The Future Awaits

Chapter Twenty~Five

Tor's still at the institute, but I had a very short lab period, so I'm home when the guys get in about two Friday afternoon. Lucas is a little taller than Stephan, with a muscular build much like Mike's. His hair is dark like Stephan's, making them surprisingly similar in looks.

Stephan looks at him adoringly when he introduces me, saying, "Lucas plays forward on the soccer team. He's a senior English major."

"Welcome, Lucas. Make yourself at home like Stephan does; we don't have company around here."

"Thanks, sir. Please call me Luc."

Tor and Mike come home a few minutes later. Mike looks at Lucas unbelievingly. "You ... you're Luc Wade, aren't you?"

Lucas smiles. "In the flesh."

"I'm not believing this! What you doing here, Luc?"

"Tommy invited Stephan and me. You've got to be Mike. Tommy told me you're good at soccer. How come you didn't try out for the team?"

"Don't have time; too busy with classes."

"Think we can get up a game while I'm here?"

"Sure. Tommy can play some, and I'll round up some of the guys I played with in high school and see if they want to play tomorrow."

"Great. I want to teach Stephan. If Tommy can play, so can he."

"Get your stuff and let's hit the beach. You don't mind eating late, do you, dad?" Mike asks.

"Go ahead. I haven't even started dinner yet."

After the boys have taken off, Tor helps me put together a big pan of lasagna. That and a salad, with some garlic bread should be enough. I've plenty of ice cream in the freezer, and some toppings, so the boys can make do with that for dessert.

It's seven-thirty by the time they've had showers and come down to eat. Dinner disappears fast, so it's not until the boys have made themselves banana splits, with a lot of side comments, that they do much talking.

Mike can't contain his curiosity any longer. "Hey, Luc, how'd you and Stephan get to know each other?"

When Luc doesn't answer immediately, Stephan says, "Because of your dad."

Mike's mouth drops open. "Hunh?"

"I'm gay, Mike, so's Luc. We wouldn't have met if your dad hadn't told me about a website for gay students. I got on it and read some of the personals. I liked what Luc said in his, so we exchanged a few notes. Man, I almost fell out of my chair when he told me he was at the U. We got together and liked each other, so it went from there. It's sure nice of your dads to ask Luc, cause I wouldn't have come without him. Oh, yeah, neither one of us is out, so keep it under your hat, okay?"

Mike just shakes his head. "I'm not believing this. I wouldn't of ever guessed, specially about you, Luc."

"Let's keep it that way, guy. I love Stephan, but we don't need none of the hassle. That's why we don't go to gay students meetings."

"I got no problem with it. Tor and Drew are gay, so I've got some idea what it's like."

Luc stares at Tor and me looking thunderstruck. "You ... you're gay?" He finally manages to gasp out.

Tor nods. "Drew and I have been lovers since we were in high school, so you and Stephan don't need to hide your feelings around us."

"Damn, Stephan. Why didn't you tell me?"

"They told me in confidence. I thought they should tell you if they wanted you to know."

"No wonder you told me I'd have a good time here." Luc looks at me. "Now I can really relax, sir."

"That's what we want you to do. Like I told you, we don't have company."

Gay or not, the guys all have something in common with each other, so the weekend is filled with joking, teasing, and laughter. They are all ready to pitch in and help, so it's very little extra work for Tor and me, but the groceries disappear like magic. I have to drag Tor to the market with me again on Saturday afternoon.

After Tommy, Stephan, and Luc leave for school, Tor takes off his hook and rubs his stump. "I'm too damned old to keep up with you kids, Mike."

"Bull! You've just turned thirty."

Tor pulls himself up full height, so I know he's ready to tease Mike about something. "Kids don't address a full professor in such a manner."

"Kid?" Mike launches himself at Tor and they wrestle around on the carpet.

Tor finally manages to pin Mike down, then grins. "I can still take you, kid, even with one arm."

"Damn! You're in pretty good shape for an old guy."

"Old?" Tor swats him on the behind.

"You said it, not me. Hit me again and I'll yell child abuse."

"You would, too."

"Damn right, old man. Let's get a beer."

Stephan and Luc come home with Tommy for two more weekends. As they are leaving after the second, all three of them tell me they're staying on campus the following weekend to study for exams. When Tommy comes home for the three-week break before fall semester starts, he calls Mike up to their room. A few minutes later they come down all smiles.

"Guess what, dad? Luc got us all into a four-man suite in the new dorm." Tommy says.

"I thought he was graduating."

"He has a couple more classes to take before he graduates, so he's still eligible to play soccer."

"Are you and Mike sure you want this? I know you want to room together, but do you want to share space with two others?"

"Sure," Mike says. "Tommy knows Stephan after rooming with him all summer, and I like him and Luc. We're cool with this."

"It's your decision, guys. I don't want you lending your car to them because the insurance only covers you and Tommy."

"That's no problem. They both have cars."

"Okay, then. You guys have fun, but I'd better not see your grades drop."

"They won't. Besides, I'm going to be in and out of here working on the research boat. That's why I'm glad we're sharing a suite, Tommy won't be with strangers."

"I'm glad you've given thought to this, Mike. I'd forgotten you would be making those trips this semester. Guess I'll have to keep your bed made up."

"You gotta keep a lot of food around, too. You know how much this fat Anglo eats."

"Stuff it, you scrawny redskin."

Tommy grins. "Not me. You're the one always stuffing his gut." He strikes a body-builder pose. "Indian stay in good shape, not get fat."

Mike grabs him and lifts him clear of the floor. "Who's fat an' outta shape? I can still take you any day of the week."

"More Anglo aggression! Us poor Indians never get a fair shake."

"You want a fair shake?" Mike shakes Tommy a couple of times before setting him back down and hugging him. "Let's hit the beach."