Dylian: Book Two - A New Beginning

Chapter Twenty-Seven

**Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**

On my way to the hospital, I made a detour to the Best Buy, where I bought my eleven-year-old a fully loaded gaming system, plus an IPod.

While I paid, I thought my son might have a roommate. Therefore, I called the nursing station on my Misha's floor. I found out my boy did, a destitute, fourteen year old orphan. Hence, I got him the same items.

Next, I purchased sleepwear for the two, at a nearby Sears.

Arriving at my destination, I dropped in on Simon and his boyfriend. The two laughed, when I entered laden down with packages.

In response, I explained,

"Look, our little patient needed a few things to help keep him entertained, while he remains here. Also, I discovered his roomie is a foster child, who has nothing. So, I bought duplicate items for the boy. I charged everything to the S&E fund, since this is what you established the foundation for. By the way, Son, I want you to put some music on both IPods."

After handing them to my boys, I visited my other bed ridden son and his fellow patient. It turned into a complicated procedure, which included being sanitized and forced to wear a protective gown.

Once I entered my child's room, I heard him exclaim.


"Hi, Son, you know, your brother and sister call me Dad!" I joked to put him at ease.

"Really, you wouldn't mind?"

"On the contrary, I want you to!"

Then, I handed him my gifts, while adding,

"Here are a few things, I picked up on the way."

"Wow, look an Xbox360: Now, we won't become bored!"

"That's nice, Misha, but I am sure your dad didn't buy one for me. How many controllers come with it?"

My boy puts up one finger, so the poor teen dejectedly added,


At that moment, I handed the youngster his presents, while saying,

"Young Man, I think this belongs to you."

"Awesome, those are for me, Sir? Look, Misha, a second controller!"

"Yes, Sweetie. Now don't wear yourselves out playing, but I wanted you to be occupied. Also, I think these are for the two of you."

With that, I handed each their pajamas. The look on Jaden's face paid me back one thousand fold, the few pennies it cost. Soon, tears of joy flowed down each child's face. So, I asked,

"Are you kids, alright?"

The two responded in unison,

"Yes, Sir!"

"Thank you very much for these, but I can't pay you back for them."

"Silly Willies, they are my gifts to the two of you!"

I helped Jaden into the bathroom, where he quickly changed into his new sleepwear. Then, I walked him back to his bed.

Shortly thereafter, the lover boys walked in. My son handed me one of the IPods, but he kept the other. Turning to my eleven-year-old, I asked,

"Would you like to speak with Simon and Even?"


At the moment I remembered to add,

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot, Nicole and Greyson send their love. They wanted to come with me, but your doctor said no, in order to minimize your risk of infection."

{}Hey, Big Guy, how are you feeling? Do you like your roommate?{}

"I'm fine. Jaden is awesome. He welcomed me with open arms, when I arrived. He showed me the ropes, and he never got mad, each time I asked him a bunch of questions. Look, what Dad got us!"

{}Cool! Jaden, thanks for watching out for my little bro. I'm Simon, and this is my boyfriend, Even. We established the S&E Fund, to cover expenses for deserving foster children in need of medical help. We also bought you something else.{}

Even handed the fourteen-year-old the IPod. The boy looked as if he would pass out.

"You're loaning this to me, wow, thanks! I promise to take very good care of it."

"Uh, no. We purchased the player for you. If you want more music on it, give us a call. I am in Room 318 with Simon."

Suddenly, the youngster burst into tears. My nephew walked over, gathered the younger boy in his arms and tightly held the overwrought kid.

"I am sorry, thank you so much! I love music of any kind, but well never mind."

"Look, it would be a better gift, if it contained the selections you most like!"

"Could you add some classical pieces?"

{}There are a bunch, should you want others, make me a list. My little brother, Dylian, loves all kinds, particularly classical, therefore I already added them. Dad also gave me a Rhapsody account, so I can get anything else."{}

Unknown to Jaden, I handed Misha his IPod with a smile. He returned my grin, without letting his roommate see him. After my boy unpacked it, he asked,

"Hey, Simon, do you have the tune, 'I stand alone' by Brian White? It's from the movie 'Quest for Camelot'."

{}No, but let me see if I can download it.{}

Within minutes he added the requested number. I remained fascinated, watching my son handle his computer. His fingers flew around the keyboard, almost as fast as Allen's.

Once my eleven-year-old tuned it in, he started singing:

I know the sound of each rock and stone
And I embrace what others fear
You are not to roam in this forgotten place
Just the likes of me are welcome here

Everything breathes
And I know each breath
For me it means life
For others, it's death

It's perfectly in balance
Perfectly planned
More than enough
For this man

Like every tree
Stands on it's own
Reaching for the sky
I stand alone

I share my world
With no one else
All by myself
I stand alone

I seen your world
With these very eyes
Don't come any closer
Don't even try

I've felt all the pain
And heard all the lies
But in my world there's no

Like every tree
Stands on it's own
Reaching for the sky
I stand alone

I share my world
With no one else
All by myself
I stand alone

All by myself
I stand alone

All by myself
I stand alone

-Brian White

"Sweetie, that was fantastic!"



"So cool!"

Everyone exclaimed, at the same time.

{}Misha, do you know any others?{}

Suddenly, my little one rolled over and started to cry. When I sat down on his bed, he covered his head. My heart broke, as he begged me not to beat him.

"I am so sorry, please don't hit me. I forgot not to sing out loud!"

"Sweetie, I could never strike you, under any circumstances! I love hearing your voice. If I had the gifts, you and Dylian possess, I would perform them for everyone. Please tell me, did that monster punish you?"

The poor munchkin nodded, while tears streamed down his face. Once again, I wanted to murder that evil man! Instead, I said,

"Misha, it will never happen again, not with me around!"

{}Or, us!{}

"Simon is right, we shall protect you!"

"Son, if I get Dylian, Bradley and Dakota to play the music, would you record your tune?"

"I guess."

After another hour of happy small talk, which included my second prodigy's ad lib performance, I accompanied my lover boys back to Simon's room. I wished them good night, and then I headed home.

On the way, I called Agent Jackson. I informed him of Misha's breakdown, asking the man to find a way to increase the bastard's punishment.

Jim told me the prisoner had mistakenly been placed in the general population, where some other men severely beat him. At present, it was unclear, whether he would survive.

I suggested he receive the best care available. I wanted him to have his day in court, and then spend the rest of his days behind bars.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas