The Collector Series: The Collector

The Collector

Chapter 1 - The Rescue

Josiah drove slowly down the highway from Marfa, where they had buried Jr. He was paying little attention to his driving, the weather was bad, with lightly blowing snow and the tears streaming down his face helped cloud his vision. About 10 miles out of town, he passed a small figure struggling against the blowing snow as it walked beside the highway. It took a few seconds for the event to register on Josiah's troubled mind. "What was a person doing out walking on the highway in this awful weather?" he thought to himself. Being a generous man at heart, he stopped his truck and backed up to where he had seen the figure, but saw no one. Knowing that he had actually seen a person, not just his imagination, he got out of the truck and walked to the side of the road to look around. He spotted disturbed snow and shoe prints leading down the embankment. He was becoming concerned that he had perhaps struck the walker as he drove past! He climbed down the embankment and found a small figure huddled against a fencepost.

Josiah knelt over the figure and bent down to speak, when the figure screamed, "Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!" It was the voice of a young boy, and a frightened one at that.

Josiah said, "Son, I won't hurt you, but you cannot survive out here in weather like this." He picked up the small boy and carried him back to the truck, placing him on the passenger seat while he brushed as much of the snow off him as he could. Under the covering of snow, he found a young boy, perhaps 12 or 13 years old with shaggy blonde hair and a dirty face. He straightened the child upright and buckled his seatbelt before returning to the driver's side of the truck and climbing back inside the cab. He turned the heater on full and waited for the boy to stop his violent shivering. He resumed driving while he waited for the boy to warm up. When he thought sufficient time had gone by, he asked, "Son, whatever are you doing out here walking in the snow?"

The boy began crying and said, "I have nowhere to go."

This struck Josiah as odd, but he replied, "Let me take you to my home, at least we can get you warm and dry there. Then you can call your folks and let them know where you are." Hearing this, the boy started crying even harder and tried to get loose from the seatbelt and jump out of the truck. Josiah stopped the truck again and held out his hand to the boy, "Son, I don't know what is troubling you, but I cannot let you out in the storm. Will you at least let me take you to my home and get you warm and dry?"

The boy, looking down at the floor, replied, "Sir, I am not anyone's son, I am a throwaway sinner."

Josiah thought to himself, "This boy is hurtin' bad, let's get him home and see what this is all about!" The remainder of the trip back to the JM2 Ranch was silent, but, at least the cab of the truck was becoming comfortably warm. As Josiah turned onto the ranch road, he clicked the gate controller and a broad gate opened at two stone columns to allow the truck to pass. The weather began to clear a little as they drove into the ranch, the boy started looking around and Josiah saw his eyes go big as saucers.

When they drove up to the ranch house, the boy said, "This is too grand for me, I can stay in the barn or something..."

Josiah cut him off, saying, "Son, this is my home, you ARE my guest, now, come on here and let's get you inside and warmed up." Josiah walked around the truck and opened the cab door. He picked up the boy, who could not have weighed more than 80 pounds, and carried him into the house.

Chapter 2 - The Welcome

He carried the boy directly into the downstairs bathroom and started taking the sopping wet clothing off the boy. The boy cowered into a corner, whimpering, "Please don't hurt me".

Josiah thought to himself, "What kind of monster so frightened this child?" As he removed the clothing from the boy, ugly purple and green bruises could be seen on the boy's back and arms. Further down, the bruising was even worse on his buttocks and legs; even his genitals were not free of damage!" He filled the tub with warm water and lifted the boy into the tub, handing him some soap and a wash cloth. He said, "Let me go get some towels and I will come back and help you." The boy nodded his head and just stared at the water's surface. Josiah went into the kitchen and closed the door. He telephoned his Brother-in-Law, Dr. Robert Melon, "Bob, I got trouble here. I have a young boy who has been horribly abused. Can you come over and help?"

Bob Melon's reply was, "WHAT have you got yourself into now, Joe? I'll get my bag and come over right away."

Josiah gathered up an armload of clean towels and returned to the bathroom. The boy was still sitting in the rapidly cooling water, staring at nothing. He knelt down and gently began cleaning the boy with soap and the wash cloth. Other than wincing when Josiah washed the bruises, the boy remained silent. He had to refill the tub as the water had become so dirty that it required fresh water. After the bath, Josiah lifted the boy from the tub and wrapped him in dry towels. He said, "My Brother-in-Law is a doctor and he is coming over to check you out. Those bruises don't look good to me." At that, the boy burst into tears and started to shake in fright. Josiah held him and tried to sooth his fears, "Now, now, I will not let ANYBODY hurt you. I don't know what your story is, but you are safe in MY house!"

The boy looked at him and said in a wavering voice, "But, you don't know him, he will find me again."

Josiah asked, "Who?"

His reply was, "My Father."

Josiah laid the boy on the bed and said, "This is the JM2 Ranch, MY RANCH, I say who will find who on MY RANCH! You just lay back and close your eyes if you want, Dr. Bob will be here shortly and he IS a good guy!" At that, the boy did close his eyes and was asleep in seconds. Josiah heard Bob's car drive up, so he opened the door and motioned him in quietly. They both went into the kitchen to talk, "Bob, this boy is terribly hurt and frightened of his father. I don't know what his name is yet, but, if we are not careful we will frighten him so bad he will injure himself. I know we have to call Sheriff Jeans, but let's let it go for a day or so and get this boy on a smoother trail?" Dr. Bob agreed and suggested they have a cup of coffee and let the boy sleep for a while, so Josiah made coffee and they both sat in the living room talking about nothing. Shortly, they heard footsteps in the hall. Josiah got up and found the boy trembling and shaking in the hall, with a towel wrapped around him. He picked up the trembling boy and hugged him, saying, "Son, the Doctor is here, we call him Dr. Bob, he just wants to look you over and make sure you are ok." The boy nodded his head and Josiah carried the boy back to the bedroom, motioning the Doctor to come with them. He placed the boy between himself and Dr. Bob, saying, "Son, this is Dr. Bob and he needs to look you over, is that OK?" The boy nodded, but clutched the towel closer to himself. Bob stood in front of the boy and asked him if he wanted Josiah to stay while he examined him, again, the boy just nodded.

Bob gently pulled the towel away from the boy's body and gasped, "My GOD, we need Johnny Jeans right NOW! Go call Sheriff Jeans."

The boy screamed, "NOOOOOOO!"

Bob held the boy and told him that Josiah could get in a lot of trouble if they didn't call the sheriff, but he AND Josiah would make sure that nobody would hurt him!

He went and called Johnny Jeans and told him that he should come as we had a badly hurt boy who was terrified. He agreed and would head out to the JM2 immediately.

Bob continued his examination and asked him to roll over, the boy shook his head no, but Bob insisted. Bob took one look, and his face turned red with rage, if his eyes could have flashed, he would have set the room on fire! "This boy has been raped and abused horribly!"

Josiah lifted the boy onto his lap and wrapped my arms around him, "Son, nobody, just NOBODY will ever hurt you again!"

Bob knelt in front of us and asked, "What is your name? We can't just call you son, although Josiah probably would be ok with that."

The boy sniffed a bit and then said, "Billy, Sir, Billy Hammond."

Bob told him, "You can call me Dr. Bob or just Bob and this is Joe, neither of us are SIR." He then stood and stalked out of the room, then onto the porch, fuming with anger.

Shortly, John Jeans, County Sheriff drove up with lights flashing. Bob stopped him and told him that the boy's father, the Reverend William Hammond is the one who beat the boy and if John didn't arrest him, He would swear out a warrant for BOTH of them! The Sheriff told him to calm down and went out to his car and ordered his deputies to bring the Reverend Hammond in and lock him up until he got back there!

After the Sheriff made the call, both he and Bob returned to the bedroom. Bob again knelt down in front of the boy and said, "Billy, we have to show Sheriff Jeans what your father did to you, will you let me show him?"

Billy nodded and as soon as Sheriff Jeans saw Billy's buttocks he jumped up and ran out to his car, grabbed the radio and nearly tore it off the dash. "Dispatch, order as many cars as are available, arrest the Reverend Hammond and anybody with him! IMMEDIATELY!" He returned to the bedroom and said gently to Billy, "Billy, I am also the Chief Child Protective Officer for the county and I am authorizing Josiah Meister to become your Temporary Foster Parent, is that OK?"

"You mean I can live here?" Billy asked.

Johnny Jeans said, "You sure can, and if you sweet talk the old buzzard ..." Josiah just grinned and held the boy tighter. Doctor Bob spread some soothing salve on Billy's backside and gave Josiah a jar full of pills for Billy to take. Then both he and the Sheriff got in their cars and left the two to some peace and rest.

Josiah told Billy that he could call him Joe and then laid him down so he could get some rest, or better, some sleep. Billy was exhausted and was soon sound asleep. The pills Dr. Bob gave him made him sleepy anyway. Joe puttered around the house, with new life in his step. He called Rosa, his housekeeper/cook and told her about Billy living there and that he would need to go into Marfa to get clothes for the boy. She told him that she still had some of Juanito's clothes, before he grew up and became Ranch Foreman in his Dad's place. She would bring them right over and also get some supper started. Joe met her at the door with a smile on his face, she thought to herself, "At last"! Billy slept for several hours, Joe sitting in the living room kept his ear tuned to the bedroom, so when he heard Billy stirring, he carried the clothing in for Billy to choose what he wanted to wear.

Billy could not believe that a stranger would just give him clothing and want nothing in return. After he dressed, he went out to the kitchen to thank Rosa, she hugged him and he just melted into her arms. He said, "Can I call you Mama Rosa?"

She beamed and said, "Billy, you can call me anything your heart desires." Mama Rosa was the queen of the kitchen!

Meanwhile, the Sheriff and his deputies arrived at Marfa Evangelical Bible Church and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so Sheriff Jeans ordered the door broken open. As soon as it swung open, they were met with a hail of gunfire! Deputy Hanes smashed the window and fired his shotgun into the room several times, and then there was silence. When they entered the room, Reverend Hammond was sitting on the floor trying to stop his leg from bleeding. When he saw the Sheriff he started screaming, "You're gonna burn in hell, you heathen!"

Johnny replied, "Not before you do for what you did to your boy!"

Hammond screamed, "He ain't my boy, he is just a no good tramp foisted on me by my ex-wife! Besides, he is just a filthy queer and don't count none before God Almighty!" It was all the Sheriff could do to restrain himself from finishing the job Deputy Hanes started!

Chapter 3 - A Boy Blooms

The days rolled past and Billy began to heal, both physically and emotionally. Between Mama Rosa trying to fill out his skinny ribs and Joe's constant support, he slowly began to grin and laugh like any other 13 year old boy.

Juan, the Ranch Foreman, found a pinto pony just about made for Billy and dug out a spare saddle from the tack room. As soon as Dr. Bob said "OK", Billy was dragging the saddle over to the pony's stall. One of the hands, Old Jack, spotted the boy trying to lift the saddle onto the pony and helped him out. All the Ranch Hands knew Billy's story and they all treated him like a little brother. As soon as the saddle was secure, Billy got on the pony and headed out, where he joined Antonio, Juan's oldest son. Together they roamed the near pasture and ended by the water tower. Billy looked downcast and started to move away. Antonio looked at him and asked him what was wrong. Billy was crying and said, "Antonio, you don't want to be around me, I am evil."

Antonio knew what was going on, so he replied, "Billy, just because a rapist says you are evil doesn't make it so!"

Billy sputtered, "But, But..."

Antonio cut him off, "No buts about it, you belong here and we ALL love you! Besides, I think you are kinda nice."

Billy stuttered, "You DO?"

All he heard was, "YEAH" as Antonio galloped off towards the Ranch House. Billy "kicked his horse into gear" but was unable to catch Antonio. By the time Billy had put his pony up, brushed him and hung the saddle on the rack like he had been taught, Antonio was nowhere to be found. Billy wandered into the kitchen, where Mama Rosa was fixing supper and asked her where Antonio might be. She smiled and told Billy to look out in the garden. Billy tore out of the kitchen like his pants were on fire and found Antonio sitting on a fence rail, staring at nothing.

He sat beside Antonio and said, "You really like me?"

Antonio replied, "Yeah, I do, Billy and I am scared."

Billy said, "Don't be scared, we can work it out together. Let me speak with Papa Joe."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Antonio!

"Don't worry, Papa Joe told me that I could tell him ANYTHING and he wouldn't get upset. Come on. Let's go talk to him, PLEASE?" Billy dragged a reluctant Antonio into the house.

Mama Rosa saw them and just smiled to herself, thinking, "About time."

The two boys found Josiah working on the accounts in the ranch office. When he saw them, he swiveled around and asked, "What's up, boys?"

Antonio tried to run, but Billy held on to his hand to prevent his leaving. He said, "Papa Joe, do you think Antonio and I can be friends?"

Josiah said, "Well aren't you friends already?"

Billy replied, "I mean REALLY, REALLY friends!"

Josiah said, "You mean like boyfriends?"

Antonio's face, by now, was burning scarlet and he was beginning to cry. Billy said, "Yeah, like that!"

Josiah replied, "I don't see anything against it, you boys will have to be careful, but ... You need to talk to Antonio's Dad, Juan. Let's go see him right now!" By now, poor Antonio's eyes were glazed and his head swimming! Josiah led the way out to the courtyard where Juan was standing. He has already been alerted by his mother, Mama Rosa, so he just stood there, smiling!

The boys stood before him and stuttered and stammered, Juan leaned over both boys and said, "YES!" and walked away, leaving them both speechless!

Christmas was always a time of joy on the JM2 and Josiah was determined to make this one extra special. He made several trips to Marfa and even had driven to El Paso one time. Soon, mysterious boxes were being delivered by UPS and whisked away into hiding. As Christmas Day approached, the pile of packages under the tree grew alarmingly. Billy really did not pay much attention, Christmas in his old family had always meant hours on his knees, praying for somebody else.

