Dreams Don't Grow on Trees

Chapter Fifty~Three

"Mom, Dad, Harvey is installing three-phase electrical power tomorrow for a medical clinic radiology department in Covington and I'd really like to observe this," Brody said one evening after work. "I know you said I could only work with Harvey in the Sparks area, but could I drive to Covington if I'm really careful?"

"Brody, we agreed you could work with Harvey in this area," Rita said. "I'm not sure you're ready to drive in Covington."

"But Mom, I've driven to Covington several times with you and Dad as well as with Haden," Brody argued. "And the clinic isn't anywhere near downtown."

"Honey, what do you think?" Rita asked Darrell.

"It seems important to him," Darrell said. "And he has proven he's a safe driver."

"Okay, but promise to drive safely," Rita agreed.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad," Brody said.

"I want to know what is three phase?" Adam asked.

It's method of alternating electrical current for generation, transmission, and distribution. It's also used to power large motors and other heavy loads like x-ray units," Brody explained.

"I'm sorry I asked," Adam said with a grin.

"The way Harvey explained it, alternating electrical current is in a wave form sort of like an ocean wave," Brody began. "It peaks and then goes down only to peak again. Alternating current has peaks and valleys, but x-ray units need a constant current. In essences three phase alternating current is just three alternating currents out of synchronization. Together these three peaks and valleys are closer to a straight line."

"That's as clear as mud, but thanks for explaining," Adam said as he gave his brother a playful punch.

"I'd better go into town and fill up my car," Brody said. "I don't want to be rushed in the morning. Adam, do you want to go."

"Sure I'll go along," Adam replied. "I need to go by Walmart and get a new wallet. Mine is falling apart. It's the same one I got when I started getting an allowance."

"I can't believe you're still using that same wallet," Darrell said.

"I wasn't sure Mom and Dad would let me drive to Covington," Brody said as he pulled onto the highway to town.

"You've earned their trust, don't screw it up."

"Adam, give me some credit."

"What I mean is if you see that you'll be home late be sure and call, and if you go anywhere other than to and from work get permission."

"I know and it's because they love me."

"Do you need cash?" Adam asked as they were near town.

"I have enough to pay for my gas."

"What about for lunch tomorrow and the rest of the week? Remember you can't come home for lunch."

"I guess I need to go by the bank."

"The bank is closing in about 45 minutes. You need a debit card, I have one. You can withdraw cash from an ATM or use it like a credit card."

"I'll ask about getting one."

"When in a hurry it's nice to pay for gas at the pump with your card."

"You already convinced me. I'll use the bank branch inside Walmart while you get a wallet."


Moving day arrived for Walter and Grace so family and friends pitched in to help them move. Grace insisted that they could hire a mover since the state agreed to allow money to pay for the move. She was finally convinced to keep the money and let the others help with the move.

Lois, Rita, and Mary had prepared food for the moving crew. The other ladies helped Grace unpack and put everything away. "Mom, where did you have all of these things?" Julie asked.

"It all had a place and it will find a place here," Grace said.

After everything had found its place, the food was consumed under the big oak tree. Although there was an abundance of food most was consumed by the hungry movers.

"This already feels like home," Grace said.

"Grandma, you and Grandpa are what make it feel like home," Amy said. "We're happy that you're near us now."

"I love this location," Grace said. "It's not that far from my grandchildren in Covington and Sparks."

"Grace and I have decided to attend St. Johns Church now that we're here," Walter said. "I really like Father Jensen too."

"We're happy to have you join us, and I hope you like your new home and location," Mary said.

"I already love it," Grace said. "I will miss my shrubs and flowers from our old place."

"Mom, we can go dig them up and transplant most of them here," Scott offered.

"Thank you, Son, but that's a lot of work," Grace said.

"I'll take my tractor over there and dig them up for you," Ray said. "It has a backhoe on it."

"Thank you for the offer, Ray," Grace said. "I'll be happy to pay you."

"No, you don't need to pay me," Ray said.

"To bad you can't bring my lawn that I put all that work in," Walter said.

"Grandpa, why don't you use the moving expense money and buy sod for your lawn," Perry suggested.

"Yes, Dear, I'd love a nice lawn too," Grace said.

"I'll till it and get it ready for the new turf," Ray again offered.

"Ray, you've already offered to help transplant my shrubs," Grace protested.

"Grace, if I don't do it Walter will be out there trying to till it with his poor old mule," Ray joked.

"I bet he could do it," Walter countered.

"And you might get it finished by January," Grace commented.

"Ray, I'll pay you," Walter offered.

"We're friends and neighbors," Ray said. "You don't need to pay me."

"At least let me pay for your fuel," Walter said.

"Alright if it makes you feel better," Ray agreed. "The sod comes in rolls and I don't have an unroller. If we have some strong bodies we can unroll it by hand."

"I have some strong grandsons," Walter said.

"We'll dig up Grace's shrubs early Monday morning and get those transplanted," Ray said. "While I'm here I'll till the lawn and get it ready for your sod."

"I'll order the sod," Walter said. "I wonder if I can rent a trailer to haul the sod."

"I'm pretty sure they'll deliver it," Ray said.

"Grandpa, I'm free Monday if they can deliver it," Perry offered.

"Same for Kyle and me," Haden said.

"Me too," Adam said.

"Dang, I'm not," Brody said.

"That should be plenty of help," Ray said. "Jon and I'll be here too."

"Me too," Alan said.

"Son, I keep forgetting how you've grown," Ray said. "Of course you can help."

"Walter, I have Quality Sod on the phone and they can deliver it around noon," Grace said. "They need to know how much you need."

After talking to the sod company Walter announced, "They'll deliver it about 1:00 Monday afternoon."

Within three weeks after the sod was put down the sod was thriving and was growing. Walter gave it adequate water and there were also a couple of nice rainfalls.


Helen and Jack sold their Ohio home and were on their way south. Although Grace insisted they live with her and Walter while their house was under construction they decided to live in their travel trailer. "It has everything we need," Helen insisted. "I have a kitchen, bath with a shower and a comfortable bed."

"Alright, but you can do your laundry at our house," Grace offered.

"I'll take you up on that offer," Helen said. "I hate laundromats.

Jack's and Helen's house was going up rather fast and before the summer's end it was ready for them to move in. They had decided to sell all of their furniture rather than move it and put it in storage. New furniture was ordered and delivered.


Haden, Kyle, and Tony completed their Master's degrees. Amy completed her PhD, including defending her dissertation, and was now Dr. Amy Miller. She was promoted from Instructor of Nursing to Assistant Professor of Nursing.

"Now maybe you can enjoy a slower pace in your life," Rita said upon Amy's graduation.

"Believe me, my family and I are ready for it," Amy said. "I will have a little increased teaching load, but it's only one more class."

The beginning of the school year was just days away and the boys decided to go to Covington to shop for new clothes and school supplies. They all had more spending money from their summer jobs. Their parents allowed them to drive themselves there as all had proved to be safe drivers. Ethan would meet them at the mall as he too was driving.

"It's hard to believe Jon, Justin, Ethan, Wilson and I will be seniors this year," Adam said as the guys took a break from shopping for lunch at the food court.

"There goes your championship basketball team," Ethan said.

"Hey, I'll have another year," Brody said.

"Like I said there goes your championship basketball team," Ethan teased.

"I'll be a freshman and our eighth grade team was undefeated," Alan said.

"What are your college plans? Ethan asked.

"I plan to go here in Covington and hopefully go to the University of Kentucky to become a veterinarian," Adam said.

"Cool, I may have a few classes with you," Ethan offered.

"I'm going to college here too since it's close to home," Jon said. "I plan to major in agriculture."

"I want to be a teacher so I'll go to college here too," Justin said. "What about you, Wilson?"

"A few colleges have been discussing a basketball scholarship, including the University of Missouri," Wilson said.

"Hey Bro, congratulations," Adam said.

"Nothing is sure yet," Wilson said.

"Adam, where's your girlfriend going to college?" Ethan asked.

"She plans to go to Florida State," Adam said. "We've already decided we'll see other people."

"Hey, there's Haden and Kyle," Brody said.

"Hi, guys, could we join you?" Kyle asked.

"Sure we were talking about our college choices," Adam said and then each explained his choice.

"Kyle and I are starting our PhDs," Haden said.

"Will you be moving away?" Adam asked.

"No, we'll be taking most of it online but we do have to be on campus for three weeks for two summers," Kyle explained.

"Where is this?" Justin asked.

"New Mexico State University in Las Cruces," Kyle said.


The evening before the first day of school as the Harrington family sat down to dinner the doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Brody offered.

"We need to ask a favor of you," Mary immediately said. "Haley was in an auto accident and is in the hospital in Covington. Could Chad stay with you for a few days?"

"Of course he may stay," Rita said. "Is Hailey seriously injured?"

"We don't know how serious yet," George said. "We'll need one of you guys to take Chad to feed the animals until we get back. It could be a few days. He has already fed them today."

"We gave Chad a check for his school meals," Mary said. "He also has spending money."

"Chad, you can put your things in the spare bedroom," Rita said. "Brody, will you check that there are towels and toiletries in his bathroom?"

"Now or after dinner?" Brody asked.

"You can do it after dinner." Rita said. "Chad, have you had dinner yet?

"Not yet," Chad said.

"Have a seat and I'll get you a plate," Adam said.

"Mary, do you and George want to eat before you go?" Rita asked.

"Thanks, but we need to get to the hospital," Mary said. "Chad, remember to make your bed each morning."

"Except on Tuesday and Friday," Adam said. "Heidi will make it and change the linen. Put your dirty clothes in the hamper and she'll wash them for you."

"Honey, we'd better go," George said. "Thank you for letting Chad stay with you."

"That's what family does," Rita said. "If you need anything, call."

"Mom, could we call Aunt Julie and let her know?" Adam asked. "Maybe she can drop by the hospital for moral support."

"Yes, that's an excellent idea." Rita said. "We can call after dinner."

"I wonder if Hailey will get to start her college classes," Adam said.

"Her classes don't start for a week," Chad said. "Maybe she can be well enough by then."

Julie not only offered to go by the hospital, but would offer Mary and George a place to crash. As it turned out Haley had a fractured left tibia and fibula and would be allowed to start her classes, but she would have a cast. She would need to use crutches for several days. She would later get a walking boot until she was completely healed. As she had several contusions the doctor wanted her admitted to the hospital for observation for a couple of days.

"What happened?" Julie asked when she went to the hospital to check on Haley.

"The other driver ran a stop sign while texting and hit me right where I was sitting," Haley said. "He got a ticket for inattentive driving and speeding. Fortunately he had insurance. The highway patrolman said it's likely my car is totaled."

"At least you get to start your classes on time," Julie said. "You're welcome to stay with us until you can drive."

"I'm sure I can drive since it's my left leg," Haley said. "I'm worried about getting to classes on time."

"Do you have your schedule?" Julie asked.

"Yes, Mom, do you have my purse?" Haley asked.

"I do," Mary said.

"I need my schedule," Haley said. "I may have to leave home early to find a close parking spot."

"I think you can get a temporary handicapped parking permit," George said. "I'll go by the DMV in the morning and get an application."

"We have them here," the orthopedic technologist who was checking Haley's cast said. "I'll bring it back when I come back to show you how to use crutches. I'll have Dr. Maxwell fill it out for you. Just take it to the DMV and they can issue it."

"Thank you," Haley said.

"Here's your schedule," Mary said.

"Oh, I forgot about it," Haley said.

"Of course you did," Mary said as the orthopedic technologist left the room.

"Well, he is really good looking," Haley said. "Julie, here's my schedule."

"And he wasn't wearing a ring," Julie said with a laugh. "Well, you have Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes. Your classes are in the same building or the one right next to it. You're in my microbiology class, have you already had anatomy and physiology?"

"Yes, I had advance placement in high school," Haley said.

"These look like nursing courses," Julie said.

"Yes, I plan on being a nurse," Haley said. "I'll have to remember to address you as Dr. Hunter in class and when I'm in nursing to address Amy as Dr. Miller."

"Don't worry if you forget," Julie said.

"Here's your handicapped parking application," the orthopedic technologist returned to say as he looked directly at Haley. "I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Conner Buckhorn. Yes Buckhorn is my real name, it's a Cherokee name. I'm half Cherokee. Anyway, Dr. Maxwell has already filled out his part. All you have to do is fill out the top part."

"Thank you," Haley said with a friendly smile.

"I don't think I've ever met a Cherokee in this area," Mary said. "I thought you might be Italian with your dark hair and completion."

"I get that a lot; my dad is from Oklahoma and met my mom when he was stationed here in the army," Conner explained. "We lived in Oklahoma when Dad went to college on his GI bill. We were there through his Masters degree and he taught high school math there. We moved back here when my grandma had cancer."

"Conner, Dr. Maxwell said not to start on the crutches until he can see Haley in the morning," Janie, Haley's nurse, said.

"What if I need to use the bathroom?" Haley asked.

"We'll get you a bedside commode," Janie said. "Or we can let you use a bedpan."

"No thanks on the bedpan," Haley said.

Before Haley was discharged she and Conner exchanged phone numbers.


The gang soon settled into a routine of school and chores and even some horseback riding. Most were taking advance placement classes for college credit. Haden and Kyle were taking an online PhD class. Haley actually met Conner for lunch a couple of times.

Chad only had a learner's permit to drive so George or Mary let him drive to school with them as the licensed driver. As with most teenagers he was anxious to become a licensed driver.

The middle school had a new principal and Haden hadn't made up his mind about him. In the sixth week of school Tim Johnson, the new principal, came into Haden's classroom as his class ended. "Do you have time to talk?" he asked.

"Sure, the students went to their music class," Haden said.

"I understand you're pursuing your PhD," Tim said.

"Yes, I am."

"Then you plan to move on?"

"No, I plan to stay here. This is home and I like my job."

"If you're not interested in an administration position why are you pursuing a higher degree?"

"I can assure you that I have no interest in becoming an administrator. I love what I'm doing."

"Then why are you getting your PhD?"

"My dad always stressed the importance of a good education."

"You're going beyond what's necessary for your position."

"Look, you don't need to worry about your job as long as you're doing it. Why don't you get in a PhD program if you're worried about your position?"

"I just don't have time."

"Do as I did and find time."

Later in the week Ava Proctor, the English teacher, came into Haden's room and asked, "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure," Haden said as he paused from grading papers.

"Remember the other day when I asked about your plans for a PhD?"

"I do."

"Well, Tim asked if I planned on getting my PhD. I told him I was too close to retirement to think about that. He then asked me why you were getting your PhD. I told him I didn't know that he should ask you that."

"He did ask me and I mentioned I value education. He thinks I want his job."

"I wouldn't trust him."

"I don't, I started a journal and I'll also document our conversation."

"That's a good idea."

"Is something wrong?" Kyle asked during dinner a few evenings later.

"Nothing that I can't handle," Haden responded.

"Tell me about it anyway."

"It's just that Tim Johnson thinks I'm after his job because I'm working toward my PhD."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, he flat out asked me. I'm keeping a journal."

"May I see it?"


"He asked why you left your class unattended when you went to the restroom?"

"Yes, it was when the students were taking a test and the intern teacher was in the room."

"What's this about playground duty and bus supervision?"

"If you'll notice the bus-loading supervision and playground duty is double any other teacher except Ava Proctor."

"You need to show this to Dad."

"I'm not going to let Tim run me off."

"Nevertheless, talk to Dad. I'm calling him now ... He'll be right over."

"Here's what you need to do," Steve said after reading the journal notes. "Take this to Casey Graves. You know that Casey will be fair. That's why we promoted him to superintendent."

"I can handle it," Haden said.

"I know you can, but if he does this to you no telling what he'll do to another teacher," Steve said. "I'll call Casey now."

"While you do that I'll put on a pot of coffee," Haden said.

"Casey is on his way over," Steve said. "He asked that you copy your journal and the schedules."

"This really pisses me off," Casey said after reviewing Haden's journal and the schedules. "I'll be in his office tomorrow and have a visit with him.

"If you'll notice Ava Proctor has almost as many playground and bus schedules as I have," Haden explained. "He knows we're friends."

"Yeah, I see here where she told you about him asking why you were getting your PhD," Casey said.

"What's sad is he could be a good administrator if he wasn't insecure about himself," Haden said.

"Do you mind if I tell him that?" Casey asked.

"Not at all, but I would like for him to do a more fair schedule next month," Haden said.

The next day Haden received a note asking that he see Tim Johnson at the end of his last class. "You wanted to see me?" Haden asked.

"Yes, please have a seat. Dr. Graves stopped by for a visit today. I want to thank you since he could have demoted me, but he said you mentioned that I had the potential to be a good administrator. I admit that I felt threatened by your education. Casey pointed out that if you were interested in my job you would be working toward an administrator's certification."

"He's right, you know."

"Yes and I've decided to pursue my PhD. I'll post a new schedule tomorrow."

"That won't be necessary this month; it can wait until next month."


It was Chad's sixteenth birthday and George and Mary planned a celebration at the Reed center. As a tradition had been established, rather than gifts, donations were to be made to the food pantry. Chad wanted not only school friends there but family and friends too. Haley had also invited her new boyfriend Conner Buckhorn.

"Buckhorn is a cool name," Brody said.

"It's a Cherokee name," Conner said. "My dad is a Cherokee from Oklahoma. My grandparents live there."

"Do they live on a reservation?" Alan asked.

"No, the Cherokees don't have reservations," Conner explained. "I'm not sure any of the Oklahoma tribes have reservations."

"How many tribes are there?" Jon asked.

"I think around 40 or 50, but I'm not certain," Conner said.

"Do you speak Cherokee?" Brody asked.

"I do, I attended the Cherokee Immersion School through the sixth grade where only Cherokee is spoken," Conner explained. "My grandparents didn't speak English until they started school and only spoke Cherokee at home. My dad spoke Cherokee and wanted me to learn Cherokee too."

"Was it difficult for you when you attended the public school?" Chad asked.

"Not really, it's much like a foreign exchange student," Conner explained.

"That makes sense," Adam said. "I hope you don't mind all these questions."

"Not at all, I love talking about my culture," Conner said.

"Where did you go to high school?" Justin asked.

"Tahlequah High School," Conner said. "Tahlequah is the capital of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma."

"How large was your high school?" Justin asked.

"Not all that large, just over 1200," Conner said

"That's larger than Sparks High School," Chad said.

"I understand that you met Haley when she was a patient in Covington," Haden said.

"Yes, I'm a part time orthopedic technologist there, I'm also a pre-med student at the university," Conner said.

"Cool, I'll be in pre-vet there when I graduate from high school," Adam said. "I hope to get scholarships, but I do have a college savings account my dad started for me."

"If I get into medical school the Cherokee Nation will pay for my medical school if I agree to work for them when I graduate," Conner said. "I plan to become an orthopedist."

"How would you work for them?" Adam asked.

"Well, they have their own hospital and clinics," Conner explained. "They have around ten clinics plus the hospital and everything is free to their citizens."

"Where will you go to medical school?" Adam asked.

"It kind of depends on where I'm accepted, maybe the University of Oklahoma," Conner replied.

"It looks like the DJ is ready," George came over to say. "I want to see you young people dancing."

"What about you old people?" Chad teased.

"We what?" George asked with a grin.

"Alright, what about you older people," Chad said.

"That's a little better," George said.

"Everyone seems to really like Haley's boyfriend," Linda said.

"He's a nice young man," Mary said. "Haley really likes him. He has two more years of pre-med. I have a strong feeling she'll drop out of college to go where he goes."

"Mary, she'll at least have her Associate Degree in nursing by then," Amy pointed out. "She can always get her BS degree later."

"I suppose you're right," Mary said.

"Why don't you invite his family to our Thanksgiving gathering," Lois suggested.

"That's a great idea," Mary agreed.

Please send your comments or suggestions to Owen Hudson