
Chapter Twenty~Five

anet had fallen quickly into the routines of family life. Actually she had watched Millie closely and readily picked up on what she was doing. She had certain chores but she also saw things that needed to be done and did them. Dotty had created a schedule for the dishwashing. It was Janet and Rick, then Rick and Em, and then Em and Janet and back to Janet and Rick. Even though Rick worked with Larry most days, the boy had to share house chores. Dotty was not going to have him grow to be the house demagogue that his birth father had been. But Larry cooked sometimes so it seemed logical to Rick that he should do some house things.

Just as did Millie, Janet loved to help in the garden. Em helped too but she usually spent more time with the doll she'd brought out with her than the beans that needed to be picked. That was OK with Janet. It gave her more time to be alone with Dotty, her mom. Janet did not think she could ever love anyone as much as she loved Larry, her dad, and maybe she didn't but she was getting to love her mom more and more every day.

Em loved her big sister but often felt left out when Janet went down to Millie's. It took a lot of explaining from Dotty and extra attention from Janet but eventually Em realized Jan loved her even if she had other friends. Em had other friends as well and she knew Jan wouldn't be interested in the things they did. Jan never played with dolls unless Em asked her to play with her. Probably the things Jan did at Millie's or at the other girls' houses wouldn't interest Em. It took a while but it finally made sense to Em when Jan didn't take her with her everywhere she went.

Suzy almost pulled herself out of her funk when Millie asked her for a sleepover. But, when Millie said that Janet was going to be there, Suzy almost didn't go. But she did and it turned out to be the best thing she'd ever done.

Janet really didn't need Millie. She started out by saying she wanted to tell Suzy a story. It was the story of her home life before she got her new parents. When Janet had told Suzy everything she looked at Suzy and said, "Now, I think you have a story to tell us, too."

Suzy looked out the window for what seemed to be forever. She was deciding. She looked at Janet and then at Millie. She was glad Millie was there. She understood now why Janet was also there.

"My dad is not my real dad. I was four when he married Mom. I don't even know who my real dad is. Neither does my mom. I know you won't tell anyone this but she was a really bad girl when she was a teenager. She did it with so many boys she don't know which one is my dad. She's a good mom now and at first I loved having a daddy. But them Mom started having babies real fast. I have three brothers and one sister all six or younger. They keep Mom - and me - busy.

"I thought dad loved me before Lesie was born. Now he acts like I'm not even there. All he ever does is play with HIS kids. He never talks to me and Mom is so busy with babies ...

Suzy started to sob. "I want to mean something to someone. It used to make me mad. Now it just makes me sad."

Janet was the first to hug Suzy. "You mean something to us but I know you mean your mom and dad. I told you that when I was alone in Detroit, I remembered Millie asking God for help. I didn't even know how to pray and I still don't really, but He knew I needed help and I got it. Millie, pray."

Millie did but she also said that she was going to tell her parents, not about Suzy's mom when she was a teenager, but about how things were in her home now. Millie explained, "I don't know what they will do. I don't even know if they will do anything but they are real smart so if God wants to use somebody to help you, my parents would be good ones."

Janet added, "Mine too."