The Wolf Folk Series: The Adventures Of Jeremiah Tate

Book Eleven: A Story Of A Boy Coming Of Age In An Uncommon Family

From Book 10

With Tecito's help, Paul and Joseph were able to contact the remnant of their folk to let them know that help would be coming soon. They worked feverishly to complete their studies and make themselves qualified leaders of their clans. They studied tactics with Chub and Jeremiah, politics and leadership with Peter and finance with the accounting staff. Jeremiah began laying in a supply of weapons and tools to be delivered to the north, along with crated foods, clothing and medicines. Spring finally came and both Joseph and Paul were frantically studying for finals. They had exempted several classes and would be eligible for their degrees in May. They both took High Honors and marched down the aisle with their head held high. They began packing that night.

Chapter 1 - INTO THE NORTH

University graduation finally came for the two Wolf Princes of the North. As happy as they were at graduating, they felt great trepidation for their next stage in their lives, reuniting with their folk. They had been rescued by their benefactor, Lord Prince Jeremiah, when they both were young teens and running for their lives from the bigots out to wipe them from the Earth.

Now again their benefactor was going to war for them, each of their clans would be restored. With Tecito's help, they had mind spoken with their respective folk and they were eagerly awaiting their young princes' return.

The two had discussed the possibility of combining the two clans, but Jeremiah had advised against it. He advised them to each keep their independence, intermarry to spread the bloodlines, but keep the clans separate.

As their departure date came near, their anxiety level was nearing their limits. Jeremiah realized this and wisely left them to their own devices. Between them, they devised a mutual pact of protection and cooperation, Joe promised to move his folk, towards the Yukon where Paul's people lived. With two clans living nearby to each other, the bigots were less likely to attempt slaughter again.

John, being younger, was not ready to assume leadership of his people, but, like his brothers, he had formed a plan to protect his people, he would ask Jeremiah to take them in as a separate Sept when the time came.

The day of departure arrived, and the two families gathered. They were all adults now, powerful Wolf Warriors, trained and hardened by Chub. As they mounted the steps to the Red Wolf, each warrior carried a gift from Jeremiah, two automatic rifles, a pistol and a crate of ammunition for each weapon.

They stood tall and proud, bearing little resemblance to the defeated youngsters who had left their homeland, wounded in body and spirit. Tecito, acting as Proxy to Lord Alpha Wolf Jeremiah, greeted each wolf as he entered the aircraft.

As the Red Wolf leaped into the air under the command of Chief Wolf Pilot Harley Myers, their course was already plotted. After stopping in Brandon to refuel, they would fly straight to the Yukon Territory, where Paul's people were hiding.

There was a small airstrip and lodge there and Harley had already been promised that there would be sufficient fuel to top off the Red Wolf. It was a long flight, Jeremiah had sufficient food put aboard the plane that they would not have to get out anywhere in order to eat.

Tecito used his Power of Persuasion, under Jeremiah's guidance, to keep knowledge of the war force from the Canadian officials, making it less likely that knowledge of their coming could reach the bigots.

The food on board was high protein, heavy on rare meat. One Wolf Warrior joked, "Lord Prince Jeremiah, are you trying to make us fat?" Jeremiah replied, "Warriors, I am afraid you will work all of it off very soon, those who drove you out of your lands are not going to welcome your return with hugs and kisses!"

The wolf nodded somberly, knowing that war was coming to them.

Tecito was in contact with Wolf Warrior Leon of the Yukon Clan, "We bring your Prince, who is now a Tested Warrior, stand to greet your Alpha Wolf as we land!"

Leon replied, "Lord Tecito, you cannot get here fast enough, we have waited and prayed to the Lord of Wolves, Above Us All, that he come back to us. WE STAND READY TO GREET OUR LORD ALPHA WOLF!" He continued, "We have gathered at Algae Lake, we own the lodge and there is a gravel landing strip for your plane, call us when you are near and we shall light oil barrels to guide you in. There is also fuel here as we promised."

As the Red Wolf made its way north, Paul's Warriors went over all their equipment as did Paul, Warrior Leader of Jeremiah's SubClan Warriors. Paul was a bundle of nerves and Jeremiah sat next to him to calm him. Paul asked, "What if..."

Jeremiah interrupted him, "Paul, you are a Warrior Wolf among Warriors, do not worry that you are unfit, you are their Leader and you wear your Clan's Cloak of Leadership, you have been tried and found fit to lead.

Joseph stood beside Paul, "We are both of the House of Jep, making us brothers in blood as well as spirit. No more shall we stand apart, an attack on you is an attack on me and all my kine. We are brothers!"

As the plane neared its destination after the long and weary hours of flight, Chief Wolf Pilot Harley Myers began nosing the plane downwards, looking for the flaming barrels of oil promised by Warrior Leon. He finally spotted the thin column of smoke from the burning barrels and the plane began a rapid descent.

The plane landed and 150 armed Wolf Warriors jumped from the plane and surrounded it. Many of them had been chased once by the bigots intent on murdering young boys, they were adults now, all bent upon revenge.

The Folk of Clan Yukon crowded around the ring of Warriors and, as Paul stepped out of the aircraft onto the upper landing platform, a great cheer rang out and a voice bellowed, "ALL HAIL, LORD ALPHA PAUL OF CLAN YUKON STANDS BEFORE US. HAIL LORD ALPHA WOLF PAUL!" As Paul reached the ground level, he was mobbed by his joyous folk. He spotted a young girl using a cane to walk, he screamed, "Jesse, you are alive!" and he ran to her, hugging and kissing her.

He proudly turned to Jeremiah, Lord Alpha, this is my sister Jesse, I thought she had been murdered and here she stands to greet me!" It was a reunion full of joy and Paul listened intently as his Warriors brought him up to date, there were 276 Wolf Folk surviving, of those, 105 were war-tested Warriors! He dutifully greeted each by name, many were in tears as they related to their Alpha of those who had been lost.


As the night wore on, each Clan Member gave oath to Paul and welcomed him home. Paul chose Wolf Warrior Lee to be his proxy and confirmed Wolf Warrior Leon as his War Leader.

After a brief night's rest, the Clan set about opening the Lodge and buildings for use. Guards and Patrols were assigned and life began to settle down.

Paul insisted on honoring Jeremiah and they held a great feast in his honor. At the feast, Paul introduced Joseph, "THIS IS MY BROTHER, JOSEPH, LORD ALPHA WOLF OF THE CLAN LAKE. KNOW ALSO, LORD JOSEPH IS ALPHA WOLF OF THE FAMILY OF JEP. HE IS, THEREFORE OUR FAMILY ALPHA WOLF." He then knelt before a surprised Joseph and announced, "LORD ALPHA JOSEPH OF THE FAMILY JEP, TO YOU WE OWE OUR ALLEGIANCE, COMMAND ME LORD OF JEP!"

They spent two weeks working with Paul's Warriors and making sure they were fully armed and ready to protect their Folk. War Leader Leon was a young Wolf, but ready to assume command of the Clan's Warriors. He drilled them without mercy, knowing that they might be attacked at any time. He was determined that there would be no dead wolves on his watch! He set roving patrols around the lodge and lookouts in the hills surrounding their new home.

Each night, Paul made the rounds, greeting each of his folk, especially the young children. In this, his sister, Jesse, accompanied him. Jesse was well known among the Folk of Clan Yukon and all the children knew she was good for a sweet or some other tidbit from her apron pocket. Each child called her Auntie Jess and she loved it.

Tecito worked with Lee, instructing him in the duties of the Clan Alpha's Proxy. In Lee, Tecito discovered another mind speaker that neared his own power and between them, they ranged their minds over the territory claimed by Clan Yukon. Lee became very excited when they discovered several isolated families of their Folk hiding in small valleys to the north. Lee and Paul made immediate plans to collect those families and bring them under the Clan's protection.

Within days, four new families had been brought to the Lodge.

When Jeremiah and Tecito determined that Clan Yukon was ready to stand on their own feet, they began making preparations to take Joseph and his Warriors back to his Folk. Joseph had already decided to move his clan closer to Clan Yukon and he had discovered an abandoned village, Faro, that would suit the needs of his folk. Jeremiah had instructed his agents to claim the abandoned village and the Territorial Government had offered him the deed to the village for $1.00.

Tosco and Joseph contacted Joseph's Folk living near Great Slave Lake and told them of the new village, far away from those who had hunted them. There were about 200 of Joseph's Folk still alive near The Great Slave Lake, they had nothing but bitter memories of that place, so they did not hesitate to agree to move.

They loaded up the plane and Jeremiah bid a tearful goodbye to his son, Paul. They both promised to stay in "touch" and Jeremiah climbed the ladder into the plane. Chief Wolf Pilot Harley Myers rolled the plane across the tundra and began his take-off. The folk remaining on the ground stood waving until the speck that was the Red Wolf had disappeared.

It was a short hop to The Great Slave Lake, Jeremiah's Warriors and Tecito held no affection for the place. They had rescued Joseph and the youngsters with him several years earlier, and each Warrior had vivid memories of the condition the children were in when they had gathered them up.

War Leader Saul almost hoped the local bigots would show themselves. He and his Warriors would be happy to show them what angry adult wolves could do. The Red Wolf landed in the same field from where they had rescued Joseph and his companions, the only difference was, Joseph and those companions were no longer children, they were all adult Warrior Wolves ready to defend their Alpha Wolf.

As the plane settled to the ground, those inside could see Joseph's Folk gathering to meet and honor their Alpha Wolf. The Clan's Warriors arrayed themselves around the plane, all of them armed to the teeth. They had already fought one battle the day before, the local bigots were still in hiding, tending their wounds. Joseph's cousin, Ted, had taken command when Joseph had been rescued and had built the Clan up in the intervening years.


He kissed Joseph's ring before rising and the two hugged each other.

Ted said to Joseph, "My Lord Alpha, I present to you your Warriors, 250 fully trained wolves at your command." Joseph smiled at his cousin and replied, "No, cousin, I name thee CHIEF WARRIOR LEADER of the FAMILY JED." Ted again knelt before his Alpha, "Lord Joseph, we art thy Warriors and before The Lord of Wolves Above us all, to thee we pledge our souls and bodies."

Ted then turned to Jeremiah, "Lord Jeremiah, Heir of the Most Ancient Line, we thank you for what you have done for us, we are ready now to follow our Alpha. I and all our kine await your command. All that we wish to take with us is on our backs, we leave nothing here except hatred and sorrow. Lord, we are ready to depart this place of horror. Never shall any of us ever return here."

Jeremiah hugged Joseph's loyal Chief Warrior and they all crammed onboard the Red Wolf. It was a tight fit, the young wolves sat on the floor near their parents and many of the warriors remained standing so that the elder wolves could sit on a seat.

Chief Wolf Pilot Harley Myers could feel the heavy load as he taxied across the frozen tundra for takeoff. His copilot, Benjamin Tar, and he fought the plane into the air before they turned in the direction of Faro. The flight was not long, but all were glad as they felt the heavily laden plane begin its descent.

Unknown to those on the plane, Paul and his Warriors had traveled cross country and were waiting the arrival of the Red Wolf. When the plane appeared in the sky, they lit oil barrels to mark the landing strip.

Paul's War Leader, Leon drew his warriors up in ranks and he and Paul stood in front of them saluting the Family JED Alpha Wolf as he emerged from the plane.


Neither Jeremiah nor Joseph had any idea that Paul and his Warriors were going to be there to meet them. Warrior Leader Lee was stunned, the wolves of the northlands had never participated in ceremony, nor had many of them known much about wolves of other lands. Only Paul and Joseph had ever seen Jeremiah in action and none of their people had any idea he was the Heir to the Most Ancient Line.

Those who were crowded around him drew back in fear and some of the teen wolves, who were still in the airplane, began to whimper in fright. Jeremiah turned to them and said, "I am still Jeremiah Franklin Tate, I am still your friend, I am still the guy who makes war to see that you are all safe. Nothing has changed, only now you know what I am, not just who I am. Come, let us get settled in the Lodge, we have much to do before it is safe here.

Jeremiah came down the steps of the accommodation ladder and spoke with Lee, "I smell the fine work of my Proxy, Chub!" Lee grinned and replied, "Yes sir, we worked on it together! Another wolf, Lord Peter, suggested it, sir."

Jeremiah was still grumbling as he walked to the tattered buildings of the old town. The town was in surprisingly good shape for having been abandoned, most of the homes were fit to live in and the water system still functioned. Jeremiah sent the plane back to Toronto to load up on supplies, it took three trips to stock the town.

By the time they had everything they immediately needed, the youngsters had thoroughly explored the town and the area nearby. When Jeremiah discovered the old schoolhouse, the youngsters' groans were likely heard all the way back to Charlotte, especially when there were four teachers on the plane when it made its last trip carrying supplies.

The teachers were wolves from Charlotte and the very first meeting of the classes, the teachers demonstrated who was wolf and who was wolfling, in no uncertain terms!

The two clans would work hand in hand as long as they stayed in the area. In less than five years, the two clans numbered over one thousand wolves and gold had been discovered on both their lands. The bigots and troublemakers attempted several times to drive them away, but in times of trouble ALL wolves are warriors.

Several of the human gangs that threatened them, disappeared completely, leaving no trace and some others went to bed one night thinking themselves great warriors and were last seen running down the roadway, screaming like piglets, in their underwear stained yellow as they lost control of their bladders!

Never again would those bigots and religious zealots regain the power to ever threaten the wolf folk.


Jeremiah has one more Canadian Clan to settle, that of John. He is also facing the retirement of his Father, Franklin, and his own ascension to the Primacy of Family CED, The Most Ancient Line!