Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Ten

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**


I liked the idea of having other students watching out for Simon. I told Bruce I would be willing to pay the kids for their help. He said he offered them money, but they refused to take a cent.

I asked him about the girl. He informed me he found the whereabouts of our nephew's sister, furnishing her case worker's name, plus the woman's home number.

As soon as I finished speaking with him, I called Tom back.

"Drew, you must let me get some sleep!"

"Fine, I'm sure you won't mind me telling Even, I found his single blood relative, who lives in fear every day of her life. Then, I shall mention his very own uncle knows, yet he refuses to help!"

"Damn it, Bro, you're aware I would never do that!"

I started laughing at him. We both knew he was always among the first to volunteer.

"Alright, I give up, fill me in!"

"I need you to contact a CPS (Child Protective Services) worker tonight: a Mrs Block, of Marathon county, in regards to a Dakota Gordon, the sixteen-year-old sibling of our nephew, who has dwelt with at least twelve different foster families over the past fifteen years. Tom, I am heading up there tomorrow to fetch her, one way or another!"

"Fine, consider it done! However, suppose she refuses to move?"

"I shall deal with that possibility, when I get there. I'm going alone to minimize the pressure on her. My friend, this is of utmost importance to me!"

"I understand, let me call you right back."

Hanging up, I realized I owed him so much. He's a first rate friend as well as a dedicated public servant.

I kept myself busy, while I waited for my brother-in-law's response. It took him about an hour to phone me.

"Drew, here it is, in a nutshell. The case worker was a tough bird, which for once, seems a good thing. Identifying myself as governor, made no impression on her, on the contrary, she said, without proper identification, she refused to release any information over the phone. She insisted, I call her back on an official line. Even then, she wouldn't sign over the girl. except in person, so I arranged a meeting at the home of the Williamson's. They live on a small farm three miles outside Spencer. I sent you an email with the address. It so happens, the youngster will be there all day, because of her suspension from school for a week, apparently she fought with another student. According to the lady, this isn't her first transgression."

"Thanks, Tom! I plan to tell you how things go ASAP."

While I attended to the above mentioned matters, over at the Edwards, the situation concerning my nephew's newly discovered relative heated up.

"Hey, Ev, are you alright?"

"No! Did Mom and Dad tell you about things?"

"You mean concerning your background plus sister? Yeah!... I, for one, think it's awesome!"

"Who said she would be coming to live with us?"

"Oh come on, Big Bro, you can't believe our folks will permit her to remain away from us! I know, I don't think so! Unless she is perfectly safe, as well as happy, where she lives now,"

"Fine, if she can be found!"

"You got to be kidding! Dad told me he asked Uncle Bruce to locate her. He is the best, one way or the other, he'll succeed! He has sources in tons of places such as the FBI, CIA, NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), Homeland Security Agency! Look how fast he located you guys, once Dy told Uncle Drew your story,... within hours!"

"Donnie, that's all well and good, why would they take her in, certainly not simply because we're related!"

Even's emotions overwhelmed him, yet again.

The twelve-year-old became very frustrated, since he failed to convince his brother everything was going to be alright. Therefore, under the circumstances., the kid reacted in the manner many male youngster of his age do, emotionally: he lost his head.

The little fellow ran into the hallway, where he released a blood-curdling scream.

His parents rushed into their elder son's room. Both looked each boy over. Debbie saw tears in her older child's eyes, so she inquired,

"Darling, is there a problem?"

"Tell her, or I will, Big Bro!"

The adolescent remained mute.

"Fine, you leave me no choice! Mom he's worried about his sister, what shall happen, if, no when, we find her! He believes she might have lived, as he did."

"Okay, let's discuss the situation, but, Miles, in the meantime, take our little one out back to shoot him!"

"NO! MOTHER, you can't do that!" yelled a shocked Even.

"Oh Sweetie, we would never actually carry out such a horrible thing! However, Donnie, you must stop screeching,... we thought one of you became injured!"

"Dear, go bathe! Your mother and I intend to take care of all Even's concerns."

With great disappointment, their youngest left.

"My Child, no matter the circumstances, your sister is, and always shall remain, a member of our family! If she wants to move here with us fine, we are amenable. I know your brother wishes her to join us, he joked earlier, this way he could get some insight into girls! Until we determine her situation, it's pointless to stress ourselves. Your Uncle Bruce will locate her, after which Uncle Drew shall help the two of you to meet!."

The Edward's little one reappeared freshly cleaned, in fact still a tad wet. Since their children had school the next day, Miles sent both to bed.

I awoke early, so I went for a quick swim to clear my head. After taking a hot relaxing shower, I dressed for the day. I put on a nice pair of slacks, along with a matching blue plus brown plaid shirt. I topped the ensemble off with a tan sports coat.

I drank a cup of coffee, after which I headed out to the garage. I looked around to select a car: I decided on my father's final car.

It become a Thomas tradition to keep the last new vehicle purchased by a deceased male relative. It all started with my grandfather, who retained his parent's Duesenberg, then mine kept both that auto plus his dad's Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. I added my old man's Rolls Royce Silver Spirit II to those two. I knew, in turn, one of mine should follow in our footsteps.

Having chosen my means of transportation, I departed at eight sharp. My GPS (computerized map system) indicated the drive should take about three hours, giving me sixty minutes to spare, since my meeting with the social worker was scheduled for noon at the town gas station. From there, she would take me to the Williamson's farm.

Being a weekday, I encountered light traffic, hence the drive proved easy. Arriving early, I passed the time by getting an excellent bite to eat at "Mom's", a small quaint diner. As a stranger in this out-of-the-way hick town, I received stares from the few locals present.

While enjoying my pre meal coffee, an older lady approached me, inquiring,

"Mr. Thomas?"


"I am Mrs. Elaine Block. Your motor vehicle gave you away, no one from here owns, not to mention drives, such a car. I decided to meet you here, thus save us time."

"Great! I don't know what the governor told you, however my mission remains a top priority not only for us, but our president. I'm sure you're aware your department is in great trouble, which makes the commitment you show to your clients all the more remarkable. I commend you for your years of dedication to the children, not the bureaucrats!"

"Sir, if you think you can impress me because of your wealth plus power, you're sorely mistaken!"

"I assure you, Ma'am, it's not my intention! Dakota's brother, Even, was among the first of many lost children in the recent CPS scandal. These unfortunate youngsters were 'misplaced' by several of that department's employees. This boy legally holds the state in his hands. The attorney general stated those minors are entitled to reparations in the millions. The four enslaved youths, whose rescue led to the uncovering of this horrendous situation, want nothing for themselves. On the other hand, they wish others will avoid being subjected to the abuse, plus the degradation, they encountered. The teens have new loving, protective parents. The adolescent found out about his sister yesterday evening, at this time, it's all he knows about her. Although we asked for a transfer of her case to Dane county, it's solely her decision as to where she lives. I understand the young lady bounced from one foster home to another, for a total of twelve different locations in the last fifteen years. We learned of her behavioral issues at school, including her current suspension. I intend to ensure, as a member of my family, she is safe, happy plus well cared for!"

"I don't comprehend how you claim her as a relative!"

"Even's adoptive dad, has been my best friend since childhood, actually more like a brother. The only blood relative I possess, is the governor's daughter. Hence, I consider them both my kin, which, by extension, includes their children!"

"Indeed, you're correct, concerning the girl. Her strong will leads to her arguing with teachers as well as her contemporaries and, at times, gets into physical altercations with the latter. Her actions cause me, on occasion, a great deal of concern. Finding her people she fits in over an extended period of time remains a challenge. Hence, the rapid turnover. Not all of the past changes were caused by her independent spirit, some involved individuals who tried to abuse her, physically or sexually. For example, she put a twelve-year-old boy in the hospital at the age of eight. He tried to get her to undress, she reacted by hitting him with a two-by-four which broke his jaw. Since then, nobody wanted her for any length of time, until the Williamson's, they found a means to get through to her, sadly, their age is a detriment to keeping her for much longer, both are over seventy."

By this point, I finished my meal so we left.

Arriving at our destination, I became impressed with the layout of the small farm. The white framed house seemed well maintained. In addition, there existed a shed, plus a large red barn with several smaller buildings, all appeared in excellent condition. A Ford pickup truck, plus a minivan, stood in the driveway. I parked next to my guide's vehicle, from there, we walked to the home.

An attractive old lady opened the door, welcoming the social worker as an old friend. She greeted me with cordiality. While the hostess knew of my visit, she remained uncertain of its purpose.

"Mr. Thomas, please come in!. Dakota is up in her room for the moment, we would like to speak with you, before you meet her."

Her remark wasn't a question, simply a statement of fact.

We sat down at the kitchen table.

The man seemed gruff looking, reflecting his hard life not, his attitude.

The wife served coffee then joined us, once settled, her husband stated,

"First, let me say, we have cared for this sweet child over the past four years, treating here as if she were our own granddaughter. Now why are you and the governor interested in her?"

In answer to his question, I gave them a brief history of Even, plus other pertinent information. I ended with outlining the options for their charge, which I suggested earlier to Mrs Block.

The old timer replied,

"Your proposal satisfies the misses and me, let me fetch Dakota."


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas