Dylian - Book One

Chapter Twelve

Driving back to the hospital I got to thinking about the number of kids that are being abused. And due to what Tom and I have done to the State's Child Protective Services, there are going to be a lot of displaced kids. These kids need somewhere to live and grow in a safe environment. I wish I could provide homes for all them, but I know that is not going to be possible. I need to find a different solution. For the life of me I couldn't come up with the answer.

I was going to drive right by my office, so I decided to stop in and see how bad my work was backing up. I should have known that Miles would take care of things for me. Not only was my desk cleared and cleaned, and damn, I hate that, but I also had a new assistant. Sherry was a young gal of about 25 years old. She was very pretty. Although I did not know anything about her, I took a liking to her. I called Miles into my office.

Hey, why did you hire me an assistant without my knowledge or my being involved in the hiring of her? I jumped Miles as soon as he walked in. The door wasn't even closed, and I didn't see that Sherry had heard what I said to Miles.

Miles closed the door and said, You jackass, you know damn well that we talked about this before all the stuff happened with the kids. I knew if I left it up to you, it would never get done. You are just too stubborn. Now, I did a few things outside the box of what we had discussed, but so far, I am very happy. Here is her Résumé and her App. Look them over then talk to her. And then he walked out of my office.

I read over her Resume and her Application. She was 22 years old and had dropped out of college. The more I read, the more I wondered why Miles would hire her. She was not the professional level that I would expect. I decided that there was more to this girl than what was on paper. I needed to talk to her. I called out to my receptionist and asked her to send in Sherry.

I am sorry, Sir, she left. Barbara told me.

What do you mean Left?

She handed me a file and then ran to the Elevators. Barbara said with an accusing glare.

What did I do?

She heard what you said to Mr. Miles and it really upset her. Barbara told me. Barbara has been with me since day one. She is in her 60s, but she is not showing any signs of slowing down. Over the years she has been like a Mother to me, letting me know when I have done something wrong.

Did she tell you where she was going? I asked, knowing I had to make this right or Barbara would hold this against me for a long time.

Home, here is her address. She has no phone. Barbara said, holding out a piece of paper.

I am leaving for the day. I said, heading for the elevators. I got into my truck and punched the address into the GPS unit in the dash.

It took me a little over 15 minuets to get to the address that Barbara had given me. It was a run down apartment building. I got to apartment 2b and knocked on the door and waited.

The door was cracked open about an inch. A very small voice asked Whos there?

My name is Drew, and I am looking for Sherry. I said in as even of a voice as I could.

Well, shes at work, so please go away. The voice said.

See, that's why I am here. I own the company she works for, and she left work. I really need to speak with her. I tried.

Sorry, cant help you. And the door closed. I stood there wondering what the hell had just happened and who that voice belonged to.

I decided to wait in the truck for Sherry to get home. It was about 45 minutes later that I saw her walk up the street. I had figured out that she didn't have a car, by this time. I could tell she had been crying. She stopped and took a deep breath and then headed into the building. I got out of the truck and headed over. She was already in her apartment when I got there and I could hear her talking to the voice.

What do you mean that he was here? And why on earth did you answer the door? Gagy, I have told you that you cant open the door. Please! I don't think I could take it if anything happened to you! She was saying

I knocked on the door hoping this was going to go the right way. The door was opened again by that one inch. Hello? Sherry said, this time.

Hi Sherry, its Drew Thomas. I really need to talk to you, please? I asked.

Mr. Thomas, why are you here at my house? I heard what you told Mr. Miles. I understand that you don't want me. Sherry was close to tears.

Sherry, please let me explain. Miles and I have a very close relationship that you more than likely werent aware of. Can I please come in and talk? I didn't know what else to try.

The door closed and I heard the chain being undone, then the door was reopened all the way. Please come in, Sir. Sherry said, holding the door open.

As I walked in I was shocked at what I saw. There was barley any furniture in the apartment, however, the apartment was spotlessly clean. I finally found the source of the voice, Gagy. He was a little boy, maybe 6 years old. He was on the floor with some toys around him.

This is my little brother, Gage. I call him Gagy. He lives with me. So, what can I do for you? She sounded cold.

Well, first off, I think you need to understand something about Miles and me. We have been best friends since high school. Sometimes, we joke around with each other like what you heard in my office. Miles is as close to me as any brother could be. He was there for me when my family disowned me and I was all alone. His sons call me Uncle Drew, and my new sons call him Uncle Miles. What was said had nothing to do with you, personally, it was a joke aimed at Miles. Please except my apology and tell me that you will come back to work? I told her in a rush.

Sir, are you sure? She still looked afraid.

Totally! Now, why don't you tell me about yourself and then I will do the same so we can get to know one another? I told her.

Sure, well, there isn't much to tell. I grew up with my mom. After I graduated from high school, I went to college. Gage was born when I was a freshman in high school. Mom didn't know who the Father was. Things were going good for me until last year, my mom was killed in a drunk driving accident, and Gagy was hurt. So I had to drop out of school to take care of Gagy. I can barely keep my head above water with all the bills and Gage's medical bills. She told me, watching her brother play on the floor.

What is wrong with Gage?

Gagy? Sweetie, come over here so you can meet my boss. Sherry said to the child in a soft loving tone.

What I saw broke my heart. The little blond boy pulled his way over to his sister and pulled himself up on her lap. He had no legs. They had been amputated above the knees.

Ok, Gagy, this is my new boss, Mr. Thomas, can you say hi? Sherry asked him.

Hi, Mr. Thomas. This little angel said to me.

Hi Gage. Can I call you Gagy? when he nodded I went on shooting from the heart. Gagy, do you like living here?

Its ok, Sissy takes good care of me. He told me, trying to act tougher then he was.

Well, I don't like it. I think you and your Sissy need much much more! I think as of right now, you two are moving, after all, my Personal Assistant needs to be close to me. So, go grab a couple days of clothing for both of you and whatever Gagy needs, and we will get going! I said, standing up like I was ready to go.

Sir, thank you, but I cant afford to move. She said, standing and setting Gage down on the floor.

My dear, what did Miles tell you that your salary would be? I asked.

Um, he said something about $30,000 a year. She said, crossing her arms.

Well, he don't own the company, I do, so as of right now, you make $90,000 a year, plus you will be provided with a company car, and living arrangements. Now, because I might have you pick up people for me, or drive clients around, this needs to be a nice car or van. Also, because I am moving back out to my country home, I will need you close to the offices. The only way I can tell you where you must live is if I provide that living arrangement. But, that can wait. Right now we need to get to the hospital. I don't want my son waking up without me there. I explained in a determined manner then headed for the door.

Sherry went into the bedroom and packed a bag very quickly. When she came out, she picked up Gagy and said she was ready to go.

Where is his wheelchair?

Sir? He doesn't have a wheelchair.

Well, that's going to change today! I pulled out my cell phone as we headed down to the truck. The first person I called was Mrs. Koch.


Carol, this is Drew Thomas. How are you doing?

I am good, but, that's not why you are calling. Whats up?

Has your house sold?

No, we just had the home inspector here yesterday, and got our estimate on what we should ask for.

What did they say you should ask for?


Ok, I will give you 200 for it, but I need it NOW! Can you guys do that? I knew I was pushing things by moving this fast, but that's what I needed.

Well, as long as you are staying at your condo, I don't see any reason we cant move out to the new place. I still want to keep Nicky in his school until the end of the year. I think we can deal with that, though. I will talk with Greg when he gets home and call you back.

Carol, that is great. But, don't you want to know why?

You need to provide someone a home, and you already told us to sell, so it just goes to figure that you would be the one to buy our house. Fact is, we knew you would be the one to buy it, and I won the bet. She told me, laughing full out.

You sound like you know me, but, you just met me; how would you know I was going to be the one to buy your house?

Just a feeling. She said, still laughing.

Thanks Carol. I will call you later to work out the details. And I cut the call off. The next was to Debbie.

Debbie, I am on my way back to the hospital. I need to see you in Simon's room in about 30 minutes. I have a new patient for you. Also, I need whoever is the expert on children's wheelchairs to be there with you. I got to go, I need to call your husband and fire him. Bye!

After I hung up on Debbie, Sherry looked really scared. I just smiled at her and called Miles and I had him on speaker.

MILES! You hired Sherry at 30 grand a year! What the hell were you thinking?

Drew, I'm sorry, I thought that was more then reasonable for what we had talked about. If you think it's too much, then I guess I will have to work that out.

I was actually thinking that I had Miles scared that he had done something wrong and had over stepped his bounds. Not that I really cared.

Miles, that is totally unacceptable! 90 grand is what she is going to be paid, and DJ Enterprises is going to buy the Koch's home for her! We are also going to provide her with a company car of her choice, at a later date! This is what I want to happen, make it happen! I will be at the hospital for the rest of the day if you need me! Oh, and Miles, thanks for everything!

After I hung up with Miles, I glanced over at Sherry. She had this very shocked expression on her face and tears in her eyes. I was going to say something to her, but decided to wait till everything was arranged.

I dialed Debbie's number again. Debbie, Drew here. Hey listen, I didn't fire your husband, yet. I need you to do something else for me. Who is the best pediatric prosthetics person in the city? And do you have enough pull to get them to the hospital today, still? Or do you think it would help if I called in a favor from Tom?

Well, Drew, it would help if I knew what was going on. I cant just tell Eric Sampson that I need him here to see a patent and not be able to give him any info.

Ok, tell him it is for a favor for me, and that the patent is a 6 year old boy with both legs amputated above the Knees. And that I want EVERYTHING done for this child that is possible, no matter what the cost! This child is to be treated as if he is part of our family, Debbie!

Done! And this time it was Debbie that hung up on me!

I had to laugh at that one. But before I could get to really laughing a little voice interrupted me.

Sissy, why you cryen?

Oh Gagy, I am crying cause I am so happy!


Gage, sometimes people cry because something really good has happened, and it makes them feel really good. Sometimes people cry because the things they were worrying about were taken care of and the worry is gone. I tried to explain to him.

Oh, Sissy, is that true?

Yes, Gagy! Yes it is very true and that is why I was crying!

Sherry, you don't have to worry about any of this any more. Things for him will be taken care of, I promise. Debbie is the number one rated pediatrician in the state. She is now Gage's primary doctor. She is also Miles wife, and the aunt to my sons. What I am trying to say is that she is family, and as of now, so are you and Gage.

Sir? She tried to start.

Its Drew, unless we are in the office!

Ok, Drew, I really don't know what to say! Thank you just doesn't seem to cover it, but thank you very much!

Your welcome! Now, we have about 10 minuets till we get there, so lets talk about what I really want your duties to be. First, and above all, Gage. His needs and welfare come before anything! I wont put up with anything less. Second, I need to be able to concentrate more on my kids, well, I need to concentrate on my kids. I have just become a father in the past week, and I am addicted to working. I need someone who can tell me to go home, or that can wait, or you have people who are hired to do that. I also need someone to keep my schedule. I am horrible about my personal schedule. Last year I forgot to leave for my vacation and had to eat a $5000 dollar cruse. Let me tell you, I got a lot of crap over that one. Fact is the night I found Dylian, Miles was running me out of the building so that I could go on this years vacation. Although, I didn't book anything like a cruise, it wouldn't have mattered one bit. Once I found Dylian behind that dumpster, I would have forgotten the cruse anyway. The other thing I really need is for someone to be able to help me keep track of all my different VPs. I have so many different VPs that I forget what part of what company they are from. Whatever you need, to be able to do these assignments, you will be provided. I will contact Allen; he is the head of our IT department and he will issue you a top of the line Laptop, and more than likely, I will have him get you a good PDA as well. Do you have a cell phone?

"Umm No, I don't have a cell phone." She almost looked ashamed at this revaluation.

"Well, we will need to change that ASAP. Again, I will have Allen take care of that. Yes, let me give him a call right now. " I dialed the office number and asked to be put through to Allen.

Allen, it's Drew.

"Damn it, man, how can I ever get any work done around here!"

"Umm, Allen, don't forget that the work you are doing is for me!" I was laughing at him.

"Oh yeah, sorry! I kind of forget that every once and a while. So, Boss, what can I do for you?"

I was just pulling into the delivery zone of the hospital as I got off the phone with Allen. I had ordered everything I could think of to get her started. Seaman Peters was waiting to move my little truck out to the parking lot for me. I picked up Gage and headed to the elevator with Sherry right behind. Gage was having fun with me bouncing him around.

When we got to Simon's room, I could see that he was still sleeping. Even was in the chair next to the bed with his head on Simon's leg. Even was asleep just like Simon. They looked so cute. Debbie poked her head in and motioned for us to follow her out into the hall.

"Simon's not going to wake up for several more hours. But, Even wont leave his side. Warning, Drew, Even is a little upset with you! He felt that you left Simon on his own way too long. Debbie then switched to doctor mode. Simon will have his eyes bandaged for at least a week before we even attempt to see where he stands with his vision. Other than that, he is doing well. He is starting to make sounds in his sleep, so it appears that his voice is returning quicker than we had thought."

"You must be Sherry. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Debbie Edwards, and I am Miles wife. If you have any trouble out of either of them, just come to me. Also, Nancy is in my loop as well. She is Bruce's wife, Bruce is Head of Security for DJ Enterprises. So, don't put up with any crap from them! Now, who is this little angel?"

"This is my little brother, Gage! Sherry said with pride! He was in a car crash just over a year ago, and lost both his legs. I don't have insurance, so he has no wheelchair and I couldn't get anyone to even think about prostheses for him." This time with tears at the ready mark.

"Well, we will take care of all that! Now, would you prefer powered or non powered chair for him?"

"Both! I want one with override controls on the back so she can control him if he tries to run in a store, and I want a non powered one so he learns on them as well! I answered for her."

"BUTT OUT! Geez, Drew, let her decide!" Debbie jumped all over me.

"Fine! I stood said? defiantly."

"Which one would be cheaper?" Sherry asked with her head down.

"Ok, we will go with Drew's suggestion and charge him, seeing he was the one who suggested it in the first place!" Debbie said, laying her hand on Sherrys arm. "And, don't worry, company insurance will pay 100% of all expenses for him!" Debbie smiled.

I handed the squirming Gage over to his big sister and went into talk with Even. I figured that I should just get this out of the way.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas