Our John

Part Two

"£2,000,000 dads," shouted John as Keith and I stood, mouths agape.

"Yes indeed John," I replied. "A whole two million pounds."

"Is that enough to get lots of ice cream Daddy?"

"That will buy a whole big bucket full John," Keith said.

"The interest alone will make sure we no need to work Brian," he added to me.

"Oh, I can't see that happening love," I replied. "Could never just sit around all day. I would go insane. It does mean though that we can get someone to help Mae with John and the house."

Mae heard what we said and piped up. "Sirs," she said looking at us a bit perturbed. (She always called us sirs despite us saying she could call us by our first names.) "I never say, but I have Daughter in Hong Kong. She my Li Na. She 14 years old and live with my father. He very old now and I worry about Li Na's future. Is it possible she can come England to help me?"

Before Keith or I could answer John piped up. "I know a Li Na. She my best friend at High Rock House. She very beautiful. She left to go home."

Again, both of us were beaten to any words when Mae answered John. "John, the Li Na you know and Li Na my daughter same girl. I put her in care of orphanage when she 3 years old as I very poor and no home. The Mama San get me good job. So Li Na come and live with me. I find I too busy with work so she go and live with my father."

This time Keith got in to speak. "Well, I don't know about Brian but as far as I am concerned Li Na can come to England. She will be good company for John."

I also got to speak. "Yes Mae, we must ring Mama San to organise everything. She will need to come here and live with us. I am beginning to think that money is meant to be used for something special. Li Na will be a start. I will ring Mama San now and Mae and she can talk."

Too late, Keith was already on the phone. He spoke into the phone and then handed it to Mae.

I could see she was almost in tears, so was John. I went and held him close. His sobbing ebbed and finally he spoke. "Daddy Keith, Li Na looked after me at orphanage. I so happy she come here with us. I love her."

My eyes watered a little but I had to tell John the truth. "John, Li Na will need lots of documents to be able to come here. It will take some time. Grandmother will work her magic and with luck Li Na will be here soon."

I dried his eyes and wiped his mouth. Meanwhile Mae was going ten to the dozen with Mama San in Cantonese. (I must find out Mama San's real name soon. Mama San is a long title).

Mae finished her talking with Mama San and handed the phone to me. Mama San want talk to you Mr Brian." She said.

I took the phone from her and said my hello to Mama San. She spoke for a while to me then asked for Keith. Keith also chatted a while. Then, of course, it was John's turn.

John, when he had finished, handed the phone to me. Now was my time to sort out some things Keith and I had spoken of.

"Mama San hello. Are you good?"

She replied she was and then beat me to my first question saying

"My name is Chen Wong. I only Mama San when I in Bar."

I thanked her for that snippet of information and then got my question in. "Chen, why not come and live with us in England? We want you to be near John. You are his Grandmother and he misses you a lot."

"I think about it Brian. I let you know when I call you about Li Na. Hong Kong I love and I get good commission. What I do in England."

We might have just the job for you Chen. Keith and I have a lot to talk about. I have something in mind but I will not do anything until I talk with Keith. I say goodbye for now Chen and look forward to hearing from you soon." Chen said her goodbye and I replaced the phone in its cradle.

"What have we got to talk about Brian?" Keith asked.

"Tonight after dinner love," I replied. "There is a lot on my mind. I think you may want the same as me."

"OK love," he replied. "Obviously nothing to rush over."

John then asked quietly could we go for ice cream. When John asks for his favourite treat we go out and get it.

We drove to Chertsey, taking Mae with us. She was very happy to be getting, we hoped without problems, that she was bubbly and chatty all the way there.

The owner of the shop remembered us and politely asked why we were so happy.

Mae was the one to answer. "We all happy because my daughter come to England and live with us all. I miss her so much. And she friend of John."

"Well such good news must be continued. Ice creams on the house today." The owner said.

There we were millionaires and being treated to ice cream by the kind owner.

We gave our orders and Bill, the owner brought them to the table.

"Enjoy everyone and may the joy continue for you all."

Keith spoke up and said. "Thank you, Bill, you have made our day because something else happened today. We became millionaires. You remember those paintings we found in the loft? Well they turned out to be stolen and we got a reward for finding them."

Brilliant, I hope it was at least a thousand pounds."

"It was Bill but multiply that by two thousand."

Bill did the arithmetic in his head and looked aghast.

"That, if I am correct, is two million quid. You're kidding me?"

"No Ken, we're not. Exactly that. That is why we are out eating ice cream at 11 am."

"In that case double congratulations. From what I hear around Chertsey about you two and your extended family, you already do a lot to help others. I had Mrs Winters in last week and she told me how you had given her a lift home a few times."

"Bill. We are not that special. We learned in Hong Kong from many of the local Chinese people, that to help your neighbour is the right thing to do. Plus the Unit Brian and I were with in Hong Kong also were generous with their help to local causes."

"Well done both of you. Young John looks so much healthier since I first saw him."

My turn to speak. "To be honest Bill. Most of John's improvement is as much down to Mae's care and his grandmothers generosity. His grandmother chose us to be his parents. Which we do with pride. The house we live in was bought by John's grandmother. Something we never told you before. Without her wisdom Keith and I would just be two young bachelors getting on with work, work and more work."

John broke up our discussion and said. "Daddies, can I have some more ice cream please?"

I looked at Keith and Mae. Saw the grin appear.

"Of course you can John. Not too much though. We will be having lunch soon."

Bill was still standing near by and took Jon's bowl and brought back a soft ice cornet.

Handing it to John.

"There you go John. Enjoy."

We all knew he would. That boy would live on ice cream if he could.

After John had finished, we said our goodbyes to Bill and thanked him for his generosity. Outside I mentioned to Keith that we had never seen a Mrs Bill. Keith's smirk and wink answered that question. He knew something I didn't.

"I am guessing," Keith said, "by your talk we are eating out. And I am guessing also that it will be The China Dragon?"

John laughed saying. "You daddies love Chinese food. The China Dragon is the best. Will we have dim sum?"

"You bet John. I said "But we have time to spare. Want to go to the toy shop. See if they have the new Meccano set in you wanted?"

"Oh Yes please daddy. It is hard to do for me but it also helps me steady my hands."

We ended up taking three kits to the pay here counter. With a very happy John in his wheelchair.

(As an aside we always have other folk staring at John because of his seemingly uncoordinated movements. John deals with this by waving and smiling back to the starers. For some reason that cuts the ice for a lot of them and they come and talk to him.)

Mr Cheng the restaurant owner welcomed us at the door and showed us to a table where we could get John's chair under it. He was very kind and polite and refrained from speaking Cantonese to us. Despite the fact his English was not that good. Mr Cheng had moved from the New Territories on the mainland of Hong Kong many years before and had been one of the best Chefs in Fanling, a market town in the Territories.

Now, he hardly ever cooked but employed his three sons as chefs in the large back kitchen. His two daughters waited tables. I asked him once why his children hadn't gone to university. He told me when each reach 25 years they can go then. It important for them to know what work is first. I couldn't disagree with him. I knew he had a large family. I have since learned that he has two sons at university. One studying law the other studying medicine.

Mr Cheng, once we had settled John at the table brought a large bib for him. One of John's favourites was spare ribs. With his disability the juices went everywhere.

We ordered food that Chinese people eat and not the tourist food eaten by most English people. The two menus are far apart. Chop suey was definitely not on their menu. However Keith and I didn't fancy chicken feet.

By the time we finished it was two o'clock and John was getting tired so I paid the bill and we set of for home sweet home. Just as we got in the front door the phone started to ring. Leaving the others I dashed to the lounge and grabbed the phone.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Chen was on the other end.

"Hello Brian. I have news. My friend in civil service say he can get passport for Li Na. As for me. I have decided to also come England and he will get me passport also. It take three weeks to get passport issued so I will phone when we arrange flight."

"Chen, that is great news. We are all delighted for you. Time you retired."

"Me no retire Brian. You going to do something. Need my help. You know I see future."

"Can I ask what you saw Chen?"

"No need, you know already . You talk Keith tonight about what you want. He will agree. I go now. Bar is busy"

I was taken aback. How on earth did she know what I wanted to plan with Keith.

"Bye Chen. See you soon."

I replaced the receiver in its cradle. And then told the others the good news. John was hyper then and we had to calm him down. He settled again and finally got the words out.

"I am so happy grandma and Li Na coming. I missed her when she went from High Rock orphanage."

I gave John a light hug as I said. "I think that soon we will all be very happy like you John. Now you have a little rest until tea time. You have had a busy day son."

I motioned to Mae to take John to his room.

Keith came up to me and said. "What are you up to? You've got something running through that brain of yours. Spill the beans, I am not waiting till tonight."

"OK Love, you can read me like a book. Yes I have something I want to run with you. I thought so. Well give?"

OK here we go...

End of Part Two

"£2,000,000 dads," shouted John as Keith and I stood, mouths agape.

"Yes indeed John," I replied. "A whole two million pounds."

"Is that enough to get lots of ice cream Daddy?"

"That will buy a whole big bucket full John," Keith said.

"The interest alone will make sure we no need to work Brian," he added to me.

"Oh, I can't see that happening love," I replied. "Could never just sit around all day. I would go insane. It does mean though that we can get someone to help Mae with John and the house."

Mae heard what we said and piped up. "Sirs," she said looking at us a bit perturbed. (She always called us sirs despite us saying she could call us by our first names.) "I never say, but I have Daughter in Hong Kong. She my Li Na. She 14 years old and live with my father. He very old now and I worry about Li Na's future. Is it possible she can come England to help me?"

Before Keith or I could answer John piped up. "I know a Li Na. She my best friend at High Rock House. She very beautiful. She left to go home."

Again, both of us were beaten to any words when Mae answered John. "John, the Li Na you know and Li Na my daughter same girl. I put her in care of orphanage when she 3 years old as I very poor and no home. The Mama San get me good job. So Li Na come and live with me. I find I too busy with work so she go and live with my father."

This time Keith got in to speak. "Well, I don't know about Brian but as far as I am concerned Li Na can come to England. She will be good company for John."

I also got to speak. "Yes Mae, we must ring Mama San to organise everything. She will need to come here and live with us. I am beginning to think that money is meant to be used for something special. Li Na will be a start. I will ring Mama San now and Mae and she can talk."

Too late, Keith was already on the phone. He spoke into the phone and then handed it to Mae.

I could see she was almost in tears, so was John. I went and held him close. His sobbing ebbed and finally he spoke. "Daddy Keith, Li Na looked after me at orphanage. I so happy she come here with us. I love her."

My eyes watered a little but I had to tell John the truth. "John, Li Na will need lots of documents to be able to come here. It will take some time. Grandmother will work her magic and with luck Li Na will be here soon."

I dried his eyes and wiped his mouth. Meanwhile Mae was going ten to the dozen with Mama San in Cantonese. (I must find out Mama San's real name soon. Mama San is a long title).

Mae finished her talking with Mama San and handed the phone to me. Mama San want talk to you Mr Brian." She said.

I took the phone from her and said my hello to Mama San. She spoke for a while to me then asked for Keith. Keith also chatted a while. Then, of course, it was John's turn.

John, when he had finished, handed the phone to me. Now was my time to sort out some things Keith and I had spoken of.

"Mama San hello. Are you good?"

She replied she was and then beat me to my first question saying

"My name is Chen Wong. I only Mama San when I in Bar."

I thanked her for that snippet of information and then got my question in. "Chen, why not come and live with us in England? We want you to be near John. You are his Grandmother and he misses you a lot."

"I think about it Brian. I let you know when I call you about Li Na. Hong Kong I love and I get good commission. What I do in England."

We might have just the job for you Chen. Keith and I have a lot to talk about. I have something in mind but I will not do anything until I talk with Keith. I say goodbye for now Chen and look forward to hearing from you soon." Chen said her goodbye and I replaced the phone in its cradle.

"What have we got to talk about Brian?" Keith asked.

"Tonight after dinner love," I replied. "There is a lot on my mind. I think you may want the same as me."

"OK love," he replied. "Obviously nothing to rush over."

John then asked quietly could we go for ice cream. When John asks for his favourite treat we go out and get it.

We drove to Chertsey, taking Mae with us. She was very happy to be getting, we hoped without problems, that she was bubbly and chatty all the way there.

The owner of the shop remembered us and politely asked why we were so happy.

Mae was the one to answer. "We all happy because my daughter come to England and live with us all. I miss her so much. And she friend of John."

"Well such good news must be continued. Ice creams on the house today." The owner said.

There we were millionaires and being treated to ice cream by the kind owner.

We gave our orders and Bill, the owner brought them to the table.

"Enjoy everyone and may the joy continue for you all."

Keith spoke up and said. "Thank you, Bill, you have made our day because something else happened today. We became millionaires. You remember those paintings we found in the loft? Well they turned out to be stolen and we got a reward for finding them."

Brilliant, I hope it was at least a thousand pounds."

"It was Bill but multiply that by two thousand."

Bill did the arithmetic in his head and looked aghast.

"That, if I am correct, is two million quid. You're kidding me?"

"No Ken, we're not. Exactly that. That is why we are out eating ice cream at 11 am."

"In that case double congratulations. From what I hear around Chertsey about you two and your extended family, you already do a lot to help others. I had Mrs Winters in last week and she told me how you had given her a lift home a few times."

"Bill. We are not that special. We learned in Hong Kong from many of the local Chinese people, that to help your neighbour is the right thing to do. Plus the Unit Brian and I were with in Hong Kong also were generous with their help to local causes."

"Well done both of you. Young John looks so much healthier since I first saw him."

My turn to speak. "To be honest Bill. Most of John's improvement is as much down to Mae's care and his grandmothers generosity. His grandmother chose us to be his parents. Which we do with pride. The house we live in was bought by John's grandmother. Something we never told you before. Without her wisdom Keith and I would just be two young bachelors getting on with work, work and more work."

John broke up our discussion and said. "Daddies, can I have some more ice cream please?"

I looked at Keith and Mae. Saw the grin appear.

"Of course you can John. Not too much though. We will be having lunch soon."

Bill was still standing near by and took Jon's bowl and brought back a soft ice cornet.

Handing it to John.

"There you go John. Enjoy."

We all knew he would. That boy would live on ice cream if he could.

After John had finished, we said our goodbyes to Bill and thanked him for his generosity. Outside I mentioned to Keith that we had never seen a Mrs Bill. Keith's smirk and wink answered that question. He knew something I didn't.

"I am guessing," Keith said, "by your talk we are eating out. And I am guessing also that it will be The China Dragon?"

John laughed saying. "You daddies love Chinese food. The China Dragon is the best. Will we have dim sum?"

"You bet John. I said "But we have time to spare. Want to go to the toy shop. See if they have the new Meccano set in you wanted?"

"Oh Yes please daddy. It is hard to do for me but it also helps me steady my hands."

We ended up taking three kits to the pay here counter. With a very happy John in his wheelchair.

(As an aside we always have other folk staring at John because of his seemingly uncoordinated movements. John deals with this by waving and smiling back to the starers. For some reason that cuts the ice for a lot of them and they come and talk to him.)

Mr Cheng the restaurant owner welcomed us at the door and showed us to a table where we could get John's chair under it. He was very kind and polite and refrained from speaking Cantonese to us. Despite the fact his English was not that good. Mr Cheng had moved from the New Territories on the mainland of Hong Kong many years before and had been one of the best Chefs in Fanling, a market town in the Territories.

Now, he hardly ever cooked but employed his three sons as chefs in the large back kitchen. His two daughters waited tables. I asked him once why his children hadn't gone to university. He told me when each reach 25 years they can go then. It important for them to know what work is first. I couldn't disagree with him. I knew he had a large family. I have since learned that he has two sons at university. One studying law the other studying medicine.

Mr Cheng, once we had settled John at the table brought a large bib for him. One of John's favourites was spare ribs. With his disability the juices went everywhere.

We ordered food that Chinese people eat and not the tourist food eaten by most English people. The two menus are far apart. Chop suey was definitely not on their menu. However Keith and I didn't fancy chicken feet.

By the time we finished it was two o'clock and John was getting tired so I paid the bill and we set of for home sweet home. Just as we got in the front door the phone started to ring. Leaving the others I dashed to the lounge and grabbed the phone.

"Hello, can I help you?"

Chen was on the other end.

"Hello Brian. I have news. My friend in civil service say he can get passport for Li Na. As for me. I have decided to also come England and he will get me passport also. It take three weeks to get passport issued so I will phone when we arrange flight."

"Chen, that is great news. We are all delighted for you. Time you retired."

"Me no retire Brian. You going to do something. Need my help. You know I see future."

"Can I ask what you saw Chen?"

"No need, you know already . You talk Keith tonight about what you want. He will agree. I go now. Bar is busy"

I was taken aback. How on earth did she know what I wanted to plan with Keith.

"Bye Chen. See you soon."

I replaced the receiver in its cradle. And then told the others the good news. John was hyper then and we had to calm him down. He settled again and finally got the words out.

"I am so happy grandma and Li Na coming. I missed her when she went from High Rock orphanage."

I gave John a light hug as I said. "I think that soon we will all be very happy like you John. Now you have a little rest until tea time. You have had a busy day son."

I motioned to Mae to take John to his room.

Keith came up to me and said. "What are you up to? You've got something running through that brain of yours. Spill the beans, I am not waiting till tonight."

"OK Love, you can read me like a book. Yes I have something I want to run with you. I thought so. Well give?"

OK here we go...

End of Part Two