Dylian - Book One

Chapter One

I was working late again.  Well, as my staff would say I was just working.  I am a single 35 year old man who has worked very hard to get where he is.  Where is that you ask?  The Top!  There isn't anywhere to go from here except for down.  And that is where my mood has been heading.  I was at my desk looking over some reports when my second in command came into my office.

"Drew, man you have got to stop this!"  Miles said.

"Miles?  What are you doing here at this time?"  I was a little startled to say the least.

"The Night watchman called and said that you were still at your desk again.  I had told him to keep me posted on how late you had been staying.  Debbie and I are very worried about you.  I think you need to take some time off, go on a cruise or something.  You are driving the staff nuts and frankly pulling everybody down.  I know this company can withstand you taking some time off.  By the way, this is not a suggestion, if you don't take time off; the staff is ready to strike."

"Fine Miles!  I was thinking about that same thing earlier today.   I am taking a month off, but, I will remain in contact with you.  Now, if you wouldn't mind getting out of my hair, then I can finish what I was doing so that my desk is cleared and I can start my VACATION tomorrow.  I still have to figure out where I am going to go or just what I am going to."  I told Miles with mock anger.

"Ok, call me if you need anything."  He laughed.  And with that Miles left me.

I finished up what I was doing and left a long list of things for my assistant to take care of while I was gone and headed out.  I took the elevator down to the parking garage.  Normally I would come to work in the company Limo, but today I decided to drive my ole Bronco.  Seeing how I don't normally drive, I don't have an assigned parking place so I had parked way out right next to the trash dumpsters.  As I got near my truck I heard what I thought was a child crying.  I looked around my truck, nothing.  Then I looked inside the U shaped cinder block area that the dumpsters were kept in.  I checked inside the first two dumpsters and found nothing.  As I approached the third I saw a small pair of sneakers sticking out from behind the large green dumpster.  I stopped and held my breath.  What if the child is hurt?  What if the child is sick?  What if the Child runs?  The same answer came with each question.  I will make it right!

I stepped around the corner of the Dumpster and what I saw made me want to through up.  There was a small child, a boy, maybe no more then 8 or 9 years old.  He was very dirty and he had a lot of what looked like blood in his blond hair, and on the front of his shirt.

Carefully I knelt down and got his attention.  "Hi, my name is Drew.  It looks like you could use some help.  Would it be ok if I helped?"  I asked is as calm voice as I could muster.

"Why?"  Came a small timid voice.

Well, that wasn't the response I was expecting so I had to stop and think for a moment.  "Why?  Well, I guess that's a good question.  My best answer would be that I am here, and I am able, and willing to help you, and see if we can't find a solution to what ever problems lead you to hiding behind this trash dumpster.  Now, it's late, and I am hungry what about you?"  He gave a very small nod, but hadn't said anything else, so I continued.  "What say we go get you cleaned up, take a look at your head, and get some food?"

"Ok."  Was all the response I got.

I picked him up and carried him over to my Bronco.  He looked at the truck and then back at me like something was a little strange.  I asked him if he liked Pizza, and got that little nod, so I called the pizza place near my Condo and ordered a few.  Not knowing what the little one would like on his, and not wanting to push for too many answers right now.  When we got to the condo, I suggested he take a bath while we waited for the food.  Again I got that little nod.  "Do you need any help taking your bath?"  I asked with a lot of uncertainty.

"No, not really, but could you come in and wash my hair when I am ready?"  He asked looking at his feet.  I was kind of shocked that I got a full sentence seeing how up tell now it was only one word answers.

"Sure, just give me a shout.  How about you leave your clothes just outside the bathroom door, and I will get them washed and dried.  And while you are in the tub, I will see about finding something for you to wear."  And with that he was in the bathroom and started undressing before I even got the door shut.   I was starting to wonder what I had around that would fit this little guy, then it hit me, Donnie.  Donnie was the spoiled son of Miles and Debbie.  Why was he spoiled, well that would be MY fault.  But, Donnie did keep clothes here for when he stayed on the weekends.  The only problem would be that Donnie is almost 12 years old and much bigger then this little guy.  After looking around I was able to find an older pair of Donnie's PJ's that had a draw string and an old T-shirt.  I figured he could go with out undies for at least a few hours.  I went and gathered his old clothes and got them in the washing matching, when the bell rang.  I went and got the pizzas and popped them in the oven so that they would stay warm.  About that time I heard a small "Sir, I am ready now."  From the bathroom.

As I entered the bathroom, the first thing I was that he had already gotten his hair wet.  I had thought that he would keep his back to me, but he didn't, he did keep his hands in his lap the whole time.  When I tried to get him to turn around so that I could wash his back for him, he said loudly, "I DID that already!"  I knew I now had a problem.

"Ok, Ok.  I just thought that I would help you out.  But, you know Little One, I said I wanted to help you and find a solution to your problem.  I can't do that unless you are honest with me and tell me the truth.  OK?"  I hoped that I was getting through to him.  Slowly, very slowly he turned around in the tub.  When I saw the marks on his back I couldn't help but scream, "Oh, Mother of God!"

This reaction was the worst possible one there could have been.  The Little One jumped up and Dashed out of the bath room faster then I could believe.  He was acting like a caged animal not knowing which way to go.  I finally caught him and wrapped him in a huge soft towel and hugged him to me and just rocked back and forth.  I kept telling him it was Ok, that I was not upset with him, but about what had happened to him.  Finally he seamed to calm down a bit, and I was able to get him in to the PJ's that I had taken from Donnie's stash.

Once he was dressed, I stood him in front of me and looked into his eyes.  "OK, Little One.  You know that we are going to have to talk about what has happened to you, and why you were behind that dumpster, but I am only going to ask you one thing tonight, then we are going to eat, and go to bed.  Tomorrow we can talk all we want and figure out what we are going to do.  OK?"  I waited until I got a small nod.  "OK, here is my Big Question for tonight. Remember it's the only question that I am going to ask tonight.  You Ready?"  He got a very serious look on his face and in his beautiful blue eyes, then a small nod.

"What is your name?"  I asked.  There was nothing.  Not a sound.  Then all of a sudden he burst out laughing and giggling and squirming all over the place. 

"I thought you were going to ask me something hard, or to do something weird!"  He said while trying to calm down.  "My name is Dylian. Dylian Price.  I am 9 years old.  I ran away from my Foster Dad last week after he beat me again for something stupid.  I have been living off food out of the dumpsters where you found me.  I was doing good until earlier today, then I fell and hit my head, that's where all the blood came from.   I had just woke up when you found me.  I don't care where I live as long as I don't have to go back into a foster home.  I will run from any Foster home they try to put me in. and I will not stop surchin.  I don't care what happens to me, but…"   By this time he was sobbing his eyes out.  I picked him up and held him close to my chest and rocked him until he quieted down.

"Dylian, would it be ok if I became your Fos…Temporary Dad?"  I asked but before he could answer, "Wait, Dylian, what do you mean 'I will not stop surchin'?"  I asked with a little force in my voice.

"My big brother was sold, and I have been trying to find him."  Dylian said with a strait face. 

"What do you mean, "SOLD"?  Who SOLD him, and why?"  Now I was getting upset.  I was trying hard not to let it show to Dylian.

"My Old Foster Dad.  He found Simon and his friend doing stuff together.  He made Simon's friend leave then he beat Simon real bad.  Told him he was a slut and a whore and that he would get to be all that he was soon enough.  Later that night I heard him talking with someone and he said that it was a small price to pay for such a nice piece of boy pussy, and that when he was ready he would pay another $10,000.00 for me.  About a week later he came into my room and told me that I needed to start learning the 'Family Trade'.  When I fought back was when he beat me for the first time.  That's where the marks on my back came from.  I told my case worker and was told to stop making up stories.  The next night he tried again, and again I fought back, so I got beat again.  After that I didn't come home from school."  Dylian was not crying like I thought he would be, but he was just staring off in to space. 

