High Seas Series : The Mary Joyce

Book Fifteen

The Mary Joyce JPG

From Book14

When they finally reached home, just about everyone on the island was out to greet the ship and their load of boys. Captain Tollender was on the boat landing waiting for Pat and young Tin Li. He said to the boy, "I worked with your Papa during the war and had the highest respect for him. I could not save his life, but I sure as hell will help his son any way I can!" Tin Li looked a little frightened and he asked, "Good Sir Capting, please may I here stay with Capting Pat, teach he me be American, mebe school me go, learn me good man be. Me want not shoots mor, me be Capting of Boy Ship?" Pat looked up at Captain Tollender and said, "If that is what he wants, I WILL make it so, he has been hurt enough, let's just let him decide what he wants to do." Tin Li smiled and hugged Pat, whispering in Pat's ear, "Papa me?" Pat's eyes were too busy running as water faucets, so he just nodded his head in that international symbol for, "YES!"


Captain Tollandar called from Washington in almost a panic, when he finally reached Wil, he said, "Wil, there is a syndicate in mainland China that specializes in supplying young boys for the sex trade. They are coming for you; they say you have interfered with their shipments for the very last time. From the word we have is that they intend on wiping you out to the very last person, they plan on leaving none of you alive!"

Wil was not overly concerned and he replied, "They have tried that before, are they really that foolish?"

The Captain answered, "Wil, this is different, now they have government backing and there will likely be professional soldiers among them. I will send you a picture of the vessels they are sending after you."

Wil waited for the picture to come through before he called Pat and Oscar. When he showed them the picture of what was coming after them, Pat exclaimed, "My God, what is that damned thing?"

Wil told them that he had been told that it was a small, rapid-deployment patrol craft that ran on hydrofoils. It could attain speed up to sixty knots and had a range of three thousand miles, which meant it had to have a "mother ship" to keep it supplied with fuel.

Hydrofoil JPGOscar asked, "What kind of arms does it carry and how big is its crew?"

Wil replied, "I was told it carries a crew of eight men, plus the skipper and it is armed with rockets and small arms. It is a poor vessel in rough weather and high seas will slow it to about ten knots."

Pat said, "I think we oughtta go out and meet this thing head-on, if we can get the Navy to track it, we can lay in wait and hit it with our own rockets on our own terms."

Wil asked, "Do you really think we are going to go out there without our boys? Hell, Li hardly lets you out of his sight here at home, what do you think he is gonna do when we try to take the Patrick in harm's way? Besides, if we are not careful, we could be charged with piracy!"

Just at that moment, Adam Bennagan knocked on the door and came in carrying a bundle of papers, all stamped "SECRET-ONI" He latched the door after him and spread the papers out on the table.

He said, "When you guys bought the Patrick and the Wilson, you signed agreements that you would make both ships available to the United States Navy upon demand. Well, I got papers here 'demanding'! You guys are gonna provide my boys a chance to act like real sailors and get some target practice."

Pat replied, "Not without me and MY GUYS running the Patrick, you're not!"

Adam smiled and said in a sugary voice, "Of course not, your guys will get to play too!" He then laughed and had to catch his breath before continuing, "Guys, these Chinese play rough, the only way we can catch them is unawares and that means civilian ships. We don't think they have real good descriptions of the Wil and the Pat and we are going to have long range air cover, tracking them as soon as they leave Chinese waters. We expect they will send only one boat and a tender after you, if they send a bunch, it would attract too many eyes and that is what they DO NOT want!"

He continued, "We are planning on our own tender, we have a contract MSTS freighter, The Apollo, loading now with extra fuel for the Wil and Pat and her food stores are already loaded. Navy long range surveillance planes are already headed to WESTPAC and we will know the minute the ships leave their base in China. I have a barge on its way over here with a loadout of ammunition. None of it is Government issue, but I guarantee it is first rate stuff."

Adam Bennagan sighed and said, "Now, I got me two boys who are outside, waiting for me to tell them they can go! Can I tell'em that?"

Wil laughed and replied, "Yeah, you and I would never survive saying, 'NO'!"

The crews and "Warrior Boys" of the Wil and the Pat got busy getting both ships ready, the boys who ran the Joyce looked on with their drooling tongues hanging down to their belt loops until they were told they were to augment the crews of the Wil and Pat!

