Boys Become Men: Book Two ~ The Rage Of Dragons

Chapter Two

From Chapter1

The time was coming that there would be a showdown between the Robinsons and the hated Elders of Salt Lake City. Roy and his Pathfinders were determined that The Robinsons and all their children were not going to come out second best.


Wil Castor had an idea on how to help children to escape from their captors and he confided in his Life Partner, Albert Taylor as the two of them were getting ready to bed down for the night. The two young men had been allowed to accompany the Pathfinders on a mission to destroy the Elders' prison and free the children held there. They admired Roy Belcher, the Chief of Pathfinders and wanted to be just like that famous man.

Will whispered to Al as they lay in bed, waiting for sleep to come to them, "Let's put together a group who can assist the Pathfinders, we could act as helpers and eyes for the Pathfinders and search out where kids are being held. If it were just a few kids, maybe we could free them ourselves. We wouldn't be tied to any one place and we could swoop into a camp and free the captives before the damned Elders even knew we were there."

Al chuckled and replied, "Yeah, like Night Dragons!" Al had discovered an old, before times printed book. It was a science fiction adventure story about flying dragons and it fascinated him, he read several times and kept the old book in his pack. Al had read bits of the story to him so Wil knew what his partner was talking about. They were both still young enough to be enthralled by the story of Magic and Dragons.

The more Wil thought about it, the better he liked the idea, "We could call ourselves the Night Dragons, it might scare the hell outta those damned Elders. They are superstitious anyway and we could scramble their brains and make them afraid to even come out at night!"

The next morning, the two young men began a campaign to enlist other boys their same age. They were all young teens and were eager to help protect others like themselves and they all admired The Pathfinders.

They collected twenty boys and they began to plan. Wil and Al included Chief Pathfinder Roy Belcher in their plans and he had several suggestions. The first tickled all the boys' fancy, he suggested to them to carve blocks of wood to resemble dragons and to leave them behind whenever they raided an Elder camp. The second idea would require work and study, they needed Medics!

Soon, there was a pile of wooden dragons on the floor in Wil and Al's room, one boy suggested they paint them all black because, to the Elders, black was the color of the devil!

In less than a week, there were a hundred carved wooden dragons, all painted black, in a box in the boy's bedroom! They were all different sizes and some had fierce smiles, while others were carved with an open mouth as if to roar or eat someone.

The boys were quite creative and some used little pieces of bone they glued into the Dragons' mouths to look like teeth, while others glued little white rocks down the back of their dragons to look like spines.

Roy would assign a couple of Pathfinders to act as advisors, but they were not to be leaders; that was the job of Wil and Al!

Andrew got wind of the plan and he secretly encouraged the boys by ignoring the old storeroom they had taken over for their meetings and the fact that they had begun to sit all at a grouping of tables in the dining hall.

It was not long before The Night Dragons became an open secret and the younger boys started exercising with the Pathfinders. By spring, there were thirty-five Night Dragons and Roy agreed that they were ready to go out in the field. They had accumulated an old wagon that they rehabilitated and Roy "smuggled" two mules to them.

He and Andrew enjoyed watching the boys becoming men and said nothing when each boy chose a horse for himself. With Roy's blessing, Wil and Al chose their first mission for the Night Dragons. There was a report that a posse of Elders was building a secret prison at Mount Wilson in old Colorado.

In the middle of the night and supposedly in secret, the young men of The Night Dragons assembled outside of Greer. Their wagon was filled with supplies and each teen had his own bedroll tucked in to the back of his saddle and each had a small bag of extra clothing in the wagon, marked with his name.

What they did not know was that both Roy and Andrew were watching them from the trees. They had assigned two Pathfinders to follow the boys, but to not interfere unless they got themselves into trouble and were in danger of being hurt.

Each Night Dragon had a lever action Winchester rifle and a bag of reloaded ammunition, as well as a full quiver of arrows and their own bows that they had created themselves.

The Night Dragons moved out in two squads, Al led one and Will the other. It was a long ride to Mount Wilson and they would be on the trail, headed east for two weeks.

The two Pathfinders assigned to follow them hung back, but both Al and Wil spotted them. They both smiled and sat up a little straighter in their saddles, they knew that they were being judged and they were determined to not be found wanting!

They carried sufficient supplies in the wagon, but they supplemented what they had with game along the way, using their bows and arrows so as to remain quiet and not advertise their presence. The ability to hunt, as well as stretching out their supplies would allow them to face the problems that were coming their way.

They angled up through Four Corners; they had come across a few a few small settlements, comprised of one or two families. They would stop and assist the settlers if they needed some help and, in one case, they assisted in delivering a baby!

The teen boys were not ignorant about the parts of men and women and they knew where and how babies came about. As they rode through a small ranch, a young father, not much older than themselves came running out to them begging help for his wife.

The Night Dragons were not going to ignore such a plea and they stopped to assist the couple. Paul Davis and Norman Lander both had some first aid training and they had assisted as a baby was delivered back at Robinson House while they were undergoing medic training. It had been a rough three months and they knew there was much they did not know, but right now, they were the best that was available.

They put water on the stove to boil and they washed their hands thoroughly. The young father was nearly beside himself in fear that his wife and baby were going to die!

Paul and Norm spoke calmly and quietly to the young couple, they were going to include the father in the birth, so they had him occupy himself with washing up while they positioned the mother to be on the bed with plenty of towels just as her contractions began.

It was fortunate that it was not a difficult birth, two hours later, they were handing a beautiful tiny boy to a young father, whose eyes were filled with tears of wonder and happiness.

Before they continued their journey, they knew the little boy's name was Norman Paul McAlister and, from his voice, he was a little dragon! They gave the new parents one of their carved wood dragons so that the little boy would know who he was when he grew up!

In few years, that little wooden dragon would be returned to them by its owner when he asked admission into THE NIGHT DRAGONS!


As the group approached Mount Wilson, they spotted a clearing about half way up the flank of the mountain using their long glass. They could see people busy working on walls and fortifications and, to their absolute horror, they saw young boys and teens being used as slaves to build the prison. Guards were using whips on them to make them work faster!

By that time, the two Pathfinders who had been assigned as watchers, had come forward and introduced themselves to the group. They were Warren and Roger Dale. They were cousins and had both just turned twenty-five. They were so impressed with the young men of the Night Dragons, they just could not hang back and merely watch.

They watched the work being done on the mountain for several days, their anger rising higher each day as more and more youngsters were whipped and driven to work faster. Finally, they spotted a way to approach the new prison without being seen, there were cliffs off to the south of the building site that could be climbed, if they were careful.

They circled around to the base of the cliffs, the mountain slope was heavily forested, and they could not be seen from the new prison being built. Warren and Dale insisted that they would go up the mountain with the Night Dragons, but they were NOT in charge!

When dark had fallen, Wil led one group and Al the other. They began their ascent as they clambered up the rocks, carrying their rifles and bows on their backs. Their arrows were bundled at their waists. They left two teens to watch the wagons and horses, and they expected to be at the prison as the morning sun broke over the ridge above the prison site.

They arranged with the two left behind, that they were to bring the horses up by the road after they heard the shooting stop.

Just as they began their climb, they were joined by the new father, Billy McAllister. He told them that he could not in good conscience, let them go alone up that mountain, so a neighbor lady was watching his wife and new son and he was gonna help those who had helped them!

It took them most of the night to climb up the cliffs and to position themselves where they could see the camp of the overseers and guards. As soon as the men began to arise, the Night Dragons swooped down, screaming and hollering, completely terrorizing the unsuspecting guards and work overseers.

When they had completed their attack, only six guards remained alive and they were wounded. The Night Dragons tied the still living guards to the trees and told them if they ever attempted to return to build the prison, they would come back and complete the job and kill them all.

After they had checked to make sure there were no slaves still in the buildings, they set fire to the uncompleted structure and burned it to the ground. As soon as those they had left at the foot of the cliff saw the flames, the backup group led the horses and the wagon up the road to the prison site.

The Night Dragons tucked a black carved wood dragon into the mouths of every dead guard and overseer they had killed. It was sure to cause the Elders many sleepless nights when they discovered all their men dead and the prison burned to the ground!

Other than two slightly sprained ankles, none of the Night Dragons were injured, although, several of the slaves were so badly beaten, they could not ride a horse or walk. The Night Dragons made room in the wagon to carry them and the several small children who would be unable to make the return trek on foot.

The remainder took the horses of the guards and the spares to ride. The horses were not much to brag about, but they were better than walking. They had rescued thirty young men and boys and Warren and Dale were hard pressed to treat their injuries.

It would be several days before those who they had rescued could ride more than a few hours at a time. They finally made it back to the McAllster Homestead, where there was plentiful water and The Night Dragons went hunting for meat.

It took them took weeks, but all but two of the rescued boys were recovering and had started to gain weight. Those two would continue to ride in the wagon. There were lots of tears when it came time for the party to depart from the McAllister Homestead, all the Night Dragons considered themselves to be the baby's uncles. The McAllister Homestead would become the first Night Dragon Fortress in a few years' time!

As they departed for home, they began hearing rumors of Devil Dragons who killed honest guards and overseers!

Every farm and ranch they encountered had heard various versions of the story and, if there were children living at the ranch, they left carved wood dragons for the children to play with. That, as much as the killing of the guards, panicked the Elders and the Legend of The Night Dragons was born!

They made their way slowly towards home, stopping frequently to assist folks they encountered on their way. They always introduced themselves as The Night Dragons, but never mentioned about where they were from.

The rumor of the Night Dragons spread rapidly and traders brought it to Robinson Ranch two weeks before the Dragons made their return.

They were still moving slowly, so as to cause no distress upon the wounded boys they had freed from the Elders. The Pathfinder Patrols kept those at the Ranch informed of the Night Dragon's approach and, as the Night Dragons entered the gates of their home, they were met with crowds of boys and two squads of Pathfinders drawn up in salute!

Everyone was cheering and girls came to kiss all the Night Dragons. Two very red faced Dragon Leaders were seen in the arms to two very pretty teen girls. The girls did not know that Wil and Al had eyes only for each other.

As soon as the Night Dragons had cared for their horses and the mules were let out to pasture, Wil and Al made their report to Roy and Andrew. Neither leader could disguise the pride they felt for the two creators of the Night Dragons as both Wil and Al were appointed Captains of Pathfinders!

The morning after their return, Wil and Al sat down and made a full report to both Roy and Andrew, telling them of everything they had observed and all that they had done. When they came to the part about Paul Davis and Norman Lander, Andrew's ears picked up and he interrupted the report to ask the Dr. Steve Syckes to join them.

Dr. Steve was the Chief Maternity Physician at Robinson Medical Center. Andrew had already assigned the boys to work the Emergency Room at the Hospital, but now, he realized that they needed some emergency maternity training.

Andy could envision the Night Dragons being ambassadors to the entire area! In this, he was correct, almost immediately the Night Dragons were known for their good deeds and children knew that the Night Dragons would protect them from the hated Elders.

While their older brothers, The Pathfinders were Warriors, the Night Dragons were healers and helpers who could also make war upon the criminals who tortured children!

As time passed, the Night Dragons were seen traveling in pairs throughout the area, even into areas controlled by the Elders. The local people hid them from the Elders' patrols and found ways to contact them in time of need.


The Elders command structure was in the hands of God's Priests and they were all religious fanatics. They traveled around the areas they controlled and beyond, holding Courts of Purity and wandering pairs of Night Dragons would come upon small holding where every man, woman and children were hanging from trees, dead. Signs were hung around their necks saying that they were UNPURE!

Those that the Priests had declared UNCLEAN, those who loved one of their own sex, were found in piles, dismembered!

Tommy and George Patrick were twins and were sixteen years old. They had been members of the Night Dragons from the very beginning. The brothers were crossing the Front Range in Colorado, somewhat north of the ruins of Denver on patrol.

They discovered the still smoking ruins of a small steading of three homes. As they were poking through the destroyed buildings, they heard something that made their hair stand up straight, "Hhhhhheeeeelp uussssss, pl plleeese hhhelpuus!"

They followed the sound and discovered several teens heaped in a pile. There were three teen boys and two younger girls, they must have been all related as they had similar features and they all had bright red hair.

Tom and George rushed to the pile of bodies and began to gently lay them out. That the five were still alive was a miracle beyond their ken, and they depleted their first aid packs in binding up their wounds.

They thought it strange that none of the youngsters were wearing any clothing, so they unrolled the bedrolls and covered them up as best they could. While Tom sat with the injured folk, George rummaged through the destroyed buildings and discovered enough saddle blankets to make rough beds for all the injured teens.

The one who had called out to them struggled to remain alert and he whispered to Tom about what had happened that the Elders had swooped down on them, intent on killing all of them.

Tom asked, "But why? You are only farmers and herders."

The boy struggled to sit up as he replied, "Ttthey hhhated usss, ours two ffathers were ours parents annnnn ttthey kilt 'em!"

Tom was puzzled, "Why did they do that?" The boy replied, " 'ccccus theys loved each ooother like a man annnnnd a wwwoman!"

Tom shrieked, "For THAT, Georgie 'n I love each other too!"

The boy was still crying, "Mmmme n' Bobby are blood brothers 'nnnn we llllove eeeach oother llike ooour Papas dddid!"

By that time George came up and stood beside his brother, Tom. The boy looked up at them and realized that not only were they brothers, they were identical twins! Like his own brothers and sisters, these twins had bright red hair and their blue eyes that seemed like they were penetrating his soul!

George and Tom camped there for two weeks as they nursed the injured youngsters back to a stage where they were the "walking wounded"! They had recovered enough horses that all the wounded young folks could ride and the Night Dragon Brothers felt they should return to Robinson House right away.

As they were getting ready to depart, the two brothers gave each person a carved wood black dragon. Both Gus and Billy knew then who had saved them, they recognized the wood Black Dragons hanging around their necks immediately!

Billy asked, "You are Night Dragons?"

George and Tom both smiled, and Tom said, "Yes, we are both Night Dragons, and we will take you all back to our home at Robinson Ranch."

Both Gus and Billy stood as straight as their injuries would allow and said, "Please, Sir Dragons, teach us and lead us that we, also, might be Night Dragons!"

George and Tom had buried all the dead two weeks earlier, and there was nothing left of the home the injured children had once lived in, so they needed only to gather up what few personal items that had been saved and start for home.

George and Tom set an easy pace and rode only a few hours each day. Four weeks later, they heard the voices of children playing and the two Night Dragons knew they were nearly back home.

As soon as the party was spotted all hell started breaking loose! Although the Pathfinders had spotted them a week earlier, they allowed the two Night Dragons the honor of guiding those they had saved into Robinson Ranch. Every child and adult stood in welcome of these heroes that travelers had been reporting for the previous two weeks!

The doctors quickly checked over the rescued teens and, other than redressing their wounds, told them that they were fine and that supper would be served in less than an hour. They were all hungry, so they started heading towards the dining hall.

At supper, Wil and Al stood and announced two new Night Dragons, Gus and Billy Peterson and that they would begin training with their older brothers George and Tom, as soon as their wounds were healed!

The Petersons were amazed; everyone accepted them without questions; it was as if they just did not care that their Fathers were a couple. It would be some time before they actually believed that nobody cared and that they were accepted for who they were, not what they are! By that time, everyone knew that George and Tom were also a couple!

Gus and Billy would become NIGHT DRAGON BATTLE SURGEONS and would save many lives in the awful battles that would come with battling the Elders. It would take nearly fifty years to wipe out the last nest of Elders and Gus and Billy and also Wil, and Al would be there for the final victory!


Much of Gus and Billy's training will be in the field, the battles with the Elders were going to be fierce and close, not all of the NIGHT DRAGONS or the PATHFINDERS will survive their ordeal.