The Healer Series

The Great Healers: Book Seven Of The Healer Series

From Book 6

The Great Shaman of the Maori, Kali-Ti, brought his Grandson, Lymal-Tu. The boy, named after his Grandfather's Spirit Brother, Lymal, had been injured while swimming in the sea. Both his arms were paralyzed and he could no longer speak as his brain had been damaged in the accident.

He saw Lymal and through his tears of anguish, he said, "Brother, is it possible to heal my Grandson, Lymal-Tu? Lymal examined the child and shook his head, "Brother, I have not the skill, nor the power to heal the boy."

Kali-Ti started to turn away, his tears flowing down his old face, Lymal spoke again, "Turn not away, beloved Brother, there are those here who can heal my Grand Nephew, Lymal-Tu!"

He mind-screamed for Ton and Kal to come at once.

All six Great Healers and their Cadets responded to Lymal's call.

Ton took the boy from Kali-Ti's arms and they went back aboard the Hospital Ship. There, in the Children's Clinic, he laid the boy on a treatment table and Kal joined him in placing their hands on the boy. The other Great Healers acted as backups to Ton and Kal, energy began to flow, flashing mind to mind. Soon, the entire room was lit up and great bands of energy were seen streaming from Healer to Healer.

While his Grandfather watched, Lymal-Tu's limbs straightened and his clawed hands unfolded, becoming straight and smooth. His twisted legs became straight and the pressure behind his eyes from his injured brain became normal, his eyes no longer bulged out! The boy's tortured breath eased and he fell into a normal sleep.

As Ton collapsed the meld, Kali-Ti sat on the floor, sobbing. He kept repeating, "Bless you Ton, Bless you Kal" through his tears.

Ton and Kal assisted the Great Shaman of the Maori to his feet, "Brother of our Father, dry your tears, Lymal-Tu but sleeps now. When he wakes, he will be as he was before the accident."

The old man could not stop crying, "You are truly, The Healers of Humankind!" He continued, "I, Kali-Ti, Great Shaman of the Maori People name you HEALERS OF THE RACES OF MAN!"

Chapter - 1 - THE VISITORS

Those of the Company of Healers spent time acquainting themselves with Fort Warrior and the village of Cairns, many had never before seen it. The Great Healers were in constant demand of the children of the town and the Fort, wondrous tales had been told of these Boy Heroes.

Like all Human Hybrid Warriors, their love of children knew no bounds, they could be counted upon for a game of ball, swimming competition or telling tales of their travels and adventures.

More than one girl asked to see their fangs or make their eyes go red as their faces.

Boys watched with a hungry envy, fervently praying they, also, could become members of the Company of Healers.

They were saved from a session of "fang feeling" by a mind call from their Fathers, "Come at once, we have visitors." They said goodbye to their fans and rushed to the presence of Lymal and L'oki.

The three mated pair Great Healers, Ton and Kal, Pos and Rus and Mac and Zet stood before their leaders, awaiting instructions. Lymal said, "The Great Herder and the Crown Prince Herder Ras, are coming with two boys who wish to be one with us. They are Prince Ras' younger brothers Mor and Aiu."

They had met Prince Ras before and had a great liking for him, so they were looking forward to meeting his younger brothers. They watched out the window as the Mariposan Light Cruiser MS Warrior docked. They could see the Great Herder himself disembark the ship, followed by the three Princes Herder.

They were fidgeting; Lymal and L'oki told them it was an important state visit, so they must observe decorum and be fully dressed.

Finally, the Major Domo, Jambor-Tong, announced the visitors. The Great Herder and the Crown Prince Herder bowed to the group of Healers and the Ruler of the Herder Folk said, "Lords Prince Warrior Healers, Lords Prince Great Healers my sons, Princes Mor and Aiu have begged me to present them to you. They have a request they wish to ask of you."

Out of curiosity, Ton flashed the two boys' minds and he was stunned at what he saw!

He sent, "Fathers, their minds are as our own!"

Both Lymal and L'oki did their own "flash"; the power of the two boys' minds was staggering.

Lymal said to the boys, "Mor, Aiu, what you are about to ask is a lifetime sentence to the service of all humankind. Once done, it can never be changed."

The boys replied, "yyYYou know what it is we wish?"

Lymal nodded, "Yes".

Mor and Aiu knelt before the two leader of the Healers, "Lords Prince, we beg to be made Healers as you."

Lymal looked at Kal and Ton, "Do you, Lords Great Healer, accept Mor and Aiu?"

Kal and Ton replied, "We do." Mor and Aiu had fainted and The Great Herder was being helped by his son, Ras, into a chair! With his eyes unfocused, The Great Herder said, "Great Healers?"

Prince Ras was frantically fanning his father to keep him from passing out!

Lords Prince Teddy and Tong-Fu came running into the room to greet the Royal Guests and were shocked to see the two young boys unconscious on the floor and Prince Ras fanning his father.

Lymal pointed to the two unconscious boys, "They will be Great Healers!"

Kal picked up Aiu and Ton held Mor until they regained consciousness, Ras had brought their father around. The Great Herder said, "My sons, Great Healers?"

Ton replied, "Yes, Great Herder, they both have powerful minds and their desire to serve all humankind is strong."

The two younger boys began to cry, "We want to serve, is that why we hear everyone who has been hurt or has a terrible disease?"

Ton stared at the boys, "You can hear those in need?"

Aiu replied, "Sir, we can hear their hurts in our minds and visualize what must be done to help them."

Ton and Kal stood the two boys on their feet and faced them. Ton said, "Do you Mor, do you Aiu, wish to be Great Healers to serve where you are needed, to heal the sick, cure the injured and restore those who are deformed? Do you swear to serve all humankind in healing and in war?"

Both boy dropped to their knees, and said together, "Before God and you, Lords Great Healer, we swear to care for all the Races of Man unto our last breath."

Ton turned to the Great Herder and asked, "Do you, Great Herder of the Herder Folk, release unto our care, your sons Mor and Aiu?"

The shaken leader replied, "I i, I do."

Ton and Kal faced their fathers and the leaders of their race, "We go to create Mor and Aiu Great Healers."

The stunned leaders acknowledged them as the boys were led out of the room. Ton and Kal took them to their own rooms and sat Vigil with them. On the 7th day Mor and Aiu awoke, knowing immediately what they were.

The Great Herder and the Crown Prince Herder had stayed at Fort Warrior, both wanting to be the first to congratulate the first of their folk to become Great Healers.

As the four emerged from Ton and Kal's room, their own and the boys' family was waiting for them. Before them, stood the entire Company of Healers; cheering them in welcome.

As they stepped out of Ton and Kal's room, the drums began their chant. "TWO BOY PRINCES OF HERDERS HAVE BECOME BOY GREAT HEALERS, ALL WHO NEED HELP COME TO FORT WARRIOR!"

By the next morning, the folk of the Kingdom of Australia had begun to line up at the gates of Fort Warrior. Some came out of curiosity to see the two Princes Herder, but most came from real need.

The four Mated Pair, Great Healers began their day in healing. After the first several patients, Mor and Aiu had proved their abilities and were left with their Cadets, Zek and Cale.

At mid-day, there was a great commotion at the pier and the Light Cruiser MS Warrior began to blow its emergency siren as a dozen fast skimmers raced to the pier.

A Human Hybrid Warrior at the pier sent, "A Passenger Ship has caught fire, skimmers are bringing the injured!"

Warriors not needed elsewhere ran to the pier to assist and both Warrior Healers and Great Healers cleared their clinics of non-life threatened patients.

The Red Berets mustered at the entrance to the hospital to direct those needing Great Healers to their special clinic. The rest were sent directly to the Warrior Healers and Turned Vampire Healers.

The burns were mind numbing, mostly women and children.

