A Tale Of The Lost Prince Of Scotland

A Tale Of The Lost Prince Of Scotland

Episode 1

It came to pass in the tenth year after the Great Betrayal, where Robert, The Bruce and the Marquis of Montrose betrayed the Army of Scotland to the hated British, who are called the Sassanachs, that The Blind Bard Walter came to a small village in the north of Scotland. As bards were greatly loved for both their story telling and their music, an escort of villagers brought him food and drink as well as bade him to sit in the shade of the village tree. After he had eaten his fill, he said, "Gather, my children and I shall tell you of The Lost Prince of Scotland" Word spread rapidly and soon the entire village was seated on the ground before The Bard. As he began to speak, he brought out a small harp that he played quietly. I was but a small boy, so I had to sit near the back of the crowd, but it seemed that he was speaking just to me. As he began, a cold shiver went down my spine, for I feared what he had to say. The Bard began his tale, "There is among you one who stands in great danger, for he is our true and just King of Scotland!" Right then I knew that I should have run away, but I could not for he was to tell my story and the fate of My Family. For I am William Wallace, named after my Father, the Great Champion of The Scotti. My Father gathered the Clans of The Scotti to drive out the hated Sassanachs who had taken our land, our homes and our pride from us. Robert, The Bruce was descended from the Great Kings of our Land and it was he whom my Father would have made King. Many it was who flocked to The Great Banner of St. Andrew, Patron Saint of Scotland. But it was not to be, Robert, The Bruce was not the great warrior of his ancestors and he conspired with the evil Marquis of Montrose to have my Father murdered and his great army destroyed. Now, The Bard's tale has named me and I must flee yet again to save myself and my Mother. My story must be told next time.

Episode 2

My name is William Wallace and I am the only son of William Wallace, who gathered all the Clans to drive out the hated Sassanachs and was betrayed by Robert, The Bruce and the evil Marquis of Montrose.
This is My Storey
I was only five years old when word came that my Father had been cruelly murdered and we had to flee to the safety of the Highland Moors. My Family then consisted of my Mother and Baby Sister, we ran from village to village, staying for a while in each and every time the soldiers of The Marquis would come looking for us, until finally we found a refuge of safety in a small village in the north of Scotland. None knew who we were and my Mother did laundry for other people to support us and a small cottage in which to live. We were happy there and we were safe until I was fifteen, ten years after the Great Betrayal. A Blind Bard named Walter appeared in our safe village and told of our flight to safety and that we were living there. My first thought was to gather my Mother and sister and again flee across the moors to another safe haven, but as we were packing our few possessions that we could carry with us, there came a knock on the door. Who was it, the soldiers to arrest us, no, it was Walter. My Mother bade him enter and be seated. He reached for my hand, and said kindly, "Do not flee, they know not who you are. William, come with me and be my guide for I am blind. I will hide you and your Mother and Sister can live here in safety all the while. The soldiers will not find them here." So it came to pass that I left my Family and home to travel with Walter, The Blind Bard. I was his eyes to guide him along the path, to help him with his stories and songs, and to keep him fed and safe. He told none my name, other than BOY. I was afraid and unsure, I feared everyone who saw us and was sure that the soldiers of the Marquis were everywhere, and they were! Walter said, "Be not fearful, I will show you all of Scotland." My story will be continued ...

Episode 3

My name is Walter, I am blind and I am a Bard. My part of this story begins with The Great Betrayal, but first let me tell you of myself. Though I call myself Walter, The Blind Bard my real name is Walter Rule of the Clan Turnbull.
This is my story
When the call went out for The Clans to rise under the Banner of St. Andrew, The Clan Turnbull and our cousins The Clan Campbell were the first to arrive in the field under William Wallace in the hope that we might drive the hated Sassanachs from our land. We fought the good fight, but alas, it all came to naught through treachery. During that final battle, the one that killed William Wallace, I suffered a grave injury and was carried from the field, knowing not who I was. I was cared for by a kindly woman, who claimed kinship to all. She nursed me and cared for my injuries until, at last I could stand unaided. But my sight, she could not restore. She sent me forth to make my way home, refusing even my poor thanks for all she had done. On my first night alone on the trek homewards she came to me in a dream. Even though I was blind, I could see her, bathed in the purest light with a golden halo above head. She said, "Fear me not, Walter, for I send you upon a great task that only you can accomplish. You must find the son of William Wallace and keep him safe, for the future of Scotland depends upon him alone." For the rest of that night, I slept with a peace I had never known, nor would I ever again. When I awoke, there was a harp laying by my side. This was the sign given me to accomplish my task, so I went forth from village to village until I came to this village in the far north of Scotland, where again the Lady of my dreams came to me while I slept and told me where I would find the son of William Wallace. She told me that he was THE LOST PRINCE OF SCOTLAND. When I awoke, I knew surely where I was to go and as I knocked upon the door, a woman bade me enter and sit to her table. I reached out my hand and found myself grasping a boy's hand and I knew at once I had found William Wallace. My story will continue ...

Episode 4

William's Story continues ...
Despite Walter's assurances, I feared that the soldiers of the evil Marquis of Montrose would find us, for they were everywhere. We had been traveling for many days and finally we found ourselves in the shaded courtyard of the Great Cathedral of Edinburgh, which is the ancient seat of The Kings of Scotland and was once named Dunedin in the Holy Celtic Language. One of the monks brought us bread and some apples to eat and Walter said, "Be at rest Boy, for we shall be safe here." I was so tired from walking that I fell asleep almost immediately. As I slept I began to dream of a wondrous Lady, all clothed in shining white and bathed in the purest light, with a golden halo above her head. She began to speak to me in our Ancient Celtic Tongue. She said, "William, you must never fear me, for I am your guide. I will be with you for all your days, for you are the key for the future of Scotland. Your children will be great, yet your grandchildren will be Kings!" With that, I suddenly awoke and realized that I was no longer afraid. Walter was seated at my side and seemed to be watching me, though I knew he was blind. I said to him, "I had the most wonderful dream, Walter." and he replied, "Yes, I know, for I have seen the Lady of Light also." As we were about to leave that shaded garden, a young girl about my own age, entered through the gate. As I started to go around her, something made me stop and ask her name. She replied, "I am Mary Rule of the Clan Turnbull." With that, I led Walter from the courtyard and we continued our journey. We stopped for the night in a small clearing in the heather and I started to make our supper. I turned to Walter and saw that there were tears flowing from his blinded eyes. Fearing some terrible problem, I asked him what was the matter. He replied, "That girl, Mary Rule. She is my Grand Daughter and she did not recognize me!" I comforted him as best I could and as soon as we had eaten, we both rolled up in our blankets and were soon asleep. My story will continue ...

Episode 5

My name is Eleanor, sister of Moira, the Angel of Ireland. Many have called me THE LADY OF LIGHT, for I am The Protector of Scotland along with Saint Andrew.
This is My Part of The Tale
This Storey begins with the Great Betrayal. I found Sir Walter Rule gravely wounded after that Terrible Day and I could not just leave him to die. I found a small house in which to nurse him back to health. It took many long months of care, but I had help from St. Andrew. As Sir Walter's hurts began to mend, St. Andrew said, "Do not restore his sight as he has great tasks to perform before the end of his days." At that, St. Andrew lay before me the task of restoring the Scottish Monarchy to power and what my part in that Great Endeavor would be. I was to guide Sir Walter, Prince William and all his family for the rest of time. It mattered not that William had not been born a Prince, for all that he had already done and for all that he and his Family would do, he could be nothing else but a Prince of Scotland! I gave Sir Walter my own Harp, knowing that it would provide him protection from all those who would try to hurt him or Prince William, and I sent him on his way, guiding him to a small village in the North of Scotland where Prince William was to be found. It was a dreadful task set upon a blind man, but Sir William was a Knight Defender of Scotland and he soon proved equal to the task set upon him. As soon as he touched Prince William's hand, the Harp began to sing and Sir Walter knew that he had located him for whom he searched. It was I who guided the pair to The Great Cathedral in Dunedin and there I revealed myself to Prince William. It was I who showed Mary Rule to Prince William for from Mary Rule and William Wallace will spring new life for Scotland. Their children's children will be the new Kings of Scotland and the line will be unbroken forever. I will appear to both Sir Walter and Prince William in their dreams as THE LADY OF LIGHT for all their days and in this manner my story will continue ...

Episode 6

Walter's Story continues ...
It was a great shock to me that my Grand Daughter, Mary, did not recognize me, but I supposed that my wounds had made me horrible to look upon. William fixed our supper and as soon as we had finished I fell asleep in my blanket roll. As I slept, a great peace came upon me and I dreamed of THE LADY OF LIGHT. In my dream, she laid her cool hand upon my brow and told me that it was not time for Mary Rule to recognize me, but the time would come when I would give her hand to William Wallace in marriage before God and The Assembly of Clans. For now, I was to take William into the lands of the evil Marquis of Montrose! I started to protest and she replied, "Walter, even as Mary failed to recognize you, so also will the Marquis fail to see either of you." With that, she faded away and I awoke to find that it was already morning. I related my dream to William, expecting him to be fearful, but he must of had a dream also, though he said nothing about it, for he agreed and started to pack our things for the journey. We traveled for weeks through the land the Marquis had stolen from our people and we were challenged by none. One evening we were in a tavern located near the Marques' castle and I was singing ballads so that folks might provide us with our supper. Suddenly, The Harp took on a life of its own and control of my voice. In horror I heard myself sing that the wife of the Marquis would never have children and that both would die very soon. As soon as the song was ended, I grasped William and made to flee but the owner of the tavern blocked our way and said, "Stay Good Bard, stay here in safety with your friend, we are not friends of the Marquis here." With that assurance, we stayed for many months while William explored the countryside. As winter began to end, the village was a stir with gossip from the castle that the wife of the Marquis was ill. We felt sure that it was time for us to be on our way, as we were leaving the village, the castle bell began to toll long, slow sounds. Walter's Story will continue ...

Episode 7

My name is David, Laird of The Stuarts and I have need to add to this story before William continues his tale.
This is My Part of The Tale
My first meeting with THE LADY OF LIGHT took place just after my marriage to Rachel of The Clan Douglass. She came to the two of us while we slept and promised that we would have a son. Well, so many years passed and my beloved wife bore no children that we lost faith in THE LADY. My Rachel bore her sadness with dignity and honor, though truth be told, I was as unhappy as she. As we grew older, there was none to become Laird after me, what was to become of our Clan? This too we bore, the two of us. There was never a question that we might not stay together, for we had stood before our God and our people and made our troth to each other. As time passed, we forgot what THE LADY had promised us until one night full of storm she again came to me in my sleep and said, "Laird David, come with me." I suddenly found myself on a High Hill that I recognized as KNOCK, the Holy Place of the Celtic Peoples. Gathered there were Patrick, Andrew and Daffyyd, all Patron Saints of the Celtic Lands. I went to my knees before such glories and St. Andrew said to me, "Rise David and hold out your hand." As I reached, my beloved Rachel was beside me. St. Patrick said, "My Beloved Children, you shall have your son, for he shall come to you as a boy, ready for you to mold as the next Laird of The STUART." My Rachel began to cry and as I held her in comfort St. Daffyyd of Wales continued, "You shall know your son as The Son of His Father." With that, we awoke in our bed in Castle STUART to the sound of someone knocking on the door begging for entrance. As the Marshal opened the door, there stood Walter and a young companion. My Rachel, in tears, rushed to the boy and asked, "Are you my son?" The boy replied, "I am the son of my father." At that, my beloved Rachel hugged the boy fiercely and said, "At last, you are home" And now, William may continue this tale...

Episode 8

William's Story continues ...
It was sad that Walter's Grand Daughter, Mary, did not recognize him, but it was for the best. We were traveling fast now and none needed to know who we were. We spent the winter near the castle of the Marquis of Montrose, the evil one, and as spring arrived, we left. As we left the great castle bells began to toll, telling of the death of the Marquiss' wife. Again, it was best that we leave the area. We traveled up and down the land, everywhere there was suffering and starvation among our people. Robert, The Bruce finally succeeded in becoming King of Scotland, but the plight of the Scots continued to get worse. We spent our seasons in one place or another, until it became habit to "move on" Such was our life together until I reached my 19th birthday. According to Scottish Tradition, on my 20th birthday I would be a man, but since I was now without a clan, I could not proclaim my manhood. We were camping near Edinburgh one late summer when I caught some trout in a stream and we had eaten, we both went to sleep early, when THE LADY OF LIGHT appeared to me. She said, "William, your passage is nearly ended, go you to the Great Castle of the Stuarts and ask for shelter. Remember always, you are your father's son." So, Walter and I trekked far to the north and as a dreadful storm descended upon us, we arrived at the Hall of the Laird of the Stuarts and knocked upon the door to beg shelter. As the Castle's Marshal opened the door, there stood a great Chieftain who looked so very sad. His wife beside him came running up to me, her tears were flowing down her face as she asked, "Are you my son?" I replied, "I am my father's son." Her distress was so great that she seemed ready to collapse, so I put my arms around her to keep her from falling. As I did this, there was a great flash of light shining just above the Laird and I suddenly felt at home with a peace I had not known since the death of my Father. I knew that these people had the approval of THE LADY and this was my place. William's story will continue...

Episode 9

Walter's Story continues ...
William and I traveled the land, finding hunger and hurt everywhere. William passed his 19th year and was approaching manhood when THE LADY OF LIGHT again came to me and said, "Walter Rule, it is time for William to gain a name. You will take him to The Stuart and give him to Rachel, that she may mold him into the PRINCE OF SCOTLAND." So, as The Lady charged me, I led William to The Stuart. I knew of the Laird's great tragedy, that he had no child to follow him, but I did not guess what The Lady had in store until the instant the Lady Rachel, wife of the Laird of Stuart, held William in her arms. I felt a great flash of light directly above the Laird's head and in that instant I knew the three Celtic Saints, Andrew, Patrick and Daffyyd were standing behind THE LADY OF LIGHT. I heard David, Laird of the Stuarts descend the stairs and take William from his wife's embrace. The Laird held William at arm's length and looked at him for a long time. Then he said, "William, you have been given unto my care, will you give yourself unto me?" William replied, "As THE LADY OF LIGHT said, I am my father's son. Will you be my Father?" The Laird said, "Yes, William, I pledge myself and my name to you, will you be William of the Clan Stuart?" So it came to pass that Laird David set the castle bells tolling to call together the Clans Stuart and Douglass, that being the Clan of his beloved wife Rachel. When all the people had been assembled before the Great Castle, Laird David and the Lady Rachel appeared upon the High Wall of the castle with William. The Laird proclaimed to all, "This is William, my much loved son. Know you all, that on his 20th birthday William will be a Man of The Stuarts, my heir and Prince of Scotland. Let anyone challenge my decision come forth now!" Well, no one came forth and there was great rejoicing among the people of both Clans. Unnoticed among the people were 4 watchers, Eleanor, Patrick, Andrew and Daffyyd. I sensed them and thought my duty was over, but that was not to be. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 10

William's story continues ...
I was unsure about what I had done, had I shamed my birth father, William Wallace? A great tiredness came over me and Lady Rachel led me to a room where I could rest and sleep. Before I made for bed, I knelt and prayed to God for the first time since my Father had been cruelly murdered. My soul was not eased with prayer and I fell into an uneasy sleep. The LADY OF LIGHT came to me again in my sleep and told me, "William, ease your soul, for here is one who loves you above all others." Beside her was my Father, William Wallace. He began to sing as I had never before heard him, he sang of battle, he sang of love, then he sang of me. In his song, he told me of how I must help our people, he told me of the great love the Laird and Lady of Stuart had for me and finally he told me to be at ease for David, Laird of Stuart was a fine and honorable man and would love me as he did. Finally, I understood that I had my Father's blessing to become William Stuart. With that, I fell into a deep sleep and awoke the next morning fully refreshed and ready to begin my new life. The next morning Laird David examined me about honor and responsibility as well as such learning as reading, mathematics, writing and Scottish History. He found that Walter had tutored me well. He then proceeded to teach me about being a Laird of the Stuarts. This went on until the next summer and it was time for the Ceremony of Manhood. The Elders of both the Stuarts and the Douglass' assembled to examine me and found me eligible to be a Man of The Stuarts AND The Douglass'! As my Father, Laird David presented me with my Sword of Manhood, my Clan Broach and a Sporran that proclaimed me a Stuart, there again was a flash of light above Laird David's head, just as there was when I first came to Castle Stuart. There was a great festival of celebration and all the people of Clans Stuart and Douglass were there. My Mother, Lady Rachel took me aside to a room. She left and I knew there was someone in the room with me. William's story will continue...

Episode 11

My name is Margaret Wallace, wife of William Wallace and mother of William Wallace, The Son of His Father. This is my story ...
As we were preparing to flee yet another time, there came a knock on our door. There stood a blind man holding a golden harp. Since Bards are held in great esteem in our land, I bade him enter and be seated at my table. William, my son, reached out to the Bard to assist him and I was immediately stunned by a great light that flashed in my eyes. The Bard told William to go with him and that I was to remain in our little village safely with my daughter. My son left with the Bard named Walter and I sat on my stool and cried for now I had lost BOTH my husband AND my son. My daughter attempted to comfort me, but my loss was so great that I finally fell into an uneasy sleep. A wondrous Lady came to me in my sleep who said, "Margaret, be not afraid, for you shall see your son again. Go you to The Stuart and The Laird David will keep you from harm." When I awoke, I knew that THE LADY OF LIGHT, St. Eleanor had been with me. We gathered our few possessions and set out for Castle Stuart. When we arrived, The Laird David and The Lady Rachel seemed to know us and they placed us in a small cottage near the Great Castle. They saw to it that we had food and all other things we needed. After about 4 years, Lady Rachel came to me and said, "Your William is here to become a Stuart, will you allow me to keep him as my son for 1 year?" At that, there was again a great flash of light and I knew that THE LADY was also asking this. I replied, "Lady Rachel, I will share my son with you for all time if you will allow me to see him when he becomes a man." With that a man appeared to us both and said, "I am Andrew." I fell to my knees before this Saint who said, "Lady Rachel and Lady Margaret, you shall share Scotland's Prince." and he was then gone. After a time had passed, Lady Rachel came to me and said, "It is time." and she led me to a small room in the castle saying, "Wait you here." Margaret's story will continue ...

Episode 12

William's story continues ...
The room was dark after having been in the Great Hall celebrating my acceptance as a Man of The Stuarts. I knew someone was in the room with me and I could hear a woman gently crying. I walked forward and found a Lady in great distress, as she turned to face me I was stunned, it was my own Mother that I held in my arms! I said, "Mother, dry your tears for I shall never leave you again." She replied, "Walter my son, you must do what is needed to fulfill your destiny." At that I led her into the Great Hall where we both knelt before Laird David and Lady Rachel. I presented my mother to them, the Laird stood and held my Mother's and Lady Rachel's hand and said, "Lady Margaret, you are our sister in our love for William, will you and William's sister take a place in our Family?" My Mother and Lady Rachel replied, "We will, gladly will we share our love for William." With that, Laird David raised my Mother up and proclaimed to all, "This is our sister, know all that Lady Margaret and William's sister, Edwina are one with my Family and are part of The House of Stuart! Let the celebration of William Stuart continue." The celebration lasted the night in the way of our people and, at last, as the sun was rising I made for my bed. I dropped into an exhausted sleep after thanking God for preserving those that I loved. As I expected, THE LADY appeared in my dreams and told me that I must travel to Castle Turnbull. She said, "Take not Walter, but go alone for there shall be one who is to share your life." THE LADY disappeared and I awoke strangely refreshed, though I had little sleep. I went to the kitchens for some food and found Laird David waiting for me. He handed me a travel pack and said, "Go my son, for THE LADY has told me of your mission." I set off for Turnbull Keep, which was not far and I arrived on the second day. The Castle Marshal admitted me and presented me to the Laird of Turnbull. With him was a woman of great beauty who said, "Welcome William, I am Mary Rule." William's story will continue...

Episode 13

I am Mary Rule, Daughter of Sir John Rule, Laird of Turnbull and a Knight Defender of Scotland. My Father was cruelly murdered by the evil Marquis of Montrose and my Grandfather, Sir Walter Rule, also a Knight Defender of Scotland disappeared that terrible day. This is my story ...
About 6 years after the Great Betrayal, my Mother, Lady Catherine of Turnbull, sent me to The Great Cathedral of Edinburgh to be tutored as a Lady should. On the death of my Father, my baby brother, James Rule, became Laird of Turnbull and my Mother became his Lady Regent until he becomes a Man of Turnbull. While I was in Edinburgh, once known as Dunedin, I came upon a young man of my own age and I knew I loved him, even without knowing him. He asked my name and then he left in the company of a Blind Bard, who somehow seemed familiar. I ran out into the street to ask of the young man's name, but alas, they were gone. I finished my schooling and returned to my home to help my Mother raise my Brother and administer to the Clan Turnbull. The night of my 20th birthday, my Mother gave me a great celebration and had invited many young men who would make me their bride, but I could not choose as I remembered the young man I saw so long ago in Edinburgh. That night as I slept, a Great Lady, clothed in the brightest light, came to me and said, "Mary, one comes whom you shall know and he shall ask you to become his bride, if you will. Remember my words." With that she was gone. In the morning I asked my Mother what such a dream meant. She said, "You have been blessed by St. Eleanor, THE LADY OF LIGHT. It is a wondrous thing." I thought upon this and decided to see what would happen. The next day, I was busy keeping the accounts when suddenly I felt that I needed to dress in my very best gown. Just as I returned to the great hall, the Marshal was presenting a stranger to my young brother, The Laird of Turnbull. There was a great flash of light and there he stood, the young man I had seen in Edinburgh! Mary's story will continue ...

Episode 14

Walter's story continues ...
I had hoped that my duty to William and Scotland was done, I was weary and ready to lay down my load. It was not to be, so I stayed in The Great Stuart Hall and became the Castle Bard. I was there when William took his training and I must say that however difficult it was, he never complained and always did more than his share of work. I was there when he was reunited with his Mother, Lady Margaret, though I had not known that she had been living in the protection of Laird David. I was there when William became a Man of The Stuarts and when he was also recognized as a Man of The Douglass'! I was so proud of him, as if he was my own son. William disappeared the morning after his Manhood Celebration and I was very troubled about this. That night, for the first time since I was felled at The Great Betrayal, I was able to pray to God, and I prayed for William's safety. I cared not for myself, for I was old and blind and of little use to anyone anymore. That night THE LADY once again came to me and said, "Walter, your task is nearly done and your reward will be great." Then she was gone before I could ask any questions. William was gone for many days and when he returned, he rushed into the personal rooms of his Father, The Laird where he stayed for long hours. He then burst out and found me in the manner of a young man and began to tell me of his adventures. He told me of his journey to Turnbull Keep and of his meeting the young Laird of Turnbull. I kept silent, not telling William that I was his Grandfather and then suddenly, William began to tell me of a beautiful maid he had met at the Keep and that he had once seen her in The Great Cathedral of Edinburgh. With a shaky breath, I asked her name and William replied, "Why, she is named Mary Rule of Turnbull." With great difficulty I told him that she is my Grand Daughter. William said, "Yes, Walter, I know and I will bring her here to ask your permission to make her my wife." I was unable to answer him, my tears had choked me up. Walter's story will continue ...

Episode 15

William's story continues ...
I was stunned, here was the maid I had met in Edinburgh, I could not believe my eyes and then there was a Great Flash of Light and I knew that The Lady was there also. I said, "Mistress, I am William Stuart, son of Laird David of Stuart." She replied, "You are he for whom I have been waiting." The young Laird laughed and said, "She would look at none other, waiting for your arrival!" I could do nothing else but kneel before him and ask if I might pay court to his sister. He replied, "I dare not say no, for she, who is my sister, would never forgive me. But you must also ask our Mother, the Lady Regent of this Clan." I turned and saw the Lady Catherine, Regent of Turnbull approaching with a smile of welcome on her face and laughter in her eyes. I knew her answer before I asked it! After a grand supper, where the finest of everything they had was put before me, I told them of my life and how I came to be William Stuart. They looked sad and told me how Laird John Rule had been murdered and Sir Walter Rule, his Father had been lost at The Great Betrayal. Suddenly, I knew! I said, "Nay, Sir Walter Rule has been my companion these many years and he told me, Mary, that he was your Grandfather so many years ago at Edinburgh." By now, it had become quite late and we all must sleep for we had much to do the next day. Sleep came hard to me, though my soul was not troubled, but rather the excitement was so great. When sleep finally came, the LADY OF LIGHT was there waiting for me. She told me how Mary was the maid with whom I had fallen in love with in Edinburgh, but I must first ask permission of her Grandfather. I said, "But he would not deny me!" Her reply was, "You MUST ask him first, before you ask the Maid Mary!" So, with a heavy heart, I left Turnbull Keep, telling Mary that I would soon return. She said, "I will wait for none other than you." I returned to Stuart Castle and went immediately to my Father to ask his advice. He said, "Go to Sir Walter immediately." I found Walter and told him my story. William's story will continue ...

Episode 16

Walter's story continues ...
William's declaration of love for my Grand Daughter, Mary, stunned me and I told William to let me think about it, even though I knew in my heart that I would not deny him. I asked William to lead me to my room, where I would rest for a while. As soon as he had closed the door behind me, I fell to my knees and let my tears flow. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder and as I turned, there stood a man who I felt I should know. The man said, "Walter, I am Andrew, you have no need for your tears. William and Mary are the finest young people Scotland has." I replied, "Beloved St. Andrew, you speak only the truth. I beg you to let me see the two of them married, with my own eyes, just once. Then I can die content. I beg you to return my sight so I can see the two of them." St. Andrew replied, "Sir Walter Rule, Knight Defender of Scotland do you beg?" I said, "Yes, I beg, for I have nothing to offer you except my love for William and Mary." At that, he was gone and I was left to my sorrow. In exhaustion, I fell to the floor and slept, but there was no visit from THE LADY, had she abandoned me? The next morning, I found William standing guard at my door. He had not left it since the night before. He took my hand as to guide me and I said, "William, let us walk to the Chapel for a time." After we had both offered our prayers to God, we sat facing each other and I felt his face with my hands. I said, "William, I love you as my own son, nothing you desire could I deny you. You ask for my Grand Daughter's hand in marriage and I give you my blessing. Go you to Turnbull Keep and bring Mary and all her Family that I might tell them all of my approval." In the manner of a young man, William rushed off to return to Turnbull Keep as fast as he could. I remained in the Chapel and I heard a voice say to me, "Walter, beg not for that which will be given freely to you. You have but one final task before you." I called out for help and found a hand in mine to lead me to The Great Hall, I knew not whose it was. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 17

Mary's story continues ...
I was dismayed that William chose to return to Castle Stuart so soon, as I felt he wanted to ask me a question. Life at the Keep returned to normal, though my Mother and Brother, James, keep looking at me with great smiles on their faces, though they would not answer me why. There came a day when The Marshal of Turnbull Keep announced a visitor. I went into the Great Hall just in time to see William being admitted to the Keep. He was dressed in his finest clothing, his Great Sword hung at his back and he had the Stuart Piper with him. I was shamed that I had on only a common dress and as I turned to go to my room to change clothing, William called, "Please Mary, stay." At that my Brother and Mother entered the Great Hall and William had the Piper play a few notes to get everyone's attention. When the Piper had finished, William knelt before my Mother and Brother and said, "Sir Walter Rule has given his permission that I might ask for the hand of The Maid Mary Rule to be my wife. I now ask the same of you." My Mother, as Regent of Turnbull replied, "Get you up, William of Stuart, gladly do we give our permission to you to wed our Beloved Daughter, Mary!" He then knelt before me and said, "Mary Rule will you be my wife?" There it was, my dream fulfilled in a single instant! James called to the Marshal, "Ring the bell that has remained silent since the death of our Father. Call all the people to the Keep for the Clan Turnbull travels to Castle Stuart in the morning!" My head was aswim, could all this be happening so fast? My Mother called me to her room and opened a great cedar chest in which was a grand dress. She told me that it had been her wedding dress, would I wish to wear it also? I told her YES! The Keep was filled with noise as the Family packed to leave. My Mother and Brother stood before the Keep as the entire Clan arrived. James announced to the crowd, "My Sister, Mary, is to be the wife of William Stuart, let us all go to do honor to her and William." In the morning, the march began. Mary Rule's story ends here.

Episode 18

William's story continues ...
I found Walter in the Great Hall, sitting beside the fire. Suddenly, he seemed so very old and fragile. When I told him of my love for his granddaughter, Mary it seemed as though he could no longer stand by himself. He asked to be taken to his room so that he might think about Mary and me. He could hardly walk, I was so worried about him that I waited outside the door to his room all the night, when he called for someone to assist him the next morning I entered his room and said my name. He asked to be taken to the Chapel and there, after we had given our thanks to God, he told me of his love for me and that he would gladly see Mary as my wife. With that, I rushed from the chapel to pack my finest clothing and to call the piper to go with me to Turnbull Keep. Never had such a short journey seemed so long, but finally the Keep was in sight. We paused only long enough for me to change into my finest clothing and for the piper to ready his pipes. That done, we rode on to the Keep and were admitted right away. I saw Mary running up the stairs to her room and I called to her that she might remain in the Great Hall. Lady Catherine and Laird James entered the Great Hall and I immediately asked Lady Catherine, Regent of Turnbull, and Mary's brother, the young Laird James, that I might ask Mary to be my wife. Lady Catherine laughed and said, "Go ask her yourself!", so I did. With my knees trembling, I asked Mary to be my wife to which she replied, "Of course I will wed you, let it be as soon as possible!" The entire Keep and Clan made preparations to go with us as Mary and I traveled to Castle Stuart. Upon our arrival at the Castle's gate the Marshal set all the bells tolling and my Father, Laird David and my Mother, Lady Rachel welcomed Mary and her Family. The Clan Stuart gathered around and welcomed all the folk of Turnbull into their homes and did them honor. My Father proclaimed, "Let the marriage of William and Mary take place tomorrow!" I needed to find Walter and ask him to be with me. William's story will continue...

Episode 19

Walter's story continues ...
As I was being led to The Great Hall, the one who was leading me stopped at the entrance and said to me, "Walter, I am Daffyyd of Wales and it is again time for you to take your place among the Knights Defender of Scotland!" I replied, "Oh, Saint Daffyyd, I am old and blind, my time is past." There was a great noise and my guide said, "Walter, how dare you! You cannot take back the oath you swore, as a young man, to protect and defend Scotland! Do you not hide behind your blindness Sir Knight!" With that Saint Daffyyd of Wales was gone, leaving me to find my own way to the Great Hall. Great preparations were being made for William's return, bringing Mary and her Family to The Stuart. I asked for a meal and after eating it a young lad led me to my room where I again fell into an exhausted sleep. I know not how long I slept, but the tolling of bells awoke me, was there some alarm? I called out and a man came to assist me. He helped me dress and when I asked for my harp, he instead handed me a Great Sword, which he fastened on me. I said, "I am no longer a warrior, I have no need for a sword." He replied, "Walter, are you still fighting your destiny? I am Andrew and you will attend the arrival of William and Mary!" I grew fearful, had I offended Saint Andrew, Patron of all Scotland? I was again alone and I felt my clothing, this was not my usual cloak, I felt a fine wool kilt of the finest weave, there was a broach upon my breast and a sporran at my waist. I had not worn such since The Great Betrayal! I called out in my fear and a lad came to lead me to the Great Hall. As I entered the Hall, a voice called out, "Hail Sir Walter Rule, Knight Defender of Scotland, attend us as we greet Mary Rule and William Stuart." I knew that voice to be that of Laird David. I was led to stand beside Laird David and Lady Rachel at the Castle Gate to be greeted by William and Mary. I heard my William dismount his horse and present my Grand Daughter, Mary. Suddenly, all was silent and I felt all eyes were upon me. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 20

William's story continues ...
I suddenly saw Walter standing beside my Father, dressed as Knight Defender of Scotland! I had not before known that he was such, to me he had always been the Blind Bard. After greeting my Father, Laird David and my Mother, Lady Rachel, I brought Mary to her Grandfather. As we knelt before Walter, there was a tremendous roar of wind and lightening and Walter seemed outlined in light. He bent down and took Mary's hand as we all watched. As he bent, his sword was visible to all. All voices were hushed and all we could do is stare, for on Walter's back was THE SWORD OF SAINT ANDREW! THE SWORD had been lost for a hundred years! How then did The Blind Bard, Walter, come to be armed with it? While all our eyes had been upon THE SWORD, Walter had lifted up Mary to stand beside him with tears flowing from his eyes. He said, "Mary, my beloved Grand Daughter, how is it that I can see you?" He turned about and exclaimed, "I can see all of you, what has taken place?" Mary said through her own tears of joy, "Grandfather, I know not what has happened, but you were lost and now you have been found! Let us take great joy in that!" My Father said, "There is one other who must attend here, Sir Marshal, bring forth the Lady Margaret that she might also greet William and Mary." With that, my Mother of my birth joined us at the Gate and we all turned to face the assembly of Clans. My Father announced that our marriage would take place the very next day. As we entered the Castle, for the first time since I had known him, Walter walked unaided, though he could hardly see through his tears. As we entered the Great Hall, there was a flash of light that filled every corner. I was certain that THE LADY was present and that she continued to watch over us all. Food was brought and as we were much tired from our journey, we all went to our rooms to sleep, for tomorrow was to be our wedding day and there would be much to do. William's story will continue...

Episode 21

Walter's story continues...
As I stood before the Gate of Castle Stuart, suddenly everyone stopped talking and there was silence. I leaned forward so that I might hear better and there was my beloved Grand Daughter, Mary kneeling before me and I could see her! Without thinking, I reached out and raised her to her feet. To my astonishment, I could see everyone. My sight had been restored to me! I then heard William exclaim, "Look, Walter bears THE SWORD OF SAINT ANDREW!" I cried out that only the Master of the Knights Defender could wear that SWORD! I tried to take it off, but the harder I tried, the more THE SWORD resisted me. Then a voice, I think it was St. Andrew, behind me said, "Are you still resisting your destiny, Walter, Lord Protector of Scotland, Master of The Knights Defender?" At that moment Laird David proclaimed, "Behold, Sir Walter Rule has been gifted with THE SWORD OF SAINT ANDREW, he now stands before you as The Lord Protector of Scotland! Hail Lord Walter!" It was almost more than I could bear, I reached for THE SWORD without thinking and it came to my hand freely. I raised it up before me and repeated the Ancient Oath, "I, Walter Rule, do promise to lead The Knights Defender for the protection of Scotland and its people and that I will not lay down this OATH until I draw my last breath, SO HELP ME GOD!" At that, the Castle Bells again began to toll and we entered the Castle for food and drink. As we entered the Great Hall, there was a blinding flash of LIGHT and I knew that The Lady was the one who had restored my sight. What a day it had been, and after I had seen William and his Mother and sister for the very first time, I began to feel very tired. So I finished my meal and for the first time since the Great Betrayal, I walked to my room unaided and fell into a deep sleep. As I slept, THE LADY came to me and said, "Walter, you must guide William tomorrow, for he must keep his temper, King Robert rides for Castle Stuart." Walter's story will continue...

Episode 22

William's story continues ...
I awoke early the next morning to find the castle full of activity. As I dressed a young page came to me and said, "William, your Father asks you to come immediately." I went to my Father's room in great haste and found Lord Walter there also. My Father said, "William, be seated and listen to what I have to tell you. Be not with anger, for you must not upset the delicate peace of Scotland." Robert, The Bruce, King of Scotland rides for Castle Stuart and we must greet him this day." As my Father commanded, I contained my anger, what right did the very man who betrayed my Father, William Wallace and who caused his death, to attend my wedding? As we were talking, the Castle Marshal announced that two riders approached the Castle Gate. As we rose, Lord Walter held my hand and said, "Remember, William, much depends upon you, keep the peace!" As we entered the Great Hall, the King's Piper entered and announced, "The King enters." I remained silent and followed my Father's lead and knelt before The King. The King said, "Rise, all of you." He then turned to me and said, "William, I have wronged you and your Family in the most terrible manner, I cannot undo what has happened, but I stand before you and beg of you to forgive me." I replied, "Bring forth the Mother of my birth, Lady Margaret. If she can forgive you, then I also can forgive you." When my Mother, Lady Margaret arrived in the Great Hall, The King asked her the same question and she replied, "Robert, The Bruce, truly you greatly wronged us but for the sake of Scotland and my son I will forgive you." He again turned to me, drew THE SWORD OF SCOTLAND and placed it upon my shoulder. I knelt before the King as he announced for all to hear, "I, Robert, King of Scotland in honor of your Father, William Wallace and in the Presence of God and this company do charge you, William Stuart, to be a Knight of Scotland. Arise Sir William." As I stood, the Great Hall was filled with great light. William's story will continue...

Episode 23

Walter's story continues...
I awoke as soon as THE LADY finished her message about The King's arrival. I dressed, though it was the middle of the night, and went to The Great Hall. I sent a page to awaken Laird David and ask that I might attend him. The page returned immediately and said, "Laird David asks that you come to him right now." The Laird and I discussed THE LADY'S message and we both agreed that, for the sake of Scotland and William, The King, Robert, The Bruce must be forgiven by all of us as well as William. Laird David then awoke his wife, Lady Rachel, who upon hearing of The King's approach, awoke all the Castle servants to make preparations for both The King's arrival and for the wedding of her son, William, and Mary Rule. We then sent a page to William's room to bring him to us immediately. William is young and a victim of Robert, The Bruce's treachery and forgiveness would be difficult for him. While we were waiting for William the page helped me to the cottage where Lady Margaret lived to tell her myself of what was taking place. She thought about it, then said, "Lord Walter, it grieves me that I forgive The king, but for the sake of my son, William, and for all of Scotland I will do this thing." With that, we returned to the Laird's room to find William already there. As calmly as I could, I told William of The King's approach and told him also that he must let his hate go, that he must be a better man than The King. He was slow to reply, then he said, "Before God do I let Robert, The Bruce be forgiven his crimes against my Family, the hate is dead only if my Mother, Lady Margaret can forgive him also." So soon it was morning and The King's Piper was announcing his arrival. Everything became a swirl of activity ending with the Knighting of William! The King then turned to me and saw THE SWORD OF SAINT ANDREW in my possession and said, "At Last, Scotland again has a Lord Protector, God save Scotland!" We all entered The Great Hall for food and talk. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 24

William's story continues...
When The King announced me Knight and Sir William, the Great Hall was filled with The Lady's Light, though King Robert saw it not. As I turned to leave The King's presence, Lord Walter blocked my exit. He said, "Kneel, Sir William, for I choose you." I knew not what he meant, but my Father and King Robert knew immediately what was taking place for they both knelt beside me. Walter, Lord Protector of Scotland proclaimed, "I choose you, Sir William of Stuart, I name you Knight Defender of Scotland." My head was reeling. The honor bestowed upon me was almost beyond belief! My Father and The King rose and held my arms as I rose and faced Lord Walter saying, "Lord Protector, I will defend this charge you have bestowed upon me until I am released by my own death, so help me God." With that, the ladies came to us and said that it was time to change for the wedding, so I returned to my room. On the way, I was stopped by the young page who had served me so well. He held my hand and knelt before me saying, "Sir William, William, I am named Duncan Rule, son of Sir John Rule and Grandson of Lord Walter Rule. I beg of you to appoint me your Squire, I have my Grandfather's permission and Laird David gave me leave to ask." It truly had been an amazing day, I could but say, "Duncan of Turnbull, I, William of Stuart, Knight and Defender, do accept you as my Squire, to serve me in all my needs until I release your bonded word. Arise and serve, Squire Duncan." The events of that day will never again be bested. My new Squire accompanied me to my room and assisted me in dressing for my wedding. As we hurried to the chapel, we were nearly late, but as in all things wonderful, as soon as I saw Mary being led down the aisle in hand with Lord Walter, I knew all was well. I hardly remember now, what transpired, except my great joy when I heard the words "I pronounce you Man and Wife!" We were now Sir William and Lady Mary of Stuart and we were starting our new life together. William's story will continue...

Episode 25

Walter's story continues ...
As we all turned to enter the Great Hall, a man standing beside me said, "Walter, it is time to choose." and with that the man was gone. I knew, though, what I had to do and I chose William to be a Knight Defender before King Robert could work any further mischief. The honor was mine to give and I could think of no person more deserving than William to bestow it upon. As soon as that task was completed, a young man came and knelt before me saying "Lord Protector, I am James Rule, your Grandson and son of my Father, Laird John Rule, your son. If you will have me, I would be your squire. To serve you in all your needs until you deem me fit for Knighthood." I continued to hold his hands and I had to sit, so great was my astonishment. James' brother, Duncan, had already asked my permission to serve William is such a capacity and now, here was James, already Laird of Turnbull, asking to serve me. There could be but one answer I could give, "James of Turnbull, I, Walter, Knight and Lord Protector do accept you as my Squire, to serve me in all my needs until I release your bonded word. Arise and serve, Squire James." What a responsibility William and I had taken, I for a Grandson and William for the brother of his wife. As the Castle Bell began to toll, I realized I was nearly late for the wedding of William and Mary, so I handed my sword to my new Squire, who looked terrified at being handed THE SWORD OF ST. ANDREW, but he held it before him as he followed me to the Chapel. We arrived just in time to be asked, "Who gives this woman, Mary Rule, to be the wife of William Stuart?" We both replied, "I do", as was proper. By now, the day was gone and, after the proper congratulations to the new couple, James and I went to my rooms. James stayed my hand and said, "Lord Protector, your new rooms are in the Keep." Again. Laird David had given me great honor. I found my new rooms complete with a space for my new Squire and, after making our peace with God, we both slept. Walter's story will continue ...

Episode 26

William's story continues ...
Mary and I slept late that next morning and we were not disturbed until I arose and called for my Squire, Duncan. He was already up and dressed and had my clothing lain out in the antechamber. He said, "Sir William, The King, Lord Walter and your Father await you in The Great Hall." I wondered what was amiss, so I hurried to attend them. They greeted me and bade me eat while they spoke with me. Walter spoke first, "William, it is time that we rid ourselves of the evil Marquise of Montrose and to this, I appoint you Senior Knight Defender and you shall lead the Knights Defender to remove this evil from among us." King Robert added, "I shall give you twenty King's Knights under your command." My Father then said, "You shall have my Castle Knights, forty in all, and the Yeomanry of Stuart for your army." I just sat there with my mouth open and my Father said, "Close your mouth, son, you have an army to command!" It all swirled around me, but I knew what had to be done, Laird David had taught me well. Before any of us could leave, my Birth Mother, Lady Margaret came and bowed to the King and knelt before me, her son. Before I could raise her up, she reached into her cloak pulled out a banner. As she opened it up, we could see that it was THE BANNER OF ST. ANDREW. She said, "My son, this was your Father's own banner. It is only fitting that you carry it against the evil Marquise of Montrose, he who murdered your Father, William Wallace." Both The King and my Father, Laird David, kissed THE BANNER and Sir Walter, Lord Protector, raised it up and proclaimed to all those assembled, "This is THE BANNER OF ST. ANDREW! Sir William carries it by right of inheritance!" So it was that a few days later I led my Army of Knights and Yeoman across Scotland to challenge the evil Marquise of Montrose. Before I departed, the elderly Laird of Douglass, Malcolm, the oldest living Knight Defender, added another twenty Knights to my Army. What a sight we made trooping out of The Castle. William's story will continue ...

Episode 27

Walter's story continues ...
Nearly as soon as I had fallen asleep, THE LADY was with me. Without greeting, she said, "We have much to do and little time to do it. Send William to rid our land of The Marquise of Montrose, send him back to his English masters in shame. William must start off NOW, for a bairn comes who shall be named Charles, Father of The King! Tell none, for death lurks in The Castle also." I must have screamed in my sleep, either for joy or in fear, because I awoke to find Squire James holding my hand. I told him to rouse Laird David and The King immediately that they might join me in breaking fast. As soon as we all arrived in The Great Hall and my Squire began to serve us, I outlined a plan to them that we might rid ourselves of the Marquise. Each agreed that it was a good plan and they would contribute men for this New Army of Scotland with my William as its commander! I told no one what THE LADY had revealed to me, just as she had instructed. The bairn was not a mystery, but who was marked for death? I could only wonder and fear. I then sent my Squire to awaken his Brother, William's Squire, that William might join us as soon as possible. When William entered The Great Hall and began to eat his breakfast, we told him of our plans. He immediately agreed to do as we asked and we all set about creating THE ARMY OF SCOTLAND. I was surprised at the appearance of Lady Margaret, William's Birth Mother, and her gift of THE BANNER OF ST. ANDREW to William shook me to my very core! I prayed that this gift of his Father's own banner did not mean that it was he who was marked for the death that THE LADY had foretold! Again, I said nothing. Our Fighting Men gathered under William's Banner, and at the last minute, Malcolm, Laird of The Douglass' brought twenty Knights as William was also a Man of The Douglass'. The Army left in grand order, but I remained troubled, English bandits preyed upon our folk, so I also began gathering Knights. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 28

William's story continues ...
THE ARMY OF SCOTLAND, a name not heard since the murder of my Father, William Wallace, and I, his Son at its head! As we trooped out The Gate of Castle Stuart, an aged man stood in front of my horse saying, "Sir William, I was a Yeoman in your Father's Army but I am too old to hold a pike now. But still, I wish to serve, will you accept me as your own Piper?" I asked him his name and he told me that he was called Denis. I turned to my Army and shouted, "This is Yeoman Denis, he shall serve me as my personal Piper. Attend to his needs and listen for his notes!" To this, Denis replied, "Sir William, though I am an old man, I shall serve you to my last breath, I am your man 'till I die." On that good note, we proceeded to cross Scotland and wind our way up the mountains to the castle that Montrose called his home. We arrived in early summer, ready to set siege on Montrose. As the days passed, no acknowledgement of our presence came from the Evil Marquise of Montrose until one day the Castle Marshal, waiving a white flag, asked for a meeting with me. I agreed and the Marshal came and knelt before me saying, "Sir William, my master is old, his wife died many years ago and he has no children. Will you allow him to return to England, the land of his birth, without battle?" I agreed to this but said that he could take nothing with him nor would he receive any honor from the folk of this land. So it came to pass that we had rid Scotland of this evil who had murdered my Father and we did it without battle or loss of any of THE ARMY OF SCOTLAND! We had been away for many months now and as we were resting, a messenger arrived from Laird David saying, "Sir William, return quickly, a BAIRN comes to you and Lady Mary!" The news shook me into immediate action, I passed my command to a Senior Knight Defender and with Piper Denis and Squire Duncan, we rode for Castle Stuart as fast as our horses would take us. Would we arrive in time, the way was long and hard and we dared not weary our horses to death! William's story will continue ...

Episode 29

Walter's story continues ...
As soon as William had left with THE ARMY OF SCOTLAND, I began enlisting my own troop to put done the bandits that plagued our folk. I gathered Knights and Yeomen alike, until I had a fighting force large enough to send the Sassanach Bandits back to England from where they had come. We started out along the Borders and then swung up into the Highlands, all the while bringing The King's Peace to our people. Everywhere they rejoiced, for the bandits were much feared. Some we sent packing back to England, others we hung as a message that the peace was to be kept. Back and forth across the land we rode, I was far older than any who rode with me, but I was THE LORD PROTECTOR and my task was enforcing the peace of the land. We were in the far north of the land, Squire James was at my side, when an exhausted messenger arrived from Laird David, saying that I was to ride immediately for Castle Stuart as a BAIRN was to be born to William and Mary very soon. So, this was what THE LADY had foretold. Squire James was already gathering our things and I turned to my troop as said, "William's Bairn comes, will you ride with me?" They all replied as one, "We are your troop, let us ride now, Lord Protector!" And so, we set out as fast as we dared push our horses, down the length of Scotland that we might beat the Bairn's arrival to Castle Stuart. Day after day we rode, hardly stopping to eat or rest, all the while I worried about the second part of THE LADY'S prophesy, who was to die? After many days we had Castle Stuart in sight, just as Squire James exclaimed, "There is William, riding as we do for the Castle." We met at The Gate and asked for entrance. The Castle Marshal was immediately to The Gate and said, "My Lord Protector, Sir William, you are in time. The Bairn is not yet here, but it will be soon! Lady Rachel bids you await in Laird David's rooms." William and I went to Laird David's rooms, where we waited, but something seemed not right. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 30

William's story continues ...
Day after day we rode as we raced across Scotland, the pace must have taken a terrible toll upon Piper Denis, but he said not a word of complaint. Squire Duncan and I were young, but Denis was an old man. Finally, at long last, Castle Stuart was in sight and we arrived at The Gate just as Walter and his troop arrived. What a comfort it was to me, Walter was not just the Lord Protector, he had been my companion, my friend, and my mentor for many years. The Castle Marshal opened That Gate immediately upon our arrival and told us that Lady Rachel was with my Mary and the Bairn was about to be born. We were told to go to my Father's rooms and wait. When Walter and I entered Laird David's rooms, I had a shock that nearly put me to the floor. For as long as I had been Laird David's son, he had never been sick a day and here he was in his bed and a yellow pallor to his face that put me to fear! I turned to the only man there who I trusted and said, "Walter, please tell me what is wrong." Walter was silent for a long time and then replied, "William, I am afraid that your Father's heart is failing, best that the Bairn come quickly!" I called for my Squire and both he and his brother, James, Squire to Lord Walter, came immediately and from their faces, I knew that they also had been told. Our Squires helped Walter and me to change from our riding clothes as I tried to speak with my Father, but he could not respond to my questions. Shortly though, he awakened and said, "The Bairn is here, bring him to me quickly!" As I ran through the Castle, I thought, "HIM, a boy!" Just as I rounded the corner, I was met by my two Mothers, holding between them a wrapped bundle that cried. They said, "Go you to Mary, the Bairn is fine as she is." I held her hand and we told each other of our great joy. I stayed with my Beloved Mary, holding her hand until she fell asleep. I then returned to my Father's room, where all had gathered to greet MY Bairn, My Son. My Father motioned me to come close. William's story will continue ......

Episode 31

Walter's story continues ...
Immediately as I laid eyes upon Laird David, I knew of whom THE LADY said would die. I was stunned that this could come about so quickly to a man so much younger than myself. I did my best to steady young William, he who had faced so much in his short life. To lose a second Father would destroy a lesser man than he. When Laird David announced that the Bairn was here and was a BOY, William left for Mary's room as he should have. While he was gone, I spoke with Laird David, it was his wish that the Bairn be his heir as Laird of The Stuarts and that William act as Laird Regent until the Boy was of age. He further asked that I, as Lord Protector, stand as THE SHIELD OF THE STUARTS, until William should gain enough power to protect The Clan. There was no question that I would do this thing. Then, the door opened and Lady Margaret and Lady Rachel entered with the new Bairn, who they placed in the arms of Laird David. After a time, William came into the room, after leaving his exhausted wife, Mary, with the midwife. He went to his Father and took the Bairn and said, "This is my Son, I welcome him into The House of The Stuart." He then turned to his Father and laid the Bairn again in his arms. At that, Laird David gave a great cry of distress and was gone from this world. William, filled with sorrow turned to us and said, "Mary asked if we could call the Bairn, Charles Stuart, and now I cannot ask my Father's blessing" At that, the room filled with LIGHT and a gentle voice said, "Your Father knows of this and wishes Charles Stuart to be his heir." When the light faded, I told William of his Father's wishes and he could see the sense in them, I hoped my Grand Daughter, Mary, would also agree. At that time, word of Laird David's death reached the Pipers and Piper Denis led with "Amazing Grace" as The Great Bell began to toll. Soon, the bells across all of Scotland told of Laird David's death, as he was greatly loved all across the land. Walter's story will continue...

Episode 32

William's story continues ...
That my Father was dying, I knew in my heart that this was so. He motioned for me to take the Bairn as he whispered to me, "William, this is your son, the Hope of Scotland's future, present him to our people." As I held my son, I watched in great sorrow as my Father slipped away from this world to meet his God. THE LADY was present, I knew, and she said to all present that my Father knew and approved of the name Charles Stuart for our Bairn. We buried my Father the next day and shortly after that The King's Council confirmed Charles as the Laird of Stuart and myself as The Laird Regent. We tucked our sorrow away for there was so much to do. My two Mothers assisted Mary in the management of The Castle and our lives went on. Walter continued his war against the bandits and I led my Army against the Danes, the Vikings who had been raiding our villages along the coast. It took several years, but at last, peace reigned throughout our land. Charles was growing as fast as little boys do, he was but 5 when he asked Walter if he could have a sword and learn to be a knight! We made him a wooden sword and the Castle Knights took turns showing him it's use. We added a daughter to our Family, Anne Stuart. The midwife told me that Mary must have no more children. I spent my days in The Castle, teaching my son those things a knight must know, like bravery, honor, duty and courtesy, as well as reading and sciences that he would someday need as The Laird of The Stuarts. One day, Charles had just turned 7 years of age, he ran to me and said, "Papa, a great troop of knights are coming and Uncle James is leading them on foot. He is carrying Great Gandpapa's sword upside down in front of him." I thought to myself, "Dear God, not Walter too!" I sent a fast messenger to Turnbull Keep and I gathered my Family with me and headed to The Castle Gate. As we opened The Gate, the Pipers began That Dreaded Dirge, "Amazing Grace" and I knew Walter was gone from us. William's story will continue...

Episode 33

I am James Rule, Squire to Lord Walter Rule, Protector of Scotland and Master of The Knights Defender. This is the story of Walter's last days...
We left our headquarters at Castle Stuart on a fine summer day and headed towards the Borders, where we had learned that a new bandit group was robbing the people of the villages. Lord Walter seemed to be in some pain, but he insisted he was alright. As his Squire, I was worried about him, but I could not defy him, so on we went. We found the bandits near the village of Jedburg, but there were too many of them, in fact, it was a small English Army! We drew away a short distance and Walter sent for more Knights, but in the middle of the night, the English attacked us from all sides. All night we fought, and into the next day. Slowly, our Knights were weakening and we were facing defeat. Lord Walter gathered us around and said, "Our only chance is to charge through their lines and escape back into the mountains." His plan worked and we fought ourselves free of the English bandits. We fled northwards, but still they pursued us. We were camped in a small valley when our reinforcements finally arrived and Lord Walter formed us up as a proper force and we marched back to fight the bandits. We found them pillaging the village of Selkirk, one of my own villages of Turnbull. We fought them all day and just as they turned to flee back into England, an arrow came from one of their archers. Up it flew and came down upon Lord Walter. He died the next night in his sleep. The march back to his home at Castle Stuart was dreadful, our sorrow was almost more than we could bear and at each village, the folk joined our march across Scotland. Each village added their Pipers to our own, until their awful dirge could be heard for miles. As we approached Castle Stuart, I held THE SWORD OF ST. ANDREW upside down to signify that its owner was dead. What a terrible sight we made at The Gate with our sorrow. Sir William stood for The Stuart, tears flowing from his eyes, as was Lady Mary and all the rest. Lord Walter was gone from us...

Episode 34

William's story continues...
The death of Walter was a blow that none should have to bear. Walter had been my friend, my tutor, my protector and, yes, as a Father he was to me also. With a heavy heart I ordered that he be taken to The Knight's Chapel and that he be buried the next day. His Squire, James and my Squire, Duncan asked my leave that they might comfort their Mother and I told them to bring her to Castle Stuart. My Mary was a pillar of strength during that awful time, we buried Walter, who had been so much to all of us and then we needed to set our affairs straight. I sent Squire Duncan to The Douglass, Malcolm Douglass was the most Senior Knight Defender in Scotland. Malcolm sent messengers to each and every Knight Defender that The Chapter would meet in one week's time. From all over Scotland they came immediately. The King came, but Malcolm told him that the election of a New Lord Protector was not his affair, it was the authority of The Chapter of Knights Defender alone to elect. We met on the afternoon of that day and Malcolm stood before all The Knights and said, "Do I have your approval?" There was no dissenting vote. At that he said, "Bring me THE SWORD OF ST. ANDREW." Turning with THE SWORD in his hand, he extended the grip to me, saying, "Sir William, we choose you!" Nearly unable to speak, I replied, "I, William Stuart, do promise to lead The Knights Defender for the protection of Scotland and that I will not lay down this OATH until I draw my last breath, SO HELP ME GOD!." At that, I became The Lord Protector of Scotland, but I had a first duty and I called Squire James to me. I placed THE SWORD upon James' shoulder and said, "I, William Stuart, Lord Protector of Scotland, in honor of your Grandfather, Lord Walter Rule, and in the presence of God and these Knights, do charge you, James Rule, Laird of Turnbull, to be a Knight of Scotland. Arise Sir James." A voice, that I later knew as St. Andrew's, spoke behind me, "Your First Great Deed, William." William's story will continue...

Episode 35

William's story continues...
After that day's activities and entertaining The King that night in The Great Hall, both Mary and I were exhausted. After everyone had retired for the night, Mary and I went to our room and made ready for bed. As we slipped under the covers, our room was filled with light and THE LADY appeared to both of us, saying, "Mary and William, great as your tasks have been, more will be placed upon you in the morn. Accept the additional burden for Scotland will not survive but for you." With that, she was gone but sleep eluded us for the remainder of the night. We both arose early and dressed, we were earlier even than my Squire. As we sat in The Great Hall talking of the previous day's events, The King came to our table and stood before us saying, "Lord William and Lady Mary, you have no cause to love me or my Family, but I beg of you to help me one last time. My wife is dead, my son's wife has also gone from us and worse, my son has deserted Scotland and is now with the English Sassanachs. He left me with his child, my Grand Daughter. I know not how to raise the child, except to burden some Great House with the task. Despite the terrible evil I have done you, I trust none more than you. Will you take my Grand Daughter and raise her as one of your own?" Remembering what THE LADY had said the night before, Mary spoke up and told The King we would do as he asked, but his Grand Daughter would remain a Bruce. So it was that Sarah Bruce, who was the same age as our son, Charles, joined our Family. I continued Walter's fight against the English bandits and kept the Danes from our shores. As time passed, the children grew into young adults and I knighted my Squire Duncan in the same summer that Charles became a Man of The Stuarts. Shortly after that, Charles asked to become my Squire and I accepted him to my service. There came a day when a messenger arrived from Edinburgh telling us of the death of King Robert and that I was needed to appear at King's Council. William's story will continue...

Episode 36

William's story continues...
The king's Council was meeting in an emergency session because of the death of King Robert. I was a member of that Council as Lord Protector of Scotland. I made ready to leave at once as did my Squire Charles. As we headed for our horses, Squire Charles touched my arm and said, "Father, I must speak with you, let us pause in the chapel for a time." When we were seated in the chapel, he turned to me and continued," Father, I speak to you as a son, not your Squire. I have fallen in love with Sarah Bruce, I had wanted to ask your permission to speak with her Father, but now ... he is dead. Whatever shall I do?" At that moment, the whole of the chapel was filled with LIGHT and THE LADY came to us from the Sanctuary. She stood before us and said, "William and Charles, now do you understand that Scotland's survival depends upon the two of you?" With that, she was gone. I thought for a while and finally I told my son that we must wait until we see what happens in Edinburgh and that we must trust in God for an answer to this problem. He was not happy with this, but he agreed that we must first attend King's Council. We arrived in Edinburgh after 3 days of hard travel and in time for the meeting. Charles, of course could not attend, but as my Squire he waited at the door for me. After much discussion it was decided that I, as Guardian for Princess Sarah Bruce, would be The Lord Regent of The Kingdom of Scotland in addition to my other duties as Lord Protector. I then presented The Council with my son's dilemma and after a thorough debate of the matter, it was decided that it was my decision to make. We stayed the night at Edinburgh Castle, I in The King's bedroom and Squire Charles in the anteroom. I expected a visit from THE LADY that night, but it was ST. ANDREW who came to me and told me again that the fate of Scotland rested upon my decision. What an awful worry that was to me, but I decided to confide in Mary before I made my decision. William's story will continue

Episode 37

William's story continues...
Our ride back to The Stuart was difficult for my Son and Squire, I had told him of my desire to speak with his Mother about the matter of his asking for the hand of Sarah Bruce. He wanted to rush home, but I was sorely troubled and needed the time to consider my thoughts. We reached Castle Stuart and as I was dismounting, my old Piper, Denis was waiting for me in the stable. Squire Charles had already asked permission to go to Sarah, which was given. Piper Denis said to me, "Lord William, I had the most wondrous dream. I dreamed that I would announce the Marriage of your Son, Charles, to The Princess Sarah." With that Piper Denis fell silent, fearing that he had angered me. After a time, I told him that he was My Piper and we would see if his dream was a true one. He seemed satisfied with that and he went off to his own home. With a worried heart, I went to see my wife, Mary. I found her in the garden, waiting for me. She said that she had been expecting me and bade me sit beside her. We spoke of many things and then she said, "Lord Regent, my dear Husband, I ask you to grant our Son's desire, let him and Sarah Bruce be wedded." What more was there to say, I called a page to me and instructed him to bring Charles and Sarah to us in the garden. After a time, they both arrived and it was apparent that they were frightened that our decision would deny them their love for each other. Mary went and held Sarah's hand and I faced my son, who I suddenly realized, was as tall as myself. I said, "Charles, you have our and The Kingdom's permission to marry The Princess Sarah Bruce." We left Charles and Sarah holding each other in relief and went into The Great Hall where I found my Senior Castle Knight. I said to him, "Go you, Sir Kenneth, and take Piper Denis and six Knights throughout the land announcing the marriage of Charles and Sarah one month from today in Edinburgh Castle. That done, I needed some time to think out what should be done to ready myself. William's story will continue...

Episode 38

William's story continues...
After struggling with my own conscience all night, without sleep, I called Squire Charles to attend me in The Great Hall. I also called all The Castle Knights and those Knights Defender who were in The Castle to attend me in The Great Hall. When all had arrived, I announced, "Squire Charles, kneel before me." I placed THE SWORD OF SCOTLAND upon his shoulder and said, "Charles Stuart, I William, Lord Regent of Scotland and Lord Protector, and in the presence of God and these Knights do charge you, Charles Stuart, to be a Knight of Scotland. I also name you Laird of Stuart, I hereby resign the office of Regent of Stuart. Arise Sir Charles, Laird of Stuart." Those whom I had sent around Scotland announcing the marriage of Charles and Sarah must have been to every castle, town and village in the land, for on that appointed day at Edinburgh Castle the entire Company of Knights Defender along with representatives of every Clan and their Knights and all the Yeomen of Stuart assembled before Castle Edinburgh. The marriage was a grand affair and afterward Laird Charles and Princess Sarah took up residence in Castle Stuart. The King's Council had decided that I remain Lord Regent of Scotland until Charles and Sarah had a boy bairn, who would be named King of Scotland. In the proper time, as it happens in all families, a son was born to Charles and Mary, whom they named James. I continued to attend to the Kingdom's affairs and I named Duncan's son, Farrell Rule to be my new Squire. The Knights Defender kept the peace throughout the Kingdom and another bairn was born to Charles and Sarah, a girl they named Mary. When, at last, James Stuart was judged to be a Man of The Stuarts, I called him and his parents to Edinburgh Castle where I turned over my Regency of Scotland to my son, Sir Charles and named James, King of Scotland. I was in my sixtieth year and now was just Lord William, Protector of Scotland, at last. I and my Knights Defender roamed the land, enforcing The King's Peace. William's story will continue...

Episode 39

William's story continues...
I established a new headquarters for The Knights Defender at Edinburgh Castle and we rode throughout the land enforcing the King's Peace. The Sassanach bandits ceased their raids upon our people and Scotland began, at last, to prosper. My Son ended his Regency of Scotland when my Grandson, James, reached manhood and Charles returned to Castle Stuart to lead The Clan Stuart. I was nearing seventy years when Sir Charles came to me in Edinburgh Castle telling me of a dream both he and Sarah had, of war again with The English. When I asked him just whom he had dreamed of, he replied, "Why, THE LADY OF LIGHT came to us." So again it was time for me to pick up THE SWORD OF ST. ANDREW in protection of our Scottish Land. Trusting in THE LADY, I gathered all my Knights Defender and called for the Castle Knights and Yeomen of all the clans. To my sorrow, Piper Denis had died the year before, but he had sent his son to me, so Piper Denton went before announcing our way. We met the English at The River Clyde and we fought for three days before the Sassanachs withdrew. Their commander, The Earl of Essex sent a messenger under a white flag and asked for peace. We signed a treaty that day that I prayed would last, but I knew the nature of the Sassanachs and was sure they could not be trusted for long. But for the moment, we had peace and The Army of Scotland returned to their homes and families. Before returning to Edinburgh, I and my Squire Coran, who was the son of Farrell Rule whom I had knighted years ago, paid a visit to the Castle of my youth, Stuart. I was warmly welcomed by Charles and Sarah. I visited the grave of my Mary, who had died the previous year, and stayed in my old room in the Keep. That night, I as I slept, THE LADY came to me and said, "William the end of your labor is near, settle your affairs and choose a new Lord Protector." With that, she was gone. I awoke with no fear, I had made my peace with my people and God long ago. William's story will soon end...

Episode 40

The last days of Sir William Stuart, Lord Protector of Scotland ...
I called the Knights Defender to Stuart Keep to meet in Chapter, it took several weeks for them all to arrive. When all were there, I stood before them and said, "Sir Knights, I have served Scotland for more than 60 years, my time is nearly ended. Will you allow me to CHOOSE?" It was silent in the Chapter Room, not a Knight broke the quiet. I turned then to Sir Duncan Rule, once my Squire, and said to him, "I CHOOSE you, Sir Duncan." I pressed THE SWORD OF ST. ANDREW upon his shoulder as he knelt before me and said, "I, Duncan Rule, Knight Defender, in the presence of God and these Knights, do promise to lead The Knights Defender for the protection of Scotland and that I will not lay down this OATH until I draw my last breath, SO HELP ME GOD." So now Scotland had two Lord Protectors, for in truth, I could not lay down my own OATH while I still lived. Suddenly, I felt very ill and faint. My Knights took alarm and carried me to my room and called my Family to me immediately. I must have dozed because I found myself speaking to ST. ANDREW, who said, "William, it is time." I called for my Squire Coran and began to tell this story that he might write a record of my life. When it was finished, I told everyone to leave me, as I was tired and needed to sleep...
I am Coran, once Squire to Lord William. He fell asleep, and I kept watch at the door of This Great Man who had served us all so many years. Truly, he was THE LOST PRINCE OF SCOTLAND. I heard him cry out and when I went to him, he was gone. It took me some minutes to compose myself, before I could call for Piper Denton that he might start the most terrible Dirge of our time, to announce the death of our Beloved Lord Protector, William Stuart and my beloved friend. I am now Sir Coran, Knight Defender, but I am also the teller of the tale of THE LOST PRINCE OF SCOTLAND. His story is now ended, may God Bless Scotland.