The Future Awaits

Chapter Twenty~Eight

Mike returns to the main campus on Sunday afternoon. Tor's group will stay for another week, so he's busy. I use the free time to write more on my new book. When I have to make a trip to campus to use the library, it seems odd to be checking into a motel instead of going back to the flat. As soon as I've gotten my room, I go to the library to get in a couple of hours of research, while Mike and Tommy are in classes. After, I'll look them up and we'll go out to dinner together. I drop my briefcase on a table in the research library and go to Paul Ashford's office.

"Drew! Good to see you. What can we do for you?"

"Got a list of publications here I need to look at. If anything new on photomicrography has come out in the past couple of months, I'd especially like to see it."

"There are a couple of new publications in your area in the reserve section, so help yourself." He grins. "I'll have a student assistant bring you the ones you've listed."

"I'll probably be here tomorrow, too, so I'd like to have a place to put them overnight."

"Use one of the lockers at the far end of the research room, the assistant will bring you a key."

"Thanks." I walk back out to the research room, find the two journals Paul mentioned, and set up my lap-top. I'm typing in some references when I hear a voice say, "Dad!"

Now I know why Paul was grinning. He's sent Tommy for my requests. I get up and hug him. "Hi, babe. I thought you would be in class."

"I get out early on Tuesdays and Thursdays and work here. What you doin'? Writing another book?"

"Working on one I started not long ago. How are things going?"

"Great. I'm really glad I changed to library science, I love it." He looks at the two new journals I had been working from, then goes to the shelf and brings me another. He opens it and hands it to me. "This help you any?"

I glance at the article he's pointed out. It's more germane to my needs than the articles Paul mentioned. "Just what I was hoping to find, babe. How'd you know about this and Paul didn't?"

"He makes me look at the contents of every journal that comes in, so I can learn what information category they should be placed in. I pick up the mail for the research room, so I get to look at them first."

I grab his hand and squeeze it. "You're going to make a fine research librarian, babe. I'm proud of you. Now let me get to work. Come by when you get off, because I'm taking Mike and you to dinner."

Tommy looks proud as punch when he walks off, and I'm happy to have been able to give him a genuine compliment on his achievements.

After two hours of work and a number of pages of notes, I'm ready for a break when Tommy comes back to the table. "I'm off now, dad. Doctor Ashford said you needed to store this stuff in a locker. I'll put it away for you."

"Thanks. I want a word with Paul, then I'll be right back. Wait for me."

Paul is getting ready to leave. "Need something else, Drew?"

"Just wanted to ask how Tommy's doing. He was quite helpful, but ..."

"You thought you might be getting a little extra treatment?"

"Something like that."

"I can tell you one thing. Everyone using this facility seems to be delighted with Tommy. He's really trying hard. Wish I had a few more assistants like him."

"That's good to hear. I appreciate it."

"You know yourself that Tommy's not brilliant, and he realizes it. But he makes up for it in diligence. I wasn't kidding when I said I wish I had more like him. He'll be quite competent as a research librarian if he keeps on going as he has, and he seems interested in everything."

"Thanks, Paul. See you tomorrow."

"Any time."

I walk back to the research room feeling warm all over, because I know Paul always says exactly what he means. From him this is high praise indeed.

"Okay, babe, let's go. Mike going to be back at the dorm?"

Tommy glances at his watch. "Should be. Oh, here's the locker key. I have classes all morning tomorrow."

We're going past the main circulation desk, when I hear someone call, "Doctor Torrence!" It's Stephan.

"Hi, guy. If you're getting off, join me and the boys for dinner."

"Thanks. Let me punch my time card and I'll be ready."

We walk the short distance to the new dorm and go up to their suite. When Tommy opens the door to the living area, Mike is bent over his computer. "That you, Tommy?"

"Yeah. Stephan's with me. Where's Luc?"

"Gone to his seminar."

I tip-toe over and put my hands over Mike's eyes.

"Damn it, Tommy, quit foolin' around. I gotta get this paper done."

"Not Tommy."

"Dad!" Mike jumps up and hugs me. "What you doing here?"

"Well, I was going to take all you guys to dinner, but since you're so busy I'll just take Tommy and Stephan."

"Like hell! Gimme five and I'll be ready." He saves his work and turns his lap-top off.

By popular demand, we wind up at the steak house again. The boys all display their carnivorous instincts and go for big steaks, while I'm quite content with my usual beef-kebobs.

"How's Tor?" Mike asks.

"Busy plotting your downfall when you come back for the real work."

Mike winces. "Umph, bet he rides my ass big time."

"Just because he knows you can do it, babe. He's proud of you. Seriously, he does keep you guys busy. It's one tough class."

"Don't I know it. It'll be good to have a little time at home, though."

There's no problem with ordering wine this time, and I remember Tommy's grape juice.

"Oh, man, Luc's gonna be heart broken when he finds out what he's missed. This steak is super," Stephan says.

"Things going well with you guys?"

He gives me a smile. "Taking him home with me Thanksgiving break. I called my folks and they said okay."

"Let me know how everything works out."

"I sure will. You and Doctor Tor helped us a lot."

"Any time."

We go back to the boys' suite and talk for a while. As I'm about to leave, Luc comes in.

"Doctor Torrence, good to see you. What are you doing up here?"

"A little research. I'm staying overnight, so I'm getting in a visit with the guys."

"Great. You coming to the game Saturday?"

"Don't have a ticket. I'm going back home tomorrow afternoon if I finish my research."

"I'd sure like to have you see us play one game. A ticket's no problem; it's that other stuff they call football draws the crowds. If you can stay I'll get you one."

"Please, Doctor Torrence. Luc's playing, and I'd be honoured to have you sit with me and Mike. He'll get Tommy a ticket, too."

"If you guys want me that much, I'll stay. Give me the phone, Mike. I'll call Tor and tell him I won't be getting in until Saturday night."

"Wish he could come, too," Luc says wistfully.

"So do I, but I've got the car so he's stranded."

With the guys in class, I get all my research completed by noon, and drop by Joynes' office. To my surprise he's in, because he's notorious for taking off early on Friday.

"Drew! Damn it's good to see you. It's been too long. You should come this way more often. You have reason enough with your son here."

"The road to the institute is the same length. Why don't you come down and see what we're doing there?"

"Don't need to, not with you running things. You're a tough little bastard," he says with a grin.

"What do you mean by that?"

"A couple of my students are still complaining about when you filled in for me."

I shrug. "You must be getting soft in your old age. I seem to remember you giving me a hard time once or twice."

"Yeah, and look how you turned out. Your son still in marine science?"

"Still there, and scared to death of Tor's class."

"Probably with good reason. Wish he'd taken after you. He's still the best at sections I've ever seen."

"We keep him in practice. Gotten any new goodies in your lab?"

"Not a thing, damn it. I've seen one or two new scopes I'd like to have, but tight as the budget is now, I won't be getting them any time soon. So what are you up to?"

"A new book or two. I came up to do some research for my new text on photomicrography. Any ideas on things I should include?"

"Damn right! I made a list with the idea of doing one myself, but to hell with it. I'm not in the mood to start another." He opens his desk and rummages through two drawers, finally handing me several pages. "Take 'em with my blessing. Include anything on here you haven't already and I'll adopt it for my classes."

"I can't do that."

He shoves the pages at me. "You can and will. I need an up-to-date text, but I'm damned if I'm going to write it, so I can't think of anyone better. I thought about sending these to you before, but just kept putting it off. Besides, the old ball-and-chain wants me to start taking more time off. She says I should have married my lab instead of her."

"How is Mrs. Joynes?"

"Fine. Speaking of which, I'd better get going before she calls to see where I am. We're off to spend the weekend with our first grandchild."

"Well! Congratulations, gran'pa."

"Jesus! Do you know how old that makes me feel?" He smiles broadly. "Damn, that's one beautiful little girl."

"Uh, oh. Already got her gran'pa wrapped around her little finger."

"You know it. Wait 'til you and Tor have your first one. Nothing like it."

"Long as Mike and Tommy finish school first. It's likely to be Tommy has the first one. He's in love with a cute girl. I'm just glad they're showing some good sense about things."

Joynes frowns in thought. "Tommy? You mean that Indian kid in the research library? He's your son?"

"I forgot you didn't know. He was Mike's roommate when I came up to cover for you. We found out he was an orphan, and Mike thinks the world of him, so we adopted him."

"Mike's a damn nice kid." He shakes his head. "I still haven't figured out how you and Tor managed to raise a straight kid."

"No different from the way you raised yours. We turn out to be whatever our genes determine."

"Too damned old to understand all that new genetic stuff, but you did a damn good job with Mike."

"Thanks. It's been good to see you again. Come down and pay us a visit."

"Maggie hates the beach, that's why we go to the mountains every year. But I might surprise you sometime."

I walk out of the building with him. His parting cry is, "Use those damn notes I gave you!"

"I will," I yell back.

I grab a quick lunch at the cafeteria and walk over to the boys' rooms. Luc is reading. He closes the book on his thumb. "Hi. Looking for Mike and Tom?"

"I thought they'd be out of class by now."

"Mike'll be in soon. Steph and Tom work in the library until four. If you want to wait, have seat. I'm trying to finish up this chapter."

"Go ahead. I've a little work to do myself." I pull out the pages Joynes gave me and go through them. I can strike off two-thirds of his notes, either because I'm already covering the topic, or because they're out of date, but I'm delighted to find several that I hadn't thought of. I open my lap-top and add them to the list I've made for myself. I'm closing my computer when Luc slams his book down. "Done! Some of this stuff is boring as hell. You got a minute to talk?"


"It's almost Thanksgiving and I'm getting worried about going home with Steph."

"Why? His parents said it would be okay, as I remember."

"What if they don't like me?"

"Don't start imagining things, Luc. I know most of us worry about how strangers will see us, but you're a good guy and an excellent athlete. Just be yourself. The only word of caution I'll give you is about touching Stephan while you're there."

"Yeah. It's gonna be hell having to watch everything I do or say, specially sleeping in a separate room. I just know that's gonna happen."

"Probably. At least they know you're both gay. From what he's said, this will be the first time he's brought anyone home with him, so just go with the lay of the land, and no sneaking into his room after everybody's gone to bed. They might check in the morning before you guys are up. That's about all I can tell you."

"At least you and Doctor Tor didn't have that problem."

I shake my head. "No, but in a way it was worse, and cost me a lot more than self control. Relax and enjoy yourself."

"I'll try. Don't be surprised if you get an e-mail from me."

"I'll look forward to it. You know where we live if you want to come down for a weekend and talk."

"Hey, dad," Mike says as he comes through the door, "we going out to eat again tonight?"

"Yeah. This time Luc can come with us. Now get your butt busy and do your homework."


"Tomorrow, hell. Now! We're going to the game and you won't have time."

Mike grins at Luc. "See what you miss cause your old man's not a teacher?"

"Yeah. And you better be glad your dads are such great guys. Wish mine was as understanding." He gets up. "Gotta go to practice. See you about five if coach isn't on the rag."

Mike and I settle down to our work. It feels good having him sitting at a desk next to me again. I answer a couple of questions he throws at me, because I remember them from Langford's class way back when, and work until Tommy and Stephan come in. Tommy goes for a shower, giving me a chance to tell Stephan what I told Luc.

"No sweat, Doctor Torrence. Luc'll be okay. If my folks get hard assed, we'll get a room somewhere and have a good time ourselves."

"Don't, babe. Play it cool and let your folks get used to the idea. If you guys plan to stay together, it's better if you break them in gently. They've got as much to learn about you and Luc as Tommy had to learn about Tor and me."

He looks at me thoughtfully. "Good point. Guess I don't think much about it with Tom and Mike being so cool. Thanks."

"You're welcome. I want you guys to have a good holiday."

The boys insist on treating me, so we wind up in pizza parlor. Since I'm driving, I make no protest when the guys order a pitcher of beer. Tommy has a Coke. Though I enjoy being with the guys, this doesn't seem near the fun it was when Tor and I were students nearly eight years ago. He's going to have a good laugh when I tell him how my outlook on life has changed.

We break up early so Luc can get to bed and, of course, Stephan goes with him. Mike and Tommy are going to put in a little study at my insistence, so I go back to my motel room and work for a while.