Son of a Dream


John sat outside eating dinner when, as was usual, Mary came to the table carrying a pot of tea. "Don't go, Mary, sit with me for awhile, have a cup of tea and give your feet a rest."

Thoughts of David were still strong from both he and Mary. Like a puppy, he had wormed his way into their hearts. But this was a struggle, no, a battle that only David could win.

They talked for the rest of the evening, drawing on memory the antics both had got up to as children of David's age. There was laughter, but also a tinge of sadness at what might be the outcome of the boy who had brought laughter to what was a declining household.

That evening, John, not being able to sleep, pulled a chair close to the window and stared out into what was a glorious night. He followed, as David had done so many times before, the horizon. He looked in the direction of what at one time had been his second home with hope, more than fact, of seeing the island. It had been two days since he'd left David, who with no thought or action referred to him as father. He smiled at the thought of David being his son. But that was far from what concerned him right now. Slipping back into bed, he dozed but never slept.

As the morning returned, Mary knocked on his door with the invitation for breakfast. Little did he feel up to the chore of rising to eat, but he did.

Over breakfast and a cup of tea, they talked of the day's exciting involvement of chores. Breakfast, as was the case when the morning was warm, was usually taken on the porch, but this morning, unknown to either why, they ate inside.

David spent what was another night on the island sitting on the balcony watching the ocean rise and fall. The ripples on the ocean stretched further than the eye could see. The light was calming David even more, if that was at all possible. Now, as had not been the case for so long, after what was a nightly routine of relaxing as the night rolled in, he leaned back against the window and slipped into a restful sleep.

As David slept, daylight rolled in with the silence of a whisper. He opened his eyes, stretched, and looked out towards the sunrise with a glint in his eye. Back in the house, he walked casually downstairs, then headed for the trees. He looked up to the heavens as the path ended and the sand came into view.

As if reading his mind, "Your ride will arrive as soon as the morning comes to its limit," came from above. David just gave a nod and wandered back under the trees.

With no thought, John asked Mary to pack a lunch as he was going to the island, and asked Mary if she would accompany him. She declined, stating she needed to stock up on a few items from the market. John smiled; she would probably be buying out the place. She noticed the grin, seemed to get the gist, and told him, "Be away with you."

David was still sitting under the trees when he noticed the boat heading inland. With no more time than it takes to blink, David was running towards the boat. As John docked, he saw what he later described as an express train running towards him. In no time at all, he was trying very hard to keep his balance as he was steamrollered backwards. "Nice to see you too." David just hung on as if for dear life. After he finally settled down, he spoke at a thousand miles an hour. "Calm down, Son, calm down."

"Si ... err ... Dad, the house, the island..." Nothing else said, he dragged John up the pathway to...

"My God! What happened here..." After making his way around the island he stood back in amazement. It seemed everything was as it should be, till he noticed, as had David, that the first of the three cottage was gone, as if it was never there. The thought that it had been a lifesaver brought a little emotion without the thought dissolving the moment of awe they both felt. They both sat on the balcony taking in the view and the breeze that drifted as it worked its way around the house.

He turned, looking at David, "You still want to ..." there was thought, then, "come home...?"

"I don't know." The beauty had returned ... would the thoughts too?

"You don't, huh?"

"I don't want to spoil anything." He saw the look of apprehension on the face of John. "I'm joking."

"You wind up the old man and think it's funny, huh? So, what if I grab the little pipsqueak and tickle him till he begs me to stop?"

"That's not nice; you wouldn't do that, would you?"

"Before he had a chance to finish the sentence he was screaming with laughter.

"You would, you would, I give in, I give in..."

Coming down off his tickling fit, he grabbed his future dad and started to tickle him - return the compliment, but without success. As they say, 'not a cat in hell's chance'.

"Okay, now you're in for it." With an evil grin he stopped smiling and laughing, grabbed David around the waist and threw him up in the air, who came down giggling like a toddler being blown a raspberry.

"I won't let my thoughts win again, I promise ... if only not to ruin your life."

"David, do it for you. That's the only way to get through this, be stronger and be a winner. You promise. Eh, eh?"

"I promise. I love you. And I still wish you had been my father, even then."

"Only so you could get a laugh and pick on the old fella?" He watched for a reaction, which never came. "Anything wrong I want to know, you hear me, anything." A hug, some tears, and a nod gave an agreement that he would. He would he promised - a promise that he'd honour till the day he died.

There was still the fact that David would at some point answer to his God for which his services would be required, but that was for another day. Till then David had the freedom to be what he had often overlooked or simply never been... a boy with a whole life in front of him.

At home, Mary turned into a shrieking maniac as she watched John and David walk up to the back porch. As was the case at the island with John, David got proverbially mugged.

"Dad, will you take me fishing... "

"Now? What have I let myself in for?"

"DAD!" That got a more than forceful tap in the ribs...

The preliminaries were now out of the way, but one problem still hung, what were they going to come up with regarding David's sudden appearance? I mean they couldn't just pluck a boy out of thin air ... could they? But with the resourcefulness of John, he would come up with a solution ... hopefully.

And as a last resort, there was always his lawyer, Jack.

The End. ????

Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.

T. S. Eliot