A young mother in her last stages of pregnancy ended up on Mor and Aiu's treatment table. They looked at each other, Aiu said, "There is no one else, we must treat her."

Their own Cadets, Zek and Cale gently placed the screaming woman on the table; she kept screaming, "Save my babies, save my babies!"

Mor leaned over her and whispered in her ear, "Good Mother, we will save all of you, the babies too!" They laid their hands on the injured woman and she began to quiet. Aiu called, "Cadets, join meld!" Violent energies began to jump mind to mind as the Cadets fed their life force into the two healers.

Mor called out, "It is too slow, we are losing her, more energy!"

Sol and Lars, the newly adopted sons of Great Healers Mac and Zet happened to be in the corridor and heard Mor's call. They raced in and directed their own life energies towards the struggling Great Healers.

The impact of the two young boys' energy rattled the minds of all Healers in the building! Mor and Aiu staggered under the force and then channeled it into the woman.

The burns were nearly healed when she began birth contractions. The two new Great Healers were also Herders and they recognized the impending birth.

While Mor finished healing the woman, Aiu delivered her of twin boys.

Mor collapsed the meld, shaking everything in the room as the field dissipated. The woman awoke as soon as her healing had been completed and called for her babies.

Mor smiled, "Your babies are two fine little boys, as soon as he has cleaned them up, my brother and mate will bring them to you."

The woman named her babies Mor and Aiu in honor of the Great Healers who had saved their lives.

In their after-event critique, Aiu and Mor mentioned the tremendous power sent them by the two children of Mac and Zet, Sol and Lars. Mac said, "Is THAT the dump I felt, it was like a tidal wave of energy!" Ton said, "Perhaps we should investigate this further, make them Red Beret Cadets and let's see what happens."

They called the two boys in and had them stand before Ton and Kal. Kal asked them, "Will you work with the Great Healers, like your Daddies? Will you work to save people and make them well?"

The two little boys were only six years old, but they had been around the Great Healers long enough to know what it was they did. They dropped to their little knees and said together, "We will serve all the Great Healers and Warrior Healers in the service to all humankind, so help us God,"

Ton handed them their Red Berets and they went dashing out to show them to all their friends!

It had been an exhausting day for all the healers especially since so many children had been among the injured. Teddy and Tong-Fu invited all the Great Healers and their Cadets to a family supper, just quiet talk and conversation.

Towards the end of supper, the Major-Domo, Jambor-Tong announced that Prince Paul and Earl Joseph of Kelsey begged audience. The two Human Hybrid Warriors entered the room and bowed. Prince Paul said, "I have had mind touches that I believe are coming from my folk back in England.

Ton said, "Will you join us in meld and let us try to return the contact?"

Paul asked, "Just us here?" Ton replied, "Just us and our Cadets. Let us try."

He called to the Cadets to join meld. Turning to the Lords Prince, he invited them to join meld, along with Prince Paul and Earl Joseph. Ton led the meld, driving their minds outwards, it was like taking a hit to their stomachs when Sol and Lars came in-meld. Further and further they pushed out, they began to detect someone calling.

Ton followed the trail, he screamed more energy and ten Warrior Healers came running, attracted by the huge energy stream. They inserted themselves into the meld, bright streams of energy were flowing between the minds of the Great Healers and their Cadets, pictures began to fall off the walls and upholstery was beginning to char.

Finally, a distant and weak mind came to them, "This is Princess Aiella of Cambridge, please, if you are the Hybrid Warriors who helped us so many long years ago, I beg that you reply."

Ton sent, "I am Ton, Prince of the Great Healers. Yes we are the Hybrid Warriors of which you ask. Send, our Lords Prince, leaders of our Race are in meld with us."

The Princess sent, "Thanks be to God, I have been trying for weeks. I could detect a mind of someone named Prince Paul, but he could not reply. Is he a descendent of our Prince of long ago?"

Teddy, sent, "This is Lord Prince Teddy, Prince Paul is not a descendent, he IS Prince Paul. How may we assist you?"

She sent, "We have been visited by a terrible plague, our children are dying and we cannot help them."

Teddy sent, "How many of you are there?"

The young Princess replied, "We are down to less than 2,000 people in all of England."

Teddy made an instant decision, "If we send ships, will all of you come to us?"

Princess Aiella returned, "Yes, we are all that is left of our people, how many months will be needed for you to get here?"

Teddy sent, "Not months Princess, weeks! Please say hello to your Prince Paul."

The young woman screamed, "Prince Paul, he really IS there?"

Prince Paul entered the thought stream, "Yes Princess, I really am here, I also am a Human Hybrid Warrior and we will come for you as soon as possible."

They collapsed the meld, shattering windows for blocks around. Teddy turned to Ton and Kal, "Is there nothing you Great Healers cannot do?"

Ton replied simply, "We don't know."

Teddy mind called the Two Monarchs of the Island Kingdoms, "We have need of two fast cruisers that can keep up with the MHS Roger and the MS Warrior. We are going back to England on a mercy mission."

The two Kings replied, "Yes, but THIS time, we ARE going with you!"

King George of Australia and King Fala of Hawaii were not about to be left behind a second time! Sure, it was more than 1200 years ago, but their memories were sharp, their Kingdoms were settled and there was the Rule of The Hybrid Warriors, those who would break the peace knew they could not hide from those terrible Warriors!

They dispatched the two ships from Sydney Harbor, the AS Roger, their newest and greatest Fast Cruiser. It carried a proud name in their history and the ship's company made sure the ship lived up to it.

The other ship, the HMS Moana Loa was brand new, hardy out of the builder's blocks. She had a new type reactor and could drive the mighty ship at more than 200 knots! Her beam projectors could reach out 250 miles and destroy an enemy!

The ship's reputation had already sent fear throughout the Malay Islands, last home of pirates and slavers on the planet.

The two kings were, themselves, Human Hybrid Warriors, and as soon as the two ships had cleared the harbor, they leaped into the air, changing to their avian forms, Great Sea Eagles, and raced for Fort Warrior. The Fast Cruiser was not far behind them, at a sustained speed of 200 knots, it cleared the harbor buoy at Cairns before dark of that day.

The Moana Loa would meet them at sea.

King George had sent a "Heads up" to The Bobby in Mariposa, asking that he and The Andrea watch over things while they were gone.

As soon as the mind traffic was completed, The Bobby contacted the Captains of The MS Warrior and the MHS Roger, "With you goes the pride of our people. I place you under the command of Lords Prince Great Healers Ton and Kal. Do not shame us!"

By the next morning, the fleet was ready to sail. They elected Prince Paul as Fleet Commander and left the breakwater at over 100 knots. The two Cruisers, The AS Roger and the MS Warrior were class ships, they were everything their designers had envisioned.

The MHS Roger, another use of the name so dear to the folk of the Human Hybrid Warriors, was only slightly less capable. Her huge hull, designed to accommodate large numbers of those needing assistance of the Healers, especially the Great Healers, required tremendous power from her oversized reactor. Captain Phillpot was not about to let his ship be shamed, His own ancestor had commanded the first MHS Roger, more than a thousand years before and he was going to keep up with these greyhounds of the sea, even if he had to get oars and help drive his massive ship himself!

Across the sea the small fleet raced, reaching speeds in excess of 200 knots.

Ton led the meld to reach Princess Aiella, "We are on our way. We are bringing our finest ships and our finest Healers to your rescue."

The Princess sent back, "We have three children near death, can you help?"

Ton mind screamed, "Great Healers, Red Berets, come at once!"

He screamed, "Enter Meld!"

The six mated pair Great Healers entered meld with their cadets and they reached out to the stricken folk. Ton could sense those who were dying but he could not reach them, he called out, "Warrior Healers, join us!"

Two hundred Warrior Healers entered the meld and over three hundred Cadets and Turned Vampire Healers with them!

Ton "saw" the sick children before him, he laid his hands upon them and pushed life force into their bodies. He was half a world away, yet to him, he was there!

Kal was beside him as they pushed the sickness away, the energy they routed into the children killed the terrible parasites.

The children sat up and clapped their hands, "Where is Uncle Ton and Uncle Kal?", they asked." The Princess was in tears, "How do you do these things?" she asked. Ton sent a mental shrug, "I don't know, we just have a power that demands much of us."

The small fleet raced across the ocean, towards the coast of Africa. The slavers and pirates heard of their coming and hid among the Malay Islands, fearing their own destruction.

Teddy thought, "They are next!" He could sense their presence, but the matters of England were paramount right then, the ships plowed their way around the boot of Africa and headed up the coast.

One pirate ship ventured too close and the HMS Moana Loa tried out her new beam projectors. The stream of electrons shattered the wooden sailing vessel, leaving the pirate crew trying to out swim the sharks.

The racing ships passed the Gates of Hercules and followed the coast of France to the English Channel. They had been in constant contact with Princess Aiella, she was gathering her people on the banks of the Thames River, ready to board the ships as soon as they arrived. All those ill with the plague were bundled up and ready for immediate transfer to the MHS Roger, where healers were standing by to receive them.

The huge hospital ship nosed its way up the debris filled river, led by the HMS Moana Loa, blasting debris out of the channel with her beam projectors.

The anchor chains had hardly stopped rattling when the skimmers were in the water to begin bringing the folk of the Princess on board the Hospital ship.

Huge search lights were rigged that the transfer could continue at night.

The condition of the people was appalling, especially the plight of the children. Untreated injuries, malnutrition, birth defects and vitamin deficiencies were common.

The Red Berets routed the worst cases to the Great Healers, who were nearing exhaustion when two little twin boys were brought on board. Not only were they infected with the plague, they were also horribly deformed, their legs so badly curled that they could not walk. Their only means of moving was crawling!

Red Beret Gel knew only Ton and Kal had the skill and power to heal the two boys. He grabbed another Red Beret Cadet, Los and they gently carried the boys into the Children's Clinic, mind calling for Ton and Kal.

Ton and Kal were appalled at what they saw and they knew it was going to take all their skill and all their power to help the two boys. They also called for Sol and Lars to assist them.

They had twelve Cadets and Turned Vampire Healers standing by, ready to join meld, they began by laying their hands upon the two boys. Ton was treating Bil and Kal was treating Set.

The swirling bands of energy lit up the room, the furniture began to vibrate and all Healers onboard were alerted of a tremendous energy draw.

Without asking, Sol and Lars entered meld and the energy flow became so intense, paint was bubbling on the metal bulkheads of the ship itself.

They called for more energy, healing was going too slow and they feared damage to the boys. The Cadets and Turned Vampire Healers joined meld and the screech of escaping energy could be heard on the other ships.

Healers and Great Healers rushed to the Children's Ward to offer assistance.

When, at last, they succeeded in killing the plague parasites and repairing the damage to the boy's bodies, Ton and Kal were drenched in sweat and had to be assisted in standing up.

As they collapsed the meld, a great cheer went up from all the Healers and Great Healers, their Cadets stood in awe at what they had witnessed. Never in the long history of their race, had two Human Hybrid Warriors wielded such enormous power.

The two Great Healers were being assisted into chairs when the two boys, Bil and Set, awoke from their healing trance.

They cried out, are you our Poppa?

Ton and Kal realized that the boys, twins, were orphans without parents. They looked at each other and both nodded.

Ton said to the boys, "Would you like us to be your Poppas?"

The twins both replied that they would, so it happened that Ton and Kal became the parents of two young English boys.

Little did they realize at that time what the future would hold.


The journeys of our Warrior Healers are not yet completed, nor are their tasks finished. The Great Healers have more service to The Races of Man before they are allowed to rest.