"Dylian, I promise you I will find Simon.  I will make sure you and him are back together and safe!"  He just looked at me.  "Why don't you start eating I have some calls to make, OK?"  He nodded and started in on the Pepperoni pizza.

The first call I made was to Miles.  "Hello….?"  Miles answered sounding like I had woken the dead.

"Miles, this is Drew.  I am your Boss, I am your Friend.  I need your help Right NOW!  Will you please come over to the condo, bring Debbie, and Donnie.  As Soon As Possible!  This is an all out emergency of the highest importance!"  I didn't give him a chance to respond.  Before he could say anything I had hung up.  Debbie was a pediatrician, and I figured Donnie could help with Dylian, keep him company at least.

The next call was to my chief of security, Bruce.  He was an ex navy Seal who had a heart of gold and 5 kids.  I knew I could count on him.  Then I called my Lawyer and told him to get his but out of bed and get over to the condo as well, and that I didn't care how much it was going to cost me by making him miss a few hours of sleep.

About 30 min after the first call went out, people started to arrive.  First to arrive were Miles and Debbie followed by a very sleepy Donnie.

"Drew, what the hell is going on?"  Miles asked as soon as he rushed into the condo. 

"Miles, Debbie, thanks for coming.  Debbie I need to hire you, but I need you to hold off reporting anything at least for tonight.  Please?"  I took her and Donnie into the Kitchen where Dylian and the Pizza was.  Knowing Donnie as I do I knew Pizza would wake him up.  "Dylian, this is Debbie and her son Donnie.  Debbie is a friend of mine who is also a Doctor.  Would it be OK if she has a look at you to make sure that cut on your head is ok and your back?"  I asked him hoping he wouldn't get upset and try to bolt.

"Sure, if you think I should then I don't have a problem with it."  He said with a straight face.

Debbie looked over at me with questions in her eyes.  "Debbie, Donnie, This is Dylian.  Donnie, there is pizza in the oven keeping warm, please don't eat it all."  With that I was leaving the Kitchen when I saw Donnie stick his tongue out at me.  We all started laughing except for Dylian that is.

While Debbie was looking over Dylian, I headed back out into the Living room to talk with Miles and Bruce who had now shown up.  "OK, I know this is a little unusual, but trust me, it is important.  I need to go over a few things with you guys once Brian and Mark get here, Oh, Great there you two are.  Ok. So let's get started."  They all sat down in the living room.  I told them the whole story as I knew it and reinforced the fact that Dylian was to be treated as my son and they all should walk carefully around him about what is asked.  "Ok, so now how do we go about getting Simon back AS SOON AS POSSIBLE?  I don't want this kid out there any longer then possible."

Mark, one of my lawyers, said that he would start on CPS first thing in the morning seeing how the offices aren't open during the night.  Bruce said that they always have an Emergency person on duty 24/7 so call and get started NOW!  Mark jumped and got started making phone calls.  Bruce said that once the Former Foster Father was located, he would get a team together and pay him a visit, in the hopes of finding out who he sold Simon too.  I for one wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that meeting. 

Mark came back into the room looking distress, "Um, Drew…. Um how sure are you that there is a Simon?"  I looked at him for a while.

"After what I saw on that kids back, I don't think he would make up a big brother.  But, why do you ask?" 

"I spoke with 2 different CPS workers.  Both are aware of Dylian's run, but both claim according to his file he was an only child and they have no record of a missing Simon."  Mark Replied.  "Both are spitting nails about why am I asking about Dylian or this so called Simon.  I told them that Dylian was or had been seen by a client of mine and we were looking for him.  Also I asked for info on the Foster dad and was told that, that was privileged information and would not be given out to anyone.  Furthermore, they said that I would be being charged with obstructing Justice if "I didn't produce the kid ASAP" and they would be in front of a judge first thing tomorrow to make that happen."  Now I was pissed.

"Drew, I don't like the sound of this and feel we need to protect ourselves as well as that child.  I think we should play a little hardball.  In all of our government contracts, we put in the right to Ground any and all helicopters for eminence or whatever reason we felt needed for safety.  The Governor and his cabinet are about to do a bunch of flyovers to see the storm damage from last weekend.  It would be very embarrassing to him if he didn't have a helicopter to complete these flyovers and seeing how he has already announced that he is doing them, it could cause the pressure needed for us to get the foster father's name released.  Not to mention bring the attention of the Governor's office about this Selling of a child."  Miles said with a smile that made me worry.

"Better yet,"  I said picking up my phone.  I dialed the number and waited.  "Get me Tom, Yes this is Drew Thomas, now get him."  I waited seeing what would happen. 

"Drew, god man do you know what time it is?  I got a ton to get done tomorrow.  This had better be important."  Governor Tom Dailey said when coming online.

"Tom, I think it's important.  A couple of things are going to happen tomorrow.  First, in about 2 min. all DJ Enterprise Birds are going to be grounded for an indefinite amount of time, and yes I said ALL.  Second, I am going to call a press conference at 9 a.m. and inform our not so friendly Press that the STATE CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE is in fact selling kids into slavery.  And that you The Governor have done nothing to stop or prevent this."  Stopping to take a deep breath, "I just thought that you should have a little bit of a heads up seeing how we were once Family." 

"Damn it Drew, you know damn well that you are still family.  Your sister, god rest her soul, loved you right to the end.  But, what the hell are you talking about CPS selling kids?"  Tom asked, "And if I had been made aware of it and didn't correct it you know damn well that I will take my licks!"  Drew did know this.  I told him the story of Dylian, leaving out the fact that he was with me.  I told him a little lie that he ran, but I guess he did do that.

"Drew, I don't think that this is a state-wide problem, I am sure that it's just that one office.  I will get people working on things from my side RIGHT now.  Make sure that you keep that little boy safe, and tell him we can will get his big brother back."  And with that he hung up.

When I looked up I saw that Debbie and the boys were back in the room.  Both boys looked very tired.  I got up and went to them.  Kneeling down in front of Dylian, I spoke very quietly, "Dylian, all these guys are here to get Simon back.  We have been working on it while you were with Dr. Debbie.  But, not much is going to happen tonight, so I think you should get some sleep.  Donnie, why don't you take Dylian to your room and you too can get in bed.  Your mom and I will be right there."

"OK, Unk.  Come on Dylian, my room is this way."  With that they headed down the hall.

I looked over at Debbie, "Okay, tell me how bad it is."

"Drew, that boy has been abused badly.  The scars on his back are just part of it.  He has scars on his scrotum from what looks like cigarette burns, as well as scars on the back of his legs and bottom.  The cut on his forehead is small and not of importance.  Cuts like that usually bleed a lot.  I am worried about some of the scars on his back; they are somewhat hard, sometimes that is a sign that there are more problems then we can see on the surface.  I would like for him to be seen by a plastic Surgeon sometime soon.  Now, for the big problem, I am a Mandated Reporter.  I have to report this abuse."  Debbie told me with a sad look in her eyes.

"Well, that's a problem about Reporting the abuse.  The abuser is who you would report it to."  I told her.

"You mean to tell me that the state is responsible for that child's abuse?"  She demanded.

"Yes."  I said.

"Then reporting it would put the child at greater risk, I have to not report this, but I have to, Damn it Drew!"  With that she stormed off and went to my bed room.  Knowing that would be where she and Miles would sleep tonight, me on the couch.

The rest of us sat around drinking coffee talking about what would be coming up and trying to make plans without having all the info that we would need.  About an hour after Debbie stormed off to bed, I got a phone call.

"Drew, its Tom.  The Foster Father's name is John Nesco.  Address is 144 south 10th street.  Madison.  I don't want to know what happens from here, but I do want to be kept in the loop.  Drew I did this as your Brother-in-law, Not the Governor."  Then just hung up.

I jotted down the address and name and then handed them over to Bruce.  "Bruce, do what you do.  What ever you need you, get!  I want this boy!"  I told Bruce as he was getting up to leave.

Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas