The Future Awaits

Chapter Twenty~One

Friday, a week later, Tor comes up for the weekend as usual. We say nothing to him out of the ordinary. Late Saturday afternoon Dave and Martha come by the fIat.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Tor asks.

"I had a meeting to attend and Martha decided to come along for some shopping. We thought we'd drop by and see Drew and the boys."

"Well come on in. We'll have a drink, then go out to dinner together, if you don't have other plans."

"That would be nice. We're staying over to hear Mike play in church tomorrow."

Tor whirls around. "Why didn't you tell me, Drew?"

"Mike wanted to surprise you. The organist is away and Eric asked him to fill in. He's gone to practice. Tommy went with him."

I see Dave wink at Martha. "Sorry we spoiled the surprise."

"That's all right. Mike will be thrilled you're here." I say.

When they come in, Mike and Tommy are delighted to see Dave and Martha. They all but monopolize the conversation over dinner and after. We plan to meet at the church at a quarter to ten, though Mike will have to be there earlier to practice with the choir.

The usher shows us to the first pew. Tor's unhappy until I tell him it's the best place to sit to watch Mike. When the hymn that comes immediately after the homily is over, Eric announces the baptism and confirmation ritual and invites the family and sponsors of Andrew James Halloran-Torrence and Stephen Thomas Parks-Torrence to come to the front.

As Tommy, Dave and Martha, and I stand, I see Tor staring at us dumbfounded. Mike almost falls off the organ bench in his hurry. Dave hauls Tor up and gives him a push. Eric is smiling broadly as he tells the congregation of his pleasure. After the obligatory questions, I bend my head over the font and he pours the water over it three times in my baptism, then he moves immediately into the confirmation of Tommy and me, but not before Mike has squeezed between us, putting an arm around us both. I see tears in his eyes. We're blest at the altar, then return to our seats. I can tell Mike is excited by the way he tears into the usually quiet communion hymn with full organ. At communion he pushes between me and Tommy again. When we rise, his arms go around us and squeeze before he returns to the organ to play the rest of the service.

Once Tommy and I have been greeted by the congregation at the close of Mass, I introduce Tor to Eric. Eric smiles. "One more to go in the Torrence family. I wish I could have confirmed you all." Eric looks around, and seeing the church is empty, says to Tor, "I hope you will consider joining your life companion and sons in the church." When Tor blinks in surprise, Eric continues. "I know of your family and it's under the seal of confession." He nods toward Mike, standing with his arms around me and Tommy. "See how much it means to Mike? It was a surprise to him as well. That's why my sermon topic this morning made reference to 'a little child shall lead them.' It may be a bit oblique, but Mike led Tommy and Drew to join us. You should be very proud of him."

"Pastor, will you and Mrs. Hendricks join us for dinner?" Dave asks.

Eric grins. "Please call me Eric. I'm not married, but I would like to very much. Let me get out of these vestments."

Eric rides to the steak house with Dave and Martha, because the four of us fill our car. Tommy and Mike ride in the back, with Mike's arm around Tommy. "Now we're brothers all the way," I hear Mike whisper.

"Always," Tommy whispers back.

"I'm not believing this," Tor says to me. "You really told Pastor everything?"

"Yes. I wasn't going into this with secrets. If you must know, I did it for Tommy, but Eric's a great guy and I like him." I turn around so I can see Mike. "Mike, did Eric say anything to you?"

"Yeah. That's why he wanted me to go into the vestry with him."

"Good. Just remember everything I've told him is under the seal of confession."

"What do you mean?" Tor asks.

"Just that. He could be defrocked if he told anyone else what I told him."

"Yeah. He's a member of Lutherans Concerned," Mike adds, then explains the gay community ministry to Tor.

"How do you know so much about it?" Tor asks.

"Eric's counselor to the gay students group Tommy and I sometimes go to. They let us in because of you and Drew."

"I can admire a pastor like Eric," Tor finally says.

A few weeks later, they come back from a meeting of the students league, with Mike smiling broadly.

"What's up?"

"Mike's got a new girl," Tommy announces. "Her name's Carol."

"Good for you, babe." I tell him. "When do I get to meet her?"

"Cripes! Give me a little time. We haven't even been on a date yet."

"She a student?"

"Yeah. Freshman. Tommy and I are double dating Friday night."

"You guys have fun." I cross my fingers and hope this works out.

"Planning to."

As I expected, Mike hits me up for some money before they leave for their date. When Tommy refuses to take any, I slip Mike a little extra with a wink. He knows to give it to Tommy before they pick up their girls.

When they come in about eleven, both of them are smiling. Tommy goes immediately to their bedroom and comes out with just his stump socks pulled over the ends of his legs and using crutches, something he hasn't done but once or twice since he got his new feet.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothin'. Feet got to hurtin' me a little."

Mike grins broadly. "Yeah. Carol made him dance with her, and I finally got to dance with Andrea."

"How'd you do, Tommy?"

He shrugs. "Not very good, but she taught me a little. Sure is hard. I'm glad Andrea don't like to dance that much."

"Want a beer, Tommy?"

"You a retard? Get me a Pepsi."

Mike grins. "Just thought I'd ask. Got to teach you to drink."

"That you will not, Michael," I snap. "Tommy has chosen not to, and that should be reason enough, so back off."

"Sorry, Tommy."

"'S okay."

"How's the job in the library going?" I ask.

"I like it. Been working for Doctor Ashford mostly. Puttin' up books and things like that. I got to get some cloth gloves, cause he's gonna teach me how to handle things in the rare book collection and archives."

"I'll take you to the mall tomorrow, if you want. I think I know the type of gloves he's talking about." I know Ashford means thin white cotton gloves. I'm impressed that he's letting a student anywhere near the archives, much less handle any of the materials.

"Thanks. I wasn't sure what kind he meant."

Tor comes up early Friday, and drops by my office for a minute before going to the library to research new material to finish revising our text. When he comes to the flat about six, he grabs a beer and drops down in the chair. "Got it, love. If you'll finish the typing, we can relax."

"Good. I'll try to finish by spring break. Did you see Tommy?"

"No, but I talked to Paul a little. He's really pleased with Tommy. I'm glad he changed his major."

"I am, too. He seems happy. I had to get him some gloves because Paul is going to teach him a little work in archives."

Tor shakes his head in amazement. "Unbelievable! He'll hardly let a teacher touch that stuff."

"I know. He has Tommy in the archive room constantly when anyone is working. That's probably why you didn't see him."

"Looks like he's turning out well. I'm proud of him."

"I am, too. Mike's got a new girl, so he and Tommy have been double dating lately."

"Great. Mike's grades improving?"

"He's holding an A in my class, so I imagine they are."

"I'm glad you're going to be back home when he has his semester at the institute."

"I am, too, but I'll sure hate all of us being there with Tommy here. We've just gotten him used to having a home, so I'm afraid he's going to feel abandoned again."

"I hadn't thought of that, but he's old enough to make the break. I just hope he's matured enough. Ask Martha to sound him out when you're all home for spring break."

"Good idea."

While the boys are studying or are out on dates in the evenings, I spend the time typing the draft of the text Tor brought up. Mike occasionally helps me if he finishes studying early, so we get the work done faster than I thought possible. I'm pleased to have Mike's help, because it gives him exposure to material he'll have in class later on. My students are gaining enough competence to work mostly unsupervised, so with Mike doing the last group of sections for me instead of the assignments I give the others, I complete the lab work early as well. We take a weekend and go home where I work with Tor on the final arrangement of the chapters and photomicrographs.

The university has recently instituted mid-semester grades which are compiled and given to students to give them some idea of their standing. They are expected to show these to their parents, but I strongly suspect that few do. The day after these go out, Tommy comes in and hands his grade slips to me with downcast eyes. I'm shocked to see an I among the A's and B's. I would not be had it been Mike, who sometimes lets his temporary enthusiasms take control of his common sense, but this is dependable, trudge-along Tommy.

"What's the meaning of this Incomplete, Tommy?"

He won't meet my eyes. "I ... I forgot to do a paper for Doctor Martin's class."

"That's not like you."

"I ... I know. I just let it get by me."

"What were you doing with your time?"

"I guess I just put it off because of getting my name changed and seeing Andrea."

"I'm happy that you wanted our name and that you have a fine young lady like Andrea, but right now your education is more important, especially if you still plan to get your degree and a job, so you can support a wife and family."

"I know. She's real important to me. We love each other."

"Doctor Martin has given you a week to turn the paper in. I'm sorry, but I'm restricting you until you have it done, and I expect to read it the minute it's completed. Do you understand?"

"But I've got a date tomorrow night."

"Forget it. Go call Andrea now and tell her you won't be able to make it."

"Yes, sir."

This is the first time I've had to come down on Tommy and it hurts me to do it, more to see his forlorn look as he starts to slouch away toward the phone. I've held my sympathy as long as I can, remembering some of the foolish things I did when I was his age, not that long ago. I follow and put my hand on his shoulder. "I love you, babe. That's why I'm doing this."

"I know. I'm sorry, dad. I'll get started soon as I call Andrea."

Mike wants him to go to the mall with him Saturday afternoon, but Tommy tells Mike to leave him alone.

"You're being mean to Tommy," Mike says when he comes out.

"He should have done his work. I'm surprised it's not you instead."


"You. Don't think I haven't seen you leave things until the last minute."

Mike grins. "That's the worst thing about having a dad who's a teacher. You know all the tricks."

"Most of 'em. Don't bother Tommy until he's finished."

"Okay. Can he go to Mass tomorrow?"

"If he wants."

Monday evening, Tommy hands me the completed paper. "Can I call Andrea now?"

"Go ahead, while I read this."

Though I know virtually nothing about library science, Tommy's paper seems solidly written. I'm pleased with it and hope Martin is as well. I also tell him to apologize to Martin for the inconvenience. Students don't realize the additional paperwork an Incomplete causes the professor, one of the reasons I never give one unless the student has an extremely good excuse.

About noon the next day I call Martin and apologize as well. He laughs and tells me he did it because he thought Tommy was my son, though he is giving Tommy one letter grade lower than the paper is worth as punishment. I thank him. That evening I tell Tommy about the grade. He looks properly chagrinned and makes me a promise he'll keep his work current. I'm certain this has taught him a lesson. When he tells me his work for tomorrow's classes is done, I give him the car keys, telling him to call Andrea and take her out for dinner if she wants.