The Collector Series: New Dawn

New Dawn

Chapter 1 - HOMECOMING

John McKinley spotted his Grandson, Richard, being pushed in his wheelchair by a young Navy Petty Officer. He thought to himself, "Damn, Richie looks good, especially for all he has been through!" His Grandson, a Marine Captain had been a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan when a shoulder-fired rocket slammed into the cockpit. He spent a year in the hospital and another being fitted with his left leg and arm. At last, he and Emma would have their boy home, this time, for good.

John jumped the line and hugged his Grandson, tears streaming down his old, wrinkled face. Richard hugged his Grandfather just as tightly and shed his own tears, they had always been close and when he got shot down, his Grandfather had flown a shuttle back and forth to Germany, where he was being treated. His beloved Grandmother was unable to fly, her heart would not have stood it.

Richard turned to look at the man pushing his wheelchair, "Gramps, This is Petty Officer Jason Krill, he has helped me all the way from Atlanta. I hope it is OK, I asked him to stay with us. He has no family and no place to go."

John looked at the young man, "Son, you are welcome in our house for as long as you wish, you helped my Grandson, that alone automatically makes you good people!"

The young man replied, "Thank you, Sir, I was the Corpsman on the Captain's 'copter, they told me I had too many holes in me now to continue serving."

The old man looked at the two and thought, "Hmmmm, Emma has always thought that maybe Richie might be gay, I don't give a damn, HE IS MY GRANDSON!"

Jason looked at Richard and said, "I'll bet you would be more comfortable if we got you back on your leg and you had your arm to swing around? Let's go in that Men's Room and get you rebuilt!"

John helped the young man unpack Richard's prosthesis' and the two headed for the Men's Room. When they returned, John noticed that he had to look closely to see that Richard was walking on a prosthetic leg or that his left arm was not his own. They had left the wheelchair at the airline counter and headed for the baggage terminal. Both men's baggage had already been offloaded and was waiting for them.

John said, "Richie, I brought your truck, I'll go get it and meet you at that door over there." He headed for the parking lot where he had left Richie's brand new Ford F-250 Eddie Bauer Edition Diesel, bright red and freshly washed and waxed!

When he pulled up to the door, Richard said, "Gramps, you had better drive, I don't think I am ready for that yet." The two young men tossed their bags into the truck bed, Jason hopped into the back seat and Richard sat beside his Grandfather in the front.

As they were driving off, John turned and said to Jason, "We have to go over Snoqualmie Pass, too much snow otherwise. It will take us a couple of hours to get to Cashmere, so just lean back and get some rest, BOTH of you."

Both men were exhausted and they were soon asleep. It had been a difficult and frustrating flight from Atlanta to Seattle, they had to change planes in Salt Lake City. The attitude of the TSA Officers frustrated them both and Richard was completely exhausted after the ordeal, Jason was just angry. How could they treat this man so poorly, he had given his country more than he could afford and all they could think of was harassing him! He didn't know what the future would hold, but he was going to do everything he could to make sure they did it together. He was pretty sure that the old man had suspected their relationship, but it didn't seem to disturb him. We shall see what happens when we get to their home.

They stopped at a little roadside café after they had gotten to the eastern side of the mountains. John treated them to some clam chowder that Jason would have gladly committed crimes against God and Country for! He even used his bread to wipe out the last dregs from the bowl!

They finally arrived at the McKinley home, Jason's eyes went huge, it wasn't a home, it was a castle! They could see Richard's Grandmother, Emma, watching from the big bay window, as Richard stepped out of the truck, he looked up and saw his Grandmother frantically waving. They left the luggage in the mud room and Richard rushed into the house to hug the woman who was both Grandmother and Mother to him.

Richard motioned for Jason to come meet his Grandmother, "Grams, this is Jason Krill."

Emma looked at her Grandson and raised her eyebrows, "Is he...?"

Richard said, "Yes, Grams, he is."

Emma hugged Jason and whispered in his ear, "Jason, I will love you like a son, but if you ever hurt Richie, I will hunt you down and you WILL NOT survive it!"

Jason stared at the woman, his face the color of Richard's truck, " mean you don't object, that I can stay here?"

Emma replied, "Jason, Richie is all that his Grandfather and I have in this world, there is NOTHING more important to us than his happiness. If you make him happy, then we are happy. Welcome home, son."

Jason was stunned at the acceptance of these two extraordinary people, he could not contain his emotions and started sobbing, Emma wrapped her arms around him as Jason stammered, "My own parents told me to never show my face to them again and you, who don't even know me, not only accept me but give me your precious Grandson!" It was many minutes before the young man could regain his composure. When he finally gained control of himself, he took Richard's hand and said to the couple, "Sir, M'am, I swear to you and God above, I love Richie with all my heart and soul, he is my alpha and my omega, where he goes, I go, his needs are mine until either of us leave this Earth. There were damp eyes all around as they sat at the table with fresh coffee.

John finally said, "Guys, let's get your luggage up here." Looking at Emma, he continued, "We are going to put you in the apartment out in the south wing. It is fully furnished and very private. Our housekeeper, Miss Charlotte will have supper ready at 5 pm; that should give you enough time to unwind and get cleaned up." He helped them carry their luggage to the apartment and then he said directly to Jason, "We are very glad you are here, I am not as old and grumpy as I look. If Richie says you are his, who am I to argue. Be at peace boys, you will get no trouble from me or Emma." He then hugged them both and returned to the main part of the house.

Jason was bewildered by all that had taken place, he asked Richard, "Richie, this house is enormous, just what does your Grandpa do?"

Richard replied, "Well, let's see, Blue Moon Packing Company, Snoqualmie Railroad, McKinley Timber, and McKinley Farms. That is just here, down in Texas and Louisiana there is McKinley Petroleum and, oh, don't forget McKinley Shipping!"

Jason looked like he had been pole-axed, "Richie, I had no idea, you told me he was a farmer!"

Richie laughed and replied, "Well, I didn't lie!"

The two men embraced and Jason said, "Love, you had better let me help you get cleaned up. Do we dress for dinner here?"

Richie said, "Not formally, just slacks and a polo shirt." Jason helped Richie out of his prothesis' and into the shower, supporting him as he stood on one leg.

The two arrived back in the dining room, freshly laundered and shaved. Emma thought to herself, "My, what a handsome pair!" There was quiet talk around the table as Miss Charlotte served a scrumptious meal of rare prime rib, baked potatoes, green beans and a whipped cream cake for dessert worth committing crimes against God and Country for!

After a dessert drink that John served, Richie said that they were going to make an early night of it, they were both dead tired. Tomorrow they were going to explore Cashmere and the surrounding countryside, if it wasn't snowing too badly. The young men made their "Good Nights" and headed for their apartment. They were so fatigued; both were asleep almost before their heads hit the pillows!

Emma and John sat up talking, "John, what are your thoughts about all this?"

John replied, "Emma, dearest, we both suspected that Richie was gay, this young man, Jason, seems to be a fine fellow and he is certainly devoted to Richie. Only time will tell, but they must work it out themselves, any interference from us will only be resented." Emma agreed and, after they had another of John's special dessert drinks, they, also, went to bed.

The next day was a bit blustery, but the snow was holding off. Richie decided to show the small town of Cashmere to Jason and maybe on down to Wenatchee. They bundled up against the cold and set off on Richie's truck. They toured all two dozen streets of Cashmere, stopping at a little diner that specialized in Southern Pulled BBQ Pork. Jason, being from upstate New York, had never tasted it, he was WOWED! They drove on down to Wenatchee and poked around the town for a while, before heading back to Cashmere. Richie was still a little shaky driving, but was managing to keep them on the road. He decided to take the back road out around the Blue Moon Packing plant. There wouldn't be much going on this time of year, but he could show Jason the general layout.

As they drove around the back of the warehouse, Jason noticed movement in a pile of packing crates. He pointed it out to Richie who said, "There shouldn't be anyone here now." He stopped the truck and Jason jumped out to investigate. Jason dove in between two large crates and then started waving his hand for Richie to join him. Richie clambered, somewhat unsteadily, over the trash and found Jason holding two young boys.

The older boy was crying, "Don't hit me, don't hurt us, we'll leave."

Richie knelt down as best he could and held his hand out to the boys, "Guys, we won't hurt you, what in the world are you doing here. It is too cold to be playing in the snow!"

The boy sniffled and then replied, "We got nowhere to go, our folks left us here last week and we haven't seen them since. Our money ran out and we haven't eaten in two days."

Jason cried, "My God, boys, do you even have heavy coats?"

Both boys shook their heads, "NO."

Jason looked at Richie, who nodded his head, "Yes". Jason wrapped his arms around both boys and said, "Come on, let's get you warm and dry, then we can figure how to help you."

They led the two boys back to the bright red truck, one boy said, "WOW, Mister, are you a fireman?"

Richie laughed and said, "No, just a broken Marine!" They got the boys into the truck and headed for home.

When they arrived, the older of the two boys said, "We can't go in there, we are just dirty road trash. That is too fine a house for the likes of us."

Richie laughed, "You had better not tell my Grams that!" They took the two boys to their apartment and dug out clean towels for them. Jason volunteered to oversee the shower and make sure they got clean. Richie went up to the main house to tell his Grandparents about the situation.

Emma screamed, "Those poor boys!" She told Richie to get some of his old clothes out of the attic for the boys. She then turned to John and said, "Those boys are going to stay HERE, make it happen!"

All John could say was, "Yes, dear!" He was in complete agreement. Richie returned with some clothes, they would probably be too big for the boys, but it was better than being wrapped in towels!

As the boys were getting dressed, Jason pulled Richie aside, "Those boys have been abused, there are bruises and sores all over both their backs! I am pretty sure the smaller boy has a hernia and neither of them have been eating right in a long time!" The boys came out of the bathroom and stood shyly by the door, as if figuring out if they should run. Richie walked over to them and said, "Boys, Miss Charlotte, our housekeeper, has hot food in the kitchen just for you guys, let's not keep her waiting, OK?"

Hunger overcame fear and the boys nodded agreement. They took the two to the kitchen as Miss Charlotte was dishing out some chicken soup, fresh bread, milk and huge slices of her whipped cream cake. The boys' eyes got big and they looked at Jason and Richie, both told them to go feed that bear under their belts and the boys set to with gusto.

Richie sat down with the two boys and said, "Guys, will you tell us your names?"

The older boy spoke up, "I'm Billy Mathews and he is my brother Carl. I'm 11 and Carl is 7."

Jason thought, "Good God, and they were living in those boxes all by themselves?" Emma peeked into the room and saw the two little boys eating everything in sight. She motioned for Jason to come talk with her. They went into the sitting room and Jason said, "M'am.."

Emma interrupted him, "None of that M'am crap, you call me Emma or at least Grams, just like Richie!"

Jason replied, "Yes, m.. eer Grams, these boys have been hurt, I am pretty sure little Carl has an untreated hernia and both boys have been beaten regularly. Neither has eaten right in a long time!"

Emma asked, "Do we need a doctor?"

Richie had come into the room, "No way, Grams, Jason is a better medic than most doctors. Let us care for the boys."

Jason spoke up, "That will be ok for now, but we will need a doctor to do something about Carl's hernia sometime in the future."

Emma decided, "OK for now, but by Monday we must notify the Sheriff. By that time, those boys will be at HOME HERE!" She went into the kitchen in her "GRAMS" mode, like all boys, Grandmothers are special and she soon had them laughing and giggling like normal little boys.

Like little puppies, their tummies were satisfied and the two boys were becoming drowsy in the warm kitchen, so Richie and Jason took them back to their apartment and settled them in the spare bedroom. They were asleep in seconds, curled up, one against the other.

Emma came in and peeked through the partially open doorway, "Who could ever hurt those little darlings, what are we going to do, boys?"

Richie looked at his Grandmother, "What do you mean, Grams? They are going to stay right here with Jason and me. I didn't survive that damned Taliban Rocket for no reason!"

The fire in his eyes made Emma smile, "You answered my question, Daddy!"

After Emma left the room, Richie and Jason sat on the couch, talking. Richie said, "I know what I want to do now and with your help, we can make this dream come true."

Jason replied, "A Boy's Home?"

Richie said, "Yes, just like what we talked about, a place where homeless boys are safe, fed and can go to school. They are taken care of, their hurts mended and souls refreshed!" He added, "Will you help me?"

Jason laughed, "Richie, I told Grams that your wants are mine, also. Let's get to work!" They sat up far into the night discussing alternative plans and, after a short sleep, they were at it again.

John and Emma knocked on their door, wanting to see how the little boys were doing. They saw stacks of notes, pencil drawings and lists all over the table. Emma smiled and said, "You got it all planned out, huh?"

Jason and Richie laughed, "Almost, Grams. It's gonna take money, though."

John snorted, "Well, I sure can't take it with me, how fast can we start?"

Just then, two little faces peeked around the door. Jason and Emma scooped them up and cuddled them. Jason asked, "Hungry, AGAIN?"

Little Carl giggled and replied, "YUP!"

They let the boys relieve their bladders and then carried them into the kitchen, where Miss Charlotte had pecan pancakes, real maple syrup, fresh butter and little pork piggies ready for hungry boys. She included Richie and Jason in that category! She told Billy and Carl, "If you eat any more, I will have to fry you both up for bacon!" Both boys giggled and ran for their room. She looked at Richie, "If you and Jason don't want those little guys, I'll take'm!"

Jason spoke up, "Sorry Miss Charlotte, they are already taken!"

The boys were playing with some of Richie's childhood toys. John sat down with Richie and Jason, "Let me see those notes and sketches." He looked them over and said, "What about the Old Cattlemen's Hotel?"

Richie thought for a while and said, "Two things, one - we would need to include all the land around it for playgrounds and expansion, then two - it will have to be brought up to code with fire protection, new elevators and all new laundry and heating. But, still, I think it is a good idea and it is an ideal location! Let's do it!"

John said only, "DONE," and walked off whistling to himself.

Jason and Richie looked at each other and both wondering just exactly, "What happened?"

Before the day was out Ken Grimes, John's attorney, was at the house with a basket full of papers to be signed, He looked at Richie and asked, "Is Jason going to be your partner in this?"

Richie replied, "Yes and in all other things, also!"

The man raised his eyebrows and thought to himself, "They got more guts than I do!" He spread the papers out on the table and they started signing. First, a new corporation was created, New Dawn Foundation. Then a trust fund for the foundation at $40,000,000! Jason nearly fainted, but John just grinned. Next came the agreement to purchase the Cattlemen's Hotel from McKinley Properties for $1.00! A Board of Directors was created, Richard James McKinley, CEO; Jason Walter Krill, Chairman, Emma Lynn McKinley and John Rufus McKinley, Members of the Board of Directors. Jason's head was swimming, but there was more. Transfer of all assets of McKinley Petroleum Corporation to the New Dawn Foundation! The last group of papers was a renovation contract to make all additions, upgrades and renovations to meet the Washington State Bureau of Children's Affairs regulations.

When all papers had been signed, the Lawyer handed Richie and Jason two certificates, the top lines said, "CERTIFICATE OF PERMANENT CUSTODY"! Jason had to sit down, he was flooding the room with his tears, Richie was not far behind.

The boys came running out of their room and started to scream, fearing they were going to be turned out again. Emma gathered them and said, "These are good tears, go hug your DADDIES!"

Billy caught on first and he leapt into Richie's lap hollering, "DADDY, DADDY!"

Not to be outdone, Little Carl was in Jason's lap shrieking, "DADDY, DADDY!" at the top of his lungs!

Chapter 2 - NEW DAWN

The two little boys had to show their Certificates to everyone, even the poor old dog was not spared. Of course, construction would have to wait for the weather to improve, but everything could be made ready. Jason took Carl to see Dr. Rosenthal at the Clinic, a hernia repair was scheduled for the following Monday. Richie took Billy and got him registered for school and then they took both boys to Wenatchee and tried to buy out the Boy's Section of JC Penny's! When they got home, Emma patiently watched as the boys showed her all their new clothes.

All was not sweetness and light however, there was a certain element in town that was dead set against "two queers" having anything to do with homeless boys. They would rather have the boys die in streets than be "contaminated" by "those queers"! The preacher at River of Life Evangelical Bible Church thundered Sunday morning against "those HOMO-SEX-UAL-PREDI-TORS." He screamed it on the street corners, in the Post Office and in front of the Sheriff's Office. Most people just laughed at him, but Richie and Jason were sufficiently concerned that they started taking the boys to school.

Jason called some Navy buddies of his who lived in San Francisco. They volunteered to help if Jason would send them plane tickets. The men were there the next day, and ten of them came. A couple of them, Old Navy Boatswain's Mates, looked like they had escaped from the San Francisco Zoo - the gorilla cage! After a couple of run-ins with Pastor Jenkins and his bullies, there suddenly was a "CLOSED" sign on the River of Life Church and the harassment ceased. Jason's friends, however, liked Cashmere and they all stayed, got jobs and saw to it Billy and Carl had babysitters!

Winter finally loosened its grip and renovations began at the old Cattlemen's Hotel. The old buildings and storerooms that had been abandoned in the area were cleared. During the harassment, Richie and Jason had taken to carrying radios on their belts. When construction began, they gave radios to all the foremen on the job.

One afternoon, Richie and Jason were getting ready to go pick up the boys at school when their radios squawked, "New Dawn 1, Construction 3, over..."

Richie replied, "Construction 3, New Dawn 1, Go ahead..."

"New Dawn 1, Construction 3, Richie, we got a couple of boys here holed up in the old plumbing shop. We can't seem to convince them that it is safe to come out. Over.."

"Construction 3, New Dawn 1, we are on our way, New Dawn 1 out."

Richie grabbed his keys and hollered at Bass Gunter, one of the New Dawn Gorillas, as they now called themselves, "Take one of the trucks and go get the boys at school. Bring them to the construction site ASAP!"

Jason looked at Richie, "Why?"

Richie replied, "What better way to convince scared boys than with other boys?"

They got to the construction site and asked everyone to back off. He and Jason walked slowly, with their hands out showing that they were empty and called out, "Guys, we aren't gonna hurt you. If you will just sit tight for a couple of minutes, our sons will be here and they will explain everything to you, OK?"

A timid voice called out, "OK, but just your sons, OK?"

Richie replied, "Sure, just sit tight for a bit." He motioned everyone to step back and wait for Billy and Carl. As soon as the boys got there, they came running to Richie and Jason. Jason calmly told them what was happening and asked if they would go in and talk with these scared boys?

Billy said, "Sure Dad, Carl n' me can do that," and they started walking towards the old abandoned building.

They were in there a long time and Richie and Jason were getting a little concerned, then Carl stuck his head out and said, "Daddy Jason, we need you in here."

Jason walked carefully and slowly, so as to not frighten any boy and entered the old plumbing shop. There, he found six boys, two were their own and four terribly dirty, scared boys ranging from about 6 to 15 years old. One boy was laying on spread out rags and jackets, his leg obviously broken and he was in terrible pain. Jason knelt down beside the boy and said, "Son, I am a Navy Medic, will you let me help you?"

The boy was shaking so badly, he could hardly speak, "y,Y,Yessir, Oh, it hurts so bad, please help me!" At that he began to wail in his awful pain.

Jason used his own belt to fasten the boy's legs together to prevent further damage. He then picked up the boy and looked around, "Boys, make sure there is nothing under my feet so I don't trip, OK?"

There was a round of, "Yes sirs."

He heard Carl say, "See my Daddy can fix anything!" By that time, all the "New Dawn Gorillas" were standing by, as each boy emerged from the building, he was picked up by gentle hands and cuddled. In moments, there were three young boys sobbing their hearts out on the neck of a grizzled Navy Veteran. Jason carried the boy with the broken leg over to their truck and Richie drove them to the Emergency Clinic in town.

The other three boys and their Rescue Boys were taken to Miss Charlotte for some TLC and chicken soup. After they had been filled up with Miss Charlotte's special treats for hurt boys, Billy and Carl took the three to their apartment and began pulling out towels and wash clothes. Billy rummaged around and found enough clothing for the three. It took several times through the shower before the boys were clean. Billy had laid out fresh underwear and clothing for the boys, after they were all dressed, Emma came in and applied some of her Grams Magic on them. Before long they were all asleep on Billy's bed. She slipped out and told John to get Ken Grimes, the lawyer, busy. Those boys WERE going to stay here!

At the Emergency Clinic, Dr. Ben Rosenthal asked Richie if he was hatching boys this week, Richie grinned and said, "We got a hurt one here, Doc."

The Doctor said, "Good Grief, my nurse just went home."

Jason said, "Doc, I am a Certified Navy Medic and Battle Corpsman, can I help?"

Ben Rosenthal looked at Jason and said, "Great Scott man, where have you been hiding? Go scrub!" He administered a painkiller and a sedative to the boy and went to scrub with Jason. The x-rays showed it was a simple fracture and, with some of the battlefield techniques Jason showed the Doctor, the boy was ready to go home in a short time. As they left, Ben Rosenthal said, "Jason, DO NOT leave town!"

When they got home the boy got his share of Miss Charlotte's Boy Medicine. Before they all conked out, Jason and Richie learned that the boy with the broken leg was Bennie Falcon and the little 6-year-old boy was his brother, Timmie. The other two were Alfred Corn and Hector Suarez. They had all run away from a group home up in Middlefork because the man was telling them they were his sex toys! Jason about blew through the roof and Bass Gunter was making some very unusual growling sounds! John quickly defused the situation by calling the Sheriff's office.

By the time Ken Grimes had worked his lawyer magic, all ten of the New Dawn Gorillas were New Dawn employees and "Certified Child Care Technicians"! New Dawn had its first employees and residents and the building wasn't even ready for occupancy!

John and Emma opened up the guest cottage and the game room to provide for the boys, two Gorillas volunteered to act as mentors and they were put on the payroll immediately! They were so proud of the name "Gorillas" all ten had shirts made up with "New Dawn Gorilla" embroidered on the front, over the pocket! Kinder and more gentle men could not have been found anywhere, the four new boys thrived with the attention and care.

Bennie finally talked Ben Rosenthal into a walking cast and he was off to the races! Richie and Jason got all the new boys into school and the Foundation bought a 20-passenger Ford Van as a school bus. Several of the Gorillas went and took the exam and were licensed by the state to drive a school bus. They had "New Dawn Home for Boys" painted on the sides.

The bus was parked near the construction site with Bass just sitting inside watching the activity. He heard a light banging on the door, looking out through the rearview mirror, he saw a little boy, not more than 10 years old knocking on the door. He carefully got out of the van, he didn't want his 6' 6" height to scare the child. He said, "Son, can I help you, are you in trouble?"

The boy started to cry, "Mister, I haven't eaten in three days, my Daddy dropped me off and left, he never came back. Can you buy me a hamburger?"

The big man dropped to his knees and said very gently, "How about I take you to see Miss Charlotte and get some of her chicken soup and whipped cream cake?"

The boy started to cry even harder, "Oh, would you, I would do anything you wanted me to do if I could have a meal like that."

With great difficulty, the giant man controlled his temper, he said, "Hop in, let's go see Miss Charlotte."

He brought the boy into the kitchen and Miss Charlotte correctly appraised the situation, she started filling a bowl with her special hurt boy chicken soup and she cut a huge slab of whipped cream cake and told him he could have it AFTER he ate all the soup.

Bass went hunting Richie, his face was beet red in anger. He unloaded on poor Richie. Richie was glad he was NOT the object of Bass' anger! He called Jason on the radio and asked him to come and take a look at the little boy before they called in the Sheriff.

Jason did so and he was more upset than even Bass was! He told Richie, "That boy has been raped repeatedly, Ben is going to need to sew him up before further damage or infection sets in!"

Richie called the Sheriff and told him to meet them at Ben Rosenthal's Clinic. A warrant was issued for the father and he was eventually found in Utah! Richie told his Grandparents about the boy, Albert James. Emma was in tears and John growling like a bear.

Ben scheduled surgery for Albert the next day, he didn't want to wait any longer than absolutely necessary. He asked Jason to scrub with him, he thought the boy would be more acceptable with having men work on him rather than a nurse. They worked on the boy for 6 hours before Ben was satisfied. Jason brought Albert back home and sat with him the entire first night.

The next morning, John sat with Jason and said to him, "Jason, you are going to need to hold back a bit, otherwise you are going to tear your heart out. There has to be some time for Jason in there and for Richie, too!"

He hugged Jason until Jason had calmed down, "Yeah, Gramps, you are right, but it is so hard to see these boys hurting!"

John replied, "It's hard, but if YOU burn out, WHO takes care of those boys?"

Jason shivered, "OK, I get the message, I'll be a good boy." He smiled and hugged John.

The contractor took note of what was going on and he called in extra men to speed the work up. By June 10th, they were waiting for the State Inspectors. Like a lot of regulator-type people, the Inspectors arrived with an "attitude". Bass might have been huge, but he was NOT stupid. He got all the New Dawn Boys out on the sidewalk and pointed to various areas of the new building saying, "That is gonna be your room, there is where you will have lunch, there is your playroom." The boys were so excited, the inspectors got the message and cleared the building for occupancy.

John hired some caterers and made a grand opening gala out of the event. Hamburgers, tacos, ice cream, cotton candy and even popcorn was served to all the visitors who came to see what was going on. The local High School offered their JROTC Color Guard and Drill Team to celebrate the Grand Opening. Richie accepted immediately. He had been in that very JROTC unit. He knew that it fostered self-reliance and individual excellence in its members. He was anxious to get HIS BOYS interested in joining.

They were all standing, looking at the new marquee over the entrance when Richie felt someone pulling at his jacket. He turned around to find a teen boy, holding a baby in his arms. He gently said, "Can I help you, son?"

The boy said, "Do you have a place for us?"

Richie replied, "Of course, we have a place for you and your baby brother."

The boy responded, "Oh no Sir, Jeff is my son!"

Richie held the boy and looked directly into his eyes, "Son, even more so, we have a place for you AND YOUR SON!" He grabbed his radio and called the nearest Gorilla.

It was Bass who responded, Richie quickly appraised Bass of the situation and Bass shook the boy's hand. He said, "Sir, would you bring your son up to the house so that we might have our Medic check him over?"

The boy was astounded that this mountain of a man would call him SIR and ASK him if he would come to the house. Bass did NOT mean the New Dawn House, he took them to the Family House! He took them directly to Miss Charlotte who knew exactly how to take care of frightened, hungry boys! He then called Emma, she was needed to apply some of her Grams Magic on the teen dad. It worked, Miss Charlotte had a supply of baby formula and clean bottles for the baby and her special chicken soup for the baby's dad!

Before the supper was over, the teen, Jefferson Wills had told everyone about his son, Jefferson, Jr. He had gotten a girl "in trouble" and they were going to give the baby away! Jeff had grabbed the baby and run, they had been running for two weeks and his money had run out. His baby was hungry and he spotted the celebration for a Boy's Home, and hoped that they would, at least, care for his son. John walked in at that point and asked Jeff how old he was.

Jeff replied, "Sir, I am 16, but I can work like a man to feed my son!"

John wrapped his arms around the boy and said, "I am sure you can, but YOU are going to go to school and I know a guy who will take care of that boy of yours while you are studying. He pointed at Bass, all 6 and a half feet of him. He whispered to Jeff, "He looks like a gorilla, but he really is a pussycat!"

Bass hollered, "I resemble that!"

Jeff grasped John and said, full of tears, "God Bless you, Sir, I would do anything to stay with my son."

John was thinking he needed to take the advice he had just given Jason!

The New Dawn building had spaces for 160 boys. Before the first week was out, 90 spaces had been filled! Miss Charlotte was going near crazy trying to feed all those boys, even with the New Dawn Gorillas' help.

Bass went to Richie and Jason saying, "We are working Miss Charlotte into an early grave, let me make a phone call back to San Francisco, surely one of my old buddies is a ship's cook!"

Richie and Jason, both looked relieved and told him to go ahead.

Three days later, Bull Johanson and his son, Jerry showed up. They were both old Navy cooks and, after looking with horror on how poor Miss Charlotte was trying to keep up with 90 hungry boys, they rolled up their sleeves and produced a supper for everyone without seeming to work up a sweat! Both men knew how to turn out good food for large crowds, 90 boys was easy! They talked Miss Charlotte into giving them her recipe for the whipped cream cake and served that the first night they were there. There was nothing but the sound of boys gobbling cake until it was all gone!

Chapter 3 - UP AND RUNNING

Bass Gunter was appointed Facility Manager for New Dawn Boy's Home and he quickly set up his Gorillas as house mentors. It was apparent that more would be needed, all 9 Gorillas were fully occupied with their boys and then some. After talking with Richie and Jason, he decided to give the Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Training Center in Seattle a call. They usually kept a list of Reservists that needed jobs. He spoke with a young Navy Petty Officer on the phone who told him that they were flooded with young men who had no work. Bass took the next day and drove over to speak with the folks at the Training Center. He described to them what the job entailed and they gave him a list of 20 names to contact. He called some of them right from the Training Center and they all were willing to come down and talk with him. Bass was impressed with all the young men, there were 11 of them. After talking, they all agreed to go back with him and see what the job entailed. Bass assured them he would provide a ride back to Seattle that night.

They arrived at New Dawn right at lunchtime so Bull handed them trays and fed them right along with HIS boys. Carl Anders, a hulking Marine Lance Corporal said, "Jeeze, with food like this, we need to run!

Little Bennie limped over to the big man and said, "Are you gonna be one of our Daddies?"

The huge man knelt down, and put his arms around the little boy and said, "Would you like me to?"

Bennie giggled and said, "Yeah, you are cuddly."

The Marine Combat Veteran picked the little boy up, his tears running off his cheeks and looked around, "MARINES don't cry!" Bennie giggled again and nobody said a word!

Bass thought, "Well, there's one!" At the end of the day, only one man felt he could not live in such a small town, they had 10 new Gorillas and several more prospects still in Seattle.

Right after lunch, Jason took the van and went to the Post Office, they were waiting for some forms from the State Fire Marshal's Office. He went in and the package was there. As he walked out of the building he heard a child crying. That raised his interest immediately, looking around, he spotted a boy standing next to the garbage dumpster behind the sandwich shop. The boy saw him and started to run away, Jason was in good condition and soon overtook the child.

The little boy cowered against the chain link fence, "Don't hit me, I wasn't taking anything...."

Jason scooped up the boy and held him gently, "Son, I wasn't worried about that, what were you looking for?"

The boy cried and said, "Mister, I am so hungry, just a scrap or something, please...."

Jason, barely in control of himself, replied, "Son, how about we get you some real lunch?"

The little boy's eyes lit up and said, "OK, what do I have to do for it?"

Jason ground his teeth and replied, "Just eat it." He carried the boy on his hip and picked up the package he had tossed aside. Back at the van, he put the boy on the seat and got a full whiff of a very dirty boy. He started up the van and headed for New Dawn. As he entered the driveway, he flashed the headlights. Bass saw him arrive and guessed the headlights meant trouble so he went to meet the van.

The little boy cried again, "Don't hurt me, please don't hit me."

Bass leaned down and picked the child up off the seat saying, "I'll bet that old cook has some lunch still in the kitchen." Bass looked at Jason, who nodded that the boy was to stay at New Dawn. Bass was amazed at how much food the little guy could put away, finally, he said, "Son, you can have some more tonight, or tomorrow, you don't have to eat it all right now."

The boy's eyes got wide and he said, "yo, y YOU mean, I can stay here tonight?"

Bass laughed and told the boy, "Yes, tonight, and tomorrow night, you live here now, this is your home."

The little boy backed away from Bass and said, "Do I gotta do sex stuff with you?"

Bass sat on the floor, holding the boy and said, "No, you do not, not now, not ever again. You are safe here." At that, both the boy and the man lost the battle of tears and just sat there hugging each other with a flood of tears running down both their faces.

They learned that the boy was Harris Johnston and he had run from a foster home in Wenatchee, where he had been abused by the man. Bass had standing instructions from both Richie and Jason to call in the Sheriff and Ken Grimes, their lawyer, when situations like this took place. Custody of the boy was transferred to The New Dawn Home for Boys immediately and a warrant was issued for the rapist.

The reputation of New Dawn Boy's Home grew by leaps and bounds. By mid-summer it was evident that additional room was going to be needed so, after a meeting of the Board of Directors, a contract was let to expand into the adjacent property. A new, six-story complex was to be erected, the ground floor would have an indoor swimming facility, basketball courts, offices and a medical treatment room. The two buildings would be connected and dining facilities would remain in the original building. The new building would house an additional 200 boys in 2-boy apartments. Construction was begun immediately and a bonus was offered if completed by Christmas. The contractor was determined to earn that bonus!

Right after school resumed in the fall, the family was seated to lunch when the telephone rang. John went to answer it, they could hear his voice becoming agitated and finally they heard him shout, "I don't give a damn, shootem' if you need too, just protect those boys, we will be there right away. You hear me Jasper?" John then slammed the telephone down and returned to the dining room stomping his feet. He related, "That was Sheriff Jasper Collins. We need to go NOW!" He turned to his wife and said, "Emma, call Bass at New Dawn and have him be ready to receive 15 badly hurt boys!" He went running out of the room, followed by Richie and Jason. He said to Richie, "Grab the van, meet me out front, I'll be right there." Richie grabbed the keys for the van and both men ran for the driveway. John arrived at a dead run, he handed each man a pistol and said, "They are loaded, now DRIVE!"

Richie said, "Yes Sir, where?"

John's only reply was, "The Moonridge!"

The Moonridge was a notorious motel just outside town. Richie ran every stoplight getting out of town and was taking the corners on two wheels. They reached the highway in record time and Richie found the van would cruise nicely at 90 miles per hour! He skidded to a stop in front of the notorious motel, there must have been 20 cars from several law enforcement agencies, red lights flashing and radios all squawking!

Sheriff Collins ran up to the van, "Now John, calm down. We got all the boys out, but some are hurt pretty bad."

John replied, "Jason is a qualified medic and has Battlefield experience."

Jason grabbed his emergency kit and jumped out of the van and followed the Sheriff to a grassy area where bleeding boys were laid out on blankets. He turned to the Sheriff and screamed, "Ben Rosenthal, get Ben here fast!"

The Sheriff dispatched a car to collect the Doctor and Jason went to work on those boys who hurt the worst. Richie and John assisted him and shortly, Ben Rosenthal and his Nurse arrived to help. Boys were cut and bleeding, some had serious burns and one looked like someone had tried to beat his face in.

When the worst of the injuries had been treated, Ben Rosenthal said, "Can we bring the boys to New Dawn, the nearest hospital is Quincy, more than an hour away."

Richie and Jason both replied at the same time, "YES!"

By that time all 10 New Dawn Gorillas had arrived as well as the 12 mentors. They were all veterans of military actions and had experience handling casualties. The fact that these were all young boys, made it difficult, but they could cry later. They filled the van with hurt boys and 6 more police cars. They took off for New Dawn, racing through town with red lights flashing and sirens screaming. They cleared off the tables in the dining area and made it a triage center, the First Aid Room became an emergency operating room.

The town's citizens noticed the activity and began to arrive in the front of New Dawn. A Deputy went outside and told them what was happening, that Law Enforcement had apprehended a Child Prostitution Ring that was holding young boys captive. The boys had been hurt and they were doing everything they could to save them. Soon, lighted candles began to appear in people's hands and the crowd got larger. A pile of Teddy Bears, blankets, clothing, sheets, towels, and even pajamas and slippers began to grow at the front door. Cadets from the High School JROTC appeared to direct traffic, schools were let out so that the students could attend the vigil. Buckets appeared at businesses with a sign, HELP THE HURT BOYS AT NEW DAWN! Local sentiment was so high, the criminals were sent to jail in Quincy for their own protection.

Ben, Jason, Ben's Nurse, Mary, Richie and John, along with the Gorillas, worked until dawn keeping those boys alive. Bull and his kitchen crew fed the New Dawn boys picnic style and kept coffee flowing to those working to save lives. Coffee was sent outside to those holding vigil. Throughout the night, the crowd got larger, not smaller!

At about 8 am, a weary Ben Rosenthal and Jason spoke to the crowd, "Folks, it was touch and go for a couple of boys, but they are all going to make it!" A huge cry and applause went up from the crowd.

A young boy, carrying a teddy bear as big as he was, walked up to Dr. Rosenthal and said, "Sir, give my Teddy to a boy who really needs him."

Ben leaned down and replied, "Come with me, you can give it to him yourself." He turned and said to the crowd, "14 more boys, come on, let bring some joy to these boys." About 50 boys stepped forward, that was ok, Ben let all of them in the makeshift ward. Some friendships that were to last lifetimes were formed in the next few minutes.

When the visiting boys came back outside, one older boy threw up his clenched fist and shouted, "WE GOT NEW BROTHERS!" The crowd cheered and then, slowly, began to dissipate.

Sentiment was so strong in the area, the criminals had to be tried in Seattle, all of them got life imprisonment without parole. The judge told them the only reason they did not get death was the State of Washington had done away with the death penalty!

The new building was completed on time and Christmas was celebrated in the Basketball area. For many of the boys, it was the first Christmas they had ever celebrated, let alone to receive gifts!

In January, just before school resumed, the Cadet Commanding Officer of the High School JROTC asked if he could speak with the high school-age boys at New Dawn. About 100 boys attended. Cadet Lt. Colonel John Manning told the boys what the JROTC was about, what they did and what new boys could expect if they joined. Of about 100 boys, 80 signed up. Richie made a generous donation to the unit for uniforms and materials and asked only that it be anonymous.

Winter finally loosened its grip on the small community and boys' thoughts started to turn to boys' things. Fishing trips and camping trips were arranged, overnight mountain treks were led by New Dawn Gorillas and one enterprising group of New Dawn Boys started a lawn care business!


As with any group that grows as fast as New Dawn did, there are bound to be a few problems. One of those problems was Danny Glover. Nobody knew for sure what Danny's problem was but one night he suddenly turned up missing. He was not a trouble maker and, in fact, he was well-liked by the other boys. It was at bed check that his disappearance was discovered. Nobody had seen him all day and none had a clue as to where he might be. Richie and Jason drove the streets in vain, no trace of the boy was found.

The next morning, Sheriff Collins called, "Are you fellas missing a boy?" Jason replied that they were. The Sheriff said, "Well, maybe you better get down here to the Washington Street Bridge, it's not good."

Jason hollered for Richie and went running for the truck, he said to Richie, "You better let me drive."

Richie looked at him, "What's wrong love?"

Jason replied, "I think maybe its Danny!"

At that, Richie broke down in tears, "Oh, God, Jason, please no!"

When they both had recovered a bit they headed to the location indicated by the Sheriff. A Deputy was waiting for them and took them to Sheriff Jasper Collins. The Sheriff looked like he had just seen his own ghost, "He's down there fellows, I, I, I can't go back there for a bit."

Jason and Richie worked their way down the embankment, there was a small body covered by a blanket laid out on the dirt. A Deputy lifted the blanket so they could identify the body beneath it. It was Danny, mauled and beaten, very dead. Richie and Jason clung to each other for many minutes, trying with little success to control their emotions. Danny Glover, age 14 was dead. Ben Rosenthal came to make an estimate of time of death and he called John to come and get Richie and Jason, they were in no condition to drive home.

The crime was never solved, the boy had been sexually assaulted and then beaten to death.

It was during this time period that the leadership of Jefferson Wills, the boy/father, surfaced. At the evening meal, Jeff stood up and asked for everyone's attention, "New Dawn Boys, we have suffered a terrible loss, one of our own has died. His body is at Dr. Rosenthal's Clinic. Let us go forth from here and stand vigil over our Brother!"

The entire Boy Population stood and slowly marched from the room to the outside, down the street and assembled in front of the Clinic.

Jeff announced to all, "We stand here for our Brother, Danny Glover."

Suddenly, townspeople brought candles and handed them to each boy. Once they were lighted, a voice began singing "Amazing Grace". All the boys picked it up. After they finished, all the boys sat down and remained there all through the night, their hands locked with each other in grief.

The next morning, a casket was delivered and the boys escorted Danny home. The funeral was scheduled for 3 pm, at 2:30 boys began to assemble. Again Jeff stood before his brothers and asked them to remain standing. At 3 pm, all were in the Dining Hall.

Jeff, holding his baby son, stood and began speaking, "My Brothers, none of us is alone in this world, reach out to a brother and hold his hand." Jeff held his son's hand and continued, "Our Brother, Danny, died alone, without his brothers to protect him, without his brothers to love him, without his brothers to keep him from harm. Hold onto your brother, MY BROTHERS. Guide Him, Love Him, Protect Him, Let Him know THAT YOU ARE THERE FOR HIM. We cannot go back now and save our Brother, Danny but we CAN go from here vowing that THIS THING SHALL NOT EVER HAPPEN AGAIN! We are a Community of Brothers, if the least one of us is hurt, we all are hurting, if the least one of us dies, we are all dying. Let none of us stand alone. We go now to bury our Brother, we do it in silence, we do it in reverence and we do in our love of each other."

At that, the boys rose as one, 8 of the older boys stepped forward and grasped the handles of the coffin. They marched out the front door, bypassing the hearse that was there to convey the casket to the cemetery and proceeded down the street, across the small town and into the cemetery where an awful and accusing hole awaited them.

Jeff looked at the minister who had volunteered to conduct the service and said, "Reverend, thank you but this is Boy's Business. We will bury our Brother, We will pay reverence to our Brother and We will keep our Brother in our hearts for all of time."

They lowered Danny's casket into that terrible hole and each boy passed, placing a handful of dirt in it, telling their Brother he was not, is not, will not be forgotten! Jeff helped his baby son throw the final handful of dirt into the hole and Jeff stood, "The youngest of us has placed the final handful of dirt to cover our Brother. We go from this place with a new resolve, with a new hope, with a new determination that we will be there for our Brothers in their time of need, in their time of desperation in their time of hope. You are not forgotten Brother Danny, do not forget us either for we are still there for you." With tears in his eyes, Jeff leaned over the grave and said, "Goodbye for now, Brother." Each boy passed and said the same words, each boy had grown towards manhood in the awful moment.

That evening, Jefferson Wills took yet another step to being a Leader of Men, he asked Richie and Jason what he needed to do to go to college, what he needed to do to become part of the management of New Dawn Home for Boy's. In years to come, Jeff Wills and Jeff Wills, Jr. would guide not only New Dawn but all of the State of Washington in setting the standard for the care of homeless boys. From that awful day, Jefferson Wills spoke out at every opportunity to protect the community's children, to shelter the homeless and protect the helpless. While in college, he would start the Wills Foundation, a charitable foundation among college men to provide shelter, warmth, love and food for homeless boys. Every evening, Jeff Wills and later, in company with Jeff Wills, Jr., roamed the streets in search of those needing shelter. He finished high school at night school and entered college, taking classes each summer that he might graduate sooner. He graduated Summa cum Laude in three years. 21 years later, his son would accomplish the same feat!

Despite awful tragedy, life must go on, the routine returned to normal, except for one difference, there was a new awareness between the boys. Boys would be seen in town in pairs, even holding each other's hand. Groups of boys combed the town and surrounding towns in search of homeless boys. The boys, who had joined the JROTC in the high school, encouraged their fellow cadets to do the same. Older boys guided the younger ones in their activities, organized games and sports, and assisted in schoolwork. They formed House Councils in each building and began governing themselves.

As Christmas again drew near, both buildings were nearing capacity. The Board of Directors met and decided to construct yet another building, one much larger than either of the others. The new building would have a capacity of 600 boys. Surely, they thought that would be sufficient. Little did they realize that would gain them only a few years before construction would again be needed!

Again, tragedy struck, Grams Emma, Grandmother to more than 500 boys, died in her sleep. John was devastated as were Richie and Jason. She was their rock, their anchor in life. No less, did the boys grieve, they gathered in front of the "Big House" in silence, holding candles of mourning and tears streaming down their faces. All day and all night they stood there, paying homage to the woman who had loved them all so much.

Jefferson Wills knocked on the door as spokesman for all the boys. When John came to the door, he said, "Sir, we come to do our Grams honor, we wish to escort her this one last time." He opened the door and let the boys file in to pass by her casket. Each boy kissed the wooden rail, their faces drawn in anguish.

The next day, the boys marched beside the hearse, guarding it all the way to the cemetery. After the Pastor had conducted the Burial Service, Jeff Will stood and walked slowly to the head of Emma's Casket. He bowed his head for a few moments and then began to speak, "Lord God, above us all, take our Grandmother unto your bosom, hold her gently while she waits for us to join her."

Then, each boy filed around the casket and again kissed the wooden rail on the top. Many murmured their own prayers of thanks for having this wonderful lady in their lives. Without a sound, the boys then marched together to John, Richard and Jason. They each hugged the men and many also kissed them on the cheek before they began the return journey back to New Dawn.

It was a somber group of boys at the evening meal when Jeff jumped up on a table and said, "New Dawn Boys, we have lost our Grandmother, but would SHE approve of our sadness? Would SHE approve of our lack of life? NO, Grams Emma was full of life and fun! We do her no honor with our somber tears, let her hear the sounds of our joy and happiness. Let her hear that we are happy boys, full of life and spirit!"

Slowly, over the next several days, life at New Dawn recovered. The Board of Directors met to decide who should replace Emma on the board. Dr. Ben Rosenthal was voted in as a Member and then Jason made a motion to elect Jefferson Wills to the board, also. The vote was unanimous.

Construction began immediately on the third New Dawn building, it would require a year for completion. By that time, both older buildings were beyond capacity, some rooms had three boys in them, rather than turn a boy in need away. Jefferson Wills continued his role of leadership, he had become The Voice of the Boys in community affairs. He would stand in advocacy at Town Meetings, he made a trip with John to speak at the State Legislature and he attended local and community organization meetings to advocate the need of homeless boys.

Chapter 5 - LIFE GOES ON

Life settled down and, at long last, the new building was completed and certified for occupancy. Some of the boys were not overjoyed that their "extra" tenants were moving out of the overcrowded rooms. Friendships had been made and it was hard to see a friend move away, even if it was only to the next building. The new building included group study halls that became immensely popular. Older boys proctored the study sessions and a gradual improvement of academic scores began showing up. The Board of Directors voted to provide financial assistance to the School System so that another Elementary School and additions to the High School could be undertaken.

Jeff Wills started night school to obtain his High School Diploma. More than one "argument" took place on who was going to babysit Jr.! Jeff's son had become the "mascot" for New Dawn.

On the Fourth of July, a parade was held. The boys decorated Richie's truck and Jr. sat in a high chair, held down by two boys laying down, concealed in the bed of the truck. He held a Teddy Bear that he waved at all the folks lining the street. The Grand Marshal's prize went to the boys, who promptly installed it in Jr.'s room. It was a Giant Teddy Bear!

Summer came around again and a group of boys led by Jeff organized a canoe trip down the river. Andy Carson, one of the mentors went along to provide adult supervision. Andy carried one of the radios for safety.

They had been gone less than a day when the radio in the office crackled, "New Dawn 1, this is Mentor 1, over..."

Jason was in the office, so he replied, "Mentor 1, New Dawn 1, go ahead..."

"New Dawn 1, Mentor 1, We have a group of boys at the First Avenue Bridge in Wenatchee, all of them are hurt. They are all homeless, but not our boys, over..."

Jason replied, "Mentor 1, New Dawn 1, We are on our way, It will take us 20 minutes to get there. Use your blankets to keep the hurt boys warm. New Dawn 1 out..." He saw Richie in the hall and hollered at him, "HURT BOYS!"

The two men ran for the van and headed out of town to the highway. They spotted a Sheriff also going the same direction, their dispatcher had monitored the transmission and sent him to assist. The Deputy cleared the highway with his lights and siren and they raced to the bridge.

When they got there, Jeff was standing at the roadside to flag them down. The mentor, Andy, had five boys wrapped in bedrolls and New Dawn boys were comforting the injured. After checking each boy, Jason decided that none were in life-threatening situations, he bandaged the more serious wounds and they loaded the injured boys into the van, promising to send help to get the New Dawn boys and their equipment back home.

One New Dawn boy, Gordon Bell, asked if he could assist and Jason told him to hop in the back of the van and help keep the boys calm. On the return trip, Gordon assisted Jason in controlling the bleeding on several boys and keeping the others from panic. Once they got the boys into the First Aid Room, Gordon continued to assist Jason, who was impressed with his calm demeanor and care towards the boys.

After the emergency was over, Jason sat down with Gordon and asked him, "Gord, how old are you?"

The boy replied, "I am 17 and a senior in high school."

Jason continued, "What do you want to do when you get out of High School?"

The boy looked down at his feet and mumbled, "Get a job, I guess."

Jason replied, "Gordon, THAT is not the answer I was looking for, WHAT do YOU want to be? TRUTH, now!"

Gordon said, "I would like to be a doctor, but that can never be."

Jason said, "Why not? DO NOT tell me about having no money!" He took Gordon Bell into the office, sat him down and handed him a sheaf of papers, "Start filling in those blanks!"

The boy looked at the papers and went goggle-eyed when he read, "APPLICATION FOR NEW DAWN COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP". He said, "Bu, bu, BUT..."

Jason cut him off saying, "WRITE, now!"

At the end of the school year and High School Graduation, it was announced that Gordon Bell had won an all-expenses scholarship to the University of Washington and Medical School after that!

The new building was filling up fast, The Board of Directors met to discuss alternatives and how to cope with the growing homeless boy population. Jeff proposed they build a second New Dawn in another town, like Wenatchee. His suggestion was discussed and finally accepted. They would name the new location "Emma Lynn McKinley Memorial Campus" and Bass Gunter was named as Campus Manager.

It would be two years before the new facility was ready for occupancy. The day it opened it already had 25 boys! Some of the New Dawn Gorillas followed Bass to Wenatchee, Jerry Johanson took up duties running the kitchen and Carl Anders became the manager for New Dawn, Cashmere. Between the two facilities, New Dawn Boy's Home was caring for a little over 1,000 boys!

The Navy-Marine Corps Reserve Training Center in Seattle had become a major source of employees. Shortly after the Wenatchee Facility opened, Richie got a telephone call from a frantic Petty Officer at the Training Center, "Sir, we have a situation here. Gunny Marston and his wife were killed last night in a hit-and-run accident. Their young son, Donald is sitting here, there are no surviving relatives and we sure don't want the boy to be farmed out to some foster parent in it for the money!"

Richie thought for a moment, "You didn't call me. Send someone over here with the boy that you FOUND standing alongside the highway."

The Petty Officer replied, "Gee, sir, I found this boy, it will take me a couple of hours to get over the mountains."

Richie chuckled, "You got it in one, figure on spending the night with us before you head back home!"

Donny Marston was a tall, gangly 16-year-old boy with a shock of red hair that defied all attempts to comb it! He had a flair for soccer and was very popular with the younger boys, who he taught to play the game. He applied for a scholarship to Annapolis and was accepted, he would retire after more than 30 years of service as a Brigadier General, USMC!

John McKinley was lost without his Emma, she was the love of his life. Richie and Jason watched him go downhill and could do nothing to stop the decline. One morning, Miss Charlotte brought him his coffee to drink while he shaved. They both came running when they heard her scream. John had died during the night, he had joined his dear Emma. Richie was nearly inconsolable. His Grandfather had raised him, pulled him through the "knothole" when he had his own crisis and now he was gone.

Jason was his pillar of strength, Jason pulled him back together and gave him the will to carry on. The funeral was carried out with great solemnity. The New Dawn Boys again, stood in all-night vigil and insisted on carrying the coffin themselves. The New Boys who were JROTC Cadets were the Honor Guard and, upon firing the Rifle Salute, they correctly folded the Flag that had covered John's coffin and presented it to Richie. They escorted Richie and Jason back home and stood guard at the front door for the next 24 hours.

When Richie arrived at the New Dawn office, a new sign had been painted and mounted out front, "Brigadier General John Rufus McKinley Memorial Campus" New Dawn Home for Boys. Bass Gunter was elected to the Board of Directors and a third campus was designated for Middlefork. It would be smaller than the one in Wanatchee, but it would have the potential for expansion. Allen Durr was designated as the Facility Manager at Middlefork. Allen was one of the original New Dawn Gorillas, a quiet man with great inner strength and calm demeanor. A cook was found at the Training Center and the young Petty Officer, who had saved Donny Marston, had retired, Richie snapped him up almost before he had unbuttoned his uniform to be the first Mentor. The Middlefork facility was named, The Charlotte Conners Campus, New Dawn Home for Boys, much to Miss Charlotte's dismay. It had a capacity of 125 boys and a week after it opened the census stood at 65 boys!

The fame of New Dawn had spread and boys from all over made their way to them. Sometimes, near tragically. The Sheriff called one morning before breakfast and Jason answered, "Jason, you and Richie need to get down to the bus depot right away, Ben Rosenthal has already been called."

Jason thought, "Dear God, what now?" He called out to Richie, who was shaving and said, "Love, there is trouble at the Greyhound Depot, the Sheriff needs us right away. He has already called Ben Rosenthal!"

Richie came running out of the bedroom, wiping shaving soap off his face, "Let's go." They ran down to Richie's truck and sped off. When they got there, the bus driver was saying, "This kid got on the bus in Seattle, he was weaving around, I thought he was just tipsy." He continued, "It wasn't until I got here and opened the door that I saw blood!"

Ben had the youngster laid out on a blanket, his trousers were soaked bright red. He said, "Richie, the boy is bleeding rectally, we don't have time to get him to Quincy, he won't make it!"

Jason ran back to the truck and yanked the new mobile radio mic off the dash, nearly taking the dash with it. "John McKinley House 1, this is New Dawn 1, Emergency, over.."

"New Dawn 1, John McKinley House 1, go ahead, ..."

"John McKinley House, New Dawn 1, Get the First Aid Room set up for surgery, clear the main floor and have some helpers standing by... New Dawn 1 out."

They put the boy in the bed of the truck, covering him with several blankets. The Bus Driver hopped into the truck bed, "To Hell with the bus, this boy needs me more!"

The Sheriff ran interference with red lights and siren, Richie stayed on his bumper all the way to New Dawn. Six boys were standing at the door, they formed a chair carry and carried the boy laying flat. Ben's Nurse, Mary had already scrubbed and was standing in the makeshift surgery. Jason cut the boy's clothing away as Ben scrubbed, then he scrubbed. The boy had lost a lot of blood and the small town did not have a blood bank.

Mary stuck her head out the door, "We need type O negative blood-universal donor, line up!"

Richie was type O negative, so Richie stood first in line, Carl Anders was right behind him and so was the Sheriff! Nearly 8 hours later, Ben staggered out of the surgery and flopped in a chair, "I'm getting too old for this, when does Gordon Bell graduate?"

Richie replied, "Not soon enough!"

The poor bus driver was in tears, he kept saying, "I should have seen it, I should have seen it."

Two days later, they were able to talk with the boy, he was Willy O'Connel. He was homeless and he was attacked in Seattle by some older boys. The word on the street in Seattle was, if you were hurt, get to New Dawn, if you needed a home, get to New Dawn.

The bus driver quit his job and went back to school to become a social worker. When he graduated, he went to work for The New Dawn Foundation as an investigator and spent the remainder of his life rescuing boys. Gordon Bell did come back and went into practice with Ben Rosenthal. Together, they built and outfitted an emergency surgery at each New Dawn Facility! Willy O'Connel went on to college and also became a Social Worker for New Dawn in addition to becoming a State Legislator who champions new laws protecting homeless children.

Chapter 6 - COMING OF AGE

The oldest building, the old Cattleman's Hotel was torn down and a new 10 story, modern structure was built in its place. Included was a full operating suite, x-ray room and a small 6 bed ward. Everything in the building was state of the art. There was even a communications center that included both telephone and radio communications for all locations. The facility at Middlefork was enlarged twice, and could accommodate 600 boys. The Foundation had a total 2600 beds. By the time Richie's health force he and Jason to retire, kind of, The New Dawn Foundation had cared for 24,000 boys over 22 years.

The wounds that Richie had suffered from the Taliban Rocket finally took their toll. He retired and Jason with him, in order to care for Richie. They lived in The McKinley Home. Miss Charlotte had retired, but they still had a wonderful cook, Bull Johanson had retired and now cooked just for Richie and Jason. Richie became very shaky. Dr. Gordon Bell, MD checked on Richie every day or so and, of course, Jason was right there all the time.

One morning Gordon came to check on Richie, Bull let him in and went back to the kitchen to fix breakfast. He heard Gordon scream, "OH, NO, OH GOD, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The big man went crashing up the stairs and found Gordon sitting on the floor crying. Richie was laying in his bed with Jason's arms wrapped around him. They were both dead.




March 3, 2026 - Mr. Richard James McKinley and Mr. Jason Oscar Krill, both of Cashmere, Washington passed away last week. They were Founders and Officers of The New Dawn Foundation and New Dawn Home for Boys. Mr. Richard McKinley was a former United States Marine, wounded in Afghanistan. He was the son of a pioneer Washington Family. Mr. Jason Krill also served in Afghanistan with Mr. McKinley. Both their estates list New Dawn Home for Boys as their sole beneficiaries.
More than 15,000 men, all former New Dawn Boys gathered for their funeral, military officers, state officials, businessmen and, this reporter also, New Dawn Boys, all of us. The Honorable Craig Low, Governor of the State of Washington and, himself a New Dawn Boy, ordered all flags to be flown at half-mast. He led the procession, on foot, from the New Dawn Headquarters to the Family Cemetery and, as tradition dictates, Six New Dawn Men carried each of the caskets from the Rotunda of New Dawn Home for Boys to the Burial site. Mr. Jeffery Wills and his son Mr. Jeffery Wills, Jr. each read the eulogy and the assembled men sang a beautiful rendition of "Amazing Grace". The State of Washington, and, indeed the entire nation is a better place because Mr. McKinley and Mr. Krill lived here.