide." I told him holding him tightly.

"Thanks Dad. I don't want to be looked at like a chicken. I have a chance to get my sight back in one eye. I should go for it, but damn, a DRILL!" He kind of laughed. "I am sorry Dad, I am just scared. I have to go through with this. I know I don't have a choice."

"Yes you do, Simon. And it's okay that you are scared. Hell, I know I am. Son, there is nothing wrong with being scared. The important thing is facing those fears. There is nothing wrong with crying if you are scared either. I will stand behind you, no matter what you decide. Simon, I love you and I only want you to be happy. If that means that you don't have this surgery, then so be it." I told him, hugging him to me. "Now, why don't we get some sleep and see what comes in the morning?"

"Ok Dad, thanks for being here for me. I just got scared when I thought I was alone. I love you!" He typed.

"Oh, Simon, I love you so much! Now, get some sleep."

"Goodnight Dad." He typed.

"Goodnight, Son." And we both lay down and went to sleep.

Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas