The Future Awaits

Chapter Thirty~One

Mike and Tommy have been back at school only a few days when I get a call from Tommy. He sounds miserable. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Sssssome ggguy ...," he stammers, then I hear the phone changing hands, and Mike says, "Some son of a bitch hit Tommy's car in the parking lot."

Why couldn't it have been Mike's car, I ask myself. He wouldn't be nearly so upset. "How bad is it?"

"Just a little dent about the size of a baseball in the left rear fender."

"You have keys?"

"Tommy gave me the other set."

"Good. I want you to take it to the dealership and get it fixed for Tommy. Tell the dealer to send the bill to me. Now let me talk to Tommy, then I want to talk to you again."

"Sure." The phone passes hands again.

"Tommy, I told Mike to go to the dealership with you and have the dent fixed. Now try not to be so upset. These things happen all the time, especially on campus. I don't suppose you know who it was that hit you."

"No, cause it was when I was in class or working."

"There's nothing we can do about it, then. Try to forget it, babe."

"I guess."

"Good. Now let me talk to Mike again." When he comes on, I ask about Stephan and Luc.

"Luc flew up and spent the last week with Stephan and his folks. I expect you'll be hearing from them soon."

"Then Luc's back in school?"

"Yeah. He's starting his PhD. We're all back in the suite again."

"Wonderful. Tell them I asked about them. And please get Tommy's car fixed as soon as possible."

"Sure thing. Poor guy's really shook."

"Be sympathetic. It's his first car."

"I know. I'd be pissed, too. I'll give you a call about how it looks soon as it's done."

"Do that. Love you guys."

"Love you, too, dad."

The next day the eight grad students Tor and I will be teaching show up, so we're back to our normal work. Tor has them on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while I have them on Tuesday and Thursday for a morning lecture followed by an extended lab which lasts until two, sometimes a bit later. Because there are no food services at the institute, I offer them an hour and a half for lunch, but they take a vote and ask if they can begin their lab work immediately after my lecture, getting out at one. I'm delighted. I don't mind eating a late lunch and the extra time I can use to finish up my book.

Mike calls a few nights later to tell me Tommy's car looks good as new once more and Tommy's happy. Mike says he paid for the repair, which was only forty-five dollars. I tell him I'll deposit that much to his checking account. If Mike thinks the repair is invisible as he says it is, then it was done correctly.

When the eight week period that Tor and I teach the grad students is over, we have a little over a week on spring break, before the next group arrives. Even though Tommy and Mike are home, I find time to complete the manuscript of my text and get it to the publisher along with a little project I've been playing with in secret for over a year now.

Tor and I have continued to receive our mail at the institute so I stop by to check when I finish setting up the lab for our next group. Tor's already sorting through our post and grumbling about junk mail as he tosses it in the trash. He holds up a large envelope with a scowl. "Who the hell is A.J. Halloran? I've never heard of him, but this is our box number."

"Fool. You've lived with him for over twelve years."

"Damn, Drew! I'm not used to your old name."

"Obviously. Are you going to give me my mail?"

"Oh, sure." He looks at the return address, before handing it to me. "You change publishers?"

"No." I look at the address. "Same one. This is another of their imprints."

"I thought that one was mostly fiction."

I rip open the envelope and see a contract and a note saying my regular editor passed the manuscript of the novel I sent him with the manuscript of my text on to them and they are shooting for the summer list.

"Well?" Tor asks.

I want to keep this a secret until the book is published, because I've dedicated it to Tor, so I think fast. "Just the usual stuff. It's an ad for a new book Alex thinks I might be interested in."

"Oh." Tor and I both have Alex as our editor. He sometimes sends us notices of new books in our academic fields.

As soon as we're home, I sit down and read the usual standard contract, sign it, and put it in the return envelope to post tomorrow.

Mike rolls in that evening, because he's in the new group of students. We're delighted to have him home, but we'll keep him so busy he won't have time for much than study. He asks us if he can work in our labs at home as well as the ones at the institute, because he wants to graduate at the end of this semester and begin his PhD immediately. We tell him he has free run, because of all the previous experience he's had. I plan to use him as my lab assistant anyway.

A couple of weeks later, Tommy calls and asks if he can bring Stephan and Luc home with him for the weekend. Of course he can. It will be good to see them, and I can take Friday to prepare.

"It's good to be back so Steph and I can relax." Luc says over our drinks.

"We rather expected to hear from you guys earlier," Tor says. "How have things been going with you?"

"I took Steph home with me again last weekend." He grimaces. "Guess you'd have to call it an armed truce with my dad. Mom took it better than I thought she would, except she made Steph self-conscious the way she stared at him every time he used his hook."

Stephan grins sheepishly. "Ought to be used to it by now, I guess, but I did feel conspicuous as hell. I'm going to ask dad about getting a hand like yours, Tor."

"They're damned expensive and the batteries don't last that long. I don't use mine that much, because you can't get them wet, but that's not going to be a problem in your area. Mine is old, so I expect they have improved quite a bit, certainly in appearance."

"Yes, sir."

We let the boys relax and do whatever they want for the weekend. Mike's studies are intense, and I know from experience that the beginning course work in a PhD is no picnic for Luc. Stephan and Tommy are comparing notes on what their library science courses are demanding, now being in the specialized phases.

Final exams for students at the institute are over the day before those on main campus. Tor and I leave the next morning to drive up to spend the day before the boys' graduation with them. We had promised Stephan we would be there to meet his parents as well.

We're surprised when we enter their suite and see no signs that any of them have packed. "Where are Mike and Tommy?" Tor asks Luc.

"Checking to see if some of their grades are posted. They said something about meeting their girls, too."

"When are you guys planning to pack?" I ask.

"We're not. I'm taking classes this summer, because Steph is going to start on his PhD. Mike and Tom have decided to do the same. Since this dorm is mostly for grad students, we can keep the same suite, so we don't have to pack anything except what we're taking with us for the break."

We knew Mike was going for his PhD, but Tommy hasn't said a word to us about his plans. "I'm glad to hear that. Hope you and Stephan will come home with Mike and Tommy on weekends."

Luc gives us a broad smile. "I think you can count on that, Drew."

"Have you heard Tommy mention anything he'd like to have?"

"You mean like for graduation?"

I nod.

Luc shakes his head. "I never hear that guy wish for anything, but he did say something about his watch needing repairing."

"Has he gotten it done yet?" Tor asks.

"I don't think so."

"Drew and I have some research to do, so when the guys get back, tell them we're here and all of you meet us at our motel about five. We'll have a drink then go to dinner."

"I will. Thanks, Tor."

"We don't have any research." I tell Tor when we're outside.

"Yeah, we do. I want to know if Ashford thinks Tommy can cut a PhD."

"I'm worried myself. He hasn't said anything about it."

"Probably didn't want to until he knew whether or not he passed everything with good enough grades. I know he works hard, and I'm proud of him, but I can't help wishing he was a little smarter."

"I know. He's such a sweet kid. I sometimes wonder if Mike makes him feel inferior. I mean everything comes so easy to Mike."

"Mike realizes it, and in a way Tommy's a good influence, because he keeps Mike's feet on solid ground. Keeps him from getting a swelled head."

"Especially since he cuts him down to size once in a while."

"That's for sure. It's a good thing they love each other, or there'd probably be a massacre."

"Guess you guys are up for graduation," Paul says when we go to his office.

Tor grins. "What makes you think that?"

"Hell, if I had two kids graduating, I'd be here too. What can I do for you?"

"Answer a question or two," Tor says. "Mind if I shut the door?"

"Go ahead. Sounds serious."

"We want you to level with us, Paul. We just found out Tommy wants to start on a PhD. Do you think he's got any chance at all?" I ask.

He looks at us solemnly. "You know what I told you about Tommy making up in diligence for what he lacks in smarts, Drew." I nod. "It will be tough as hell for him, but I think he has a chance if he doesn't change his attitude. If he runs into trouble, I'll advise him to go for a MLS. That's not so intense. I'll ask to be assigned as his advisor, because I know him better than anyone else. Though you know it's not policy, I'll keep you informed."

"That relieves my mind, Paul. Tommy respects you and you've been a great help to him."

Paul grins. "You mean he likes the hard-ass of the school of library science?"

"He says you're tough, but always treat him fairly," Tor replies, then smiles. "And you fake that hard-ass business just like I do."

"You, yeah, but I'm not so sure about Drew. Joynes told me having him take his class while he was on sabbatical was the smartest thing he ever did. His students were delighted to have him back."

"Guess I did kick a little ass, but he had a loser or two in his classes."

Paul laughs. "They suddenly decided they could do without the rest of his courses, too. Tor, I think this kid is tougher than both of us put together."

"He still looks like a kid, but he can be damn stubborn when he wants to."

"If you can stand two advisees, Paul, it would be great if you would take Stephan Wolf with Tommy. He's Tommy's suitemate, and they study together."

"Grad students have the option of asking for a specific advisor. I don't think I know Wolf."

"He's the kid with the hook that's been working in circulation."

Paul nods. "I know the one you mean." He shrugs. "You can tell him I'll consider it if he requests me."

I stand and hold out my hand. "We really appreciate everything you've done for Tommy. Thank you."
"My thanks, too." Tor says. "Expect I'll be calling on you for some of your expertise soon. I've been thinking about another book."

"Be a pleasure, because you both always know what you want. Drop in any time."

Tor glances at his watch. "We've got time to do some shopping, so let's get that done while the kids aren't with us."

I question when he drives to a large mall on the outskirts of town and leads me into an elegant jewelers.

He grins. "I think I can still get stuff at ten per-cent above cost. Vince helped bankroll this guy. Sam still here?" He asks a clerk.

