Elvis and Mika: A Christmas Story ~ SS

Elvis and Mika: A Christmas Story ~ SS

The run up to Christmas 2017 was difficult for Elvis, (no not that Elvis, This Elvis is an elf) and his lifelong partner Mika, also an elf. Elvis was 92 and Mika was 86. they had known each other for 70 years now.

Both were based at the North pole where all the toys are kept and all the letters get sent from children. Santa and the other staff lived in Lapland along with a huge staff of junior elves, gnomes and fairies.

Elvis and Mika were in charge of reading all the letters from the worlds children. Sometimes a letter arrived that needed special attention. Mika showed Elvis the letter he was concerned about and Elvis read it out loud.

"Dear Santa,

Date 27th September 2017

my name is Timothy, I am twelve years old and I live in Brighton on the south coast of England.

Earlier this year my Mum and Dad died when a wave washed them into the sea. I was left and orphan as they didn't have any family to take me in.

I was sent to a children's home where I was bullied and made to do things to other big boys that I hated so I ran away. I now live by my wits from day to day and survive fairly well. It will soon be winter again and what I really want is a real family to make me warm and happy. I hope you can Help. Love, Timothy."

Elvis teared up as he read the letter. "Mika, we must do something for this boy. Remember when we were boys and Santa rescued us from that horrible place we were at.

"Start up the boy finder and let us take a look."

Mika went to the old machine that looked like a telescope but was subtly different. He turned it on and typed in Timothy, Brighton. Slowly the screen filled with the picture of a young boy sitting in an alcove on the pier. He looked a bit sad but seemed to have a smile for the people passing by. Elvis saw the boy was without a jacket and quickly cast a spell that had an old lady hand a toasty warm jacket to the boy.

The elves heard the boy say 'thank you' and slip the jacket on. Straight away the smile got bigger.

"Oh Elvis." Mika said. "We must try and do something for him. What do we know?"

"Last Christmas he asked for a Book for his friend George, nothing for himself. His parents were washed off the sea wall in March this year and he was indeed orphaned. He went into foster care but he ran away as the foster parents used him like a free servant. He then went into a children's home where nobody cared what happened to him and he was bullied and, as his letter said he was bullied and forced to do things to older boys. No wonder he ran away again. He has existed by begging on the pier for a long time. The staff all ignore him being there, pass him food from time to time and let him live as freely as he can. Ah! There's a report here from a fairy that he often cries himself to sleep and wakes in fear at the slightest noise. Four weeks ago, just by chance his friend George saw him on the pier but he was with his parents. Hang on, I just remember, He wrote a letter also. Now where is it?"

"I remember that letter now. All it said was, 'My friend Timothy needs help,' surrounded by what looked like tear drops."

"Ah, yes here it is. Exactly as you said Mika. that is definitely tear drops on the letter."

"Mika, phone Santa. I have an idea. You remember John and Graham the two men who were due to adopt Simon the boy with leukaemia?"

As he reached for the phone Mika remembered very vividly that case. Simon was to be adopted by John and Graham but sadly the leukaemia won and Simon died before the adoption could be finalised. Both men were devastated and had been in mourning now for seven months.

"Yes I remember them very well Elvis. So sad. Are you thinking what I am thinking you wicked old elf you?"

Indeed I am and I am thinking Santa will be right behind us. A bit of magic here and a bit of fairy dust there and voila, both problems solved."

Santa came to the phone and when all was related to him he told the elves that He would send fairy Edna to help and although she was old she was also very wise. He also told them how proud he was of them for deciding to help Timothy as he remembered the boy's selfless request for a book for a friend last Christmas.

Elvis put the phone down just as a flash of light announce the arrival of Edna.

"Hello boys," she said. She still called them boys after all the years they had known each other.

"Santa told me the problem so I will get off to Brighton to set things in motion. I'll be in touch," and in another flash she was gone.

The elves were never surprised by Edna's short explosive visits as they turned to each other and said in a chuckle. "Bye, Edna."

In Brighton, Shirley White the children's homing officer for Brighton suddenly stopped in her tracks on the way to the office. Some sudden thought entered her head about the upsetting adoption of Simon to Graham and John. She wondered how they were and decided to call them later.

On the Palace pier Timothy was setting up for the day when Charlie from the cafe came out and greeted Timothy good morning.

"Here's some of yesterdays rolls Timothy, they are still pretty fresh, enjoy."

"Thanks Charlie, you're a lifesaver, getting colder isn't it. A lady gave me a warm coat yesterday and I am much warmer than I was."

"That's good son. Well, gotta get back to work. See you later. Have a good day sunshine."

"OK Charlie and thanks again."

With that Charlie was gone.

Timothy suddenly got a tingly feeling as two men walked by and dropped a £5 note into his bowl. One of the men smiled and then stared at Timothy mouth agape and then walked on talking animatedly with the other man. They both turned and looked again at Timothy. Timothy was certain he saw tears in one of the men's eyes. Then they walked on hand in hand. Timothy didn't think that strange as having lived in Brighton all his life he knew of many gay men and women who lived there. He saw them every day. Yet somehow those two men seemed different somehow, sad, it seemed to him. Far from 'gay'. He watched them as they headed to the pier entrance and saw they both looked back again.

He thought no more of it and decided to take the five pound note and go and get some chips off the stall at the entrance to the pier. He just left his stuff as nobody would touch it.

Shirley got back from lunch to see an addition to her pile of files. Certain it wasn't there when she went to lunch. She picked it up and looked at the cover. 'Timothy Markham'. She opened the file and read it through.

It read like war and peace. All sorts of people had written there comments, yet with all the writing, there was no definitive answer, The boy was missing since April when he ran away from one of the children's shelters. She thought, 'What a system, how can children be put through all this horror.'

Suddenly a flash of bright light filled the room and went just as suddenly.

There on the top of the page was a photo of a boy on the pier. Checking it against the photo on the file it matched that of Timothy. 'Good old Edna.'

She closed the file and armed with the photo dashed out to her car and drove down to the sea front. Fortunately in her job she could park anywhere, unlike the visitors to the city, who were robbed blind by the Council.

She parked her car and wandered onto the pier. It took her a while to spot Timothy who was enjoying the last of his chips. She stood and observed the boy for a full five minutes until,at last she walked up to where he sat and knelt down.

"Hello Timothy. My name is Shirley. Can I talk to you please?"

"Yes, sure, lots of people talk to me Miss. Are you lost?"

Shirley quickly made a decision to tell Timothy all.

"Timothy, I work for the council, Not for children's homes I work for child adoption. For some strange reason I don't know how I was led here to you. Do you think you can trust me?"

"I don't know Miss, when my parents died I trusted the council social workers and they screwed me."

Shirley smiled at the description Timothy used of 'screwed' knowing full well that was exactly what had happened.

"Timothy, I don't 'screw' people, I look after them and try and find them really happy homes."

Timothy smiled at the use of his own term thrown back at him as Shirley continued.

Here is my badge of office Timothy and I would like you to come home with me so that I can set the ball rolling. I promise you will be safe and that social workers will not be told you are with me until I have found you somewhere nice to live. By then they will be made ashamed of how you have been treated."

"I'd like to Miss but how do I know you're not like the rest of them?"

Shirley smiled and said, "Pinkies?" and held up here little finger.

"Pinkies". Answered Andrew and joined his little finger with Shirley's.

"Collect what you need Timothy and we'll go to my car."

"Nothing I want here Miss unless I'm going to sleep in a shed."

"I can do better than that for you Timothy. I have three spare bedrooms and you can take your pick."

"Cor, three extra bedrooms Miss. Haven't you got a family?"

"I have Timothy but they are all grown up and live a long way away. They both moved to Australia a long time ago. I am an old lady now. Now if you follow me Timothy, or is it TIM?"

"Timothy, Miss, it is what my parents named me so I am keeping it in full."

"Good for you, come on then young man, lets get going."

Graham and John always had supper at the 'Regency' on the sea front every Friday night. Fish and chips plus a pea fritter, the best in the city.

They arrived at their normal time of seven pm and went to their normal table.

As they say down June the waitress cheerful voice said.

"Evening Graham and John, How are you both."

they both disguise how they really felt and said almost together.

"Fine thanks June. How about you?"

"Her indoors was throwing a bit of a strop with me working tonight but she'll get over it. Now, will it be your usual?"

"Yes please June." replied John.

Picking up his napkin he commented.

"New napkins June?"

"Well, strange thing. They weren't there lunchtime but they were when I got in this evening. Appeared as if by magic. Got a picture of a missing boy on them."

John and Graham opened the napkins and both gasped as they saw the picture and as one said,

"The boy on the pier?"

"Look there's a phone number." said John.

"Hang on, I know that number, it's Shirley's home number. Quick, give me your phone and I will call her."

Graham handed the phone over and John Dialled the number already on the phone. After a few seconds Shirley replied.

"Hello. Shirley Edwards."

"Shirley, It is John and Graham. We are at the Regency for our usual Friday fill and we have a napkin with a picture of a missing boy with your number. A Timothy Markham, We saw him on the pier this morning."

"John, I haven't eaten I will be over there in 20 Minutes, can you wait to eat. I might just have a surprise."

"Sure, we can do that Shirley. I'll stop June ordering."

"OK, won't be too long." and stopped the call.

"Well, that was strange Graham, She's coming over here. Said she might have a surprise."

Then he called June to defer their meal but would have coffee for the time being.

"Fancy us seeing that boy this morning and how much like Simon he looked. I didn't even get to tell Shirley we had seen him in the pier. I guess we can tell her when she gets here."

Graham took the napkin from his lap ad noticed it was now blank white, nothing on it.

"John, the picture has gone, look."

John lifted his and exclaimed.

"So it has, how strange is that, weird to say the least."

They sat and chatted a while about the boy and the napkins.

Back at Shirley's home she had called Timothy.

"Yes auntie." He replied. Auntie being the name they both agree on rather than Miss all the time.

"Get ready we are going out to eat, Fish and chips on the seafront"

"Cor, really, I love fish and chips, My mum used to get the every Friday night for our evening meal. I don't half miss them." and with a quick flourish he had his coat on ready to go.

Shirley hoped all would go as she hoped it might, got her car keys and followed Timothy our of the door.

Graham and John had just finished their coffee when they noticed Shirley by the front door. Shirley saw them and waved hello.

John was first to notice the boy with Shirley and nudged Graham so hard he nearly fell off the chair.

"Graham, it's him, the boy on the pier."

Graham looked hard and then said.

"So it is. They must have found him."

As Shirley and Timothy approached the table Timothy recognised both the men as the ones he had seen that morning. What a coincidence and as he reached the table he said, "I saw you two gents on the pier this morning, you gave me a fiver. I watched you after, you both looked so sad."

"Yes Timothy, that was us, we remember you too. You look a lot better now though."

"Oh, aunty Shirley let me have a good shower and some clean clothes she had. I feel much better, are you better now?"

"Graham spoke. "Yes we are Timothy, thank you."

It was Shirley's turn to speak.

I found a file about Timothy this lunchtime and very mysteriously I was led to where he was on the pier. He is now staying with me, safe away from harm. Now can we eat and talk. I am starving."

"Everyone laughed and a re order was made with June. Cod, chips and pea fritter for four.

Graham and John made a big fuss over Timothy and he was really enjoying their company. Shirley seeing this decided to be crafty and made an excuse she had to dash off for half an hour to see someone, She suggested Timothy stay there and she would call back for him later.

It was an hour later in fact when Shirley returned. It seemed as if she had not been away. Graham Timothy and John were laughing and joking around, charming all the close by customers with their banter.

"I see you are all getting along without me boys." She said. "Shall I go away again?"

By Now it was close to 10pm and Timothy said, "feel tired aunty but I don't want to go, I am having the most fun I have had for a long time."

"Well, perhaps we could visit Graham and John at their home tomorrow Timothy. That is if you all want to?"

"What a great Idea Shirley. Come for lunch at 12 o'clock." Graham said very quickly.

"Oh aunty, can we, I'll help you clean up first?"

Shirley saw the happiness and knew she had made the right choice for Timothy and her old friends.

"Yes, let's do that. 12 o'clock on the dot Boys."

The next day on the first of many trips to the home of Graham and John by Timothy and Shirley. It was on December 21st that Timothy moved in with his new foster parents. Three happier 'boys' would be difficult to find.

At the North Pole three people jumped for joy.

Mika, Elvis and Edna had worked their magic as they always did.

The next day Mika showed Elvis another letter, again from Timothy.

Elvis read it.

'Dear Father Christmas. Jesus took my mum and dad to heaven but you found me two dads. Thank you. I don't want anything for Christmas myself. I am going to ask for something.

Can you please help all the homeless people to get respected and helped by all those people who are supposed to help them. One of the men I met was in the Royal Marines for 10 years and ended up very ill with something called PTSD. Nobody helped him and he jumped off a cliff near Eastbourne and died. All those years he fought for his country, yet nobody helped him.

Thank You


"Oh Mika, so many people need so much help."

Still We managed to help Timothy. Back to work.

Christmas 2018.

Elvis. Mika shouted. Another letter from Timothy. He read it out for Elvis who's eyes were fading a little, well he was 93 now.

'Dear Santa.

I have had a wonderful year. Thank you for giving me the strength to succeed in collecting all that money for the homeless. This year all the churches in Brighton are running shelters for all the homeless people in the City. Our next objective is to raise enough money for a brand new hostel for the homeless to stay safe at night.

Graham and John have helped me a lot and I swear I saw a fairy in the shopping centre a few times when we were collecting money.

I love my two dads and I don't mind not having a mum.

We still go every Friday night for fish and chips.

I am doing well in school. It is called Brighton Grammar School.

I must go now, It is time to see Shirley.

OH! nearly forgot. Graham and John will become my real parents in February when they legally adopt me.

Bye till next year.



The End, for now.

With love from Sam