High Seas Series : The Mary Joyce

Book Nine

The Mary Joyce JPG

From Book 8

They were a bizarre group, standing at the rail of the Mary Joyce, waving goodbye to the kind sailors who had helped them. One of the sailors had taken a picture of them all standing at the rail of the Mary Joyce and sent it to his Mother in Honolulu. The picture got there before the Mary Joyce and made the front page of the Honolulu Chronicle, in full color! Min Tangimora had to hire more security, every newspaper reporter, it seemed, in the Western World was trying to get the first picture of the Mary Joyce as she came into Nawiliwili Harbor and the O'Toole Family private dock! Diplomatic staffs from a dozen Asian countries were frantically trying to identify the children and claim them. The Mary Joyce came sailing into Nawiliwili Harbor, Wil was draining the compressed air tank, blowing the ship's horn! Hundreds of automobiles were parked, so that their occupants could watch the ship enter port, they all returned with their own horns blaring in greeting. Parents of children who had disappeared had arrived and lined the fence as the children stepped from the ship to solid land. Sadly only a few children were claimed by a parent.


School opened and Jowto settled into his routine, now that he had graduated from High School, he could spend full time perfecting his performance for the Christmas Performance at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu.

Dr. Gibbons was making progress with little WangLi, although, the good Doctor was more than just a little frightened of the boy's command of spacial concepts. He was demonstrating a working knowledge of spherical geometry that no child should be able to conceive of, let alone, demonstrate an application!

Trong was plowing his way through his senior year at High School and working on a surprise for his Jow, he was rewriting the words to Jowto's "Happy Boy Song", he was making it a "How Much I Love You" song. He planned on presenting it to Jow just before his Christmas Presentation at the Shell. He could not sing it himself, both he and their son, Li, had singing voices like bullfrogs!

In the middle of all the madness, Captain Pete Bullard called, suggesting they make a last sweep of the Gulf of Alaska. Wil told him, sadly, "No Can Do, Buddy, we are still patching holes in the Mary Joyce from the last trip we made up there and the Wilson O'Toole, that MSC you guys got us, is not out of the shipyard yet."

Pete replied, "Well, I was just thinking the slavers might try one more load, before winter sets in, but, we have no intelligence telling us that might be true. By the way, when does that little boy of yours sing at the Waikiki Shell?"

Wil laughed and replied, "That little boy is a Papa now, he and his partner, Trong Robbins, adopted that small child we brought home with us, WangLi. Li is turning out to be a child prodigy and he has been befuddling his instructor, who is a PhD math professor! The poor man comes crying on my shoulder nearly every evening telling me that Li knows more than he does!"

Pete was having a hard time not to laugh, "Well, that's the next generation, us "old Foggies" are getting left behind!"

Time was slipping by and, all of a sudden, it was Thanksgiving. Mrs. Tangimora fixed Thanksgiving dinner for all of them, in two cultures. She cooked two turkeys, with all the trimmings and a full course Japanese supper.

After supper, Trong presented Jowto with his new words for the Happy Boy Song. Jowto read them twice and then burst out in song. Everyone was stunned, they sat there with their mouths hanging open and staring at Jowto and Trong. They all wondered how Trong had been able to write the song in High Mandarin!

Trong was getting worried that, maybe he had made a mistake, but, as he looked around the room, everyone was smiling. Suddenly, everyone began talking at the same time and shouting to the two young men that their song was wonderful!

Trong wrapped his arms around Jowto and said, "This is the man I love, I loved him yesterday and I will love him tomorrow, I will love him beyond the day I die, to be separated from him turns my day cloudy because he is my sunshine, HE IS MY LIFE!"

Li ran to his Papas as he snuggled in between the two young men and shouted, "ME TOO!"

Wil got to thinking, "In a little less than a year, Jowto is going away to the Julliard, what are we going to do with Trong and Li?"

Later, when he discussed it with Oscar, Oscar reminded him that the Julliard Course was four years and the Federal Maritime Academy was also in New York, out at King's Point, and it, also was four years. He added, "We could send Dr. Gibbons with them and he could tutor Li, while Jowto is in classes. Trong will be in residence at King's Point, but maybe we could get Captain Bullard to pull some strings to get them to relax the no married rule."

Wil replied, "Its worth a try, tomorrow, lets us talk with the good Captain."

The added population at O'Toole House was slowly trickling away as parents of the enslaved children were located. The girls were the most difficult, most of their parents considered them "damaged goods" and didn't want them back. They tried contacting local civic groups and they were helping, by Christmas, they were down to three girls and six boys.

Andrew had taken it on himself to be spokesman for the children and he was guest speaker throughout the Hawaiian Islands and the west coast of the mainland drumming up homes for the children.

He was turning out to be a passionate speaker and he could work the crowd into tears for the children nobody wanted! Those he could not convince to take in a child, he milked them for donations. Money started flowing in, many in envelopes simply addressed as "LOST CHILDREN - Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii"!

Andrew made a number of trips to Honolulu, bringing home whole crates of girls dresses, boys jeans and shoes numbered in the hundreds of pairs!

Now, more than ever before, he knew what he wanted to do in his life, he had a goal! A mission in his life to be fulfilled!

Wil and Oscar had put their lawyers to work and the courts awarded Andrew his Mother's estate and all his stepfather's wealth. The man was now a permanent cripple and he received six life sentences, without parole, for his slaving activities that resulted in the deaths of six children.

More charges were pending, the sun would go dim before he would ever have even a hope of getting released from prison! Besides, there were several Asian Countries laying claim to his carcass, there was absolutely no hope of him ever seeing freedom again!

Andrew wanted to finish his degree and he elected to go to the University of Hawaii, he had found a home at O'Toole House. His drive put him at the top of his class, his fierce desire frightened many of his instructors, but those who knew about the O'Tooles and what they did, helped him in every way they could. Andrew would finish his degree in two more years instead of the usual four total years. He already had completed his Freshman year before all his "adventures" began.

As Christmas approached everyone made ready for Madam LoChi's performance in Honolulu. The evening of the performance at the Waikiki Shell, Jowto was as nervous as a cat at a dog fight, he fidgeted and jumped at every sound.

They purposely had not gone over to Honolulu the day before, they were having demonstrations against the military, it was drawing hippies and part-time college students from all over the United States. It was so bad, the Navy, Air Force and the Army had to restrict their men to the base, just to protect them.

Roving gangs of student hoodlums had already beaten one Navy Sailor to death, the sad thing was, he was a Hospital Corpsman, trained to save lives, not take them!

Jowto and Trong had made a few changes to the How Much I Love You Song and every time Jowto sang it, everyone in the house grabbed a few wipes, to soak up their own tears! They planned to present the song at that night's performance.

Rather than fight their way through the Airport in Honolulu, they crowded everyone aboard the Wilson O'Toole for its first voyage. The changes they had made to the former mine sweeper made all the difference, even Mrs. Tangimora was impressed.

They had painted the ship in the blue and white colors, the same as the Mary Joyce, and the stack was painted bright red. The ship made a colorful entrance to the Honolulu Yacht Harbor and there was a bus waiting for them to take them out to the Shell.

The protestors didn't seem to be around the Yacht Harbor nor anywhere near the Shell, so they figured the boys and the three girls still with them, were safe enough. Besides, Andrew was guarding them like a hawk and he had slipped a sawed off baseball bat in his side pocket! Firearms were illegal in Hawaii, otherwise, he would have been loaded for bear!

In the few months he had been with them, Andrew had filled out and matured, both mentally and physically. He had been exercising with Min's Security men each morning, his shoulders had broadened and hard muscles stood out on his shoulders and arms.

He, like the rest of the boys, was wearing dress shorts and his legs looked like young tree trunks! He would never be as tall as some young men, but he was determined that nobody was going to push him around again, EVER!

They got seated on the seats that had been set up on the grass in front of the shell. Wil looked around and discovered that Trong was missing!

He started to get up to go look for him and Andrew put his hand on Wil's arm, saying, "It's OK, Pop, Trong is where he is supposed to be, don't worry, you will see."

Wil looked at the young man and said, "POP?"

Andrew grinned and replied, "Yeah, POP, you are a better father to me than my birth father ever was and a damned sight better than that monster who called himself my stepfather. Will you be my Dad?"

Wil hugged the young man and said, "You are of age now, I guess you can choose anyone you want to be your Father. Yes, I will be proud to be your Dad!"

Andrew threw his arms around Wil and hugged him until the music began to play for the performance.

Madam LoChi walked out, holding a remote microphone in her hand, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a wonderful treat for you tonight, our soloist is Mr. Jowto Wilson O'Toole from Kauai. Mr. O'Toole will be introduced by his partner, Mr. Trong Oscar Robbins. These two young men have been instrumental in helping their family rescue boys and girls from a life of slavery, all over the Pacific Basin, just as they were rescued by their own fathers. Without further talking, I introduce to you the Master of Ceremonies for tonight's performance, Mr. Trong Oscar Robbins!"

Both Wil and Oscar were gobsmacked, they had no idea this was what the two young men had been planning!

Trong walked out on the stage and bowed to Madam LoChi and then to the audience. He had taken the mic from Madam LoChi and he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we begin this evening's entertainment with an original composition based on an old Chinese Children's song, I am sure many of you will recognize its origin. Here is Jowto and "HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU"

Jowto started singing as he strode from behind the screen and, before he had finished the song, the audience was standing and clapping, most were wiping the tears from their eyes! More than a few had to sit down, weeping at the beautiful song being sung in a voice fit only for the Angels of Heaven.

Trong stepped beside Jowto and announced, "Boys and Girls, come up to the space in front of the stage and let's have some Christmas Carols before we see the rest of the program!"

Jowto led them through several Christmas Carols and got the children all excited, "OK, Guys, go back now to your folks and watch the Hawaiian version of that old, old story, THE NUT CRACKER!

Jowto sang the lead in the production and they "brought down the house". The audience loved it and the applause went on for more than fifteen minutes!

Trong took the mic from Jowto and announced, "To complete our program for tonight, Jowto will play the part of Father Christmas and we shall hear the story we all know, 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS"

Jowto did not make a very convincing Santa Claus, until he began singing the part! The children were delighted and their parents could not believe that beautiful sound that was coming from a teenaged boy! He thundered out his "Ho, Ho, Ho's" and then made a low bow to the audience as the stage lights were turned out.

In the darkness, they heard the words to Silent Night coming out of the stage speakers, starting softly and quiet, gaining in volume until Jowto was belting the traditional Christmas song out for all to hear!

The lights came up with Trong and Jowto on the stage, holding hands. Trong announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, my partner, Jowto O'Toole, and I wish you all a very *MELE KALIKI MAKA AND WISH YOU ALL THE VERY BEST NEW YEAR!"(* Hawaiian for Merry Christmas)

Jowto and Trong came down and mingled with the crowd, they were asked by many of their fellow teens if they really were partners, Trong said to all of them, "Yes, we are Life Partners and we have a young son, WangLi. He is here tonight, standing over there with his Grandfathers." He was pointing to where Wil and Oscar were seated, holding Wang Li on their lap.

They spent the night on the Wilson O'Toole, tied up at the Yacht Harbor. The next morning, Trong went over to the Harbor Master's Office, where there was a newspaper stand. He purchased the morning newspaper and the headlines were, "KAUAI COUPLE WOW THE AUDIENCE AT THE WAIKIKI SHELL"

As he was walking back to the ship, he heard a voice behind him, "Mr. Robbins, sir, please help me!" Trong's hair stood up on end, he turned and there was a teen boy, his face had been pounded to a pulp and he could see that several teeth were missing!

Trong knelt down beside the boy and asked, "Who did this to you?"

The boy replied, his swollen lips trying to form the words, "MmMmmMy Ffffatther ttthhhhrew mmme out this mmmmorning, ssssir"

Trong saw Jowto standing on the deck of the Wilson O'Toole and he screamed for Jow to come quick!

Andrew heard the commotion and followed Jowto off the ship and both young men ran up the pier to where Trong was holding, a young boy tightly, his arms wrapped around the boy protectively.

Trong whispered to the boy, "Do not be frightened, that is my Life Partner and our friend, Andrew. They will help us."

The youngster was shivering in pain and fright, the cuts on his face began bleeding again and Trong saw that the back of his shirt was sticky from dried blood. Trong picked the boy up and cradled him in his arms, Jowto grabbed the newspaper and Andrew helped Trong carry the boy back to the ship.

Wil took one look and he called for Oscar, "This boy needs the emergency room, RIGHT NOW!"

All they had was the bus, so Oscar said he would stay with the kids on the ship and Trong, Andy, Wil and Jowto headed to Queen's Hospital Emergency Room as fast as one can drive a school bus!

When asked who was going to pay for treatment, Wil slapped five one hundred dollar bills on the desk and told the nurse to call the ER Service Doctor NOW!

Before it was all over, Honolulu PD had been called and Wanda Terrence, the CPS Associate Director had been called by Wil. He and Wanda had worked together before and she knew what Wil and his family did. The first thing she did was sign temporary custody papers for Philip Eisenstein to be under the custody of Wilson O'Toole and an arrest warrant for the arrest of Roger Eisenstein for Child Abuse, Child Endangerment and Criminal Neglect of a Minor.

She said to Wil, "That will do for a start, that creep is gonna go down!"

The ER Doctor came out to speak to Wil and Andy stepped forward and said, "I will be caring for Phillip, how badly has he been injured?"

Wil smiled and shook his head in a "yes" to the Doctor.

The Doctor first introduced himself, "I am Samuel Tender, I usually answer to just Sam. The child has a broken collarbone, a dislocated jaw, is missing six teeth and has a mild concussion. I am concerned about his kidneys, he has been brutally beaten. I want to keep him a couple of days, just to make sure we haven't missed anything. If everything looks OK, you can probably take him home next Thursday."

The Doctor looked around at the group of young men standing there and said, "Say, aren't you the singer and the MC from the show at the Shell last night?"

Jowto and Trong blushed and told him that he was correct.

He turned to Wil and said, "And you are Captain O'Toole of the Mary Joyce! My younger Brother is a Coast Guard Patrol Plane Pilot, he was the one that followed you in after you rescued all those children from that slave ship!"

He called to the nurse, "Helen, do you know who these folks are?" The nurse came over and the Doctor introduced her as his wife. He said to the boys, "We saw your show last night and loved it, Mr. O'Toole, your voice was marvelous and the song you sang, "How Much I Love You", brought us both to tears!"

Jowto replied, "My Life Partner, Trong Oscar Robbins wrote the words and put them to an ancient Chinese happiness song."

Doctor Sam asked, "You guys are together, then?"

Trong replied, "Yep, is that a problem?"

The nurse, Mrs. Tender, replied, "Heavens no, Sam's younger brother, the pilot, is in a relationship with his partner, Tommie Garcia. They are a wonderful pair, we love them greatly!" She continued, "Captain O'Toole, Mr. Causey, I think it would be best if Mr. Causey were to work with Philip, the boy has already bonded to you, Andrew, and it would be additional trauma to change now and he certainly does not need more of that!"

That set Andrew to thinking, while the nurses were getting Phillip into bed, Andrew Whispered to Wil, "Pop, can you fix it so I am Phillip's Papa?"

Wil smiled and replied, "Andy, I had hoped you would want to do that, Skylar Prentiss, our Attorney already has your name and bio, all I need to do is call him and he will set the wheels in motion!"

Andy could only hug Wil, his emotions were running so high that there was no way he could speak.


They hung around Honolulu for several more days, they kept close tabs on the smaller boys, and none of them liked the sleazy, grimy young men and women who were hanging around downtown Honolulu. It was obvious they were all doing drugs and they thought nothing of surrounding someone, demanding money. Andy had to use his sawed off baseball bat several time to drive the creeps away from them.

He and Trong would work together whenever the younger boys came down with "Cabin Fever" and needed to get away from the ship for a while.

Andrew had a great deal of respect for Trong, they were near enough in age to be friends and, after the situation at Midway, when Trong helped him sink his stepfather's plans, Andy and Trong became as close as brothers, in fact, they were CLOSER than brothers! Andy became another brother to Jowto, also!

The hospital released Phillip on Thursday afternoon, so they readied the Wilson O'Toole and sailed the next day for Nawiliwili Harbor on Kauai. Wil had radioed ahead and spoke with Min, letting him know about Phillip, and the fact that they had trouble with the "flower children" in Honolulu.

As Wil nosed the "Wil" into Nawiliwili, they were met by a launch that was equipped with a flashing red light and a siren. Wil could see some new faces on the launch and they were all armed with rifles and riot guns! They all had been issued Federal Licenses and Min Tangimora was taking no chances!

Andrew was holding Phillip on his lap and pointing out things to him as they passed by. Wil brought the "Wil" into their private pool, and docked at their pier. Phillip saw the huge house and whispered to Andrew, "Whose house is THAT?"

Andy smiled and said, "Son, among others, YOU live there. That is OUR home!"

The boy shook his head and could only say, "WOW!"

They got the Wil tied up and ran out the shore power cable to keep everything running until they could off load the ship. The reefers were full of food and Wil had purchased two sides of Maui Beef that were frozen in the freezer. Maui Beef was highly prized and he knew that Mrs. Tangimora would put it to good use!

Mrs. Tangimora had lunch waiting for them, she had put out plenty for "her" hungry boys and they did her efforts justice, there was NOTHING left!

Mrs. Tangimora saw a new look on Andrew and how he was protecting the new boy, Phillip. Being a very wise woman who had raised several sons, she was pretty sure what was going on. She had seen great potential in young Andrew and she felt justified in smiling at them.

Andrew winked at the lady and then turned back to Phillip to assist him. His mouth was still swollen and his right arm was in a brace, making it difficult to eat. Andrew cut the boy's meal up into bite sized portions and let him feed himself. After the first forkful of her cooking, Phillip was gobbling down his lunch and looking around for some more.

The boy was very polite and said, "Please, Mum, may I have another helping?"

Mrs. Tangimora's heart went out to the child, he had obviously been beaten and his manner made her suspect it was his parents who had hurt the boy so.

She brought the serving tray over to him and helped him refill his plate. She said to him, "Son, you may have as much as you want, and there are always snacks in the refrigerator up in the kitchen, you may also help yourself to them, also."

Phillip turned to Andrew and held onto him, tears were flooding his young face and he was crying so hard that he started hiccupping. He sobbed, "You people are so nice to me and treat me like a real person. My Papa told me I was dirty and nasty and he beat me before he threw me out the door. All because I told him that I loved another boy, Jeffery Tolland."

Concerned, Andrew asked, "Where is this Jeffery now?"

Phillip said, "He runned away from his house what was keepin' him for the CPS people. When my father started beating me, he ran out the door an' I never saw him again!"

Andrew jumped up, "Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"

Phillip replied, "Maybe, he had built hisself a little fort in the woods behind Punchbowl, that would be where he would go!"

Andrew looked at Wil and said, "Pop, I gotta go to Honolulu, right now."

Wil said, "How 'bout you take Trong with you. You go get him and I will make the plane reservations for you both. NOW, GO!"

Trong agreed to go with Andrew and both young men threw some clean underwear in a grip and Min took them to the airport. They just made the three o'clock flight to Honolulu and were in the airport by four.

Andrew was paged and, when he went to the Courtesy Kiosk to get the message, he was introduced to David Fujigama, Min's cousin. David said, "Min told me to take care of you guys, and take you wherever you need to go."

Trong said, "Fine, can you get us up the backside of Punchbowl?" David thought for a few moments and then said, "Yeah, there is an old road, more likely it's just a trail anymore, it takes off from Manoa Falls area and goes up there. Why do you need to go there, it is a pretty wild place?

Trong gave him a brief description of what was going on. David had been an orphan and had been taken in by a family that had abused him, it had been Min Tangimora who had rescued him.

He said, "Let's go get this boy, I'm with ya' all the way on this!" They got in David's truck and he raced up Pali Highway to Nuuannu Pali Drive where he turned off, just below the reservoir, he found a sign that said, "Judd Trail", he parked the truck and said, "Let's go, buddies, we got some hikin' ta' do"

Chapter 3 - A RESCUE

It was getting late in the day and both Trong and Andy were worried about finding Phillip's friend. They had been hiking at a fast pace, as they came around the bend in the trail, David pointed up to a peak above them, "That's the rim of the crater, on the other side is Punchbowl."

David said, "We need to go cross country now, let's go."

They left the trail and pushed through low-growing trees and bushes, fighting their way up the ridge. When they got to the top, Andy called out, "Jeffery, Jeff Tolland, Phillip Eisenstein has sent us to help you, Jeff, Jeff Tolland, can you hear me?"

They heard a voice down the hill say, "Go away, I don't wanna see anybody no more!"

Andy called again, "Jeff, Phillip has been hurt and needs you, he says he loves you and wants to be with you. He lives with us, now, in Lihue. The O'Toole Family, the ones that save children, have taken him in and are giving him a home. They will take care of you also!"

The boy screamed and they could hear crashing in the brush below them, a shock of bright red hair came up over the lip of the crater, with a young man wearing it.

The boy screamed, "Where is Phil, how did he get hurt? I love him so much, please, tell me what happened to him!"

Andy held onto the young man and said, "Jeff, his father beat him and threw him out because he loved you. He is living with my family now and there is a place in it for you too. Come with us, we can still catch the last plane back to Lihue tonight, if we hurry!"

In the growing dusk, Andy saw Jeff's face, he had been brutally beaten also and was likely going to need a doctor, but they could take care of that on Kauai, at Wilcox Hospital.

They raced back down the hill and caught up with the trail just as it got dark. David had grabbed a flashlight out of his truck on the way to find Jeff and he led the way back to the curve where they had parked his truck.

They stopped at a rest point and Andy wet his tee shirt he had thrown in his bag, to clean Jeff's face a little, so he didn't scare the stewardess' on the airplane. David got them to the airport just barely in time, Andrew hugged David and said, "Come see us some time, Bro, we owe ya, BIG TIME!"

They ran into the airport and got out to the plane just as they were preparing to close the cabin door. Andy and Trong kept Jeff between them, so the Cabin Crew could not see that he had been hurt.

It was a short flight, they were headed down for a landing about forty minutes after they had boarded in Honolulu.

When they passed through the terminal in Lihue, they found Wil and Oscar waiting for them, Wil said, "The airline called us and told us you guys were running down the runway, chasing the airplane to get home!"

Trong laughed and said, "Well, not quite that bad, but almost! We got a passenger with us."

Andy said, "Dad, we need to take Phillip by the ER out at Wilcox Hospital, he has been beat pretty bad!"

Oscar turned the dome light on in the SUV and both men saw the boy's face and shuddered. Wil stepped on the gas pedal harder as the heavy vehicle roared up the mountain road leading to the hospital.

Andrew carried the boy as they entered the Emergency Room, Oscar stayed to get him checked in and arrange for payment, Wil led the way back to the treatment room.

When the nurse asked, "Are his parents here?"

Andrew said, "I AM HERE, NOW REPAIR MY SON!" Wil looked at Andy in question and all Andy said was, "MY SON!"

Andrew said to the Nurse, "I am Andrew Paul Causey, Owner of Causey Machine Works and Causey Metals here in Hawaii, I will pay for any treatments my son needs. If you want verification, you call Maxwell, Deming and Low in Honolulu and they will tell you that I am good for any bill you could ever come up with in this hospital, now, fix my son!"

Andy held Phillip and said, "I will make that official if you will have me as your father. I promise that I will never hit you, abuse you in any way and I will love for so long as you will let me."

The boy dissolved in tears and held onto Andrew, not even letting go when the doctor wanted to check out his back and ribs. Rather than frighten the boy further, the doctor allowed Andy to stay with Phillip.

The doctor, was a young man who had grown up in Honolulu and recognized the name Causey, and the law firm of Maxwell, Deming and Low, it was one of the most prestigious law firms in the state. He whispered to Andrew, are you really Andrew Causey and you really do own Causey Metals and the Machine Works?" Andrew smiled and replied, "Yes sir, I am and I do. My Real father was murdered in Singapore and a man tried to claim he was my stepfather. I shot the bastard in Midway and, last I heard, he was in the Navy Lockup there, awaiting Federal Charges of Child Slavery and International Trading in Child Slaves!

The Doctor gasped, "I heard about that, are you connected with Captain Wilson O'Toole?"

Andy grinned and pointed to Wil and said, "That's him!"

The Doctor said, "Oh, God, I gotta meet him, my brother is a Lieutenant in the Navy, stationed at Midway and Captain O'Toole has a boy that Jerry and his wife Lilly want to adopt, but they didn't know how to find the Captain."

Andy said, You get my boy fixed up and then I will take you over to Captain O'Toole and you can ask him your questions."

The Doctor replied, "I wanna hear more about this adventure of yours, you actually shot the man who was trading in slaves?" Andy said, "Yep, and if I ever see the SOB again, I will finish the job!"

They worked on Phillip for several hours, he had a concussion, two cracked ribs and a fractured wrist. The doctor wanted to keep him for observation, but Andy pleaded with him to let him accompany them to O'Toole House. He whispered to the doctor, "His Boyfriend is waiting for him over at Nawiliwili Harbor, he has probably gnawed his fingernails off to the elbow by now."

Doctor Ben Tate agreed to release Phillip on the condition he didn't do anything strenuous for the next forty-eight hours. He winked and said, "Kissing your boyfriend is OK!"

Phillip's face turned as red as his hair and hid his face against Andy's shoulder.

They all got back in the SUV and headed for home. As they were riding, Wil said, "Andrew, you gotta tell me some more about Causey Metals and Causey Machining. Probably I need to know something about Maxwell, Deming and Low, also."

Andy hung his head and blushed, "I were gonna tell ya' but..."

Wil chuckled and said, "That's alright, I have already spoken with Billy Maxwell and he clued me in. He and I were in the Navy together and we have remained friends ever since."

Andy figured he had better tell his Dad everything, so he told him about his conversation with the doctor and the little boy the doctor's brother was searching for.

They arrived back at O'Toole House, poor Jeffery was a nervous wreck, he came racing out to the car as soon as he saw it turn past the gate and the guard waved it through. He flung the door open and screamed, Phil, Phil, where are you?"

Phillip came up behind Jeff and caught him in a liplock; the two young men spent the rest of the evening like Siamese Twins.

Their brothers left them alone, pretty much, unless they got too gooey. Several times one of their brothers would ask for the fire extinguisher!

David called over from Honolulu to make sure they had gotten there alright, a couple of times, and talked with his cousin, Min. He promised to come over in a few days for a visit.

It would be several days before either boy felt up to going anywhere, both of them had been mauled pretty badly.

Andrew persuaded William Maxwell to come over to Lihue and gather the information to make Phillip his son and he saw what it was that his old Navy buddy, Wil O'Toole was up to.

A week later, a huge box arrived from the law firm of Maxwell, Deming and Low, inside was two sets of computer-controlled Marine Radios, complete with satellite handsets. A note inside from Bill Maxwell said, "This is our contribution to your effort, maybe these radios will help you in rescuing more stolen children."


Everyone has to get well before they can go sailing off in rescue of more child slaves. Dealing in the international trade of slaves is a capital offense in nearly every country in the world*, there surely are suppliers of hanging rope in Hawaii?

*Only Cuba and North Korea have never signed the treaty prohibiting child slavery.