"He's in the office. I'll call him." She picks up the phone. A few minutes later, a thin stooped man comes toward us.

"Good to see you again, Sam," Tor says. "I doubt you remember me, but I lived with Vince for some years."

His face breaks into a smile. "Greg! I'd never have known you, but I recognize that watch. You've grown up."

"Quite. This is my brother Drew."

He speaks to me, and turns back to Tor with a grin. "What can I do you for?"

Tor grins back. "See you haven't lost it, Sam. We're here to take you if we can."

He chuckles. "Figures. Since Vince passed on, you're the only one left I can kid. What you need?"

We're looking for graduation gifts for our sons."

Sam looks floored. "You have sons graduating? I know you aren't that old, Greg."

"Drew and I adopted two boys. They're graduating from the university."

Sam shakes his head. "Hard to believe. Must be nice to have kids so close to your own age you can enjoy things together."

"They're a real pleasure. What have you got in the way of good watches? Mike needs one that's waterproof, because he's in marine science like me."

Sam glances at Tor's wrist. "Can't beat a Rolex like the one Vince got you."

"Hell, Sam, Drew and I are just poor teachers. We can't afford it."

He smiles. "I haven't forgotten the old days. Come over to the counter and have a seat."

He unlocks a showcase and hands a watch to Tor. "This is the new model of the one you have. Electric, of course. Elapsed time counter for divers, and all the other standard features."

I look at the price and almost drop my teeth. For that much I'd expect it to look far more elegant, but it's as utilitarian as a Timex.

"Same deal?" Tor asks. Sam nods. "Good. Let's see something in the same range in a dressier watch. Tommy's a librarian."

This time Sam hands Tor a Rolex that looks like what I had expected. Gold, with a gold and silver expansion band.

"He should. It's beautiful."

"We need to look at your pens, too."

Sam brings us a matching Cross pen and pencil set in gold. "This is the limited edition line. Can't do better unless you want Montblanc."

"You're already driving us bankrupt, Sam." Tor turns to me. "What about these for Stephan and Luc? We didn't give Luc anything when he graduated last year."

"Fine by me."

"Good. Two of the Cross sets and the watches. Want your special gift wrap, too."

Sam shakes his head. "With the discount I'm giving you, I'll have to charge you for the wrapping, Greg."

"That's fine. We appreciate this." He hands Sam plastic.

"It's good to see you again. Don't stay away so long next time."

"We live too far away to be regulars, Sam, but we'll try to stop in when we're up this way."

When Tor hands me the receipt to keep, I look at the four-figure total and almost pass out. A few minutes later one of the clerks brings our purchases, beautifully wrapped in embossed gold foil paper with small ribbon streamers. A tiny white card with the boy's name in gold is on the corner of each package.

"Damn!" I say when we're back in the car.

Tor smiles. "A bargain. He let us have the watches at five per-cent. They'll last Mike and Tommy long as they live, if they don't lose them."

"For what these cost, I'll murder 'em if they do."

We go back to our motel and change for dinner. When the boys show up dressed, to our surprise, in coats and ties as are we, Tor fixes them drinks, while I open a bottle of sparkling grape juice for Tommy.

Tor picks up the two larger gifts. "Luc, Stephan, Drew and I want you to remember us and your graduation. Sorry we're five months late with yours, Luc."

"You shouldn't have done this. Just having you there was more than enough," Luc responds, but he's busy opening his gift. His mouth drops open when he looks at the name of the jeweler on the box, then opens it. "Oh, wow!" He and Stephan exclaim at the same time. We both get hugged with profuse thanks.

Tor hands Mike his gift; I hand Tommy his. Mike rips his open immediately and looks at it, then at us. "I don't believe this! It's just like yours, dad."

"Newer model, babe. It has an elapsed time feature for timing your dives."

He hugs us both. "Thanks, guys. This is great. What did you get, Tommy?"

Only then does Tommy slowly and deliberately unwrap his gift. When he looks at the watch, I see his tears. "Don't you like it, son?"

He hands it to Mike and throws his arms around Tor and me, pulling us into a hug. "If you don't like it, we can exchange it for one you like better," Tor says.

Tommy finally releases us and wipes his eyes. "It's too beautiful for a guy like me. I never seen one so nice before."

"It will last you all your life, as will Mike's, son. Take care of it." Tor says.

"Man you guys hit the jackpot," Luc says as he hands Tommy's watch to Tor. When Tor slips the band over Tommy's thin wrist; it's far too loose. "We'll take you to the jeweler's tomorrow and let him adjust it."

I put Mike's on his wrist. The band seems to be just snug enough. Mike hugs me. "This is great, dad, I never ever dreamed I'd have one of these."

"Okay, guys, let's finish our drinks and go eat."

Tommy refuses to take off his watch, and proudly wears it to the steak house. Where else when Tor's driving? As we walk in I can't help but marvel at how handsome these four kids are.