That special morning arrived with wondrous smells coming out of Mama Rosa's kitchen. Suddenly, Billy was awakened by a "gawdawful" racket. Someone was banging on the old steel triangle that hung on the front porch! He stumbled out to the front door, thinking that maybe something was on fire. There was Papa Joe and Juan passing out packages to all the JM2 Ranch hands and Mama Rosa handing each man a plate piled high with burritos, beans and corn bread! Joe spotted Billy and told him to go get dressed. It would be his turn in a few minutes. It still didn't register with Billy, but he did as he was told.

He had just gotten dressed when Antonio showed up. The two boys looked at each other as if to say, "What now?" Finally, all the Ranch Hands had been served, even those riding picket on the herds. Joe and Antonio came back into the house and Mama Rosa starting banging pots and pans in the kitchen, pretty soon she announced that breakfast was ready. She served the traditional burritos, beans and corn bread along with steaming hot apple tarts, and warm apple cider with cinnamon sticks in each glass. By that time, Dr. Bob had arrived and also Chester Neuman, the JM2 Lawyer.

After everyone had eaten their fill and more, Joe said, "OK, boys, its gift time!" Since Billy was the newest AND the youngest present, he was delegated to distribute Christmas gifts. The first package he picked up was labeled, "BILLY", so Papa Joe told him to just pile it on the couch and continue distributing gifts. The NEXT package also was labeled, "BILLY" and the next, and the next, and the next! Then he came to a couple that had Antonio's name on them, Antonio's eyes went wide and he looked at his Dad, who motioned for him to be quiet.

Finally, there was a large envelope high up on the tree. It was the last gift to be delivered. Billy pulled it down and saw his name on it. Papa Joe told him to open that one first. As he pulled a document out of the envelope, he saw the words, "CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION" and the name "William Josiah Meister". He stood staring at it for a few seconds before bursting into tears and running for Papa Joe's lap. He kept repeating, "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY" over and over.

Joe looked at everyone in the room and said, "THAT was the only important present for today!" After Billy had gotten control of his emotions, kind of, he showed everyone in the room the certificate. Even the old dog was not spared. Joe finally said, "Billy, you still have a big stack there to open, why don't you get busy?" Billy opened a package and withdrew a traditional checkered cowboy shirt. The next package yielded two pair of tight jeans and the next was a pair of hand-made cowboy boots! A box gave up a cowboy hat and neckerchief and then a pair of hand-tooled chaps appeared. The last package was two packages tied together with red ribbon. One package had his name on it and the other had Antonio's name on it. Billy carried both packages over to Antonio and gave him his. Antonio looked at his Dad, who just shrugged. The two boys proceeded to open their packages and two Remington .30-.30 lever action rifles were in the boys' hands. Both rifles were identical, their names chased in silver! It was a Christmas that would stand out in Billy's mind for the remainder of his life.

Chapter 4 - Life on the JM2

The day after Christmas, Joe and Juan were sitting in Mama Rosa's kitchen, drinking coffee. Joe was thinking and then asked Antonio, "Juan, how many kids do we send to school from the JM2?"

Juan thought for a few minutes and then replied, "With Billy now, we send 15 boys and girls to Marfa each day."

Joe then asked him, "How much work would it take to fix up the old JM2 School House?"

Juan replied, "Oh, a couple of days with the carpenter, maybe a day for an electrician and, I guess, the old heater needs replacing, also. As I remember it from when I was a boy, it wasn't worth much in the winter!"

Joe told him to have the work started immediately and then left for his office. Once, alone in his office, he got on the telephone to Chester Neuman, his lawyer, "Chet, I want you to notify the school board that we are going to reopen JM2 School House as soon as possible. Then, I want you to hire two male school teachers and get them here yesterday!" He continued, "I don't give a damn, pay them whatever it takes to get them here! Don't hang up, I got more! Get in touch with Aggie, I want a young fellow to work as a Business Agent for the Ranch and NO I am NOT done yet! I want papers drawn up creating a JM2 Corporation and I want all the properties and businesses included in that corporation." He hung up and swiveled his chair around, with a huge smile on his face, thinking, "Billy, I'm not done with you yet!"

The next day, Juan had the Ranch Carpenter and an electrician he called in from Marfa busy fixing up the old 1890 school house. New windows were installed, new doors, and new toilets were put in. The electrician installed all new lighting and electric baseboard heating was also installed.

On New Year's Eve, Chester Neuman brought out two young men who had graduated from Sul Ross University, up in Alpine the previous summer, to be interviewed by Joe. Joe sat them down and asked them why they didn't already have teaching jobs, they both looked down and then replied, "Nobody wants gay teachers in Texas"

Joe said, "Are you child predators?" to which they both vigorously said they were NOT! He continued, "You two are together, aren't you?" They both said that they were, so Joe laid it out for them, "I need two school teachers who can live in a bungalow here on the ranch and teach 15 rowdy ranch kids."

They said, "You mean you would hire us?"

Joe just asked, "Do you have your bags with you?" They nodded, yes and Joe told them to stow their stuff away in the Teacher's Bungalow and go help get the school house ready for the start of school next week!

Chester Neuman laughed at the two men, whose eyes were slightly glazed over and said, "Guys, get used to it, there will be MORE!"

Joe wasn't done, not by a long shot! As soon as the New Year's celebrations were over, he started calculating, he wanted to donate funds to Texas A&M, where Jr. had graduated and he thought that maybe he had better cover his bets at Sul Ross also. He again called Chet Neuman and told him to set up a trust fund of $5 million to the Agriculture Department at Texas A&M, then do the same for Sul Ross in their Department of Education. Next, he called the bank and set up an account for Billy and deposited $50,000 in it. He also did the same for Antonio. They told him he would have to come up and sign for the accounts and both boys would also.

So, after school the next day, he loaded both boys up in the truck and headed to Marfa. The boys couldn't understand why Joe was doing this, but when they asked him, all he did was smile. While they were in Marfa, they stopped at Lawyer Neuman's office to sign the corporation papers, the boys were also asked to sign and when they again asked why, Joe smiled and said, "Because you both are directors of the JM2 Corporation!" They didn't comprehend what that was, yet!

On the way back to the ranch, Joe decided to take the unpaved back road, as it was a little shorter. They came up over a rise and noticed smoke coming from a clump of trees. Always worried about fire, Joe stopped the truck and headed towards the trees, both boys followed him. As they got near, they heard boy's voices, so Joe motioned for quiet and they approached what appeared to be two boys camping. Joe motioned for Antonio and Billy to go around the opposite side, to cut off the boys if they decided to run. Joe came into the clearing and found two boys sitting on the ground, one looked to be about 16 and the other looked about 10 years old. Both jumped up and started to run, but Antonio and Billy blocked their way. Joe said, "Guys, we aren't going to hurt you, we are just worried about fire! You are not in trouble from us!"

The older boy said, "Sir, we are just resting here, my little brother couldn't walk any further and we are out of food."

Joe replied, "How about you come with us, our ranch is just over the next hill and I am sure our cook can find something for you guys to eat"

The little boy started to cry and said, "Please Davy, I am so tired and so hungry, I just can't go any further."

At that, Joe scooped up the little boy and put his arm around the older brother, telling them that a hot bath, supper and a clean bed waited for them at the Ranch House. The older boy reluctantly agreed, so they all trooped back to the truck, Joe put the two brothers on the back seat and made sure they had their seat belts latched, the three of them hopped into the front seat and continued towards the house. Joe was thinking, "Something isn't right here?"

As soon as they pulled up to the house, Joe jumped out and guided his two visitors into the warm kitchen, where Mama Rosa sized the situation in seconds. She stirred up some hot coco and set it in front of the two boys. Joe, wisely, went into the living room, leaving Billy and Antonio to talk with the visitors. Mama Rosa busied herself in the pantry, where she could hear but not be seen.

As soon as the two had finished the coco, the older boy jumped and told his brother it was time to go, the little boy started to cry and said, "But Davy, I am so tired and so hungry, can't we just stay for a little while?"

At that, Billy, with his own problems still fresh in his mind, put his arm around the little boy and looked at the older brother, "Guys, I know my new Dad will let you stay, he rescued me only months ago." He continued, "I don't know what your problems are, but I KNOW my Dad can help you both, please stay with us."

Mama Rosa stepped out of the pantry with a cured ham to be put in the oven and two pies for dessert. She looked at the two boys and said, "Mister Joe doesn't allow hungry boys here, they gotta eat their fill before he will let them go!"

The older brother broke down and started crying. Antonio and Billy held him and told him that nothing was more important than their safety. They just had to at least stay the night. Antonio led the older boy to the bathroom, where he could wash his face and compose himself.

When he returned, Joe was seated in the kitchen and motioned for the boy to come talk with him. Joe led him into the office and closed the door. He started, "Now, what has happened that you boys are running?"

The boys replied, "How? How did you know?"

Joe said, "I just know boys, I want to help you but you need to tell me the truth, OK?"

At that, the boy completely lost it, sobbing as Joe held him. When he had cried himself out, he started, "I am David Mentzger and my brother is Liam. Our parents were killed in a car accident a little more than a year ago and we had no relatives so I was put with a family and Liam was put with another family. Mine wasn't so bad, but the family that had Liam used him as a slave. Look how skinny he is, they fed him almost nothing. He finally ran away and I was lucky to find him. Come with me, I will show you what they did to him." He got up and went back to the kitchen, with Joe right behind him. David lifted up his little brother and pulled up his shirt, there were whip marks on his back, deep red welts! When David lowered his pants, there were deep red, oozing sores from repeated beatings.

Before anyone could move, Mama Rosa screamed and gathered up the little boy and held him to her bosom, daring anyone to interfere! Joe stood there, dumbfounded, and then he rushed to the telephone to call Dr. Bob and Johnny Jeans, telling them to get their butts down to the JM2 yesterday!

Mama Rosa cuddled the little boy and soothed his cries. Billy and Antonio were side by side with David, telling him that he did the right thing and that Papa Joe would make things right for them both. The two boys walked David to the couch and held him as he cried in relief, letting his fears wash away with the tears.

Dr. Bob arrived with Sheriff Jeans tailing him. Mama Rosa wasn't going to let loose of Liam anytime soon, so she accompanied Dr. Bob to the bedroom where he could examine the boy in privacy. As they peeled the boy's clothing off, Mama Rosa gasped and literally flew into the living room. She grabbed Johnny Jeans and told him if he didn't take care of whoever hurt that boy, SHE WOULD!

Dr. Bob took Liam to the bathroom and gently washed him in a tub of warm water, then dried him carefully before plastering his back and buttocks with a soothing salve. Mama Rosa brought a bowl of her chicken soup and fed Liam. As soon as he finished the soup, he promptly fell asleep, so they covered him and turned out the lights, leaving the door cracked open in case he woke and became frightened.

Josiah again asked David to come into his office and speak with Sheriff Jeans. David was reluctant, but he did as he was asked. He told them that they had both been living in San Antonio and they were just running. They had no destination except to get away from Liam's abusive foster parents.

Johnny Jeans then made a decision, "David, as Sheriff, I am also the Chief Child Protective Services Officer for this county. I am going to place you both with Josiah Meister, here at the JM2 Ranch. If you don't think you can stay here, let me know and I will find another place for the two of you. There is no way I am going to allow you to go back to San Antonio."

David stood up and went to Joe, "Sir, will you take care of us and not hurt Liam any further?"

Joe just hugged the boy and told him that whatever happened, he AND his brother would be taken care of and loved here at the JM2 Ranch. He picked the boy up and carried him to the bathroom, showing him where the soap and towels were kept, telling him that he would lay out some clothes for him and then it would be time for lunch.

As soon as David peeked out of the bathroom, he spotted a shirt, trousers and clean socks and underwear neatly piled on the floor. He pulled them on, doing without shoes, and followed the delicious smells that were coming from the kitchen. Mama Rosa had the table set for all of them and steaming bowls of soup were at each place, along with a plate stacked high of fresh baked bread, fresh churned butter and glasses of milk for each boy. They all sat to the table and David attacked the food like he had not eaten in a week, which he probably had not. He shyly asked Mama Rosa if he could have more soup and she place the whole kettle in front of him so he could help himself.

In the meantime, Sheriff Jeans had departed back to his office. He called his counterpart in San Antonio to start legal action to separate the two boys from their foster parents and also for child abuse of young Liam. He sat at his desk, thinking, then picked up the telephone and called Chester Neuman, the lawyer. When Chet answered, Johnny said, "Chet, why don't you file papers with the county and state making the JM2 a foster home for boys?"

Chet replied, "Johnny, what has Joe gotten into now?"

Johnny explained what had happened and said, "I suspect Joe is going to make a habit of collecting hurt boys, let's make it legal and official!"

The next day was the first day of school at the JM2 Schoolhouse. The two new teachers, Andrew Long and Jerry Baxter, were nervously standing by the door. Andrew would teach the junior grades 1 - 4 and Jerry would teach 5 - 8. It would be fairly simple as the school house had two class rooms. All 16 of the school children, now that David Mentzger had joined them, were standing in front of the schoolhouse. Liam Mentzger was still on the sick list, but would join then in a couple of days.

Andrew and Jerry introduced themselves and then sorted out the grade groups before entering the classrooms. They had agreed to give everyone and orientation test to make sure each child was correctly placed at grade level before beginning formal classroom teaching. They were pleasantly surprised at the level of education all the children showed and the eagerness to learn. At recess, the older boys took charge and organized games that included the younger children, kickball seemed to be the favorite.

Both men were a bit concerned about the condition of clothing on some of the boys and they were determined to speak with Josiah about this at first opportunity. The new facilities in the old schoolhouse worked well, each room was pleasantly warm and well lighted. At lunch time, all the children trooped to their homes and all were back, ready for afternoon studies by 1 pm. The school hours were 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm. There was recess at 10:30 and 2:30 for 30 minutes each. Both men were delighted at landing such a good position and were determined that their students would all excel. They both quickly became favorites by all the students and soon their concerns about being gay teachers were forgotten!

By mid-January, Chet Neuman called Josiah and told him he had located a candidate for Business Manager and he would bring him out for an interview the next morning. About 9 am the next morning, Chet arrived with Jordan Knowls, a December graduate from Texas A&M University. Jordan was a lean, almost skinny young man with a prominent Adam's apple and flaming red hair that defied combing! He had just turned 22 years old and had no family, both his parents had been killed in a small plane crash two years earlier. Their insurance had barely covered burial costs, with enough left over to pay his tuition until graduation. He was neatly, if slightly threadbare, attired and very anxious to land this job. He knew that, as a gay man, jobs were going to be difficult to find. Josiah greeted them at the door and welcomed them to the JM2. He told Chet to go in the kitchen and get a cup of coffee while he spoke with the young man. He led Jordan to his office and shut the door, saying, "Well, tell me about yourself."

Jordan told him about his schooling, his grades and the fact that he had been orphaned while in school. Josiah listened intently, not only to what Jordan said, but how he said it. When Jordan had finished, he asked him, "Is there anything that would prevent you from working here?"

Jordan hesitated, then felt he had to be honest with this man and replied, "Sir, I am gay, will that be a problem?"

Josiah laughed and said, "Well, I have at least one son who may be gay, two gay school teachers and now a gay business manager. When can you start?"

Jordan shook his head, making his unruly hair go every direction and replied, "As soon as I can get my suitcase from the motel in Marfa!" Josiah handed him a set of keys to a ranch truck and told him to go get his belongings. By the time he got back, a bungalow would be opened up for him and he could start work the next morning. Still shaking his head, Jordan drove off to get his belongings and start a career that would last him his entire working life!

After Jordan had left, Chet Neuman strolled into Josiah's office and sat down. "Joe", he began, "it's time we made official some of the crazy stunts you are doing. On Johnny's suggestion, I have here some paperwork for you to sign, making the JM2 a state sanctioned Home for Boys. Next, you need to sign the final papers for the JM2 Holding Corporation." Joe started signing a stack of documents and Chet continued, "I have a report here from Blackstone Drilling and Exploration that you need to read. That piece of property you bought over at Junction shows promise for both oil and gas. They are asking permission to perform some seismic studies to make sure before they drill a sample bore."

Joe looked the report over and thought for a few moments, "Maybe you had best look for a geologist for me, too?"

Chet replied, "I already thought of that and I will have one for you to interview next week."

Just as he said that, the radio burst to life, "Ranch 1, this is Picket 1 calling, over."

Joe replied, "This is Ranch 1, go ahead."

The radio squawked again, "Ranch 1, this is Picket 1 - I have a boy here who appears to have fallen and broken his leg. We are at County Road 2 and Willow Springs Road. Over."

Joe replied, "Picket 1, I am leaving now with the truck, I should be there in 20 minutes. Cover the boy and keep him warm until I get there. Ranch 1 out!" Joe said to Chet, "Call Dr. Bob and tell him to get his butt out here ASAP! I will meet him here with the boy!" Without waiting for a reply, Joe ran out the door and left in the truck, heading for Willow Springs Road. It was a wild ride, the weather was still bad and visibility was poor. It was close to a half hour before Joe spotted a horse tied to the fence and a man waving his hat at him. Joe jumped out of the cab and ran to where his picket rider was standing. He had wrapped the boy in his blanket roll and was standing over him to keep the boy from total panic.

Joe knelt down to pick the boy up when the boy spoke, "Are you Mr. Joe?" and Joe told him he was. The boy then said, "Oh, thank God" and he passed out.

Puzzled but needing to care for the boy, Joe picked him up and gently laid him on the back seat of the cab. After arranging a seat belt over the boy, he thanked the picket rider and headed back to the JM2. When he arrived, Dr. Bob's car was already in the drive and the truck that Jordan had used to go get his belongings followed him up to the house. Jordan got out at the same time as Joe and when Jordan saw that Joe was carrying a child, he helped carry the boy up the stairs and into the house. Dr. Bob was waiting and they took the injured boy into the bedroom and laid him down. As they were removing the boy's trousers, the boy started to come around. He looked frightened, rapidly looking at the three men.

He said, "You are Mr. Joe?" Joe said yes and the boy heaved a great sigh, "You are real, you are REAL. Thank God I am safe!"

Dr. Bob told him not to try and talk right now, they needed to stabilize him and get him to the hospital to set that broken leg. Mama Rosa brought in some dry sweat pants and a sweat shirt for the boy, and then Joe and Dr. Bob lifted him and carried him back out to the truck and put him on the back seat. Dr. Bob rode with them and they headed to the hospital in Marfa. Jordan remained at the house where Mama Rosa made sure he wouldn't starve to death! At the hospital, after studying the x-rays, Dr. Bob determined that it was a simple fracture and proceeded to put the boy's leg in a cast.

While they were waiting for the plaster to harden, Joe talked with the boy and asked him his name and where he was from. The boy replied, "I am Donnie Phelps and I was living on the streets of Austin."

Joe then asked him, "What are you doing here, so far from Austin?"

Donny said, "In Austin some boys told me that a Mr. Joe would help me if I could get to him, are you REALLY MR. JOE, the man who helps boys?"

Chapter 5 - The Man Who Helps Boys

As they were wheeling Donnie Phelps out the door of the hospital to the waiting truck, Dr, Bob was shaking his head and thinking, "What is Joe getting himself into?" Then he said to Joe, "If you are going to keep this up, maybe you ought to think about a corpsman or a medic at the JM2!"

Joe laughed and started the truck towards home. As he drove down the road, he began thinking, "Bob meant that as a joke, but maybe having a medic at the ranch is not a bad idea." When they arrived at the JM2, Juan was waiting, he picked up the boy and delivered him to Mama Rosa, who was waiting with an age old remedy for hurt boys, a Mother's Love and Chicken Soup!

After Donnie had rested, Joe sat down beside him and asked him what he meant about finding Mr. Joe. Donnie was hesitant to talk, but Joe assured him that nothing he could say would make him angry.

Donnie said, "Mr. Joe, all the boys living on the streets in Austin know of a place of refuge called Mr. Joe. If you can get to Mr. Joe, you will be safe." He continued, "Please Sir, can I stay here with you, if I have to go back to the streets I ain't gonna survive!"

Joe told him, "Son, you can stay here or somewhere else if you want, but you are NOT going to go back to the streets!" He continued, "Now you get some rest and mend that broken leg. I will leave the door open and if you need something, you just call out. The boys will be home from school shortly and they will keep you company."

Chet Neuman was waiting in the living room when Joe came out of the bedroom. He laughed and said, "Joe, you might want to put a sign out front, "BOYS REFUGE!"

Joe replied, "Chet, it isn't funny, that boy got hurt trying to find ME! What are we going to do to help these kids?" Then he turned and faced Chet, "Find me a medic or corpsman right away! LIKE NOW!"

Chet grumbled and headed back to town to file the documents Joe had signed. He wondered where he was going to find a medic, and then he remembered that his deceased wife's nephew was in the Navy Reserve Unit in El Paso, maybe he would have an idea. As soon as he got to the office, he called Marge's nephew and asked him. He was told to call the Reserve Unit as they keep a list of members who were looking for jobs. After making a few calls, he told one young man to come down to Marfa, he would guarantee his expenses. The young man said he would come down the next day.

When Chet arrived at his office the next morning, there was a nicely dressed young man waiting at his door. He said he was Carl Traminer and that he had an appointment with Mr. Neuman this morning. Chet said, "I am Chet Neuman, come on in and I will take you to see Joe Meister and The JM2."

Carl said, "Is he the Mr. Joe the street boys in El Paso are talking about?"

Startled, Chet replied, "Yeah, maybe." After Chet had looked at his messages, he told his secretary that he was going to the JM2 and suggested that Carl follow him. When Carl asked him why not ride together, Chet told him that the last two people he brought down to the JM2 stayed there, EMPLOYED!

Carl said, "Well, at least I have my suitcase with me!" and went for his car.

When the two arrived at the JM2, Joe was waiting for them. Chet's secretary had called ahead to warn him. While Mama Rosa was plying Chet with coffee and a fresh sticky bun, Joe took Carl into his office to talk. Joe was impressed with the young man's manner and knowledge. He had done a tour as a Navy Corpsman in Afghanistan and wanted to continue the same type of work. He wanted to get married, but needed a steady job before he felt he could ask his girlfriend to marry him. Joe then said, "Can you work with boys, some of whom are gay and around other gay men?"

Carl replied, "It is none of my business what a person's preferences are. They are people and deserve my respect and trust. Yes, I can be around gay people with no problem."

Joe continued, "How soon can you come to work?"

Carl's reply was a simple, "Now."

Joe then told him he would have a bungalow opened up for him that day and that housing was included in the job. Carl was delighted at that, he wouldn't have to find an apartment in Marfa and commute! Joe led him into the bedroom and introduced him to Donnie Phelps then left them to get acquainted. Joe had told Carl that he could order any instruments, medicines and equipment he needed to open a First Aid Room and any other needs that he felt would benefit the folks and boys at the JM2.

Carl walked around, looking at what and who were there. He met Juan, who showed him where the First Aid Room was. Carl sat down and made a list of things he needed. When he showed the list to Joe, he merely nodded his head and pointed to the telephone. When he called a medical supply house in El Paso, they knew immediately who the JM2 was. Carl read off his list to the order taker and was told it would be delivered the next day! Carl wondered just what and how big an organization the JM2 was! Little did he know that more than 50 years later, he would be still wondering that same question! After ordering his supplies, he sat there pondering the question, WHO is Mr. Joe and why do the street boys know about him. He had done volunteer work among the homeless boys in El Paso and Mr. Joe was the principal subject of their talk. He knew that Donnie had been a street boy and that he knew the story about Mr. Joe that was going around, so he sat down beside the boy and started to talk with him, gaining his confidence. In a bit, he asked Donnie what he knew about Mr. Joe.

Donnie told him, "It's like a legend, if a street boy can get to Mr. Joe, he is gonna be safe, not be hungry or cold or scared anymore! It's like a dream come true, magic like."

Carl wondered if he had slipped into a dream or something, it was like a fairytale! The next day, after spending the night in his bungalow, that was more like a house than an apartment, Carl met the medical supply truck and together, they unloaded his supplies. One of the first things unloaded was a wheelchair, which Carl pushed into the bedroom where Donnie was laying. He said, "Hey, kid, wanna bust outta here?" Donnie saw the wheel chair and tried to get up by himself, Carl said, "No way, I gotta protect MY job, I'll help you." He was laughing as hard as he could! He got Donnie into the wheelchair and showed him how to get around in it.

As he was walking back to the First Aid Room, he heard Donnie telling Mama Rosa, "I'M FREE! I'M FREE!" He smiled and hoped that all his patients would be as easy to please! The phone started to ring and when nobody seemed to answer it, Carl picked up in the First Aid Room. He answered as "JM2 First Aid, how can I help you?"

He heard, "This is Sheriff Jeans, I got a couple of customers for you. Tell Joe I am bringing him 3 boys and one is kinda bad off."

Carl asked, "What do you mean, bad off, I'm Carl Traminer, the new JM2 Medic."

Joe replied, "Glad to meet you, I got a boy who has been beat pretty bad and Dr. Bob is not in the office."

Carl replied, "Get him fast, I'll be waiting at the door for you - RED LIGHT!" Carl knew that was the universal code for coming in under flashing lights - FAST!

Carl ran into the main part of the house and found only Mama Rosa, he told her that the Sheriff was coming in with hurt boys and he needed assistance. Mama Rosa ran out on the porch and began to beat the living daylights out of the steel triangle - The Ranch's emergency alarm! Just as Carl got the double door open to the First Aid Room, Johnny Jeans came screeching in under full lights and siren. Men came from all directions to help. The brand new gurney got baptized in blood as Johnny carried in a bleeding boy. He told Carl that his deputies were bringing Dr. Bob, but it would be a while before they could get him there. The two other boys were only slightly less hurt than the first! Carl had no choice, he had to use his battlefield experience or lose the boy. He cut off his trousers and probed for the bleeders, tying them off as he cut. Mama Rosa was holding a compress on another boy to slow the bleeding and Jordan Knowls, who had responded to the alarm, was doing the same on the third boy.

Finally, Carl got the bleeding down to a slow dribble, so he changed places with Mama Rosa and went to work on Boy #2. Unexpectedly, the boy began to bleed profusely. Carl knew the femoral artery was cut. There was not a second to lose. He cut into the boy to locate both ends of the severed artery and, finding them, began to suture the two ends together. What seemed like only seconds, when he looked at the clock, 2 hours had passed! As he moved to the third boy, he looked up and saw Dr. Bob standing there. He invited Dr. Bob to continue.

Bob said, "You are doing just fine, son. Go right ahead!" After nearly 5 hours of work, all three boys were stabilized. Carl was concerned. He was only a Medical Technician, NOT a doctor. Was Dr. Bob going to report him or get him in trouble? After he washed up and cleaned the First Aid Room and with the boys resting comfortably in the small ward adjacent, he went to see the doctor. Dr. Bob held up his hand and said, "Son, if you had waited for me, those boys would have been dead. You did mighty fine work there. They will be thanking you for their lives!"

Joe and the sheriff were waiting in the living room, Carl was still a bit shaky, so Joe had him sit down and Mama Rosa brought him a cup of coffee. Joe said, "This is exactly why we needed YOU. Those three boys in there are alive because YOU acted as YOU had been trained to act! We all can rest easier knowing that YOU are here to take care of our hurts and injuries." That made Carl feel better, but he was still uneasy until Dr. Bob reminded him of the "Emergency Responder Act" that protected those who respond to emergency situations just like that one.

Since he had not had time to supply his new bungalow, Carl was invited to join them for supper. Mama Rosa had fixed Prime Rib, Mexican style with strips of mild chilies layered on the top. Apple pie and ice cream finished the meal and he was stuffed. Billy and Antonio served light meals to the boys in the infirmary and David pushed Donnie in his wheelchair out to eat with everyone else. Carl's impression was one big happy family!

Chapter 6 - A Flood Of Boys

Things seemed under control at the JM2, Donnie has graduated to a walking cast and the three new boys, John Ellis, Richard Graham and Dan Reed had recovered sufficiently that they could go to school. Juan was looking seriously at the school building with the idea of adding a third classroom next summer, what they had would not accommodate very many more students. All the new boys knew of the story of "Mr. Joe", it apparently was common street lore now. Joe was mystified as to how it had come about and spread so rapidly. The state department of Child Welfare came and inspected their facilities. The woman was not particularly pleasant and tried to find deficiencies, but she was reminded by Chet Neuman, who ushered her around, just how politically powerful Josiah Meister was and, unless she had an airtight case, her job hung in the balance. She went stomping off, saying that she would come back for "unscheduled" inspections. Chet just laughed, she still has to get through that gate out at the road, that old bag isn't going to walk 5 miles up a dirt road!

Juan had hired a contractor to build a new wing of nothing but bedrooms and bathrooms. They had converted the old ballroom to a dining hall and hired extra kitchen help to serve food for the boys. Mama Rosa still ruled the kitchen with an Iron Spoon, but it was getting too much for just one person to feed everyone.

The weather began to improve as spring approached, the willows were the first herald that spring was arriving and the next notice arrived that Saturday morning, just before daylight. Joe, as usual, was up at 5 am looking for a cup of coffee. As he was rummaging around in Mama Rosa's kitchen, he heard a voice calling, "Help me, help me, I need help, PLEASE somebody help me!" Joe threw on the outside floodlights and opened the front door. There was an older teen boy, with a small boy in his arms and two more holding on to his belt. The teen said, "Help me, my baby brother is hurt!"

Joe nearly beat that old iron triangle to death, calling out an emergency. People came from every direction, Carl, only half dressed was the first to respond, he took the injured boy from his brother's arms and ran to the Infirmary with the others close behind. As he laid the injured boy on the examining table, he asked the older boy what happened. The boy said, "Snake, a rattle snake." Sure enough, Carl found two fang marks on the boy's leg and it was beginning to swell already. As he was cleaning the boy's leg, he hollered at Joe to get him three vials of anti-venom out of the refrigerator, and he told Jordan to call Dr. Bob, he was going to need help to save the boy! Carl injected all three vials, one after the other, then he undressed the boy and cleaned him up, carefully checked to make sure there were no other bites or injuries. While monitoring the bitten boy, he asked the teen if anyone else had been struck by the snake and the boy replied that nobody else had been bitten. The boy was continuing to deteriorate, so Carl asked for three more vials and quickly administered them. They had a total of twenty on hand, so he told Joe to get on the phone to Sheriff Jeans and have them run another 20 vials down from the hospital - RED LIGHT!

By now, the entire ranch was awake and gathered outside the Infirmary. Mama began running coffee to those helping save the boy, she spotted the older teen as he began to slump to the ground. She dropped the coffee pot and grabbed the boy, calling for Jordan to help her. Jordan quickly determined that it was fatigue. The boy had run, carrying his brother, the entire 5 miles from the county road!

Before it was over, Carl had administered 24 vials of anti-venom before the boy turned around. By the time turn around took place, Carl had been working on the boy for 8 hours! Dr. Bob assisted, but let Carl run the treatment. It was a tired, but happy group when the boy's breathing eased and his heart rate returned to near normal. Sheriff Jeans had remained at the ranch on standby in case any other emergency runs had to be made. He remarked to Joe that he had a gold mine in Carl Traminer!

By now, it was afternoon and all the new boys had been fed and cleaned up, Joe decided to talk to the oldest teen. The boy, who said he was 16 years old, gave his name as Joseph Duncan and the boy who was bitten was Brian Duncan, his brother. The other two boys, he didn't know, they just tagged along when he said they were looking for Mr. Joe. Joseph said, "You ARE OUR MR. JOE, aren't you?" and Joe assured him that he was. At that, Joseph hurled himself into Joe's lap, hugging Joe and crying, "We are safe at last, the bitch can't hurt us anymore."

Joe said, "Son, I don't know what is going on yet, but I can tell you that NOBODY is gonna hurt you or any other child on MY RANCH! Not now, not ever! Now, let's get you and your friends a place to sleep and then I will talk to them, also." It was getting a bit crowded in the bunk room, but the new addition would be ready soon. Joe found bunks for all four boys and left Joseph resting while he took the other two boys into his office to talk with them. He held them and assured them they were safe now. One boy, who said his name was Bert Fowler, was 12 and the other was his cousin Frank Fowler and he was 10. They had been kicked out by their parents because Bert's father had found them naked together just looking at each other's parts. It was all Joe could do to not snort like an enraged bull, he very calmly held each boy and told them that he would care for them and they could live here and go to school here. He sent them to go get some rest after their ordeal and he would see them at suppertime.

It took Joe some minutes before he felt safe enough to talk to anyone. The first thing he did was to put in a call to his attorney, Chet Neuman. He told Chet that he wanted to hire 6 men as security for the JM2. That he wanted them deputized by Johnny Jeans and to have firearms licenses. AND, he wanted it done YESTERDAY! Chet sighed and said, "Anything else, your Majesty?"

Joe said, "YEAH, tell the Ford agency to send me two 20 passenger vans, equipped with 4 wheel drive and air conditioning"

Chet said, somewhat sarcastically, "Yesterday?"

Joe laughed and said, "YOU BET!" He then asked, "Where is that geologist you were going to find for me?"

Chet said, "He will be in for an interview Monday! YOUR MAJESTY!" They both had a good laugh over that!

Joe sat thinking about Joseph's comment about 'The Bitch'. "I am not qualified to help these boys over their emotional hurts, I need some help here!" He walked over to Jordan's little cubby office and said, "How would you like to take some of the load off Chet Neuman?"

Jordan replied, "Joe, I am here to do anything and everything I can to make this place a Happy Home for our Boys!"

Joe thought, "Just what I wanted to hear!" He continued to Jordan, "How about finding a qualified counselor to work with our boys and help them over the rough spots?"

Jordon's only reply was, "I'm on it, BOSS!"

The school boys were just arriving for supper, each group of 6 boys had a monitor, elected by themselves, to see to it that everyone had washed their hands and were seated at the table. A new monitor was elected each month, so everyone could share the responsibility. Joe walked in to the bunkroom and woke the new boys, "Guys, lunch is ready, wash your hands and let's EAT!"

Joseph asked, "What about my brother, Brian?"

Joe told him, "Let's you and I take him his supper before we sit down to eat?"

They walked into the small ward adjacent to the Infirmary, carrying a bowl of soup, Mama Rosa's Special Chicken Soup for sick boys, a plate of fresh baked biscuits, some butter and honey to go on them, a glass of milk and a wedge of cherry pie. Brian was sitting up, wondering if he had been forgotten. When he saw his brother, carrying food on a tray, his eyes lit up and he began to cry. Joe sat on the side of the bed to comfort the boy and Joseph said, "Brian, this is Mr. JOE! You gotta get better, they have a school for us and everything!" He continued, as he was spooning chicken soup into a starving boy, "Look, I even have new clothes!" Joseph turned to Joe and said, "Our Daddy died and left us with our stepmother. She didn't care anything for us. Everything was for her own daughter!" He continued, "She got our clothes at the Salvation Army and often we had no supper, except for a piece of stale bread and peanut butter. She and her fat daughter were eating steak!"

Joe asked, "Where did you live?"

Joseph replied, "We lived in Fort Worth, our Daddy, was a doctor at Fort Worth General Hospital."

Joe told both boys that they now lived at the JM2 and not to worry about anything other than getting better!

Chapter 7 - The Ranch Expands

Joe sat at his desk, his head in his hands, "These boys need so much, Lord, am I enough for them?" He received no answer but he continued that line of thinking as he walked to the dining room for his own supper. Carl was seated across the table from him. Carl had missed his lunch while he had been tending Brian's snake bite, so he was ravenous. Joe laughed and told him not to eat the table, too! Joe said, thinking out loud, "Carl, when you were in Afghanistan, did your unit have a chaplain?"

Carl replied, "Yes it did, he came back at the same time I did."

Joe, still thinking, "What is he doing now?" Carl said that the last time he had heard from him, he was working for his father, selling cars, in Tucson. Joe said, "Do you think he could help our boys?"

Carl replied, "Heck, Danny could help a stone if it needed it!" So Joe told him to give his friend a call and ask him if he was interested.

About that time, Chet Neuman arrived with a fist full of papers, "Joe, it's YESTERDAY! Here is the paperwork on those two passenger vans you wanted and I have an idea for your security people." He continued, "I called the Navy Reserve Center up in El Paso and they have some Marine Corps MPs who are looking for civilian work. What do you think?"

Carl spoke up and asked, "Is one of them Jeff Lasson and another Gil Bains?"

Chet replied, "Yeah, do you know them?"

Carl answered, "Yes, Joe, Chet, if those two are available, hire them NOW and anyone else who is with them! They are the BEST!"

Joe said, "You heard the man."

Chet walked off saying something about a damned nuthouse! The next day was Friday and the school kids were busy taking tests. Joe asked Carl, Jordan and Juan to meet with him. They all sat around the table, nursing hot cups of coffee and eating Mama Rosa's to die for sticky buns. Joe started the discussion, "We need to plan out what we need over the next 6 months for our boys."

Carl started, "We could use a swimming pool. The boys need the exercise and the interactive recreation that swimming would provide."

Jordan continued, "We need to provide a suitable horse or pony for each boy who wants to ride, complete with saddles. Each boy would be responsible for the care of his own horse."

Juan added, "A bunkhouse is fine, but I think that a cottage for a group of 8 boys and a leader would be better, more like a home for them. We can still have a dining hall, but the boys need the stability of a HOME!"

Joe said, "What about a ball field and a play area for some of the younger boys?" He continued, "Juan, you can't run the ranch as foreman and do all the construction too, which to you want to be?"

Juan replied, "Boss, I am just a Ranch Foreman, you need a grounds manager for all this."

Joe looked at Jordan, who said, "Yeah, YESTERDAY, I know!"

The weekend was a relief for the school kids, the tests were over with and the weather was warm. Carl allowed Joseph to take his brother, Brian, out for a walk in the wheelchair. There were 9 boys, 8 ranch boys and two girls all out playing, Joe was happily watching them having carefree fun. He thought to himself, "This is what childhood is supposed to be! No hurts, no hunger, no fear, just fun!"

About that time, Sheriff Jeans drove up and got out of his car. He walked up to Joe and said, "The Reverend Hammond made bail, I thought you ought to know that he has been heard making threats about you and the boys here."

Joe replied, "Thanks, Johnny, I may need some help."

The Sheriff told him he was as near as the telephone and then he left. Joe called for Carl and when they got together, he asked Carl, "Get the names of the security applicants from Chet Neuman and then call them, including your friends, if they are not on the list, and ask them to high-tail down here to the JM2. We will pay all their expenses, but we need them..."

Carl interrupted and said, "Yeah, YESTERDAY!"

As Carl was headed to the telephone, Joe called after him, "Tell them we will send a van to pick them up!" Carl made his phone calls and every one of the men were anxious to work at the JM2 and were willing to come now, so Carl told them a JM2 van would pick them up at the El Paso Navy Reserve Center that evening. He then told Joe what he had done and left to drive the van to El Paso to pick up his friends.

Chapter 8 - The Marines Have Landed

Joe was still concerned about any trouble the people who went to Hammond's church could cause, so he had Juan post two cowboys down at the gate and 4 more roving the grounds, all armed. The day passed without incident and nothing happened that night. About 2 am, Carl returned with 6 young, ex-Marines in the van. Joe had been waiting up for them to arrive. His first impression was that Carl had hired 6 gorillas from the El Paso Zoo! All the young men were over 6 feet tall and shoulders like line backers! As they got out of the van, Joe talked to them. His first question was would any of them have problems with boys that might be gay.

The one, who seemed to be their leader and identified himself as Gil Bains, said, "Nope, Carl told us about that. Our job is to protect kids and you adults, NOTHING else is important!" All the rest of the men agreed with him. Joe showed them to a vacant bungalow where they could sleep the rest of the night, and then take over security first thing in the morning. Joe thanked Carl and told him to get some sleep too. The remainder of the night was quiet, but it was not to last.

Joe was up early as usual and had grabbed a cup of coffee before heading to his office. He was about to sit, when the radio squawked, "Ranch 1, this is Gate 1, over."

Joe snatched the mic and replied, "Gate 1, this is Ranch 1, go ahead."

"This is Gate 1. We have two trucks full of people demanding entrance. Over."

"Gate I, This is Ranch 1. Hold them off, shoot their tires out if you have to, we are on the way. Ranch 1 out." At that, Joe was pounding on that poor old iron triangle for all he was worth - HIS BOYS WERE IN DANGER! Men came running from all directions, as the Marines staggered out of their bungalow, Joe handed them rifles and told them to get in the van. Carl was up by then and he jumped into the driver's seat and the van took off in a spray of gravel. He was taking the turns practically on two wheels as they sped to the front gate.

When they arrived, the friends of Reverend Hammond were no longer facing just two armed cowboys. Now there were 6 angry Marines and a Medic, all holding rifles, staring them in the face! They decided they were not quite as valiant as they thought they were. They departed as fast as they could turn around!

Gil had been elected leader, so he posted three of his men at the gate and loaded up the 2 cowboys and the van returned to the house, a bit slower this time! Mama Rosa had started breakfast, so she fed the Marines, as they had become known, first so Gil could relieve the Marines he had left at the gate for breakfast. After everyone had eaten, Gil asked Juan for three horses. When Juan got them saddled and ready, Gil and the other two Marines started making rounds to protect the JM2!

It wasn't long before Johnny Jeans was on the phone to Joe, "Hey Joe, what have you got down there, an army?"

Joe replied, "You can tell Hammond's bastards that the Marines have landed! If they are allergic to holes in them, they had best stay away from MY BOYS!"

Sheriff Jeans thought, "Oh Crap, I had better go put out some fires!" He grabbed up a fist full of Deputy Badges and headed down the road to the JM2. When he arrived at the gate, two of the biggest bruisers he ever saw were standing there with rifles pointed at HIM! Suddenly, there was a third behind him doing the same thing!

He stammered, "Hey guys, I am one of the good ones. If you will lower your rifles and stand in front of me, I CAN MAKE THIS QUICK!" He then proceeded to deputize all three men, saying, "Now you are legal!" He then headed up the ranch road to the house and did the same for the three Marines on duty there. He stayed long enough to gulp a cup of coffee and snatch one of Mama Rosa's sticky buns before returning to his office.

It wasn't long before the story of the JM2 Marine Corps was all over town. Most folks were laughing, but the hard core fundies were furious. They all vowed to even the score the next night! Gil and Joe were expecting trouble the next night, so, Juan and his cowboys, Carl, Jordan and Andy Baxter all volunteered to patrol the ranch on horseback. Gil put 4 of his JM2 Marines on the front gate, Joe was posted on the front porch of the house Andy in the back of the house and the rest were mounted and patrolling the grounds. Gil monitored the house patrols and carried a portable radio to keep in contact with the mounted patrols and the front gate. He took the designation Marine 1!

Shortly after midnight, the radio sounded, "Marine 1, this is Gate 1."

"This is Marine 1, go ahead Gate 1."

"Marine 1, we have an unusual amount of traffic on the highway, trucks and cars full of people. Over."

"Gate 1, Patrols 1, 2 and 3 this is Marine 1 - LOCK AND LOAD. It's battle time. Marine 1 out." Shortly gunfire could be heard coming from the direction of the front gate.

The next sound was an awful sound of a shotgun! He heard Mama Rosa scream, "Next time it will be your face, you bastard!" Joe ran into the kitchen, Mama Rosa had the shotgun pointed out the window and someone was screaming outside the building!

Carl called out, "It's ok. It's just a wounded fundie. He'll keep!" There were sporadic shots for the next several hours, Johnny Jeans and two cars of deputies were soon on the scene and they finally rounded up 30 members of Hammond's church. 10 of them suffered wounds ranging from serious to a broken leg from falling over a stump running away from Mama Rosa's shotgun! Carl treated a life threatening wound on a fundamentalist, but refused treatment to any other, saying they could suffer until Sheriff Jeans got them to jail.

The JM2 Marines finished up their mounted and gate patrols that night, but all remained quiet. With nearly the entire congregation of Hammond's church in jail, it was decided that only two mounted JM2 Marines were need at night thereafter. The JM2 Marines were a big hit with all the boys, they played football with the older boys and taught them to shoot rifles, they took the younger boys on hikes and camping trips and they even led the boys in calisthenics and exercises. To the young girls, who lived with their employee parents, the JM2 Marines were dream material, more than one Marine had a red face on occasion!

Chapter 9 - New Construction Ahead

The first week in June, end of term Examinations were given. Despite the interruptions, every student passed their grade level and was promoted. With the help of the JM2 Marine Corps, summer activities were planned to keep all the children away from the construction zones. The first projects to start were the swimming pool and the additional classroom on the school building. After Joe and Chet Neuman had fought the plans through the County Building Commission, the next project was 8 small houses to be homes for 8 boys and a mentor each. All six JM2 Marines had already signed up to be mentors and it would be a requirement of a chaplain and counselor, also. Carl had called his friend who had been a chaplain in Afghanistan and he would be here for an interview the next day.

They were not having any success in finding a counselor. John Leki drove in from Tucson for an interview. He stayed the night with Carl and met Joe the next day. Joe asked him why he had not found a congregation and John said, "The ones I have talked to don't have the same ideals as I."

Joe replied, "Please explain."

John continued, "I want to work with real people, not just a set of preconceived ideals. I want to help people, not just tell them what they want to hear and how wonderful they are!"

Joe then asked him how he would handle working with boys who might be gay, had emotional troubles and needed counseling?

John became very excited and said, "THAT is what I am looking for, someone who NEEDS my help, not just to hear me tell them they are doing the right thing!"

Joe then asked, "Are you a trained counselor, also?"

John replied, "YES SIR, I most certainly am."

Joe thought for a few moments, then said, "Do you need to go back home or can you stay here on the job?"

John chuckled, "I can stay, Sir, Carl already warned me about YESTERDAY!"

Joe said, "Ok, let me help you with your bags." He turned back to John and asked, "Is there another like yourself?"

John replied, "Yes Sir, my cousin, Abner Leki. He is stuck selling used cars like I was!"

Joe replied, "Give him a call, YESTERDAY!" and left the room, chuckling to himself. He had also learned that both John and Abner were Native Americans, what a wonderful addition they would be to the JM2 Staff!

The next morning, almost before the coffee was ready, a car drove up to the JM2 and a man stepped out, saying he was looking for Mr. Joe. John ran down the front steps and hugged his cousin, Abner. He led him into Joe's office and started to introduce him to Joe. Abner interrupted him and turned to John, asking, "Do you know who this is?"

John responded, "Yeah, it's Mr. Meister."

Abner continued, "No John, this is MR. JOE! THE MR. JOE!"

John's only response was, "Oh My God, HE IS REAL!"

Joe said, "I hear THAT a lot!" Continuing, he said, "Are you ready to go to work?"

Abner responded, "Well, yeah but, well is it YESTERDAY?"

Joe just shook his head and told him to put his bags in the same bungalow as John.

That afternoon, the house phone rang and nobody answered, so Carl picked up in the Infirmary, "JM2 Infirmary, Carl speaking. How may I help you?"

The voice on the other end said, "This is Mary Bidwell over on the Fort Davis Road, I have a group of boys here, looks like 6 of them and two are hurt pretty bad. They say they are looking for Mr. Joe. The only Joe I could think of is Joe Meister at the JM2."

Carl responded, "Yep, that's us, I will get someone over there as soon as possible, in fact, I will come myself as a couple boys are hurt! It will be at least an hour to get there, Ma'am."

She replied, "I will make them comfortable until you get here, bye."

There was nobody around, so Carl started banging on the iron triangle. He ended up with Gil driving the van and Gary Paulson and himself riding shotgun. By the time they got to the Bidwell Ranch, Carl felt like we had been running the Indie 500! He checked the boys over, one had a broken arm and another, someone had mashed his face in! Gil drove the return route even faster, YESTERDAY, he guessed!

On the way back to the JM2, the 4 boys who he had NOT given pain killers to, were full of questions! "Is it REALLY MR. JOE?" "Will we be allowed to live there?" "Will we be safe and nobody hurt us?" "Can we go to school?"

Carl said, "Boys, boys, as soon as we get there, you can ask MR. JOE all your questions!"

The JM2 Marine Corps was out in UNIFORM to greet the new boys. Gil had ordered desert cammies for his "troops" and they turned out as greeters. WOW, the 4 awake boys went bug-eyed! The two semi-awake hurt boys took one look and passed out! After he got the two boys stabilized and had cornered John Leki, his old 'stan buddy, Carl told him what the boys had said. Abner was with the other 4, so John and he went to talk with Joe. Carl told him the whole story, what Mrs. Bidwell had said and what the boys had said. He told him that we were going to have to put out the word to all the neighbors about this Mr. Joe stuff and we were going to need a permanently ready rescue team!

Joe called for Jordan and told him to order another van with no far back seats, but clips to hold down two stretchers, if needed. He wanted JM2 RESCUE painted on both sides! "We added 6 new boys today," Joe said, "Carl Anders, Phillip Anders, Roy Melton, Aldo Meeks, Ronnie James and Carson Bettner." He continued, "All these boys were drawn by the MR. JOE legend!" He turned to Jordan and said, "First thing, get 8 more cottages approved. Then, make it TWO more classrooms at the school and look for at least one more teacher."

Jordan replied, "I know, YESTERDAY!" Everyone chuckled.

Joe had interviewed the geologist that morning and he was not impressed. Juan spoke up, "Wasn't Mrs. Bidwell's Grandson a new minted geologist? Seems to me he worked for an oil rig company that went bust a while ago."

Joe said, "I believe you are right, let me give her a call." Joe went into his office and was back shortly. He reported, "Yes, Bobby Bidwell is a geologist and YES he is out of work right now. He will come tomorrow and Mrs. Bidwell will be with him to check up on HER grandchildren!" Joe sat down and thought to himself, "Surely nothing MORE can happen today, can it?" He was right, nothing other than a disturbed rattlesnake kicked up by the digging machine that was making the hole for the swimming pool.

At supper, Joe mentioned that Mrs. Bidwell was coming the next day with her grandson, Bobby. Mama Rosa spoke up and asked, "Nettie Bidwell?" Joe nodded yes and Mama Rosa continued, "Biddy and I went to high school together, if you ever need someone to comfort a frightened child, you call Nettie Bidwell, she is the world's #1 Grandma!"

Joe thought to himself, "THAT might not be such a bad idea!"

Just before lunch the next day, the Bidwells arrived and Joe took Bobby into his office for an interview. Mrs. Bidwell had seen the sign "INFIRMARY" so she wandered over and knocked on the door. Carl opened and smiled, "Granny Bidwell! Come in, come in. There are two boys here who would love to see you, Aldo Meeks and Carson Bettner." Mrs. Bidwell sat down and soon the three of them were old chums! When she left, the two boys were healthier than they had ever been, just from talking with her! Carl decided she was going to be a regular in his infirmary!

In the meantime, Joe was becoming more and more impressed with young Bobby Bidwell. Finally, he asked him, "If you were in charge of my properties over at Junction, what would you do first?"

Without hesitation, Bobby replied, "Fire Blackstone Drilling!"

Joe looked at him in question, "Why?"

Bobby replied, "Try matching their man hours with drilling hours! Drilling hours with feet drilled! Machine hours with drilling hours! Nothing will match up, they are frauds!"

So, Joe went and got the Blackstone Billing folder and said, "Show me."

Bobby did.

Joe thought to himself, "I wonder if Carl carries tranquilizers in that Infirmary of his?" Joe told Bobby he was hired.

Bobby replied, "YESTERDAY?"

Joe's thought was, "Oh Shit!"

After the Bidwells left, Joe sat thinking about how he was spending his days, he was running himself ragged and had no time to spend with all his boys! Just then the telephone rang, it was Sheriff Jeans, "Joe, somebody broke into Chet Neumans office and ransacked the place. Worse, they set part of it on fire, I am pretty sure it is Hammond's work, but poor Chet is about to have a breakdown!"

Joe replied, "I'll gather some help and we will be there as soon as we can, Chet deserves our total support for all he has done!" Joe walked out of his office and found Gil drinking a well earned cup of coffee. He told Gil to gather up a couple JM2 Marines and some older boys. They had a lawyer to rescue! Joe filled one of the vans with Marines and boys, and headed for Marfa. When they got there, Chet Neuman was standing in the middle of the wreckage of his lifelong office. It had been his Father's before him and now was reduced to ashes and torn papers! Joe wrapped his arm around the grieving man and said, "Chet, let my guys clean up here, you have a place at the JM2, it's time you moved in with us." He then chuckled and added, "YESTERDAY"

While the JM2 crew cleaned up the mess, Joe drove Chet back to the JM2 and got him settled in a bungalow. He then cleared out an office and turned it over to Chet, saying to him, "Chet, how about working just for us. The boys love you and, maybe it's time we BOTH started slowing down?"

Chet replied, "Are you sure you want a crotchety old lawyer breathing down your neck 24/7?"

Joe just laughed and had one of the JM2 Marines take the van back to Marfa and the work crew there. Joe then told Chet, "When you feel up to it, we will move you out of your house and if the bungalow isn't big enough, we will build you a new house here."

At that, Chet Neuman lost whatever control he had over his emotions, Joe closed the door to his office and headed to the kitchen so Chet would have some privacy for his grieving. Mama Rosa looked at him and said, "You need to take some of your own advice!"

That started him on a train of thought, he settled into a chair at the table, pondering how things had sped up since he had found Billy! He was caring for 16 boys plus Antonio, Juan's son. There were 6 JM2 Marines, 2 chaplains/counselors, 2 school teachers, a medic and geologist, along with an office manager and a housekeeper! Not to mention the Ranch Hands and their families!

At that moment, the radio squawked and he went running to answer it, "Ranch 1, this is Marine 1. Over."

"Marine 1, Ranch 1, go ahead."

"Ranch 1, we have all of Mr. Neuman's papers in boxes and the trash in the dumpster. We will bring all the salvageable papers to the JM2, we are headed home now. Marine 1 out."

Joe suddenly realized that the radio was their lifeline and all they had was 1 telephone line! He walked to Jordan's office and sat down. Jordan looked up and said, "YESTERDAY?"

Joe's reply was, "Yep!" He continued, "Get someone from the telephone company down here. We need a switchboard and several incoming lines. I want a telephone in every bungalow, every cottage, the Infirmary, the school and anywhere else you can think of." Thinking some more, he said, "Get together with Carl and find someone from that Navy Reserve Center who knows about radios. We need a manned central radio system that can reach any of our places, even as far as Junction. Yeah, YESTERDAY!"

The next day, an Applications Engineer from the telephone company arrived to analyze the needs of the JM2. He found that a central automatic switchboard would be best and recommended that they purchase 6 incoming lines, one of which was to be a dedicated emergency circuit. Jordan approved the plan and work was to begin the next week. In the meantime, Carl had called his friend at the Naval Reserve Training Center in El Paso. They had a young Chief Petty Officer Radioman who was looking for employment. He had gotten out of the service because his wife left him with two young boys to care for. Jordon spoke with the man briefly on the telephone, and then told him to come for an interview and bring his boys, too. He told the man that JM2 would cover all his expenses for the trip. The man said he would be there the next day.

Joe wandered out to the Infirmary to visit with the recovering boys, Aldo Meeks and Carson Bettner. They were much improved and anxious to get out of the Infirmary. Aldo said, "Are you really Mr. Joe, the one we heard about in San Antonio?"

Joe replied, "Well, I guess I am, but it doesn't matter, you are a JM2 Boy now and nobody is going to hurt you again! You either, Carson!" The two boys were all over Joe. When he left, the front of his shirt was soaked with tears, and maybe even a few of his own mixed in. Joe spotted the two Leki Brothers over near the pool construction, so he went to talk with them, "Guys, there are two boys in the Infirmary who need some counseling and I'll bet the rest of them in that bunch would love to talk with you also." The two brothers headed for the Infirmary immediately.

While he was over at the construction site, he decided to speak with the School Teachers, Andrew Long and Jerry Baxter. He told them, "One of the new classrooms needs to be high school level. Can you see if there is a high school teacher, preferably a man, and also another elementary level teacher that can come for an interview?" Andrew said they would get right on it. Joe thought to himself that maybe they would need a principal soon, also.

It was lunch time so he wandered back to the house, to be met by near bedlam! The table monitors were carrying food from the kitchen to the dining hall and Mama Rosa was trying to put lunch on the table for the adults at the same time. He thought that this had to be taken care of also! Mama Rosa had two young women as helpers, but it was panic for everyone. After lunch, he sat down with Mama Rosa and asked her what she thought should be done. Mama Rosa thought for a moment, and then replied, "Joe, we need a central kitchen with industrial type ranges and ovens. Also dishwashers and serving lines are needed. While you are at it, we need an industrial laundry. Those boys go through clean clothes like salts through a goose!"

Jordan was standing behind Joe, listening to Mama Rosa telling of her needs, he spoke up, "I'm on it, Boss, YESTERDAY". He walked back to his office chuckling!

Joe hollered after him, "Enough of this YESTERDAY crap, already!"

Jordan laughed even harder at Joe's comment! Over the next week, several new people were hired. Lenny Radford impressed Joe and was hired as Radio Central. His two sons, Joe and Kenny came along and all three were established in one of the new cottages that were just finished. Abraham Long was hired as high school teacher and principal. His son, Jeffery, who was only 3 years old, became the youngest boy on the Ranch and everyone's special "lookout"!

They were not having much luck finding another elementary level teacher until Mrs. Bidwell was visiting. She said, "Why, my baby brother just retired from the Austin School system and he is looking for a teaching position around here."

Joe thought, "If he is as good as his grand nephew Bobby Bidwell, he is hired now." Gorman Bidwell came the very next day and was hired on the spot!

The general contractor had completed the additions to the school house and was nearly completed with the swimming pool, so his contract was amended to include a Communication Center, a new Central Kitchen and a Laundry. All were scheduled to be completed before the end of summer. It was a warm summer evening when Gil, accompanied by three older teens asked Joe if they could talk with him.

Chapter 10 - Boy's Town JM2 Style

Joe agreed to spend some time with Gil and the boys, Joseph Duncan, Carl Anders and Donnie Phelps. Joseph started out, "Mr. Joe, there is a lot that us older boys could help with. I don't mean running errands and the like, although we would be glad to do that, too. We are talking about a JM2 Marine Jr. ROTC group!"

Carl continued, "We want to help the Marines and make this place safe for all our guys!"

Donnie took up the spiel, "In my old high school, we had Jr. ROTC and they performed traffic duty and crowd control at the football games and helped visitors to the school."

Gil spoke up, "Joe, I think it is a great idea and will make the boys feel more part of the JM2, a sense of ownership!"

Joe asked, "How many boys are interested?"

Gil replied, "6 boys, including Billy and Antonio."

Joe thought for a while, and could see some real benefits to such a plan, so he said, "OK, but I want you, Gil, to be their advisor."

Gil grinned and said, "OK guys, go put your uniforms on!" Joe realized that he had been set up from the start!

The first place to get a cadet "ON DUTY" was the new Communication Center. Lenny Radford had designed a complete Communication Center, with an automatic telephone switchboard and a radio communication system that used the latest technology available for both short range and long range transmission. He equipped all the management staff with belt radios of the latest micro-technology and all the vehicles had dash mounted long range radios. They had tested it with Bobby over at Junction and he came in as clear as if he were still on the property! Sheriff Jeans had drooled with envy over the system!

The Cadets all had uniforms similar to the JM2 Marines'; desert cammies with JM2 MCJROTC over their left chest on the right had their individual names. Antonio was appointed Cadet 1st Lt. Commanding, Carl Anders 1st Sergeant, Billy Corporal, and Donnie, David and Joseph all Privates First Class. Each morning they raised the American Flag on the old flag pole and retrieved it each evening. In less than a week, there was a waiting list to join, that included almost every boy on the ranch!

From the end of school to midnight, there was a cadet manning the Radio Room and on weekends, from 8 am to midnight. Lenny drilled them in correct radio protocol and they were as professional sounding and any law enforcement dispatch center! By the end of summer, there were 15 Cadets and still a long waiting list!

Juan was extremely proud of his son, Antonio, and more so when Gil promoted him to Cadet Captain! Carl and Billy were promoted to Cadet 1st Lieutenants and each commanded a squad! Donnie Phelps was promoted to Chief Radio Operator. As soon as the laundry was completed, David Mentzer and Bert Fowler stepped forward and asked to run the facility. They found that by running it just 3 days a week provided clean clothes for the entire JM2!

Just before school was to resume, Donnie was manning the radio room when he got a call from Bobby Bidwell at the Junction well site, "Ranch 1, this is Oil 1, over."

"Oil 1, this is Ranch 1, go ahead."

"Ranch 1, Oil 1. The driller found three boys hiding in the drill shack, one boy has rag bandages on both legs. Be advised I am transporting to JM2, fastest, over."

"Oil 1, Ranch 1, you are authorized RED LIGHT. We will wait your arrival. OUT." Donnie hit the emergency button that had just been installed, a siren on the radio tower began to scream! He then picked up the microphone and switched it to "Hailer". He announced, "Emergency transport inbound from Junction, FASTEST - RED LIGHT AUTHORIZED. Medic, standby!"

The yard was cleared immediately and Carl opened the double doors to the Infirmary. Everyone waited in silence. In what seemed like forever, they heard a siren coming on the dirt road shortcut that came cross country from the Interstate Highway. Bobby's big F-250 Ford 4 X 4 pulled up at the doors to the Infirmary and Bobby jumped out, one of the drillers jumped out the other door and they both grabbed the stretcher and carried it into the Infirmary where Carl was set up waiting.

Two young boys climbed out the back door of the cab and stared all around, clearly very frightened. Antonio walked up to them and said, "Hi, I'm Cadet Captain Antonio Jaurez, come with me and I'll get you something to drink."

Both boys began crying, one said, "But, but... What about Rollie, he's our big brother and he's hurt!"

Antonio wrapped his arms around both boys and said, "Dr. Carl will take best care of your brother, let's get you two inside."

Carl began by cutting away the dirty rags that had been tied to the boy's legs. Bobby stayed to assist him and the putrid smell from the rags nearly gagged the two men. The boy was delirious and thrashing around, Carl shouted out to whoever heard to call Dr. Bob, RED LIGHT! When they got rid of the rags, they saw that both legs were broken and the bones protruding out the skin! Billy and his squad of Cadets were standing by to provide emergency assistance, Carl shouted to Billy to get the portable x-ray machine rolled over to the treatment room. Donnie had already notified Dr. Bob. He then radioed Sheriff Jeans and asked him to provide emergency transport for the Dr. He explained it was a RED LIGHT situation!

Dr. Bob came running through the Infirmary door in less than 10 minutes. Carl had just completed the x-ray pictures and had them ready for Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob and Carl, assisted by Billy and one other cadet, both whom scrubbed alongside the Dr. and Carl, operated on the boy for 4 hours before Dr. Bob was satisfied. When it was over, Billy had decided what he wanted to be in life, a DOCTOR!

After things calmed down a bit, Carl told Antonio about an occurrence that took place that morning. He said, "You had just raised the flag, when I looked past the school building and saw a man on horseback. He was just sitting there watching. He looked almost like an Indian!" Antonio told him to just keep a lookout and let him know if he saw the man again. Antonio reported the incident to Gil, who was concerned enough that he repeated it to Joe. Joe didn't think that any of Hammond's bunch would be on horseback, so he didn't think it was any danger to the JM2.

The morning school started for the fall term, the man was seen again. Gorman Bidwell saw him and waved. The man slowly rode toward the Ranch House and seemed to be carrying a bundle. Gorman told Antonio to call out his Cadets and have someone notify Gil.

Antonio walked up to the horseman, who said, "Boy needs help."

Antonio grabbed his belt radio and hit the "Panic Button", which activated the Emergency Siren. He then said, "Can you give me the hurt boy?" The man leaned over and handed Antonio a young boy, wrapped in a blanket. By that time, all the cadets had "Fallen In" and were ready to support Antonio. Antonio pulled the blanket away from the boy and saw blood! He screamed at Billy to notify Carl and started running for the Infirmary, carrying the boy. Carl, who had been in the Infirmary, inventorying supplies, opened the double doors and rushed to meet Antonio. Together, they carried the boy to the Infirmary and began opening the blanket. What Carl found both angered him and frightened him! The boy had been beaten, nearly to death!

When the alarm siren had sounded, Lenny immediately manned the Radio Room. Billy, seeing the look on Carl's face snatched his belt radio off his waist and called, "Radio 1, this is Cadet 2, over."

Lenny replied, "Cadet 2, Radio 1, go ahead."

"Radio 1, call Dr. Bob, RED LIGHT, Cadet 2 out."

Billy and his squad of cadets assembled to provide support to Carl and Antonio. He rolled the portable x-ray machine into place in case Carl needed it and he, along with his Assistant Squad Leader Roy Melton, scrubbed, just in case. In the meantime, the horseman seemed to have disappeared. Sheriff Jeans had been listening in on the radio traffic coming from the JM2, so he intercepted Dr. Bob and led him to the JM2 with a siren and flashing lights. It took Carl and Dr. Bob nearly 3 hours to repair the damage done to the boy. Billy was determined to talk to his Dad, Joe, about a career in medicine! Carl placed the recovering boy in the small ward adjacent to the Infirmary and thanked Dr. Bob and all his cadet assistants for helping save the boy, for in fact, the boy had been near death!

Antonio recognized the blanket that had covered the boy was a very valuable handmade creation and was likely someone's prized possession, so he carried it over to the laundry and asked that it be specially cleaned of blood and returned to him.

Life settled back down to near normal and school was resumed. The boy regained consciousness that evening, Billy was sitting with him to give Carl a supper break. The boy cried out weakly and Billy immediately held his hand, saying, "You are safe now, we have mended your hurts and you are in the JM2 Infirmary." The boy began crying and shaking in fear, Billy held him and assured him all was ok.

The boys said in a trembling voice, "Where is Papa?"

Billy replied, "I don't know who your Papa is, but the man who brought you here has left." The boy began crying uncontrollably, so Billy called Radio Central to have Carl come to the Infirmary ASAP! Carl administered a sedative to the boy and he returned to his healing sleep.

The next morning, again as school was about to start, the man on horseback was staring at JM2. Gorman walked over to him and asked, "Are you the hurt boy's father?" The man nodded, without speaking and Gorman continued, "Would you like to see your son?" Again, the man nodded yes. Gorman then led the man to the Infirmary and knocked on the door.

When Carl opened the door, he saw the man on the horse and said, "Your son has been asking for you. Would you like to see him?"

The man nodded yes and dismounted his horse. He said to Carl, "I am Joseph Big Wolf. The boy is named Coran Little Bear. He is not my blood son, but I have raised him all his life." Carl led the man into the ward and left the two of them to talk privately. He then notified Joe and John Leki so they could speak and counsel both the Boy and his Father.

After Joseph Big Wolf emerged from the ward, John Leki went in to talk with the boy and Joe walked with the Man out to his horse. Joe said, "Mr. Big Wolf..."

The man replied, "Just Joseph, if you will. I know much of what you are going to say. All I ask is that you care for Coran Little Bear and give him what I cannot. The Reverend Hammond did this to him after his mother ran out from us."

Joe started again, "Joseph, caring for boys is what we do here, I ask you, do you want to be a part of raising Coran?" The man nodded, yes, so Joe continued, "Why do you not stay, then, and be part of Coran's life?"

The man replied, "But I am Indian, you do not want me here. Coran is only half Indian!"

Joe looked at him, "Are you not his father? The one he keeps calling, PAPA?" Continuing, Joe said, "Joseph, a boy needs his Father in his life if it is at all possible! That boy NEEDS YOU!"

At that moment, a voice in the ward called, "Papa, Papa"

Joe led Joseph Big Wolf back into the ward and told them both, "We will make a cottage available for you and your Father, please stay with us."

Coran looked at his Father and said, "Papa, it is time. They don't care if we are Indians, they only care for us. Can we stay, please? I will not if you will not."

Joseph Big Wolf looked Joe in the eye and said, "If you can accept me, then Coran and I will live here, but I must have work. I cannot live on charity."

Joe's only reply was, "DONE and DONE!" Joe left Joseph Big Wolf with his son and returned to his office. He put in a call to Sheriff Jeans, "Johnny, what do you know about a man named Joseph Big Wolf?"

The Sherriff replied, "Well I know that he was an Honors Graduate at UT-Austin and worked for Boeing until his daddy got sick. He has a son, his wife recently left him. I know that the Hammond bunch was harassing the boy for being a half-breed. Beyond that, they keep to themselves pretty much. Why?"

Joe replied, "Well, he has been watching the JM2 for a couple of days, yesterday morning he brought in a boy near beat to a pulp! Now, I have talked him into staying here with the boy, Coran Little Bear, and I just wanted to know what kind of fellow he is."

The Sheriff added, "Well, I know he is one smart man, some kind of aeronautics engineer. If it was me, I'd find a way to keep him!"

Joe replied, "Thanks, bye."

During lunch, Joe related the Sheriff's comments to Gorman and wondered if maybe they could offer an advanced math course to the high school students?

Gorman replied, "And how about Texas history from the Indian's point of view?"

Joe replied, "Thanks, I'll see what he has to say." After lunch, Joe strolled over to the Infirmary. He saw that Joseph's horse was still there. Seeing Joseph, he said, "Joseph, have you ever considered teaching boys what you know?" Joseph gave him a blank look. Joe continued, "Oh yes, I know about you Mr. Big Wolf, UT Honors Graduate, Boeing Engineer, one smart man!"

Joseph looked stunned and then replied, "White Boys wouldn't listen to an Indian!"

Joe started to get angry, "Now, you listen to me! YOU are an educated man! You have knowledge that OUR boys could learn, I don't care if you are green and from Mars, if you can help our boys, I want you in that classroom and teaching kids what YOU know!"

Joseph looked a bit stunned and then replied, "Coran brought home a fanciful fairy tale about a man named, Mr. Joe. I told him that someone was blowing smoke at him. I was WRONG, Mr. Joe, I will teach anything and everything I can to OUR boys!"

That semester, Joseph Big Wolf taught Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry, Texas History and, in addition, he took boys camping on weekends, teaching them Native American lore! He became a favorite teacher and would teach at JM2 for nearly 20 years before a heart attack felled him. Coran Little Bear would follow his footsteps and teach at JM2 High School also.

As fall progressed, Hammond and his followers were convicted of attempted murder, assault and assault on multiple minors. It would be many years before they saw the outside of prison. Gil added another squad to the JM2 MC JROTC and promoted David to 1st Lt. and Squad 3 Leader. His assistant Squad Leader was Paul Wright. There were now 26 JM2 MC JROTC Cadets and still a waiting list remained.

David's "little" brother, Liam had taken a growth spurt and was now approaching 6 feet tall. He asked to take the job of Dining Hall coordinator, a job he excelled at.

The new oil well at Junction came in, producing 1500 barrels of Texas Light Crude per day! Bobby was delighted that his predictions had been right on target. Joe took options on two more tracts of land closer to Fort Stockton. Bobby told him that they, more likely, would be gas producers.

Rollie James recovered from his two broken legs, but he would never be as robust as he once was. His two younger brothers, Edison and Carl, made sure he did not over do or reinjure his legs. Rollie told Joe that they had run from separate foster homes in Oklahoma City, where they had been placed after the death of their parents. He said that his two younger brothers were sexually assaulted in their foster homes and they decided to run. Joe had legal action taken against the foster homes and the state Child Services. They were now wards of JM2 Boys Home of Texas! Coran fully recovered from his beating and charges were added to the Hammond case.

Christmas was approaching and mysterious packages kept arriving by UPS and hidden away before anyone could "peek"! On Christmas Morning, the dining hall door was locked! A sign on the door said that breakfast would be served at the school! There was a squad of JM2 MC JROTC cadets stationed at the door to enforce the sign! The dining room monitors rolled out wheeled hot tubs full of Mama Rosa's famous sticky buns, scrambled eggs mexicanos, milk, coffee and tortillas.

When the last crumb had been gobbled down, Cadet Captain Antonio Juarez announced, "Line up in alphabetical order, starting with Z!" That threw them for a loop at first, but soon 40 boys and 3 girls were lined up. All the boys and all the staff's children were to get Santa Claus! When the group arrived at the Dining Hall, there were stacks of saddles, piles of clothing, rifles, chaps, boots, hats, several drawing easels and pads, two professional photography cameras and tripods, and a pile of fishing poles! When the boys and the few girls had passed through the room, nothing was left! Several boys were sitting on the floor, drowning in tears, Rollie had his brothers in his lap, Bert and Frank Fowler were hold onto each other for dear life, and Joe was being suffocated by crying boys! To say that emotions were running high would be like saying water was wet! Sheriff Jeans had come for the celebration. He was heard to say, "God Bless You, Mr. Joe!"

The cadets organized a New Years Eve vigil and asked the Leki Brothers to lead a brief chaplain service at midnight. After the two brothers had given their talks, Antonio stood and looked all around. He began, "My Brothers, we are here warm, well fed, clean and dry. How many boys are out there, huddled under a bush, hiding in a trash dumpster, shivering next to fence? How many are out there, hungry, wet and cold? How many are out there who will die this night? We have been blessed by having Mr. Joe. How many are out there who still need their Mr. Joe?" Many of the boys were near tears as he continued, "My cadets will lead. How many of you will join us in helping the boys still out there, hungry, cold, wet, frightened and dying? If you will join us, STAND UP NOW!"

A wild crowd of boys stood, cheering and screaming, "I WILL HELP!"

Antonio motioned for Gil to come forward, Antonio said, "We have 6 JM2 Marines. They will lead patrols, some by horse, some in trucks. Every boy we see, who looks lost, tired, hungry, hurt or frightened shall be offered a place with us. WE START TOMORROW! We have 6 Cadet Corporals. Find one and be part of his RESCUE SQUAD. Remember, we need boys here to receive and help incoming boys, to help in the Infirmary, to help feed, clothe and comfort those boys who have not these things!" Even the children of the staff and ranch hands volunteered for service!

The next morning Juan, Joseph Big Wolf and Jordan led 20 boys in different directions on horseback. Gil's JM2 Marines took another 20 boys in 5 pickup trucks and fanned out on the highways as far as El Paso, all looking for boys in need. The remainder and the girls opened the Infirmary, set up special dining facilities and readied the showers and laundry. The two remaining cottages were opened and the beds made up, ready to be occupied.

The first group to return was Joseph Big Wolf's group. They had 5 boys sitting with the riders that they had come upon, walking the road from Presdio. The boys were cold and wet, and had not eaten in days. As soon as they were headed to the showers, Albert Stevens and his truck of cadets arrived with two hurt boys from Marfa. Dr. Bob and Carl were standing by and began treatment almost before the boys were off the truck. Juan was next to return, he rode into the JM2 yard at a dead gallop, his crew skidding to a stop behind him, they had two unconscious boys they had found in the hills near Alpine. Carl called for more help in the Infirmary. Mrs. Bidwell and Mama Rosa came running! Billy had scrubbed and was assisting Dr. Bob. Unknown to anyone, Coran Little Bear had set out on his horse and returned with a boy who had fallen down a cliff and was severely injured. Coran carefully lifted the boy off his horse and carried him into the Infirmary. Kenneth LeHay and his crew went as far as Fort Stockton and collected 8 boys, all cold, hungry and wet. The last two to return were Gil and Paul, along with their crews. They had gone to El Paso and returned, laden with a total of 15 boys! The truck crews had hung signs on the cabs "Mr. Joe's Crew"! Paul had stopped his truck at a rest stop and almost immediately they were mobbed by 6 boys wanting to know if Mr. Joe had sent them!

The boys from the JM2 performed this service once a month and by spring they had collected over 100 boys who needed shelter. Jordan called in 2 contractors who were willing to brave the winter weather to construct cottages for the new arrivals. The carpenters claimed that the nails had not had enough time to cool off before boys were carrying their blankets and belongings into the new cottages! Work was begun on a new high school and a shared gymnasium to be used by the grade school and the high school. The boy population was nearing 200 by spring! Chet Neuman was kept busy almost every day filing legal papers to assume custody of the boys.

Chapter 11 - Growth Spurt

The state Department of Child Services was beginning to take notice of the JM2 and sent inspectors to harass and intimidate Joe. After all, their way of thinking was that a private person could not take care of abandoned boys! The first thing Joe did was to go to court, down in Austin, and have Chet Neuman get an injunction against the DCS. He then drove, with Jordan, over to Alpine to talk with the Dean of the School of Social Sciences. They decided to start a semester long course in the field. Students would spend the semester working at the JM2. Ten students signed up immediately and were "on campus" by the first of June for the summer semester. One of the students, John Carston, said that the JM2 Boys had it 100% better than he did growing up at home!

Towards the end of the summer semester, John came to Joe and said, "Mr. Joe, I would like to work for you after I graduate, would that be possible?"

Joe, who had already been impressed with John's caring relationship with the boys assigned to him, replied, "John, if your grades are as good as they are right now, I will hire you the day you graduate!"

The watch in the Radio Room received an alert, "Radio 1, this is Oil 1, Over."

"Oil 1, Radio 1, go, ahead."

"Radio 1, Can you get Mr. Joe to the Radio? Over."

"Oil 1, Radio 1, Mr. Joe is standing by, over."

"Radio 1, Oil 1, Well 23 in the Fort Stockton Gas Field just came in. JOE, IT'S A GUSHER! Over."

"Oil 1, Radio 1, Bobby, dinner is on me. Come on home! Radio 1 out."

Joe strolled over to Chet Neuman's office and sat down. "Chet, I am concerned that the state will cause us problems with the Boy's Home. I want to transfer all the oil and gas properties to a new corporation, "JM2 Boy's Town of Texas." He continued, "I want the schools, the cottages, dining and laundry facilities, the pool and the stables all part of the new corporation."

Chet replied, "That is not a problem and it would make it almost impossible for the state to meddle in the Boy's affairs!"

Joe's only reply was, "DO IT!"

The once a month rescue operations started by Antonio Juarez continued. One notable rescue took place just before the Fourth of July holiday. Billy's Squad was in a truck being driven by Gil, as they headed towards El Paso, they saw a teen boy carrying a small boy in his arms, walking alongside the road. Gil jammed on the brakes and Billy was out of the truck before it had come to a complete stop. He carefully approached the two boys, not wanting to frighten them. The teen spotted Billy's tee shirt, which read, "I AM FROM MR. JOE".

The teen began crying, "Please take care of my baby brother. Don't worry about me, just take care of Jeffy."

By that time, the rest of the squad had surrounded the two boys. Billy said, "We will care for you BOTH. Please let me carry your brother for you." He continued, "These are MY brothers and they will carry you also." As Billy lifted the small child, blood began to drip through his fingers. He screamed, "Gil, turn the truck around and we return to JM2, RED LIGHT!" At that, he jumped into the cab of the truck, still holding the small boy. The rest of the squad picked up the older brother and carried him gently to the back seat, where two of them supported the boy to keep him from falling. Billy grabbed the dash mic and radioed the JM2, "Radio 1, this is Rescue Squad 3. We have an EMERGENCY, over."

"Rescue Squad 3, Radio 1, state your emergency, over."

"Radio 1, Rescue Squad 3, we have an injured boy, about 3 years old and his older brother who looks to be going into shock. Request permission for transport RED LIGHT, over."

"Rescue Squad 3, Radio 1, RED LIGHT is authorized. Report your position, over."

"Radio 1, Rescue Squad 3, we are approximately 20 minutes away, Rescue Squad 3 out."

Sheriff Jeans' dispatcher had been monitoring the radio traffic and dispatched a Deputy to run traffic interference for the rescue. Gil ran the course at full throttle, arriving at the JM2 Infirmary in slightly more than 15 minutes. The Deputy pulled up directly behind them to give whatever assistance he could. Billy carried the small boy into the Infirmary and laid him on the treatment table. He immediately began scrubbing as Carl removed the child's blanket and clothing. What he saw shocked him to his very core, the child had been beaten with a small diameter metal rod, perhaps a clothes hanger! There was almost no spot on the child's body that was not bleeding. He immediately told one of the cadets to locate Dr. Bob and get him there ASAP! By that time, several more cadets had arrived, as well as JM2 Marines.

Antonio looked in and saw the boy, his face went a mottled red and he put his arm around the teen brother, saying, "I am Cadet Captain Antonio Juarez, your little brother is in the best possible hands and will be taken good care of. Please come with me so that I can get your names and particulars." He led the shaking and sobbing boy to an empty office and sat him down, holding his hands and said, gently, "You know that you both are JM2 Boys now, let us help you."

At that, the teen broke down sobbing and telling his story, "I am Roger Tellman and my brother is Jeffery Tellman. Our daddy is dead and our Mom started drinking after Dad died. Yesterday, she was falling down drunk and Jeffy was crying because we had not eaten in two days! She began to beat Jeffy with a coat hanger to make him stop crying. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I slugged her, wrapped Jeffy in a blanket and ran." I have been walking since last night. Nobody would stop or help us. I didn't know where to go, just get away from our mother! Is Jeffy gonna die?"

