Dylian - Book One

Chapter Twenty-Four

*Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know of a few changes I have made in the format. If you see { text }, that is Simon typing on his computer. If you {} text {} that is the new Simon Mode.**

Arriving home I took an invigorating shower, then I called Amy to arrange practice time for my son, so he would be ready to make his recording. Also, I wanted to find out if she knew anything about Mr. Whalley, the music teacher my eldest mentioned.

"Hello, Smith residence, Courtney speaking, may I help you?"

"Hi Sweetie, this is Drew Thomas, is your mom home?"

"Oh, I can't believe you called! Are you hiring Mother to visit all the schools?"

"Yes! She will be awesome; however I didn't know I am so popular."

"You are! My best friend is an orphan. Her case worker insured Cindy was okay, and her foster parents cared for her. She mentioned you were responsible for the jailing of her criminal incompetent boss. Because of your efforts she is safe!"

"Thank you Darling, however a nine year old boy alerted authorities, not me! What your parent will do is repeat what he did. You should be proud of her!"

"I am, as I always have been. Let me get her."

I smiled when I heard this polite soft spoken girl, forgetting to cover the mouth piece, scream;



"Hi Amy, Drew here. I am sorry to bother you at home, but I thought I would pull rank as your future employer by asking for a few favors!"

We laughed.

"That depends on your request, or should I say, what does Dylian need?"

"My son is making an audition tape tomorrow after school. So, I want him to practice during the day."

"You bought him a cello?"

"Yes, a master craftsman, Mr. Dietrich, fitted my boy with two, one is a rare professional grade instrument and the other is a student model. Since his daughter is your colleague, I thought she mentioned it."

"No! But, I am delighted he has his pride back. I intend to give him all the time he needs. The children will love to hear him play."

"Thank you! The second favor is harder."

"What is it?"

"Have you heard of a Mr. Whalley?"

"Yes! He is the orchestra teacher. Courtney is in his Chamber Strings group, she adores him. Why?"

"Fantastic! I didn't know she was in the ensemble. I heard it is Number One in the state! They are the favor I need. May I speak to your daughter?"

"Why not! Normally, I wouldn't let a grown man talk to my teenager, but I don't think I have to worry!"

"Yes Sir, Mom said you wanted to speak to me?"

"Indeed! I want your mother to convince your conductor to visit my son in the hospital tomorrow during lunchtime, and I hope you will join him?"

"Yeah, but whom is he?"

"Simon Thomas, formally Price. He received a brutal beating, after being enslaved."

"Oh My God! My friend is alive! MOM! Why didn't you tell me! Will he be alright!? Is there anything I can do?"

I heard chatting between the two.

"Honey, I didn't realize the teen you said who died is the same one I met in the hospital,"

"I am sorry I yelled, but he was a,... IS, a good friend of mine. We were told he died of some brain thingie. It's awesome, may I talk to him tonight?"

"Sweetie, I need to be honest with you, but I am afraid you might not take things very well. The poor boy has been viciously beaten!"

"It's better than him dying! I thought I lost one of my best friends!"

"He was beaten so severely he lost the use of his voice and eyesight, has skull fractures and multiple breaks in one of his arms and legs. Some of the damage is irreversible. We must wait until all his surgeries are completed to assess the extent of his recovery. "

Upon finishing, I could hear her crying.

"I can't imagine what he is going through. I want to help him!"

"Visit! How much do you know about the project your mother is directing?"

"It encourages endangered kids to report their predicament."

"Yes!... Our aim is to videotape what my nine-year old, Dylian, did, then have your mom present it at other schools. One part will show pictures of abused children with recorded musical accompaniment. Simon suggested his cellist brother, after which the project is named, and your group, to accompany him!"

"It sounds plausible, but such a young kid? Playing together for a few years, we feel like a unit. Besides, we won't perform at a less proficient level."

"Fine! Lunch with my eldest, tomorrow, listen to him and bring Mr. Whalley!"

"You bet!... I can't believe he is alive! I don't know how, however, l will get my teacher to take me."

"Please put your mom back on the phone!"

"Drew, how may I help?"

"Ask Courtney's music director to accompany her tomorrow at noon. "


"Remind him who I am, adding I will sponsor their trip to New Orleans, if he brings your daughter."

"Oh, that is a low blow my friend! I shall call with the details."

"Thanks, Amy! Talk to you later then.... One last thing, please say nothing to Dylian."

After hanging up, I retired and slept soundly, assured everything proceeded on target.

Awakening refreshed, I prepared Gadda, loaded it and departed.

Work was my first stop. I spoke for thirty minutes with Calvin, concerning the development of his new division.

The following meeting took place with Miles. We discussed the transfer of my new helicopters and the hiring of aviators.

Next, I called Sherry and Allen into my office. They acted very nervous, so teasing them, I pretended to be looking through some files on my desk.

"Alright, I am only going ask you one time. My pal, what are your intentions?"

"With all due respect, Boss, it is none of you business!"

"Young Lady, do you feel the same?"

"I, ahh... Yes, Sir! However, I wouldn't want to break any rules concerning fraternization."

"I agree. Fortunately, there are no prohibitions."

The man lovingly reached over to grasp her hand. I had never seen him display such emotion.

"I think you make a great couple, and you Young Man, will be a positive influence on Gagy. What I won't tolerate are problems at work. You are vital components to the efficient running of our organization, and I refuse to permit anything untoward to come between you, since you are family. Now, I need to talk with my IT director."

"No problem Sir, and thank you for your understanding."

After my personal assistant departed, I continued,

"My friend, you must tell her about your abuse and other personal issues. She is the perfect excuse to seek professional aid. If you don't believe me ask your brother."

"I won't Drew. I tried to speaking to her last night, but I couldn't. Tom wants us over for dinner soon, which provides me with a great opportunity. Also, I get to meet Gage tonight."

Next, I completed company business. Before long I left for lunch with the meal Sherry ordered.

Arriving, I saw Andy and Tyler playing a game while Even and his fellow chatted. I told them,

"I have a surprise for you!"

Soon, there was a knock on the door, followed by a teenage girl poking her head in.


"Young Lady, please come in."

Going to shake her hand, I saw a man timidly standing behind Amy’s daughter.

"Mr. Whalley, thank you for coming!"

"My pleasure!"

{Hi, My Friend! It's great to see you, well you understand what I mean! Thanks for visiting!}

"Oh, Sweetie,... I wish I had known! I would have been here much sooner!"

The young lady broke down, gently hugging my youngster until he strongly embraced her. When they separated, my son started typing,

{My buddy, I want you to meet Even. Hun, this is my dear pal, Courtney Smith. She is one of the few guys I hung with at my old school. She didn't look down on me, because I was a foster kid. Are you okay with me being gay?}

"I knew it long ago!"

{Hi Mr. Whalley. Thanks for coming, we will be eating shortly. Dad and I will explain why we asked you to come. In the meantime, please listen to this recording I made of my little brother, Dylian, performing for me the other night.}

My eldest played the CD. Both Amy and her teacher were astounded.

Then, we filled in all the relevant details leading to his invitation.

"Are you telling me he is a self taught nine-year-old!"

{YES! Later today he plans to make a demo tape for a master instructor, Albert Dietrich. Do you think the Chamber Strings would play with him?}

"Certainly, however we have a rule which states anybody wanting to join, must challenge the first chair of their instrument's section. Afterward the whole group votes."

{Mr. Whalley, my dad has a private jet which can accommodate the entire orchestra with their instruments. He proposes to pay all expenses for this year's trip, if you give my sibling a chance to audition. Will you agree?}


During our lunch hour the young lady talked to the boys while her instructor chatted with me. After the meal, the visitors left, as I prepared for my prodigy's recording.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas