
Chapter Eleven

Time flies by, as does the number of miles we put on our car with trips to the new house every weekend. The week before we planned to move the contractor actually finishes up all the work, including our labs to the specifications we drew up for him. The painters have moved in and will have it ready for us.

When Tor mentions we'll be moving the next weekend and asks Tommy about the mover they used, Tommy tells him "nothing doing."

"Then I'll find one on my own," Tor growls.

"You will not. Mike, Luc, and I will rent a truck and drive down for your stuff."

"No way. You guys will be on vacation."

"Look, dad, we're three strong able bodied guys, and you aren't bringing that much. It's stupid to hire a mover. Besides, the three of us can get a day at the beach without the kids and leave that night. That way, we can unpack Sunday and get the truck back Monday morning. Mike would rather drive the truck at night anyway. Not so much traffic." He grins. "Be sorta like old times."

"We're paying for the truck then, and I'm glad you told me you want a day at the beach. I'll fix something for us to eat. I'm trying not to leave anything perishable in the house," I tell him.

"Don't bother. We can eat out. Just need some bread and sandwich stuff for lunch."

When the guys talk over their plans at dinner, Andy and Sergei immediately object loudly to being left at home.

"Sorry, munchkin," Stephan tells Sergei, "but Luc will be working. They don't need you guys underfoot."

"But daddy, you're gonna make me go to the hospital the next week, and Sergei won't get no chance to go swimming for a long time."

"Yeah," Andy echoes. "If Drew and Tor move up here we won't get to go to the beach at all."

"You do not call your grandfathers by their given names, Andy," Andrea admonishes.

Darn kid knows Tor's a soft touch. "Oh, let them. They're old enough not to say gran'pa every time, and it's hard to have two grandfathers who live together. They can come with their dads, and they can ride back with Drew and me. Sergei is right; it'll be a while before he can get in the ocean after his operation. "

She shakes her head. "I'll never break you and Drew of spoiling Andy."

"Or Sergei," Luc adds.

"Tommy says the house is almost finished. Let's walk across and see how it looks," I say.

"Don't know why," Mike says. "Except for the floor plan, I'd swear I was home it looks so much like it."

"Exactly what I wanted," Tor says. "Never seen a house I like better than ours."

"Be nice to have the bigger kitchen," I add. "I've always wanted more workspace."

"That's why I let you do the kitchen the way you wanted. That's one place you spend more time in than I."

"Just because you're too damn lazy to cook. Tommy and Mike can both beat you."

"You know I can't boil water without scorching it."

I laugh. "A PhD who can mix chemicals all day long, but can't follow a simple recipe."

"Got'cha, dad," Mike says with a grin. "But you can bar-be-que better than dad."

"I'm glad somebody acknowledges I'm not totally helpless," Tor says with a grin.

The next week is taken up with exams, then clearing our desks at the institute of the few personal items we have there. Dave watches us with a forlorn look.

"I'm glad you've gotten your promotions, but I'm going to miss hell out of you guys. Shee, now I'm going to have to break in new ones. I'd retire right now if I could, but I've got another two years to go."

"We're keeping the house, so you'll see us from time to time. Now when you have to be on campus, you and Martha will have a place to stay. It'll be good to see you both."

"Appreciate that, Drew. We may just take you up on that invitation."

"Do. It will give you a chance to see your godsons."

Dave smiles. "Count on it."

The boys show up with a big U-Haul Friday evening. Andy and Sergei come running in. "Tor, when we going to the beach?" Andy yells.

"Tomorrow. Now give your gran'pas a hug." Tor grabs him in a hug.

"Mush," Andy mumbles.

"Yeah," Sergei adds from my arms.

Tor swats Andy lightly on the behind. "Is not. We still hug your dad and uncle. We're going to the pier to eat, then we're coming home and start packing the truck."

"But it'll be night!" Andy objects.

"So what? If you guys want time to go to the beach tomorrow, you'd better be a big help tonight."

"I suppose."

"Okay, then."

Surprisingly, the boys turn to when we begin to haul stuff out to the truck. I have a few items of photographic equipment I haven't had time to wrap and box, so since Sergei is still on crutches I give that job to him, amazed at how painstakingly he does it. In a couple of hours the truck is packed except for the sheets and the towels we'll need tonight and tomorrow.

"Good job, guys," Tor says. "Let's hit the showers and then bed."

"I'm ready," Mike says.

The next morning Tommy, Luc, and the boys take off for the beach. Mike stays home, saying he wants to talk to us.

"I guess you noticed I was kind of down in February and March."

"We did, what happened?"

"I had some pain, so I went to the urologist." Mike looks down. "I had testicular cancer."

"Oh, my God!" I gasp, thinking: not our Mike, not our beautiful, brilliant, talented Mike.

Tor just stares at Mike, then finally says, "Had?"

Mike nods. "It's gone now. I had surgery."

"But why didn't you tell us so we could be with you, babe?" I break in.

"There was no reason to get you guys all upset."

"Damn it, Mike." Tor reaches up and wipes his eyes. "You shouldn't have carried something like this all alone."

"I was scared, but how could I tell Tommy and Andrea, or you? You and dad would have gotten upset like you are now and there wasn't a damn thing you could have done. The surgery wasn't bad at all; it was done under a local. Thirty minutes, then I went home to rest. I held my classes the next day."

I go sit beside him and hug him. "Oh, babe, I don't know what to say, except I'm sorry. Tor and I love you so much."

"I know, dad."

Tor sits down on the other side and hugs him, too. "You're our pride and joy, Mike."

"Thanks, dad. I love you guys, too."

"Your doctor is sure you're cured?" I ask.

He nods. "The urologist said all the tests showed it hadn't spread. I'm having a check-up once a year."

Tor and I hug him again. "We're so glad."

"I … I better tell you all of it."

"There's more?" Tor asks.

Mike looks down at the floor. "You know what you guys keep saying about my getting married and having kids?"

"Yes. So?"

I see tears beginning to drop. "What is it, babe?"

"Remember I told you not long ago my sex drive was low?"


He looks up at us. "It's nonexistent. The reason they're so sure I'm cured is they … ," tears begin to run down his cheeks, "they castrated me."

"Oh, Mike." I pull him into my arms and let him cry, just as I did when he was a little boy.

Tor's arm joins mine around Mike. "Son, you're still a man, no matter what. Drew and I love you and we'll never stop."

When he's composed, Tor asks, "That type of cancer is unusual in someone young as you. Do they know the cause?"

Mike nods. "Said it was probably caused by the beatings I used to get before you and Drew got me away from her."

Tor hugs him again. "Couldn't you have shared this with Tommy? You know how much he loves you."

"I know, but Tommy's not in science. What if he and Andrea were afraid it was catching or something and wouldn't let me be with Andy? That would kill me. I love him and Sergei, too. Now that I won't ever have any kids, they mean more to me than ever."

"Didn't you talk to any one, son?" I ask gently.

"Eric. He's been great. God, I'm so lucky to have a pastor like him."

"We're glad you had someone. It's been a terrible experience for you."

"Don't tell Tommy or anybody, okay?"

"We won't, of course. It's up to you to decide you want to tell him."

"Thanks. I love you guys more than anything."

We sit with Mike until he finally smiles a little. "Guess I'd better go wash my face. It's about time for them to be getting back for lunch."

While he's doing that, Tor and I shed a few tears of our own, thinking of how alone Mike must have felt, just like when he was when we rescued him. We look at each other and know we're thinking the same thing - hoping that woman is boiling in hell.

We rush to wash our own faces when we hear our car pull into the drive. When Tor and I come down, the boys are worn out. As soon as we've had lunch, they're sprawled out on the floor fast asleep. Mike and Tommy decide to get a nap before starting the drive home.

I gather up the linens and what little food is left and pack them. I'll wash the sheets and towels at our new home and bring them back the next time we come.

About five, Mike decides we should leave to miss traffic. He, Tommy, and Luc take off in the truck, Tor, the boys, and I in our car. With the new expressway open, we're back home in two and a half hours. The boys must have been tired because they go to sleep in the car and sleep most of the way. They're full of life when they get home.

Stephan and Andrea have dinner ready for us, and as soon as we've eaten, Tor, Mike, and I go to bed. Luc, bless him, takes Andy home with him so we'll have some quiet.

Sunday morning, they all help us move our stuff in and help us set up our labs. There's little else to do now until the furniture arrives.

Wednesday is the first night Tor and I spend in our new home. When we're ready for bed, he looks at me. "Well?"


What else can we say? We've made the break and now we're headed into a new life. I don't guess either of us expected to feel so much emotion at a change in our professional and personal lives. We cling to each other as tightly as we did the first night we spent in our old home.

I've hardly begun to fix our breakfast when Andy and Sergei charge in. "We eat with you and Tor?" Sergei asks.

I reach over and ruffle his hair. "Don't you guys ever eat at home?"

"Yeah, but this is more fun," Andy says.

"Enjoy it while you can, because Tor and I have to go to work before long."

"Aaaw, it's summer," Andy complains.

"Yes, but Tor and I have meetings to set up, summer schedules to check, and a lot of things that will keep us busy."

Andy looks crushed. "But what'll I do when Sergei goes to the hospital next week?"

"You'll have to find something to do on your own. Don't you have some games to play on your computer?"

"I guess."

"What about friends on the net you can chat with?"

"A couple, but they won't be on line until after dark."

"Then make some new ones, so Sergei will have someone to chat with when he comes home. He won't be able to play soccer or drive the mower until his stump is healed."

"See if you can find somebody like me, Andy. It'll be cool to have another amp to talk to."

As soon as we've eaten and run the boys off, Tor and I drive over to the campus and spend the rest of the morning setting up our offices and checking out our labs. Langford and Joynes are a big help, having most of the work done for us.

"We really appreciate your help," I tell them while we're eating lunch in the faculty dining hall.

"Didn't want to leave a rookie like you in charge without having some idea of what's going on," Joynes fires back.

"Rookie, hell. You left me alone to teach my first year in your class. Now that was scary."

He grins. "Knew you could do it, Drew, and you didn't disappoint me. Hell, if you hadn't taken my place they'd probably have dropped the photographic program. In all the years I've been here, you're the only one majored in it." He looks at Tor then back at me with a grin. "Bet you haven't taught that guy how to use a camera yet."

"No bet. He won't touch one."

"Darn right I won't. Why should I when I live with a professional?"

Langford laughs. "I was wondering what kept you two together all these years."

"Love, and you know it."

Langford shakes his head. "You two almost convince me there's something to being gay. I don't even want to try to count the number of straight faculty that have divorced the last few years."

"It's gotta be facing male menopause makes them want a last fling. They can't believe they're getting old."

"I'll have you know I'm not that old, Martin," Langford says.

"Don't pull that shit on me. I know exactly how old you are."

"Only because you're the same age. Hell, it's ninety-percent mental anyway."

Joynes nods. "I'm planning to stay young enough so Maggie and I can enjoy our place in the mountains, and travel someplace warm in the winter."

Langford grins. "I see Maggie hasn't told you."


"She and Cynthia put their heads together. I think we're going to be taking a cruise this coming winter."

"The hell you say!"

"Thought you weren't getting old, Martin. There's some mighty nice looking young women on some of those cruises."

"They aren't looking for a couple of old farts like us. Besides, Maggie would skin me alive if she saw me looking at 'em."

Langford grins. "Tell her you're enjoying the tropical scenery. Be a good time for you to use that telescopic lens on your camera. You can tell what's good from a distance."

"Long as I don't trip the shutter. Maggie goes through every shot I take on a vacation. God help me if she ever finds those pictures I've got hidden away."

Langford laughs. "The ones you showed me? She'd have you drawn and quartered on the main quad."

"Damn right, she would." Joynes looks at Tor and me. "And you guys keep your mouths shut."

"We will," Tor says. "Don't guess you'd be interested in seeing a few Drew's found on the net?"

"I can guess what they are, and Maggie would kill me for sure, then, if she didn't divorce me first."

Tor and I laugh. We love to be around Langford and Joynes when they start in on each other.

"Well, guys, we'll try to be around for the first departmental faculty meetings to introduce you to the people you don't know. In your case, Drew, there won't be more than the one new man and a couple of grad students."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "Good."

"Wish I could tell you the same, Tor, but you'll have three new ones, and six grad students. You're going to be busy for the first semester." Langford says.

"Sounds like it, but Drew and I really thank you both for your help. Makes it easier to have the scut work taken care of."

"You know damn well Martin and I wouldn't let our prize students down."

"I just hope we can match the standard you two have set," I tell them.

Joynes grins. "Just be the bastard you were the year I was on sabbatical."

Langford and Joynes stand. "Good luck. We'll see you at the faculty meetings."

Tor looks at me on the way home. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."

"You've got that. Maybe we'll even earn our salaries."