Antonio replied, "I don't know yet, but if anyone can save him, it is Dr. Bob and Carl!"

Dr. Bob, Carl and Billy worked on the little boy far into the night, but in the end, his injuries were so severe that he could not survive. Billy was so upset, he collapsed himself and had to be treated. Dr. Bob's anger mounted until he grabbed the Deputy and swore out a Criminal Complaint against the boys' mother. Sheriff Jeans had her arrested and in a cell before daylight. It was a somber group the next morning. They laid the little boy out, freshly dressed in clean clothing. All 250 boys, the Ranch Staff and all off duty Sheriff Deputies, along with Sheriff Jeans came to pay their respects. Roger had to be sedated, his grief was beyond bearing.

Antonio, as Chairman of the combined Student Body of both the High School and the Elementary School, called an emergency meeting of the Student Council. He opened the meeting, "My Brothers, we have a sad duty to perform, we have lost one of our own." The Council designated the next 2 days as days of mourning and then set aside a space to be used as a JM2 Boys Town Cemetery. Later in the day, Representatives of the County Government asked to pay their respects, Antonio told them, "Today, it is BOY'S BUSINESS and no outsiders will be allowed on the grounds. One year from today, we will hold a public Day of Remembrance for Jeffery Tellman and you may pay your respects then."

At that, Gil's JM2 Marines closed the front gate, allowing only two people from Marfa Funeral Parlor to come in to prepare the body and deliver a casket. The Marines stood Guard Duty at the gate allowing none to enter. The newly formed JM2 Boys Pipe and Drum Squad frantically practiced "Amazing Grace" on the Bagpipes. All the Cadet Officers of the JM2 MC JROTC were to serve as pallbearers and the five Squads as Honor Guard. The day of the funeral arrived to that dreadful dirge, "Amazing Grace". The drums beat a slow cadence as students, teachers and Ranch Staff slowly marched from the Rotunda of the two schools to the new Graveyard.

Antonio Joseph Juarez, Cadet Captain, JM2 MC JROTC, Commanding, marched slowly to the center, before the grave and spoke, "Today, we bury a boy, but in a greater sense, we bury our innocence. The innocence of assumed safety, the innocence of the sanctity of our bodies and person, the innocence of our childhood." He paused to wipe his tears, and then continued, "In its place, we must resolve to conquer abuse, to eliminate cruelty, to wipe out bigotry. We must stand firm in our protection of childhood, provide safety, shelter, food and love to every child. Let us resolve here and now that we dedicate ourselves to these things. This must never happen again, not here, not anywhere. Let each and every one of us take up this challenge as a personal goal. WE ARE JOE'S BOYS AND WE STAND FOR THE PROTECTION OF ALL CHILDREN!" He sat down to utter and complete silence until the pipes took up, again their dirge and the casket was slowly lowered into the ground, that Jeffery Tellman, finally, might have peace. Each boy walked slowly by the open grave and poured a handful of dirt into that awful hole and, in that way, promising Jeffery that they would personally take up the standard his death proclaimed. It would be several days before Roger was strong enough to face his new brothers. The future for Roger Tellman was set. He would go on to college and become a force for Children's Rights for the remainder of his life. William Joseph Meister resolved from that moment on to be a medical doctor, a goal he eventually attained with great distinction.

The remainder of the summer remained quiet. The monthly Rescue trips resulted in an increase of another 40 boys. Joe's plans to insulate JM2 Boy's Town from the state CPS were successful and Joe began a campaign to fund scholarships at several universities in the state where "Joe's Boys" might go for further education.

As a new school year began, Antonio was now a senior and Billy a junior. Billy was elected Chairman of the combined student body. Both boys excelled scholastically, Antonio had expressed a desire to go to Texas A&M, a goal his father, Juan, wholly supported. Little did Juan or Antonio know that Antonio already had a fully paid 4 year scholarship to that institution. Billy had told his father that he wanted to be a medical doctor, so Joe set him up with scholarships that would see him through his undergraduate days as well as Medical School. He set up the remainder of the Senior Class with scholarships at Sul Ross and UT-Austin. One boy had expressed a desire to a degree in Marine Science, so his scholarship was to Texas A&M Galveston Campus. The JM2 Boys Town Scholarship fund now stood at $22,000,000 as it received all the income from JM2 Petroleum Production Company, less those funds needed to operate the school and home for boys.

Antonio's senior year was "all business" for him. He had determined he wanted a career in the military, preferably the Marine Corps. Gil's professionalism and general demeanor was a beacon in Antonio's life. His grades were always top of the class, but now that he had a goal, he pushed excellence even further. He challenged Dr. Big Wolf and then collaborated with him on a special project. When Dr. Big Wolf's Theory was published, Mr. Antonio Joseph Juarez was listed as COLLABORATOR! That theory, the mathematic matrix to break up limestone formations and release entrapped natural gas would ultimately more than double the natural gas reserves of the United States. Antonio dedicated his share of the rewards of that collaboration to JM2 Boys Town! In the years of Antonio's College Education, that amounted to more than $100,000,000! JM2 was now the most highly endowed institution of its kind in the world! Dr. Big Wolf, known to all the boys as Joseph Big Wolf and to Coran Little Bear as Daddy, donated his share to the JM2 Boys Scholarship Fund, making it the largest such fund in the Western World!

Chapter 12 - Tragedy!

Just as things were going straight and steady, catastrophe struck, in a form that staggered all of the boys and Ranch Staff! Joe was riding his horse when it stepped into a gopher hole, throwing him over the horse's head and onto the rocks. He was dead before anyone even recognized what had happened. His body was carried home.

Billy was paralyzed in grief so severe he needed to be treated with tranquilizers! Nobody could console Billy. He spent days crying until Antonio took him in hand. The day of Joe's funeral, Antonio walked into Billy's room, turned on all the lights and opened the shades. Billy started to scream, but Antonio ignored him, he started to throw clothing at Billy and forced him to dress. After Billy was fully dressed, Antonio dragged Billy out into the living room and pointed to Joe's portrait hanging on the wall. He demanded, "WHO IS THAT?"

Billy screamed in reply, "MY DAD."

Antonio retorted, "Oh, do you think he would claim you like this?"

Billy was silent, and then wept, "Oh my God, what have I done?"

Antonio held the boy and said to him, "He knows that you loved him, and now he knows that you honor him. Be strong, Billy, for now YOU are Mr. Billy!" He continued, "You must carry on what Mr. Joe started, you cannot allow Joe's dream to die and ONLY YOU can carry on his work!"

Billy wiped his eyes dry and stood straight, saying, "Let us go bury my Father that I may carry on for him." Billy never spoke of the matter again, but his closeness to his Brother, Antonio, lasted their lifetimes.

Chet Bauman moved quickly to have Billy declared an "Emancipated Minor" and then as sole inheritor of all that Joe possessed. Billy assured all the boys that NOTHING would change, including him going to school with THEM. Billy followed Joe's blueprint for success and the JM2 prospered.

At the end of the school year, Antonio joined the United States Marine Corps Reserve and, as soon as he entered Texas A&M, he transferred to the MC ROTC, where he again rose to the top of excellence!

Billy refused to have the student body logo changed. They were still Mr. Joe's Boys! He continued the practice of "rescue runs" and the JM2 Boy population slowly grew. A new High School was constructed and the Elementary School moved into the old High School buildings. The old Elementary School buildings were converted into a recreation facility for both schools. At the end of Billy's senior year, the Boy Population had risen to 500! College type dormitories were erected as there were just too many to house in cottages. The cottages were converted to faculty housing and the dining hall enlarged once again. Mama Rosa retired as did Mrs. Bidwell and Professor Bidwell. However, it would have taken armed guards to keep any of them off campus!

Gil refused to allow Billy to go out on "rescues", telling him that the whole place depended upon him alone. What teen boy wants to hear that? However, after getting caught almost every time he tried to sneak join a rescue run, Billy gave up trying, kind of! Billy's academic excellence had colleges and universities parading offers to him, but his Dad had planned on him going to UT-Austin and THAT is where he was going! End of discussion! The stature of JM2 Boys Town had grown nationwide and other branches of the Armed Forces asked to institute JROTC programs, but Billy was adamant, The United States Marine Corps had helped them when they were struggling. No other branch was needed nor wanted. That summer, construction was started for a modern, multi-story JM2 Hospital. Carl was to be the Director. It would have 150 beds, and Emergency Room and a Pediatric Wing. They contracted with UT-Austin to make it a Teaching Facility! A year later, a School of Nursing was added in association with UT-Austin. The Facility was dedicated as THE JOSEPH MEISTER MEMORIAL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. The School of Nursing specialized in educating ex-military corpsmen to be Registered Nurses.

At long last, the criminal trial of Roger's mother, Mrs. Tellman was announced. Billy, Roger and Mr. Bauman attended, guarded by Gil and all of his JM2 Marines. It began to look like she might get off, until Billy asked the prosecutor if he might testify. The prosecutor was uneasy, but he finally agreed. When Billy was called, he approached the witness chair with two objects in his hand. When the prosecutor asked, Billy held up the first object, the bloody blanket that little Jeffery Tellman had been wrapped in. Two of the jurors vomited on the floor. After a short recess, the prosecutor asked Billy if he had further testimony to give, without a word, Billy opened the second parcel, a life sized photograph of a beaten, bloody, dead Jeffery Tellman! Again the trial had to be recessed in order that the jurors could compose themselves. The verdict was unanimous and Barbara Tellman received a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

As Billy was graduating from his High School years, it became apparent that he would not be able to attend to the day to day operation of JM2 while away at the University, so Juan was elected as President of JM2 Companies and Billy became the Chief Executive Officer. Officer Candidate Antonio Joseph Juarez was named Chairman of the Board and Dr. Joseph Big Wolf was named Superintendent of Education! Mr. Edward Strong was hired as High School Principal and Abner Leki was named Elementary School Principal. John Leki continued as Chaplain and Head Counselor for both schools. The schools and JM2 Boys Town had gained a nationwide record for excellence, there were waiting lists for both, however, the practice of making Rescue Runs was continued and there were no waiting list required for any rescued boy. A companion group asked and was given permission to copy the JM2 program and adapted it for girls. It was located near Fort Worth.

Chapter 13 - Time Marches On

Antonio Graduated from Texas A&M with Highest Honors, he had been number one in his class all 4 years! He was promptly commissioned Second Lieutenant, United State Marine Corps. It was a proud Billy and Juan who pinned his "butter bars" to his uniform. They both had tears as Antonio was shipped off to serve his country, both prayed daily for his safety.

The next year, Billy graduated summa cum laude from UT-Austin and immediately entered Medical School. He, also, was number one in all his classes! All of Billy's spare time was occupied by JM2. He loved to spend weekends mingling with His Boys! He assisted Carl and a now aging Dr. Bob. Dr. Bob had brought his nephew into his practice and the boys called him Dr. Lee.

Every leave that Antonio got was spent at the JM2. His Grandmother, Mama Rosa lived for his annual 30 day leave periods. The JM2 MC JROTC Cadets were in awe of Lt. Juarez and when he made Captain, he sat next to God in their eyes!

Billy graduated Medical School and started his residency at Baylor Hospital, specializing in Pediatric Surgery. As Billy was nearing completion of his residency, he received a telephone call, "BILLY!!!"

"Ugh, who..."

"It's me, Antonio!"

"Oh, my God Tony, WHERE ARE YOU?"


Antonio was being assigned a tour as instructor at A&M! What a reunion it was, The Main Rotunda at the JM2 School for Boys was decorated in Marine Green and both schools, now numbering over 1,000 students, were given a two day holiday to celebrate! Mama Rosa came out of retirement and cooked all of Antonio's favorite foods by the wagon load. Nothing was ever returned for garbage! Billy's delight in having his brother nearby was evident by his non-stop smiles!

Antonio met Mary Rose Tremain, she was doing Counseling Intern from Sul Ross University. Their romance bloomed and before the end of Antonio's 2 year tour, Billy was standing as Best Man at his Brother's Wedding! Mary Rose traveled with Antonio every time he was transferred, except those stations in war zones. They had three children, 2 boys, Juanito and Billy, and their youngest was a girl, Rosa! Billy was Godfather and Uncle to all three!

Chapter 14. - June 2, 2052

It was COMMEMCEMENT Sunday at JM2 Boys Town High School, Dr. Coran Little Bear stood at the podium and announced, "Our Commencement Speaker is a man known to you all, please welcome General Antonio Joseph Juarez, Commandant, United States Marine Corps." He continued, "General Juarez is one of our own. He saved many of us, myself included. I give you General Juarez!"

Antonio stood, looking out over the crowd of 600 High School Graduating Seniors. He began, "My Brothers, we have come a long ways together. We have stood the test of time and have not been found wanting. From the very beginning, as Mr. Joe's Boys, we made brothers of every boy in need. We succored the needy, we healed the hurt, we clothed the naked and, yes, we buried those too hurt to carry on." He paused to wipe his eyes, remembering little Jeffery Tellman. He continued, "Our Rescue Runs continue, our Hospital cares for hurt boys, our Schools educate boys for a bright future and our Home feeds, clothes and nurtures boys to adulthood. Due to the foresight of Mr. Joe, all this will continue, undiminished, for as long as there are boys in need. I have one announcement before Dr. Little Bear starts passing out your diplomas... well two announcements, I guess. The first, The Scholarship Committee has approved each and EVERY one of your scholarship requests this year!" A thunderous applause came back at him. Continuing, he said, "A new President of the combined JM2 Companies has been named, a man who is not only YOUR BROTHER, but also MINE! Please Welcome Dr. William Joseph Meister, Surgeon General of the United States!" he turned and drew Billy to the front, hugging him and whispering to him, "Welcome Home, BROTHER!"

The End