Dreams Don't Grow on Trees

Chapter Forty~Nine

It was the first day of class and Adam's first class was Hal Campbell's trigonometry class. A new student who was very tall walked in and appeared to be looking for a safe place to sit. Adam assumed he would be playing basketball since he was at least six feet, five inches tall.

"That seat isn't taken," Adam said and pointed to the seat next to his.

"Thank you," the young man said.

"I'm Adam Harrington," Adam said as he extended his hand.

"I'm Wilson Hendrix," Wilson said as he shook Adam's hand.

Adam wanted to ask Wilson about playing basketball, but the bell rang just as Hal walked into the classroom. After Hal explained how he did his class and that it was fine to address him as Hal except at school or school functions then he was Mr. Campbell.

"I believe I know all of you from my previous classes except you," Hal said and pointed to Wilson. "Would you introduce yourself and then I'll have the other students introduce themselves."

"I'm Wilson Hendrix, and we recently moved here from Missouri," Wilson said.

"What's your next class?" Adam asked at the end of Hal's class.

"Chemistry," Wilson said.

"Cool so is mine," Adam said. "Are you going out for basketball? I know that's an assumption because you're tall."

"I'd love to, but I can't afford it," Wilson said.

"There's no athletic fee here," Adam said.

"I'd have to buy athletic shoes, but can't afford them right now," Wilson explained. "You see, my mom recently died of breast cancer and all the expenses nearly broke my dad. My grandparents live here and we came to live with them until we can get back on our feet. Dad's still looking for a job here."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Adam said. "What kind of work did your dad do?"

"He was a loan officer for a credit union," Wilson said. "Mom was a high school English teacher."

"We have a family friend who owns a couple of banks and he might have something," Adam said. "Oh, here's our chemistry classroom."

As soon as the chemistry class ended Adam stepped outside and called Darrell and quickly explained about Wilson's dad.

"I'll give Paul a call," Darrell said. "If he doesn't have anything I might have something here."

"Hey Wilson, I save you a seat," Adam called out to Wilson when he saw him in the food line.

"Thanks for saving me a seat," Wilson said as he took the seat across from Adam.

"You're welcome," Adam said. "Everyone, this is Wilson. He just recently moved here."

"And I see that you're already taking advantage of the system," Randall Erickson said.

"What?" Wilson asked.

"I saw that you paid for your food with a free voucher," Randall said.

Adam was about to tear into Randall when Wilson said, "I'm not too proud to admit I get a free lunch. My parents always paid their fair share of taxes until my mom got sick and died. I'll continue to receive free meals until we get back on our feet."

"Randall, don't be an ass," Tiffney said.

"I got free meals before," Adam admitted.

"You did not," Randall said. "Your dad owns the lumber company."

"It was before I was adopted," Adam said. "I would've gone hungry without free lunches."

"I did too before I was adopted," Jon added.

"Randall, I suggest you sit at another table tomorrow if you can't be civil," Tiffney said.

"I'll just move now," Randall said.

"Good," Tiffney said.

"Hey, Wilson, I just got a text from Dad and he said to have your dad go to the bank and talk to Paul Miller about a job," Adam said.

"I'll let him know as soon as I get home," Wilson said.

"Why don't you call him and he can talk to him today?" Adam said.

"I don't have a cell phone," Wilson said.

"Here, use mine," Adam said and handed his phone to Wilson.

"Hey, Adam, Dad got the job," Wilson said the before class the next morning. "He said to tell you thank you very much."

"So do you get to play basketball?"

"Yeah, I do. Grandma and Grandpa are buying my athletic shoes. I'll go to Covington this weekend when Dad can drive me there."

"I'll take you,"

"Cool, thanks. How about after school?"

"I want to go too," Brody said.

"Oh, Wilson, I don't think you've met my brother Brody."

"Hi Brody," Wilson said.

"Adam, we can't go today," Brody said. "We told Mom we'd cook dinner."

"I'll ask Haden if he'll do it for us," Adam said. "Wilson, Haden's our brother and lives next to us. He teaches science at the middle school."

"We can go another time," Wilson said.

"No we need to get you practicing with us," Adam said. "You still have time to go sign up for basketball before class, I'll go with you."

"I'll call Haden before he starts his class," Brody offered.

"Hey Adam, do you have a new player for us," Coach Brewer said from behind the group.

"Oh hi Coach," Adam said. "This is Wilson Hendrix. I was going with him to sign him up for basketball."

"Go on to class and I'll go with Wilson," Coach said. "Wilson, how tall are you?"

"I'm almost six, seven," Wilson said.

"Team, this is Wilson Hendrix," Coach said at practice that afternoon. "Since we lost our post player to graduation Wilson could be the person to fill that position. Wilson, we're two time defending state champions. I have a good feeling that we can be again."

"Dang, I'll never get to start now," Brody joked.

"You didn't play post anyway," Jon said.

"Well, let's get started," Coach said. "Wilson, where are your athletic shoes?"

"Adam is driving me today to buy some," Wilson said.

"I can't let you out on the floor in street shoes," Coach said. "I think the PE class is outside this afternoon so we'll move to the old gym and practice free throws."

"I have to go by my Grandma's work and get the money for my shoes," Wilson said after practice. "She's a receptionist at Dr. Hall's office. Do you know where it's located?"

"Yeah, just across from the hospital," Adam said.

"Grandma, these guys are my new friends," Wilson said when they went inside the office. "This is Adam and his brother Brody. They offered to drive me to Covington to get my shoes."

"Wanda, has Mrs. Doss not arrived yet?" Dr. Hall came out to ask.

"Not yet, Dr. Hall," Wanda said. "I'll try calling again. Let me get money for my grandson. His friends are driving him to buy shoes for basketball."

"So this is your tall grandson you mentioned," Dr. Hall said.

"Yes, we're very proud of him," Wanda said. "Wilson, will $100 be enough for your shoes? That's all I have right now."

"Grandma, I'll find something for that amount" Wilson said.

"Let me buy them," Dr. Hall offered. "I'm a big supporter of our team."

"That's nice of you, but I'll manage," Wanda said.

"Wilson, take this and go," Dr. Hall said and took money from his wallet.

"Thank you," Wilson said and stuck the money in his pocket.

"That was nice of him," Brody said on the way out.

"Yeah, $100 is a lot of money for Grandma to come up with," Wilson said.

"Wilson, I don't think you can get the shoes you need for $100," Adam said. "They'll probably be closer to $150."

"Hey, look at this he gave me $200," Wilson said. "He had them folded so Grandma couldn't see how much it was."

"Wilson, have dinner with us, and meet the rest of the family?" Adam asked as they drove back home.

"I'd have to call my dad," Wilson said.

"Here, use my phone," Brody offered.

"Hi Dad," Wilson said after dialing the number. "Adam and Brody drove me to get my shoes and asked me to eat with them. Oh, really? That's great. I'll tell him. Adam, Dad said he got the job and to tell you thanks."

"That's great," Brody said.

"Dad said he starts the job tomorrow and it's more money than he made in Missouri," Wilson said.

"Wow, that's good news," Adam said. "Wilson, I need to say something about our brother Haden."

"Alright," Wilson said, somewhat confused.

"Haden's married to a guy," Adam said.

"And?" Wilson responded.

"He's gay," Brody said.

"Well, I figured that if he's married to a guy," Wilson said.

"And that doesn't bother you?" Adam asked.

"Why should it?" Wilson asked. "Look, you saw how Randall reacted when he saw I received free lunch. I went through that in Missouri and Dad said I shouldn't let it bother me when people said something, and I shouldn't judge other."

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Brody asked.

"No, I'm an only child," Wilson said. "Are there three of you?"

"No, there's Perry the oldest," Brody said. "Perry is the football coach and history teacher at Rock Creek. Amy is a nursing professor at the university."

"Brody and I are both adopted," Adam explained. "Dad was divorced from Perry's, Amy's, and Haden's mom when he adopted me. He later married Mom and she adopted me too."

"They were already married when they adopted me," Brody explained. "My family all died from carbon monoxide poisoning. I was in foster care and Haden reported how they treated me. To make a long story short Mom and Dad ended up adopting me."

"This is home," Adam said as he pulled into the drive.

"Wow!" Wilson exclaimed.

"This doesn't look much like it did when I first came here," Adam said. "When Mom and Dad got married Mom sold her place and they added on to the house and this is the result."

"Come on in and meet everyone," Brody said.

Wilson was impressed with the meal Haden had prepared. Haden confessed that Kyle had also helped.

"Wilson, I had lunch with Paul and he was happy that your dad applied and hired him on the spot," Darrell said.

"He was happy to get the job since we had absolutely no income," Wilson said.

"Don't you draw social security from your mom?" Rita asked.

"No, I assumed you knew she died from breast cancer," Wilson said.

"Yes, Adam mentioned that," Rita said. "The reason I mention that is you can draw social security until you're 18 or graduate from high school up to age 19."

Really, I'll bet Dad didn't know that," Wilson said.

"He likely didn't think about it during his grieving period," Haden said.

"Did your mom have a retirement?" Kyle asked. "If she did you might need to check into that."

"She had Missouri Teachers' Retirement," Wilson said. "I'll let Grandma talk to him. I doubt that he even thought about it."

"Maybe he's having trouble admitting that's she's gone," Rita said.

"It's possible," Wilson said. "I know I wake up every morning and expect to hear her voice."

After showing Wilson the swimming hole and the horses Adam and Brody drove him home. "Come in and meet Dad and Grandpa," he said when they dropped him off. "Adam and Brody this is my Dad, Jim, and my Grandpa Chuck. You already met my Grandma."

"Thank you for driving him to Covington," Jim said. "I want to thank you for the heads-up about the bank job too."

"You're welcome," Adam said.

"Dad, Mrs. Harrington said I could draw on Mom's social security while I'm in high school," Wilson said, not waiting on having his grandma talk to his dad.

"I hadn't even thought of that," Jim admitted.

"We should check about her teachers' retirement too," Wilson said.

"I'll do all of that tomorrow," Jim promised.

"I want to thank you young men for your kindness to Wilson," Wanda said. "You've made his move here easier. He told us how you and your friends came to his defense about the subsidized school lunches,"

"It was nothing," Adam protested.

The Harrington brothers, Jon, and Justin were quickly becoming friends with Wilson. He was accepted into their group the same as the old friends. Wilson proved to not be just a tall basketball player, but a very good tall basketball player. Adam, Jon, or Justin usually drove Wilson home from school each day.

"Hey I'm parked over here," Adam said one Monday after school when Wilson went in another direction.

"I have a car now," Wilson said as he pointed to a Toyota Corolla in the parking lot. "Dad got it for me from Mom's retirement. Dad wanted me to have Mom's car, but we had to sell it to pay bills. We were going to get our own place but Grandma and Grandpa said Dad should save for my college by living with them."

"As good as you are you'll get a basketball scholarship," Justin said.

"Dad wants to make sure I get a college education," Wilson said. "I'd better go; I want to mow the lawn for Grandpa before he gets home. I can't believe how warm it has been this late in the year."

"Yeah, Adam and I were talking about that," Brody said.

"Hey, why don't everyone come over Saturday for a cookout and some swimming," Adam said. "Bring your family and meet everyone. It'll be friends and family."

"What a lovely place this is," Wanda said after the family was introduced to everyone.

"We like it," Rita said.

"I've met so many people today I hope I can keep everyone straight," Wanda said. "Now is Grace your mother or your mother-in-law?"

"Actually she's Darrell's first wife's mother," Rita said. "But she has treated me as her own daughter. Brenda was estranged from her family simply because they were poor. She left Darrell because he didn't make much money and now she's married to an attorney. What's funny is that Darrell now is better off financially than they are."

"Grandma, could I go swimming?" Dustin asked.

"Honey, you'll have to ask your mom or dad," Rita said.

"But they might say no," Dustin said.

"I'd be in trouble if I said yes," Rita said.

"Okay," Dustin said. "I'll ask Grandma Betty."

"Grandma Betty will say go ask your mom or dad," Betty said as they all chuckled.

"He's so cute," Wanda said.

"He is and really smart," Rita said.

"Grandma, Dad said yes," Dustin excitedly said.

"Who's going with you?" Betty asked in concern.

"Uncle Haden is as soon as he changes into his swimsuit," Dustin said.

"One of the office nurses' daughter has Haden as her science teacher and she just loves him," Wanda said.

"Everyone says he's a good teacher," Rita said. "He was Brody's teacher and discovered Brody wasn't treated well in his foster home. We ended up adopting him."

"It looks like everyone is getting out of the water," Wanda said.

"The hamburgers and hot dogs must be ready," Rita said. "I don't know how the kids know without being told."

"Paul, thank you for hiring Jim," Chuck said as they ate.

"Believe me, we're lucky to get him," Paul said.

"Mom, we're going now," Amy said shortly after eating. "I have a paper due soon. I hate to eat and go so soon."

"That's okay, honey," Rita said. "If you want to leave the kids I don't mind watching them."

"Thank you, but Tony doesn't have anything going on," Amy said.

"She's a lot like Wilson's mom," Wanda said. "When she and Jim married they had almost nothing. She worked hard to get her master's degree and just over a year after she got it she discovered she had metastatic breast cancer. Jim and Wilson were her life and she fought to the very end. Even with her insurance, the expense wiped out their financial security. Jim had to miss so much work due to her illness that his boss gave him so much hell he quit. Chuck and I asked them to move in with us. To be honest we love having them live with us. We're so very proud of the young man Wilson has become."

"Our boys think a lot of him too," Rita said. "When they told them they had a gay brother he reacted as if that was normal and didn't care one way or other."

"We taught Jim that we're all different and that we must accept these differences," Wanda said. "We hear a lot of people mention they accept a gay person because they have a gay relative, but we believe we should accept them regardless.

"Oh, Wanda, you've made my day," Rita said.

Please send your comments or suggestions to Owen Hudson