The Navy Barge arrived on the end of a small tug and the firearms and ammunition were brought across to fill the arms lockers on both ships. The barge also contained their food supply and, by the time the barge left, both the Wilson O'Toole and the Patrick O'Toole were riding heavy in the water, they would both be down to their load limits by the time the fuel barge left the next day.

The fuel barge arrived the next day in the company of their tender, the M/S Apollo. The Apollo had a complete hospital on board and space for six hundred rescued boys to sleep, eat and be taken care of. There was even a barber and two dental chairs to service the needs of their guests. It was a ship that Doctor Pedro Oscar Rollins would eventually command.

Wil's eyes nearly popped when he was handed the papers he assumed were the waybill for the Apollo's cargo. It was transfer of custody of the Vessel, the MSTS Apollo!

His first act was to call their Insurance Underwriter, the man was happy to tell them that the insurance transfer fees had been waived and some office at the Pentagon had paid the premiums for six years in advance! As soon as the paperwork was completed, they painted out the MSTS and replaced it with M/S.

All Wil could do was shake his head. The Apollo was an old C-1 freighter of the Knot Class. Her original name had been the Half Splice and she had been built for the Army Transport Service during World War 2. She had a single diesel engine and one large cargo hold, along with cargo tanks for fuel delivery. Her best speed was only thirteen knots, so the Apollo would slow them down a bit.

Wil said he would take the Apollo, leaving Oscar to command the Wil. It had been several years since Wil had commanded anything other than one of their own ships, so he took command immediately and spent several days checking out the Apollo. The vessel had been completely rebuilt, half the hold had been rebuilt into accommodations and, by putting three boys in each small compartment, they could bed down six-hundred boys.

It had updated radar and radio equipment and when he poked his head in the hospital, he spotted Doc Ben checking out a computer controlled X-Ray machine, with a huge smile on his face!

There was even a helo pad back on the fantail and a gurney lift that opened directly in front of a set of doors leading to the hospital.

They took all three ships out for some practice runs before they fueled all the ships and stocked up on food and water. They were ready for whenever the planes gave them the word and they could be at sea in an hour after Wil punched the alarm horn on the top of O'Toole House.

It was not long before the "word" got out about the new threat from China. The people of Kauai were like a large family, threaten one of them and you faced ALL of them!

The Boys of Nawiliwili Harbor were well known to the islanders and loved by all of them, except, perhaps, by the state's Governor. People began dropping by to check on the latest news and, only minutes elapsed from the time the radio blared out its message that the Island Telegraph went into service.

Mothers and Fathers came to take care of boys whose Father was on one of the ships and the Chapel always had a few in it, praying for the safety of the men on the ships.


It was 10 AM and the younger boys were all in school when Wil held the button down on the Alarm Horn.

The teachers were all well aware of what that horn meant and they immediately suspended classes. The High School was a little further away, buses were lined up to take all the children home.

The Boys of O'Toole House were let off first, their classmates grabbed their hands as they went to the front of the bus to get off. Each classmate told them to be careful and come back to them, there were more than a few tears, the boys of O'Toole House and the Hotel were well liked and many close relationships had been started, some of them were VERY close relationships.

As the crews made final preparations to get underway, parents and children of Island Families came down to Nawiliwili Harbor to see the ships off, it was common knowledge that they were going to war! This time it was a real shooting war! Many boys boarded their ships with flower leis around their necks and a few even had lipstick on their cheeks!

As they sailed from the harbor, all three ships were blowing their air horns and the cars parked along the beach all returned the salute.

Tan Li led his boys directly to the Arms Locker and checked out enough weapons and ammunition to begin a major battle, he placed two boys on each watch, up on the firing deck of both the Wil and the Pat and told them that if Capting Oscar or Capting Pat said, "FIRE", whatever they were pointing at had better be already sinking before he got there!

The patrol planes had spotted the tender and the patrol craft due south of Kamchatka, just off Amchitka Island. They appeared to be headed south-east, towards the coast of North America.

Suddenly, Pat understood what was going on, there were boys being held captive on the Chinese Tender, it was a double feint! The Chinese hoped that his men would be afraid to fire on the Chinese ships if they thought there were boys on board! Knowing that, they decided to chase the two Chinese ships down, rather that lay in wait for them somewhere. The spotter reported no Chinese aircraft were accompanying the two ships.

They all agreed to head for Cape Cook on Vancouver Island, if the Chinese ships changed course, the spotter planes would let them know.

Wil had the Apollo wrung out, he was getting fourteen knots good, through the water, from the ship. Her old Nordberg Engine was pounding and thundering to keep up with the Wil and the Pat. The Apollo had never been intended to be an ocean racer, she was a plodding workhorse but, even rung out at maximum revolutions, her old engine never missed a beat!

They raced east across the Pacific Ocean to get their ambush set up, it suddenly dawned of Pat that there were Chinese Soldiers or Marines on the tender, as well as captive boys. They dressed both the Wil and the Pat to look like ordinary fishermen, they practiced swinging a boom out and dropping weighted ropes from the boom to look like the ropes of a net. The Apollo would look just like what she was, a small freighter chugging its way along the coast.

They waited nearly two weeks and were getting anxious that, somehow, they had missed the Chinese ships. The planes kept reporting that they were still on course and speed, but the boys could envision all sorts of agendas that they had been spotted and the two target vessels had gone off in another direction.

However, that was not the case, just into the third week, Oscar spotted them on the Apollo's radar.

They all hoped the Chinese did not recognize the signature of a more powerful radar than what should have been on a small freighter like the Apollo. They immediately went to radio silence, communicating only with flashing light. Some of the boys got expert at reading blinker and all of them became quite good at it.

TinLi and his boys were itching to prove their worth to "Capting Pat". He had stationed himself on the top of the wheel house of the Patrick and all his boys were eager to "payback" what had been done to them.

Many of the boys were like TinLi, their fathers had been cruelly murdered by the present regime.

When the two Chinese ships arrived, both the Pat and the Wilson were dragging their "nets" across the small bay and the Apollo was leisurely chugging its way northward, to Alaska.

Both the Wil and the Pat made their turn at the end of the bay, both turning away from their 'nets'. Their innocent turns brought them to a hundred and fifty yards off the starboard side of the two ships, Pat screamed, "FIRE!" and TinLi's Warrior Boys let off an awful barrage, six rocket launchers were beginning to glow red hot and the 50's were going through ammunition at an alarming rate. Every third shell in the ammo belts was an explosive round, the small Chinese ships were taking a terrible beating! Five boys were working as fast as they could, keeping the weapons in ammo! Spent casings were just kicked over the side, they didn't have time to collect the spent brass!

The small patrol boat tried to get up on her foils, but an explosive rocket charge took out its wheel house and a second later, a second rocket took out her water propulsor jet and the small ship went DIW! (Dead In the Water)

Knowing there were captives on board, the boys concentrated their fire on the bridge of the small freighter/tender until an explosion lifted the entire Boat Deck off the ship. Ammunition must have been stored in some of the upper compartments of the ship!

The small fleet got underway and headed towards the tender, knowing that was their priority target!

The 50's raked the open decks and they saw uniformed soldiers brought down by their withering ambush. TinLi laid an explosive rocket directly on the roof of the bridge of the tender and his second shot dropped a charge directly down the stack and flames and smoke came billowing out the stack.

The Chinese freighter died in that instant, there was nobody left alive in the engine room!

The Chinese soldiers continued to fight until one of them shot the officer who was screaming at them to kill the round-eyes western devils. A Chinese Marine started waving a white flag, in hope the Americans would let them live, the tender was obviously sinking.

Andy Bennagan led his ONI troops over to the tender, accompanied by twelve of TinLi's Boy Warriors.

The Chinese troops were more afraid of TinLi's Boy Warriors than they were of the ONI Sailors! TinLi screamed at them in Chinese, "WHERE ARE THE BOY CHILDREN. ANSWER NOW OR DIE!" TinLi's troops raised their machine guns and passed a live round in the chamber, the Chinese soldiers were looking at the twelve loaded fifty millimeter machine guns, cocked and ready to spit out death in their direction!

A fifty millimeter round would put a hole in any one of them big enough to drive a man's clenched fist from front to back! If it were an explosive round, whoever it hit would not be found, other than a few flaps of flesh on the deck and some splatters of blood!

Their Sergeant answered TinLi's demand in a shaky voice that the children were locked up in the forward hold. TinLi stared at Adam before he said, "Yu see bads mans, yu keep Capting Pat hold for. Yu kills thems OK, us them kills OK is too!"

The boys went running to the hold and pulled the hatch covers off, letting light into the hold. An awful stink came from the hold and they could hear children crying in the semi-darkness below them. The access hatch was locked, so most of the Boy Warriors tossed ropes over the edge of the cargo hatch and climbed down to the first level.

Adam could hear angry voices in Chinese coming from the opened hatch, TinLi went over and shot the lock off the access hatch and opened the door for Adam. Adam was not sure, from the grim look on TinLi's face, that he really wanted to enter the hold. He stepped in and waited for his eyes to adjust to the gloom before he looked around.

What he saw would follow him to his grave, haunting his sleep every night!

There were multiple cages, each holding about fifty boys. All the boys had their hands cuffed behind them and he could see terrible chaffing sores on the boy's wrists from the cuffs. He screamed for the photographer to bring his camera, he was going to make sure the world saw what the Chinese were doing to young boys!

Adam Bennagan sent for some bolt cutters, he was a big man and no longer young, but he leapt from the upper level of the hold to the bottom deck, holding fifty pounds of bolt cutter.

He worked like a madman, tearing the cages apart and cutting handcuffs from the wrists of small boys!

TinLi's troops were calming the boys in Chinese, telling them that this white man was a friend and would not hurt them.

They had all been told that white men were going to own them and do anything they wanted to them! Even kill them for enjoyment!

There were boys in that terrible hell pit as young as four years old, while others were nearly sixteen.

Adam Bennagan went through those cages like God's Avenging Angel, cutting holes in the cages and cuffs off the boy's wrists. He worked like a madman, the more boys he saw, the more angry he became!

Finally, Pat came down and took the bolt cutters from him, handing them to TinLi. Pat said to the sobbing man, "Adam, you will do these boys no good if you destroy yourself in the process. Come topside with me and let's get the boys off this sinking tub before we all have to go swimming."

Pat led the distraught man to the upper deck of the Chinese vessel and they began lowering boys down the rope ladders to waiting boats. The photographer was busy recording everything, like Andy Bennagan, tears were flooding down his face.

Both men would end up giving a home to several boys.


They got all the boys off the sinking ship, as well as ten of the fifteen soldiers who were on the tender. The other five were in pieces after they attempted to overwhelm the boys holding guns on them.

They put the ship's crew in lifeboats and told them that they would be dead men if they were ever seen again. They had been hired for money to haul boys into slavery! At least the soldiers had no choice, do it or be shot!

They told the crew of the patrol boat they could limp home or swim, it was their choice. They had to jury rig a helm, as their bridge was completely gone. Last seen, they were making four knots, headed back to mainland China. They never knew if the patrol boat made it home, no word leaked out of mainland China.

Doc Ben and his orderlies worked for three days straight, taking care of the five hundred and eighty-five boys who had been rescued from the Chinese Tender.

There were only a few rooms left that were not completely filled on the Apollo, and, by the time Doc had seen all the boys, he looked like death warmed over!

He spoke with Wil, "Boss, I can't do this again, I have seen too much and done too little to help these boys. My hands are shaking and I am having to take pills to sleep at night. If I had the ones who did this to these children, I would gladly commit murder and I am supposed to be a Doctor who saves lives, not take them!"

Wil put his arm around Doc Ben, who was clearly about to lose control and said, "Doc, look around you, all these boys might not be alive right now, if you were not here with us. Do not dwell on the bad things, look at the smiles and happy faces of those boys, boys who will now be able to grow and develop because YOU helped them."

Doc was on the verge of tears and he started, "Bu Bu But......"

Wil faced the distraught man as said, "No buts about it, Doc, but for you, many of those boys we would be taking home to bury, now, they can look forward to a full life in freedom, new homes and families and be able to go to school. They will all become Americans, if they wish, and live out dreams of a happy future. But for you and what you did, how many would we have to bury?"

Doc snuffed his tears back and said to Wil. "We saved every boy, not one died, nor, BY GOD, will they! He went back to the Infirmary, where he began passing out disinfectant soap and louse powder to the new boys.

He was going to have them healed and bug free before they got back to Nawiliwili Harbor!

That evening, after all the boys had passed through the chow line, TinLi stood up on a box and shouted for attention in Chinese, then he started speaking in his own version of English, "Uses must splek Onglish, uses Amelicans boys be now! Capting Pat, Capting Wil un Capting Oscar us take theirs home, us give they a clean, un food. Uses go school, learns we Amelican lifes. Uses life Amelicans, uses be Amelicans un boys other uses help! Uses tells Amelicans others what bads mens does uses, uses tells all bodies what theys do uses, uses shows hurts on body un whip hurts on uses backs. No ashamed tell, tells all peoples what ours peoples us did!"

He walked into the crowd and brought the Navy Photographer back with him and he continued, "This men picture make, yous show yous hurts, him make picture, show alls people in Amelica, uses not shame, uses proud un wes help ours new contry!"

Poor Joe Talbot, the Navy Photographer that Andy Bennagan had coerced in coming with them was in tears, he had never seen so many young boys so badly hurt and still be smiling and eager to come to "Amelica" as free boys!

Andy sat down with Joe and said to him, "Yes these boys have been hurt, some of them would have died had not these people come and snatched them away from their captors. More of them would have been killed, sooner or later, by their owners. They were to be slaves of the worst sort, BOY SEX SLAVES! Take your pictures and make as many prints as you can, give them out on the street, send them back home to your family, show them to your girlfriend or your wife, your brother or your sister. If enough folks see your pictures, they will force the slavers and those who buy children for such purposes out of business. We can't do it alone, but, by all that is Holy, we can put a crimp in their pipeline!"

Sunflower JPGAll the boys began dreaming of what their life would be like when they got to America. They had all heard the folk tales of ugly Americans and how badly they treated their own people, but these Americans were not like that. They treated their injuries and gave them medicines to make them feel better, killed the bugs on their bodies and gave them new, clean clothing to wear that nobody else had ever worn before.

The berthing deck was full of crying boys, not from fear or hurt, but from happiness and relief.

When the ships finally reached the place the Americans called Lihue, the boys all crowded up on deck to get a glimpse of their new home. As the Apollo eased into the small harbor, Wil pulled on the ship's horn, nearly draining the compressed air tank.

The blast echoed off the surrounding mountains and the Islanders and their children began gathering at O'Toole House to greet the new boys as they were brought by boat from the freighter.

The new boys entered the Welcome Center and saw crowds of children their same age there to greet them. There were children of all races there, including children who looked like themselves, Chinese.

At first the new boys hung back, they had always been told that America was only white people and brown peoples were servants and slaves. TinLi knew what was going on in their minds, so he shouted out, "Theses childrens Amelican all theys. Boyses un Girlses, alls colors be, no slaves theys be! Comes, theys foods have us, wes eat wit theses peoples, uses all togethers!"

He stood there, handing out trays to each boy and sending him through the food line, the boys' eyes got huge as the men and women working the line started piling food on their trays. There was so much and some things that were put on their plates, they had no idea what it was, but it smelled so good!

Despite the language barrier, like children everywhere, they were all bumbling through several different languages and everyone was understanding everyone else.

For the first time, the rescued boys began to feel safe.

The Lihue boys made it a point to sit beside a new boy and show him what the different foods were, friendships were formed that day that were to last lifetimes!

Pat, Wil and Oscar stood by watching all that was taking place, Pat said, "That Boy, TinLi, he is a leader and an organizer. He is too old to go to grade school, but he does not have the language skills to make it in high school, could we hire a tutor for him and get him caught up?"

Will laughed and replied, "We already have a tutor, Son, we are gonna let all the noise slow down and then introduce TinLi to Dale Jones, our tutor. Dale speaks both Chinese and Japanese and TinLi is going to be his first student!

The pictures of the boys' injuries started hitting the streets in Honolulu and, within days they had spread to the mainland. The outrage was horrific, state and national; legislators were afraid to answer their telephones and constituents flooded the wires with demands that something be done about the boy slave trade. When they were asked, "What about the girl slave trade", the callers would gasp and tell who they were speaking with that must be stopped also!

The Chinese Ambassador was called to the White House to explain and he had no explanation. He was soon recalled and a new Ambassador replaced him.

There would be no further slave ships from mainland China, but that was not the end of the slave trade. Unfortunately, China continued to try to supply slaves secretly and other countries in the area also stepped up their efforts.

Perhaps it would never be stamped out, but an awful dent in it in America came when Mr. TinLi Robbins opened his investigation services company. He had a dozen investigators, strangely, they all bore the names of Robbins, O'Toole or Bennagan, with a few Tangimora's and Robbins thrown in.

They went nationwide after a few years and more than a few wealthy men and women suddenly found homes in far off places, remote islands and countries not affiliated with America, to be attractive places to live. Even then, the long arm of TinLi Robbins could snatch them from their safe hidaway and they found themselves facing charges in a US Federal Court, while still in their underwear!

Jowto and Trong returned home, Jowto was in strong demand worldwide as a singer and entertainer and his Mate, Trong was his bodyguard as well as the Chief Engineer of O'Toole Enterprises.

