Dreams Don't Grow on Trees

Chapter Fifty~Six

"Who would be looking for me?" Adam asked when Grace informed him a man and woman were looking for him. "I don't understand why they would come here."

"It all appeared fishy to me so I told them I had no idea who they were talking about," Grace said. "She asked for Adam Woodson so I knew not to give her any information."

"She may have come here because Uncle George lives nearby," Adam reasoned. "I'll visit with Uncle George and see if he knows anything."

"We're going with you," Grace said.

"Adam, it could be your birth mom since she asked for you as Adam Woodson," Walter said.

"It could be," Adam admitted. "Mom and Dad got a restraining order against her. Maybe that's why she came here."

Adam, Grace, and Walter arrived as Jeff was finishing the work on the doors. "Adam, I thought you left already," Mary said.

"I need to talk to Uncle George first," Adam said as George finished his conversation with Jeff.

"Jeff said these doors would be difficult to kick in," George announced.

"We're still getting an alarm system," Mary said. "But Adam needs to talk to you."

"Sure, come inside where it's cooler," George said.

"Uncle George, a man and woman went to the center asking for Adam Woodson," Adam said.

"I bet that was Lisa," George said. "She called here and I told her to leave you alone and there was a restraining order against her. She said she just wanted to know if you were okay. I told her you were happy where you are."

"Thank you, Uncle George, I am happy," Adam said.

"I think Adam should call his parents and let them call Steve," Grace said.

"I'll call Dad now," Adam said.

"Yes, you should," Grace agreed.

"Dad said he'd call Mom and Steve," Adam said after talking to his dad.

"I wonder who the man was," Mary said.

"Probably some low-life she's picked up like she always did," Adam said.

"She wanted to borrow $1000," George said as he held up his fingers to indicate a quotation of borrow.

"It has to have something to do with money then," Walter said.

"I need to get home," Adam said. "I'm cooking dinner."

"You be careful," George instructed.

"I will," Adam promised.

As Adam pulled into the driveway at home he noticed a car parked at the Methodist Camp. He then realized it was Lisa. He immediately called Darrell.

"Go in the house and stay away since it could compromise the restraining order," Darrell ordered. "I'll be there soon and I'm calling Steve."

In a very short time Adam saw his dad's vehicle and then a deputy sheriff pull into the camp parking, soon after Steve arrived.

"You're violating a restraining order," the deputy said.

"No we're not," Lisa argued. "We're more than 600 yards from the house."

"Not from Adam when he turned into the driveway," Steve said. "Why are you looking for Adam anyway when he has no desire to see you?"

"He's my son," Lisa argued.

"You gave up that right long ago," Darrell said. "Now, what's the real reason?"

"This is his dad and he wants to meet his son," Lisa said.

"That's a little late," Darrell said. "However, I'll leave that up to Adam since he's now 18. Leave the information with my attorney here and I'll see what Adam wants to do. Lisa, Adam has already decided he doesn't want to see you."

"Darrell, I'll talk to you after you've had a chance to talk to Adam," Steve said.

"Alright," Darrell agreed. "Rita was out on a case so we'll talk to Adam about it. There she is now.

"Is Adam okay?" Rita asked when Darrell explained what was going on. "Where's Adam?"

"I told him to stay in the house so he didn't void the restraining order," Darrell explained.

"And what about Brody?"

"Brody is at his baseball practice."

"Well, let's go talk to Adam," Rita said.

"I don't know what to do," Adam admitted when Darrell explained what was going on.

"Steve will be by to talk to you and you can decide then," Darrell said.

"I wouldn't know what I'd do either," Brody said when Adam explained what happened.

"Adam, what have you decided?" Steve asked when he came by later.

"I don't know what to do," Adam admitted. "Lisa always told me she didn't know who my dad was."

"She knew," Steve said. "His name is Adam Lee."

"The same as mine," Adam said.

"Almost," Steve said. "His given name is Adam and his surname is Lee."

"Mom, Dad, what should I do?" Adam asked.

"Son, the decision is yours," Darrell said.

"I guess I'm curious enough to meet him," Adam said.

"I'd want to know too," Brody said.

"I suggest you meet in my office without Lisa," Steve said.

"I've already decided I don't want to see her," Adam said. "I want Mom and Dad there too."

"I'll give him a call with your offer," Steve said. "I'll let you know when the arrangements are made."

It was decided that Adam would meet with his biological dad at Steve's office the next day at 4:30. Needless to say that Adam was very nervous about the meeting.

"Mr. Lee, Adam has agreed to see you as long as his parents are present," Steve said after introductions.

"I agree," Adam Lee agreed. "Adam, I know you're probably wondering where I've been all these years."

"No, because I had no idea who you were," Adam said. "Lisa said she didn't know who my dad was."

"I understand," Adam Lee began. "I was attracted to Lisa because she was beautiful, but I soon discovered she wasn't a good person. I had no idea I had a son until she located me and said I had a son, you. I didn't believe her until she showed me a picture of you and it was like looking at a picture of me at that age."

"She's not the type of person who would contact you without something in it for her," Adam said.

"Oh you're correct," Adam Lee said. "She wanted a $1000 for her to manage for me to see you. We settled on $500. Adam, I want you to know that I'll not try to force a relationship with you. However, I would like to get to know you. From what I can tell your parents love you and want what's best for you."

"Being adopted by them is the best thing that ever happened to me," Adam said.

"I can tell," Adam Lee said. "Is there anything you want to know about me?"

"Do I have any brothers and sisters?" Adam asked.

"You have a sister," Adam Lee said. "Her name is Macey and she's 16. She doesn't know about you but I intend to tell her. Would you like to meet her?"

"Mom, Dad, would it be okay with you if I did?" Adam asked.

"Adam, you're an adult and the decision is yours," Darrell said as Rita nodded in agreement.

"Where do you live?" Rita asked.

"I'm about 100 miles from here in Oak Grove," Adam Lee said.

"Would you like to come for a visit next weekend?" Rita asked.

"Let me confirm it with my wife and Macey," Adam Lee said.

"Okay, it will need to be soon since Adam will be starting college," Rita said.

"I think we need to finish here since it's about time for Steve to close up," Darrell said. "If you care to continue meeting with Adam we can visit over dinner."

"I'd like that very much," Adam Lee said.

"I'll call Brody and ask him to meet us at the Wok," Rita said. "Are you okay with Chinese food?"

"I love Chinese food," Adam Lee said. "May I ask who Brody is?"

"Brody is our youngest son," Rita explained. "You can follow us to the Wok."

"You're not bringing Lisa are you?" Adam asked.

"No, I drove her home yesterday and came back today," Adam Lee said. "Steve, I want to thank you for allowing us to meet here. I too am a lawyer and you've been very professional."

"Thank you," Steve said.

"I called my wife on the way here and she said this next weekend would be fine with her for Macey to meet Adam," Adam Lee said.

"Bring swimwear and we'll go swimming," Adam said.

"Oh, do you have a pool?" Adam Lee asked.

"Even better," Adam said. "We have a swimming hole at the creek by our house."

"We'll have a cookout and you can meet the rest of the family," Rita said. "There's Brody now. Brody, this is Adam's biological father Adam."

"Nice to meet you," Brody said and extended his hand. "Man, Adam looks a lot like you."

"Yeah, I guess he does," Adam Lee admitted.

"I thought that too," Rita agreed.

"Adam, what will be your major in college?" Adam Lee said as they sat to enjoy their food.

"I hope to become a veterinarian," Adam said. "Brody want to become an electrical engineer."

"Rita and Darrell, you've really done well with these two," Adam Lee said.

"We're just lucky," Rita said. "Our daughter is a nursing professor; our other two other sons are teachers."

"I'm really impressed," Adam Lee said. "I'm not trying to pry, but Adam how are you financing your education?"

"He has scholarships and he has a college fund to finance his vet school," Rita answered.

"I was going to offer to help if he needed it," Adam Lee said.

"Thanks for the offer but he'll be fine," Darrell said. "His uncle George Woodson has contributed to his fund too."

"It's good to know that," Adam Lee said. "Adam, I'll say it again, I'm happy to know that you're with a good family.

"I'm not with a good family," Adam said. "I'm with a great family."

"Lisa said you were taken from her, but couldn't explain why," Adam Lee said.

"She abandoned me in a shack near our house," Adam said. "I was hungry and went to the nearest house and asked for food. My brother Haden gave me something to eat and called Dad. Dad first fostered me and Mom was my case worker. Dad adopted me and after he married Mom she too adopted me."

"Adam, you're lucky to have this family," Adam Lee said.

"This family is lucky to have Adam," Darrell quickly replied.


Adam Lee and family arrived at the agreed time. He introduced his wife, Patty, and daughter, Macey. Patty seemed nervous as was Macey. However a warm welcome soon made them feel more comfortable.

"We'll go down to the picnic place and swimming hole," Rita said. "You can change here at the house or in the restroom there."

"We'll change there," Patty said. "You have lovely place here."

"We like it," Rita said.

"Macey, do you want to swim now?" Adam asked.

"Sure, as soon as I change," Macey answered.

Soon the three were splashing and having fun in the water when Brody asked, "Macey were you surprised to learn you had a brother?"

"I sure was," Macey said. "Dad promised me that I'd like Adam."

"I kind of like him too," Brody said. "You know that we're both adopted."

"We have two brothers and a sister," Adam said. "They're not adopted. They'll be here soon. We have a large number of family and friends, but we didn't want to overwhelm you right away."

"That's Haden's house over there," Brody said. "He and Kyle will be here anytime. Haden is gay and Kyle is his husband."

"That's cool," Macey said.

"That's good because they're both great," Adam said. "Perry is our oldest brother, he and his family will be here as well as Amy and her family."

"There's Perry now," Brody said. "Wait until you meet our nephew Dustin. He'll keep you entertained."

Lacey no longer bothered to argue with Dustin about swimming. "Hi, I'm Dustin," Dustin said after swimming over to the three.

"Hi Dustin, you're a good swimmer," Macey said.

"Well, I've been swimming for a long time," Dustin said.

"But, you're still young," Macey stated.

"I started really young," Dustin seriously said. This brought about laughter.

"You're right, he is entertaining," Macey said.

"It looks like everybody is here," Brody said.

"Yeah, let's go and I'll introduce you," Adam said.

"Where's Dustin?" Lacey asked in a panic when she didn't see him after the introductions.

"Mom, I'm right here," Dustin said as he stood beside Macey.

"Oh, I didn't see you," Lacey admitted.

"Mom, I can swim better than you even," Dustin said.

"I still worry," Lacey said.

"Come on and let's go swim some more," Dustin said.

"We're going to eat soon," Rita said. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, but I can swim until then," Dustin said.

"You can go after you eat," Perry said as he placed a platter of hamburgers on the picnic table.

"I'll eat fast," Dustin said.

"No you won't," Lacey said.

"He's so cute," Patty said.

"He's a mess," Rita pointed out.

Adam, Macey, and Brody sat at a table by themselves only to be joined by Dustin. "What grade are you in," Brody asked Macey.

"I'll be in a junior," Macey said. "You?"

"I'll be a senior," Brody said.

"I'm in the first grade," Dustin bragged.

"He thinks he's an adult," Brody said.

"I almost am," Dustin argued.

"Adam, Dad said you're in college this fall," Macey said.

"Yeah, I'll be a sophomore," Adam said.

"I thought you just graduated from high school," Macey said.

"I did, but I took a lot of advance placement classes for college credit," Adam said.

"I'm doing that this fall," Macey said.

"What is your career goal?" Adam asked.

"As you know, Dad's an attorney and I thought about that," Macey said. "Mom's a dentist and I even thought about that. I'm also thinking about being an optometrist."

"I work part-time for a veterinarian and Brody wants to be an electrical engineer so he works part-time with one."

"I'm going to be a cowboy," Dustin proclaimed.

"I bet you'll be a good one," Macey said.

"Yeah, I will," Dustin agreed. "I have a horse too."

"I like horses too but I don't have one," Macey said.

"I'll let you ride mine," Dustin offered.

"Thank you, Dustin, that's nice of you," Macey said.

Not long after enjoying hamburgers everyone also enjoyed slices of cold watermelon, and then enjoyed a dip in the water.

"I want to thank you for allowing us to see Adam," Adam Lee said.

"As I said, Adam is 18 and it was his choice," Darrell remarked. "He seems pleased to meet his sister."

"You could have discouraged the meeting but you didn't," Adam Lee stated.

"Adam, I'm curious, and you don't have to answer, but how did you get involved with someone like Lisa?" Darrell asked.

"We were in high school together," Adam Lee said. "She was very beautiful at the time and I was attracted to her. We dated off and on even after we graduated. I decided she wasn't the girl for me, but I didn't know she was pregnant when I went off to college."

"Was she doing drugs then?" Darrell asked.

"I don't think so; then she was just a selfish bitch," Adam Lee said. "Adam appears normal though."

"His grandparents had no interest in his wellbeing," Darrell stated. "His great-uncle is close with him though."

"His other grandparents are anxious to meet him," Adam Lee said. "They wanted to come today, but I asked them to wait."

"They would have been welcome," Rita said.

"I'm sure they would've been, but I didn't want spring that on him for now," Adam Lee said.

"Actually, it's my fault," Patty said. "I suggested it would be best to wait. I hadn't met you and wasn't that sure about you. You seem to have an amazing family."

"I'm proud of my family," Darrell said. "My first wife is the mother to the three older ones and Adam and Brody are adopted. Brenda was somewhat like Lisa. I realized this but did nothing until she attacked Haden when she discovered he's gay. She hit him with Perry's heavy trophy and he even ended up in the hospital."

"Haden is one of the kindest persons I know," Rita said. "I was lucky to become part of this family. In fact Brenda's parents treat me as their daughter. They treat Adam and Brody the same as their other grandchildren. We'll have a cookout Labor Day Weekend and you can meet everyone, especially Adam's uncle George Woodson."

"Would you mind if my parents came?" Adam Lee asked. "And I'd like for them to meet Adam."

"Not at all," Rita said.

"Adam should know that Adam has a Chinese ancestry," Adam Lee said. "My great-grandfather was Chinese.

"Other than the dark hair I wouldn't have known," Rita said. "You should tell him."

"Actually, I'd rather wait and let Dad explain it to him."

"That would be fine," Darrell said. "The name Lee could have been English, Korean, or Chinese."

"Yeah, Dad said the family didn't have to Americanize the name," Adam Lee said.

"Honey, I've really enjoyed today, but we probably should head home," Patty said after the other family members had gone home.

"Why don't you stay for dinner and then you can go," Rita suggested.

"Oh, we wouldn't want you to cook for us," Patty said.

"I wouldn't be cooking," Rita argued. "Darrell will grill some steaks. I've already made a salad and I have some baked potatoes in the crockpot."

"You can bake potatoes in a crockpot?" Patty asked.

"Yes, just prepare like going into the oven only cook on low for eight hours in the crockpot," Rita explained. "I brush them with a little butter before wrapping in foil."

"I'll have to try that," Patty said. "Honey, what do think about staying for dinner?"

"It's up to you and Macey," Adam Lee said. "It appears she's enjoying being with Adam and Brody."

"I think I'd like that," Patty admitted.

"Adam, we're going to the house," Rita called out. "Come for dinner soon."

"I think we're about ready to get out anyway, Adam said.

"This is lovely," Patty said when they entered the house.

"This was my parent's home and I inherited it," Darrell said. "It was a small two bedroom house the kids had to share one bedroom. Haden and I converted half of the back porch into a bedroom and he and Adam shared that when Adam came to live with us."

"After, Darrell and I got marred I sold my house and we enlarged it," Rita continued. The boys' old bedroom is now a den and we added the garage with three bedrooms above it."

"Darrell, I understand you own the lumber company here," Adam Lee said.

"Yes, I worked there right out of high school and the son of the original owner bankrupted it," Darrell explained. The bank repossessed it and I got a good deal on it by mortgaging this place. I probably couldn't have qualified but Tony's dad owns the bank and Amy and Tony were dating at the time."

"Rita, these potatoes are every bit as good as oven baked," Patty said. "I rarely do baked potatoes because I don't have time. I'll start doing them this way."

"Adam, taught me this," Rita said. "Adam and Brody often cook and both are very good cooks.

"Grandma Grace is a really good cook," Brody said.

"She sure is," Rita agreed. "I've learned a lot from her."

"Her dressing is the best ever," Adam proclaimed.

"Brenda wanted nothing to do with her parents simply because they were poor," Darrell said. "She made sure the kids and I didn't get to know them. It so happened that Amy and Grace discovered each other when Amy was a nursing student and Grace was recovering from gallbladder surgery."

"I didn't realize that Amy is a nurse," Patty said. "I thought she was a teacher."

"She went through nursing and then went on to get her Ph.D. in nursing so she could teach," Rita bragged.

"She looks really young to be a college professor," Patty said.

"She worked really hard to get it done in a relatively short time," Rita explained. "Haden finished high school in three years and college the same. Adam will enter college as a sophomore by taking AP classes in high school. Brady is doing the same."

"See Dad, you didn't want me to take AP classes," Macey said.

"I'll admit I may have been wrong," Adam Lee said. "I wanted you to enjoy high school."

"AP classes aren't for everyone, but if one has good grades it's a big plus," Adam said. "When I first came here to live I could barely read. Haden taught me to read, but I did even better after I got glasses. I wear contacts now."

"Macey is an honor student, and she too wears contacts," Patty said. "Rita, this cake is delicious."

"Thank you, but Brody made it," Rita said. "He started making them from a mix but now he makes them from scratch."


Adam was pleased to know his biological dad and sister, but he still considered the Harringtons his real family. He was looking forward to Labor Day Weekend when he would meet his grandparents.

"Uncle George, did you know my biological dad? Adam asked.

"I'm not sure," George said. "We may have met."

"You'll meet him Labor Day," Adam said.

"Are you sure you want me there?"

"Of course I do, you're my uncle. I want all of my friends and family there. It will be at our swimming hole or at the Reed Center if it rains."


Classes began at most state schools, including colleges, in mid-August in order to conform to the end of semester at the Christmas break. Adam and his friends agreed to carpool when possible in order to save on transportation cost. Wilson and Justin received athletic scholarships, Wilson in basketball and Justin in baseball. Adam was offered a basketball scholarship, but accepted an academic scholarship instead. He wanted to concentrate on his academics. Jon would major in Agricultural Business.

Brody and Chad entered their senior year of high school. Both would play basketball and then baseball.


Adam smiled to himself while taking a break in the student center when he overheard another student say, "Dr. Miller's test was really hard, but I think I passed it."

"She reminds me a lot of Dr. Hunter," the other student said.

"That's because Dr. Hunter is Dr. Miller's aunt," Adam couldn't help but say.

"Really, are you in nursing?" Jason, as he introduced himself, asked.

"No, Dr. Miller is my sister and Dr. Hunter is my aunt," Adam said.

"Neither one of them cut us any slack," Holly the other student said.

"Amy has always been like that," Adam said. "When I was younger she was always correcting my grammar."

"I can see that," Holly said. "Dr. Miller is a good teacher though and so is Dr. Hunter.

"Aunt Julie was Amy's professor in microbiology," Adam said. "Amy earned an A but said it was the hardest A she ever earned."

"Her aunt didn't cut her any slack either?" Jason asked.

"They didn't know they were related until after Amy completed the course," Adam said.

"How's that?" Jason asked.

"Long story," Adam said.

"We have an hour until our next class," Jason replied. "Join us."

"Hey, Wilson, come and join us," Adam said when he saw Wilson. "Wilson, this is Holly and Jason. Wilson is a friend from high school and we were on the basketball and baseball teams together."

"I'm hungry and going to get a sandwich," Wilson said after the introductions. "Anybody want anything?"

"I'm good," Both Adam and Holly said.

"I'm getting another drink," Jason said.

"Wilson is really good looking," Holly said. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"No one lately," Adam said.

"Oh, good," Holly said.

"What would Jason say?" Adam asked.

"Jason?" Holly questioned. "Oh, he's my cousin."

"If you like Wilson we come here almost every day at about this time," Adam said.

"Thanks," Holly said just before Jason and Wilson returned.

"What class are you in?" Jason asked.

"I'm a sophomore and Wilson is a freshman," Adam said.

"Second semester freshman," Wilson corrected Adam. "Adam took AP course and then he talked me into it."

"I took AP courses or I'd be a freshman too," Holly said. "Jason was too lazy to take AP courses or he would be a junior. Oh, in case you're wondering Jason and I are cousins."

Adam smiled as he noticed Wilson smiling and then began to actually flirt with Holly. Before the end of the week Wilson and Holly went on a date.

Please send your comments or suggestions to Owen Hudson