The Adventures of Caleb Best

Book Three: Singapore Boardmill

Notes of explanation:

Hue - pronounced WAY
Hui - pronounced Hughy
Hua - pronounced Huwa
Dati - IndoDutch term for Papa
Baki - IndoDutch term for Brother
Onkla - IndoDutch term for Uncle


Caleb's adopted son, Hue, was a Senior at Sacramento State University, the Mechanical Engineering Department Chairman, Professor Clayton Long, had called him a few weeks earlier to tell him about Hue's progress. Dr. Long and Caleb were old school mates and they had remained friendly over the long years since they had graduated together. He told Caleb that Hue was not only the top student in his department, but he expected that Hue would graduate Valedictorian of the entire Senior Class! Caleb was so proud of Hue, he could hardly contain himself, his other two adopted sons, Jason and 'Tal were equally excited for their brother. Caleb's son, Danny, a Captain in the US Navy and stationed at the Pentagon, was already planning on attending Hue's Graduation Ceremonies!

Jason and 'Tal's adopted sons, Hui and Hua, now 7 and 9 years old didn't really understand yet about their Uncle Hue's accomplishment, but they were delighted that their Uncle would be coming back home to stay! The two boys had been rescued from almost sure starvation in Tonga following a killer hurricane. Their parents had been killed in the storm and they had attached themselves to 'Tal and Jason like little leeches!

Caleb was just finishing up a job in Antioch, a complete rebuild of the Western California Canners plant. It has been a three-year project and Caleb was heartily glad he could say goodbye to the unpleasant management staff of WCC!

Caleb was relaxing with a cold beer on a warm Friday evening when the telephone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that the call was coming from Hue's cell phone. He eagerly picked up the phone, saying, "What's up son?"

There was a giggle from the other end of the line and Hue shouted, "I did it, Dati, I did it!"

Caleb asked, "You did what?"

Hue replied, "I am Class Valedictorian, Dati! You ARE coming for graduation, aren't you?"

Caleb couldn't restrain a chuckle, "Yes, Hue, we ALL are coming, the whole Family will be there, even Danny and Uncle Neil!" He could almost visualize Hue wiggling in delight as they made their goodbyes on the phone! Hue had been a small child when Caleb had rescued him from a slave dealer in Indonesia and now he was a man grown, a college graduate ready to join him in running Best Engineering! Jason Best and 'Tal Best were already part of the firm. Jason was the Business Manager and 'Tal ran all the accounting functions.

Unknown to his sons, Caleb had started his Brother-in-Law, Neil, in filing the paperwork to change the name of the company to Best & Sons Engineering!

'Tal had been a teen when Caleb had rescued him in Jakarta, a victim of hate for those of the Sikh race. He had originally been his Houseboy and Major Domo, but Caleb had come to love the young man as a son and adopted him also.

Jason No had been 'Tal's roommate at the University and when he declared his love for 'Tal, his family disowned him. Adrift, Caleb gathered in another son and Jason became Jason Best! 'Tal had recently earned his CPA, but rather than hang out his own "shingle", he elected to remain with Caleb, managing the company's financial affairs.

Caleb planned on relaxing for the weekend, he had given his crew two weeks off with pay for their hard work in completing the cannery job ahead of schedule and he felt he deserved some downtime too. He just reached for his beer when, again, the telephone rang, when he answered it, the caller was Mr. Milton Phui, calling from Singapore. He asked Caleb if he would be interested in managing the construction of a medium-density fiberboard (MDF) mill near Singapore. The mill would utilize expended rubber trees that, otherwise, would have to be burned. Caleb told the man that he was interested and to send him a proposal by fax and he gave the man his fax number. He had hardly reached for his now room-temperature beer, when he heard the fax machine begin to whir and sheets of paper being ejected!

He finally gave up on trying to have a calm Friday afternoon and dumped his beer down the sink drain! He retrieved the multi-page proposal from the paper tray and read it, he could hardly believe his eyes, they were offering $6,000,000 management fee plus 20% on Time and Materials for his crew! He immediately called his Brother-in-Law, Neil and discussed it with him. Neil Jamison was his deceased wife's brother and had been Caleb's Lawyer for many years. Neil asked him to fax the proposal to him and he would review it.

Caleb finished feeding the papers back into the fax machine and decided to try ONCE MORE to enjoy a cold beer. He had just sat down when the phone rang, his immediate thought was, "DAMN, now what?"

It was Neil, "Good Grief, Caleb, grab this one! Times are not good and this contract is very generous!"

Caleb asked him, "Is the filing complete on the company name change?"

Neil replied, "Yes, I just got it back from the Secretary of State in Sacramento today!"

Caleb said, "Make everything reflect the new name!" He gave up, once more, and poured his warm beer down the sink drain, AGAIN!

Hue's graduation was set for May 15th, the next Saturday. Jason and 'Tal had bought their boys' new suits and Danny was expected to fly into San Francisco on Thursday. Caleb went to the printers on Monday to get a surprise for all his boys and he, also, invested in a new suit!

On Thursday, he drove down to San Francisco International Airport from his home in Fairfield to retrieve his Navy Son, Danny. He was surprised at how gray Danny had become, he had never married. Danny had dated a girl all through high school and while he was at the Naval Academy, shortly after he had graduated, she ran off with another man, breaking Danny's heart! The two had supper at Fisherman's Wharf before returning home. Caleb told Danny that there were some things he wished to discuss with him and that they would talk first thing Friday morning.

Caleb was exhausted and he was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow. Danny was curious about what his Father wanted to speak with him about and sleep eluded him for a long time, despite being tired from the long flight!

The next morning the two were sitting at the table enjoying a home-cooked breakfast when Caleb handed Danny a sheaf of papers. As Danny read what was on the papers, his eyes got big and he looked at his Dad, "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

Caleb replied, "Yes, not only is it fair and equitable, it is what I want to do. You won't always be in the Navy!"

Danny sat there with tears forming in his eyes, "Dad, I won't let you down!"

He handed Danny a package and, when Danny opened it, there were business cards that read, "Daniel G. Best, Vice President, Best & Sons Engineering Company"!

Danny started crying real tears and Caleb got up to hug his oldest son, When Danny had regained control, he asked, "What about 'Tal and Jason and Hue?"

Caleb smiled and replied, "That will have to wait until tomorrow, son. There is still some excitement for us all!"

The two spent a companionable day, Father and Son, a day all too rare recently!

Saturday arrived, clear and warm. Jason and 'Tal arrived with Hui and Hua all dressed in identical suits and shined shoes. They snuggled up to Caleb, giving their Grandfather hugs and kisses. They were a little shy with Danny until he scooped them up and tossed them across each shoulder like bags of potatoes! Danny was attired in his Full Dress Naval Uniform, complete with a sword and staff aiguillettes on his shoulder. His medals and ribbons across his chest were impressive, the large Silver Star award stood out like a searchlight!

They all climbed in Caleb's new Ford Expedition and followed by Neil, they drove up to Sacramento. The graduating seniors were milling around, but they caught no glimpse of their Hue! The President of the University rose and approached the podium, "Ladies and Gentlemen, parents and well-wishers of this graduating class, I am honored to present to you Mr. Hue D. Best, Class Valedictorian!"

As Hue solemnly strode across the speaker's platform, a clear child's voice rang out, "Onkla Hue!" A red-faced 'Tal was seen trying to quiet both Hua and Hui!

Hue smiled and bowed to his nephews and then began to speak, "I was a wild boy, a slave captured for the sex market in Indonesia!" There was a gasp from the audience. He continued, "My Father, Mr. Caleb Best rescued me and made me his own son! He nurtured me, he fathered me and he made me the man I am today. Whatever I am, whatever I will be, is the work of Caleb Best! Had he not been the man he is, I would have been long dead, or worse, a sex slave, living in misery that none here can even imagine. I say to all my fellow graduates, follow the example of MY DAD, be men and women, do what is right and make our world a better place for those who come behind us! Reject that which is not right and nurture goodness wherever you go, be upright with all your fellows and be examples for those who look up to us! We, you and I, are now tomorrow's leaders, what our world will be like is up to us. MY FATHER defeated evil, I challenge you and myself to do likewise. If we do not, another boy, another child will be sold with a rope around his or her neck, to be mired in a life of horror and misery!"

Hue sat down to absolute silence, the audience was stunned by his words. Slowly, his fellow graduates stood, they began to clap, not in celebration, but in honor of Hue's words! Danny was in tears, he looked at his Father, "You... you... you never told me this. Oh my God!" He hugged his father and whispered in his ear, "You were always my hero, but now, you ARE A HERO!"

After the ceremonies were completed, they gathered up all of Hue's belongings and Caleb took everyone to the House of Prime Rib in Old Town, Sacramento for lunch. It was an 1890s establishment and all they served was prime rib. Hue was a true carnivore and ordered the Lord's Special Cut! Everyone else ordered smaller cuts and nobody went away hungry!

After the meal, Caleb stood and spoke, "Hue, that was quite a speech you gave, but not all the credit is mine. Give yourself some of that credit, had you not been the boy you were, you would never have become the man you are! Had your brothers not been who they were, you would never have climbed to such heights."

Before he could sit down, Danny stood, "Dad, that is not quite the whole story, had YOU not been the man you are, NONE of us would be the men we have become!"

Caleb, unaccustomed to such praise, turned beet red and stammered, "Without such sons..." He was unable to continue. He finally regained his composure and said, "Boys, there are some changes I need to make." He passed out small packages to 'Tal, Jason and Hue.

Their eyes went goggle-eyed when they saw what was in the packages, 'Tal's read "Singh 'Tal Best, CPA, Manager of Accounting." Jason's read, "Jason N. Best, Business Manager" and Hue's read, "Hue D. Best, Mechanical Engineering Manager"! All the cards were "Best & Sons Engineering." There was stunned silence around the table, even the little boys, Hui and Hua were quiet.

Caleb continued, "Danny is Vice President and will succeed me when the time comes."

Danny jumped and asked, in a voice near terror, "Dad, is there...."

Caleb interrupted him, "No, I am not ill and yes, I am going to run this company for many years yet."

Relief was evident around the table, Hue said it best, "Dati, we are not ready to be orphans!"

Caleb then handed each man a copy of the proposed contract and said, "We all must agree before I sign this."

They all studied the agreement and, again, Hue said, "OK by me, let's go!"

Chapter 2 - SINGAPORE

It took several weeks to make the arrangements for everyone to travel to Singapore. It was decided that 'Tal and Jason would remain at Home Base in Fairfield during the school year and visit the job site during summer vacations. It was a four-year contract so Caleb was making "secret" plans to bring Jason and 'Tal and the boys to Singapore as soon as he could arrange schooling for Hui and Hua. He knew they would all be miserable being left behind. Jason and 'Tal were trying to be "adults" about their unhappiness at being left behind.

Danny took both of them aside before he left and said, "Guys, you BOTH know that Dad isn't going to just leave you here, just have patience and have your bags PACKED!" After he said that, both Jason and 'Tal were much happier!

They all took Danny to the airport. Hue saluted his brother, who was in full uniform, Danny looked at Hue and saluted him back saying, "Brother, you are a man among men, I always loved you, but know, I also HONOR you!"

Hue hugged his oldest brother, they both had tears in their eyes. Hue whispered one word to Danny before they parted, "BAKI." In that single word was loaded all the love one brother could have for the other!

Over the next several days, the crew made all their personal arrangements and shipped their tools and personal effects to Singapore, timed to be there when they arrived. Caleb made plane reservations as soon as he received the signed contract agreement and he notified the US State Department as required by new regulations.

On the day of departure, Neil came to transport them to San Francisco and he promised to watch after the house and make sure the yard service kept the property neat and trim. The little boys were crying, they had their Uncle Hue all to themselves since graduation and now he was going away. They tried to understand, but Singapore was too nebulous for them to imagine. Jason and 'Tal, knowing what Danny had told them, handled the separation much better, but they were still not truly happy, they needed their Dati too!

They were routed through Honolulu and a two-day stopover in Hong Kong before proceeding non-stop to Singapore. As usual, Caleb booked everyone in Business Class. There was the usual hassle with a man of obvious Chinese ancestry and first name coupled to an American last name and a passport with a foreign place of birth. Hue handled it with aplomb, when the TSA agent asked him if he was an American, Hue looked down his nose at the man and said, "Yes, I am, are you?" The agent could not retaliate, the long line of travelers were all laughing hysterically!

They waited in the Premier Class Lounge and Caleb was finally able to sit down and relax with a cold beer! As they loaded onto the airplane, Hue handed his ticket to an older stewardess who stared at him and the ticket, suddenly, she screamed, "HUE, HUE BEST, you are all grown up now!" Hue looked at her in question and the woman said, "Remember, I was the stewardess on the plane when you flew out of Tonga! Where are those adorable little boys who were with you?" Hue honestly did not remember her, but he told her that they would be joining them in Singapore for the school holidays with their parents. The woman walked back to her station chanting, "I be 'Merican now!"

Their stop in Honolulu was only to refuel the plane, they had to disembark while that was done, so they waited in the Premier Lounge again for only a short time before they were allowed to reclaim their seats. The flight on to Hong Kong was at night so everyone at least tried to sleep. When they arrived, Caleb had arranged for group transportation to the Hong Kong Empire Omni Hotel.

After check-in and a good breakfast, Caleb took Hue to several shops that he knew about and got him outfitted in a tropical business suit and several sets of tropical trousers and shirts. He also updated his own wardrobe as business and government officials in Singapore tended to be very formal. He planned to have Hue as his executive assistant as well as a Mechanical Engineer!

After making arrangements for their purchases to be delivered to their hotel, Caleb hired a cab to take them all around the sights of the city. Hue was, by now, a typical American young man and was fascinated by the local culture. They ate at RUBYES, world-famous for its Chinese cuisine and Hue thought his belt was going to burst. He was so full that he groaned all the way back to their hotel!

The next day they slept in and didn't appear in the dining room until lunchtime! The crew accused Hue of too much night club and Hue only laughed, "No nightclub, just Dad's snoring!" They tried on their new clothes to make sure of the fit, everything was perfect, as Caleb expected it to be. Hue decided to wear the slacks and tropical shirt to supper that night, clothes might not make the man, but the crew looked at him with respect! They all went to bed early, they had an early morning flight and it was going to be a long flight with several stops before they got to Singapore.

They were met in Singapore by representatives of FibreAsia, the company that would operate the new plant. Fortunately, everyone spoke English, Hue was worried that his Malay was very rusty! After several days of meetings and orientation for the crew, they were assigned vehicles and given a map of how to get to the plant site, which was about 200 kilometers outside Singapore! The highway was very modern, although it took considerable nerve to be driving on the "wrong side" of the road! They had to pass through several military checkpoints, but they had been supplied with all the proper documents and passes, so there were no problems.

Hue decided to try some faintly remembered Malay on one of the soldiers at a checkpoint. The soldier laughed and in very proper English replied, "Your Malay is very correct, sir, but it sounds Indonesian!"

Hue smiled and replied in Malay, "That is where I was born!" He was well pleased that, at least, he COULD converse with the people in their own language, even if he did have an accent! Caleb was watching his son bloom, it was more than just parental pride, it was appreciation in watching a young man find his place in the world!

They finally arrived at the small town of Chai Tac, the location of the new plant. They were directed to newly constructed bungalows and spent the remainder of the day settling in and exploring the town.


The next day, they all went over to the construction site. Most of the land preparation was complete and the architects had staked out the buildings. Since Best & Sons was the lead contractor, nothing more had been done until Caleb could approve the work. Everything was very formal and all orders had to be in writing, unlike in the US, where verbal orders were frequent and common.

Each morning there was a conference which was chaired by Caleb. It was not very long before he delegated that duty to Hue!

Construction was slow at first, the cement plant was trying to come up to speed under the heavy demand for concrete. Hue went over to the plant and spent the day speaking with company management and reviewing their procedures. His Malay was better than their English, so that language was used. The cement company officials were impressed that an American had bothered to learn their language. Hue did not inform them of his history as it would have added nothing to their relationship. His recommendations to the cement company management were followed and soon, production and delivery of concrete improved.

As soon as the foundations and floors were poured, work began on the settings for the heavy machinery. Freight was piling up in a temporary warehouse, waiting for concrete to cure. The first of the heavy machinery to be set was the log chipper supplied by KIA Industries of Korea. After the Best crew and local helpers had set the huge machine, technicians from KIA came to verify alignment and make final adjustments. Hue hovered over the technicians, absorbing as much knowledge as he could.

He was running the daily morning conference as well as writing weekly progress reports to both FibreAsia and the Heavy Industry Ministry in Singapore. He was becoming overloaded in clerical work, so he asked his Father if he could employ a clerk. Of course, Caleb approved the position and Hue carefully wrote out a notice in Malay to be posted on the plant site bulletin board. The next day, a very nervous young Malay man knocked on the door of Hue's office and, in precise, schoolboy English, asked if he could apply for the job. He interviewed the young man, only a few years younger than himself. As they spoke, in Malay, the young man became more sure of himself and Hue decided to hire him for the position. It was a good decision, Jamil Hu'Lin proved to be very competent and loyal to his employer for the remainder of the project and was destined to provide Hue with vital assistance in the near future! They would be close friends for both their lives!

With the load of report writing and clerical matters removed from Hue's shoulders, he was able to spend greater time supervising the installation of the machinery.

As the buildings were completed and the concrete cured, installation of the machinery proceeded at a faster pace. The huge board press arrived from Germany, along with installation technicians representing the manufacturer, Herlinger, Gmbh of Manheim, Germany. The huge machine weighed more than thirty tons. It was an eight-opening panel board press and stood fifty feet high!

Hue and Caleb studied the roads from the port to the site, worried that the pavement would not stand the weight. Between them, they devised a trailer with sixteen sets of wheels to spread the weight over a larger area. It took four huge OTR tractors to pull the heavy machine the eleven kilometers from the port to the site. Five days were spent moving the load as they had to go around roads that could not sustain the weight!

Both men sighed a heartfelt relief when the two bridge cranes lowered the huge press into position! Hue was receiving a "baptism in fire" and the Best & Sons Crew made it a point to congratulate the young Engineer. They had all known Hue since he was a small, frightened boy and had watched him grow over the years, turning into a confident teen and finally into an accomplished man! There was not a man among them who would not been proud to call Hue, their own SON!

A year had suddenly gone by and Caleb was ready to spring his surprise on his other sons, Jason and 'Tal. He had located some English speaking tutors for Hua and Hui and there was a cottage waiting for the family next to his and Hue's. Early one morning, Caleb got on the SatFone and called his boys' home back in Fairfield. It was the previous day there and the little boys, Hui and Hua were getting ready for school.

Hui answered the telephone, "Best residence, Hui speaking!"

Caleb replied, "Hui, this Grandpapa...."

Hui began to scream his delight, "Grandpapa is on the phone!"

Jason was the first to respond, he took the phone from Hui and began to speak to the man whom he respected more than all others, "Dati, is everything alright?"

Caleb chuckled, "You guys got your bags packed yet?"

Jason replied, "Errrr, yes, school will be out next week and the boys are looking forward to us coming for the school summer!"

Caleb then sprung his surprise, "Be sure to bring enough underwear for three years!"

Poor Jason nearly dropped the telephone, "Yu, ya, you mean, TOO STAY", he screamed!

Caleb replied, "Yup, your tickets should be delivered by courier either today or tomorrow! All the instructions and paperwork will be with them."

Just then, 'Tal snatched the phone from Jason and he shouted, "Dati, Dati we are so anxious to see you, both boys are dancing at our feet! It has been so hard, waiting for this, we are all ready to go!"

Caleb then said, "Well, be ready by next Friday, that is when you fly out. Have Uncle Neil bring you to the airport and Hue and I will meet you in Singapore! Be sure to bring some lightweight business suits, or, better yet, get some new ones in Hong Kong. Instructions and a Best & Sons American Express card will be in the package that will arrive."

They completed their call and then 'Tal and Jason sat the boys down and explained to them that they were moving to Malaysia to be with Grandpapa and Uncle Hue! The boys went off like rockets, so they decided to keep both of them home from school that day!

The next week was hard on everybody, at both ends of the trip! Hue loved those little boys as if they were his own children and he idolized his older brother, 'Tal and his mate! It was going to be a long week for all concerned!

The instruction packet told Jason and 'Tal how to go about shipping their belongings and what to pack as luggage. Two Business American Express Cards were in the packet, with their names on them. Tickets and visas for all of them were also included as well as directions to the clothing store in Hong Kong and reservations for all of them at the Hong Kong Empire Omni Hotel! They were told to draw $10,000 from the company account and convert it to cash and American Express Traveler's Cheques for travel expenses.

As departure day approached, Hui and Hua were so excited, it was feared they might meltdown! When Jason and 'Tal went to the school to get their records, the principal "suggested" that the two boys be taken out of school right then! They all went for their "tropical shots", as the boys looked at the rows of needles laid out on the treatment tray, they were not too sure they really wanted to go! It was soon over, however, and what reaction they might have had, put no dent in Hui's and Hua's excitement! They were wound up like eight-day clocks!

By the time Uncle Neil came to take them to the airport, both Jason and 'Tal were seriously considering gags and handcuffs! Certainly, leashes were in order, maybe even cages? Fortunately, check-in went smoothly and there were no "incidents" going through security. All their papers, passports and visas were in order and they were soon seated in the Premier Lounge.

The boys went goggle-eyed when the plane pulled up to the Jetway, they both stood with their noses pressed to the glass! They were booked in Business Class, so Jason and 'Tal each took a boy and seated them next to the window, with them sitting guard in the aisle seat! Everything was fine, until the pilot started the engines and the plane began to vibrate! Each boy had a death grip on his seat handles. Neither of them really remembered their trip from Tonga, this was a brand new experience for them!

As the plane began to accelerate down the runway, Hua, the youngest brother, hid his face in Jason's lap. Hui, being "older" stared straight ahead, the whites of his eyes showing! 'Tal held the boy's hand to reassure him and wrapped his arm around the boy, as the plane gained altitude, the vibration nearly ceased and, when Hui spotted a ship below them on the ocean surface, two boy noses were pressed against the porthole glass!

Like the others, they had to deplane in Honolulu while the plane was refueled before proceeding on to Hong Kong. It was a long flight, although both little boys slept almost the entire way.

When they checked in at the Hong Kong Empire Omni Hotel, a packet was waiting for them from Caleb. The desk clerk told them that there would be a car waiting for them the next morning to take them to the clothier and then to the RUBYE for supper after they had a tour of the city.

 The next day, they were all outfitted in formal business suits and tropical leisure wear before their tour. Supper was an experience for Hui and Hua, it was served Family Chinese Style and, of course, they all ate until they hurt! Little boys being little boys filled with fuel, were super active that night when their Daddies only wanted to "groan it off"! When the boys finally wore down and went to sleep, both Jason and 'Tal were exhausted, it seemed only seconds later that the desk was calling them that their car was there to take them to the airport!


Back in Chai Tac, Hue began pacing the floor hours before it was time to drive to Singapore to collect their Family Members. Caleb was about to say something to Hue about calming down when he saw his son's face! It was a mask of worry!

Caleb went to him and hugged him saying, "They will get here ok!"

Tears started to leak down Hue's face, "But, what if they have forgotten me?" he asked.

Caleb held his son to him and said, "Hue, it has been only a year, there is no way they will have forgotten their Uncle Hue!"

Hue replied, "Yes, but, what if..."

Caleb interrupted him, "No if's, no way, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!"

Finally, it was time to head to Singapore and the two headed up the highway. To Hue, that two hundred kilometers was the longest-distance trip ever! At last, they arrived at the Singapore International Airport, almost an hour before the flight was due to arrive. Poor Hue was a nervous train wreck, finally, Caleb did something he had sworn he would never do, he took Hue into the bar and ordered them both a beer! That Hue drank it without question, told Caleb his son was NOT a "first timer" but he did notice that Hue did not finish the whole bottle.

Finally, Hue could stand it no longer, he stood up and suggested they go to the Arrival Lounge and wait! By that time, it was only a few minutes before the scheduled arrival and the information screen told them the flight was "ON TIME"! As they arrived in the waiting area, the arrival of the flight was announced, first in Malay and then in English, Hue understood both announcements.

Passengers began to trickle down the ramp, as he turned to say something to Caleb they heard, "ONKLA HUE, ONKLA HUE" and the patter of two small boy feet running down the ramp! As Hue turned back, towards the sound, he was slammed by two racing boys with octopus arms! Passengers walked around the reuniting family and smiled, Jason and 'Tal were no better than their sons, they both had a death grip on Caleb! It was a joyful reunion, complete with tears, laughter and hugs!

Since it was still early in the day, they decided on returning to Chai Tac rather than spending a night in Singapore. The drive was uneventful, although Hui's and Hua's eye got very large when they passed through the military checkpoint, the soldiers had guns! They were to stay with Caleb and Hue for a couple of days, until their freight shipment arrived. That was just fine with Hue and, to tell the truth, also with Caleb. He had missed his little grandsons greatly.

Both Jason and 'Tal were exhausted, but the boys were "hot to trot"! Hue offered to take them around to show them where they could play and where they must not go! Before he left, he said to his brothers, "Baki, my room is at the end of the hall, go sleep on my bed while I take the boys for a walk."

Hue took them all around the compound, as they encountered members of the crew, the boys were hugged and made welcome. All of Caleb's employees had been in Tonga when Hui and Hua had been rescued and all had witnessed their transformation from frightened little waifs into happy, confident little boys! Hue introduced them to Jamil Hu'Lin, his assistant and showed them all the places that were safe for them to be. He sternly warned them about snakes and poisonous plants, and both boys solemnly promised to be careful, especially when Hue showed them a huge python crawling across the road!

The boys began to tire in the tropical heat and humidity, so Hue brought them back home for a cool drink and snacks. Caleb was waiting anxiously for their return, it was his turn for hugs and little boy chatter! He sat in his chair while they both climbed into his lap to tell Grandpapa all about planes and "stuff". Their chatter began to lag and when Hue looked in on them, all three were asleep, Grandpapa with a lap full of Grandsons!

Hue rolled his eyes upwards and thought, "Thank you, God, for protecting them!" He did not specify just who "them" was, the boys or Caleb, probably all of them!


Things settled back down, the freight shipment containing Jason's and 'Tal's belongings arrived and they moved into their own bungalow. They had hired a housekeeper who would watch the boys while they were working, Jason handling the business affairs and 'Tal overseeing the bookkeeping and accounting. That relieved both Hue and Caleb so they could be in "the field" more and keep a closer eye on construction matters.

The months sped by, the nightmare of piping and conveyors began to creep across the facility. The double-sided sander finally arrived, two months after it was promised. Stetcherfeld Sanders had trouble with some castings and had rejected the entire lot, causing a delivery delay. It was not a critical time point, so there would be little, if any effect on the project schedule. They were approximately four months ahead of schedule, but Caleb could count on a critical delay to occur at any time now.

Two wood-burning Foster-Wheeler boilers had been shipped from Vancouver and were now a week overdue in port! The new power line had been built and tested, the site would go "dark" the next two days while the electric feeders were switched to the new transformers. The housing area would not be affected, but no work could be done on the construction site until the connections were completed. Since the connection work was to be done by the government and no work could be done until power was restored, Caleb gave all work crews a two-day paid holiday and planned to take his family touring further down the peninsula.

Perhaps remembering a past holiday, Hue was not particularly enthused, but the promise of clean beaches and warm water finally did get to him. They left the next morning in a convoy of two Land Rovers packed with supplies and swimming suits. They drove down the coast for several hours and found a quiet cove, where the waves were suitable for the boys to play safely. They set up their camp, Hue kept looking around, half expecting to find some little waif crawling out from under a bush. Caleb could see what was troubling his son, but, being a wise man, he said nothing, Hue would have to work through his own anxiety.

They spent two days relaxing and playing on the beach, Hue finally unloaded his troubles and joined in the fun, he taught Hui to body surf and chased both boys through the warm waves. They were all sad when it was time to return, they packed up the cars, shoveled sand out of the sleeping bags and fed the leftover food to the gulls.

As they were driving on the dirt road back to the highway, Hue spotted something white in the bushes. He jammed on the brakes and jumped from the driver's seat, 'Tal on his heels. They crashed through the undergrowth, heedless of snakes or other dangers, they found a small clearing and a small child cowering against a tree. Hue tried speaking English to the boy and got no response, when he spoke Malay, they boy began to cry. 'Tal's Malay was nearly forgotten, but he could follow what Hue was saying.

The two brothers came out of the bushes carrying Bic Li, a fourteen-year-old boy, who looked more like five years old, who had been disowned by his family! All three were streaking tears down their faces! The boy clung to Hue and buried his face in Hue's shoulder.

Caleb started to ask what was going on when 'Tal said, "Later, Dati, this is not the time!"

Hue sat in the passenger seat, letting 'Tal continue the driving for him. He held the small boy on his lap, enfolded protectively in his arms. The boy cried quietly the entire trip back to their bungalow. Hue carried him into the house and gently bathed him before slipping him into his own bed. The child was asleep within seconds.

Caleb and the others had emptied out the cars and put everything away. He was waiting in the kitchen for Hue to tell him what was going on. Hue sat down heavily on the kitchen chair and held his head in his hands, near tears himself. Caleb sat beside his son and 'Tal stood behind his brother, rubbing his shoulders.

Hue began, "His name is Bic Li and he is gay. His family threw him out when they found out, he has been living out there for two months. He was out of food, and had not eaten in four days. He had watched us, planning on jumping into the sea as soon as we left. He does not know how to swim!"

Caleb was silent for several minutes and then said softly, "Hue, are you also gay?"

Hue burst into tears and replied, "Yes, Dati, please don't hate me!"

Caleb gathered his distraught youngest son in his arms, "My son, my dear Hue, I could no more hate you than I can stop the moon from rising in the sky! You are MY SON! We will do whatever is necessary for you both!"

They all sat down for a Family conference, attempting to decide what to do with Bic Li. Hue said, "I wish to adopt Bic Li as my own son, I know I am young, but he trusts me and I feel very protective of him."

'Tal observed, "Being gay is not tolerated in Malaysia, this might cause some concerns."

Hue replied, "My assistant, Jamil Hu'Lin's father is an attorney and I suspect that Jamil himself may be gay."

Caleb said, "Hue, perhaps it would be best if you sound him out and determine if he or his father can help us."

There was a noise in the hallway and Hue jumped up, fearing that the little boys, Hui and Hua had overheard their conversation and misunderstood what was being discussed. He turned the corner into the hallway and found Bic Li crouched on the floor, crying. Hue immediately bent down and scooped the diminutive child up into his arms and said, "Bic Li why are you crying?"

The boy looked at Hue with huge eyes and replied in Malay, "You really want me, you want to be my Papa?"

Hue hugged the boy and continued in that same language, "Yes, Bic Li, I will do anything to be your Papa!"

'Tal had followed Hue out into the hallway and he stepped up to the pair and in his barely remembered Malay, said, "Bic Li, we will all do everything in our power to make my little brother, Hue, your Papa!"

The next day, Hue was waiting for Jamil Hu'Lin to arrive in the Engineering Office. When the young man entered the office, Hue said, "Jamil, close the door and lock it, I must discuss something with you." Jamil got a frightened look on his face, perhaps fearing he had done something wrong and was about to be discharged from his employment. Hue told him to sit on the settee and he sat beside him, saying, "Jamil, I must first ask you a very personal question, do not fear to answer as what you say will go no further than myself, unless you give me permission." He looked into the young man's face and asked, "Jamil, are you gay, are you a homosexual?"

Jamil burst into tears and replied, "Oh, sir, has someone told you?" Hue assured him that nobody had said anything, that they had another problem with which they needed help. Jamil calmed down and said, "Mr. Best, sir, my family knows and they protect me and my companion. It would be very bad if that information got out."

Hue proceeded to tell Jamil about finding the boy, Bic Li, and that the boy was gay and that he, Hue, wanted to adopt Bic Li as his son. Jamil told Hue that his father was the District Judicial Officer and he would speak with him about adopting. The conversation ended, both men understood the need for confidentiality and they became even closer friends for it.

Two days later, an older, very dignified man entered Hue's office and said, "Mr. Best, I am Jamil's Father and he has asked me to speak with you."

Hue rose and greeted the man, shaking his hand with great formality. Hue replied, "Sir, I am in great need of your advice and I would be honored if I could take you to my own Father, Engineer Caleb Best, so that we might discuss a solution."

The man, Judicial Officer Bas Hu'Lin, smiled and replied, "My son speaks well of you, Mr. Best, and I see the truth of what he says. Yes, let us discuss your problem with your Father."

Hue got on the radio and contacted Caleb, asking that they all meet at the house. Caleb rushed home and contacted both 'Tal and Jason to attend in their "meeting clothes". He told 'Tal to explain to Bic Li what was going on and to get him cleaned up and as presentable as possible to meet Judge Hu'Lin. The Judge was interested in all the activity taking place on the construction site, so they were delayed slightly in reaching the house, by the time they had arrived, everyone was lined up, including Bic Li, to honor their guest.

The Judge asked if he could speak privately with Bic Li before they had their meeting, Caleb, of course, gave permission for them to use the office. The Judge spoke swiftly to Bic Li, who smiled and held the Judge's hand as they disappeared into the office and shut the door. Poor Hue began pacing the floor, he tried to drink some tea to calm his nerves and promptly needed to change his shirt and trousers, his hands were shaking so badly!

Before long, they heard a delighted child's laughter from the closed door of the office and Hue began to pace the floor even faster! After, what seemed a lifetime to Hue, Judge Hu'Lin emerged from the office with Bic Li in tow. The Judge made a small bow to Caleb and said, "Engineer Best, this is a very easy problem to solve. As you know, being a homosexual in Malaysia is a criminal offense, so we say nothing about that." He continued, "The child, Bic Li, states that he is an orphan with no means of support, so we have two choices. We can send him to live in the Government Orphanage, or I can locate a family who is willing to raise the boy." He looked straight at Hue and asked, "Are you aware of a responsible adult who has the means and desire to nurture this orphan child?"

Hue nearly strangled trying to say, "I will nurture this child!"

Judge Hu' Lin raised his hands, "See, it is a simple problem to resolve. I am sure Mr. Hue Best has sufficient funds to guarantee this child a decent life and, once he is in school and making satisfactory grades, I feel sure I could find a favorable judgment to an adoption request!"

Caleb looked at his youngest son and said, "Hue, close your mouth, or are you trying to catch flies?"

Judge Hu' Lin laughed and then said, "Engineer Best, might I have a few words in private with you?"

Caleb led him to his office and they shut the door, remaining there for nearly an hour. Hue held onto Bic Li, wrapping him protectively in his arms and setting him securely in his lap! When the two men emerged, they were both smiling and they shook hands before the Judge departed. Caleb sat in his chair with a huge grin on his face and, finally, he could not keep from laughing!

His family looked at him and Hue said, "Dati, tell us!"

Caleb started laughing so hard he couldn't speak, finally he wiped his eyes and told them, "I didn't just gain a new Grandson, I just received two Nephews!"

They all said, "HUH?"

Caleb told them that Judge Hu' Lin asked if he could send his son Jamil and his partner, Dail Tu to America to live under my sponsorship. He will pay all their expenses to make sure they have a good life together in a land where it is safe for them!

Caleb thought it best, under the circumstances, if Jamil and his partner, Dail came to live in the contractor's compound. Jamil was already employed by Best & Sons and they discovered that Dail was an English language tutor! It was arranged that Dail would tutor Bic Li in English and Bic would also attend school with Hui and Hua. Keeping Jamil and Dail out of the public's notice seemed to be a safe proposition.

The next week, a government courier brought custody papers, assigning Engineer Hue D. Best as guardian for the child, Bic Li. Jamil and Dail moved into a small, one-bedroom cottage next to 'Tal and Jason and the two did, indeed, refer to Caleb as 'Uncle"!

Chapter 6 - FIRST BOARD

As delayed shipments began to arrive, the pace of construction accelerated, almost without notice, the third year had passed. Despite late shipments, the project remained ahead of schedule. Paving the on-site roads had begun and the wood yard was laid out. The log deck, slicer, debarker and chipper were all installed in the space of three months! A trial load of two shiploads of worn-out rubber trees were delivered to test the wood yard machinery. The last major machines were the fiberizers and blenders, there had been a strike at the manufacturer's plant in Sweden and they were delayed almost three months!

The day after the fiberizers and blenders had been installed, the fiber dryers were fired up for the first time! After the oil burners had been adjusted, a load of fiber was sent through the dryers for testing, the moisture content was consistent with laboratory projections, so they continued the test, running the fiber through the resin deck and onto the former, just ahead of the press. The press platens had been heating for several hours, so Caleb "pushed the button" to load the press and close it up to cure the panels. For a first run, the panels were surprisingly uniform, they were not saleable, but that was only a matter of adjustments. Before the month was out, uniform panels were being produced and sent to prospective customers for evaluation.

During this period, Hue was served with Judicial papers in preparation for the adoption of one Bic Li! Hue gathered up all the documentation of Bic's school work, reports from his teachers and English Tutor, his own school and education records as well as personal recommendations by friends and family. In all, it was a bundle that required both he and Jamil to carry to the court several days prior to the scheduled hearing! There was even a notarized letter from Rear Admiral, Daniel G. Best, US Navy, asking that the adoption be granted to his Brother, Hue!

On the appointed day, Caleb accompanied a nervous Hue and a terrified Bic into Chai Tac for the hearing. They were met at the door by a smiling Court Attorney, who said, "I am very sorry, sirs, that you made this trip, I attempted to call your office, but you had already departed. Hue was about to explode into tears, knowing that someone had stopped the adoption! The man said, "Which one of you is Engineer Hue Best?"

Hue stammered, "I...I, I am sir." The attorney handed Hue a large envelope of papers, all written in Malay. The second page of each document was the English Translations, Hue nearly collapsed when he pulled the first paper out of the envelope. It was titled in English, "CERTIFICATE OF PERMANENT ADOPTION" and Bic Hue Best was the name below the title! Hue was so relieved, he sat down on the steps to the courthouse and cried, holding his son tightly in his arms!

The attorney said, "I am very sorry, sirs, we could have sent this in the post!" Caleb thanked the man for his concern and gently held his son and newest Grandson!

Bic reached up to Caleb, saying, "Mine Grandpapa?"

Caleb hugged the boy even harder and replied, "Yes, I am your Grandpapa now!"

For the rest of his life, Hue would never be able to accurately remember what happened that day! Jamil had taken the call after the group had departed for Chai Tac, so he spread the news of Bic's Adoption to all the Best & Sons employees, as they returned home, a bedsheet had been hung over the front of the house and on it was painted, "WELCOME HOME BIC BEST!"

Jamil had taken it upon himself to use the SatFone and call Danny, that evening, Danny called to welcome his new nephew into the Family. He then dropped a bombshell on Caleb, he was going to retire from the Navy right after the New Year! The next day, they sent copies of the court order and a photograph to the US Embassy, requesting a passport for Bic Hue Best!

They spent the next several months tweaking and calibrating all the machinery and teaching the new operators how to manufacture Medium Density Fiberboard. The first production run from FibreAsia was sent to James Furniture Company in New Zealand. They were so impressed, they purchased another three shiploads!

Just after New Year's of the fourth year, FibreAsia accepted the new plant as complete and the contract fulfilled, nearly four months early! This earned Best & Sons an early completion bonus, which Caleb shared with his crew. They broke down their households and started shipping tools and equipment back to Fairfield, California.

Judge Hu' Lin came to the plant site to stay with his son and his son's partner for a few days, as they were departing with the Best Family for a new life in America. Bic was as excited as his two cousins, Hui and Hua had been on their first trip. He had shown everyone his new passport and Hue had sent away to Hong Kong for new clothes for his son. They did not fit quite as well as if he had been personally fitted by the tailors, but he certainly did look like a new boy. He was still very small for his age, but he could hold his own with his rough-and-tumble cousins, Hui and Hua!

Their final day in Chai Tac was mixed emotions, they had become friends with many of the people there and it is always sad to leave friends behind. They drove up to Singapore and spent several days there completing their affairs before departure.

The morning of departure, Bic had an attack of the "willies". Hue had to coax him out of bed and help him dress. Bic had adopted the Indo-Dutch words for Brother and Papa, he said, "Dati, I'm scared, maybe we should wait for another day?"

Hue held his son on his lap and told him of all the marvels he would get to see, of riding a huge airplane across the ocean, and wonders like television and new schools and new friends. After a while, he asked Hue, "Dati, when you were a little boy, were you scared?"

Hue replied, "Yes, son, I was and I had the same people to protect me as you have, Grandpapa, your Onkla Danny, Onkla 'Tal and Onkla Neil. They all protected me until I was ready to go on my own, just as they will be there for you!"

Just then, Hui and Hua came to collect Bic, so they could go look out the hotel window for a last look at Singapore. Bic ran to join his cousins, his fears forgotten, at least temporarily! After herding everyone into the hotel limos, they headed for the airport, poor Bic's head was on a swivel, everywhere he looked, was a new wonder! They got checked in at the airport and lost little time going through customs and passport control, all Bic's friends in the crew were right there with them, he was surrounded by familiar faces!

He and his cousins were standing with boy noses pressed against the glass of the departure lounge when the huge airplane landed and taxied up to the Jetway. He stared at that monster, not all that sure he wanted to go into it's belly! As usual, everyone was booked in Business Class, so they put all the boys in seats next to the windows and parents next to the aisle. Hui and Hua were "old hands" by now, but Hue noticed that they, also, had a death grip on the armrests, just as did Bic!

Several days later, they were in the baggage terminal of San Francisco International Airport, waiting for the conveyor to deliver their luggage. A man came up to Bic and knelt beside the small boy, "I am very glad to meet you, Bic Hue Best." Bic went goggle-eyed as this stranger called him by his name.

Hue turned and screamed, "BAKI," and flew into Danny's waiting arms!

Bic was a little shy, but Hui and Hua were all over this new person, hugging him and kissing him, "Onkla Danny they screamed!"

They were home, after nearly four years away!

The End

Look for more adventures of Caleb Best and Best & Sons, Engineering!