Boys and girls were always being sent to the Mainland for schooling, but they never stayed there, each boy and each girl returned to Lihue and became part of bringing abandoned boys and girls up in a loving environment. The population at O'Toole house finally stabilized at twenty-two hundred children and it gained a worldwide reputation in the care and raising of hurt, abused and abandoned children. Their graduates never had a problem finding a job, and many were hired as they walked off the platform after they had received their diplomas!

Wil and Oscar finally retired and spent their elder years among the children of O'Toole House and Causey Plantation. Both of them were patsies for the children, they all knew that Gampoppa Wil or Gampoppa Osca had candy in their pocket, they both went through about twenty pounds of gum drops a day!

The investigation against the governor finally bore fruit and he spent the remainder of his days in a Federal Penitentiary cursing Andrew Causey and the O'Tooles. Patrick O'Toole finally married a local girl and Wil and Oscar (Unca Osca) could not get enough of their little Grandson, Wilson Oscar O'Toole and in 2023, the two men died, just days apart.

Wil could not face living without his Oscar.

The whole island, even the whole state went into mourning, the loss of those two men who had done so much for so many was a terrible blow.

President Tin Li Robbins of Nationwide Investigations, Inc. gave the eulogy for the two men he loved beyond all others, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Brothers and Sisters, I need not tell of the deeds these great men have done, because they did it for us, the children they saved. They worked hard to save us, they put their lives and their fortunes on the line to save us and save us they certainly did. At last count, they saved one hundred and thirty thousand children from fates even worse than death itself. They fed us, clothed us, educated us and made sure we were safe. They reached out and made us their own children, children they never ceased loving! Today, their fortunes continue the work they began, Mr. Andrew Causey, a boy they saved in their early years here, has taken over the reins of O'Toole House, ably assisted by Mr. Wilson Oscar O'Toole, their Grandson. Their own son, Mr. Pat remains with us and let me tell you, if any of you are diabetics, you can blame Capting Pat, he has a monthly order of gum drops that has to be delivered by ship! I will not bore you with statistics or numbers, all of us here gathered know exactly what they did for us and others of this Island of Kauai. Our Grandma, Seiki Tangimora has come out of retirement to give us one last meal of her famous cooking, but I have one last surprise for you, my brother, Jowto O'Toole and my other brother Trong Robbins are here, they flew in from a music tour in Europe, They are here so that Jowto can sing his famous HAPPY BOY SONG one more time for his Daddies."

There were no dry eyes in the entire audience after Jowto sang, first his Happy Boy Song and then Trong's words to the song.

Mrs. Tangimora was thronged by sons, grandsons and great grandsons, all of them Honorary sons from among the boys who had been saved by Wil and Oscar and fed by Mrs. Tangimora.

Weeping was heard throughout O'Toole House and Causey Plantation Hotels that night, but the gentle songs of Jowto were heard above the sound of tears throughout the night.

The next morning, Jowto and Trong were found weeping on the new graves, Pat was the only one who could comfort them. The three of them lived out their lives living in the home that Wil and Oscar had made, Jowto never sang in public again, but often his voice could be heard floating across the grounds of O'Toole House late at night. Whenever it was heard, there would be a hush among those living there, so every sound of that beautiful voice could be heard. Trong's older brother, Captain 'Go O'Toole became Fleet Captain of all the O'Toole Ships and was frequently seen leading small children around the ships and telling them stories of the two famous men who had done so much for so many, including himself!


This ends our story of Captain Wilson John O'Toole and Captain Oscar James Robbins, but there is another tale to be told, that of Doctor Pedro Oscar Robbins and his two wonderful Hospitals that give health and comfort to those who have never have such before. Doctor Pedro's two ships, The Apollo, to be renamed The PATRICK and the WILSON will sail the waters of the Pacific Ocean, visiting small islands carrying on the traditions begun by his Papa and Uncle and he manages to keep Causey House full. The Hospital Ship, the M/S Patrick is an old ship, meticulously maintained and Captained by Captain Patrick O'Toole, the son of the famous president of O'Toole House, and the other ship, The Wilson travels with the Rescue Fleet. The Medical Staffs under the leadership of Doctor Pedro Oscar Robbins are making tremendous strides against the terrible diseases found in the tropical Pacific and the injuries inflicted upon the children who live in that area. The companion ship to The PATRICK, The WILSON is already operating with the O'Toole fleet as they haunt the slavers and pederasts, taking the children AND their lives from them.