Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Two

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


Our extend family started arriving, after we returned to the first floor. Bradley and Hanna were the first to show up. The young father seemed impressed with the size of our house.

"Wow, I didn't expect the place to be this big, it's beautiful, Dad!"

Turning toward his toddler, my eldest knelt down to her level, cooing,

"Sweetie, please promise me you will stay with one of us, I don't want anything to happen, alright?"

"Okay, Daddy! Is Lisa here, Grampa?"

Hearing her call me that name warmed my heart!

"Not yet, Sweetie, but she should arrive soon! I told everyone to arrive around seven; your father appeared a wee bit early, which is fine. It gives me more time to get hugs from my "Gramgirl"!"

Laughing, the little imp jumped into my arms. I embraced my granddaughter for several moments before releasing her. Dylian took the tiny darling to the Library where he read her a story.

A short time later, Miles showed up with his family in tow. Even went straight to Simon, hugged him, after which the six footer planted an enormous wet kiss on his lips. Donnie appeared ready to bounce off the walls, while Debbie checked her patient's bandages, then stated,

"Son, calm down, or I will make you take another pill!"

His mother turned to us adults, explaining,

"I already gave him two Valiums! I don't want him to have anymore, so it might be prudent to schedule the unveiling before dinner, otherwise he may explode!"

"I shall ask the women in charge to change the schedule."

As a result, I went back to the kitchen, the amount of food stacked on the counters boggled my mind. Patty was working on an exotic salad dish when I walked in.

"WOW! Ladies, if this tastes as good as it appears, we are in trouble! I will need to double my workouts!"

Blushing, my house manager replied,

"Thank you, kind Sir! I ordered you to stay out until after dinner, so why the intrusion?"

"Could we push the meal back by an hour? Little Donnie is making himself sick with excitement!"

"Of course, we planned the feast to conform to your schedule!"

"Then, perhaps he might even eat! He has been so overwrought, it's not funny! Great idea, however, Boss, may we attend?"

"I expect your presence, you might work for us, but you are family! One other thing, please, use my name!"

As I left to answer the door, I observed both women tearing.

Tom arrived with his children, followed by the Koch family. Marsha and her husband popped up next. I asked my transportation director,

"Calvin, is your son coming?"

"Yes, Drew, he told me he intended to attend, inquiring whether he might bring his spouse"

"Of course, it's fine!"

At that moment the two walked in with Hank stating,

"Mr. Thomas, I would like to introduce my husband, Mathew."

"Hello, Young Man, what a pleasure to meet you. And, for the record, if you use anything except my given name, I will kick you out of here!" I chuckled."

"Thank you and same here!... I admired this house for years, having the chance to be inside fulfills a dream!"

"Well, then, you shall fit in with Simon! He loves its history as well as its architecture.. There is a book in the library documenting all modifications. He intends to explore every inch, in fact, already discovered some unusual entries. You should talk to him about it."

"I will, WOW, a log! I wonder how far back it goes. This place not only stemmed my interest in the field but led me to my chosen profession!"

"Oh, so you design buildings? Please tell me how my estate caused you to make that decision."

"At the age of ten, Dad reconstructed the plumbing of the great fountain located in the front drive. Since I assisted him for the summer, I came along. As a result, I fell in love with the manor and its design. Next year, I graduate, hopefully with a job at one of the local big firms."

"Son, you are family, so, in the meantime, work for us during your free hours, until you find permanent employment. When you need a letter of recommendation, ask. I am more than happy to write one!"

"Young Man, I'm Greg Koch. I reopened my contracting firm, which needs a part-time employee with your expertise, are you interested?"

"OH Yes, Sir, I could sure use the experience and money! Thank you very much! "

"Give me a call tomorrow!"

The student turned to his partner, Hank, asking,

"Babes, please introduce me to Simon, I want to chat with him."

The two went off in search of my youngster, who stood with his mate in the reception room across the hall with most of the visitors.

Meanwhile, Dylian and Donnie took the small tykes up to the game room on the third floor. The adults chatted among themselves, waiting for Patty and Helen to emerge from the kitchen to join our guests.

When the two appeared, I used the house intercom to call all the kids.

Once everyone assembled in one place, I started the evening events.

The three of us stood in front of my invitees with my middle son to my right and my cellist to my left. I placed my hands on their shoulders.

"First of all, I want to welcome everyone to our new home. As many of you may know, my kin have owned this house for several generations.. However, I feel this is the first time it hosts a happy group. Today marks the start of our new lives. With the help of our extended family, we intend to insure it will be the best! Unfortunately, Mark, Brian and their children were unable to attend. So please keep them in mind while we celebrate. Right after our four precious ones were rescued, I requested Donnie take on a job. I didn't understand the role of a parent or comprehend how children acted. So, I instructed my nephew to design two bedroom suites on the second floor. Up till now, what he accomplished remains as much a mystery to me as to you. Therefore, without further ado, we shall go up to see the results. Young Man, please show us the way!"

"Sure Uncle Drew, follow me, everyone!"

Jumping up, the excited youth climbed the stairs. We adults laughed at his enthusiasm. Most of the tykes ran after him while Simon and Even took it slower due to my fifteen-year-old's injured leg. By the time we reached our first destination, my nine-year-old's room, the kids seemed poised to explode.

Once we assembled outside the door marked "Little Prince", our guide took a deep breath.

"Okay, everyone, this is Dylian's new room. I asked how I might help, seeing my rents wouldn't let me come to the hospital every day because of school. I got the job of preparing my cousins' pads in whichever way pleased me I accepted with the proviso my handy-work remain a secret, except for those involved, until this moment. I want to thank a couple of other people for their aid. First, Aunt Helen and Aunt Patty for helping me clean. Next, Uncle Greg, without whom, the actual changes could never have been completed. Uncle Greg and his team did much of the construction, he also took me shopping when the time came."

Everybody clapped to acknowledge their efforts.

"Well, I think that is all I needed to say, so Cuz, why don't you enter?"

My little angel looked at me, I nodded to go ahead. Slowly approaching the door, he opened it.

Once the light flicked on, I thought my darling passed out! Hell, I, too, became a little light headed!

Looking over at Debbie's child, I detected a smile on his face. He kept his eyes on my boy,

I got a little worried about my cellist, when he started to cry.

"This is all for me? Donnie, I'm speechless! I don't deserve such a fantastic room! WOW!"

"My friend, Yes! And, I never want to hear another word about it not coming to you! You saved my brother!"

"Sweetie, would you tell us who did what?"

"Oh yeah, sure, Dad! Well, as I said, with the help of our aunts, we scrubbed the two rooms plus the bath. Uncle Greg, with his crew, removed the wall between them. The additional space permitted them to build a new hall closet."

"I thought this place looked a little bit bigger." I snickered, then inquired,

"Who painted?"

"Me!... If you turn around and close the door, you might laugh."

All of us looked. Along that wall were caricatures of each member of our extended family staring in the opposite direction. Turning around to see what they gazed at. the group noted a raised platform about five feet wide by one yard high at the opposite end of the room. To its right (at a forty-five degree angle) sat my child's bed along with space for his cellos. Beyond his sleeping area stood his desk which abutted the window, plus a chest of drawers.

"Uncle Greg helped me come up with an idea to add something special. We knew Nicky might spend the night quite often. Also, he pointed out, with me living so close, I might, as well. So, we added a few extra sleeping facilities in the room."

"Are they going to be put in later?"

"No, check this out, Dylian."

Walking over to one side of the stage area, Debbie's son pulled out a big drawer. It swung in a big arch, revealing hidden beds on both sides of the raised platform.

"Donnie, this is the most amazing suite I ever saw!" My youngest exclaimed.

"Uncle Drew, you told me I could add an entertainment center to both rooms. So, Dude, here is the remote for it,... press open!"

After taking the "rattle", my little one hit the button. A panel on the wall above the chest moved to reveal a thirty-six inch flat panel TV, along with all the needed components.

"Bro, the screen doubles as the monitor for your computer. Simply put your laptop into the docking station there along side of your work space, and it's all set to go. You have a wireless, electronic keyboard-mouse combo, which allows you to use your PC anywhere within your room. Allen hooked up the whole house for wireless Internet connection (WIFI), permitting direct access anytime you need it."

"WOW! I'm speechless! Thank you very much, my friend!... How awesome!"

"Sweetie, what a wonderful job! However, I have a couple of questions for you."

"Okay, Unc, shoot."

"Fine, is the top border painted on or wallpaper?"

"It's hand brushed, I free-styled it."

"Amazing, it looks so professional! Second, should I even ask how much this sets me back!?"


Everyone in the room, except for Dylian, burst out laughing. Donnie had a shit-eating grin on his face.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas