Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Thirty-Three

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


After a day occupied with my children's issues, I realized that I couldn't balance all my personal and business obligations without help.

Miles is a great second-in-command; he handles the daily running of my company whenever I'm out, therefore I've decided to step down as president. I can remain in the background, retaining overall control as chief executive officer. I shall ask my lawyers to draw up documents to legalize the new arrangement.

Calling their office after hours, I am surprised to hear Bradley answer.

"Hi, Son, is one of your bosses free to speak with me?"

"Please hold for a moment, Sir, I will see."

Within minutes, Mark comes on the line.

"Drew, what may I do for you?"

"Buddy, I want to run an idea by you, before I make my final decision."

After explaining, he told me the documents, making Miles president, shall be ready to sign within days. Next, I phoned my friend at home.


"Hi, Donnie, may I speak with your Dad?"

"Hey, Uncle, let me get him, he just came in."

After the phone hit the kitchen counter, I heard my nephew scream for his father.


"Miles, do you have time tomorrow to meet me for lunch?"

"Yes, at noon. Let's eat at that nice steak house around the corner from us. I will reserve a table, what's this about?"

"I want you to update me, on everything I missed, since I have been out. Also, with my personal life radically changed, I think we need to discuss some changes at work."

After hanging up, I called the hospital to chat with Dr. Mick. A few minutes passed, before I heard,

"This is Dr. Mick, how may I help you?"

I explained the need of my son Misha to see his siblings. The good physician replied,

"I agree: I planned on bringing this up with you, when we next meet. I think their visit will shorten his recovery. Now, I will leave instructions at the nurses' station for your son to have his siblings added. Remember to tell them, they need to wear sterile coverings, and they must limit their time with my patient. Are those terms acceptable to you?"

"Oh, yes. Is this evening okay?"

"Of course. However, I won't say anything to Misha, I want this to be a surprise for him."

After thanking the fine doctor, I told Patty about my plans. I explained, I intended to take Dylian, so he can spend time with Simon, while the others see their younger brother.

I phoned my bedridden youngster. I heard his excited yelps, as well as his boyfriend's, at my news. I asked them to keep the visit a secret from Misha.

While chatting, Nichole came into the kitchen. Her reaction, upon overhearing my conversation, surprised me.

After I calmed her, I found out why, when she explained,

"Dad, Misha thinks I don't like him, because I distanced myself, after the abuse started. So, it might be better for me not to go, however, Greyson must!"

"Absolutely not: When he hears what happened, he will support you, as we all do. You shall come along tonight, is that clear, Young Lady!"

I added a bear-hug to my response.

An hour later, my exhausted youngster arrived home. Having eaten, we waited for Greyson to finish. While he dined, I mistakenly told him the news, which caused him to jump up, ready to spring out of the door. I forced him to continue, which was good, since the food restored his energy.

Once he finished, we left. It only took me thirty minutes to drive to the hospital (since I put my foot to the pedal of my new Bentley). I dropped Dylian off at Simon's room, while I took the others to their brother.

Before we were allowed to enter, we were told to shower, then don protective clothing. Nurse Nancy took my daughter, while Greyson and I went to an empty room.

I didn't understand why we needed to bathe, since it wasn't necessary during my earlier visits, so I asked upon my return,

"Nurse Nancy, please explain why this time I have to shower, when every other time I didn't?"

"Because of your children: They are far more likely to carry germs or viruses. Sir, please forgive me, if I am out of line. But, I noticed your daughter shows signs of pregnancy, and she appears to be uncomfortable with her present condition."

I'm shocked to see her burst out in tears, so I replied,

"I agree, you are, however, your observation is right on the mark: Nichole is in her fourth week."

"Sir, when I was thirteen, an uncle raped me. It led me to give birth to a son, who is now fourteen: He is the love of my life. I am so sorry for overstepping my bounds, but your girl worried me."

"Ma'am, you have nothing to apologize for. Nichole was raped by her stepfather, so she finds herself in the same boat. She desperately needs to talk with a professional, but maybe it would do her more good to speak with you, should you agree. I think hearing your story, might help her more."

"If Nichole would like to sit down with me, I am more than willing!"

"What story, Ma'am?" my girl asked, as she walked up in her scrubs.

"That I am very much like you. Maybe, after you see your little brother, you can come out here, and we will get a cup of hot cocoa."

"Okay, if Daddy agrees."

"I do!"

Giving my little girl a hug, plus a kiss, I heard Greyson run up. I took my children to Misha's room, then I gave them some final instructions. Once I got their assurances, I took them in to see their brother.

Misha wasn't expecting me, let alone his siblings. So when he saw Greyson, he shouted with excitement. I thought,

'I may need to have him sedated!'

At first, Nichole held back, but soon joined in.

Now, all three burst out in tears.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas